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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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this is our teach naive paymasters of the decide whether you agree should get more time to sort out its reforms. chancellor merkel's allies say africa is leaving the euro no big deal. you are special troops are on standby to go into syria following president obama's warning of authorizing intervention if there are signs damascus is moving its chemical weapons. russia or asked the u.s. to hand over business convict a boot who's been jailed for twenty five years for conspiring to kill americans but maintains he's the victim of a political witch. this
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is r.t. live from moscow welcome if you just joined us my name's kevin now in our top story at ten pm here it's crunch time for greece right now the german leader and french president are working out whether to grant athens the breathing space it says it needs to sort its finances that the country has been relying on international loans for over two years but is struggling to meet its bailout conditions meanwhile chancellor merkel's allies in berlin say a greek exit wouldn't have a great impact on the euro but we're going to the german capital to catch up with our correspondent peter all of a very shortly tonight for the latest live comment on that i got some earlier all know just last hour for investment advisor patrick and he told me whether or not greece is provided with more time there's no chance at all managed to get this economy back on track within the eurozone. it's really rather sad this whole situation i mean the great political class are utterly delusional if they believe that they can possibly manage to make the numbers add up the numbers simply don't add up they have not added up in greece for two decades probably
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a great deal longer ultimately there is a fiction price to be won from greece greek economic numbers the idea that suddenly when you have an economy that's in a tailspin it's collapsing an incredible almost unprecedented grit that suddenly everything's going to switch iran is really not going to have the situation for mrs merkel who has got a terrible dilemma is she's actually going to have to do something radical that she hasn't done before in the euro crisis which is make a decision and actually how did she made any decisions a couple of years ago it would have been a lot better than the than the last a plus the sticking plaster is that if you don't like to these euro crisis the truth is there's no messing around here greece is bankrupt on those stars get him over the course mrs merkel must agree with her about ventures she has to inject greece from the euro because tragically it's the only human solution for everybody involved. the eurozone debt shock waves buffeting
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britain now there's a thought of the u.k. should look east for success more of that in the cards report next hour tackle lazy britain fellow tories tell david cameron m.p. said that the u.k. had to resist work ethic towards that of south korea singapore and hong kong the tories of course don't want to address the elephant in the room the fact that their primary donors the banks. financially raped the vast majority of british people for all their worth you know they don't want to talk about that they want to it's the victims fault these people are their money stones always put them in the workhouse we get this economy growing again that the productivity are there they go to our productivity in the prison. the u.s. special operations troops in the middle east on standby to enter syria american officials say the military is ready to go in if the white house decides it needs to
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secure chemical arms depots under syrian army control president obama earlier threat that he might order intervention into syria if the regime moves or uses its chemical munitions meanwhile there are fears that direct foreign involvement in syria's internal conflict could lead to war warfare exploding in the region but the numbers of refugees now trying to escape the raging violence is putting neighboring countries under strain covering that side of the story our middle east correspondent for the story you looked at the situation one struggling to come i'm standing at beaches atari camp syrian jordanian border depending on the levels of fighting in syria anywhere between a thousand and three thousand people are fleeing across into jordan each day becoming figures stand of some one hundred and fifty thousand refugees who are currently in this country the condition in the camps is alarming we're hearing from human rights groups they're talking about a crisis in the making we know that the camp. is overcrowded people here are
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complaining about extreme weather conditions about desert storms and we've also heard a number of incidents of six of harassment in addition to this the jordanian police are investigating the first case of a person dying in the camp when a fire broke out now jordan is in a very difficult situation finds itself between a rock and a hard place on the one hand it is providing assistance to these refugees but it has its own very limited resources it has a fragile economy it has a basic lack of water in addition to this some of the violence in syria has spread across the border that is why residents of northern towns here in jordan have asked the jordanian officials to look after them particularly in light of a number of shells that recently landed in some of these towns injuring a number of people policy r.t. at this atari refugee camp on the jordanian syrian border. just remind if you can get more details about the jordanian refugee camp of foreign policy on twitter as well if you get a minute and the latest message she says jordanians are telling of their own happy
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that their country which has so many refugees already now has to deal with desperate syrians flee to safety. or take a boat for top story and work. talking to my brother or possible future of greece let's get some comment on a chorus but i'm here peter all over the know the leaders of the used two biggest problem is as i'm saying they're holding talks i guess what's at stake is either protecting the eurozone family or doing what the voters at home want your. well what we have is a situation whereby mrs merkel and president of ireland are very willing to work together it seems but they do have different approaches to how to solve the problem of greece really greece is the problem problem child when you speak of the the eurozone family mrs merkel chancellor merkel saying that greece must stick to the timetable of cuts and savings if it's to be allowed to receive the next round of of
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bailout money france warland seems a little bit more willing to bend a little and give greece extra time really the bare facts are that if greece doesn't receive a little bit more time in order to make the amount of cuts that it had it won't receive this bailout money then that's pretty much curtains for greece in the euro zone but what we have is as i say these two huge figures in european politics in merkel and or land a lot of the onus on them ok peter all of a thanks very much for bringing us up to date there from berlin is pretty sure. what russia is asking the u.s. to extradite businessman vick to boot to serving twenty five years in the states for conspiring to supply weapons to anti american guerrillas in colombia the man widely labeled in the american media as a merchant of death maintains his innocence insisting his trial was purely political not his report night in new york. considering that the u.s. has spent many years and millions of dollars hunting down boot these chances for
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russia are quite challenging victor boot was arrested in march two thousand and thailand during a sting operation carried out by the u.s. u.s. officials say that it was attempting to sell weapons to members of the colombian fork which would have been allegedly used to kill americans despite the fact that i tie government found him not guilty two times the u.s. still managed to extradite victor boot to the united states at the end of two thousand and ten without notifying russia without notifying victor attorney without notifying victor boots family many argue that what the u.s. did was a violation of international law and nonetheless mr boot a russian businessman was tried here in the u.s. and found guilty sentenced to twenty five years in prison and all along victor butties attorneys and his supporters believe the cards were stacked against him
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because in two thousand and five many will made many may remember there was a hollywood movie. put out in theaters quarreled called lord of war and nicolas cage the actor was playing a character that he said was based on victor boot and victor boot following that movie was dubbed the merchant of death so when he went into court for his trial many believe that the chances of him getting a fair trial were unlikely because many knew him or thought of him as a villain to begin with because of hollywood because of the information the u.s. government was painting about him following his sentencing earlier this year our t.v. dispute exclusively with victor boot and he said that he believes he has been used as a political pawn broker or purely political marker of. american . government. probably.
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as far as we know it still has not been clear or indicated by any u.s. officials how they believe they had the legal right to extradite victor boot a russian citizen from thailand to the u.s. which is one of many reasons why russia saying that this is a russian citizen and is asking for him to be extradited to russia to serve out his twenty five year sentence that was delivered by a u.s. court. still ahead mother nature's hand in the world of stocks and crops. and in business reckless buying clothes are often blamed for the global financial crisis but right now the world has a natural elements to deal with the weather which could cause violence in the developing world if food prices continue to soar dry meantime and. stability in afghanistan has been clouded in doubt of the string of deadly attacks on western troops by afghan soldiers and supposed. violence as inside a violence increases a peaceful transition of power could prove to be difficult to parties in
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a sincere churkin explains more. the u.s. war in afghanistan is known as the longest military conflict in american history and as u.s. officials hope for a successful exit strategy by the year twenty fourteen an alarming new trend is spiking on the ground indicating that this may not happen so easily u.s. troops have been dying at record rates in so-called insider attacks at the hands of their afghan allies at least ten u.s. troops have been killed in these attacks in the last two weeks alone this makes up for over thirty percent of u.s. military deaths in august of last year there have been at least forty such deaths in so-called green on blue attacks where members of afghan forces turning against western troops sixty nine people were wounded and one of many attempts to tackle the increasing problem a top u.s. general flew to afghanistan this week to address the issue only to have his plane become the target of a rocket attack experts say it's yet another sign of growing discontent in the war torn country as u.s.
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president barack obama says more needs to be done to protect u.s. troops from attacks by afghans thought of as partners the question of how exactly this should be done remains unanswered afghan officials have been attempting to spy on their own recruits to prevent these incidents but reports are growing that members of the afghan security forces are increasingly switching sides defecting to support the taliban in one recent incident four afghan army officials were charged with supplying arms to the militants some experts explain the increased insider killings trend as a result of frustration with the length of the war others point to the fact that this comes after several scandals involving the conduct of u.s. troops on the ground from koran burnings to desecrating afghan bodies by you were needing on them and shocking videos that made headlines around the world the afghan wars and its eleventh year and the fact that this year has seen more deaths from insider attacks than ever before seen as a worrying trend for several reasons the attacks have highlighted the disconnect
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between the u.s. to exit strategy. to transfer most of the fighting power to afghan forces by twenty fourteen but the fact that the situation on the ground continues to be a lot more complicated that some u.s. officials try to downplay with chaos on the ground the question of whether the u.s. involvement deadline is feasible looms large and. thirty mosques. more about the future of afghanistan than the recent wave of violence there i'm joined by dr mohammed the iraqi political activist and writer from afghanistan dr rocky hi there thanks for being with us how do you explain the increase in the so-called green on blue attacks that we've been witnessing how much are u.s. troops to blame for the spike do you think. thank you for having me the blame is entirely you know the u.s. troops are entirely to blame for this for the reason being that. the presence of the u.s. forces in. afghanistan is nothing but in
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a queue patient could be shown its consequences and remember in two thousand and one former russian returned from afghanistan so just that americans americans who are gung ho mentality don't do a good will go to afghanistan in the blink of an eye they will conquer their country and all will be world but the russian a bit as told him you have to calculate whether you will at the end come to your knees and you will of course. stating to them that this is afghanistan and it is not going to be exactly as you envision it so in afghanistan we created an artificial economy and there was no product a video of anything of any sort we created these institutions video artificial institutions i mean the police mostly led by the northern alliance and people had no other income they ended employing a being employed as police or soldier but they had their principles in values intact under one hand they had to feed their families on the other hand they had to
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defend their honor namely against the u.s. forces in nato enough of course every individual has a tertiary level and once they had seen the atrocities committed as well as the treatment of afghan soldiers in fact a lot and american aphis of have degraded many high ranking afghan officers thereby this in turn thing the the the troops and the followers of those officers and of course and it has seemed atrocities committed by american soldiers the koran burning seclusion of the bodies etc etc and the result was in this train will continue and this is not something that all. you talk. sorry to interrupt little bear we don't have a lot of time i'm just going to say to this is the longest war of course the u.s. has ever for what do you think's been accomplished over the last eleven years that . if any occupation has its own agenda and this particular one planned to make it taliban from afghanistan because so-called al-qaeda which is their
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creation and have a stable democracy in afghanistan they haven't achieved none of them and fact they have created under development in misery of course a few things happened a few streets have been paved but if you compare the five hundred billion dollars infused in afghanistan compared to the gains in afghanistan there is absolutely total disconnect so what's the next stage now i wonder for afghanistan should the u.s. even think to do you think in the plan for a peaceful future there if one can be on the are planning to stay on a plane and in a peacekeeping in teaching well beyond twenty fourteen only. incidently there's a small notion of having such a partnership is a continuation of war because we have tried as activists here in the united states in trawled the world have tried in vain persuading american officials that we can facilitate negotiation but at the conclusion that they are absolutely not interested in peace as long as peace is not on their terms ok well the war in
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afghanistan is becoming increasingly unpopular back home as well with the american public on top of that is election year how big a role will afghanistan play do you think in all of that come november well afghanistan will play a. significant role in this because american treasure is being lost american lives are being lost afghans lives of course in consequential to them but it is this notion that democrats will say we have discord and good democracy and stability in that in public unless you know you want to we cannot get our form of going so we need to have victory this is the usual rhetorical but they were the economy you would play a significant i would say but they have gone wild nonetheless you know dragged through the discussions and you know through the debates and will to play a significant role in. percentage of the of them but their divorce will differ in the big areas based on that war in afghanistan thanks for being on the provo thank you for your thoughts dr mohammed appreciated. to take you through some top world
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news stories i got three for you here lined kenya says it will disarm all rule tribes now after the tragedy in one village which saw fifty two people brutally slaughtered women and children were burned alive or hacked to death in their huts when the village came under attack the two warring communities of long fought over land and water but this is by far the worst violence since post-election fighting flared up four years ago. up to five hundred popular web sites set to be censored by india's government to try and curb inciting ethnic violence the list includes personal pages and sites such as facebook twitter a new two it's out of messages were posted which threaten that muslims would attack citizens in some regions after the end of the holy month of ramadan but internet freedom activists to sound the alarm predicting for online censorship. taiwan's brace for the arrival of typhoon tembin more than three thousand people have been evacuated now to safer areas the military is on standby with amphibious vehicles to
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help any relief effort once that storms past three years ago you may recall that the island was devastated by typhoon which killed seven hundred people if you want to keep up to date with that news story where the others we've got there of course you can on our website r.t. dot com that's up to date with all the latest news for you if you're not me your television. it's just after ninety minutes past ten at night now here at r.t. thanks for being with us let's move on take a look at some other news. iran of the u.n. nuclear watchdog will resume talks on friday of more than two months after the previous failed round the round says it only wants peaceful energy but the west thinks a bomb is in the making hopes are higher than for these negotiations and all the while sanctions from the u.s. and europe continue to hit a radian citizens are let's go live to to run the talk to a journalist and commentator. thanks for being on the program you're live on r.t. international monitors kevin. glad you can hear me good to see your family i gather
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is among those feeling the brunt along with the rest of the citizens of the sanctions imposed on iran how particularly are you being affected can you paint a brief picture for us yeah absolutely my father wanted a war in the one nine hundred eighty s. and what happened to him was when he returned home he was diagnosed with p.t.s.d. so. for the past three decades he's been receiving medication. for the for the p.t.s.d. and as well as the a he became a diabetic after a year after a few years and. now that time he was he was fighting in the war as a medic actually he was not fighting in the war front he was helping the injured now he's fighting for for his medicine for getting his medication why because of the sanctions now the sanctions that the united states illegally has imposed on iran are not banning the sales of drugs trade on but they are blocking
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any financial transactions with iran that means that the iranian pharmaceutical companies cannot buy vital medicine from major pharmaceutical companies in the world. my father so they're not getting there early enough to get in the medication i understand so these aren't just specific drugs you're talking about this is affecting a whole raft for instance of drugs just focusing on this little part of life you can't even get them locally because the ingredients for want of a better word can't be imported algae her made these are made in the european union and in the united states and it's not only diabetic people you have eight thousand hemophilia people in iran who badly need those medicines and they're not getting it because these medicines are being produced in the united states. and are because we can't buy them they can't use it and that's putting the life in danger i understand
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so i just want to get a picture from viewers of what we hear time and time again about the the broader way people on the street are affected by this really want to focus on your family because you so kindly come to be with us how is this affecting your dad than is it affecting his his life span or if it's affecting the whole family you know it's affecting my dad because he can't get the medication that he needs if it's africa in the family because for the past three decades we've been dealing with a man who is sick and who can't be cute because of the problems that the problems are not becoming bigger because he's been. all there and do we care and more vulnerable and if you can't get the medicines then. his life is in danger so this is my particular story but it's not only my father thousands of thousands of iranians across the country they have these problems and even in iraq the chemical weapons that the west provided saddam hussein with saddam hussein used
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those chemical weapons against his own people in iraq a lot of people in iraq have those problems and in iran the problems are bigger because the sanctions the sanctions are affecting normal ordinary iranians the sanctions are not affecting the government the sanctions are affecting ordinary iranians that's the message and the world needs to know that and are wondering why do you any government is not taking the united states international course because of that because at the sanctions that the united states has imposed on iran are genocidal sanctions are killing people killing ordinary civilians or killing medics retired people killing people who have not got nothing to do with you as new people give us other carry out your messages. so you talk about give us some of the cases where it's really hard here a lot of people in iran cancer patients for instance they're not getting the medication they need and it's it's really dangerous for them you know they can't wait and because the financial transactions have been cut off between iran and the west because of the sanctions and they can't get the medication this is very simple
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in terms of going through drug americans and europeans who are paying taxes to the governments they need to know that the governments are killing my people internally and example in ten seconds what would your message be to the people that are imposing these sanctions. the people who are in the people who are imposing these sanctions they need to know that this is not affecting government is affecting the people they are killing us and people are committing genocide against the iranian people and that's exactly what's happening on the ground and the united nations has shamelessly remained silent the united nations is practically doing nothing it is lost it has lost its credibility thank you for being on the program have a resume and we thank you both journalists and political commentator live from the iranian capital. twenty four half minutes past tonight as coach with crayfish got business like haiti as we were saying earlier on the. weather conditions across the globe now threatening people's livelihoods and it's serious stuff it is very serious actually kevin absolutely and right now the u.s.
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is in the grips of its worst drought in more than half a century to put it into perspective also. cut its harvest eaten more flash floods here and really if we take the economics aside there's now fears of violence breaking out in developing world as food prices begin to spiral out of control. every year my weekly food stand is growing and much faster than my salary but there are fears that these here the price of food will increase sharply and not only because of a poor a crop harvest in russia but also a bad drought in the united states who are in prices have already this kind of rockets at sixty percent in the past two months but why should we care that's because most corn is used to feed livestock and that means that very soon needs and poultry could also become more expensive as well as many corn based snacks and cereals global food prices jumped six percent in july alone the biggest monthly
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hike in three years and may not make you laugh if you live in europe all of the united states as people there have more disposable income but in the developing world where people spend up to eighty percent of their budgets on food some warrant that spikes in the cost of basic products could even cause riots and social andress as we saw in a similar scenario back in two thousand and eight that was touch and i've been in a cave and as old as that sounds bad enough experts are saying that we could be in a so what. because see maybe another twenty five to thirty percent to the upside the way you'd feel as we could see of soybeans of twenty dollars we can see corn well over ten dollars it's very difficult for traders when we start to see the market breaking out and and getting into a parabolic move to look for a high but you know what i could see another twenty five to thirty percent just
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based off of the opinion of the farm community here in the states and again when you couple that with what's going on around the rest of the world and here with the glencore of the world are saying then i think we have to accept that as maybe fact . all right moving on to the markets and wall street is still suffering as the speculation or whether central banks will ease monetary policy father continues on also concerns remain with europe as well this friday the greek prime minister antonis samaras will meet with the german tells language merkel to perhaps try and come to some kind of compromise on an extension to greece's debt bills so we check out the euro while chassis away then although the german finance minister dampened optimism today that greece will get more time to craft this debt with comments circulating the trading force as for the river that finished up makes against a basket of currencies and stay with russia strong gains were made today for the horses it's been a roller coaster of
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a week but moscow is set its own course to finish the week on a three month high and the world's next offshore paradise is latvia as the baltic states a lash is taxes that is now from next year cuts rates and scraps dividends tax to get global firms to set up there to really offer some encouraged and now russian firms have particular they all tip to shift some of their cash from the current favorite site perhaps. over a per se this is. looking out of weekend or it will disturb insight into how to solve syria's ongoing violence when we talk to one of the country's deputy prime ministers and big names talked to r.t. international live from moscow.
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well for. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered.


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