tv [untitled] August 23, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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free brokers video for your media projects a free video don carty dot com. well i'm tom hartman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight the big picture the us is in the midst of a lost decade and one way to help pull the nation out of it is to increase the minimum wage that's easier said than done after a decade of suffering isn't it time the republicans in the rest of congress helped americans out also not all republicans are happy with the republican party's new plan for especially when it comes to the party's attack on same sex couples speak with one organization that is working with the in the party to promote marriage equality for all.
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you know this is no longer worth speculating whether or not america is in the midst of a lost decade the numbers are in and america is definitely in the midst of a lost decade at least the middle classes according to a new study by the pew research center the for the first time since world war two the median household income in the united states in the middle class dropped in the last decade from nearly seventy three thousand to below seventy thousand dollars that's household typically multiple wage earners that may not sound like a lot of three thousand dollars drop but as this chart shows it means a significant decline in the middle class the share of national income as in how much of the total income of our nation belongs to the broad middle class compared to the very few rich at the top this last decade caps off a thirty year steep decline in the middle class share of national income so that now upper income americans hold a greater share of national income than the middle class and notice the line of the bottom that's the lower class. his share of income it hasn't budged so the rich got
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richer the poor stay poor and the middle class gets poorer still think those bush tax cuts were a great idea during this last decade as middle class incomes fell the incomes of the four hundred richest americans all billionaires quadrupled oh and their tax rates were have during that same time period to give it all this information you'd think doubling down on more tax cuts for the rich would be a really really dumb idea right. that's exactly what mitt romney and paul ryan are proposing but on the other side of the aisle democrats are pushing for legislation to help those who got hurt during the last decade and not those who profited off the last decade house democrats have introduced legislation to increase the federal minimum wage in america from seven dollars to twenty five cents an hour to ten dollars an hour so isn't this common sense isn't this the very least congress can do to help those who've been hurting over the last ten years and if so why are republicans opposed to it let's ask my next guest david seeley conservative commentator pro-business advocate david welcome back. thanks for having me tom i
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feel like i've been out in a nuclear winter since i have done i haven't been on either david i've felt the same way so why do you hate working people what's wrong with raising the minimum wage. well that's just the problem right there tom if we raise the minimum wage will actually put more people out of work the fact of the matter is. the minimum wage is a great opportunity for unskilled laborers and people who are entering the job force to get a job and learn whereas once people have acquired these skills they can demand supply and demand higher wages if you price the untrained people out of the market they never have a chance to matriculate you know i remember as a boy i had several minimum wage jobs and i really disliked them tremendously and that was a heavy motivation to really apply david i agree with you on the on that point i
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mean i flipped burgers i'd wash dishes i worked as a d.j. for years and years which didn't pay very much news paid a little better but and and i've been i. replaced tires and brakes and in a cab station all minimum wage jobs but in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight the minimum wage today's minimum wage if you were to date it back to that would be nine dollars ninety two cents other is ten dollars and the sixty's were not a time of economic disaster and people were out of jobs so that you know what's wrong with having an entry level wage that you so correctly to describe entry level wage that's at least rational that in the sixty's demonstrated it worked there was a good economic time let's just go back to that number right well we should probably go back way farther to like nineteen sixteen when we only had two tax rates one percent for the poor and seven percent for the wealthy but going to the issue right now we're in the middle of
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a severe economic crisis the hope and wanton expectation was it would have been resolved but let's let's go david let's fix that crisis by giving people more money so that they can spend it and create demand. but these two that's just that you're giving away other people's money who can't afford it now you're saying to employers who have no business running a business if you're not going to pay a reasonable wage thirty five states of raise their minimum wage during periods of high unemployment and in those two thirds of them saw an actual increase above the national average in job growth twenty one out of. better don't kid a kid that's that's just not true and the fact of the matter is a statistic certainly zealot cuts days that is if you can afford more then you're out of business well we're just going to add to the unemployment that's not right we want young people to be able to get into the workforce apply themselves and move up we want people who are just coming out of prison he said the fact of the matter
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is they don't put two minimum wage workers are not just young people and people coming out of prison and even if they were they should be making ten dollars an hour. you see tom here's the problem when you burden a business particularly a small business now they're not going to hire that untrained untrained individual they will and it's you that there is going to make the mines know they're going to demand that person brings a skill set there and now the divide between the haves and the have nots will become just that much more extreme and i can't have that neither can you david i have graphed the minimum wage from from the one nine hundred thirty s. when it started right up until today and g.d.p. you put the two together on a graph i'd suggest you do this you like numbers put them together on a graph and if you look more than a year and a half or two years out which is about how long it takes for that sort of thing to work its way through an economy what you will see is that every time the minimum wage has been increased in the united states within two to three years you have seen a substantial increase in g.d.p.
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and the labor force when the minimum wage is flat those things tend to flatten out raising the minimum wage increases demand because it puts money in the pockets of the one group of people who spend one hundred percent of what they have they don't stick it want to mitt romney's swiss bank accounts they go out and spend it the same day the workforce earns minimum wage tom how many. i don't know actually talking about is that five percent is that ten percent. frankly i don't know the percentage david but it doesn't matter this is not only an economic issue it's also a moral issue. i agree wholeheartedly and we have a moral obligation to make sure that there are jobs available for our young people and for our seniors ok and only on that agreements the way that we're going to have to leave it there david seelig thanks a lot for being with us today but in closing any time like you'd like to have me for conversations with great minds i'm readily available thank you david good night if it isn't.
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the best the rest the news we talked about on the show last night republicans in tampa are busy drafting their official two thousand and twelve party platform includes things like a constitutional ban abortions with no exceptions for rape or incest support for unconstitutional radical anti immigration laws like the one in arizona that was struck down by the supreme court and it also includes an assault on gay rights calling for a constitutional amendment to ban marriage equality and deny same sex couples any benefits that plank in the platform isn't sitting so well with some republicans namely the young conservatives for the freedom to marry a group that is working within the republican party to promote marriage equality joining me now is a leadership committee member with the young conservatives for the freedom to to marry sarah long well sir welcome i thank you for having very nice to meet you i
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asked my you know i'm always yelling at people to get involved in political parties rather than you know just complaining or whatnot it's you know i'm sure there's a million things we disagree on politically a million rate to see that you are active inside one of these political parties tell me what what is how is marriage equality in line with or end to the traditional values or positions of the republican party i think it's one hundred percent in line with them and this is really what we're trying to talk to conservatives about we're trying to explain to them that look your conservative values and principles are one hundred percent aligned with giving people all peace . well the freedom to marry and it for me being a conservative is really about minimizing the role of government and maximizing individual responsibility and individual freedom and so that's what this group is really trying to talk to conservatives about is a kind of ironic that. mostly men it seems and they're not all republicans there's democrats who do this as well they all get out there and yell about we need less government less government our lives less government intrusion and then the they
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want to legislate everything from birth control to abortion to who can marry whom it seems like they want more government in these in these social areas and less government what in regulations telling the koch brothers how much mercury they can put in the air well i i can't speak to that specifically but i can tell you that you know it is something that people need to be more consistent about i think when you call for less government that means less government in all aspects of our life and that certainly includes marriage you know this is not the role of government to be telling grown ups whether or not they can make a lifelong commitment to one another. how long do you think it will be i'm i'm assuming i'm taking the long view and. hopeful i think realistic one eventually the republican party is going to come around i mean you know absolutely this is a radical idea for the democratic party sherman fifteen years ago yeah so how long you think it's going to be and what do you think it's going to take i mean you had dick cheney's daughter coming out you had there have been some prominent coming out in favor of gay marriage well yeah and barry goldwater you know back with the
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military saying you don't have to be straight to shoot straight i mean there's it's not like this is a instantly new idea so i actually don't think it's going to be nearly as long as people might think you know the polling right now shows that forty six percent of self identified republicans and conservatives under the age of forty four are absolutely in favor of the freedom to marry for all loving couples and so and that's actually and then there's forty six percent again so it's dead even for under the age of forty four so with that level of demographic shift i mean the party in order to stay relevant with young people is going to have to take notice it's going to have to change its position.
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in screwed news a job that's becoming increasingly harder and harder to find in america over the last few years is one in the call center industry since two thousand and six a half million american call center jobs have been packed up and shipped overseas to low wage countries companies like bank of america wells fargo and t. mobile are some of the biggest culprits when it comes to killing american call center jobs but democrats in congress have been pushing legislation to put an end to this mass exodus of jobs united states call center worker and consumer protection act cuts off federal loans and benefits to companies that offshore their call center jobs the bill also keeps a running list of companies that have off shored call center jobs in an effort to discourage the practice back in june the house of representatives took a vote on this legislation and most republicans lined up against it killing the bill and leaving the few americans who still have call center jobs screwed but now democrats in the senate are trying to revive the legislation with the help of senator sherrod brown in ohio and bob casey in pennsylvania two states that have
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been particularly hard hit by call center job losses as senator sherrod brown said this week in defense of the united states' call center worker and consumer protection act when companies send call center jobs overseas they don't just frustrate consumers they hurt our economy as well with thousands of ohioans looking for work it just doesn't make sense to ship these jobs overseas he's right so what can be done to make sure this legislation passes to stimulate our economy again instead of stimulating foreign economies with what used to be american call center jobs here to answer that is ron collins chief of staff of the communication workers of america ron welcome thank you i'm going to be here thank you for joining us tell us about this legislation what does it do so basically it does two things it would restrict companies from offshore in jobs if they offshore jobs they would be restricted from getting loans and grants from the federal government that's the first thing the second thing is called the is economic legal. that's correct correct and the second piece of the legislation is it would allow the caller the
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customer the consumer to be directed back into a u.s. call center if they asked or if they asked that's correct ok so that's pretty straightforward there doesn't seem like a huge make sense not rocket science. in the first year i think of the obama administration answer plus you've got a piece of legislation out of the house that would have stopped tax breaks to companies that are offshoring jobs and the would have given them tax breaks to bring jobs back in the united states it passed the house it got more than fifty votes in the senate the republicans filibuster correct are we seeing the same source story here absolutely the republicans in the house are blockin representative bishop spoke from new york they would not even consider the bill and this is the this is not rocket science right this is you bring jobs back into the country the unemployment at eight point three percent it makes sense it would you know you're not going to help the economy you're not going to recover this economy unless you start bringing jobs back into this guy then why are republicans opposed to it i think because it's a pro worker bill and i think sometimes they're not pro worker. also there's this
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whole strategy that was laid out the day of obama's inauguration of let's keep the economy in the toilet for the next four years and make him a one term president that's correct there's other issues with this with this work being off shored and that's the consumer issue right when you call a bank and you give your social security number your account number you're at risk for identity theft so that's another big issue we've done some polling on this and the polling is overwhelming support for bring in those jobs back republicans democrats and independents i understand in india there is not even a law against in fact one which is proposed in the last legislative session that went nowhere there's not a law against if i was a call center worker and you called me up and said hey i need some help with my computer or whatever i say ok we have to charge a ten dollars communicate occurred give me your name i need you so security number but your mother's maiden name what's the pin number on the back of the car all as. write it down put in my pocket after i'm done work walk out on the street and sell
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it to somebody and say here's a here's an american side that is rotten that's not illegal it's not even legal and people have been victimized. so. which brings me back to how can the republicans be opposed and why isn't there more outrage about this in general why isn't there more knowledge of this is it is it because any jack welch president we see in his autobiography brags about the fact that he was over in india back in the eighty's and he was that he was trance on the planet and he looked around and he said we're always people who speak english why do i have anybody you know answering the phone or doing back office worker accounting when these people work for forty five cents an hour and speak english it's so easy you know is that the media has been using these things that one of the biggest of the media moguls proudly proclaims he invented the outsourcing of pink collar and white collar jobs act so i think that's part of it and i think that the american people just have not stood up enough they're starting to and has started
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a campaign to help some of the representatives that have been supporting the legislation and i think more and more people need to stand up and you know send a message loud and clear not just to the republicans but to the democrats as well that we need some legislation passed we need good paying jobs in this country how many jobs are we talking about here with over the past six years about a half million jobs have been offshore to foreign countries all those came back today any idea what our unemployment rate would be it would definitely drop mean i mean you're looking at point a half lower would you it would absolutely drop in other words obama would get reelected we can't let that happen that's exactly right it's amazing and then else the c.e.o. is working on it and we are working on this this is front and center and we will be doing many things will be doing door knocking will be doing commercials we're doing a media campaign for some of the representatives have been helping us we're really just trying to bring surface and we want we want. the voters to know that this is a real issue and they need to vote on this issue how can our viewers help you our
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viewers could help us by calling their representatives and let in them know of all your member the house are up that's right call your rights are represented call your representatives what you have on your congressman your u.s. senator and let them know that this issue is very important to you not just for jobs but also for the security of your bank accounts your credit cards things such as that is there any is there any republican in particular that has been particularly. you know blocking of this particular obstructionist you know none of them have really supported it we did have in the house of representatives we did have representative mckinley from west virginia who was a co-sponsor but he wasn't available to vote when they put it on the floor for consideration so i think the leadership of the party gave him a muscle as large as they're going to pressure points that people should be working on any particular senators or members of congress no i just think call all of them let them know this is an issue this would help bring down the unemployment actually yours that's right you know you want you and i started for you or i could vote for you that's right nigeria thanks so much thank you thanks for having me to me chart
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you took the great work have a good night thank you. crazy alert covering off in china eight rubbing sun lotion on your face want to keep your cheeks a nice white color don't want to end up looking like an mom well female beachgoers in congo or china have found a solution to all of your problems say hello to the appropriately named face. the face kini has become the must have summer accessory for chinese women who want to keep their fair skin complection but still want to have some fun in the sun as you can see the faces coming up are idea of styles and colors and are complete with them openings for your eyes nose and mouth but if that's not enough for your sun protection needs your pick up the matching full body suit too and if you're worried about not getting enough bang for the buck don't be turns out the face he also
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protects against insects and she'll face from jellyfish stings personally i think the face you could become a huge fashion trend when you want to try out the business casual look. maybe not. it's the good the bad in the very very poorest really ugly good toyota has released an ad in asia the features the end dr yunus ukrainian models. take a look. chris says.
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goes. toyota is trying to push cultural norms with its oras ad car but with the ad it's also pushing typical gender binary is enormous as well so it understands what too many politicians in this country don't we live in the twenty first century it's time to embrace our cultural and societal differences rather than shunning and attacking the bad congressman steve king at a recent town hall meeting king expressed concerns over iowa state university having too many multicultural groups on campus he told the crowd the search the database and found that there were fifty nine multicultural groups on campus and that the groups were made up of people who quote feel sorry for themselves he went on to say that members of multicultural campus groups were out there recruiting our young people to be part of the group to feel sorry for themselves basically congressman king things that anybody who is not white is an outcast in society because the ignorant and hateful sentiments like kings and multicultural groups
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were formed in the first place they serve to help those who may otherwise be looked down upon or ignored let them become part of a community. and a very very ugly david g. g. is the sheriff of hillsborough county florida where tampa bay is located in order to prepare for the republican national convention next week he has ordered that entire prison the orient road jail be emptied and the prisoners relocated or bonded out so that the prison can accommodate those arrested for protesting during the r. and c. and g. posted a letter on the county website saying that he and his department they have very little tolerance for protesters who show up calling them agitators and anarchists who want to break out and bring a dark cloud to this about so they want to see the perfect example of how america is turning into a police state just take a look at tampa bay sure of geas preemptively cleared out an entire prison so that he can arrest hundreds of people who are just exercising their right to free speech and that is very very early. here's another story you should be keeping your
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eye on venture capitalists are looking to take over a humanity's most precious resource water according to a new report by the food and water watch a growing number of private or pirate equity firms are moving into struggling cities and buying out their public infrastructure namely the city's water infrastructure anyone who's familiar with mitt romney is familiar with pirate equity firms like being capital which take over a company strip it to the bones and sell it for profit and that strategies use the public utilities and consumers get screwed with insufficient services and price hikes as food and water watch executive director know know how to warn like wall street's manipulation of the housing market in the previous decade private equity firms investment bankers are increasingly looking to cash in on one of our most essential resources water these deals are all the really a bum deal for consumers who will end up paying the price through increased water bills and degraded service as of january two thousand and twelve pirate equity
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firms raised nearly two hundred billion dollars to take over nearly three hundred water infrastructure projects this is just the latest consequence of corporate capitalism run amok in america we are no longer manufacturing wealth together as a nation for our economy we now have wall street preying on the rest of us to make a book. coming up after the break we'll revisit a conversation with great minds i had recently with n.s.a. whistleblowers thomas drake incur we are going to want to miss.
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