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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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was. the german catholic church for answers charges against chris who riot all the cards to disrupt a disservice in cologne's could save fuel and could now face an even longer jail sentence that inspires. line you think between iran and the ones atomic watchdog come to nothing i mean fears within iran that giving its assistance to the agency will come as a high price. on drugs from america's wryly to act would also cause and declare and this is diplomatic only if you want me to return the red faced but so you know what i was desperate for jude and i saw.
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news from russia and around the world this is the with me thanks for joining us three years behind bars that's what german call because of the infamous pursue riots punk band may get full storming colognes cathedral it slops with the sentence the punishment would be even greater than that handed down to the russian trio they were imitating and germany faces a dilemma now being among the states which rushed to condemn last week's verdicts as a piece of all of our reports. two men and one woman all in their early twenty's they interrupted a mass service that was taking place in cologne chanting free pussy riot decked out in the the garish balaklava some brightly colored clothes that have become synonymous with the the russian punk rock collective calling for these three people calling for the freedom of the three women that were sentenced to two years in jail for hooliganism motivated by religious hatred and the group pussy riot had
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performed a so-called punk rock prayer in russia's main cathedral which offended many orthodox christian believers now the catholic church of press charges against the three people here in germany and we're waiting to find out exactly what they will be charged with now they could be charged with a breach of the peace and disrupting the free practice of religion the a lot of those charges brings with it a maximum penalty of three years in prison so feasibly these people taking part in the copycat version of the pussy riot demonstration could actually find themselves being sentenced to more time in prison than the people that they were trying to emulate but it's all very interesting that this is happening here in germany germany of course was one of those countries that was particularly critical of moscow's handling of the pussy riot trial in russia now it seems that germany is facing a similar type of situation itself whereby three people could face up to three years in jail for performing a demonstration a political demonstration in
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a church. so the public and shoot towards the incident in cologne right from the streets of germany is something peter all of a describes and his twitter stream and he says many agree that if. the ride conflicts in the catholic cathedral wasn't acceptable and those who stay should deserve punishment for years and grief is also available at. st. the latest attempts to resolve a deadlock in the iranian nuclear crisis has drawn a blank the nuclear agency failed to strike a deal with tehran which could wipe out western concerns over suspected atomic weapons activities by the islamic states and reza marashi from the national iranian american council believes the issue is more a bilateral conflict between the u.s.
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and iran. i think it's important for our talks to happen on multiple levels it is important for iran to continue its cooperation and dialogue with the i.a.e.a. it's also important for iran and the permanent members of security council plus germany to continue their discussions which unfortunately have come to a standstill by the most important thing that has not yet happened is a direct bilateral u.s. around channel of communication we haven't seen something like this in over three decades because what the united states often mike's to portray as a conflict between the international community and iran really is more or less a bilateral conflict between the two countries and then you have the rest of the world taking sides or trying to stay out of it or at best so until that kind of direct channel can can be opened up and be kept out of public views of the spoilers can't muck up the process i think we're going to continue to see more of the same. national atomic energy agency is seeking access to a k. military base near tehran and to scientists working on the iranian nuclear program
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. a journalist and analyst on u.s. foreign policy says iran wants to know the end game before it heals to the agency. the i.a.e.a. is following a general story a script or a strategy that is clearly determined by the major powers primarily the united states which is to keep iran on the defensive and in order to do that of course to keep the idea uppermost in the in the headlines covering this issue of the iranian nuclear program that the iranians are unwilling to cooperate with the i.a.e.a. the issue here is not whether iran is willing to allow the agency to come to look at this site that has been requested by the agency but rather whether the agency is willing to agree to a set of principles governing the broader set of issues surrounding the
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cooperation between iran and the agency and this is primarily a question of whether iran will be allowed to have an exit from the process of being examined or investigated by the i.a.e.a. the i basically does not want to have any sort of end point to the process even if the iranians cooperate fully. and iran's relations with russia have soured of delays after mosco counseled a contract to deliver an advanced defense system the s three hundred ten runs on get the deal was torn out following the un security council's arms embargo most common while has been developing the project further with an even more sophisticated than janelle the weapon as he was just going off reports. seek and destroy. planes helicopters and even you name it the s four hundred try and locate and hyundai around almost any flying target but
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this was the other ship first target the spotted identified then the system starts monitoring it all following its course then the command makes the call to either eliminate the target or not after getting the green light the system opens fire one of the strong suits of the system as its mobility it can literally creep. anywhere on the ground within minutes. of course preparation takes no more than five minutes and everything's done by three people one officer and two conscripting soldiers. this is still can shoot down objects as small as a soccer ball even if they're flying at supersonic speeds. of one hundred system consists of several elements one radar which monitors the skies looking for targets a second one which follows specific targets a command post and the launcher itself or the gun as it's called here in the army combines the elements of the system can follow up to three hundred dog it's flying
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from was lowered just a few feet above the ground and up to nearly fourteen miles high in the skies were just pretty much around six times higher than the average passenger jet. the first as four hundred systems are already in service and along with the older ass three hundred and bonser s. protect the skies over moscow st petersburg and the central industrial region of russia it is planned that the ass four hundred will completely replace the s three hundred its production has already been and it is that is there as well yes three hundred is capable of intercepting the targets not higher than thirty kilometers which isn't enough since we're only covering a small area but when the altitude capacity is raised we can protect larger territories. analysts say the recent conflicts in libya and other parts of the world have shown how vital it is to have reliable defense not only from threats from the skies but from space also and this is what the s four hundred was designed
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to do it can locate doggett's nearly six hundred kilometers away and has a firing range of up to four hundred kilometers that's around five times more than its western analog the patriot there are no plans for exporting it just yet giving russia a chance for an unprecedented advantage against any threat from the skies for at least the next twenty years you've got is going off our deep southern russia. so i have for you this hour one step forward onto his jobs by the last reports of us and killing a major time the bunny that in another draw on the time experts believe this tried to download rather than bring peace in the countries they target. and also how the label made in gaza is not likely to make much money palestinians claim the israeli occupation of their land and trade involved days leaving them with no one to sell to find out more nation in the program.
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come back there's been a huge boost of support for a cordial out of the entire see above americas through their weight behind in its condemnation of british threats to schoolmates embassy in london and a blow to the united kingdom the organization of american states declares that embassies are indeed inviolable. and it wasn't all smooth sailing through with the u.s. and canada with stuart british allies demanding amendments to the final statement by claims that britain wasn't threatening to raid ecuador's embassy just pointing out that code and that according to attorney and all seems punished host of a goal and strains how divided the organization of american states are reigning aides. to the united states in canada and actually oppose the convening of this meeting in the first place and so they maintain those positions throughout the meeting whereas the rest of latin america and the gridley and we're of course
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welcoming and found it important to talk about in debate this issue that's affecting one of the member states you know they act in accordance with threats against one of their member states or when some issue that's just stirring regional peace is taking place and that america's standing together to share in unity that they absolutely will not let any other nation and as powerful as i mean even close their agenda or their will upon the peoples of latin and i think again it was a show it was first of the relevance of the organization of american states today as an industry that includes the u.s. and canada and clearly there are it's with the rest of latin america and the groovy . so acquittals president has welcomed the final statement saying it demonstrated latin american solidarity. spoke exclusively to our c spanish child and said his country is cause has united an entire continent and his full interview is coming up in twenty minutes but here's a preview. we supported him in
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a piece of news me but i can't seem to find a better word of it because of the diplomatic clumsiness of they threatened us with violating the sovereignty of our embassy in order to arrest the song the militias brought together. in south america and other parts of the world by going to cause this would have been pure barbarism and it's an unacceptable risk which would break one of the ground producing it he said which is lasted for ages and the viability of diplomatic missions got the ball of there in alliance and supported by the people of south america and you know since mainly for that reason not for granting asylum. greece is on the last leg of rates p.r. blitz in europe with its prime minister antonis samaras meeting the french leader today in hopes of convincing him to cause athens some financial slog also is a lot with german chancellor angela merkel the search is certain after all is
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a bailout commitments and keep counting some members of her own government a less sure and increasingly speculating about a possible greek exit from the eurozone athens however it says it will do all it takes to stay in the car is a blog that says it needs breathing room to kill its coverage and economy. asset management specialist philip of all strong believes that so long. greece is bankrupt i think there's no discussion about that today and it hadn't been two or three years ago even with the hardest possible work and a lot of cut and extremely austerity and very greece won't be able to pay back the huge amount of their they have loaded to their shoulder there's only one way of rescue gaining of competitiveness in greece and this is the exit from the euro zone and politicians always argue there are enormous cost in war with the exit
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of chris that's perfectly right but what is the amount of costs involved with greece staying within the euro zone. and you can find more news on our website colin has some stories that right now. you don't have to listen with the all right from greenpeace outfit storm a russian break it approaches to overtraining for oil in the august sick. i'm dead cerebral celebration for russian scientists who have gotten time talents and close to grazing the world sounds official intelligence. sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you
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knew you don't know i'm target market is a big picture. she good leverage surely to mccurry was to build on its most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything. to teach me the creation or why it should care about human to end. this is why you should care what you only on the dog. days or the seizure of palestinian lawn brains where they are added extra over harsh economic brocade any products made that not only prevented from making their way to the outside world but that kept from days reign in market as well. as.
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this tiny bottle of olive oil is at the heart of an economic battle it may be small and expensive but it's one of those products that defines where people stand in awe . the logical battlefield of the middle east from palestine to europe and beyond each purchase is seen as a shot in an economic war. other people are not sufficiently aware that israeli settlement products are competing with palestinian products abroad also when we tell the customer that there is a difference between settlement products and israeli products they understand we're living under occupation and they can choose what products to buy or not and more and more consumers are choosing not to buy israeli products originating in the settlements in palestinian territories they are seen by many as the foods of the occupation the word government of ours within it are by god movement or by god as we then are. distributors to carry benicio and brothers the problem is all in the name and it's difficult to make
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a product stand out from those families when settlements. are products can't say made in palestine because we're under occupation and not yet a state they can say made in the west bank or made in gaza or a palestinian product. and for some companies like this palestinian pharmaceuticals company in the west bank it's even worse it can't even sell in its own backyard a lot of the love to be able to start or not the love to be distributed in israel because. it's with. but it's will be rejected by the security has been restricted to the palestinian market is causing a lot and creating economic difficulties for the farmers. everyone here grows olives and so the local market is very small and the competition big we don't get much money for either it is part of a bigger problem when the demand is there the occupation means more often than not farmers are prevented from gathering water or even getting to their land it means
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more than half of palestinian crops go to waste but there is hope in a corner of the remote city of janine this private company is helping farmers overcome their troubles and get into international markets here the islands are processed pressed and stored as an order comes through the oil is pumped up here from where it is oxfam bottled to international standards it appears demand is growing especially in the us we find that as much as much of the jobs. are excited to find anything in specialty goods in the marketplace they are calculating ok what backlash am i going to get from bloggers in the marketplace this snag is that these products sell for almost double their value because of the cost of getting them to market the hope for producers here is that the supporters around the world won't begrudge the few extra dollars for a bottle of olive oil and rather they'll see it as a gesture of support policy r t janine in the palestinian autonomy. all right now let's take
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a brief look at what else is making headlines around the world at least in nine people have been wounded in indiscriminate police gun finally at the empire state building in new york it came after a function design a shot dead his former coworker things didn't spoke to blaze of penny's gunshots which also had bystanders although the gunman didn't shoot at the police authorities claimed they had no choice but to open fire. for those supporters under opponents of egypt's president washington tiber sorry if i was on project i was at a shop that the anti-government protesters accused president morsi and his muslim brotherhood. stepping that authority and did mining them and the angry crowds gathered in tahrir square which has become synonymous for egyptians since hosni mubarak was full stop last year. a major militant leader is believed to have been killed in the latest u.s.
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drone attack. at least eighteen people died in a barrage of this house funneled into the area bordering afghanistan which is seen as a hold bad of violent groups such as to the taliban so my intelligence officer to me a shot of believes trying talks only down much security in the countries they used to in. this mr asian has become almost addicted to this form of warfare it's hands off it's clean you don't see the result and frankly it's giving this false promise to a false perception of progress we're not killing the right people and by the fact we can't get the right people by the fact you're shooting through a soda straw at a target hundreds of miles away you creating the next generation of enemies because i tell you right now i don't know for a fact but of those eighteen folks killed probably two thirds of more innocent civilians just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time the very folks who are after our now going against our ally the pakistani government the pakistani taliban are now destabilizing the pakistani government these drone strikes are
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helping encourage them so we're helping to stabilize the very ally we're looking to have help us again the secondary effects are very clear here that we are destabilizing the region that we're dealing with and the government is trying to we're asking to help those. america's republicans and democrats are getting ready to put the election pedal to the metal as the presidential race is about to go full throttle and while the major events during the home straight all the parties conventions on the resident went into the streets of new york to find out if the gatherings are really as decisive the media presents them. in the u.s. republicans and democrats are about to hold their conventions to kick off the presidential election fever and so one of these conventions even do this week let's talk about that you're throwing your eyes i say convention into that stuff why are you into the politics they're all crooks yes but we have to choose right all crooks
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what are the conventions duty think what do they do they were so out of money that's what they do good for media purposes because they can create a lot of hype around certain condit so yes i think they do too so we really need more hype. in today's world here because kind of politics has become my show business hasn't it but it has in the u.k. a bit the purpose of the convention i would assume is to make people more interested and give them more information about their candidate so they can vote for them do you need more information i think people already make up their minds without too much information as it is and that's one of the problems do you spend a ton of money on it just by sheer do they bother and every choice we can prize on the news and then it stops at a certain time and then from then on it's business as usual so we don't do this where you go from start to start and i think that i think you just said the key word business i think there's a lot of money on the table in american ballot there and that's a bit of a worry is the cost that we were there for the truth what if they put money into
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the numbers and i want something out of a donor but i think the whole political process is crazy the amount of money they spend on ads and different things it's just ridiculous and it's not truthful the ads are generally false fake and just you know don't really serve any purpose it's a lot of waste of money for the taxpayers you know do you think it's going to get dirtier romney or obama. romney who do you think is going to win. why. because of mitt romney he doesn't appeal there like either you don't like either one or i think they're obama doesn't do it and so my point of view i think will get a second term in. you think he's going to end up in the dark in he's done a good job. republican so i don't republicans who are you going to vote for romney . no choice. that sounds real like that we have a service in whatever you choose to do with it whatever like president you have a choose it's going to make it a huge influence on the world it's not just on the american people but it's
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actually on the world that we have more responsibility absolutely no matter what the conventions do or don't do the bottom line is the media is going to try to make them seem really really important so grab your popcorn the media circus it's just about to start. but the conventions the nearest to which starts in just two days are being seen as big events for the u.s. protest movement which has planned several rallies. to respond with tightened security measures including drones patrolling the skies and jar of honey as an action is planning to march on the republican national convention believes police are gearing up for a war against a peaceful march. we're demanding good jobs health care for village cation quality and peace and with that the city the state the police are gearing up for the war
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they're the ones who are using drones drones are only meant to scare you for surveillance and even wars overseas and all we're doing is is having a protest what is being done here is that protesters are being branded as terrorists every time in this country people get together people are unified in a mass movement they are heavily repressed by the state and the police and that's exactly what they're doing now if you look at any protests if you look at a mass demonstrations where is the violence always something violent there's always some from the police we don't interest them we don't and sources are part of the we're tired of the one percent work tired being we're tired of the war the see the systematic attacks on just about every person in this country. and then just a few moments ago bring me a recap of today's top stories stay with. a
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dominos free blog jasmine video for your media projects and free media on dog r t dot com. is eve it's. easy to. say. my name is richard davis i'm an architectural photographer from london and i've been traveling in russia for the last ten years on a project fed rovs wooden chair choose. obviously i fell in love with the tragedies they are extraordinary on kid said beautiful gifts and the church is is a religious monument obviously but it's also an object of wonder you know it's
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something that people can look around and it opens their eyes that. i knew zero measure. and.


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