tv [untitled] August 25, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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ecuador gets all backing from fellow american nations that's round britain which saw much damning efforts on the challenger mining sanctity of the sea. there is definitely no fear but let's. do reprisals which would be cheery b r t spanish channel talks exclusively to ecuador's president about the hurdles his country made base for backing the world's most famous whistleblower. egypt's new leader extends a hand of friendship to china and iran a gesture seen as the country breaking away from washington's influence.
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thank you for joining our t.v. it is saturday here in moscow and seven o'clock i'm karen tara well ecuador has scored another point in its diplomatic role with britain over granting asylum to julian assange a thirty four member bloc of american nations has declared solidarity and support for the country condemning the u.k.'s earlier threats to storm its embassy in london to get to the whistleblower laura smith's and britain and she brings us the details it was a meeting that lasted five hours but eventually got what it wanted out of the meeting essentially they the foreign minister made a speech in which he condemned britain for what he called an assault on all sovereignty and eventually what happened was that these thirty four countries signed this resolution which rejects any attempts to put at risk the inviolability of diplomatic premises anywhere in the world and and express. solidarity and
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support for ecuador in their offering of asylum to julian our stance but also urged to continue talks between ecuador and britain to try and sort out their diplomatic problems the usa and canada are members of this organization and they were very much against this meeting from the very beginning and they all say that expressed reservations about the resolution that was passed in the end but it goes to show that particularly in its own region ecuador is not acting alone and it's now got huge international backing across the americas but we've seen no movement in britain stance so far they still remain committed to arresting julian assange and to fulfilling this court order which they must be extradited to sweden whatever happens and in fact we've seen further proof in recent days that britain is not going to abandon its plans to arrest him we had a policeman photographed outside the ecuadorian embassy one of the many policemen who is guarding the embassy twenty four seven holding this piece of paper
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a piece of restricted information that says that you in their son should be arrested essentially at all costs whatever it takes even if he emerges in some way in a diplomatic car even if as some have posited he emerges in some kind of diplomatic crate or bag that is not going to put the british police off arresting him that they're really very intent on arresting him and fulfilling this court order so that it's a position that hasn't changed in the last few days and i see no reason that it will change as a as a direct result of this but as i say the international pressure is growing meanwhile of course still in the ecuadorian embassy in london still very unclear how he will get out. media future and certainly far from clear so let us know what you think is next for the whistleblower by taking partner at our two dot com. here's how opinion is divided so far the majority of you believe he'll stay in the ecuadorian embassy in london and then being there for and standoff just
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a little over a quarter says songs will get a permit to leave her at her door as the u.k. will eventually succumb to public outcry around twenty percent think the whistleblower be smoked out of the end of the same and handed to sweden for questioning her sex crime allegations and the rest fourteen percent believe it will be passed to the scandinavian state by edward or if it gets a guarantee of songe won't end up in the u.s. you can have your say r t dot com now ecuador it's not really just about a soldier's fate any longer as the country itself may still have to face harsh consequences for its gesture rafael correa exclusively shared his view on the issue with our spanish channel his full interview is coming your way in the next hour but here's a preview. normally such a decision shouldn't have any consequences if all countries respect international law which clearly says that the state has the right to draw into some of them were many times as sweden granted asylum but unfortunately in this particular case we
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see that some countries are displaying their colonial and imperial ambitions but there is this interesting she did turns out that if ecuador granted saw them to someone else it's certainly much of consequences because there is definitely no fear but let's face it some leader might be reprisals which would be terrible if the u.k. for example on these routes and invades our embassy to risk the stone age or to new magine how big of a precedent this would set. no clear talks between iran and the un atomic watchdog have once again hit an impasse but no date set for further negotiations the islamic republic is stuck with crippling sanctions and continued accusations of pursuing an atomic bomb the allegations were fueled by it. reportedly stepping up its uranium enrichment program which it insists it's peaceful jamal from the national iranian american
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council says the country had no other choice but western sanctions have been escalating the pressure on iran has been escalating and to expect a country to sit on its hands well it's having these pressure tactics level at it is completely unrealistic so for iran i think when it looks at this situation it had several opportunities regarding how does it respond how does it escalate in turn and it could have taken far more provocative actions i think actually installing these centrifuges was probably the lowest grade retaliation to the western sanctions and some of the threats of war at the end of the day it's still the judgment of the united states of israel of all of the western intelligence agencies that the yuan has not begun to actually build a nuclear weapon they have not made that decision yet and so all this talk about war zones of immunity and so forth is completely premature and counterproductive to
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actually resolving this conflict. hoping to get a look inside iranian military bases one thing you won't find is the us three hundred missile launcher still ahead we'll look at air defense system once carpeted . and how it's being developed and to make some mistake a good weapon right here in russia. responds to get the reassurances that long to forge in spite of its charm offensive in europe aimed at winning more time for the ailing economy. opponents of egypt's president have clashed with his supporters that's crowd surged in kabul and alexandria the anti-government protesters accuse president morsi and his muslim brotherhood party for overstepping their authority and undermining all of it or sees currently trying to establish a new foreign policy that's seen as moving away from american influence egypt's leader head to china next week seeking investment then it's a trip to iran which is one of the west's main dorrance right now michael hughes
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from the new world strategies coalition predicts a significant rebalance of power. the unspoken link here is israel you know it's egypt can leverage this relationship and vice versa to put pressure on israel to stop you know this talk of bombing iran you know there's a connection for morsi starts looking like a geo political genius if you can pull this off if he can get israel that was step back on the whole bombing iran thing that would be pretty amazing they find a partner in iran so they don't have to rely on the u.s. they were through an israel and they can offset counterbalance the gulf monarchies they're trying to rebalance and shift away from the west and they need the immediate cash from the west they need it from the i.m.f. in the united states and the gulf monarchies but long term they want to get in bed with china who can fill the gap so they don't have to rely on the west that any more beijing gets asked to access the mediterranean. and some suez canal priority
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which the u.s. gets currently. and you know because other than that it is hard to see that. china is going to get much but those two things are pretty big they want they want port access and they want to i want to line themselves with the nonaligned and align with the age of you know taken away from us is a win for china background on analysis to egypt's transformation can be found at r.t. dot com we've also lined up plenty more online for you such as the university of wild wild west why a colorado students can now pack guns as well as books and their school bag. plus norwegian mass murderer under some breivik heads for a decades long stay in jail where it turns out it really might not be so bad after all. had missiles and bloodshed not a war zone but a football match russian hooligans go on the rampage putting their team's future
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with my strong. there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines you know in two cars a report on r.g.p. . would be soon which brightened a few new soon from friends to parachute. news for a start on t.v. don't come. to the. life's always better down where it's wetter so get on board and check out world class cutters as they get a life week superstrong make over while the giant floating lab prepares to chart the under explored age to look at or to go and find another way to make waves with a brand new m.t.v. as opposed whatever your destination hitch
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a ride to tomorrow's water world today. welcome to our team karen taraji russian energy giant gazprom has joined the club of companies literally coming under attack from greenpeace six environmental activist and one of the firms floating all regs in the arctic in protest against plans to drill in the area despite warnings from platform workers activists managed to latch onto the rig suspending themselves off it for fifteen hours they claimed they were then sprayed with water from above and retreated to avoid risks in the freezing conditions and our mental campaigner christopher williams says several nations are getting increasingly interested in a slice of the arctic energy reserves and that will keep greenpeace busy. the oil that is just below the arctic is up to twenty five percent of world reserves there
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are countries vying for control of oil and those from trees i think are pretty determined to start drilling the russia being the first one that is now provoking protests from greenpeace shell of very keen to drill have been given allowances from the obama administration to begin an exploring the process it'll be interesting i think to find out where the greenpeace i would expect them to also be protesting just as vigorously western oil companies when they start drilling as they have been know occupying the gas from oil rig still to come home grown products struggle to break through a strict economic barrier palestinian farmers see their crops go to waste because of israeli regulations. and where in new york to ask of people there are hawked or don't give two hoots about the democrats and republicans increasingly dominating
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their t.v. screens. no sign of relief for greece after its p.r. blitz in europe to try and win more time to enact the painful reforms promised to its creditors the greek prime minister has met the french president after seeing the german chancellor a day earlier both key paymasters have held back from giving greece the breathing space it says that urgently needs angela merkel's under rising pressure at home with the parliament leaders saying neither the time nor the content can be renegotiated asset management specialist in a warning from our police no matter how hard greece tries it won't be able to pay back what it owes. if they greece's bankrupt i think there's no discussion about that today and two or three years ago even with the hardest possible. and a lot of. extremely. vague greece won't be able to pay
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back the huge amount of debt they have loaded to their shoulder there's only one way of rescue regaining of competitiveness in greece and this is the exit from the euro zone and politicians always argue there are enormous cost involved with the exit of chris that's perfectly right but what is the amount of costs involved with greece staying within the euro zone. britain may now be using the year l. but its finances continue to fail the pension from the eurozone debt woes despite this new numbers show the economy had actually tanked less than predicted a spark of optimism however gets the cold shower treatment from artie's max keiser and stacy herbert the full program is coming up later today. what happens when the government throws money to the oligarchs and the monopolies the oil companies and the bankers because when they stop giving them money they can pull the old atlas
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shrugged that we like. you know we're not going to work anymore we're in a gatekeeper position we're wedged into the economy if you don't give us more money we're call systemic collapse which is ridiculous because the government if they want to give away money they should give it away to the entrepreneurs' they should give it away to consumers it is a consumer economy after all why not help the consumers know that never go to georgia born young eton oxford you know friend of cameron georgie porgie in his bubble and fraud putting. products labeled made in palestine are a symbol of pride for their producers however due to israel's economic blockade palestinian farmers struggle to get their goods to the rest of the world but as artie's parsley or found out things are about to change. this tiny bottle of olive oil is at the heart of an economic battle it may be small and expensive but it's
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one of those products that defines where people stand in the ideological battle field of the middle east from palestine to europe and beyond each purchase is seen as a shot in an economic war. other people are not sufficiently aware that israeli settlement products are competing with palestinian products abroad so when we tell the customer that there is a difference between settlement products and israeli products they understand we are living under occupation and they can choose what products to buy. or not and more and more consumers are choosing not to buy israeli products the region eighteen in the settlements in palestinian territories they are seen by many as the foods of the occupation the word government was within it by god movement by god. distributors to carry benicio and products the problem is all in the name and it's difficult to make a product stand out from those from the israeli settlements. are products can't say made in palestine because we're under occupation and not yet
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a state they can say made in the west bank or made in gaza or a palestinian product and for some companies like this palestinian pharmaceuticals company in the west bank it's even worse it can't even sell in its own backyard a lot of the love to be able to start another love to be distributed in israel because. it's with. but it will be rejected by the security is being restricted to the palestinian market is causing a glut and creating economic difficulties for the farmers. everyone here grows olives and so the local market is very small in the competition big we don't get much money for either it is part of a bigger problem when the demand is there the occupation means more often than not farmers are prevented from gathering water or even getting to the land it means more than half of palestinian crops go to waste but there is hope in a corner of the remote city of janine this private company is helping farmers
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overcome their troubles and get into international markets can be our lives are processed pressed and stored as is an order comes through the oil is pumped up here from where it is oxfam bottled to international standards it appears demand is growing specially in the us we find that as much as a measure of the jobs. are excited to find anything in specialty goods in the marketplace there. ok what backlash am i going to get from zionist bloggers in the marketplace the snag is that these products sell for almost double the value because of the cost of getting them to market the hope for producers here is that his supporters around the world won't begrudge the few extra dollars for a bottle of olive oil and rather they'll see it as a gesture of support policy r t janine in the palestinian autonomy election season in the u.s. is entering the home stretch both republicans and democrats will hold their
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national conventions in the coming weeks parties in new york to ask what these gatherings accomplish and whether anyone will notice. in the u.s. republicans and democrats are about to hold their conventions to kick off the presidential election fever and so one of these conventions even do this week let's talk about that you're growing your eyes i say convention not internet stuff why are you into politics they're all crooks yes but we have to choose right all groups what are the conventions do do you think what do they do they were so out of money that's what they do they're good for media purposes because they can create a lot of hype around certain condit so yes i think they do too so we really need more hype. in today's world yeah do you spend a ton of money on it just by. their own every choice we can prize on the news and then it stops at a certain time and then from then on it's business as usual so we don't do this
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where you go from state to state and i think that i mean you just said the key word business yeah i think there's a lot of money on the table and americans out there that's a bit of a worry is that because that would then for the truth. if they put money into it then obviously they want something out of a donor but i think the whole political process is crazy the amount of money they spend on ads and different things it's just ridiculous and it's not truthful the ads are generally false fake and just you know don't really serve any purpose it's a lot of waste of money for the taxpayers you know who do you think is going to to get. year romney or obama. romney who do you think is going to win. why. because of mitt romney he doesn't appeal you don't like either you don't like either way. you think he's going to end up in you know a good he's done a good job for you goes republican so i think. you're going to have a programming. note choice no matter what the conventions do or don't do the bottom line is the media is going to try to make them seem really really important so grab
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your popcorn the media is there give it's just about to start. and staying in new york which is still reeling from a deadly shootout at least nine people have been hospitalized after being wounded by police gunfire near the empire state building officers were responding to a shooting where a sacked employee killed a former coworker firing at the gunman and killing him but also hitting five standards and the process police say they had no choice but to open fire and investigators are still trying to figure out if the gunman pulled the trigger on officers and another world news. an explosion up in as well as biggest oil refinery has killed at least twenty four people and wounded around fifty others the blast also damaged nearby buildings and was apparently caused by a gas leak authorities claim the situation is now under control with firefighters
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on the national guard deployed to secure the site of. the trouble just keeps coming for greece this time though it's the wildfires now skirting the suburbs of the capital helicopters firefighters and volunteers have been drafted in to stem the blazes which have already ravaged thousands of hectares of forests searing temperatures and high winds bring wildfires to greece every year but many this summer are thought to have been started deliberately. to keep our country safe you need the hardware to match today's ever more sophisticated threats russia thinks it's got the answer and artie's you got this canard has been watching the new equipment in action. seek and destroy. planes helicopters only when you name it the s four hundred drones can locate and hunt down almost any flying to or get. first the target is spotted and
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identified then the system starts monitoring it all following its course then the command makes the call to either eliminate the target or not after getting the green light the system opens fire one of the strong suits of the system as it's more it can literally create full scale air defense anywhere on the ground within minutes all of the preparation takes now more than five minutes and everything's done by three people one officer and two conscripting soldiers. this is still we can shoot down objects as small as a soccer ball even if they're flying at supersonic speeds ejaz one hundred system consists of several elements one radar which monitors the skies looking for targets a second one which follows specific targets of command and the larger it's are for the gun as it's called here in the army combines the elements of the system can follow up to three hundred targets flying from as large just a few feet above the ground and up to nearly fourteen miles high in the skies were
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just pretty much around six times higher than the average passenger jet. the first as four hundred systems are already in service and along with the older and three hundred and bonser s. protect the skies over moscow st petersburg and the central industrial region of russia it is planned that the ass four hundred will completely replace the s three hundred its production has already been and it is the least there three hundred is capable of intercepting targets not higher than thirty kilometers which isn't enough since we're only covering small areas but when the altitude capacity is raised we can protect larger territories analysts say recent conflicts of shown how vital it is to have reliable defense not only from threats from the skies but from space also and this is what the s four hundred was designed to do it can locate targets nearly six hundred kilometers away and has a firing range of up to four hundred kilometers that's around five times more than . it's a western analog the patriot there are no plans for exploring it just yet giving
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asset that the devil watches you every single. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw a man with a video camera so i moved over and he phoned me some of them we realized there were following everyone from early in the morning. the only chance to get rid of him. is to reveal him. me devil operation on r g. minor. richard davis i'm an architectural photographer from london and i've been
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traveling in russia for the last ten years on a project federal wouldn't choose obviously i fell in love with the tragedies extraordinary ok it's a beautiful opiates and the church is is a religious monumental obviously but it's also an object of wonder you know it's something that people can look out and it opens their eyes that. what can be achieved by using your imagination. good laboratory was able to build the world's most sophisticated robots which fortunately doesn't sound anything. to teach music really should care about humans in the world this is why you should care only. did pull started here for going global and now it's pulling fliers.
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