tv [untitled] August 26, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT
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people can look at it opens their eyes. what can be achieved by using your imagination. the stories this week it is the weekly live here the western nations are inching closer to military interference in the syrian conflict with plans to set up a no fly zone and threats to authorize a strike on the country. and his play vick is declared sane and gets twenty one years in jail once and he is number gender serves as an inspiration for even more radical groups. a scandal that unites muslims and jews in anger after a german rabbi was charged for performing a circumcision despite a recent controversial call ban on the practice. and britain withdraws its threat
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to go into the ecuadoran embassy in the rest by force for a block of south and north american nations side with quito in the diplomatic route . with a news team with more news stories for you in half an hour from now in the meantime technology update gets shipshape on russia's waterways. oh and welcome to technology update even though moscow is located some seven hundred kilometers away from the nearest city it's still a major port city in fact those in the know sometimes refer to it as a five seaport as a result the moscow river and the inventions it's inspired have played a central role in the everyday life of the capital when the rivers free advice but
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there's a nearly in this parade of ships chugging up and down moscow's watery boulevard their purpose is very much of the activity in this city was enabled by the moscow canal which linked the capital's river with the mighty volga with the help of the longest river in europe captains and barking from moscow can take their vessels to any of five possible outlets the white and baltic seas to the north as well as to the as a black and caspian seas to the south. but if one staying within the capital itself there's no more enjoyable way to take in the sights than from aboard one of the many ships cruising the river way and the pilgrim boat with a retractable glass roof is the latest addition to the capital's pleasure fleet. but the shore stalking boats are far from a new idea well they were initially envisioned as just another form of public transport in the early one nine hundred seventy s. the must evolve was launched as a true pleasure boat for both residents and visitors alike. but as the times have
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changed so too have moscow's ships these new pilgrim models were developed on the basis of the old mosque. with room on board for up to one hundred twenty passengers the ship can easily function as a ferry or even a floating restaurant as you'd expect they're equipped with the very latest in navigation and radio communication tools out there these are fitted with a twin shaft proposal. both thruster which allows the captain to maneuver tight passageways border if you have the need for speed you might want to look elsewhere it's got to fuel efficient one hundred twenty horse power engines which can only push up to about eight knots or roughly fifteen kilometers per hour. and to find the maker of these new pleasure boats too far just like. the hustle and bustle of capital. moscow shipyard. passenger ships used to be in the late one nine hundred ninety s.
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and early two thousand. the main thing we produced. at the by around the year two thousand the demand for passenger ships dropped off significantly. different reasons which we need. of the same time a brand new market segment for the new russia. mall this was the demand for premium class vessels. since the start of the. russia ocean cruisers have been launched. with several more on the way. but the pride of the company is forty six and a half meter model whose boundaries are only limited by the owner since of adventure according to the team in moscow one of the main advantages of their own vessels is that the engineers are willing to be more flexible with the future in terms of final configuration now the. shipyard are actually the result of
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a russian joint project the design work is done by a handful of firms abroad while the production takes place on the shores of the moscow river. and then hit the open waters under the branding it's all these floating palaces are intended to cruise the world they're also built for the russian climate the holes are made from steel. and aluminum which enables the yachts to endure colder temperatures they can even handle chilly water down to twenty degrees celsius below zero as a result does it designed for ten to fifteen not range present in the fifty plus capable composite hold vessels. well. our presence in this market came as quite an unexpected surprise for italian spanish and dutch partners. so we were especially pleased to win the best development award at what is essentially the heart of the world building industry.
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the cannes boat show is traditionally where the globe's top yacht makers built to show off their latest offerings and back in september two thousand and eight the international team of timmerman yachts got validation of their hard work at the glitzy affair the recognition came for their thirty three meter light ice class vessel of course it was enjoyed success with moscow shipyard showing the award with its partners into naval architects in quito to design. those are mostly just play toys for the rich and famous what really interests us here is a new line of multi-purpose craft while merely a little less sexy than making yachts they're important for the safety of waterways everywhere here appear in p.b. for teens are under production once completed and they'll likely patrol the shoreline or assist in search and rescue operations however here the cream of the crop is still in the early stages. in front of you you have
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a unique opportunity to see general service both. at the earliest stage of production it's special in that it's made out of pressed panel so the number of welded seasons is kept to a minimum this meaning that means it will be safe and will have this life during the design process engineers are toiling over every gram engine you know there's a scale and they weighed every single piece before it was added to the construction pretty hoarded so that was done to ensure that there's not a single unnecessary ground on this. so in the end it ought to look something like this just over nine meters long in three and a third meters wide thanks to his twin sheff propulsion unit and lightweight construction you can officially cruise at thirty two knots or nearly sixty kilometers per hour. the cabin can accommodate up to ten passengers and it can
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support up to nine hundred kilograms of supplies aboard. the country exemplifies what must be a shipyard views as its main task as a boat builder. just for the ship building plans main objectives is to gather together the very best things produced by the factories such as the best radio station the best winch the best materials the best engine the best prepare and then to put them all together to produce the world's best. so that's exactly what the pros at moscow shipyard will keep on doing with that supposedly being along with the austere mood of the global economy to focusing their energy on multipurpose ships like this which could be used by city regional and port authorities alike since last year the docks here have been busy churning out in p.b. fourteen and other similar craft made for russians internal waterways and you can
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take my word for it the pair of three hundred twenty five horsepower engine hooked up after one of the best ways to get the wind blowing through your hair on a sunny summer day. from moscow can boast of its status as a five seaport russia second largest city st petersburg is actually where most of the action happens in fact the founder of the northern capital is also considered to be the father of the country's modern naval fleet after studying the craft in holland peter the great brought the necessary technology and know how back. what he said about transforming an uninhabited swamp into the heart of his empire and the russian ruler brought back a little more of the dutch as well with the likes of new holland island forming an integral part of st petersburg ship building base. the industry has been important from the very start just about everywhere you turn there are reminders of its
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historic link to the sea for example the admiralty with that shining spire was supposedly the third building constructed and that's a tradition that's continued to this very day one out of every four vessels of russia's fleet can point to st petersburg as its birthplace and huge number of the country's biggest vessels like ice breakers and floating power stations. here more than fifty thousand workers are employed in the port city ship industry and any given moment there's a major project preparing to hit the water or is just got underway. at the moment the eyes of the boat building world are all fixed here at the admiralty shipyards at their sprawling docks the final touches are being applied to what will become one of the globe's most advanced all purpose research vehicles. when all is said and done the academics will be the latest addition to russia's polder going fleet it has the ability to transport eighty scientists to the most
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far flung research sites on the globe before it can start doing that it has to pass all requisite checks and tests it only recently returned from its first sea trial there were a few kinks here and there to work out but that's what these tests are for anyways but getting this far has been a long time in the making the very first work on this antarctic workhorse takes us back nearly a decade where it all began with a series of tenders. to design bureau affiliated with st petersburg screen shipbuilding research institute was responsible for the entirety of the planning process from begin. in the naval architects here in. the bureau is called were tanned in hand with the scientists will be utilizing the vessel to come up with the very best the bureau dates back to nine hundred twenty five and has come up with around one hundred seventy designs that have given birth to more than two thousand six hundred ships and they likely needed all of that experience to tackle
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a beast like the research ship at hand. to rear the academic is one hundred thirty three meters in length along which there are twelve watertight compartments slit it doesn't go the way of the titanic there are nine permanent labs on board and the nose is shaped like an ice breaker so it can tear through ice more than one metre thick in front of the bridge is a tandem crane with a combined capacity of seventy tons it's whole measures twenty three metres wide and there are two helicopter landing pads for when there's just no dock in sight. and i don't know if you know one of the key issues on which we work closely with the client when creating the draft design was the propulsion system. how many shifts should there be how many propellers for this boat the academic which is currently used for the russian antarctic expedition is only one shaft and one propeller and basically it has proved to be reliable but. another advantage of a single propeller vessel is that it requires less power when sailing in the open
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water and consequently it consumes you during that time. has its own advantages for instance when a boat has to break through ice it requires less power than a single shaft one which is kind of surprising but the main advantage would you have to beso both are based sure missed have some sort of back up and be highly reliable together with the client decided to build it do share vote. but as any good builder knows plans on paper one thing making those a reality is a totally different affair and even. before thinking about the first academic a series of tests had to be run here at the cradle of shipbuilding research institutes testing pools the pool complex is an important part of what higher ups say is one of the largest experimental stations in the world along the length of a one hundred sixty one pool was used to test the overall seaworthiness.
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while the complex is impressive enough as it is more is on the way at present a brand new ice pools under construction. already in place and work on a thirty meter deep offshore pool is slated to get started next year the main goal of course is to make sure ship designs will hold up and perform just as prescribed . we had to develop a special house shape if you want to ensure that the boat show at a certain speed. and then. we develop the. model and tested it. required some adjustments and improvement. when we working on the technical design improve the model which demonstrated excellent results. in handling additionally we need another two models
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one for testing in and one for a wind tunnel to build three models for the technical design and one for the draft . so after getting the go ahead on the plans the construction of academic began in earnest back in july of two thousand and nine is the first scientific research ship constructed at the shipyards in thirty years considering the conditions it will be operating in every way matters the ship has been designed to be able to travel fifteen thousand miles between port and would be able to handle freezing water down to forty degrees below zero. this complexity is no small feat. and that's something at multi shipyards it feels that it has the right to brag about. there are very few vessels in the sky. one is in the u.k. and there's another one in canada. china has just started building these ships but no other country has such powerful vessels it's difficult to compare. that in the
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environmental safety and energy efficiency are the two main trends in modern shipbuilding according to these crazy hours is a cutting edge vessel it has clean ballast tanks which prevent do you water from mixing with clean water as well as more efficient diesel engines. three use engine heat for heating water and other day to day functions. of course the ship is high tech in its own right that's really only half of the story here is important not to forget that it will be equipped with state of the art labs and instruments academic was ordered by russia's federal service for hydro meteorology and environmental monitoring which will allow important research into some of the least explored regions of our planet. while on the way to the big icy continent down under scientists from st petersburg's arctic and antarctic research
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institute like guinea here will be able to carry out a whole host of experiments to be able to analyze the continental shelf with the help of specialized hydro acoustic instruments being implemented for only the third time and invest meterological tools will monitor the atmosphere above coming in can be measured analyzed right away in the vessels numerous labs. judging by the data on the equipment on board for and research that i have studied recently condemning is right there with them all over the world are trying is for mobile aboard to work up the basically these are containers where you can please just. meant to be used for any research purposes so in terms of on board scientific equipment we are absolutely committed to. for those labs to be of any use at all the academic past. so for that reason the builders turned to.
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technology to the very latest navigation and communication equipment. in. the world over you can find hundreds of ships decked out with signature radar and mapping systems thanks to things like their data service captains and navigators are no longer surrounded by never ending piles of maps the whole process is streamlined and integrated data reaches crew in real time or waterway stay as safe as possible. came up with something quite unique. is that for the first time we equipped a russian vessel with an ice load monitoring system. provides the ship's captain with additional navigational. it measures how much pressure on the vessels in the most vulnerable areas. is certainly no incumbent in the
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world of maritime technology at their main office in st petersburg some one thousand eight hundred employees are hard at work every day to keep pushing the company's product line into the future one of the most advanced isn't a rate of realistic training systems but their expertise here isn't just limited to the sea their helicopter simulators give young pilots a glimpse of what to expect before they even takes the air these full flight simulators can prep even experience flyboys for adverse conditions and emergency situations as well considering that there are real lives at stake any time someone . lies on their navigation equipment and maps they're tested over and over again making sure there are no bugs in the program or data their catalog of electronic maps tops fifteen thousand and they sold more than three million over the years. but accounts for around forty percent of the world market for on board navigation
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equipment. and has supplied about forty five percent of the marine simulators installed around the globe. as well as twenty five percent of coastal systems. transacts specialists have supplied over ninety systems to ports in fifty countries around the world and. here in the ship's bridge all the technology onboard will be combined turns us as navigation tools will be linked up with information coming in from the scientific equipment that will enable the captain to maneuver the ship in such a way that maximize the collection of experimental data the collaboration on board and pit in my eyes is the co-operative aims of the overall antarctic expedition. so just right now this is an international territory with everyone doing their own research as a part of the international program who knows maybe in the future when the
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antarctic treaty expires it may be a scramble for antarctica in any case this continent will continue to attract great interest because it's enormous. and rich in natural resources including biological resources and mineral deposits which have yet to be explored. becoming launch of the vessel ensure that russian scientists are left out in the cold they'll be at the forefront of the most advanced research better understanding changes to the globe's coldest continent can give us a clearer picture of the processes at work the world over and that's an endeavor that all the companies working on the academics have helped bring it to life. but water borne crap don't always have to be about getting from point a to point b. sometimes they can be a destination in and of themselves and right now on the banks of the volga river there's one project that sets out to make life a little more and maybe its. main waterways current is as much of
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a part of life. so should come as no surprise that people are attempting to get to . the north of moscow. about trying to get the most out of their proximity. riverway. fun idea two years ago is now spreading into an actual business. poorly already on the books. hit the road to check out their first. what is this this is a houseboat. which means. there were quite a few different design ideas. to day is the one we consider to be the best. however it is entirely possible. future. of course. there. to improve on a tried and true idea it took about a year and
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a half. before they decided on the one that they felt gave them the best performance according to the designers their plan has several distinct advantages over other such houses one of the main fruits of their labors. all interlock but they can't take all the credit themselves they ended up leaning on the special naval architect but in the end the connectors they came up with vertical and horizontal beams to be hooked up with the. house but is very much. need two hundred kilograms there are six point. up to fifteen tons of float the whole thing is built on top of basically identical pieces this is the lower deck for. the bow and devises and everything else there are only ten different parts in total. and on top of that simple base. configurations are possible measures about nine and a half meters by seven and
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a half by six point two with a total weight of around seventy five hundred kilos. there are twenty seven square metres of space on the bottom was more than. the result is this light airy design that offers all the comforts of home even if you're miles downstream from where you normally live. not just here we have the kitchen. we're going to put a super here. that is. then there's a gas cooker. a fridge for storing things basically it is everything you need to sistine in keep you comfortable. looking in comfortable little bathroom complete with a shower. quite simple. this is. here we have the diesel generator batteries.
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how much electricity does it produce. isn't enough more than enough for this house and this is the correct you're absolutely right and bedroom with two beds you can put it here instead let's go upstairs. let's go out and this looks like a summer veranda doesn't it. much sunshine and it might be the best place in this boat. time out here. think about it is that we used it for the whole thing. but at the same time. even proper construction. and one of its most important features is simplicity essentially built this boat if it were. a couple of inches.
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in other words. during the production phase standard laser cutting equipment is used to edge out the individual pieces considering that there are only a handful of distinct parts the whole process could benefit from serious economies of scale if they ramp up to something approaching mass production after the. all that's required is a little been here and there and you know all the basic parts. put together using small simple means that the legal like it can be assembled anywhere without the use of giant trailers. outfitted with a motor it's light frame can be tugged wherever your heart desires in the future the team here in. yes and hopes to build a whole floating community to allow vacationers to camp out on the relaxing waves of russia's mini waterways. so with the help of modern technology and new ideas
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