tv [untitled] August 27, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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it's split. water back to the big picture i'm to harvard coming up in this half hour once upon a time the middle class believed in government and had faith in their elected officials in washington but not anymore how has the middle classes respect and appreciation for government disappeared over the last thirty years and why also just wanting willing to have control over their own bodies or decide when and if they want to have children i mean president obama is waging a war on life some people think so and they also think the republican party is the party of life and say you're a strong liberal and your boss at work says you have to go out this weekend and
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campaign for paul ryan or else you are fired well thanks to a new ruling that's the suddenly that's the new and suddenly out of the in america i'll explain that i still take. it as the rest of the news as the convention kicks off republicans are desperately trying to downplay fears of a civil war brewing within their own party that's because on sunday the new york times published an interview with ron paul whose frenzied supporters could embarrass romney on the convention floor if they pushed a nominee hall for president instead of romney in the interview ron paul refused to fully endorse mitt romney for president and also relate a story about how he was offered a speaking role at the convention but only if he gave romney
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a full endorsement and of romney could vet his speech first. paul declined both conditions and it's he's not speaking but is extreme anti-government measurement that the message is still a very popular one within the republican party which for the last thirty years has embraced government bashing as a strategy to win elections number three decades ago ronald reagan's so-called scariest words in the english language from the government i'm here to help it's worked out well for republicans ever since and now ron paul is taking their message even further calling for virtually the elimination of government a libertarian paradise but what his supporters may not realize and what the supporters of the republican party may not know is this war against the government plays right into the hands of the corporate elite whose efforts are trying to destroy the middle class and turn america into a neo feudal economy broken up into two classes the super rich class like mitt
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romney and the vast working poor class like the rest of us joining me now is a man who literally wrote the book on the anti-government strategy dennis marker former congressional staffer journalist and author of the brilliant new book fifteen steps to corporate feudalism then us welcome. thank you thank you for joining us when middle class americans cheer republicans slamming the government during the convention this week and they've been duped. completely been duped when i when i do in thirteen steps steps to corporate feudalism is actually described step by step what were the fifteen steps that the super rich used to convince the middle class to eliminate themselves and won't give me a sense of what some of those might have been i've i really well i don't have many chronological order like you say controlling the media what i call it rush limbaugh and fox of ganda the fox propaganda network destroying unions teaching people that
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taxes even on the wealthy in corporations are always bad teaching people to hate their government privatizing government deregulation global free trade destroying public education unnecessary wars conning the evangelical church open lying no accountability corrupting the courts especially the supreme court and finally bankrupting in near bankrupting the country and state governments while and and everything in that list it seems like is either done or are there well in the process can a middle class exist without a government. no i don't believe that they can in the challenge that i make to two libertarians that i've been on radio shows with ron paul's chief of staff and also a congressman from south carolina's chief of sat staff republicans and said ok show me the country anywhere that has a thriving middle class without
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a strong government and in the end that's where we don't get an answer there's always this idea of some you to it be in promise but the reality is there's not a country anywhere in the world that has a strong middle class without strong a strong government that has the ability to regulate its giant corporations and if you go back thirty years before this reagan idea of deregulation wasn't his idea but that's where they started pushing it we had a government that was much more willing to regulate our corporations and not surprisingly we had a much stronger middle class well i mean george washington regulating corporations is his secretary of the treasury alexander hamilton his eleven point plan for for manufacturers and other that it was presented to congress and seven hundred ninety one adopt in seventeen ninety three literally from the george washington a ministration until the ronald reagan administration are you know there's been hiccups along the way the civil war probably one of the more notable ones but by
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and large people that had faith in government they had turned to government during times of crisis they had they had they looked to government for solutions. what's the genesis of this bizarre notion that as reagan said in i believe it was his inaugural address that government is not the solution to your problem it's the problem itself where does that come from. well i think it came from the realization that the people at the top no longer needed a middle class and then you have a problem you have this giant middle class up in the seventy's and what i point to are three things that i think changed in terms of the need for the middle class united states improved global communication including improved global transportation in automation with those three things all the sudden you could produce your products anywhere in the world and of course leave the u.s. worker out of the equation but then you have a problem how do you can how do you get rid of the middle class if you announced
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thirty years ago you're simply going to eliminate the middle class because they become redundant so the people of the time people would revolt it so then you have a question of child you get the middle class on board with their own destruction and that starting with reagan is what you see and so you know what i see in the book is that the the movement from j.f.k. case saying ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country to ronald reagan's the nine scariest words in the u.s. language are i'm from the government and i'm here to help i mean that's an amazing transformation in a very short number of years what did did i and rand and her philosophy and that whole objectivist fad that you know was a very very big deal in the sixty's and seventy's and eighty's that did that play a role in this or a war for that matter milton friedman and the chicago school guys or or any of the people who are given all this credit you know of high ak and whatnot. well i think
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surely of course they did and they still do for that matter i mean the thing that's interesting is even as the policies have been implemented and we're watching the destruction the elimination of the middle class the same people are making the same arguments and so you can argue that thirty years ago some of these people actually believed that they could implement these policies and still have a vibrant middle class but i would argue that nobody could believe that today nobody that's actually serious in paying attention but if if all americans i mean if the middle class by and large goes away and we go back to the kind of of. social and economic strata that you had in victorian england you know that. it was written about by charles dickens and so many of his books so brilliantly which seems to be the kind of normal stable form of economy and government when there's not a lot of regulation if we want to that and most of america had the income of appalachia and the buying power what happens to all those consumers i thought the
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american middle class was the consumption and the drove the production engine. right and that's what i see that's the way that it used to be when they actually introduced this program thirty years ago i worked for the head of the environmental protection agency and i remember telling colleagues at the time that they will say this being reaganomics the great promise of reagan but they would never actually implemented because it would destroy the middle class now if i could figure it out thirty years ago i'm sure that the rich people would hire all of their consultants knew exactly what they were doing and so what i believe changed was now they can make their products anywhere in the world and sell them anywhere in the world and they do and so they can make the same product in a sweat shop inside and sell it in india or sell it in china and still make their profits and also because of the way they've changed the regulations in this country bring things in here duty free and sell them at wal-mart for minimum wage so the
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bottom line is that basically these trans national corporations don't give a rat's ass about the united states of america and all of that it's debts obvious and definitely true but honest marker thank you so much for being with us tonight thank you so much for being here have me on time my pleasure. is just. it's the good the bad of a very very diaf for a tissue just really ugly for good jeb bush these days fighting a republican to talk some sense is about as hard as find a needle in a haystack but on sunday's episode of meet the press david gregory asked jeb bush if he was concerned about the current state of the republican party and the path that it's headed down take a listen to bush's response. i'm concerned about it over the long haul for sure we're going to graphics are changing and we have to change not necessarily our core beliefs but how we the tone of our message and the message and the intensity of
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that pressure believe it or not there was a time when the republican party wasn't filled with the radical far right climate change denying crazies and lawmakers of that ilk maybe jeb is right and the party will become a little more mainstream again in the near future the way things are looking now i wouldn't hold my breath the bad but pat rogers rogers a republican national committee official recently called out new mexico governor susanna martinez for meeting with a group of native americans rogers said the martinez had dishonored general george custer the nineteenth century military general who routinely slat slaughtered hundreds of native americans rogers went on to say that because of governor martinez's actions new mexico was quote going to hell and quote. first rogers is obviously unaware that this new mexico wall that the governor meet with state native american leaders and second native americans live in america two that
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they were here before the rest of us they deserve to be treated like any other american citizen at the very least and have a say in the governing process. and the very very ugly k s l t v his cell t.v. is a local n.b.c. affiliate station in utah on friday the station by the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints the mormons announced that it would not air n.b.c.'s new comedy the new normal this fall show features a woman who becomes a surrogate mother for a gay couple in announcing the decision k s l t v said that for our brand this program simply feels inappropriate on several dimensions especially during family viewing time but as ellen barkin the star of the show pointed out on twitter over the weekend that work is fine with our erin law and order s v u which is premised on rape and murder so it's ok to show gun violence and sexual assault on t.v. but embrace the marriage equality and equal rights that say inappropriate that is very very ugly. coming up thanks to an absurd new rule in your employer can force
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you to campaign for and support your favorite politician even someone like todd akin and they could do this without you having the slightest say in the matter why i'll explain it and i still retain. the counseling i'm learning mr. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought
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you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture. that just burns your eyes right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. this is much stronger than anything if you buy a lot of sort of these is thousands of times was stronger than any one of the you ever put you know. into it on your military mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama
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as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. so this could be a fun drinking game over the next week take a shot every time you hear a speaker at the r n c say the republican party is the party of wives every time you hear a speaker argue for overturning roe v wade drink up. or and this is the bonus if you hear republicans say the words legitimate rape. taken and you could just finish the whole bottle or something tells me that todd akin isn't going to be allowed within one hundred yards of the errancy stage this week maybe a hundred miles still we should expect an endless stream of social wedge issues to be thrown around in tampa over the next few days primarily through distracted
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voters from the real agenda of today's republican party which is to destroy the middle class and redistribute all the way to the very top all of the middle classes money give it all to guys like mitt romney at the republican party's official platform this year calls for a constitutional ban on abortion even in the cases of rape and incest a position also held by todd akin and vice presidential candidate paul ryan this is hard line stance against abortion really make republicans the so-called party of life and those that also mean the democrats are waging a war against human life my next guest thinks so after carol swain joins me now she's a professor of political science and law then to bill university and author of the book be the people a call to reclaim america's faith and promise dr swain welcome back it's not a place you argue that the obama administration is at war with human life why would you say such a thing. oh there's so much evidence
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a bad look at president obama's career starting with the time he was in the state legislature when he opposed the infant born alive act that legislation had to do with instances for abortions fail and viable babies were born alive one of them had medical attention could be rendered to those babies and we're all familiar with the statement he made that he didn't want any of his daughters to be punished with the baby but what made me make the statement recently that his administration is a war with life concerns this legislation that went into effect august first in which a young woman. as young as fifteen can be sterilized without parental consent and it's one thing
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a land young people to get. abortions what by that parents can stand but a situation where a young woman could actually be sterilized but current legislation does not start in the white house legislation starts in the house of representatives and whereas to my knowledge the legislation i just described never have well anywhere up to one point nancy pelosi said we have to pass the bill to know what then it what bets what within it and a lot of legislate horse did not know that it had to be pointed out to them and to me you and other progressive's should be up in arms because akhet i remember back in the one nine hundred seventy s. when i had relatives who were sterilized they went into the hospital having their first child sometimes in the teens they were handed paperwork they signed it they were sterilized ten years later they were murdered they wanted to have children they were sterilized are you suggesting carol that this is some variation on eugenics that there's a racial component of this is absolutely so we have
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a black president who is trying to trying to reduce the population of black people in or you know that's true we both know it's true yes i think so because he cooperates well and current goods agenda and it's burger much an agenda to get rid of certain populations it may not just be black people and hispanics but also people and ninety nine percent of what planned parenthood does is things like mammograms and app tests i was that how is that eugenics. they don't do mammograms and they don't they do breast exams they don't do mammograms so that's already been proven but the thing is they have bomb administration well that's not their pre-born children the stir last ation so that young women would not be able to have children or been truly services to the elderly they are at war with human life they're so concerned about the carbon footprint that they're doing everything they can to reduce the population. that it. is the minority population
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and you and all of the progressive should be up in arms so just trying to understand this carol so the tree huggers the environmentalists the people who are concerned about too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere they're pushing an agenda of sterilizing african-american young women fifteen year old african-american women without their consent or knowledge so that there are fewer people producing carbon dioxide now isn't it the rich white guys like losing mostly oh too bad i would say that they are pushing an agenda to reduce the population and the population that tends to get targeted by get borsch and and will be affected most by this sterilization went on to be minorities and people who oppose war and so the tree huggers they are trying to reduce the population because they're worried about. greenhouse gases and the carbon footprint but the effect of that this fortunately
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impacts minority communities but so i'm going to carolina you know one of the one of the koch brothers with their private jet or mitt romney with this private jet or any anybody worth a couple hundred million dollars who owns a private jet is going to have a huge carbon footprint compared to a fifteen year old african-american woman in washington d.c. i agree but you know something there's been research put out by liberals saying that a baby has a huge carbon footprint and i mean this literature that you are your research is. look up and i'm saying you but i really don't mean you because i know you're a good guy but i believe that progress is need to march or be a balmy administration you think we're going to be in song by these guys if republicans were doing it we called it genocide we'd be up in arms we'd call it racist just because it's been done by democrats doesn't make it right do you think that someone who's been raped and will face psychological trauma for the rest of their life should be forced to have the rapists baby baby i don't think anyone
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should be forced to do anything i think this is america so you think women should have the right to make the choice to have an abortion if they're raped i don't think anyone should be forced to do anything i think i'm the sanctity of human life i think that abortion should certainly be available to women in life threatening situations and that's pretty much my position on it if you look at f. the warders and many great people that we know that have many talents they were the product of. their parents their mothers decided to bear the child and their child turned out to be someone that president greatly to our society so what i think is that we need to bear you the sanctity of human life and in those cases where there's in sas and where there's rape i don't think you should automatically decide that it's better child that's born under those circumstances or is conceived under
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those circumstances that they deserve to die because i got it i thank you carol. we're out of time here but you made your point and you did so very eloquently thanks for being with us and thank you. so the next time you're in a job interview and you get to the end of it the interviewer asks you if you have any questions about him or her about the company here's what you should probably think about asking what are your company's politics now that might sound like an odd question and maybe not the sort of impression you want to make it a job interview but it could save you a lot of problems farther down the road that's because according to a group of commissioners in the federal election commission corporations your employer can force you to campaign for certain politicians whether you like it or
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not they cave in fire you if you choose not to in other words a corporation can force you to spend your day phone banking for say missouri senate candidate todd akin or camera scene around the neighborhood for i don't know michele bachmann were standing on the side of the street with a sign telling people to vote for david duke. it's crazy that we as employees have a right to be free from coercion in the workplace especially when that coercion pertains to our personally held political beliefs you think so but not anymore in this post citizens united world now the rights of corporations like the right to use their employees as coggs in their corporate political speech machine trump your rights as needed individual in the workplace a corporation's right to free speech as become more important than your right to free speech according to f.e.c.
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regulations and laws under the federal election campaign act of one nine hundred seventy one it is illegal for a corporation to force an employee to donate money or fundraiser on behalf of a political candidate but a case came before the f.e.c. recently of a union corporation forcing its employees to engage in other political activity that didn't involve donations or raising money but instead phone banking and canvassing the f.e.c. ruled a ok at least three republican commissioners on the f.e.c. ruled that it was legal the three republican statements the independent use of its paid workforce to campaign for a federal candidate post citizens united was not contemplated by and consequently is not prohibited by either the act or commission regulations in other words since congress hasn't passed any laws addressing this particular issue corporations can force employees to work on political campaigns for whom ever the corporation decides if you don't like it your fire. meanwhile three democratic members on the
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f.e.c. on the commission pointed out the absurdity of this decision in a separate statement they wrote after citizens united you p.w. had every right to express the advocate for its chosen political candidate i think in citizens united suggests however that the court intended to expand the rights of corporations and unions at the expense of their employees longstanding rights to be free from coercion and to express or decline to express their own political views yet that's exactly the decision we're we're headed into now it's been more than two and a half years since the supreme court's citizens united decision handed our elections off to elite corporate and billionaire donors and to this day we're still hearing of even more disastrous consequences from this insane supreme court decision from the rise of super pacs to dark money groups to the exponential increase in negative ads the emergence of political oligarchy like shelley age old son and foster freeze of course the koch brothers citizens united is turning our democracy into an
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oligarchy and now this now we have this ruling by three republican f.e.c. commissioners that corporations have more rights than you do as an actual human person and the corporations can coerce you under the threat of losing your job to campaign for mitt romney or whoever the c.e.o. likes the most to hell with your concerns or your politics if you don't think we're living in a corporatocracy folks then your eyes just are not open this latest decision should be a warning sign to us all if we don't mobilizing get active to snatch our democracy back from the hands of the corporate elite and we're all due to time to overturn citizens united and then go a step further and make sure corporations don't hijack our political institutions again by saying once and for all corporations are not people and money is property not speech and it's going to take a constitutional amendment to make this happen so get the work and go to move to amend or. i think picture for that i don't forget democracy begins when you get out
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