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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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extremes are a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report. just a few steps from the are in c. convention in tampa hundreds of occupy protesters have set up camp they call it romney bill and we'll take you inside. the blackout of one of them is consistently fourteen thirteen percent of their deciders twenty plus percent for african-american males that's that's a great. president obama is working hard to appeal to minority voters however many argue he's overlooking the african-american community mitt romney's not doing much better so will obama win over this demographic by default. plus bradley manning's defense team is pleading his case in court today exposing the brutal treatment the alleged wiki leaks or was reportedly subjected to at the military's hands i'll bring you the latest developments.
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it's wednesday august twenty ninth five pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching our t.v. . well it is day three at the republican national convention day two of actual convention activities in speeches and to say things haven't exactly gone according to plan would be an understatement hurricane isaac of course the main distraction from the r n c being the top story in the news cycles but yesterday brought us chaos and protests on the floor of the convention but not by on really protesters but by delegates themselves mitt romney now the official republican nominee for president but yesterday's boos both from ron paul supporters and from those opposing new rules put in place by the republican national committee illustrate that full support behind their candidate is not easy to come by our white house correspondent christine freeze out joined us just moments ago from tampa with more
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we first discussed the split at the republican national convention. hey there listen that's a true fed's been known by the r n c for quite a while now but i don't think they really expected what happened yesterday just about this time on the floor here behind me i don't think they expected it to happen to the extent that it did we're talking about angry delegates from iowa from nevada from maine and the loudest of them being from texas many of them in support of ron paul many of them really in opposition to these new rules that were adopted by the republican national committee people say this is going to set a dangerous precedent for politics in the future but live as we know politics is not just about big red white and blue parties and convention it's also about actual policies that affect actual people so we traveled just a few blocks outside of the convention and found some people who are protesting what they see is a dangerous future and they're trying to put
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a stop to it. they are going to governor of the month tara colognes says she's sick of hearing that anyone who wants to can pull themselves up by their bootstraps i work six days a week and only get paid thirty fifty an hour because i'm a waitress and because of that i've been in and out of homelessness homeless people poor people are not lazy and the mother of five including eleven month old anthony is part of the poor people's economic human rights campaign hoping to shine a light on issues faced by those living in poverty as the republican national convention takes place a few blocks away from the area they're calling romney ville a reference to the depression era hoovervilles our government is passing policies that are killing poor people. policies that are allowing children in this country. and allowing policies that allow elderly and disabled children to freeze to death in the wintertime but on these hot summer days those staying here say the amount of
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power concentrated in their city right now is far removed from the life they have ever known what's a really sad and disturbing contrast. we have one percent of the population controlling more than forty percent of the well i can't find work i've. been looking for albert there are nearly two hundred people staying here some of them have been here since may others are here just for the week of the convention other messages are very similar to what we've heard from the occupy movement but they're more narrowly focused on the high foreclosure rate and the problem of homelessness in america we have a convention here that talks about family values but they have no sense that keeping a family in a home keeping children fed is a much more important than family value and whether they're gay or straight. a few of these romney ville residents will leave at the end of the week and had to charlotte where obama ville is already being set up. but for now in this pocket of
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the city most here say their protest is also their reality in tampa florida christine for sound. we thought this was an important issue to focus on as well because as you know if you've been watching so much of the cable networks the focus is on topics like abortion topics like you know the future of welfare but this is a real problem in this country what's been happening with foreclosures and being in florida that is extremely prominent here the foreclosure rate here i think the second highest in the country only after california so we thought this was an important issue to talk about with these people who clearly are against not just mitt romney but against the political system as a whole so we have these people there trying to get there is their voices heard in any way they can over at occupy tampa and romney bill how do they plan to get their voices heard as this convention sees its final days. but it's really difficult lives because we don't see one unified major protest against mitt romney or against
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the r. and b. what we see are various protests taking place outside of the convention center the other night there was a march of people against the new voter id laws as you know liz florida is the state with wind if you elderly people and many of them have never needed to use a driver's license or an identification card to vote and that's going to change this year and it's happening in states across the country so that was one of the protests that we saw happen excuse the music here they've been doing rehearsals all day but so far live i mean i think it's just a matter of continuing to down on the corner and yell their messages and really trying to get those who are here in town for the convention to list them ok so it's clear that for from yours from your report there that there are huge romney fans outside of the convention but what about the people inside. well that's been really interesting and of course we focused on it
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a little bit yesterday with those ron paul delegates. but you know there's a bunch of people who are you know a long time republican and they're not quite as excited as i think. they wanted to be or as the party wanted them to be about mitt romney so it was really interesting let's i was walking around quite a bit yesterday and there was a candidate here who was being followed around everyone wanted to get his autograph get their picture taken with them. too it was not talking of course about herman cain who had a little rise in prominence during the campaign early on so people are here to support romney to back that romney but really you know they're still sort of working on being one hundred percent sold we have an interesting chart here that i want to bring attention to christine if we could bring that up the title is anyone anyone but romney and you could see the various candidates the republican
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presidential candidates and we have michele bachmann rick perry herman cain new grudge rick santorum each of them has enjoyed their time in the limelight and you see mitt romney has kind of had this consistent following but not that kind of surge that we've seen for the others the other candidate that also has had a consistent following is of course ron paul christine can you describe and of course they are the ones with the loudest presence over there now how can you describe the difference in the supporters over there in tampa those that support romney and those that support ron paul. well it's such an interesting charla's and with any political contest it's almost one of those situations that if you combine all the best qualities with each of those candidates you'd have your perfect candidate people you know loved loved how rick perry shot straight and talked to people like you know they were his neighbors they loved michele bachmann and some of her conservative arguments and some of rick santorum is conservative arguments
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we did hear from him last night here at the tampa bay times forum he had a primetime speaking slot that speaks loudly to the base and of course you need to rally the base you need to get the base out of their homes to vote but as we know post primary election when you know everybody speaking to some of those more conservative issues now for the general election and this is perhaps why mitt romney was the man for the job is because you also have to try to win those independent voters you have to try to win the people who maybe did vote for president obama four years ago and are unhappy so that's really what it's about and that's what mitt romney had a better than i think any of those other candidates including ron paul is that he just had the ability i guess not so much to appeal to more people but not to offend the most amount of people christine thanks so much for keeping us updated over there in tampa that was our t. white house correspondent christine friends out money on the left have criticized the g.o.p. for what they see as a racially coded it rhetoric but while they point their finger there are still some
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concerns about how the obama administration is affecting minorities while some blacks in the us have been able to progress during obama's term many problems in the african-american community have actually gotten worse and that is some black leaders asking if obama is doing enough for the black for black america our kids are mungle indo has the story. this is the mess the united states is a mess trash on the streets poverty and homelessness urban decay these unsightly scenes are really witnessed by the obama's went fund raising in los angeles but it's something you want to caleb and her neighbors are faced with every day i think he needs to come down to the lower level and see what we're going through in a recent interview with black enterprise magazine president obama said he's not the president a black america he's the president of the united states of america still that
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hasn't satisfied people who believe he needs to do more to help african-americans in poor communities the fact that black unemployment is consistently fourteen fifteen percent the size twenty plus percent for african-american males that's that's a crisis. african-americans overwhelmingly supported president obama four years ago but since then blacks in the u.s. have also been disproportionately affected by the economic downturn i've been they've been around here my whole life and i've just seen the structures crumble while the u.s. unemployment rate remains right a bug eight percent the jobless rate for blacks is near great depression levels in places like los angeles one in five african-americans is without work yet and while it is unconscionably. we don't know what the strategy is we don't know a lot on this trip that he's in the united states i'm not there but we don't know that things are so bad the congressional black caucus and some black activist are
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demanding president obama take an aggressive move in earmarking programs and initiatives aimed at poor black communities while the obama's race campaign money in swank yelling neighborhoods a new report shows the foreclosure crisis is now starting to wipe out much of the wealth black families worked for over generations meantime grassroots activists report that black berry to the asm is down but experts say he will get a majority of black supporters on his side thanks to his opponent's poor choice of words. mitt romney and his using kind of racially coded language about welfare reform and other thing is doing its best to motivate the african-american community to get out the vote they did not want a culture of dependency dependency to continue to grow in our country behind their grumblings many black voters at a mitt they're optimistic of the man they overwhelmingly supported in our families
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in our communities we never out let me criticize our so-called black leadership will go with selecting or elected and if there is a silver lining in the past four years for african-americans black leaders praise obama for his. health care and education initiatives still many of them feel the president is taking their vote for granted i think the president is doing work religious job of speaking out on racial disparities not just in unemployment but in all walks of life whether president walks a political tight rope over how to address issues affecting black communities people like you want to caleb continue to hope change will come one day in los angeles remotely lindo party. of one president obama and the african-american community i'm joined now by occupy l.a. activist quazi and crema clancy welcome so do you think president obama hasn't done enough to help the african-american community. personally i'm not
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particularly satisfied with with what has been produced by president obama's administration most of these statistics on the reality of day to day life in the african-american community tell us that conditions have been growing steadily worse this is not simply a phenomenon limited to the obama administration a general decline in conditions in african-american communities has been the national trend at least the sense nineteen sixty eight and we have yet to find any administration which has truly done any of anything effective to reverse those trends for those who are on the bottom of the economic and political rungs of the ladder. and we have some to to six here to illustrate this this downward trend that you speak of if we can pull it off there black americans during the u.s.
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recession wealth plunged by fifty three percent homeownership rates lowest in sixteen years unemployment currently at over fourteen percent and the it's currently at over fourteen percent that's correct there so can you just describe what we're seeing the statistics there but just exactly how the african-american community has been impacted during this economic downturn. well i mean. in the first place in the area of him on the employment where black people tend to be historically less secure in jobs positions in positions in the economy itself ten million jobs across the board were eliminated out of the u.s. economy because of the decline and the shut down of
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a broad range of businesses as a direct result of the economic crisis now this is on top of a general trend of marginalization of african-americans out of the economy due to factors such as the flight of capital to overseas locations the real relocation of production and also the general mechanisation in cyber nation of production itself which is making human labor less and less neighbor necessary in many branches of production and you know i mean i have to point out that in this trend as in most of the other significant trends these are not simply trends that are limited racially to african-americans they are trends which are affecting more and more other sectors of the general american economy because they are general trends however because of our location in the body politic and in the economy.
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traditionally and presently we are more severely impacted than any other group likewise in the area of homeownership as you mentioned there's been a huge. phenomena of foreclosures on homes in the during the first two years between two thousand and six and two thousand of an eight of the economic crisis it was those who had sub prime loans homeowners who have been basically lured into the mortgage. market by the banks under the rubric of giving them a chance to own a home but really. giving the banks an opportunity to make a lot of money very quickly on properties which they estimated and guesstimate that they would soon be able to get back into their hands and at the same time drive up the general rate of mortgages artificially on the market market in general but
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after two thousand and eight it was the with prime loans and again not just african-americans but millions up to twelve million and more americans of all races creeds and colors whose homes have been foreclosed on by the banks largely illegally but largely due to fraudulent and manipulative practices on the market and there has been no real intervention on their behalf not only by by the obama administration but by any other. political entities in any real sense that has brought any relief so we are seeing how people have fallen victim to the system getting back to the african community that it's thanks to the african community that president obama was elected because this community came out in droves to support him and now we're seeing a lot of people disillusioned by this promise of hope and change. where where then are african-american voters going to go how will they vote this coming election.
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well i mean i think that what we're actually witnessing is the bankruptcy of elite politics in regard to the politics of the african-american community. on the one hand yes it is true that african-americans turned out in massive numbers to back president obama in the last national elections but it is also true that large numbers huge numbers of americans who are not black people also backed him because they wanted to see some change in the policies and politics coming out of washington d.c. and they felt that his candidacy embodied that and so perhaps the most profound aspect of that election was that so many white americans decided to look past the issue of race in terms of their candidate and decide to vote on the basis of what
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they thought were the merits that he was putting forth in terms of what his objectives were in pursuing national policy i think that the general disenchantment with what has actually occurred over the past four months is not just restricted to the african-american community although it's a much more intense issue in our communities because of the question of of representation because of the many barriers that have have store storage plea and continue to be put to political expression of our community in the body politic and so yes there is a very special level of concern and disenchantment in the fact that we have not really found adequate advocacy to to address the severity of the crisis that is hitting our communities but
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a lot of this is also the fact that in the political structure we are not exerting . adequate pressure on the body politic no matter who is sitting in office to ensure that our interests are being protected. one of sorry to read and i don't mean to cut you off there we are out of time to read all of you coming on the show that was occupy l.a. activists quazi and chroma. well time to check in with our web team to see what they're working on our web producer andrew blake is in the newsroom to tell us more hi andrew what are you working on over there you know we got some stories got some stories some things happening right now actually as we speak live we know that mitt romney is down in the state of florida running around shaking hands all willy nilly making speeches and whatnot do you know what president barack obama is doing right this second at this very second i have no clue who he is presumably hunched over a computer because right now he is on reddit dot com fielding questions from just
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after thousands of users from the site that actually the traffic has been so tremendous that reddit has been essentially crippled during the last hour but president obama did show up there was it was acknowledge that it was indeed the commander in chief and he said hey just ask me anything guys i'm the president here we go and of course took some cookie cutter questions with some cookie cutter answers talked about internet freedom and a little bit a little bit on afghanistan and did you get a question in there if you didn't take my question on bradley manning but i didn't really expect him to so when i read it all if you tried i don't want to read all of andrew's work there he's working on a lot of interesting articles that just. check out our website our teeth dot com slash usa that was our he web producer andrew blake with a preview of what's trending today on our web site by the. well today marks day of tail of the latest pretrial hearing for bradley manning the army private is accused of leaking massive amounts of classified information to the whistle blowing web
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site wiki leaks lawyers for both the prosecution and defense today argued over the military withholding over fourteen hundred e-mails related to manning's attention and quantico virginia for more on this case we're joined now by alexa o'brien founder of us day of rage dot org is also a plaintiff in this case alexa welcome so i first want to ask you what is the latest from today. today there was a lot of housekeeping. the big discussion today related to a motion that happened yesterday that you mentioned around these thirteen hundred quantico e-mails. and so seven hundred of those are in contest eighty four were given over after the defense had already filed an article thirteen motion to argue about the eagle pretrial confinement of bradley manning. and everybody knew that this article thirteen motion was supposed to happen during
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this session back to january of two thousand and eleven the government decided to hand over eighty four of the thirteen hundred e-mails after that motion had been filed by defense and so. it's interesting listening to the government a talk about these e-mails is like listening to a heroin addict who's stolen your wallet offer to help you find it. there is a great complicity all the way up to lieutenant general george flynn down to the company level so that's what's being sort of discussed in court can we talk about talk more about these e-mails and question and what they possibly contain and why the motive is there to keep them under wraps. well the e-mails themselves reveal what the motive this in some of those as described by the defense or quantico is desire in the u.s. government's desire to spin the stripping and the keeping of bradley manning on
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maximum. prevention of injury watch to spin it to the advantage of the u.s. government i mean there's e-mails also that were described in court that essentially implicate the staff judge advocate and the u.s. government working with the prosecution to try to counter article this article thirteen motion what's interesting is that this is really not just surprising news this is actually fleshing out what the u.s. government has been doing since early january of two thousand and eleven i mean the defense didn't learn that bradley manning had moved from quantico to fort leavenworth until according to to the defense's postings the the government found out that the defense knew about a secret high level want to pull meeting in january where the security that's how you commander robert altman essentially said that nothing was going to change.
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furthermore there is a clearly. implication as i said of the chain of command from tenet to general george flynn the quantico base commander of turndown bradley manning's. earlier article one thirty eight complained about his treatment at quantico. the security battalion commander robert altman the two quantico brigade commanders the january commander w o four james our part and then in the march incident in stripping was. home to denise farms e-mails show that denise farms was more concerned about her career and everyone from the company level upward knew that this intended. general essentially had put out the order that nothing was going to change as long as he wanted bradley manning at maximum security prevention of injury watch also want to bring up prosecutors said today that they have evidence showing that manning knew
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he shouldn't present classified information to people that aren't authorized to receive it what do you think about this argument the prosecution makes well it's interesting i mean this what you're talking about is the desire by the government to create mit three uncharged. what they consider wrongdoing or criminal behavior that's not charge and the defense came back and said if the government wants to use a training counseling incident at essentially when bradley manning was training to be an analyst he posted personal videos on you tube and they were like you know to his family and they said you know like hey i'm here from my top secret location and i got canceled on you know that you're not supposed to post stuff like that on the internet. the sense that if the government wants to use these they should put these on the charge sheet that there is case law that shows that you can't simply just connect it together just because it relieves the elements of the charges knowing
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you know wanting me causing and all those kinds of things so that's what's going on that today is just one of a series of pretrial hearings we've been covering them as this kind of plays out why are there so many of the it's. well these are actually why there's so many of these two questions these motion hearings are actually a typical for any court martial i mean this is where the prosecution and the defense hash out the instructions for the panel that will judge him what will be admissible what won't be just the definitions that you give to the charges i mean what does it mean to indirectly give intelligence people don't know what that means and of course it has to follow the precedent the legal precedent and legal case law why is this why are there so many of these that's a good question i mean bradley manning has been in confinement for two years now and the government really actually wants to push it past february his trial date
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past february. i suspect that there is there are a couple reasons that that could be one of them could be how they are strategically converging this military prosecution with a potential imminent criminal prosecution what special agent mark mander referred to in the article thirty two as the seven individuals found to uncover to have been doing was doing that are being investigated by the f.b.i. including the founders owners managers of wiki leaks so there's certainly a lot of. other forces at play in this prosecution right alexa thanks so much for keeping us updated on this very important and controversial case that was alexa o'brien founder of us a day of rage dot org that's and do it for now but from our the stories we cover check out our you tube channel you tube dot com slash r t america our website our t.v. dot com slash usa follow me on twitter.


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