tv [untitled] August 30, 2012 5:07pm-5:37pm EDT
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in kentucky who went on to have children who are valedictorian. really focusing on the republican message which you know i will say seems to poll very well among conservatives which is the rebuilt that long line said by president obama when he was referring to the fact that you know it's kind of it takes a village it takes schoolteachers it takes people who help you along the way to have a successful business it takes safer roads and bridges for you to be able to transport whatever it is that you're selling that line by the president of course used time and time again everywhere around this convention center and all around the forum where the convention is being held are signs that say yes mr president we did build that or we built it this is the line that rand paul focused heavily on in his speech last night i will i do want to mention he did sort of touch upon his father's message and his message of far less military spending take a listen. republicans and democrats alike
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must lay their sacred cow as republicans must acknowledge that not every dollar spent on the military is necessary or well spent. so really very little is said by rand paul senator rand paul from kentucky about the oversized military he said you know the united states needs to be careful not to trade their liberties for a false promise of security but really that was it so from the perspective of ron paul supporters and that's really who we've been talking to quite a bit over the last few days from their perspective a disappointing speech by senator rand paul because they really wanted to hear more of these messages that has really really drawn them to his father congressman ron paul from texas you know i've seen a lot of discussions on the internet today over twitter over e-mail people just
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not feel very comfortable. as he got into it with the god two releases working it seemed like he felt more comfortable which seemed to be more policy oriented tonight really belongs to mitt romney what do we know about how he's preparing for tonight's state we do know that he has practiced your member a poor boy that came out on sunday when he was and will swear in new hampshire at the residence there that he was practicing a virtual replica of same teleprompter same distance on the teleprompter working on the speech we're told by the campaign he's a bit of a tinker were we hear there's a rumor that clint eastwood may show up. can you imagine dirty harry speaking at this forum steps from me carol costello i mean what a night it will be here's what i can tell you here's what i can confirm that the romney camp is telling c.n.n. yes there is this mystery gas there will be all these character witnesses you know
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folks who worked with romney six staples during this holy city olympics and also when he was you know running the state of the governments in two states but we cannot definitively tell you that clint eastwood is showing up here. all this hype and we have political figures pushing for the u.s. to get involved in another military conflict take on the leaders of rice's remarks last night and she wasn't alone senator john mccain also blamed the president for not doing enough and syria and pushed for prompt military action. dictators in iran and syria butcher their people and threaten regional security when other courageous people forward for their freedom against sworn enemies of the united states american presidents both free probably concerned democrats have acted to help them prevail. and some headlines and print suggest military intervention is precisely what's going to happen here's a look at a few of the obama threatens to invade syria the syrian foreign minister according
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to this year foreign minister u.s. is a major player in the civil war from the washington post france urges action in syria and turkey to open a new syria refugee camps for up to one hundred twenty thousand so it looks like the ultimate plan is to intervene militarily here a state department spokesperson victoria nuland as the secretary said to me we're in istanbul we have to first of all look at the hastening the day. the effectiveness what we're already doing the ground situation that we are seeing which is changing and evolving and what more could be done by our allies and partners to support the syrian opposition. but how does the public feel about another military conflict the polls say there isn't strong public support take a look at this poll sixty three percent of americans favor a multilateral economic sanctions fifty eight percent support u.s.
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and its allies and forcing no fly zones two thirds support the idea of enforcing safe havens inside syria by arab league by the arab league and turkey forty eight percent favor sending weapons and other supplies to rebels forty seven percent oppose overall a little support for u.s. ground troop involvement. mother discuss u.s. foreign policy and syria i'm joined now by cole bach infeld director for advocacy for the project on middle east democracy coal welcome thank you so what do you think about those figures overall it seems that americans aren't overwhelmingly on board with the idea of direct intervention yeah i think there's generally true i think some of the comments that you see from condi rice and john mccain it's interesting that those aren't reflective of the romney campaign's position that they're actually much further in front of him and his positions very consistent with the administration at this point i don't think there's
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a lot of appetite for much more than we're seeing right now. as we just saw we saw mccain and rice really pushing for military intervention mccain really criticizing obama for not doing enough over there. and you could see it was interesting you could see the attendees of the event at the r n c they seem to be on board seem to kind of be in support but you don't see in the kind of you do not see the kind of passionate support years ago in private at the prior conventions where people were so ramped up and hyped about going into afghanistan going into iraq what do you think the reasoning is behind that do people not really understand the conflict in syria because it's more complicated more not as relevant what do you think i think i think of course the examples of iraq and afghanistan it was do very different time in the wake of nine eleven and people had much more of an appetite to go after our enemies abroad and the u.s. was very much under threat by these regimes as to when not the case with syria it's
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a much more difficult case and that's why even the proponents of intervention will much more likely point to humanitarian intervention rather than the existential threat of this regime to the u.s. or its allies in the region right so it seems this time around that foreign policy is kind of on the backburner right it doesn't have as much passion or there's not that much interest these days over much so i think even even among. in the new conservative the right community there's a lot of criticism about the romney campaign not speaking very very much on foreign policy and national security issues the way the republican party has done historically and socially a lot of the positions so far have essentially boiled down to what we would we would do with the administration but we would do it sooner and tougher when you really try and deal and tease out some specifics on that they're a little bit light and that's what i think a lot of the community would like to see more details on this new some alternatives that are right but what we what we are seeing is these top figures kind of taking
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this very hard line stance when it comes to syria and the u.s. off dead and what we have been seeing is taking this more noninterventionist approach in terms of doing things not not as blatantly about doing things for more behind the scenes and based on that poll that we just saw it appears that that's what americans would favor and yet that is seems to be really at odds with what is being pushed by some of these figures within the g.o.p. why do you think there is this disconnect here well i think a lot of a lot of the sentiment is coming from the new conservative wing of the republican party where the ideas of intervention based on based on human rights and democracy and so on are still very popular and these are a lot of bush administration officials still very much believe in that school that's cool of thought is not one that's been primarily reflected in the campaign and as you mentioned i think it's something where there's much of the same environment the same mood in u.s. public opinion on how we're going to approach these problems do you think you
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mentioned the bush administration sentiment do you think that the romney campaign sentiment mimics that of the bush administration in terms of their hard line stance on foreign policy but it's a little bit early to tell just because they haven't really spoken in detail about a lot of this i mean what you can see is that a lot of the campaign's advisors their foreign policy advisers are made up of a lot of former admitted. gratian bush administration officials so it is you know you can draw those lines but i guess that i think on both sides of the debate people want more details to sort of see where they come down on these debates. we are seeing this rhetoric do you think it is a sign that military intervention in syria at this point is inevitable i don't think so i think there's a lot of rhetoric i think both the french president and president obama have recently sort of staked out red lines that i think were implied especially with the use of chemical weapons as obama said he said well that would change my calculus on military intervention but but the signals
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a move toward intervention i don't think so i don't think we're close to there i think right now the strategy is much more undermining assad support internally from different from different directions. you know we are based on this rhetoric is seems like there there is this this push to portray it as black and white the syrian. conflict in syria as a black and white kind of good versus evil almost this simple simplification of what is going on there do you think it could be a disservice by characterizing it like that when in fact what's going on there is quite complicated those divil a very complicated i think that's really would tendered the administration say for making more decisive action a lot of what they've been doing is spending a lot of time really trying to get to know the opposition the differences between the internal opposition versus the external opposition the implements of outside actors where different communities fall on the spectrum and until they can sort of
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get a better map a better sort of spectrum of this i think that will hold back really a lot of action in ok i want to switch gears a little bit i want to play a clip from you from newly elected dejection president mohamed morsy let's first take a listen to. our solidarity with the struggle of the syrian people against an oppressive regime that has lost its legitimacy is an ethical duty and a political and strategic necessity we all have to announce our full solidarity with the struggle of those seeking freedom and justice in syria we must translate the sympathy into a clear political vision that supports a peaceful transition to a democratic system of rule this will reflect the demands of the syrian people for freedom. ok so we have very strong words there from this from morsi what do you think he meant by by that what exactly did he mean by that kind
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of support or i think morsi of course just just until recently until he came into power he was on the side of the freedom fighters the dissenters and so on and so i think he's sending a message to the syrian people that we're with you and this is a very big shift i think for egypt and particular i mean this message delivered in iran it will have big impact. called thank you so much for coming out and coming into the stereo the appreciate that was called bach and fell director of advocacy for the project on middle east democracy. also here in our two protests outside the actor doing our best to get rowdy wiki leaks sympathizers voicing their support for julian assad back at the u.s. pretrial hearings quietly resume for p.f.c. bradley manning the details of both cases coming up.
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well it's been nearly three months since with the leaks founder julian assange first sought refuge inside the ecuadorian embassy in london after being granted asylum by president rafael correa a legal firestorm erupted fighting over a songes fades and has promised it will arrest us on the moment he leaves the embassy making a trip to the airport all but impossible most recently occurred or as vice president let in morocco met with british foreign minister minister william hague to further discuss details though few details about that exchange have come to light so far the two countries seem to be in the middle of a strange dance. folks person said did say however that the two quote discussed the situation regarding mr julian the songes presence in the embassy in london confirming their commitment to a dialogue to find a diplomatic solution to the matter. well it is as always for the latest on
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a sunday and wiki leaks tune in here to r.t. . well speaking of wiki leaks accused leaker bradley manning continues to sit in jail waiting for his trial this week pretrial hearings resume get again this time focused on allegations of his mistreatment while in custody for the latest on the bradley manning case we were joined by kevin has stolen of firedoglake take a look. well we got a date today for the trial february fourth that's being widely reported right now because that's big news and it and it's good to know that it's moving along because there's been many issues with getting evidence of the defense has had to fight for certain evidence so it appears that this day is probably going to be pretty solid i mean we've already been delayed once there was a september date for the trial but this is something for people to keep in mind because also on the calendar now is debate over a speedy trial motion so lawyers intend to bring arguments that manning hasn't been
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given a speedy trial and that he should have you know some remedies some sort of maybe you know time served added on or maybe a shortening of the sentence for the fact that he's languished in prison for so long can you talk more about that the defense pushing for that or his right to a speedy trial right i mean you know in the military you have to have do you get charged you know within one hundred twenty days there has to be some action taken towards the trial and there's this other thing of you know if the prosecution isn't doing diligence isn't you know reasonably moving along with the proceedings and you can make a case that you're not being granted a speedy trial what's interesting in this case is because of its extensiveness because it involves so many government agencies one of the ways they've excused it delaying and dragging on this long is because they have to go to so many agencies and ask for information and they in
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a way there's been some stops and starts that they've used and said that they're getting around some of these issues that might be raised in a speedy trial argument all right and i know that most recently some of the controversy yesterday the defense and the prosecution were arguing over the it's one hundred e-mails and documents that. that i guess detail the conditions that he was subjected to mile he was. held in custody in this military a president did any more details in those e-mails come out today no because the judge was actually overwhelmed i mean she's got to look at not only seven hundred e-mails that she has to make a decision to hand over to the defense but she's also got to go through we're talking about thirteen hundred e-mails from commanding officers at the quantico marine brig and she's got to decide whether to hand over these other seven hundred to the defense so we only know what we knew on tuesday we know the little bits of
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details that david coombs manny's defense lawyer has shared which is that they would be confirming that this commanding general whose name is flynn had made the order to keep bradley manning in suicide risk in prevention of injury status ok and so today kind of significant that we do have this preliminary trial date and that brings up a whole nother issue here many people arguing whether or not bradley manning will be able to whether or not a fair trial is even possible for him. definitely i think you know that's always an issue with a military justice case and i think especially in this instance because we're talking about documents that exposed government misconduct or abuse we're talking about a case where the defense is going to raise whistleblower like arguments and they definitely are going to be concerned about the fact that the people they're arguing
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against are the government and then the judge is this military justice lawyer who answers to the government or is part of the military and so i think that's something that will factor into the case you can't ignore it and you're also going to have to expect that the prosecution as they've been doing all along will continue to guard certain evidence and secrets possibly close portions of the trial so that certain elements do not get out to the public right kevin really appreciate you staying on top of this case that was having a still at logger for firedoglake well that is going to wrap it up for this hour but for more on the stories we covered you can always check out our you tube channel you tube dot com slash artsy america or check out our website r t v dot com slash you as a can also follow me on twitter at liz wall we'll be right back here in a half hour.
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max kaiser this is the kaiser report yeah now i know i jamie diamond doesn't come on the show stacey max the first headline might have something to do with that economist appearing on max keiser show forced to resign this is on forbes magazine max and in an email confirming the action sandeep jaitley explained to me apparently they don't want to burn bridges at the gold standard institute and i take this to mean bridges with large benefactors and partners however jaitley is
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unfazed and values to continue his work including a ph d. acceptance speech on the lewd big split from carl manga and eugene von bone by a work regarding certain aspects of interest rate theory but. you say i figured out that the whole mazes institute was populated with dangerous ideologues and that these guys formed the basis for the corruption on wall street for the financial terrorism on wall street they refer to the media's institute as their ideological framework that's why they're dangerous ideologues that we have a guest on the show just talking about it in general terms he's fired now what do you see that saudi arabia iraq afghanistan i mean you see this in totalitarian regimes of course i knew this was the case and that's where we're coming out of the maze of well as forbes says i like sandy because he challenges orthodoxy and a thoughtful way aside from the illuminating monetary debate sparked by as
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a guest on the kaiser report the forced resignation of an economist is both interesting and disturbing well look there there frank libertarians out there in the us people call themselves libertarian or not they're fake they're fake austrian school adherents and the whole room school is bogus and from here to sunday the whole all those guys. as are the fake ideologues that are fueling the basis of the jamie diamond's the the alan greenspan's the lloyd blankfein the terrorism so let's move on to this next headline max group occupy protester accused of bank robbery for holding your being robbed a sign an occupy easton protester faces an attempted bank robbery charge following an arrest that an organized event at a bank during which the occupier was holding a sign that reportedly read you're being robbed dave grusin skee allegedly held cardboard signs outside a wells fargo branch that read you're being robbed while the other said give a man
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a gun he can rob a bank give a man a bank if he can rob a country the thing that got the police called however was that he was protesting outside a bank of america and an employee activated the panic alarm oh right what you know were some panic button words or panic alarm bank of america and the employee inside the bank saw somebody pointing out the fact that bank of america is stealing money so that the words aren't perfect but it gets them actually max when we were pushing the panic button when we were saying there's fraud happening in the system there's manipulation happening in the system there's a fake bubble in the system we're pressing the panic button and here's what was told to the global you know panic button pushers this is a clip that somebody sent me from two thousand and seven bertie ahern he was the prime minister of ireland at the time here he is talking about the naysayers those pushing the panic button sitting on the sidelines or on the fence crippen a moment is a lost opportunity in fact i don't know how people who engage in dot don't commit
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suicide that's right that was the response at the time that the market fundamentalism the side the ology that's pushed by the freaks on these think tanks whether it's measles or adam smith institute they get these folks around the world like bertie ahern who's a market fundamentalists of the time to suggest that for anyone challenging the. they should commit suicide instead when they should have been pushing the panic button and say women will find interest on this show the first part of his terms he's talking over budget system we've put some of his project in one time oh no bertie ahern was there in front of his compatriots justifying the whole scene of his country thanks bernie well you know there's mass hunger desperation poverty people having to force to leave ireland because bertie hearn was telling people to commit suicide in fact people are now committing suicide because at the time bertie ahern was telling the
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journalist the people who were speaking up about the fraud in the system he told them to commit suicide and notice that the industry the mainstream media in that moment with him were laughing. yes tell those naysayers who want to pop our bubble that they should go commit suicide also paul morse and top regulator if bus turned whistleblower that hundred million people have been put into poverty as a result of bertie ahern in the financial crisis starting in two thousand and seven many will die many millions will die and they're laughing about it they're laughing about this financial holocaust they think it's a joke so you know here on the show we also cover the fact that these same guys bertie ahern when normal people out there are saying you know there's something going wrong with our financial system there's many people ation and fraud in our financial markets this property bubble this must be based on fraud because there's no way for the incomes to sustain that debt and he tells those people to go commit
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suicide so when the top when those one percent that he helped let's see what happens when these guys become negative and down on what the government is doing and piece anger over g four s. damaging to economy one of g four s. is largest shareholders has warned that the aggressive response of m.p.'s to the olympic security. recovery at risk by discouraging business is to come to britain neil woodford investment manager at invesco perpetual which owns approximately five percent of g four s. the shares said that the verbal dressing down delivered to chief executive nick buckles at last month's home affairs select committee meeting was like watching a medieval persecution if this is the new way parliament wants to treat business please parliament don't be surprised when businesses decide this isn't the country for them not for of well first of all this phrase recovery put the recovery at risk there is no recovery in the u.k. there is a bounce for bankers.
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