tv [untitled] August 30, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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convention history you'd be hard pressed to find another speech like the one all ryan gave on wednesday night not because the speech was incredibly rouse enough or passionate or full of inspiration to add so many damn lies than it you'd have to think the guy has spent the last year living on a different planet but maybe there's a strategy behind all those lies i'll tell you what it is just a moment also mitt romney takes the stage tonight at the r. and c. clearly he's hoping people will forget about his numerous offshore tax havens while these. if so why then is a a luxury yacht full of romney campaign donors sailing around the convention in the flag of the cayman islands and later the movement to amend the constitution to get corporations out of our elections has got its biggest indorsement yet i'll tell you who's joining the fight to overturn the damage done by the supreme court's citizens united decision.
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you need to know this vice presidential candidate paul ryan opened his speech last night before the r n c by saying this. mr chairman delegates and fellow citizens. i am honored by their support of this code invention for vice presidents of the united states. he got that job what job he was applying for right but that was where the truth telling and he was virtually everything ryan said after that first sentence is a lie or a half truth and what could be the most is on a speech ever given at a major political convention in american history paul ryan relied on a lie after lie after lie to attack president obama and hide the republican party's
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true agenda which is to turn america into a corporate oligarchy he started with the swap. a lot of guys i went to high school with worked at that g.m. plant. right there at that plant candidate obama said i believe that if our government is there to support you this plant will be here for another one hundred years. that's what he said in two thousand and eight. well as it turned out. that plant didn't last another year. it was locked up an empty to this day. and that's how it is in so many towns. where the recovery that was promised is nowhere in sight. that's a lie president obama didn't preside over the plants closing in fact that plant closed in two thousand and eight a month before president obama was sworn into office and while george w. bush was still in the white house but don't worry the procession of lies is just beginning. the first troubling sign came with the stimulus. the
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stimulus was a case of political patronage corporate welfare and cronyism at their worst. you. you the american people of this country were cut out of the deal. what did taxpayers get out of the obama stimulus more debt. that money. wasn't just spent and wasted it was borrowed spent and wasted. that's a lie according to the independent congressional budget office president obama's stimulus created up to three point three million jobs and it's awful bold for paul ryan to call out the stimulus is money wasted considering how he himself lobbied for a lot of that wasted money to flow and he is district in fact ryan rowe for separate
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letters to the secretary of energy begging for stimulus funds for his congressional district and he got those funds including one stimulus grant worth about twenty million dollars to which he later wrote a thank you letter back to the secretary of energy saying i was pleased that the primary objectives of their project will allow residents and businesses in the partner cities to reduce their energy costs reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stimulate the local economy by creating new jobs. you know way back in nineteen forty four president franklin roosevelt uncovered a key political strategy being used then by the republican party which is to tell a big lie over and over and over again and if you keep at it the people will eventually believe. you obligation. there's already in probably to do this. very. thing.
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they incorporated the propaganda the according to the pick me you should now do you. as a big. bang to me. would make it credible if you pay to get. an. egg and that's what paul ryan did last night at the r n c which brings us to his next big lie about medicare. seven hundred sixteen billion dollars funneled out of medicare by president obama. in an obligation we have to our parents and grandparents is being sacrificed all to pay for a new entitlement we didn't even ask for. the
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evil. the greatest threat to medicare is obamacare and we're going to stop it. that's a lie it's a lie if you can hear it's a lie of anything obamacare is the greatest savior to medicare in fact president obama's reforms seven hundred sixteen billion dollars he cut a waste fraud and corporate abuse within medicare extended the life of the program by eight years and actually paul ryan was such a big fan of those reforms that he included those very same changes in his own budget so as you were saying mr ryan. medicare is a promise and we will honor it a romney ryan administration will protect and strengthen medicare for my mom's generation for my generation and for my kids and you were that's a lie
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a big lie is better a fact yes paul ryan preserves medicare for his mom who is currently collecting medicare but not for future generations in fact the ryan plan for medicare explicitly ends the program as we know it for anyone under the age of fifty five who by the way has been paying into it all their life up until they are fifty five or so and ryan says medicare will still be there for his generation is kids' generation is lying because it won't be there at under the ryan plan future seniors will pay thousands of dollars more every year for health care than they currently pay today it is a lie but we're not done yet. it began with a perfect aaa credit rating for the united states. it ends with a downgraded america. that's a lie president obama had nothing to do with credit the credit downgrade of the united states paul ryan sure did though it was up to congress to raise the debt
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limit last year republicans in the house led by the world the likes of paul ryan dragged their feet obstructed until the midnight hour leaving the s. and p. credit rating agency know of the choice but to downgrade our nation's credit rating as as sick p. explicitly said in their report on why they downgraded our credit rating it's because republicans refuse to put revenue raisers raising taxes on the table to reduce deficits as in piece said we have changed our assumption on revenue because the majority republicans in congress continue to resist any measures that would raise revenues in other words paul ryan is more responsible for the credit downgrade the iraq obama so no wonder he's a lie. let's move on to one more it felt like. he created a new bipartisan debt commission. they came back with an urgent report. he thinks them sent them on their way and then did exactly nothing
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that's a lie the president didn't kill the bowles simpson plan paul ryan killed it as bloomberg which isn't exactly a leftist publication points out representative paul ryan was a pivotal figure kill in the two thousand and ten bowles simpson agreement which republican presidential candidate mitt romney now holds out as a model for putting america's fiscal house in order ryan killed the plan because it raised a few taxes on the rich something paul ryan is not allowed to do because he signed multimillionaire lobbyist grover norquist tax pledge you'd be hard pressed right now to find one other convention speech in our nation's history riddled with more allies than paul ryan's which begs the question why why did paul ryan the rest of the republican party have to lie about their agenda well frankly it's because their agenda is based in fantasy actually it's even worse it's because their agenda is based on crippling the united states it's based on sucking the life out of the middle class and turning the united states into
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a corporatocracy an oligarchy they can't be honest about that their agenda is the same agenda that's been carried out over the last thirty years with disastrous results a shrinking middle class record poverty record wealth inequality that hasn't just been carried out the united states by the way but all over the western world today europe is collapsing under the weight of it and paul ryan are republicans when the united states will suffer an even more catastrophic collapse and paul ryan knows it which is why he has to lie about it but the real tragedy in all this what should what should worry all of us the day after one of the most dishonest political speeches ever given is that our media isn't doing its job they aren't calling out the lies for example c.n.n. there was cnn's take on ryan's speech right after. the republican vice presidential nominee. here they are this is actually what the public hears in the public
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with the hope. of repair. their own people going. to them. if they want to go. very very well but for the romney campaign is concerned and ryan certainly on this very deliberate and straight certainly family obviously we were jotting down points there will be some issues there was some of the facts but it motivated people and he's a man who said i care deeply that every single word i want to do and he did deliver . clear passion. wolf says there are some issues the wolf the fact checkers might want to take a look at tell me well aren't you supposed to be the fact checker is that your job how did such a call is peace personal use clear and passionate and call it what it was one of the most dishonest political convention speeches in history how about you call it a speech that a politician running for one of the highest offices in the land should be thoroughly embarrassed by how my you do your job there's one specific industry
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mentioned in the constitution and that's the press in the first amendment the press the unofficial fourth branch of government the fourth the state is there to hold liars like paul ryan accountable and shed light on the disastrous consequences of his political agenda but today the press which is mostly owned by those very same corporate interests that are bankrolling the republicans radical agenda has largely ignored ryan's allies or only mention them briefly in passing it looks like the big lie strategy of romney ryan may succeed which would be a disaster for the united states. coming up enough about paul ryan's lies mitt romney is the band taking the stage at the r. and c. tonight a full preview from tampa of what to expect from romney right after the break.
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well for the future son it's technology innovation all the news developments from around russia we've got the future covered. lines in motion would be soo much brighter than if you knew me bounced around from phones to impressions. means for instance on t.v. dot com. more news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are all today.
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download. the publication. choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile phone device. any time. you know i guess that mitt romney probably wants people to forget all about the money he has stashed in tax havens around the world like the cayman islands for his big speech tonight in the air and sea unfortunately his own big donors are sabotaging that plan members of what's called the romney victory council all of
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whom have raised more than a million bucks for the romney campaign have been partying aboard a luxury yacht in tampa bay since the convention started and guess what a flag that luxury yacht is flying it's not the american flag it's the flag of the cayman islands one of the most and tourist tax havens in the world of course the shouldn't surprise us since vulture capitalists like mitt romney over their allegiance not to the country they were born and raised but instead to whichever country offers them lowest tax rates and something tells me that will be the theme of mitt romney's big speech at the r. and c. tonight so then what will be joining me now is john nichols washington correspondent of the nation magazine and author of the book uprising john welcome back it's great to be with you before we get back to romney or big get to romney were you shocked by all the lies in ryan's speech last night absolutely shocked that that's precisely the word i've been using all day i had prepared
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a story you know ok you do interviews before and i really want to talk about how much republicans like paul ryan. and also you know the challenge she face to reaching out to america beyond the bait got a classic standard story i had to rip it up basically because there were so many lies told that became the central reality of the speech more than any specific theme or any any style it was the steady deceit it was amazing to me i thought so too i in fact we played a clip earlier of f.d.r. from one hundred forty four talking about the big lie and how you just repeated over and over and over that this is those republican strategy it seems that they tried it in forty four they're trying it again now. what do you think romney's going to try and do tonight. well romney's task is actually a relatively easy one this convention has had an arc chris christie gave a ridiculous speech and it was dismissed as such frankly by
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a lot of republicans but on that same night and romney gave a speech that whether you liked her or not would you like your politics or not basically began to lay the groundwork for suggesting that you know mitt romney is the kind of solid responsible guy he is going to complete that arc tonight and try and really do a significant measure of biography bizarrely you know this guy's been around for all this time a little reintroduction combined with a soft version of the romney ryan approach and tell you that he's going to give you a hard truth in reality i think it's going to be a lot of kind of soft messaging that will be meant to moderate his image so at least somewhat you'll hear him talk about things that he will hope will be appealing to women and i think that he will probably i can't guarantee this i don't know it but i think he will probably point to the debt clock that has been running up in the corner of the convention hall it's over eight billion now and i suspect
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that's the thing he'll make a big deal about this sort of this process that they set up and use that as a way to frankly scare people into the. eating some of the things he says is right there on me alone out there i mean and i want christie virtually didn't mention his name last night paul ryan's lies kind of stole the show as this convention done enough to boost romney's campaign. it has done some things to boost the republican campaign i think that paul ryan's speech was a strong base each and i my gut is that they will get a little bit of a bump out of this convention at least a pointer to the challenge is going to come tonight whether it's more than a pointer to you to achieve that mitt romney most dramatically exceed expectations you have to give literally that's beach it's like there's very little evidence that that's in him and so i don't know that it's going to do enough but with the low expectations for romney if he gives a solid speech and you know that people come away with saying you know yeah that
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was that's a good presidential that would probably be enough to get a really convention get that small ball they might even buy that we can have polling that shows a pointer to obama and they'll claim that that was something but not quite enough perhaps you know teddy roosevelt was a rich guy taft was a rich guy franklin roosevelt was a rich guy all of them embraced that they all acknowledged it you know they teddy roosevelt would go on and on and expeditions and franklin roosevelt had his mansion and. wouldn't romney be better off just embracing the fact that he's a rich guy i mean we've had all these rich presidents rather than all this constant trying to be like the average person and screwing it up. you know i really agree with you i thought this for a long time you know don't run. embrace it and you know look we live in a celebrity culture where there's an awful lot of emphasis on well you know the big
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life and so just do that the who that is and that emphasize the humane thing that you do that's that's a rather traditional model but for mitt romney there's a more complex thing he has to run from his biography and he doesn't he doesn't like to talk about his political accomplishment because they were as a moderate to liberal republican really like to talk about of business accomplishments because they were as a vulture capitalist his old family background is complex his father was born in mexico because his grandfather had fled to mexico because they didn't like the polygamy laws of utah and so the guy is stuck in kind of a weird place when it comes to telling your story and i think he's become hyper cautious about it. and you're right if he'd just simply say look i made a lot of money i'd like you to be able to make a lot of money there be a much more effective message than this sort of dance around actually put training and stuff you remember that thing before the new hampshire primary where he said he
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was unemployed too yeah i mean and it was it was an attempt to be on like you guys are i understand or something like that and it just didn't come off i mean just i think the same thing happened with dan speech where she was going through all the people that she had met with their hard people and like you know now i understand you don't understand and you know john nichols thanks a lot for being with us tonight great honor to be with you thank you. aside from offshore tax havens romney also wants people to ignore what's happening at a factory in freeport illinois at factory belongs to since saddam technologies or at least it did until mitt romney's bain capital took it over and the bank capital in charge of all one hundred seventy workers of that factory are about to lose their jobs over the last few months. since auto workers have been watching chunks of their factory packaged up and shipped off to china and all their jobs will be following suit by the end of the year thanks to a decision made by mitt romney's bain capital romney doesn't want you to know this
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is happening especially since his running as a guy who says he's going to create twenty twelve million american jobs in his first term those workers and sata do want you to know what's going on and one of them joins me right now cheryl radical has been at the plant for thirty three years and her job is about to be outsourced cheryl welcome back to the show thank you because what thank you we really appreciate you being with us what have some solder workers done to tell their story during the r. and c. reaction delivered some signs down there to be tooken put in the convention we marched with some other protesters to different areas of tampa else actually went to blue invariance. they known company that actually runs like up back steak house we marched in front of there because well obviously we couldn't get into it so we were busy doing some protesting outside different locations and some restaurants where they were having i think the governors. like
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a party. but if it was good it was going to be around a lot of people that have the same concerns that we have about this. nominee elect and we just we were hurt when it we got our voices heard even though we didn't get to see mitt romney and can't touch him but we actually got a lot of media attention and we got the story out by telling it to the media and to the other people that we met was the best it's been received do you think. yeah i think i think you know i think we did a very good job of getting everything you know out there. what's that why. at the factory as you're watching pieces over get shipped away. it's becoming dairy. but everything that's slowly closing down and even just going away larry the time is running where got roughly twelve sixteen weeks at the most i myself i planted.
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last friday they're actually the first friday in the number so it's coming down to a close right now. that we're not going to give up we're going to keep playing that mitt romney is touting his business experience as proof that he knows how to create jobs you're dealing with romney's being capital right now what would you say to that claim i would say you doesn't worry about creating jobs if you just let him here and we need good paying jobs so why are you outsourcing them to china. it's it's a very very good question cheryl your fellow workers what are people planning on doing and yourself i mean what when these jobs are gone what do you do. we're going to try our best to carry on but we're not really sure what we're going to do because all of us are in an age range that. it's kind of a really skits not just switch jobs just scared to start over i mean where i'm
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sorry i'm fifty two years old and starting over wasn't in my plan for this time in my life i was actually playing i think to retire how long is your health or. thirty three years and then plant so most of the people working at the plant i've been there ten twenty thirty years and oh yes and so now they're not there they're having literally their careers ripped out from underneath them and shipped off to china. devastating to us that's absolutely tragic cheryl ran decker thank you so much for being with us tonight i wish you the very best thank you let's keep the word out there oh yes. crazy alert gross profits from expensive x. permanent some people who go to the beach and vine shells others go to the beach and find driftwood and rocks but not eight year old charlie naismith he went to the
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beach in bournemouth england and found a giant piece of vomit but it wasn't your ordinary run of the mill human vomit it was whale vomit and that is very very valuable in fact a chunk of up chalk called ambergris could be worth up to sixty three thousand dollars because it's used widely in the perf human industry because of its unique scent a few years earlier a couple in australia struck gold when they found a thirty two piece of will bomb it worth nearly three hundred thousand dollars so next time you're at the beach stop sifting through the sand for shells start poking around for some pugh. up next the republicans two thousand and twelve official platform is full of some pretty wacky stuff but one plank in particular is actually extremely dangerous to american democracy i'll tell you what that plank is and how the president is pushing back against it after the break.
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