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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the winner tanks of all of the losers standing small the russian south bank zeile tycoon buddies but his old ski is left empty handed after a london court just misses his hefty lawsuit against billionaire mom the. turkey's pitch for a syrian intervention hits a dead end at the u.n. leaving nato countries warning they might simply bypass the security council.
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and wiki leaks also chips in all syrian related promises more revelations on western motivations and crisis at the last u.s. harassment of this whistle blowing web site. plus republican mitt romney accepts his nomination as a presidential candidate with a promise to show rochelle more backbone of critics night that's not his greatest asset. hello and welcome to you r t it's friday here in moscow and six o'clock. ending a month of august with you now our top news russian billionaire it all mom chance come out on top of a high profile court jewel with a london based compatriot in one of the most expensive cases and british legal
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history the judge dismissed the multibillion dollar challenge from controversial tycoon bodies because of ski and a trial which offered a rare glimpse into the lives of the super rich more on the case from artie's laura smith. the court decision found against. that means essentially that not a cent of the more than five billion dollars in retribution that he was asking for will be paid to him by our mortgage. arrived at the court earlier this morning looking pretty upbeat abramovich himself was not there he said to reporters that he believed in the legal system but that mood for him didn't last very long as the verdict was read he was holding his head in his hands obviously very disappointed by this but whatever the outcome really this case is been a huge amount of fun really for spectators it's opened up this kind of seedy underworld of of formally of russia's mega rich talked about what went on in the dark days of ninety's russia in what we used to call the wild east so it was almost
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vost sums of money changing hands off shore bank accounts illicit payments made under the table. five star hotel ski resorts and deals enormous deals involving enormous sums of money done with just a handshake with no documentation whatsoever so it's very difficult for the judge to decide all along who's telling the truth and who's just making up the evidence as he goes along and it's brought these two squabbling billionaires with all that that involves their own thrushes their vastly expensive lawyers menacing looking bodyguards who stalk behind them constantly and with each. other i'm over it each accusing the other of lying and corruption and greed now the details of this case have been that result is that she says that he lost billions of dollars when adam overage back in the day intimidated him into selling off stakes in oil and metals
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companies in russia for a fraction of what they were actually worth he says but i'm of it says that him but it's also he will never partners in the true sense the word he says that he took him on and. payments that he made to because of for political protection or creature. which means ruth in russian as it's come to be called which is a word that is now as a result of this case freely bandied about in legal circles here in the u.k. . which admits that he made these regular undocumented payments to bits of skin but that they were only for this political protection and often in huge cash sums up to five million dollars handed over in cash at times and totaling several hundred million dollars he says that he paid for but is also key to travel in a private jet he bought him a french chateau and he also bought him jewelry for his girlfriend but is also wanted in excess of five billion dollars to make up for all that on top of the one
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point two billion that here originally received for what he says was the stake in these ores and metals companies so there are these cases going on in london that moment we think of better he had one there would have been a lot more of them but still it shows that the british legal system is willing to hear these cases and the bill for the lawyers has run into millions and it's been hundreds of hours in court time. you can check out our t. dot com for the timeline and all the claims and counterclaims in this multibillion dollar wrangle and the details from right inside the courtroom are also lined up at our london bureau twitter feed there the latest tweets say the verdict bodies it is all a surprise at least considering an appeal it was described by the judge as deluded in some of his testimony and his evidence.
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all right britain and france are warning they might bypass the u.n. altogether after turkey's push for a no fly zone over syria met strong criticism at the security council demanding sweeping powers to protect refugees fleeing war in a move that would amount to military intervention by the international reaction has been a cool with strong reservations about militarizing a humanitarian effort marina porn i reports from new york. well the security council remains very much divided over how to deal with the syrian crisis the high level meeting that was taking place in new york focused on the humanitarian circumstances in syria right now and how they continue to exacerbate according to u.n. officials at least two hundred twenty nine thousand syrians have fled the country in the past eighteen months spilling over to neighboring countries turkey has the
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security council to consider setting up refugee camps inside of syria outside countries would safeguard this is a suggestion that the syrian government say they are very much against russia and china also opposed it saying that it could only create more conflict and violence but we did hear western countries address the security council their representatives calling once again for the syrian president bashar al assad to step down britain and france the foreign ministers of those countries today made a new call encouraging for more defections within the syrian government and the syrian military the russian ambassador today of nations vitaly churkin i did address the security council and raised the issue of the fact that the unilateral sanctions that western countries including the u.s. britain france those sanctions that they've placed on syria are only hurting the syrians so that the proposal is jewel the sanctions imposed by passing the u.n.
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security council have nothing to do with actual efforts to settle the syrian crisis complicate the lives of average citizens and do not allow them to meet their elementary needs or fully enjoy basic human rights this is not only our conclusion but also that of an independent commission in syria we call upon nations who impose sanctions against syria to immediately lift them to see the efforts of certain states to use humanitarian reasons to justify financial technical and logistical support to illegally armed groups as an acceptable. but the u.s. and its western allies have underscored as late as this eat this meeting taking place security council that they will continue supporting the syrian opposition and continue providing them with a quick meant. also weighing in on the serious situation is wiki leaks with julian assange promising to publish millions of emails to cast new light on the crisis they're supposed to show just how comfortable the west used to be with president
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assad and how the media is currently being manipulated to vilify him the whistleblower made his comments during a rare interview with a south american t.v. network while hold all the ecuadorian embassy in london assad criticized washington's harassment of wiki leaks saying speaking the truth should never be considered a crime he also mentioned how the west is turning into a surveillance mega state which he believes makes a mockery of human rights as entre predicted he would stay up to a new year at the embassy surrounded by british police until either a diplomatic solution is found or the case against him instruct more on the interview with paul with than from the united kingdom independence party. paul thank you for joining us today now joining us on it was very scathing of what he called a transnational surveillance network headed by the united states he says wiki leaks wants to stop it but do you think it count. well i don't know whether it can but
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he's certainly right i would only challenge one thing which i would say that we here in britain suffer even more from this surveillance society in the united states london is the world capital of surveillance everywhere you look there's a c.c.t.v. camera we are constantly monitored monitored twenty four hours a day. now we are new k. independence party trying to fight this in the same way that wiki leaks has been trying to do but it's very difficult because every time you protest about it helps with catching criminals and you're made out to be against the rule of law if you don't want to be so very you know every moment of your waking life now with regards to these sexual allegations against him a science says he just can't deny them because it would be like wrestling with a pig you'll get muddy either way do you think that's a valid argument i do i'm always very worried when i hear that people who are
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involved in politics who are campaigning for some cause or other get tarred with the sexual allegations brush it's the easiest thing to allege it's the most difficult thing to prove or disprove it seems to be a very useful tool for those who are attempting to you know put us in a tighter and tighter strait jacket so many of the people who have been instrumental in in fighting for our freedom end up being tarred with this particular brush and was don't know anything about the particular allegations against julian it seems to me that it's the handiest implement to use if you ever want to discredit anybody now without a doubt and i think you will agree with me paul wiki leaks has certainly been weakened to a certain extent by both financial blockades and some media ridicule could the group yet to be brought down do you think. well i don't know whether they can be brought down it's i think it's all
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a question of how much or how little influence people have and i can see that this has certainly we can some of the case for the documents that they are are revealing but the fact of the matter is that there's been no attempt to say that any of the stuff that they revealed is fraudulent or it's misleading the whole straw seems to be to take them out because the actual documents speak for themselves and are clearly for the most part you know extremely and very relevant you know you know a science suggested that his plight might either be resolved by the u.k. and accurate or reaching a diplomat diplomatic agreement or by sweden simply dropping the case which scenario do you think is most likely if any. well i wish they'd hurry up and come to some resolution on this because it's costing us a fortune in policing but i think the most likely thing is that this i guess we
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could call it an ecuadorian standoff rather than a mexican standoff will will end up being resolved by sweden dropping the case because i don't see how they can proceed from here although it's very uncomfortable for him where he is there's no reason why he he needs to leave the going to see doesn't have any medical condition are aware of that might force him to seek medical treatment for example so i don't see. a very quick resolution to this unfortunately for our coffers here it is if our police weren't under enough pressure with all the other policing they're having to do it would be olympics and everything else at the moment. but i don't see a resolution of william hague or stop threatening to storm the ecuadorian embassy which i think he was very foolish to even hint at originally but we might come to some arrangement with the ecuadorians i don't know but i think the most likely thing is that sweden will realize that they've created by not sending a prosecutor to talk to him in england as he offered to do to speak to them to
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answer their questions by going this heavy handed route i think they've they've made a rod for their own back and they're going to end up having to drop it i don't think they'll do it on time brain thank you for that i'm afraid that's all the time we have to live from london you're inside analysis paul with and thank you from the united kingdom independence party. you can always stay with us here on r t because still ahead for you this hour. most of the birds from iran on a new new web report claiming to have evidence that the country has doubled its nuclear capacity. mitt romney house been outlining more of his policy plans as he accepted his nomination as the republican candidate for the u.s. presidency he wants more stressed his aggressive views towards some nations including russia but with a reputation for changing his stance it can be hard to tell just how trustworthy he really is party's going to can explains. mitt romney is now officially barack
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obama's opponent for the white house and he's talking tough throwing rocks well verbal rocks not only the president but also nations at the republican convention where he accepted his nomination mr romney did not fail to once again highlight his any masorti towards russia he criticized the president for not being hard enough in his view on russia when it comes to missile defense mitt romney says under his administration quote mr putin will see less flexibility and more backbone and of quote and of course that adds up to his earlier statements that russia is america's number one geopolitical enemy and that they need to reset the reset that's actually what he says on his website as part of mitt romney's foreign policy agenda so yes a lot of tough talk i heard experts say that's how mitt romney makes up for a lack of charisma what's interesting about the backbone comment is that mitt romney himself is often characterized as lacking the backbone as he has flip
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flopped on so many issues like abortion he was for abortion before he was against it or illegal immigration he was for giving them legal status that he was for deporting them mitt romney is flip flops have been widely discussed they've become an endless source of inspiration for comedians this is this is from the tonight show with jay leno it says actually mitt romney and hurricane isaac have something in common they can both change directions at any moment and another comedian goes obama is like you can be whatever you want to be while romney is like i can be whatever you want me to be there are tons of jokes about mitt romney and his backbone issues apparently one way of showing some backbone for him is this kind of tough talk full of threats we'll see how far it will take him in this november election. and don't forget to log onto our website r t dot com for the latest news
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comments and videos and while you're there here's a taste of what else might catch your eye. plans for a new album which give the latest dates on u.s. military drone attacks including a body count find out why the arab pozen been approved. also online vision of the future a woman who had lost her sight as another perth again surgeons have implanted her with the first ever successful bio on a guy. from. iran has rejected as a political move the latest report by the u.n. nuclear watchdog which claims the country's doubled the number of uranium enrichment centrifuges to iran believes the i.a.e.a. findings are aimed at overshadowing the non aligned movement summit taking place there for a deeper insight into the story we're now joined live by saeed mohammad marandi professor at the university of tehran side thank you for joining us today so check
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one believes the report is just another element of psychological warfare waged against iran what do you make of the timing. well that's what the iranians are saying they're saying that the timing is highly suspicious because the nonaligned movement. conference in tehran has been highly successful instead of the united states being isolated or iran being isolated the united states has become isolated centered opposed to senior figures going to tehran and many major world leaders have come to the country in addition the president egypt came to iran which is a political earthquake so the iranians are saying that this report came at a sensitive time to sort of distract attention away from this iranian success and also the report is misleading in many ways we'll get to those ways in just
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a minute i do want to point out that the report does state there are now more than two thousand uranium enrichment centrifuges installed in iran now tell me do they really need that many machines if they're simply used for peaceful purposes. yes because the iranians are producing uranium. enriched uranium at twenty percent for facilities in tehran which then produces medical isotopes. roughly eight hundred thousand to nine hundred thousand. people in the iran need this medicine many of them are cancer patients and the fact that the united states and the europeans tried to prevent iran from obtaining that fuel in the past meant that meant that they were taking the iranian cancer patients hostage which was in the eyes of iranians inhuman so the iranians basically felt they were forced to produce their own uranium at twenty percent the irony here is that the iranians at
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the beginning had no intention whatsoever to produce it you aenima twenty percent and then produce nuclear fuel but the americans and the europeans by as i said taking iranian citizens and people hostage forced the iranians to take that step now we've seen a brawl isn't certainly a rise in israel's aggressive rhetoric towards ron while washington has been very cautious when talking of a possible air strike on the country so if israel does decide to attack iran do you think the u.s. will help. well obviously any attack on iran would not be in the interests of the united states or the europeans and it wouldn't be in the interests of the israeli regime because it would be seen as an aggressor it would create major harm to the coble economic situation and the global economy is not doing well and the countries will blame the israeli regime for any deterioration of the global economy there is
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a possibility that israelis will carry out an attack because they are not rational actors in the eyes of the iranians but the iranian response would be very severe and if the americans. try to intervene on behalf of israel then i believe that we will have a major conflict in the persian gulf region and oil tankers oil installation got oil installations gas installations all these would most probably be destroyed the persian gulf is a very. small gulf and the iranians have a very long border so the iranians are quite prepared to defend themselves and i think the americans really know that all right well thank you for your insight and analysis professor side mohammad marandi from the university of toronto. german chancellor angela merkel is on a visit to china hoping to tap into the country's monetary muscle to help pull
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europe out of the downward spiral she's seeking to boost the flow of investment from beijing into the european stability fund a fire wall against financial trouble that the chancellor worked very hard to create however hollande scorned nominee from the european council on foreign relations says that the chinese are not in a hurry to lend a hand to brooklyn. the big hope in europe is that the chinese would invest in some of the new vehicles that have been crazy like the european stability mechanism. the chinese. offering lots of words of support today and yesterday but not much in the way of concrete promises to buy bonds in any case the chinese don't tend to make their bond purchases public so we don't know for example how much the chinese invested in european bonds in the last two years since the euro crisis began anyway and we probably won't know so there's
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a lot of there's a lot of uncertainty about in the case of their boss obviously this is a european company and so it will benefit not just germany but also france and other countries in europe but lots of the deals that have been signed. off of the german companies are all going to european companies and so in that sense there is a competition going on between germany and other european countries and in a moment germany seems to be winning that competition. well germany is striving to make sure the euro stays afloat its old currency the deutsche mark showing no signs of being discarded artist peter oliver has the details of berlin's old school savings for a rainy day. here in germany the don't try are still very much alive and kicking in fact in a store in central berlin the good old they market is still accepted as legal tender when it comes to purchases with an exchange rate of around two dollars each marks to the euro the store's manager says that there's still enough of the old
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currency around to warrant them taking it went on to name had three the reason we accept which marks is there are still plenty of people with the old currency we get quite a few people wanting to spend them in our store for it's not just in shops that they're accepted if you find a few d. mark coins down the back of the sofa germany's public telephones will happily take them off your hands germany officially dropped the old money for the euro over ten years ago in two thousand and eleven alone though over eight million marks were brought to the bundesbank to be changed into crisp new currency but where is that cash coming from. he had that is enough and one of my only relatives gave me the scorns as a gift so i decided to turn them into something it could spend on television you know if it would have been lying around the house for ages we only just got a round to getting democrats changed or there are those though who say they won't
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part with their marks as a minister. i keep them as a souvenir i'm not going to change them into euro. according to the blunders bank there's still more than thirteen billion dollars each marks in circulation they say they get returns from as far away as brazil and new zealand so unlike some euro zone members the bank won't place a time limit on accepting old money. so we will continue to take them as long as people keep bringing them it's something of a tradition here that currency from years and years ago will always be exchanged for legal tender there are conspiracy theorists though who say that in the bank's bolt's trillions of being stockpiled should the euro crisis deepen only rumors so if the cash that's returned isn't being kept for a rainy day what happens to it and once the exchange is complete those deutsche
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marks a shredded and in their days it's very expensive confetti feature all of a r.t. perlin. right dimitri joins us now from the business desk so what's come out of the fed chairman's speech in wyoming well it's hard to say actually how to interpret the speech but let me just tell you that six pages out of eighteen of that speech which have been published are devoted to quantitative easing so that's good on one hand but on the other hand basically there's no concrete call for action was taken the guts out the markets are reacting basically to it well the dow jones right now if we can take a look yeah there it is it's up of point three percent but that's also on the back of the fact that factory orders report has just come in and it's up two point eight percent and that's a sign of economic recovery but coming back to ben bernanke he has was very important said that basically the problems in the jobs markets in the united states
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they are connected with the systemic economic problems in the united states so he acknowledged that fact and if needed he said the fed would act with the additional buy of assets but again there's no specific ation as to when or how this is going to happen before looms are still not not clear so two years ago ben bernanke you basically did the same thing he said that there could be. new wave of quantitative easing and it did happen that was two thousand and ten and then he evolved about that throughout the year so we'll see of course what happens but so far the market reaction is rather rather careful i would say similar to what's happening in europe and it's all kind of come down the words on the markets before we saw the dax more than one percent up right now as you can see it's all coming back down move over to the russian markets they're actually the odds on the my six
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managed to move downward so they're not happy with the fed chairman's speech and the. push down. on energy shares notably lukoil which has been buying up assets massively in the previous days and now it's announced that choosing to secure profits and on the commodities market we're also seeing some kind of easing with light sweet. valley was up more than one dollar twenty cents before so so this is this is the picture we're seeing right now basically with no promise of concrete action the demand for energy is unlikely to change that much in the future to deposit. and in the currency market we are still seeing the euro without barely any change from the previous hour but it's up massively almost one percent as you can see that. the russian ruble is now strengthening against a basket of currencies.


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