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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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if. you dig. dig dig. dig. dig dig dig.
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all. the winner of. the. israel in the u.s. for threatening to attack iran iran. claiming to have evidence that the country has doubled its capacity.
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as presidential candidate with a promise to show more. critics. internationally using comment live from our new center here in moscow if you're just joining us a very warm welcome russian billionaire come out on top of a high profile court. and one of the most expensive cases in british legal history the judge dismissed the multibillion dollar challenge from a controversial tycoon. and a trial with a rigged glimpse into the lives of the super rich more in the. case. than. the.
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court this morning. very upbeat. the verdict was being read he held his head in his hands and as he was leaving he appeared to have lost confidence in the british legal system now this is a case that has opened up all the viewing of the general public the. old brushes mega rich and what they got up to back in the one nine hundred ninety s. the wild east as we called it back that we're talking about used to have sums of money offshore bank accounts elicit payments made between people often in massive sums of cash. or of kools five star hotels ski resorts and enormous business deals done only on the strength of a handshake with no documentation which of course is made this case a very difficult one to judge it's brought to school building billion ads along
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with their own megger expensive lawyers and bodyguards who walked around these courts area in their shades in a menacing way but he spread his old ski says that he was done out of billions of dollars when he says that abramovich intimidates it's him into selling shares in russian metals and oil companies for a fraction of what they are but abramovich says that in fact whenever business partners that he was making payments to better but they were only for political protection. roof in russian which has become a common parlance in the legal circles here in london as a result of this case is that he did make regular payments to. full political protection but he says that they weren't anything to do with the partnership they were often made in huge cash sums up to five million dollars hundred different cash and totaling several hundred million dollars he says that he paid to travel in
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a private jet that he bought him a french chateau and he also bought him jewelry for his girlfriend but he wanted five point six billion. on top of the one point two billion that he received back in two thousand and two. this has been one of the biggest ever held. it's been hundreds of hours and resulted in. legal. we've heard the results of this case. when. all the claims and counterclaims in this multibillion. dollar time and get more insight into what went right. to day by checking twitter feed. and then you can see the latest tweets of the verdict. surprise considering an appeal. the judge's deluded in some of his testimony and his evidence.
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weak. general ban ki moon. by the u.s. and israel to strike iran this comes off the terror on rejected the latest report by the un's nuclear watchdog as a political move. who's a geo political analyst for stop imperialism dot com told me earlier that he believes iran. in the face of u.s. israeli pressure. the iranians do it partially for self-preservation they also do it for propaganda purposes and to lend themselves clout on the world stage they have the inherent right according to the nuclear nonproliferation treaty that they
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have the right to have a nuclear program so long as it's for peaceful purposes as is now accepted international law so i think that's the first one the second one of course is the geo political reality that they look around them you look at the map and they see that they are surrounded literally on all sides by the united states or various allies of the united states and the principle is quite clear that the united states will invade nations that do not have the threat of nuclear weapons and the united states does not invade the nations that do have that threat eat. a in many ways is part of what the leader in iran called the overt dictatorship of the united nations that is to say that the i.a.e.a. is always led by us produced think tank individuals like l. barra die or his predecessors who will inevitably execute the agenda of the western powers regardless of whether that contravenes international law. will stay with us
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here and still ahead this washington comes on the floor for closing the most investigation into the cia's alleged torture tactics against its prisons have to get live reaction on this shortly here in altie. and over in germany where the old deutsche mark has more than just sentimental value in uncertain times. all that still to come but first britain france are warning they might bypass the u.n. altogether to turkey's push for a no fly zone over syria but strong criticism of the security council and crews demanding sweeping powers to protect refugees fleeing wall and a move that would amount to military intervention but international reaction has been cool with strong reservations about militarizing a humanitarian effort report not reports from new york. well the security council remains very much divided over how to deal with the syrian crisis the high level meeting that was taking place in new york focused on the humanitarian circumstances in syria right now and how they continue to exacerbate according to u.n.
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officials at least two hundred twenty nine thousand syrians have fled the country in the past eighteen months spilling over to neighboring countries turkey has the security council to consider setting up refugee camps inside of syria outside countries would safeguard this is a suggestion that the syrian government say they are very much against russia and china also opposed it saying that it could only create more conflict and violence but we did hear western countries address the security council their representatives are calling once again for syrian president bashar al assad to step down britain and france the foreign ministers of those countries today made a new call encouraging for more defections within the syrian government and the syrian military the russian ambassador to deny nations vitaly churkin i did address the security council and raised the issue of the fact that the unilateral sanctions
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that western countries including the us britain and france those sanctions that they've placed on syria are only hurting the syrians to deserve. the sinkings imposed by passing the u.n. security council have nothing to do with actual efforts to settle the syrian crisis complicate the lives of average citizens and do not allow them to meet their elementary i mean enjoy basic human rights this is not only our conclusion but also that of an independent commission in syria we call upon nations who impose sanctions against syria to immediately lift them you see the efforts of certain states to use humanitarian reasons to justify financial technical and logistical support to illegally armed groups as an acceptable. but the us. and its western allies have underscored as late as this eat this meeting taking place security council that they will continue supporting the syrian opposition and continue providing them with a quick meant. when important then political analyst and freelance writer. has told
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me that he's also skeptical of a no fly zone questioning just whose humanitarian needs it would fulfill. this is not going to marry terry in case what should be done is to follow is to push for a negotiation for of dialogue between the syrian leadership and really to oppose these shows for example next month we have the internal opposition meeting inside the mosque was the purpose of a risk to syria so why do islamist these are not the syrians for a political solution where there are we going to try to see the so-called gee how these. and the fundamentalists in syria sided by and by the carried out that they reside out there is. against a secular states like syria i'm going to work well kind of studio expecting in the future but syria falls in the hands of this experience of go through cohesion of the syrian society will be totally collapsed and you could have an invite because
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exertion of the whole of the mideast. also weighing in on the serious situation is wiki leaks with julian assange promising to publish millions of e-mails to cast new light on the crisis they're supposed to show just how comfortable the west used to be with president assad and how the media is currently being manipulated to vilify him a son has also criticized washington's harassment of wiki leaks saying speaking the truth should never be considered a crime he mentioned how the west is turning into a surveillance mega state which he believes makes a mockery of human rights the whistleblower voiced his belief that the case against him is really a case against we can eat but he remains hopeful that swedish prosecutors will eventually drop the investigation when i spoke to a mosque a here in r.t. he's the leader of the u.k. pirate party and he says that it's important for wiki leaks to focus on its activities despite a sundress legal rails. well it's very useful to see which really it's getting back and focusing on its real mission and that's about opening up governments and
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actually really revealing useful information we'll have to see what this brings one of the races some of the recent revelations coming through which have been about the traffic what the trap what's the way the system which has very significant implications also here in the united kingdom the trouble really is the moment it's very difficult to get this message out while the current standoff continues about to say that must not distract from the ongoing fight for x. to have a greater transparency and a greater powers of freedom mention that's necessary here in the u.k. would right across the world. the u.s. justice department has closed the last remaining investigations into the cia's alleged torture tactics against its detainees after the nine eleven attacks without bringing charges the cases involve two deaths in the agency's detention facilities
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in iraq and afghanistan want to discuss this now with allison with from the u.s. based think tank the counsel for the national interest joining me live now from new york where the investigation has lost it for around five years is this the end of the story now with these two cases being dropped well it's the end for now and that's certainly where both the bush and the obama administration's hope will happen that's what the powerful leadership in washington d.c. hopes walker and i hope not many of us feel that this is not that we're close to what went on and that there should be true justice and true pursuit of justice. which we have not seen yet but for now i think this is you know they've tried to stop it at this point what about those who take into account that this sort of thing is inevitable in times of military conflict and these of course were unusual circumstances the aftermath after nine eleven. well they were unusual but there's
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still a rule of law that needs to be pursued there are still people in in the united states as well as around the world where outreach to what's going. on but this has been a you know this is still the george w. bush administration's activities being carried on by the obama administration actions as well as the lead prosecutor on this john donne and was appointed by a new casey who was appointed under george w. bush who was one of the neo cons who. was very put anti terror and islam in a number of respects so we're seeing the same kind of thing going on under obama i think they did expect that a great many liberals especially conservatives too would be outraged at this coalition of the rule of law and that's probably why this was announced as you say after you know a number of years that the announcement came the day before a major holiday of the united states labor day holiday i don't think that that
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current students is by accident you also mentioned a number of years now mention that the period of time in the criminal investigation with drops and i say due to the difficulties in assembling evidence from incidents which did happen a long time ago in iraq and afghanistan is that not a reasonable excuse well part of the difficulty is because the cia destroying some of the tepes that in itself is a criminal action that that itself shouldn't been pursued. hopefully will be pursued something so the fact that there may be some difficulty in gathering evidence we don't know that's really the case but part of the difficulty certainly is because important evidence was destroyed you say has been sort of struck you say this could be pursued at some time and you're saying this is not the end of the story more clearly not the result you want to in the u.s. legal court could perhaps this be taken to an international court. i'm not an international lawyer so i don't know that i expect that it could be the u.s.
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is not a signatory there to a number of international proceedings i don't know if that would play a role but certainly i think that the american community and the international community has an obligation to pursue justice people were killed it appears quite lately under into. interrogation techniques that were torture this should not be permissible in the civilized world no matter where it's done or who does it and i hope that the american judicial system will and just briefly just briefly sorry because of our time delay that just briefly he would say you'd like this to be pursued at the end of the day who is it really you want to see in court accountable for this those who carried out those tortures which led to the deaths or those who ordered it would talk about government level now i want both i feel those who are together more significant and their work at once more important to get those as well certainly those who carry it carry them out have responsibility but it's
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especially those who ordered them and those who covered up those who ordered the cover up they should be in court we should be investigating them i'm somewhere thanks so much your thoughts thank you for joining us live here on artists good to hear what you have to say. while germany is striving to make sure the euro stays afloat its old currency the deutsche mark is showing no signs of being discarded ortiz preacher one of the has the details of burns old school savings for a rainy day. here in germany the still very much alive and kicking in fact in the store in central berlin the good old they market is still accepted as legal tender when it comes to purchases with an exchange rate of around two dollars each marks to the euro the store's manager says that there's still enough of the old currency around to warrant them taking it on to name the reason we accept which
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marks is there are still plenty of people with the old currency we get quite a few people wanting to spend them in our store for it's not just in shops that they're accepted if you find a few demarche coins down the back of the sofa germany's public telephones will happily take them off your hands germany they surely dropped the old money for the euro over ten years ago in two thousand and eleven alone though over eight million marks were brought to the bundesbank to be changed into crisp new currency but where is that cash coming from. that he had that is not any one of my only relatives gave me the school and it's a gift so i decided to send them into something it could spend on television. we've had them lying around the house for ages we've only just got around to getting democrats changed there are all those though who say they won't part with their marks as a minister yeah i've got some i keep them as a souvenir i'm not going to change them into you any according to the bundles bank
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they're still more than thirteen billion dollars each marks in circulation they say they get returns from as far away as brazil and new zealand so unlike some eurozone members the bank won't place a time limit on accepting old money. so we will continue to take them as long as people can bring them it's something of a tradition here that currency from years and years ago always be exchanged for legal tender there are conspiracy theorists though he. in the banks bolts trillions of marks being stockpiled should the crisis deepen only room so if the cash that's returned isn't being kept for a rainy day what happens to it and once the exchange is complete those marks the shredded ending their days it's very expensive confetti feature all of a r.t. . mitt romney has been outlining more of his policy plans except his nomination as
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the republican candidate for the u.s. presidency he wants more stressed his aggressive views towards some nations including russia but with a reputation for changing his stance it can be hard to tell help trust when he is as well he's going to china explains. mitt romney is now officially barack obama's opponent for the white house and he's talking tough throwing rocks well verbal rocks not only the president but also nations at the republican convention where he accepted his nomination mr romney did not fail to once again highlight his any masorti towards russia he criticized the president for not being hard enough in his view on russia when it comes to missile defense mitt romney says under his administration quote mr putin will see less flexibility and more backbone end of quote and of course that adds up to his earlier statements that russia is america's number one geopolitical enemy and that they need to reset the reset that's actually
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what he says on his website as part of mitt romney's foreign policy agenda so yes a lot of tough talk i heard experts say that's how mitt romney makes up for a lack of charisma what's interesting about the backbone comment is that mitt romney himself is often characterized as lacking the backbone as he has flip flopped on so many issues like abortion he was for abortion before he was against it or illegal immigration he was for giving them legal status that he was for deporting them mitt romney is flip flops have been widely discussed they've become an endless source of inspiration for comedians this is this is from the tonight show with jay leno it says actually mitt romney and hurricane isaac have something in common they can both change directions that any moment and another comedian goes obama is like you can be whatever you want to be while romney is like i can be whatever you want me to be there are tons of jokes about the romney and his
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backbone issues apparently one way of showing some backbone for him is this kind of tough talk full of threats we'll see how far it will take him in this november election. next we get a comprehensive view of the race for the white house. with stories.
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well conventions in the u.s. now are sort of a beauty contest they're not they used to be in the history they used to have a lot more effect the nominee was actually chosen at the conventions but now we have a party primary and caucus system which does that so it's just sort of a coronation of the nominee of the particular party and they script them pretty heavily romney has complete control over the conference convention there observe you ron paul supporters that kicked up a little bit but largely even ron paul is playing the game inside the party so you don't see hardly any disputes or anything like that over the platform or anything else and no surprises all all the romney started at the very beginning of his campaign was very rough there was a lot of combat this and
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a lot of other candidates so basically this credit ahead and yet now at the convention it seems as the g.o.p. just wants from need to be the president yes well they've all that's the tradition in american politics usually is they have about a battle during the primaries call each other all sorts of names criticize each other's policy and then all of a sudden you see people who are criticizing him before when he gets enough electoral i mean convention delegates flip and then start supporting him so is it romney's time they think now for the u.s. well usually they're on the republican side they they nominate the person who lost last time the next in line the democrats are a little bit more if he but but i think it basically comes down to these conventions and surface are surface phenomena at the don't really mean much people who actually study elections in the u.s. say it's not really between two candidates it's a referendum on the current in
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a straight and so you know they could have almost anybody running and the economy is bad and it's going to be very close but i think some of the models predict obama still leaking it out of. close victory but it's going to be close so those models could be off as well but i think obama has an intrinsic. advantage in the electoral college because in the united states you know we don't. as we saw on t.v. thousand election we don't elect the president on the popular vote it can sometimes be different in the electoral college so we really don't have a national election we have a state by state election and so the. candidates have to win so many states which add up to two hundred seventy electoral votes and so that can sometimes differ from the national got the popular vote total so this could be another election where that happens we'll see but obama has a slight edge in the electoral map but do you think he's able to move to appeal to
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the middle there well not as much i guess somewhat it's hard to say where he stands on many issues he's kind of moved around enough that's believable but after you do that and now if people just you know stick you with the flip flopper type thing flipping back and forth between you know views like john kerry was labeled with that. a while back for the demo on the democratic side you know if you're inconsistent on your and then mitt romney has been inconsistent on abortion assault weapons ban and even on health care yes in fact obama and mitt romney have switched positions because used to be obama was against his own what became his own healthcare plan because hillary originally proposed it during the primaries and of course mitt romney was because i who dreamed up the whole thing is the governor of massachusetts and now he's against that sort of thing so you never know what's going to happen or what position they're going to take on foreign policy is it
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seems as if economy. jobs these are the main factors of the elections here about what about foreign policy and do you think that romney has any advantage or leverage. well if anything i think he has the last advantage he's trying to make a big deal about the iran thing but you know obama killed osama bin laden and here are some of bin laden is bill and number one and you know it took them ten years and george w. bush never got them so that's a there in his cap here in the united states i think. romney has been very hawkish but people are tired of two wars here they want to get out of these war so i don't think if anything that's a detriment to him that he's got all these neoconservative hawkish foreign policy advisers one policy won't traditionally hasn't provide played much in u.s. elections because it's usually domestic issues and the economy and in this case it's even more so since we've had this long recession and now
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a long sluggish period of recovery so i think even more so people are turning inward because they want to get rid of these wars and you know get back to what they're doing and that's why it's going to be on the domestic issues so if anything i think foreign policy his views probably are handicapped form and less than three months left for the elections about my state leading do you think that's going to be the case for until november sixth or do you think that his will while the polls there are about even depending on which polls but those polls don't mean anything because state by state and i think you have to look at the electoral map and obama does have an edge there although they kind of his that they do you think he needs a miracle for the economy to keep that lead in the elections or is it also the fact that romney has issues with health care with the economy it's not going to help obama but he probably will he's probably benefited from this.


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