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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2012 10:07pm-10:37pm EDT

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but a lot of low income jobs are actually going out to the suburbs so you know tom kingsley hi folks from the urban institute spoke about this and it's good because you know you're getting these more affordable housing out there and you know strip malls are moving out there so they can get jobs that you know the wal-mart or whatever retail store but what you don't have is services services for people who need that extra help you know food pantries things like that those are located in rural areas so. you know it can go both ways really but tampa itself is really interesting because it actually has one of the highest rates of homelessness in any city there's a group called the national alliance to end homelessness and you know as you mentioned in your introduction half of those surveyed said you know this is about you know having financial problems is about businesses that were here no longer being here that means we don't have jobs anymore and of course live as you know the problem with the foreclosure rate florida the second biggest you know the second highest rate after california
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a much larger state. home prices have significantly decreased there and we just seen you know certain parts of this state you drive across and it's foreclosure sign after foreclosure signs i do want to point out there are two zip codes where seventy percent or higher of homes there are underwater zip codes three three six zero five and three three six one zero those zip codes are in the highest one percent of you know the places where it's the worst and you know some of the zip codes that could be called lucky those are places in which only about thirty thirty one percent of the homes are underwater so when you look at the numbers and you see the pictures it is a really important story a really important thing that's happening that's unfolding you know as we move into this election time we were at the convention and we heard so many promises and so many ideas to to make this country better will guess what you're going to have to answer the question of. foreclosures of poverty and this housing crisis that is
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still very much alive it's interesting there was so much media there and so close to this happening and really very little mit mention of the problem this huge problem in tampa well you know a lot of people who simply had to stay within the security zone a lot of people locked inside the convention center to file their stories and you know interview some of the. politicians but we thought it was important and we try to do this wherever we travel not only to cover the main story and to make sure that we're there witnessing that but also to see hey what else is this city about you know what kind of stories can we bring back to our viewers to show what's happening here unless i want to ask you because some reports of homeless homeless people within tampa were facing more hostility and more pressure as a result of the chaos from the r. and c. did you see that going on you know i didn't see that happening we did interview those homeless people living in you know what they called romney ville and you have
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had some run ins with the police but mostly everything was peaceful but this is something that happens i certainly read about it happening here i witnessed it several years ago back in san diego where i'm from we had the r. and c. there back in the late ninety's and the rumor was that they gave all the homeless people and of course there are a lot of homeless people in san diego because if you were homeless where would you want to live somebody where it never rained and was very kind to you so the rumor was that they gave a lot of those people a one way ticket to arizona i don't know if that was true but we certainly did see you know a whole bunch of homeless people in our downtown area disappear who knows where they went it's about making your city look good to all those cameras to all those tourists who are there tampa have this opportunity and you know certainly it is a popular thing to do to try to get the unsightly things out of the way interesting christine thank you so much and a great job covering the convention over there and we'll be in charlotte. when i
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was excited to head over there that was a party correspondent. well last night former massachusetts governor mitt romney took center stage at the republican national convention officially accepting his party's not for president as the dust settles in tampa all are in charlotte now for the democratic national convention set to kick off in just a few days but have americans really been glued to convention coverage harshness from the resident to hit the streets of new york to find out. in the u.s. republicans and democrats are holding their national conventions and here the media and politicians talk about them that the most important things going on right now so who's watching and what have they seen this week let's talk about that have you been watching why not because i don't like either one of those guys. so you don't watch and you don't vote no i do but i like voting for the we're.
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not the worst of the two. but do you need to watch the conventions to be informed no it's all crap and have you been watching it all absolutely none of it why not i hate the republicans are you going to watch the democratic convention probably not why not i don't need to do you think there is actual information being said sad at the conventions or is that just kind of b.s. but i think it's sort of you know sounds good on camera do you think. these conventions actually do anything you know. spend money our money our money how do you feel about that i don't like that. i do we get them to stop because you know romney's going to leave town. deport important outside how people perform the my first impression that people are choosing the heads not the. i think most of europeans are through obama. and you don't
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need to watch any of the bad. really want to show us that i was really i mean congress or us is smarter than that was really awful i'm sure he went bad irritates me is that these people are actually really think we're stupid what are they covering up well this is a very intelligent lady but i mean she sat there for an hour striking mitt romney so you go well you know americans smarter than that you know that we i mean america needs someone to stand up and take charge i think let's face it. people that are out for themselves that's it i give up on it but don't they when i mean you're not happy with the way things are going and so on you've chosen is to check out doesn't that mean they they went. yes. yes so it seems like most people aren't even watching but if you do decide to tune in remember to watch it for what it is extremely calculated very expensive showmanship designed to influence the way you
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think whether or not that works to you. as rhetoric heats up over iran the most senior u.s. military official has something to say about it general martin dempsey voicing his opposition to israel taking unilateral military action in iran he says an attack on the country would quote clearly the labor probably not destroy iran's nuclear program i don't want to be complicit if they choose to do it and this admission comes after republican presidential nominee mitt romney criticized president obama at the r n c for failing to take decisive military action and iran every american was relieved the day president obama gave the order and seal team six took out osama bin laden. on another front every american is less secure today because he has failed to slow or runs
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nuclear threat. in his first t.v. interview as president he said we should talk to iran we're still talking and iran centrifuges are still spinning. president obama has shown allies like israel under the bus even as she is relaxed sanctions on caches cuba. there's up to the latest report out of the international atomic energy agency reportedly shows iran's nuclear program is advancing now dempsey also said he didn't know what iran's intentions are because there is no intelligence that makes it clear so we want to ask why are top military leaders using caution when it comes to military action in iran while members of the g.o.p. continue to ramp up pressure and advocate a hard line military intervention. well turned out to these saga of julian assad as officials from both the u.k. and ecuador continue to meet and the hopes of putting an end to the diplomatic stalemate a saw hold up at the ecuadorian embassy in london last night the embattled wiki
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leaks founder predicted he would have to remain inside the embassy between six months to a year all this comes a day after foreign secretary william hague admitted seeing no solution in sight to the conflict but it looks like a songe is remaining optimistic yesterday he told venezuelan t.v. he believes that the swedish government will likely drop the case against him after a thorough investigation the ecuadorian state media grabbed an interview with julian assad where he argued that wiki leaks wasn't dangerous or deadly especially in comparison to the u.s. as wars in iraq and afghanistan well stay tuned here on r t for the latest on the case of julia saunders. well now to another accused whistleblower bradley manning continues to sit in jail awaiting his trial this week pretrial hearings resumed yet again this time focused on allegations of mistreatment while he was in custody the prosecution has finally handed over the defense hundreds of e-mails that detail the
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abuse he was subject to while a military prisoner in quantico virginia. well still ahead in our first the washington post now the new york times it seems the line between reporter and subject is more blurry than ever and media outlets aren't just covering the news they're part of it that story ahead. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that you may call. for leftist usa to defeat terrorism. to sell neighborhoods. the only because. i want you. to skew the thinks about this because you know the corporate media
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distracts us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage because of breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break the set. up. r t is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like al-jazeera
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. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. welcome to the capital account i'm lauren lyster. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already
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been made who can you trust no one. with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capital score sessions when nobody dares to ask we do r t question more. on journalism gets controversial is it time for the cia to get involved apparently that's what a new york times reporter dead times reporter mark mazetti reportedly forwarded an advance copy of marine dowd's column to a cia spokesperson the piece was about the film zero dark thirty which is about the killing of osama bin laden here's a look at the trailer. we're. also working to.
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dowd's column criticize the white house for giving hollywood the inside ever mation to make that movie while leaving the public in the dark about the operation this is all coming to light thanks to document disclosed by the transparency group judicial watch so out about this i was joined by jeff cullen media critic and journalism professor ethical college i first asked if sending an unpublished column to a government agency violates media attics well there's no doubt that it does you know the job of an independent reporter who's covering a powerful institution like the cia your job is to get leaks from honest ethical people inside that agency so you can tell the american public what's going on with that powerful agents those leaks are not supposed to go in the opposite direction where the newspaper a newspaper reporter is giving
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a column two days before it's in the newspaper to the cia that's just not how it's supposed to work it's an example of the kind of collusion that often happens in big u.s. media outlets you know when it comes to national security stories like those involving the cia we have media that sometimes operates more as a fourth branch of government then as an independent for the states and i think best that's what's reflected not only in this reporter sort of helping the cia by giving them a column and saying look you didn't get this from me delete it after you read you have nothing to worry about see there's little to worry about for the cia that's not the job of a reporter in a free society you're not supposed to assure someone of the powerful agency they have nothing to worry about if you're an independent reporter you want that
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powerful agency to worry about you and your news outlet and what you might be digging up about that what do you think it says a balance the times are at least. this reporter is a priority is that and i guess who they're looking out for i mean usually your first loyalty should be to the public to this information but i mean what does this say that their priorities are there's no doubt that your your priority if you're an independent journalist that's in a free press in a free democratic society your obligation is to the public but here this reporter clearly was trying to show an obligation to is source the most powerful intelligence agency in the world the cia and the problem isn't just this reporter the managing editor of the new york times when asked about this kept going on about how this is much ado about nothing. and then the spokesperson for the new york times said oh this was a mistake this was
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a guy who was doing some fact checking know all the email correspondence between this reporter and they cia official shows a relationship that's completely unethical that's completely involved with collusion and i read people believe that it's a pattern at the new york times you know the new york times bill keller one of the top people there during wiki leaks he admitted that he was taking direction from the federal government on what wiki leaks material could be published and could not be published during the bush administration the new york times had a story before the two thousand and four of action that the bush administration had spied on many americans through warrantless wiretaps which was a clear violation of federal law and the new york times was asked by the bush administration hold that store and they held it for all for more than a year it didn't come out so late in two thousand and five so it's part of this
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collusion you know the u.s. media like to lecture the rest of the world about the need for a free press and how the state should not control the media but when it comes to national security in our country there is all too much collusion between the elite media outlets like the new york times the washington post time magazine n.p.r. there is too much collusion between these institutions these press institutions and the institutions of the national security state so you're saying that too often the media works with the government instead on trying to expose their ongoings of the government no doubt about it i mean what kind of what kind of reporter would do this kind of thing quite the sort of helpful p.r. role for the cia and then the next day turn around and try to expose possible wrongdoing. by that agency to the american public no it's not unlikely and as i
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say the problem at the new york times as we saw from the reactions of the bosses here not just this reporter has not spoken but the reaction of the new york times p.r. spokesperson and the new york times managing editor that to me is more work almost than what this reporter did which was outrageous enough kind of brings up this interesting relationship because it near reporters oftentimes in order to get the inside scoop they develop these relationships with their source says it should be this professional relationship clearly mazetti has this relationship with an official within the cia want to ask you what is the line between this and unethical behavior how do you keep that relationship and check so you don't while a if the rules of journalistic ethics well clearly when you're leaking information from your newspaper to the agency you're covering that crossed all at the called lines. the problem you're getting at one of the biggest problems in u.s.
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media that these these reporters sit on these beats for two law whether it's wall street whether it's the white house whether it's congress whether it's the cia and they often develop a. healthy cozy relationship with their sources and the main obligation you said at the beginning of this interview should be to the american public to the reading and viewing public but when you get that when you're too long at your beat and too cozy with your sources after a while you know you're no longer exposing things about the agency's these powerful agencies to the public who too often you're sitting on information you're so cozy with your sources that you couldn't expose them if you tried so this surely has to be embarrassing for the new york times as this. becomes public do you think that this revelation will lead to any changes nothing's changing at the new york times
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it seems to get worse you know at the journalism department in ithaca college there's a bunch of us that study us media history and you look back over forty years since the pentagon papers where the new york times another paper said on a national security issue no our agency is to the public we're going to stand up against the government you look from pentagon papers to today and you see forty years of these big institutions like the new york times just getting cozier and cozier and cozier and one of the classic examples i mentioned was sitting on a story for more than a year that the bush administration was engaging in warrantless wiretapping on americans and holding up till after the two thousand and four election that's pretty telling and and asking for federal government direction on what wiki leaks material at the time should publish or not publish things are getting worse at the new york times i don't expect them to turn around because of this incident really
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interesting jeff thank you so much for coming on the show appreciate it that was jeff collins journalism professor at ethical college and a media critic. that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we cover and check out our you tube channel you tube dot com slash artsy america even check out our website our teen dot com slash usa or you kind of palm me on twitter at last a while for now have a great night. he
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you. mean i'm i'm sure use the round trip with the open air entertainments. a little bit of exercise to get in better shape. and cuisine with
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only healthy ingredients. in this case something to dream of our summer sales on our cheek. i am max kaiser this is the kaiser report you know poland must be coming along economically because of course they are attracting wall street banks ders and just outright scams to daisy. max keiser yes this is the first headline thousands caught in polish financial scam thousands of poles many of them elderly have fallen victim to a huge fraud which has left them facing financial ruin financial institution amber gold promise guarantee returns of ten to fourteen percent for what it claims. for investments in gold many of its clients were older pols who grew up under communism
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and lacked the knowledge to question how a financial firm can guarantee such a high rate of return on a commodity whose value fluctuates on the international market now peter shack the chief economist for poland at nor day of market says quote these were people with a low level of financial education they think it's still like in the old times where everything was guaranteed by the state no no no that's not like the new times is it well yeah in other words it's a it's a another scam that you see all over the world new york london now in poland is this is a mark of coming of age for poland they're being scammed by stamps so these people peter says. i thought they were still like in all kinds where everything was guaranteed by the state so they under estimated the risk so let's apply this to the whole global system max because don't we see this in our global financial system what did all of the consumers in america did all of the consumers in greece ireland
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spain the u.k. under estimate the risk because they thought that alan greenspan or ben bernanke he would step in and save everybody well of that plus the bonds that arrived upon the shores of europe had a aaa rating thanks to fish and moody's and s. and p. so yes they had a false sense of security and now the banks are underwater then greece goes underwater now italy's underwater spain's underwater because they were sold bonds that had a aaa rated guarantee from the u.s. but it turns out that these bonds are not worth one hundred cents of the dollar they're not even worth zero cents on the dollar well in fact why they sell how they sell treasury bonds is sounds like how they sold this gold to the people in poland we are dealing with the loss of confidence in the entire financial system and an urgent need for safe investments the environment for gold is perfect as we hear
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this about u.s. treasury bonds. treasury bonds are sold by hucksters they are guaranteed confiscation of wealth as a guaranteed zero return guaranteed loss if you're buying a twenty year bond with zero percent near zero percent coupon in an environment or social banks are printing money like it's going out of style you're guaranteed a loss but so but they need to keep the wheels of the fraud going because of the cheat you train a fraud stops at the station then they're not going to be able to live that big christmas bonus to do. so again they think it's still like in the old times where everything was guaranteed by the state now let's look at our economies over here the can is full of cement this is from market ticker dot org and apparently the. dallas fed which has been a strong opponent of q.e. in all forms has come out with a working paper the soon to be infamous number one to six the paper isn't titled ultra easy monetary policy and the law of unintended consequences and one thing
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they note about quantitative easing is that cumulative stock effects provide negative feedback mechanisms that over time also we can both supply and demand it is also the case that ultra easy monetary policies can eventually threaten the health of financial institutions of the functioning of financial markets threaten the independence of central banks and can encourage imprudent behavior on the parts of governments. then surely heroin stops working. in fact the economy is runs on ersatz money from a can it's instant debt just add more debt and the returns are diminishing they've been diminishing for three decades they've been diminishing since the u.s. went off the gold standard they hit the wall in two thousand and seven the now the end game is now in play and it's obvious now that their returns are diminishing and now they're stepping up to the plate and saying hey you know what maybe this isn't working this thing that hasn't been working for thirty years well the negative
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feedback they're talking about is that you can't have capitalism without capital you need savings and people aren't saving because the interest rates are so low so it's providing a negative feedback because all they have now is money printing by the central bank that the bankers on wall street want because they live in these old times where alan greenspan is always there to save them they think there is no risk in the economy in capitalism because of this money printing but you can't have capitalism without capital and these banks the big banks on wall street or in the u.k. they have no reserves they have no collateral they have no capital they have ten to fifteen times their market cap in debt that they can possibly ever repay and they have been earning statement that comes out a record of their shows a flow of processing fraudulent claims that they take a fee on but the balance sheet is fraudulent the balance sheet is a comair on the balance sheet.


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