tv [untitled] September 1, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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all. we were in rebels threatening to attack civilian planes on the bridge to the country claiming that being used to supply the government with weapon. also box and b. rated iran's it with burning its position in the international arena after hosting a summit of dozens of nations at the international atomic war stockpiles approaching the country people stepping up a new black city. disease row builds its will read trivia games tehran
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look at our military muppets helping the israeli population prepare for reciprocal time. news from russia and iran the world this is us he was me our thanks for joining us the rebel free syrian army are threatening to target civilian flights coming into the country the fighters claim the government is using the planes to bring in weapons from abroad including from russia while and foreign minister sergei lavrov has written rated russia is not supporting the syrian leadership but pushing for talks involving all sides now joined live by all season on the boycotts and hello to tell us more about the rebels rats and water exactly love rob had to say about the syrian conflict. well you did this is obviously
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a very troubling development one of the groups associated with different syrian army posted and notice on its facebook page saying that starting from september third they're reserving the right. to attack civil planes operating from damascus and aleppo airports because they believe that the syrian regime the syrian authorities may be using those planes just smuggle in weapons from russia iran iraq and lebanon now most international airlines have long since gone the deaf lies to the syrian cease. air flow of the russian flag shop flagship carrier did that three weeks ago so the main airline that's will be affected by these decision if it's ever carried out will be the syrian air now we obviously cannot verify whether or not the syrian authorities will ever do such a thing but from my own observations in syria i can tell you that syrian air is not inundated with desperate syrians who are trying to leave the country be. there
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waiting list is several months long and you only need to go to the damascus or a lap or airport to see how many people are really trying to get on those planes and you know it's very difficult to imagine that there will be a space for any significant arms supplies on boards of that of those planes now similar allegations have been surface before not with regards to the syrian airlines but rather with regards to turkish airlines they were asama legations that this company may be using its planes to smuggle weapons from syria into turkey and down onto our syria for the free syrian army but those allegations are never proven now as for now we still haven't heard any reaction to this news from the russian of their exam pretty sure that they're going to deny that russia would be involved in
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such operations in any matter sergey lavrov russian foreign minister was just talking to your students here in moscow shortly and. he once again reiterated russian position. on this conflict that if you are really interested in trying to bring an end to bloodshed all the international player should the time to put pressure on all sides in this conflict here is what he said. demanding that. the government forces in syria while at the same time. continue fighting this position is based on the these forces already to play in extra price which will be a huge number of human lives. that it was russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov he also said. when it comes to goals international goals in syria russia has absolutely no disagreement with the west or russia also wants to see syria as
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a free democratic stable state where the main disagreement lies on the means of achieving that goal and whether it would be done through violence and armed resistance international intervention more whether it could be done through diplomatic efforts and internal syrian dialogue all right action avoid a reporting there live on the money franks indeed for that report. turkey says it will continue to push for foreign protected saves us inside syria despite opposition from russia china and its allies claim the intervention is needed to help refugees fleeing the conflict but syrian rebels say the move would also help examine the fight against president assad and political analyst and freelance writer. skeptical that the measure would even be aimed at protecting civilians in the first place. this is not an humanitarian case what should be done is to follow is to push for a negotiation for a dialogue between the syrian leadership and with the opposition for example next
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month we have the internal opposition meeting inside damascus under the path of risk through syria so why do western states are not helping the syrians for a political solution why there are we going to try to see the psychology of how these and and the fundamentalists in syria sided. by the cry that it has that it is out of. this against the secular states like syria i'm going to work well kind of stay here expecting in the future but if syria falls in the hands of this experience. and the cohesion of the syrian society will be totally collapsed between the house and i because asian of the whole of the mideast. iran has taken steps to change its image as an international. one hundred nations have offered support of its controversial nuclear program their final declaration of the summit of known aligned states hosted by to run box the right for all countries to develop and use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes while the gathering was being held the
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u.n. nuclear watchdog released its latest report accusing iran of increasing your brain when richmond on a findings suggest the number of centrifuges at one of the runs facilities has more than doubled but to one has dismissed the document as politically motivated and said mohammad marandi a professor at the university have to run things it's unlikely the timing is purely coincidental. the iranians are saying that this report came out a sensitive time to sort of distract attention away from this iranian success the nonaligned movement. conference in tehran has been highly successful inside of iran being isolated the united states has become isolated scented opposed senior figures going to tehran and many major world leaders have come to the country in addition the president of egypt and iran which is a political earthquake the iranians are producing uranium. enriched uranium at
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twenty percent for facilities in iran which then produce medical isotopes the fact that the united states and the europeans tried to prevent iran from obtaining the fuel in the past that meant that they were taking the iranian cancer patients hostage the irony here is that the iranians at the beginning had no intention whatsoever to produce twenty percent and then produce nuclear fuel but the americans and the europeans by taking. citizens and people hostage forced the iranians to take that politicians senior politicians really know that an attack on iran would be devastating for the united states and not only for its economy but for its global position and its credibility. despite washington clearly not favoring military confrontation with iran israel isn't ruling it out and the way to drill simulating missile strikes in case of
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a war would these long extended home been held in tel of the have these emergency exercises an old the only way israelis are being prepared for an atomic that's all she's middle east correspondent policy explains. this fifteen page emergency brochure is being distributed by the israeli army across the country and it puts a rather smiling face on a very serious and grim statistic the bush take about what people should do in a state of emergency it is that there was a need for time he told the families to get together and talk about what to do if this country is in a state of crisis at the same time if they've been anywhere between fifty fifty and three minutes is the time frame that israelis will have from the moment fire when found until there is a state of emergency there and also urging people to go and check that they bomb shelters up to scratch and now the pressure doesn't make any mention of any kind of you on the run but certainly it is giving some kind of urgency and there have been
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those who suggested that it is really the way to hit by israeli politicians in preparation for human and war and certainly we've heard that kind of rhetoric coming out of the israeli political elite some officials have said that we're looking at a civilian conference some five hundred people in any kind of war that would follow and it's raining strike on the run parallel to the brochure there is an average that you might think on israeli television and it shows the way in general we saw it with the israeli army officers and then trying to convince him to give this to take him israeli attack on him and then the state presumably the ranch the general at that stage take a bite of the chocolate hazelnut that sitting in front of him and he said something along the lines of let's go not which the israelis misinterpret to mean that he has given them the green light sabers operation for the most. sponsored probably right and you had those who were out of the race and the israelis to me have been putting up they were great and it does seem as if there is something to go we've had some
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israeli politicians on record saying that a strike on iran is going to have to move but the official line to become the government in terms of this procedure and when we spoke to the army was that it is nothing in the range of the general public awareness campaign that people in the country need to know what to do in a state of emergency point beyond that. so they head for you here and i'll see a startling discovery in the blank sea but the lives of thousands of some a tourist so dangerous chemicals plus. i've been wanting to know why not because i don't like either one of those guys with america's election season coming into the homestretch the resident is a new york her as deceive anyone is even paying attention. to.
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with my for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the report on our. family. wasn't which was an upscale it was just like you know our society ok then they started showing up what happened was my company decided i could get cheap labor and they got rid of. negroes in the eaglets line legally we have to get up every morning we have to go to work and you know we have to pay our bills only have to do and that's just the american dream and if you want the american dream you have to go by the law so i figure this year's one of the major trails in the united states. i watch and they run run down my property and talk about this noise. mean that cockroaches from coming forward the wire is protecting the country and the kind of
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on the paralympic games in london are underway with signs of athletes defying disabilities to compete but among their sponsors is a company which accused of leaving many physically impaired people defeaters on to jack said. house at eight. the paralympics are the ultimate display of troy over adversity a showcase for people who've overcome medicine billeted and achieved something amazing but hanging over this event is a shadow cast by may just toss it's the firm the government's paying to assess disabled people's ability to work but it's blamed for humiliating the vulnerable and forcing people off benefits as part of the country. they are making money out of other people's misery quite naturally the old many of them sponsoring the paralympics is i think it's really lost on them and he seems to divide people into
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the deserving to save and the un serving tony bradstock went through an at or sest moment which resulted in him losing his entire income for six months he says he was made to feel like a criminal and the process resulted in him attempting suicide work. for the world and. this was it. because they said explosive watch explosions what more occupational health doctor a shade took a break because i couldn't find any wire to cook with a roof over my head. any y.i.t. he snorts a load of pressure groups say thirty two people died a week after being found to work by. disabled people and other activists have travelled here from all over the country to recessed against actresses sponsorship of our live next day you know i sit in the admiration of the paralympics themselves
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but say an organization and they feel that she ordinary disabled people should play no part in this so. in a statement the company defends its practices and policies responsibility back to the government department for work and pensions which actually makes the final decision. we do not make decision some people's benefit entanglement on welfare policy but to continue to make sure the disservice who grew wide is a highly professional and compassionate as it can be but disability activists say that's just passing the buck and that at all says sponsorship of the games gives it a whitewash it doesn't deserve they're trying to clean up very major by trying to associate themselves with sports you know this is so disability i don't keep those activities that's really given the other side no health problem floats
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they kill people like ultimate team g.b. athletes appeared to highlight the artist branding on their paralympic accreditation during the opening ceremony but activists say that's not enough when the top of the government expect to cause a round hole for a million people to lose their independent living benefits in the next four years lurie smith r.t. . more news on the big games for you on our website as well as some other stories you may have missed on insulting all adults patiently funny learn our new british sitcom split the muslim audience in the u.k. . also they're making money the easy way to learn how a talented swindler treated billions of dollars out of the trust for investors. charges will be filed against dozens of cia officers accused of torturing two terror suspects to does have detention facilities in iraq and afghanistan the u.s.
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justice department officially closed its investigation saying it didn't have enough evidence for a conviction and alison where from the counsel for the national interest believes the basic rules of law have been thrown out by washington. many of us feel that this is not the image that we are opposed to what went on and that there should be true justice and true pursuit of justice going on which we have not seen yet the cia destroyed some of the tapes that in itself is a criminal action that that itself shouldn't been pursued. hopefully will be pursued some time so the fact that there may be some difficulty in gathering evidence we don't know that's really the case but part of the difficulty certainly is because important evidence was destroyed there are still people in in the united states as well as around the world who are outreach to what's going. on but this has been a you know this is still the george w.
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bush administration's activities being carried on by the obama administration's actions as well i think they did expect that a great many liberals especially the conservatives too would be outraged at this violation of the rule of law and that's probably why this was announced as you say after you know a number of years that the announcement came the day before a major holiday in the united states labor day holiday i don't think that that coincidence is by accident u.s. presidential nominee a major trauma and closed out they say as republican national convention with some harsh criticism of barack obama and his handling of foreign affairs as but did americans take any notice they resident dazing new york to find out. in the us republicans and democrats are holding their national conventions and they hear the media and politicians talk about them that the most important things going
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on right now so who's watching and what have they seen this week let's talk about that have you been watching why not because i don't like either one of those guys so you don't watch and you don't vote and that's that no i do but i don't like voting for the word who's who's not the worst of the two. but do you need to watch the conventions to be informed know it's all crap have you been watching it all absolutely none of it why now i hate the republicans are you going to watch the democratic convention probably not why not i don't need to do you think there is actual information being said the sad at the conventions or is it just kind of b.s. but i think it's sort of you know sounds good on camera do you think that how these conventions actually do anything no. spend money our money our money how do you feel about that i don't like that. i do we get them to stop because you know
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romney's going to say leave town. the content is not so much the poor important as the outside how people perform that that's my first impression that people are choosing the heads not the terms i think most of europeans are through obama and that's it and you need to watch any of the badness. really want to show us that i was really i mean congress or us is smarter than that that was really awful i'm sure what better way irritates me is that these people aren't too bad she's really think we're stupid what are they covering up well she's a very intelligent lady but i mean she's she sat there for an hour striking mitt romney so you go well you know americans smarter than that you know that way i mean america needs someone to stand up and take charge i think let's face it ok. for themselves. but don't they when i mean you're not happy with the way things are going and so their solution you've chosen is to check out doesn't let me make the wind. yes. yes so it seems like most people aren't even
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watching but if you do decide to tune in and remember to watch it for what it is extremely calculated very expensive showmanship designed to influence the way you think whether or not that works is up to you. let's now take a look at some other world news and brave this hour at least twelve people including ten civilians have been killed in central afghanistan by a suicide attack near a local military base more than fifty others were wounded first a bomb on food steady made himself apparently took near the way for a truck which followed him exploding shortly after they have already claimed responsibility for the blasts. thousands of protestors occupies the main highway leading to bahrain's capital to demand freedom under democratic government the demonstrators held our buyers and urging the release of jailed activists leaders
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the shia majority bahrain which is ruled by a western backed sunni denah state has been torn by arrest and protests since twenty. least two people have been killed in a supermarket shootout in new jersey as the next marine sprayed sixteen rounds from his rifle at coworkers and then shot himself gunmen terence tyler left his night shift but return shortly after with an assault rifle and a hunt gun to find fourteen people still inside tyler reportedly suffered from depression and hurt even tweeted about it going on killing sprees. opposition activists have taken to the streets of mexico after and ricky pena nieto was declared president following a two month legal struggle the lection court said the outcome was correct and within legal limits but runnerup lopez obrador made claims of violations during the campaign and voting said he may not accept the decision. the future of the
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crimea is holiday friendly beaches is at stake dangerous at the bottom of the black sea. of skin looks at what lies beneath. locals in the crimea admit that the tourist season this year may have been better but still we're talking hundreds of thousands of stories from all over the world who have come here for summer holidays but none of them are aware that swimming in the sea here might actually be dangerous this summer dozens of dead dolphins washed up on crimean shores ecologists say this is down to an infection and the actions of local poachers but others have connected these deaths to something more sinister divers recently discovered these barrels containing poisonous gas which were dumped in the sea by the retreating soviet army prior to the nazi invasion of one nine hundred forty one if poisonous substances are released into the sea water the consequences could be unimaginable a breed gas can theoretically kill everything within forty kilometers however the
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state ecological watchdog firmly denies this threat even exists but the laws are divers and specialists from the interior ministry check the bottom of the sea or the board tories tested water for poisonous substances and we found nothing. but this recently declassified documents suggest the opposite in two thousand and four crimea's authorities urged private colleges to check the coastline for threats that is when those containers were found former m.p. oleksandr couzin is probably the only politician in ukraine who is making comments on the issue because she says the authorities are deliberately keeping the public in the dark and you ship it with it now that's a mentality of local bureaucrats who come in for a year or two now face and don't want this problems on their hands meanwhile more and more kids return to this virus infections from crimea's summer holidays and this is definitely caused by travel archaeologic state of the seawater who says lifting those containers from the bottom of the sea is impossible they will fall
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apart that's why experts suggest a different solution. there's a technology which allows us to see all these containers all for seven hundred. years underground. constructed and put above the decaying barrels would solve the problem. it is hard to estimate how much this kind of operation would cost but as long as these barrels are a threat to every black sea country of would most certainly get international aid should it appeal for help this year's tourist season has finished with no major incidents but some say that next year unless there's urgent political action the region may not be so lucky alexi russia of ski reporting from crimea in ukraine. stay with us on the. top story.
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