tv [untitled] September 1, 2012 5:37am-6:07am EDT
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little space that's being turned off in different countries and regions a bit at a time the the global economy is going dark you know if all these financial institutions were lit up from outer space using a special telescope that only looked at collateral value of banks on the world market you would see america in the world going dark and so they're in response they've ramped up the rotary after all the glue greenspan famously repudiated himself by saying i was completely wrong about my ideology that guided me for twenty years in fact these markets are not operating anywhere close to what i thought they would operate ben bernanke is he's less interested in so for putin than in self preservation he's figuring out how to get out of washington d.c. one step ahead of the mob with pitchforks and torches so we move on to the next headline with in mind the notion that they think it's still like in the old times
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where everything was guaranteed by the state why all these polish people got scammed by this obvious fraud. where they had guaranteed returns what happens when the music stops a report from the federal reserve bank of new york suggest that the bulk of equity returns for more than a decade are due to actions by the u.s. central bank the s. and p. five hundred index will be more than fifty percent lower around the six hundred level if the bullish price action proceeding fed announcements that was excluded the study shows now if you look at this chart you'll see that the report shows that the market would has a tendency to rise in the twenty four hour period before the release of the fed statement on interest rates and the economy presumably on expectations that chairman ben bernanke and his predecessor alan greenspan would discuss or implement a stimulus money printing measure to lift asset prices but as i've explained the fed is essentially at the the head of the river of cash and up until
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recently that river of cash would irrigate the economy equally jobs would be irrigated wages would rise the manufacturing sector would there be a benefit to them they'd have rising wages you'd have real estate rising you'd have stocks rising but due to financial engineering and the adoption of derivatives and high frequency trading that irrigation now is being manipulated so that the cash only goes into stocks a few stocks owned by insiders in washington and wall street and that's the only place it goes and when bedrock it goes in for the congress as a we're worried about deflation we're worried about deflation he fails to say that he engineer or as you just pointed out again in the stock market that's where the inflation is going that's the inflation dow jones getting close to fourteen thousand without the third the dow jones would be at five thousand or less
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and that's what he that's what he should be talking about this is his re engineering of the economy to benefit. a few stockholders and to do some franchise man of the entire country it's reengineering look at that chart again the line on the bottom that red line that is what the s. and p. would look like today with out front running the fed the blue line is showing that the federal open market committee has released eight announcements a year at two fifteen pm eastern time since one thousand nine hundred four the study took the gains in the s. and p. five hundred from two pm the day before the announcement to two pm the day of the statement and subtracted that market move from the s. and p. five hundred total return over that time here's what we're talking about here the insiders have access to unlimited credit at virtually no cost that's the great thing about having interest rates near zero for the elites everyone else remember pays a lot more for interest and if you're at the bottom of the socio economic scale you're paying an annualized rate of four hundred percent for money but if you're at the
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top you pay no money to borrow money so yeah you understand that they're going to do quantitative easing so you call your broker as two thousand and nine remember in two thousand and hank paulson told his buddies at goldman sachs and on wall street that the government of what she was then working for was not going to lead goldman collapse they all the guys then went out on margin borrowed against everything that they could borrow against and went long bank stocks incredible amount of money was made in two thousand and nine people's wealth tripled quadrupled in two thousand and nine based on the fact they can borrow money at zero per cent interest rate with no risk now they call themselves captains of industry and entrepreneurs' but you know a recent smokey can make money in that environment it's no big trick to be able to borrow money and zero percent and and rule rule the roulette wheel on guaranteed winners how is out of business choice well going back to that first story they underestimated the risk because they assume the government would be there to
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protect them in this case and you notice that with this study it stops at two pm of the day of the fed announcement so if you don't have your bets in by fifteen minutes before the fed speaks. then you're too late if you don't if you're not done by two pm you're not going to catch your tee time ok you can get nine holes in a development club in connecticut if you get it all done by two pm you get nine holes and i've done it and then finally occupy sets wall street tie up as protesters face burnout so occupy wall street the global movement against inequality that ignited in manhattan last year with markets first anniversary by trying to block traffic in the financial district and circle the new york stock exchange it's called s. seventeen september seventeenth they're planning on making some citizen arrest but bloomberg news here asks that now the next step for occupy is they have to decide whether they want to do what most americans want which is a little bit of reform to the system or whether they want to take down capitalism
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go bloomberg of course would make that statement because he's trying to defray attention from the real underlying issue here is whether capitalism is going to be taken down or challenge because we don't have to apple is a train left the station lower down will do we've got a entrenched kleptocracy and unfortunately what occupy wall street is completely missing the boat here they don't really understand what the problems are they don't understand who the players are they don't understand what tactics can get them over and i've explained to them several times what tactics they can use to neutralize the influences that are destroying this economy but they fail to take note they don't want to do it any effective way because after all if they succeeded then they might actually have to move on with their lives and go to a post success story all right stacey newman thanks so much for being on the kaiser report think you x. don't go much more coming your way.
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see good lumbered sure to mccurry was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which on those interviews adorn the. anything. to teach creation why you should care about humans. this is why you should care only you don't come. in the welcome back to the kaiser report i max kaiser time out to go to moscow idaho to talk to john rubino of dollar collapse dot com your ringside seat for
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the global financial crisis john bloggs there but also provides dozens of links to stories relevant to the currency wars financial collapse gold and silver john welcome to the kaiser report and max thanks for having me on the right john robineau your web site is called dollar collapse dot com tell us about the collapse of the dollar what is the process of collapse and is the end near or in fact here you know we've been talking about this name for a number of years now dollars been edging lower are we at the collapse point now john you know this is it was actually set up as a marketing site for a book but james turk of the gold money and i co-wrote back in two thousand and four and at the time we kind of got a collapse of the dollar in particular in the currency system the world in general was imminent and and we were wrong the system has held on a lot longer than. we expected at the time and the basic processes is not that
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complicated we are in the u.s. and also the rest of the world we're just borrowing too much money you know we've created a system where governments around the world have printing presses which in. there abusing you know every every time there's a lecture in the election you get massive amounts of new currency being created in the hopes of reducing the skids for the incumbents and in the process we build up huge amounts of debt which we can carry and at some point the excessive currency creation process is going to just through supply and demand to a sense around the world that these paper currencies are really worth anything anymore and then everybody's going to have to be exits at once and we'll see a collapse of confidence in paper currency in particular in the u.s. but also around the world in general you know because if your currency is going to be discredited at some point and it's the general trend is going to be for more and more currencies followed by more and more money printing followed by more and more
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crises based on the you know caused by the money pretty much poorer and better world and so the only thing that we can do now as individuals especially is the position are set for increasing monetary crisis and a general shift out of paper currencies and paper assets and into real assets so you know all roads seem to lead to go in silver right now. right so the book came out in two thousand and four dollar collapse the thesis was that this dollar collapse was eminent and the it has dragged on for some time and during this time we've seen it zero percent interest rate policies around the world by the federal reserve policy and now the european central bank is pursuing a much cheaper interest rates heading towards zero percent interest rates so this this this crisis has been ameliorated by the ability of these central banks to
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bring rates shockingly low which of course penalizes savers penalizes the pensioners to subsidize the speculators to work on the. dollar but this says given some extra innings to the dollar but at some point even those extra innings come to a close and i think what we're seeing now with some of these prices in the commodity sector spiking to all time highs are twenty or thirty year highs and maybe this is the dollar collapse inflationary spike the timing seems to be right now john your thoughts when it comes this is what do you like the early stages of it and again these guys have so many weapons and basically they have unlimited printing presses they didn't know you know your houses were two million dollars they want to they could buy your house for two million make you feel ridge make you spend and keep the get go and for a little while longer so you never know when it's going to fall apart but this is
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what it would feel like with gold and silver and boileau going up and farmland getting more valuable and and paper assets becoming less and less interested and everybody because they don't return and so money is flowing into hard assets because they been growing relative to paper sets over time and let the process accelerate and you get hyperinflation although it's not due to the oversupply of money as much as it is a lack of confidence in the existing currencies that are out there and yeah we could see the current process accelerated until it turns into a wholesale flight of your currency or we can see these go as come up with some new trick to pull this again for another two years and there's really no way to know right well i want to follow up on the zero percent interest rates on a bit more because part of the zero percent interest rate story what we're learning is that not only are the the the banks offering these rates and the central banks
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offering these rates to keep the speculators happy but in the case of the bank of england barclay and barclays and the library rate setting in the u.k. . they're actively engaged in fraud and market manipulation to keep interest rates at an artificially low level to help out speculators so the fraud has now jumped to the institutional level the bank of england has been clearly implicated in a wholesale fraud probably the first time in it's in a multi hundred year history as the bank of england mervyn king went so horribly discredited doesn't the end even the back of international settlements the central bank of central banks is waving their finger at these other central banks are saying you guys need to stop committing the fraud isn't that worrying john oh yes it's all fraud governments lie all the major statistics that it really is you know in the us obviously everybody knows about them or unemployment inflation numbers being distort and interest rates of the same thing you know that they're they're
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lying to us about the fundamental reality of the economy in werder to be able to keep interest rates lower than they would be otherwise because you know the bond markets actually understood what was happening you'd see interest rates spike around the world. just because they are in the peripheral euro zone countries you know people are figuring out that spain and italy can't pay their bills but we in the u.s. are just as bad a shape except we've been able to to maintain the fiction. that we're in better shape than a lot of these other countries and you know basically we're becoming a third world country and so far we've been able to hide the macro facts that basically the lifestyle that americans have come to take for granted are disappearing everywhere in every sector of the economy and the question is how much longer can the product continue first of all and you know once it's expos then
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everybody has the exit in the in the game and and secondly what happens to the people that have been committing these broad you know these guys are committing criminal acts as you say on the show a lot and in any other walk of life. these kinds of financial lives would be considered crimes and you go to jail for it but if you're a major bank or the head of better reserve or the head of the bank of england you somehow can get away with this and b because it's seen as macroeconomic policy or monetary policy where lying is basically accepted as a way to help you help the people that you're you're in office to help ok and obviously that that's a bunch of little ploy on the system now that these guys get away with it and the question is how much longer you know do we end up putting these guys in jail and i you know i hope so. but right now the the people who would have to prosecute the criminals are the criminals and so we won't see it until we see some kind of regime
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change or some kind of dramatic change in public sentiment here presents the odds that that movement ron paul's pet project. is the first step in the public taking back. control of the mechanisms of monetary and fiscal policy and you know should we discover actual crimes there you know blatant. undeniable criminal activity that could open the floodgates know maybe we point out the that we're doing things which you know we do a lot a better thing we would find out a lot of criminality and maybe the people who were responsible were actually get punished work and that would be such a sea change in u.s. policy at least i think it would spread to the rest of the world maybe that would be a good thing for me tips the balance and you know sends us off the edge as far as we are currencies go i don't know but it's wonder was ability and it you know is kind
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of a one would be nice to see these guys get punished were the crimes committed against sabers in the tours and the rest of us right well john you know i acted in all its point direction toward a john course sign for example former c.e.o. of goldman sachs former governor new jersey he was caught stealing one point five or one point two billion from m.f. global. jamie diamond as an accomplice is defense was the money simply vaporized and now he's back in business again he's going to be starting a hedge fund so they caught him red handed they said in his defense was the money simply vaporized no penalty whatsoever no public outrage whatsoever even though segregated customer accounts were stolen by john corazon and jamie diamond absolutely no prosecution whatsoever but i want to ask you about two thousand and eight for a second because back in two thousand and eight the total global financial system came to the precipice of annihilation but was pulled back when hank paulson went
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before congress and extorted close to a trillion dollars worth of dollars and what we found out two thousand and eight is that the world needs dollars because this seven hundred trillion dollars worth of derivatives that are floating around the global banking system are priced in dollars and that any unwinding that happens. is requirement to require dollars to make that happen so there's just a demand for dollars and how do you square that circle john because as long as the situation is a teetering on the extinction they'll be a demand for dollars to on why the derivatives contracts that are causing the problem yes part of what is keeping dollars as strong now is that debt in dollar terms creates a demand for dollars like you said so people are out there trying to find dollars and borrowing in order to pay off their existing debts but that's one of those things that can keep the game going for a while longer but won't save the dollar in the end because once people lose confidence in a currency the change happens very fast you know historically you know you see
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a system going on and going on and going to just falling apart you know why more germany was like two years it's still a hyperinflation that we we remember to this day and yet it was over in the blink of an eye just because people lost confidence in that currency and the same thing will happen to the dollar eventually if this history is any guide but. there they do have tools and there is a system that set up which kind of tends towards keeping the dollar going for a while but again it's you know all of this is going to go until it stops and we can't know when that's going to go i mean we we couldn't know the day that the housing bubble was going to burst word be tech stock bubble bubble was going to burst but eventually they burst and the same thing will be true of the dollar bubble when it happens who knows but it does feel like it's it's imminent and so the really interesting argument is going to happen at the bottom and everything is falling apart and then you know what we're talking about now we're basically
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impotent because public opinion doesn't really matter anymore to these guys but at the bottom it will you know will be able to have an argument about them whether to have a constitutionally limited government with some money we're going to have a row and have a you know a strong central government that controls everything and that days. coming and it's going to be really interesting debate but right now all that's left worth is to just watch it all or try to protect our own finances and then be ready at the bottom to try to change all right john a beano and we're out of time thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thanks max all right and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert all of them i guess john rubino of dollar collapse dot com if you want to send me an e-mail please do so at kaiser report and r t t v dot r u n of course you can follow me on twitter at max kaiser until next time x. guys are saying by all.
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syrian rebels threaten to attack civilian planes onward to the country i mean they're being used to supply the government with weapons. back to and aerated iran's reaffirming its position in the international arena after hosting a summit of dozens of nations as the international atomic watchdog piles up pressure on the country for stepping up nuclear activities. and as israel builds its war rhetoric against her for a revoke at how a military might but is helping the israeli population prepare for a reciprocal attack. hello and thank you for joining r t today with me karen taraji broadcasting to live
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from the heart of moscow where it's two o'clock well the rebel free syrian army are threatening to target civilian flights coming into the country they fighters claim the government is using the planes to bring in weapons from abroad including from russia while in moscow foreign minister sergei lavrov has reiterated russia is not supporting the syrian leadership but pushing for talks involving all sides r.t. sex on a boy has the details one of the groups associated to be syrian army posted and notice on its facebook page saying that starting from september it third syrian rebels are reserving the right to attack and we believe only operate in syria they believe that the syrian regime the syrian. they were just maybe using planes just smuggle in weapons from russia iran iraq up and all the while russian foreign minister officials have already commented on this latest development the deputy foreign minister you know to get to us that does rather like these these and to
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back a result of being irresponsible policy to arm syrian rebels in the meantime his boss right foreign minister sergei lavrov to arrange it that if international players are really interested in trying to put an end to bloodshed that they should apply pressure on both sides of this conflict as it says it's all fighting rages it's just not realistic to only demand one side to capitulate it's not about ideology we're not clinging to a regime or a certain actor in the syrian conflict we're just talking here about what is realistic and what is not but those who are demanding the government stop fighting while at the same time urging the armed opposition to continue the battle these forces are ready to pay an extra price which will be a huge number of human lives to go abroad he also sad that when it comes to goals international goals in syria russia has absolutely no disagreement with the west russia also wants to see syria as
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a free democratic stable state where the main disagreement lies on the means of which shaving that goal and why they could be down through violence and armed to resistance international intervention or whether it could be done through diplomatic efforts and in chernow syrian dialogue. turkey says it will continue to push for foreign protected safe zones inside syria despite opposition from russia and china and its allies claim the intervention is needed to help refugees fleeing the conflict but syrian rebels say the move would also help them in the fight against president assad political analyst and freelance writer cavort cns skeptical that the measure would be even aimed at protecting civilians in the first place. this is not them humanitarian case what should be done is to form is to push for in negotiation for a very look within the syrian leadership and with the opposition as for example next month we have the internal opposition meeting inside the mosque was the
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purpose of a risk to syria so why do it seven states are not helping the syrians for a political solution where there are we going for anything the so-called g.r. these. and the fundamentalists in syria sided by the cry that it has that the result of. this against a secular states like syria i'm going to work we're kind of studio expecting in the future about syria falls in the hands of this experience. because usually of the syrian society will be totally collapsed. and because of the whole of the mideast. taken steps to change its image as an international cast over one hundred nations have all for their support over its controversial nuclear program the final declaration of the summit of nonaligned states hosted by ron backed the right for all countries to develop and use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes while the gathering was being held at the u.n.
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nuclear watchdog released its latest report accusing iran of increasing rain in richmond a findings suggest the number of centrifuges at one of iran's facilities has more than double but has just missed the document as politically motivated so you'd mohammad marandi a professor at the university of tough thinks it's unlikely the timing is purely coincidental. the iranians are saying that this report came at a sensitive time to sort of distract attention away from this iranian success the nonaligned movement. conference in tehran has been highly successful and said of iran being isolated the united states has become isolated scented opposed senior figures going to tehran and many major world leaders have come to the country in addition the president of egypt think iran which is a political earthquake the iranians are producing uranium. enriched uranium at
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twenty percent for facilities in iran we should then produce medical isotopes the fact that the united states and the europeans tried to prevent iran from obtaining that fuel in the past that meant that they were taking the iranian cancer patients hostage the irony here is that the iranians at the beginning had no intention whatsoever to produce twenty percent and then produce nuclear fuel but the americans and the europeans by taking in citizens and people hostage forced the iranians to take that step the politicians senior politicians really know that an attack on iran would be devastating for the united states and not only for its economy but for its global position and its credibility. despite washington clearly not favoring military confrontation with iran israel isn't ruling it out major drills simulating missile strikes in k.
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