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tv   [untitled]    September 1, 2012 6:07am-6:37am EDT

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civil war with the islamic state have been held in tel aviv and these emergency exercises are not the only way israelis are being prepared for an attack as artie's middle east correspondent paula slayer explains. this fifteen page emergency brochure is being distributed by the israeli army across the country and it puts a rather smiling face on very serious and grim statistics the bush take about what people should do in a state of emergency it is that there was a need for family to take the family should get together and talk about what to do if this country is in a state of mind at the same time if it's at anywhere between fifty fifty and three minutes is the time frame that israelis will have from the moment fire when found until there is a state of emergency care and also going to people to go and check that the bomb shelters up to scratch and now the pressure doesn't make any mention of any kind of meat on the ranch but certainly it is giving some kind of urgency and there have been those who've suggested that it is really the day to day by israeli politicians
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in preparation for human and war and certainly we've heard that kind of rate pretty coming out of the israeli political elite some officials have said that we're looking at a civilian counted some five hundred people in any kind of war that would follow and use radio strikes on the run parallel to the brochure there is an average that you might think on his radio television and it shows the way in general we sit with the israeli army officers and they're trying to convince him to give their support in an israeli attack on an enemy state presumably the ranch the general at that stage take a bite of the chocolate hazelnut that sitting in front of him and the fifth something along the lines of let's go nuts which the israelis misinterpret to mean that he has given them the green light for this operation for the missile stock to fall guy and you have those who want to move the situation the israelis so we have been putting up there with great and. does seem as if there is something on the go
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we have heard some israeli politicians on record saying that a strike on iran is going to happen. but the official line they've become the government intends on this question and when we focus on one that it is nothing more than just the general public awareness campaign that people can keep me from know what to do in a state of emergency what is the i have. still had on r t s startling discovery and the black saying could expose hundreds of thousands of summer tourists to dangerous chemicals plus. have you been watching not at all why not because i don't like either one of those guys america election season coming into the homestretch the president is in new york to see if anyone is even paying attention. i had a family i lived in a fairly nice community wasn't rich it was an upscale it was just like you know
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archie bunker society ok then they started showing up what happened was my company decided i could get cheap labor and they got rid of. these there. was a legally blind legally we have to get up every morning we have to go to work and you know we have to pay our bills and we have to do it and i mean that's just the american dream and if you want the american dream you have to go by the law as i figure is here's one of the major trails in that state so that. i watch and they run run down my property and tell you about this noise. well there's a little gap between the characters from the wire is protecting the country and the kind of guy who doesn't mindedness pants dirty so i come out here you know we're all immigrants as well know that we all came from somewhere else.
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at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember that we will be. there. in full started. before going global and now it's cooling fire. log in.
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to the. choose your place take your stand. to. make your statement. spread the word. coupon stream on long. lines. would be soon which brightened. evolves from plans to passions. his friends starts on t.v. don't come.
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thank you for joining our team the paralympic games in london are underway with thousands of applicants to find disabilities to compete but i'm all of these sponsors as a company which is accused of leaving many physically impaired people defeated and dejected artie's laura smith has the details. the paralympics are the ultimate display of triumph over adversity a showcase for people who've overcome their disabilities and achieved something amazing but hanging over this event is a shadow cast by major sponsor at office it's the firm the government's paying to assess disabled people's ability to work but it's blamed for humiliating the vulnerable and forcing people off benefits as part of the country's austerity drive but are making money out of other people's misery quite naturally the old many of them sponsoring the paralympics is i think it's really lost on them and he seems to
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defy people interviewed serving to say and the un serving tony bradstock went through an at orsa sest moment which resulted in him losing his entire income for six months he says he was made to feel like a criminal in the process resulted in him attempting suicide. realty assessment assertion is going for the worst it's possible i would say this was it. because they said the choice of watch exposure what more occupational health doctor it shades she took a great knowledge from all this because i couldn't find any why i took the roof over my head. i couldn't see any way i'd say he's not alone pressure groups a thirty two people died a week after being found fit to work by attitudes disabled people and other activists have travelled here from all over the country to recess to gain status is sponsorship of the arab league there you really see it in their admiration for the
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paralympics themselves but say an organization and they feel was actually ordinary disabled people should play no part in this. in a statement the company defends its practices and passes responsibility back to the government department for work and pensions which actually makes the final decision . we do not make decision some people's benefit in thailand on welfare policy but to continue to make sure the disservice who grew wide is a highly professional and compassionate as it can be but disability activists say that just passing the buck and that at us is sponsorship of the games gives it a whitewash it doesn't deserve they're trying to clean up their image by trying to associate themselves with sport and. this is true disability and the prozac tickets are being. given the other side of the oh i'll probably won't.
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kill my cats team g.b. athletes appeared to hide the atolls branding on their paralympic accreditation during the opening ceremony but activists say that's not enough when at austin the government expect to cause a round hole for a million people to lose their independent living benefits in the next four years laura smith r.t. . we've got more news on the paralympic games for you on our website r.t. dot com as well as some other stories you may have missed on. insulting or devastatingly funny learn how a new british sitcom split the muslim audience in the u.k. . was making money the easy way learning how it talented swindler cheated billions of dollars out of trust fall investors. charges won't be filed against dozens of cia officers accused of torturing two terror
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suspects to death at detention facilities in iraq and afghanistan the u.s. justice department officially closed its investigation so i didn't have enough evidence for a conviction alison aware from the counsel for the national interest believes the basic rules of law have been thrown out by washington. many of us feel that this is not the image that we are opposed to what went on and that there should be true justice and true pursuit of justice gone which we have not seen yet the cia destroying some of the tapes that in itself is a criminal action that that itself shouldn't been pursued. hopefully will be pursued something so the fact that there may be some difficulty in gathering evidence we don't know that's really the case but part of the difficulty certainly is because important evidence was destroyed there's still people in in the united states as well as around the world where outreach to what's going. on but this has
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been a you know this is still the george w. bush administration's activities being carried on by the obama administration actions as well i think they did expect that a great many liberals especially the conservatives too would be outraged at this violation of the rule of law and that's probably why this was announced as you say after you know a number of years that the announcement came the day before a major holiday in the united states labor day holiday i don't think that that coincidence is by accident here as presidential nominee mitt romney closed out the series republican national convention with some harsh criticism opera rockall valma and his handling of foreign affairs but did americans take any notice their residences in new york to find out. in the us republicans and democrats are holding their national conventions and to hear the media and politicians talk about them that the most important things going
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on right now so who's watching and what have they seen this week let's talk about that have you been watching why not because i don't like either one of those guys so you don't watch and you don't vote and that's that no i do vote but i don't like voting for the word who's who's not the worst of the two. but do you need to watch the conventions to be informed know it's all crap have you been watching it out absolutely none of it why now but i hate the republicans you know watch the democratic convention probably not why now i don't need to do you think there is actual information being said it's sad at the conventions or a say just kind of b.s. but i think it's sort of you know sounds good on camera do you think that conventions actually do anything you know. spend money our money our money how do you feel about that i don't like that. how do we get them to stop because you know
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romney's going to say leave town. the content is not so much the poor important as the outside how people perform that that's my first impression that people are choosing the heads not the terms i think most of europeans are through obama and that's it's and you need to watch any of the bad never. really want to show us that i was really i mean congress or us is smarter than that that was really awful i'm sure what better way irritates me is that these people aren't too bad she's really think we're stupid what are they covering up well that she's a very intelligent lady but i mean she's she sat there for an hour striking mitt romney so you go well you know americans smarter than that you know that way i mean america needs someone to stand up and take charge i think a little it's face it. for themselves that's it i give up on it but don't they when i mean you're not happy with the way things are going and so the solution you've chosen is to check out doesn't that mean that they win. yes. yes so
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it seems like most people aren't even watching but if you do decide to tune in and remember to watch it for what it is extremely calculated very expensive showmanship designed to influence the way you think whether or not that works is up to you. time now for a look at some other world news in brief for you this hour at least twelve people including ten civilians have been killed in central afghanistan by a suicide attack near a local military base more than fifty others were wounded first of all more on foot detonated himself apparently to clear the way for a truck which followed him exploding shortly after the taliban have already claimed responsibility for the blasts. thousands of protesters occupied the main highway leading to bahrain's capital to demand freedom and
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a democratic government that demonstrators held up banners and flags urging the release of jailed activists leaders the sheer majority of offering which is ruled by a western backed sunni a dynasty has been torn on restaurant protests since last year. at least two people have been killed in a supermarket shootout in new jersey as an ex marine sprayed sixteen rounds from his rifle at coworkers and then shot himself gunman terence tyler left his night shift but return shortly after with an assault rifle and a handgun to find fourteen people still inside tyler reportedly suffered from depression and had even tweeted about going on killing sprees. opposition activists have taken to the streets of mexico after enrique pena nieto was declared president following
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a two month legal struggle the electorial court said the outcome was correct and within legal limits runnerup lopez obrador who made claims of violations during the campaign and voting said he may not accept that decision. in. the future of the crimea as holiday friendly beaches is at stake due to a danger at the bottom of the black sea artie's alexei to shift ski looks at what lies beneath. locals in the crimea admit that the tourist season this year may have been better but still we're talking hundreds of thousands of stories from all over the world who have come here for summer holidays but none of them are aware that swimming in the sea here might actually be dangerous this summer dozens of dead dolphins washed up on crimean shores ecologists say this is down to an infection and the actions of local poachers but others have connected these deaths to something more sinister divers recently discovered these barrels containing
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poisonous gas which were dumped in the sea by the retreating soviet army prior to the nazi invasion of one nine hundred forty one if poisonous substances are released into the sea water the consequences could be on imaginable he breathed gas can theoretically kill everything within forty kilometers however the state ecological watchdog firmly denies this threat even exists. are divers and specialists from the interior ministry check the bottom of the sea or the board tori's tested water for poisonous substances and we found nothing. but this recently declassified documents suggest the opposite in two thousand and four crimea's authorities urged private colleges to check the coastline for threats that is when those containers were found former m.p. oleksandr couzin is probably the only politician in ukraine who is making comments on the issue because she says the authorities are deliberately keeping the public in the dark and europe it would get that cement tally of local barrack rats who
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come in for a year or two now face and don't want this problems on their hands meanwhile more and more kids who turned his virus infections from crimea's summer holidays and this is definitely caused by travel project state of the sea water who says lifting those containers from the bottom of the sea is impossible they will fall apart that's why experts suggest a different solution. there's a technology which allows to see all these containers all for seven hundred years underground succumb for gases are constructed and put above the decaying barrels this would solve the problem. it is hard to estimate how much this kind of operation would cost but as long as these barrels are a threat to every black sea country key of would most certainly get international aid should it appeal for help this year's tourist season has finished with no major incidents but some say that next year unless there's urgent political action the region may not be so lucky alexi russia of ski r.t.
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reporting from crimea in ukraine. all right to try and stay with our t.l.b. back with a recap of our top stories in a few minutes. to .
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the. blind in russia would be so much brighter if you knew all about song from phones to impressions. from star totty dot com. wealthy british style sun it's america that's not on the top right of the five . markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r g i had a family i lived in a fairly nice community it was
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a rich it was an upscale it was just. like you know archie bunker society ok then they started showing up here what happened was my company decided i could get cheap labor and they got rid of us. those are. the rules the eaglets love legally we have to get up every morning we have to go to work and you know we have to pay our bills and we have to do it and that's just the american dream and if you want the american dream you have to go by the last i figure is here's one of the major trails in the united states. i watch and they run run down my property and something about this noise. was a little mean that cockroaches from coming over the wire is protecting the country i'm the kind of guy who doesn't mindedness pants dirty so i come out here you know we're all immigrants and well know that we all do some somewhere else.
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storage is here. for growing global internet. with lara. logan you. choose your. trade your stuff. to. make your statement. for the world. you plug.
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hello and welcome to our team karen with your top stories syrian rebels threaten to attack civilian planes on route to syria calling on international airlines to stop using the airports in damascus and aleppo turkey val's to keep pushing for foreign protected safe zones inside syria a move that amounts to military intervention in. iran syria affirming its position in the international arena after hosting a summit of dozens of nations a meeting back to the countries of controversial nuclear ambitions as the international atomic watched all piled up pressure on top for charging forward with the program. the paralympic games in london our own version shadowed by the
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controversy around a major sponsor it's accused of forcing people with disabilities back to work when they are physically unable. and up next our team takes you on a trip all aboard one of the fastest sailing ships ever built. playing football in the scorching july sun of the iberian peninsula is senseless torture for some of these men others see it as a simple warm up before more difficult contest on dry land they see their rivals face to face but at sea competitors are nothing more than a blip on a radar screen. the wind and waves are the only tangible evidence of their determination to win.
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the crew of the russian three masts sailing ship mir has little time to prepare ahead of the second phase of the two thousand and twelve toll ships race nevertheless a fine five minutes for a brief meeting ceremony. i would like to congratulate you today as we begin our voyage out to sea i hope we'll have a good start this time too i urge you all to do your best like it was. the crew success is a matter of honor for the captain and instructor of mir he will soon be celebrating his seventy fifth birthday and has devoted a third of his life to the world's fastest sailing but victory would be the perfect gift that the crew will need to give it their all in the first phase of the two thousand and twelve tall ships race ended with a discouraging result from ear. of the killer actually we were the first to come in after the first lap but after time update we turned out to be third in our class of
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ships. and frederic chopin polish sailboats where head of us our sister ship from poland will be our main rival both ships have similar designs and sails according to the time correction will last about thirty minutes during the first phase i. think again a thirty to ninety minutes will be enough for us to win here to give a long blast campaign. but. one by. by noon more than thirty sail boats have left the port of lisbon the second part of the race is short little more than two hundred nautical miles they will need to make up for the time she lost in the first place before she reaches the spanish port of kids is the crew unfurls mia sails all three thousand square metres all.
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over all of the boats in this prestigious class of ships mere has the greatest claim to victory her rivals pale in comparison to the number of wins she has racked up over the years she also boasts a skilful crew. strictly speaking these races are a side project for me the russian ship is primarily for training purposes cadets of them a car of academy a would be captains of the russian merchant fleet and they learn how to set sail climb the rigging and timing knots although in the age of nuclear vessels such skills seem as useful as speaking latin. your best out there and where you. will get your any seamen must have practiced as well as theory decides they need to have certain character traits epaulets as well as sailors are sent to other sail boats because these people need to make the right decision in the nick of time the sail boat offers the best schooling and character training.
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day pharrell of canada knows what the person of his mainsail wants him to do their commands are not translated into english after spending several months on may he's used to the routine and why. expected of him indeed sometimes he copes with his assignments better than his russian cum writes this is not my first time on this type of vessel is still aboard a vessel called the picture house or on the around the world voyage and doing this made me realize i want to sail on tall ships for a living and so i went to school to be a navigator and this was not one of the opportunities for our work term was to come on the show. there were about twenty trainees like dave on the ship like the sailors they keep watch and they also share courses with the crew there's only one thing that sets them apart they have to pay for the privilege is a floating democracy even the old superstition about women on board being
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a bad omen is ignored right you know twenty young female cadets some trainees are taking part in the race. my name's liane i'm from hamburg germany and yeah this is my second time on the air i would say that i think i was better we tried to do our best like calling the ropes and so on it's not difficult but it hard they like to think we are right now in fighting the position in the atlantic ocean on route events and that's applauded every half an hour i feel great about it we all work together as a team and we help each other through it also makes it ok. the portuguese pilot steering mir leaves the bay a two pm there is less than an hour to go before the race starts to motorbikes form a starting line none of the participants in the race is allowed to cross it to the surface.


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