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tv   [untitled]    September 1, 2012 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT

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our summer sales are cheap. in full starting. who are going global and now pulling the fire. log in. to the right. place take your stuff and. needs to. make your statement. the world. you my little street alone.
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in live on your television screens and your computer screens this is r t twenty four hours a day seven days a week from moscow let's get right your top of the headlines syria's rebels declare civilian airports are their latest targets and warned that international flights shouldn't stray anywhere near the country's two largest cities. turkey's
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recent push for a no fly zone over syria sparks rallies in germany by both pro and anti assad groups. actions speak louder than words as israel appears to be gearing up for war with iran launching a massive propaganda campaign along with emergency drill. was anger at the london paralympics a key sponsor of the games is accused of humiliating a disabled people as part of the government's attempts to benefits. next r.t.d. talks to foreign affairs expert and german left wing politician yawn von ancken about the western agenda in syria. as one of the world's major economic and political power houses germany has a lot of influence which it can exhibit over global situations not to talk with me a little bit more about what jim is doing on the global stage right now i'm joined
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by. the foreign policy spokesperson for the left body here in germany thanks very much that. syria is of course the major flash point in the world right now what's chimney's view on the situation moment. i would love to know i know what my position is in syria and i think i'm the only side i can take that those people are still peacefully demonstrating for the right for the democratic and human rights. but the german government officially they don't take sides something sure of the. human rights. repression within the country sure enough but officially they're not taking any other sides with the rebel to whatever but informally and to see it from their involvement you know with a spy ship on the ground there. and they invite syrian petitions for the time thereafter and train them here so officially they seem to take sides but it's unclear to me who they are now you mentioned the training of politicians for
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a syria without assad how would those people chosen i know i do your i mean this is by it's not the government think tank but it's think think that's close to the government we have here in germany so somebody selected people and i don't know on the basis of which for tyria no clue i mean we now have been invited for fun to discuss from my mom friend i mean how can you train some people and others not to mean we left party to link in germany we have contacts left politicians some people in syria i would know what i would pick but obviously these are different people so if these people being brought here to germany because germany sees them as being beneficial for the country in the future it sure obviously i mean there's sort of an idea this government has which is not out of the public space i don't know about it but obviously they have an idea who they want to govern the country with or this
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is ethnically based religiously based or politically based i've know of no clue i can figure i can imagine i would think that they would look for people who are not too close to the muslim brothers so to islam and. for wave from from us that is possible maybe not too critical about turkey but i don't know so is germany setting itself up as the best place to to train politicians for the post. that's what they are doing i mean obviously they are inviting people here and they call it training for the situation there after. so yes they're training people for government positions they want to have the relationship with the german government and eventually the muslim brotherhood there are another country where they have huge influences of course in egypt how do you view the situation in that country after their revolution and their transition into a new egypt was very difficult situation for
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a long time i was afraid that the army would take over. now as of today it looks better so that they are losing some of the power of the military to the elected president if this situation continues i look hopefully to a future for the situation within egypt what this means for the whole region i mean we have to clash at the border to israel so really have no idea i think it's a very volatile right now for israel for libya syria. and especially given all the threats from israel it came through so it's too early to say that the revolution in egypt is one is over everything is peaceful and happy no happy but it looks better today than four weeks ago well to move to libya now what's the situation there in your opinion how does a country like libya want to rebuild itself one of the after months very few people talked about is that many of those who fought in libya now went to the area and are
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now fighting in mali for example were we have no sort of a civil war going on or some really extreme muslim took over the north a part of mali many of those fought before that and work with weapons everything would train. in libya so we see sort of the fallout of this war in the neighboring countries is there a chance that the type of situation we see right now in libya it could be repeated in syria as of today the situation for me in syria looks much worse than in libya because i mean the whole environment you know with the middle east conflict. is one problem the other problem is that right now there seems to be so many other countries who have their own interests within syria supporting one side or the other turkey with a kurdish problem so they are supporting the movement just to prevent the kurds within syria to have their own you know autonomy then you have the gulf states supporting the rebels and you have the cia on the ground you have german spy ship
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something i mean this seems to be the whole world have their interest now with one of the group or the other syria and that looks to me like a recent piece for a long civil war within syria now we talk about contagion when we're talking about the eurozone crisis is the risk of a war contagion in the wider middle east area if the situation in syria continues contagion is the very risk why the west right now is hesitant to intervene because they know if you go into a country like syria you have no control of what's going to happen in the neighboring countries with you in the center of attention and levanon so that's why right now the west does not want to intervene because the one of the spillover. but is this not the perfect opportunity to work with iran if i would just look at syria i would think. that that's now the time to get in contact with iran but if you look at the current news. threatening more and more in conflict with iran
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threatening to attack the nuclear sites within iran with the threat growing by the day and i'm still not confident that israel is really keeping at bay until november . it's very difficult for me to think about getting in contact with iran but at the same time there's dismantles military attack on iran interior and right now. seem to back off the talks that started so hopefully in moscow for example earlier this year so. the problem is that we're not having syria as a problem alone we're not having he said iran is a problem and rone we have turkey because conflict is escalating everything at the same time so where do you see the future of this argument between israel and iran if tel aviv would be rational. i would be happy and think nothing's going to happen because i think military attack on iran could be nearly suicidal for israel.
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considering that with all the change in egypt in the neighboring countries the tech like this you don't know how the region would react and if netanyahu be rational i would be happy and safe and think no they won't dare to unfortunately i'm not sure that that and you know is that rational i mean he's increasing he's really increasing his taxes for the tax. and i'm afraid his calculation might be before the us elections i can attack iran a bomb has to back me after the election he might not want to so that gives us a really really bad chance that the netanyahu might attack in october as soon as october it starts with an attack and the question is how an attack from. tools for a nuclear science in iran how will that develop. i'm not sure it will develop in an all out war but i mean tanks on israel will happen then you don't know how to react
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with the street almost whether they will close it or not that would definitely start an all out war in terms of germany's role what job is that germany to do germany could really change a lot in that region it was. germany nine years ago to to mediate in the conflict on the program it was germany who moved to three plus three talks in the beginning in two thousand and three when i'm talking to passengers in the region or when i went to couple of months ago i mean everybody thinks the german should play better the stronger role unfortunately this government just place. the us courts so whatever the us does they follow it and they don't have any initiative from their own what kind of initiative would you like to see the first thing they could easily do is. deescalate the conflict with iran i mean they could really go three four five steps towards to iran and say ok. now we believe that you stop the military
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nuclear program in two thousand and three so that we are lifting the sanctions and we are engaging in human rights talk and economic talks and this and that this journey just lifts the sanctions is that not purely a symbolic act you know it would be much more than symbolic because the u.n. sanctions are rather small and then that you sense a much much bigger i mean it's the oil embargo that's very big in germany was sort of the powerhouse behind the on the border they could easily have said in a ok we postpone it for another six months postponement not lifting there would have been a very strong signal to turkey. they could have started negotiating. but to me to move from it i mean i really forty with my own government said what's the problem with with a moratorium for three months for six months and it wouldn't go for that because they just follow the u.s. line here they don't have their own policy that's really bad that i think the other
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thing is weapons i mean german exports biggest in the world after russia are on the u.s. . and they should stop selling weapons in the region and that involves saudi arabia as well as israel as well as other countries and they are still sending every kind of weapon to the region what would you like to see from the german government's foreign policy right now i mean if they would do nothing at all i would be happier than what they are doing today i mean officially they're not doing much but then we suddenly can read the newspapers that they sent a spy ship you know that they are monitoring everything that they're helping the rebel to give the assad regime they are taking sides in a military conflict and that's exactly wrong i mean better would be if you don't do the right thing do nothing. thank you very much bush speaking your work.
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is he. to the. wealthy british. title. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer for
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a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on r t. i o. o. o. i've been going down over the song and good morning we will. remember that we will .
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soon reach brighton if you move it from friends to pray. for stocks on t.v. don't. syria's rebels declare civilian airports are their latest targets and a warning that international flights shouldn't stray anywhere near the country's two largest cities. rage against turkey's recent push for a no fly zone over syria sparks rallies in germany by both pro and anti assad groups. actions speak louder than words israel appears to be gearing up for war with iran launching a massive propaganda campaign along with emergency drills. plus anger at the london
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paralympics a key sponsor of the games is accused of humiliating disabled people as part of the government's attempt to cut welfare benefits. and next the latest news from the world of sports with the lovely kate partridge. hello welcome to the sports and here are the headlines. keeping up informed to equate it to want it remains to go joint top with champions an eight in the russian premier league. while moving on wimbledon and olympic champion so we know what do you miss goes through to the fourth round of the u.s. open for a straight set win over russia you've got that you don't like a lot of up. and bought tickets jenson button claims his first pole position for mclaren and the first three years off to an incredible qualifying session for the
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belgian grand prix. but first a focal and my commitment to should have grabbed the light when i asked her to try to want rubin to go joint top of the russian premier league well watched on by russia coach fabio capello as a kilt and brussel put the biz does ahead thirteen minutes in the chance to strike a left fourteen home after he pinpoint cross from sure they will do a short while the home side went all out in search of an equaliser but were made to wait to do midway through the second half some on a long gone putting the finishing touch to their full bodied attack but ravines efforts came unstuck off the need to shift snatch the we're not in the dying minutes while the twice former champions bengals defend that salvatore look at the two late booking including a handful they stay for a. while so that alexei is up although struck late on to help ten mom valdas salvaged a one one draw return to the stuff that i counted let me back opened but it is just
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just nine minutes and most of capitalizing on a defensive slip up the bosnian was soon denied a double off to see if there is penalty study by the goalkeeper a bio on the no mob balled up went down to ten men from then on all day we have also read that they. didn't give up and some thought of leveled from a set piece with three minutes to go second go to the logo for today and tomorrow you can actually see straight. two points behind fellow strugglers frost. and in the last game on saturday i landed i came back to door to. my problem that's going up to six because it turns out this is. going to go. now nine tenths. and in the meantime russian side and g. have agreed to sign fronts make field at less sign of the hundred the twenty seven
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year old the subjects' to a medical before joining the free spending druggist on the flop for a reported feat of more than six million dollars as three year deal could be on the cause for d r a who has also had spells at chelsea come to austin ill. well to fill the vacancy left by the our own ray allen have brought him like a lesson on a season long loan from chelsea the twenty nine year old gone a star reunites with manager shows a marine you are so se in joining the blues back in two thousand and five. well anyone in the english premier league defending champions manchester city are up to fourth after them convincing three one when it's time to q.p.r. cost as netted the stoppage time third as rangers put up a spirited second homes display well you know west brom went third and remain unbeaten after winning two nil at home to everton ten months once the twice full back to door to two at home to sunderland and stay second robert snodgrass grabbed the late equaliser snorts drew one want to talk them through yet to win a league game and then the even last boss. andy carroll set up two goals but then
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went off in jet in west ham's three nil at london davi win over for them and peter crouch netted late eleven at a start twice came back to draw two to wigan. on to tennis now and serena williams is true to the fourth round of the. u.s. open after a straight sets win over russia she kept it in my heart about the reigning wimbledon and olympic champion found some resistance from her unseated opponent in the first set but cruised through to seconds to wrap up a comprehensive victory while the second season of nascar van scott also beat former world number one your lady yankovic in straight sets in a back and forth encounter. now into formula one and jenson button has trained his first pole position for veteran after a scintillating qualifying session for the belgian grand prix it was also the britain's first pole since monaco in two thousand and nine and amazing day it sparked some but dry that coming week of my own she took second to clinch the first
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front row start of his career has passed on modern law there was good then came to me reichen own sergio perez withstanding a number one long as a ferrari six red bulls mark webber seven spot will start twelve after a great penalty behind defending champion sebastian vettel. it's been quite a long time since i got my position that's back in two thousand and nine monaco i think so. yeah it's pretty emotional you know some days it's been good for the past few years but seven days of. not going perfectly you could say so. a great qualifying session. it's so important to come back after the break of such a long break but with with a good result and so i think you know the race is tomorrow but this is this is close to winning the grand prix for me it has been it's been so long. well meanwhile the brand new must die race way is the place to be for local racing fans this sunday at the g t one world championship comes to russia first time in
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qualifying the overall leading pair of michael barr tells the globe have troubles with their b.m.w. they will start the qualifying race on the back of the grid. the other end of my current job i want to put anything and the work was done mostly a week on. yeah but it's way past the moscow raceway was also the venue last weekend for the first ever russian stage of the well superbike championship and this was jail and next more thanks to russian entrepreneur icon they acknowledge i think the top off with balls. when you talk about more sport you think of formula one how is it speed speak taking all the taking and dangerous maneuvers you are up to their new field for the super bowl. finally russia had a chance to taste some high oakton too will actually when the superbike world
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championship game to moscow for the very first time oh no all the more to support team alexander was the driving force in bringing the sport to the country the russian on to printer sending in ten year deal to host the event at the mosco raceway where i see what's portable collaterals like shit i'm always asked why i did that is more sport that particular in russia superbike is twenty five years old is broadcast worldwide with half a billion viewers there are lots of fans in russia and we will increase that number and that's a huge business project and of course we expect to make a profit. himself wasn't a motorcycle fan it was his wife nine years there who was into the sport and inspired her husband to establish a team somewhat surprisingly there were only female writers in this one at the beginning but soon it held be turned into a business is a good addition he's not quite sure how it happened our my husband watch new racing step by step he got into it and got addicted bringing superbike to russia became
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his goal but it's always seemed you know as i can see it all started with my family and became a massive project one of our former female drivers is now the team sports director my wife is now more into airplane racing but i don't. any plans to hold such events yet the team has three drinks forming into an outfit ready to compete with the superbike giant and they have their sights set high in the saddle this quarter aiming not just to take part in the world championship but also to climb up on the podium on a regular basis but i'm glad. i got into the team into until eleven when we competed in the italian championship and we're very close to taking the title this is our first season in superbike we've had lots of ups and downs but we're working hard to improve our performance. twenty five year old who on earth is competing in the second race supersport get a break and he has already finished on the podium twice in his debut season one of
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those placing spain on his home circuit at the weekend. thank you everyone it was a really good race one of the best this season i would like to thank my team and fans for support it was amazing. with the emergence of the yahoo team in superbike and lois's continued presence in formula one the stage is set for russia to now be counted on the mourners board see and finally get to grips with the need for speed once again by the party. and finally the first weekend in september the russian capital celebrates moscow day with fun and entertainment across the city however this year muscovites had the chance to witness a slightly more extreme show as michael catching her strong. at this year's moscow day celebrations muscovites and the city's guests which seated to an impromptu performance by russia's top just dreidels fans were allowed to get up close and
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personal as the drivers convened in moscow's sports complex to show off their skills. we're very happy that we're being invited to such events because it brings our sports to the masses many don't know what drifting is all about and often associated with illegal activities but there's nothing like that this is fast beautiful and a lot of. thought it for many of us the notion of ripping up ask old with a total pallet speed machine is consigned to video games we're hitching restarts can become a habit switch to reality and one realizes the adrenaline and danger that comes with maneuvering between concrete blocks at high speeds it's also a trip down memory lane for the drive is being able to burn rubber on what is otherwise just a simple car park. what with most if not all just competitions held in large arenas nowadays. it's great to be back on such a course because now we compete very wise areas without concrete walls or the like
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and also spectators are often far removed from the action but i'm all for more old school venues where spectators can literally feel the adrenaline rushing up it's also a mini preparation for the upcoming russian just final which will be held on the eighth and ninth september right here in moscow so even though some drivers may well be keeping an eye on that event today it was all about showboating and having fun michael genco. and that's all the sports there is. sigrid laboratory to mccurdy was able to build a new its most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a dollar amount anything turns mission to teach the creation why it should care about humans and. this is why you should care only on the dot com.
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