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tv   [untitled]    September 2, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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brighton. from funds to. t.v. dot com. he
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was saying. here's a recap all week the top stories here take a stab at military intervention in syria against the cold shoulder that the new un peace envoy are doing any such interference make a ceasefire impossible. a chorus of support for the once peaceful nuclear program
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as a country destroys any notion it's been politically isolated by the us with its hosting of a massive international fund. the war of the wealthy. religious except maybe the bad legal attempts by london based tycoon boris berezovsky to couple of those flights of his multi-billion dollar for. the republicans of rush renominated presidential candidate mitt romney promises a hardline stance against russia faces criticism for flip flopping on the previous policy. we go on board one of the walls of foster's sailing ships for breathtaking scenery so stay tuned for that. playing football in the scorching july sun of the iberian peninsula is senseless torture for some of these men others see it as
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a simple warm up before more difficult contest on dry land they see their rivals face to face but at sea as it says on nothing more than a blip on a radar screen. wind and waves are the only tangible evidence of their determination to win. the crew of the russian three must sailing ship mir has little time to prepare ahead of the second phase of the two thousand and twelve toll ships race nevertheless a fine five minutes for a brief leaving ceremony. i would like to congratulate you today as we begin our voyage out to sea i hope will have a good start this time too i urge you all to do your best like. the crew
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success is a matter of on earth for the captain and instructor of mir he will soon be celebrating his seventy fifth birthday and has devoted a third of his life to the world's fastest sailing boat victory would be the perfect gift that the crew will need to give it their own way the first phase of the two thousand and twelve tall ships race ended with a discouraging result from near. of the killer actually we were the first to come in after the first lap but after time update we turned out to be third in our class of ships. and frederic chopin polish sailboats where head of us our sister ship from poland will be our main rival both ships have similar designs and sails according to the time correction will last about thirty minutes during the first phase i. think again a thirty to ninety minutes will be enough for us to win here to give a long blast. but. long one by.
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by noon more than thirty sail boats have left the port of lisbon the second part of the race is short little more than two hundred nautical miles they will need to make up for the time she lost in the first place before she reaches the spanish port of kids is the crew unfurls mir sails all three thousand square metres all. over all of the boats in this prestigious class of ships near has the greatest claim to victory her rivals pale in comparison to the number of wins she has racked up over the years she also boasts a skillful crew. strictly speaking these races are a side project from the russian ship is primarily for training purposes cadets of them a car of academy a would be captains of the russian merchant fleet if they learn how to set sail
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climb the rigging and timing knots the age of nuclear vessels such skills seen as useful as speaking latin. and what you. would get your any seaman must have practiced as well as theory besides they need to have certain character traits epaulets as well as sailors are sent to other sail boats because these people need to make the right decision in the nick of time the sail boat offers the best schooling and character training. day fowle of canada knows what the person of his mainsail wants him to do their commands are not translated into english after spending several months on may he's used to the routine and was. expected of him indeed sometimes he copes with his assignments better than his russian comrades it was not my first time on this type of vessel and still aboard a vessel called the picture house or on the around the world voyage and doing this
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made me realize i want to sail on the tall ships a for a living and so i went to school to be a navigator and this was an odd one of the opportunities for a work term was to come on the show. there were about twenty trainees like dave on the ship like the sailors they keep watch and they also share courses with the crew there's only one thing that sets them apart they have to pay for the privilege there is a floating democracy even the old superstition about women on board being a bad omen is ignored right you know twenty young female cadets some trainees are taking part in the race. my name three am i from hamburg germany and yeah this is my second time on the air i would say that the guys. we tried to do our best by calling the ropes and so on it's not difficult that is why they like it that we are right now in plotting position in the atlantic ocean on route
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events and that's applauded every half an hour i feel great about it we all work together as a team. we help each other through it also makes it ok. for chickie's pilot steering mir leaves the bay a two pm there is less than an hour to go before the race starts tomorrow to butts form a starting line none of the participants in the race is allowed to cross it until a certain moment the most difficult task is to make a careful assessment of the ship's speed and direction so that she enters the start corrido exactly on time it takes some complicated arithmetic to add up speeds and subtract minutes. believe you or they don't let you know. still lingering on the top gallant sails your. little. game we need twelve knots ok that's what we've got right now sail setting aborted
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three minutes to go what's the distance. finally they need to shut off the engines to help the ship navigate out of port. always fail in these competition. otherwise they would be pointless. that's why all of the engines to shut down five minutes before the start that's the rules. so with us from central control the mechanic it's the way the brain writes ok. which of the lights is about to go on that the engine is shut down the myth is now under sail we'll talk about. it just it was great steering we sped away from the start.
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mig gets off to a good start a fair wind helps the ship pick up a speed of ten knots take the lead the polish sail boat. behind. the four sails of the largest of all the lower one is as large as two hundred eight square metres the foremast and some others bear a great number of sales themselves the same is true of the mainsail mast all the sails of them are interchangeable total of two hundred fourteen square metres the only exception is the main sail mast to the. nikolai abramoff is not just the ship's bo's'n but also a form a submarine a abramoff a spent the last thirty. he is making sales. week with this utility room here is our workshop we have one hundred sales in store all of different shapes and sizes twenty six of them are meant for masts and races while the others are kept as
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replacements. for. nikolai is the only person on board the can repair the damaged sail. sails are torn fairly often specially by strong winds you might even say they are wounded in the battle against the elements i have especially vivid memories of one rather dramatic sail replacement that was last year when we were competing against the polish boat. we were on our way across the baltic sea from finland to poland that's when the top most sail collapsed it took the cadets some four hours to get a new one back up all that happened mid strong winds and torrential rain. don't touch that. again is the bosun's favorite student like all the other cadets
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he joined me as crew three months ago that remembers only too well the terror he felt when confronted with the prospect of climbing a fifty meter tall mainsail must. my heart sank and i shivered all over although we didn't go very far on the last occasion. and we had that time the bite was more to how sites in petersburg we looked up at the top of the mast and wondered whether it was possible to reach it. but now it's quite a routine thing for me. i remember the ship being caught up in a vicious storm near here during a race. sail and jim britt the guys had to be sent to the far end of the.
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but sometimes they have to.
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deal. with. well belligerent for them let's. pull the report we've got assigns places in accordance with an updated coefficient of the go and the caps and the like as expected the polish boat. is in the lead we are in the second place
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both of us have an equal chance at the moment and only. the gap between the polish and russian sailboats is minuscule it all comes down to the second phase of the race then everything will depend on the wind the poles decide to seek strong winds by taking the risk of going further south into the open sea they disappear from is view but the crew sees another vessel in its place approaching on the horizon. but. i would think for our own. welfare in court it was all going to show must go on. but. we didn't or. always bear will. break what it was you seem
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very very to work. politically if you wish to stop the tourists want to take our picture just because. they don't see that many sailboats. the cruise line assails off followed by the sun sliding behind the horizon the first night of the races second phase sets in the nervous tension from the start fades away life on board returns to normal cadet self shifts do what they can to vent all that pent up energy ms current speed is. it's people in the captain's cabin a comforter at the sailboat is heading towards another victory. you
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know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. and he. will. be.
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down to. be on the second day of the race the crew in the morning shift hasn't got a single moment to spare the wind is stronger than expected the first attempt to take down some of the sails is unsuccessful one of them is caught in the hurricane force wind the sail will be torn apart unless it's fixed without a leg. just like we went in the back to roll up the top sail we tried to tie it to the power so that the wind couldn't repeat up on it but we couldn't the wind is too strong it's simply too strong the crew gets control of the sails them it picks up speed to fifty knots the ship is tilting heavily support a. will turn for the ship still lies ahead. when past a turning point one and a half hours ago now we're heading for the finish line but there are about one
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hundred forty miles to go the polish boat was slightly closer to that point and therefore made a turn a bit earlier than we did but now that we are on the right side of the wind we'll try to overtake it with. the polish but it is only a short distance ahead all man's crewmates to do is keep a speed for the first few hours after the turning point everything's going smoothly . with the shows where we all are when the ship began three hours or so ago the bearing angle of the polish ship was something like one hundred thirty degrees now it's one hundred seventy in other words we have one back distance from the poles. but nature deals me a cruel blow the wind has died down and the ship speed instantly drops to five knots with a sails beginning to droop the bulky frigate almost comes to
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a halt like to pursue is trying to catch up with her another exchange with race officials confirms that mir is now trailing behind the polish ship. as we've got to shells to remedy the situation but only if there's a fair wind to help us in that case we might overtake ships with a small coefficient will follow ahead of them in the morning that the wind has driven them closer to us. the situation can't be remedy for the time being a strong wind is their only hope the crews whose job is taking care of the musts i will most know what to do they decide to hold a tug of war competition to try to reduce the stress brought on by the calm conditions. was that you was writing loosen up. was.
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ready was ready. was. i was was introduced to people with the help of this instrument where able to see the constellation of the stars in the sky. normally you see this from below but right now i am looking at it from above. because that's who are not lucky enough to be involved in the tug of war go to a room where they listen to lectures on astronomy they're not very popular but attendance has mandated. you inside the age of g.p.s. satellites and internet communications these seamen to talk how to do six times
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term in a ship's coordinates by observing stars. in the surface measuring how high the sun is over the horizon is easy enough. you learn to do it after two or three lessons but also about if you want to determine the ship's location with you need to take three different measurements at a time. the problem is that the ship will cover a large distance in the five to ten minutes it takes for the contents to do the measurements. the levitical was the. the foresail marsh team is victorious meanwhile reports of the overall race positions of the ship start coming in as for mere there is no wind in sight yet.
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listen for the information about the voyage first july twenty second monday lord nelson is nine thing class and twelfth overall. and the mir is second class and second overall the pelican of london is eighth same class and eleventh overall. the ship's galley has its own race against time when it comes to feeding almost two hundred people four times a day speed is of the essence the kooks have to work almost around the clock during such races. detroit to make the first tasty during a race where normally cook food separately when you have a till she called me good health food would be burned to the other half would end up on the floor so taking in potions is much more convenient.
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on the second evening of the race that steam hardly has any work to do the wind is still quite weak changing the configuration of the sails is pointless to debt projects going takes time out to explain why people still like sailboats bush. this is the only place where you can feel the thrill of the wind swaying you from side to side while you're up there hanging on to the must also a sailboat promotes the spirit of comradeship it builds character and your ability to stand up to the elements of truth it's a tough job setting sail was especially hard work would end up worn out and dead tired but not for one moment today i regret it. down in the bowels of the ship away from the deck in the elements signs of normal life can be found there are two campaigns showers and lounges here in addition to
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courses for the cadets and cabins for the regular crew about one hundred fifty people spend several months together in these premises during the night when the fate of the years main race hangs in the balance the atmosphere here is just as calm as it always is. the crew on the bridge follows the coordinates of mir in the polish ship its chief rival the russian sailboat is closer to shore its crew expects to cross the finish line ahead of the polish ship the result should be clear by next morning. the morning brings the long awaited wind that comes too late in the day the race is almost over. there's one mile to go to the finish line the poles ship. came an hour ago. we should come second. there were closer to the line because they had been going a bit further south and benefited from southerly winds but they had
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a lead of several miles. cool on the deck is quest for the news of the defeat. shall we say three cheers for the winners. i. mean you see yourselves. but you should take place defeats and victory in your stride you know. i'm upset of course i really don't know about the others but we had a chance to win and we didn't the way that i see it today we just didn't go the right way i don't think it was the right way. he simply should have taken another. it was a fair race after all it is as the captain says. well well bound to win the next time. and it disappointed no less but getting to this point
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i think the next leg of the race. for such as mayor and dharma josie are cold when jammers limbs and it's no wonder our lives are in the wind if there is no wind we go nowhere the poles were fortunate i don't know if it was a small stroke of luck or an educated guess they showed a slightly better performance than we did the wind is what matters. ms crew takes in the sails before entering the spanish port town of kid is. in accordance with tradition it parades in front of thousands of spectators on the russian and polish ships more side by side like two peas in
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a pod. the sailboats turn into floating exhibitions open to the public for a few days anyone is free to inspect them inside out. meanwhile off duty say less get into town. and. the crews of all race competitors get together at parties on lounge with snacks drinks and. rivals at sea shake hands secretly hoping they will emerge victorious next time and receive such congratulations on the victory. today this is the last stop for me she will later join thirty other sailboats returning to portugal and then the russian ship will follow
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a route of her own once again the wind and waves will be both her friends and foes away.


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