tv [untitled] September 2, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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all. the week's top stories here on our team turkey a stab at military intervention in syria gets the cold shoulder for the new u.n. peace envoy arguing any such interference would make a ceasefire impossible. of course all support for you runs peaceful nuclear program as the country destroys any notion it's been politically isolated by the u.s. with its hosting of the massive international something. the republicans freshly
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nominated presidential candidate mitt romney promises a hard line stance against russia but faces criticism for flip flopping on major issues. and the war of the wealthy from on the album all vision successful beeves bad legal attempts by london based tycoon bars but it's off to cut off a slice of his multibillion dollar fortune. you're watching live well from moscow for this week's the week long would say first the most open pushy ad for military intervention in syria came this week proposed by turkey with backing from both britain and france it proposes a u.n. establishment of refugee camps on syrian soil which would be god isn't protected by foreign forces by a no fly zone but the idea had
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a dead end at the security council prompting britain and france to him like they would all together meanwhile the new international envoy to syria brahimi warned that any military intervention would be the death of peace efforts but there's a poll sheldon food from california state university says that for some it's not about ending the violence. it's a pretext that's still another way to divide and take over the country years seeing the united nations as your vehicle that playbook worked in libya they want to try the same playbook and do it doesn't work anymore well there's no desire. for us there in iraq you have a negotiated settlement the old purpose of this exercise is to make sure that there is no competition in the middle east or pipeline such as by way of syria iran and other places i think the people in the west to be very happy that ended up with a massive civil war and a breakup of their country there's
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a lack of competition by for. their claim that they care one bit about humanitarian concerns as it is a gross war to melbourne bloss have had damascus going off almost simultaneously near the headquarters of the joint chiefs of staff say t.v. says a four people were injured in the explosions and i'm a bomb attacks at least some of which have been claimed by al qaeda have grown shopping in recent months they said to be sowing panic among residents of the capital and across the country fearing further exodus of refugees but as out in paula's reports what they find when they escape often make them wish they'd never left. exhausted and drained there's not much for these refugees to do besides swelter under the school ching desert sun children from the vine inspect home soon they walked for days in the heat to get here and so they come in numbers and under the wire not one person here has gone through the official boards in
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state depending on the level of violence in syria as many as a thousand people each day a feeling of cross into jordan that picked up from the border by the jordanian police and brought here to the scamp. and now a man doesn't know what to do with them the country is struggling with few natural resources little water and is in need of foreign aid their growing number is putting pressure on in a way the refugee way republic we can't order on the faces of the refugees we have to help them syria is like a sister to jordan i'm king abdullah president assad with friends now king is in a very difficult situation has a direct impact here relations between a man in damascus are already strained a number of defected soldiers and senior officers are being sheltered in the kingdom the most high profile refugee was the prime minister riyad hitch up who fled to turkey through jordan earlier this month and then that the tribes who fearing massive amounts of weapons ammunition and sniper rifles to syria from
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jordan saudi arabia is promising economic assistance in exchange for months cooperation but it could backfire. if there is regime change in syria and the extremists come to power. problems for jordan where we have our own extremists far more flexible. and so now jordan faces the backlash of a conflict which some in the country have helped escalate meanwhile more than one hundred fifty thousand refugees remain stuck on its borders and what's supposed to be a safe enclave but we food is hard to come by toilets case and not enough tends to go around leaving some to the mercy of harsh desert conditions. yet most fear here is so so bad syria you die quickly but here we are dying a slow death i wish now i never left to come here. jordan narrowly escaped a wave of uprisings that swept the arab world it says it's getting reforms in place
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but caught between both sides it might not be enough to stop the serious shockwave however that conflict in policy r.t. results of the refugee camp on the jordanian syrian border. but the pressure on syria piling up france is increasingly being seen as the leader of the west f.s.a. against that but director of the french center for intelligence studies eric denise french policies on syria depend on a steady stream of one sided reporting. i would say we don't truly foreign policy for the time being i mean the mainstream in paris is emotion everything is about emotion we are absolutely under the disinformation of the movies of the. then order or a lower rate and the people are reacting only with emotion we don't out of the least good reflection about geopolitics and the bad room we have to really in in the middle east even if the political leaders of change you know a few months ago most of the policy of the same and most of the diplomatic teams
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are of the same looks like in france is now the new luxury of the u.s. like the u.k. has always been this is where the operation is good between you good u.s. and france because we are doing their police. well selective reporting however isn't just limited to france earlier this week there was another glaring example the story about how rebels were caught using a blindfolded prisoner as an unwitting suicide bomber disappears from the mainstream airwaves the latest in a series of the truth told the would quickly shell see that next hour. also weighs in on syria with millions of need to government e-mails while julian the sunshine blossman transnational surveillance empire that he says is taking over the developing world. iran's nuclear ambitions have won some powerful backing as one hundred twenty countries voice a approval of peaceful atomic research in the country this was the key point in the
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unanimously adopted resolution that wrapped up a nine aligned movement summit in toronto the u.s. and israel have been left revealing by the success of the gathering as they've been trying to undermine it at all along it comes as a new report suggested that iran has doubled its nuclear capacity but the document was rejected by ciaran as politically motivated it was another blow for israel and its western allies when u.n. chief banking appeared at the summit he condemned to their persistent aggressive the kraken threats of a strike on iran jim political analyst eric draitser believes the summary clearly indicates the u.s. efforts to isolate iran have been in vain. the iranians first of all they believe that they have the inherent right according to the nuclear nonproliferation treaty that they have the right to have a nuclear program so long as it's for peaceful purposes as is now accepted international law the united states and israel too to
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a large extent are terribly embarrassed about the fact that the nonaligned movement summit was gone off as a tremendous success the. way in many ways is part of what the leader in iran called the overt dictatorship of the united nations. that is to say that the i.a.e.a. is always led by u.s. produced think tank individuals like l. barra die or his predecessors who will inevitably execute the agenda of the western powers regardless of whether that contravenes international law. iran plans to return its oil exports to levels they were just before july the e.u. ban and in achieving that to run a space for help from its asian partner as japan india and china have been regular customers of iranian crude despite the kind sanctions author and journalist after natanz he believes the nonaligned movement summit has shown the world the real feelings towards iran the united states and nature do not want any type of or sovereignty to remain a normal a movement nations it's
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a great pity and i hope those capitals as major capitals will get increasingly more frightened by what is happening as the global south comes closer together in their attempts at trying to overthrow what is basic western a germany their views regarding any type of peace in the middle east will hold far more sway than any here imposed views from london washington or brussels and i suppose the way that they react is by not covering it in the mainstream media as much. still ahead for you this hour she was killed on a boat that adam in view of a witness to the death of you is activist rachel corrie by an israeli army bulldozer despite a cold controversial decision to clear the military from any blame. a black hole at the border hundred thirty thousand people slip through the net so you can't
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immigration control setting alarm bells ringing that this could be just the tip of the i expect. also acting in bad faith we explore the reasons behind an unprecedented rise of islamic extremism in russia following a series of us estimations of moderate muslim clerics. right mitt romney officially accepted his nomination as republican presidential candidate this week as he did so he slammed his rival barack obama saying his handling of foreign affairs was poor romney said a much tougher stuns must be taken towards some countries including russia but critics have questioned much of what he said you know she can explains. mitt romney is now officially barack obama's opponent for the white house and he's talking tough throwing rocks well verbal rocks not only the president but also nations at the republican convention where he accepted his nomination mr romney did not fail
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to once again highlight his any masorti towards russia he criticized the president for not being hard enough in his view on russia when it comes to missile defense mitt romney says under his administration quote mr putin will see less flexibility and more backbone end of quote and of course that adds up to his earlier statements that russia is america's number one geopolitical enemy and that they need to reset the reset that's actually what he says on his website as part of mitt romney's foreign policy agenda so yes a lot of tough talk i heard experts say that's how mitt romney makes up for a lack of charisma what's interesting about the backbone comment is that mitt romney himself is often characterized as lacking the backbone as he has flip flopped on so many issues like abortion he was for abortion before he was against it or illegal immigration he was for giving them legal status that he was for deporting them mitt romney is flip flops have been widely discussed they've become
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an endless source of inspiration for comedians this is this is a joke from the tonight show with jay leno it says actually mitt romney and hurricane isaac have something in common they can both change directions that any moment and another comedian goes obama is like you can be whatever you want to be while romney is like i can be whatever you want me to be there are tons of jokes about mitt romney and his backbone issues apparently one way of showing some backbone for him is this kind of tough talk full of threats we'll see how far it will take him in this november election. the british high court has smashed the hopes and reputation of russia's self exile tycoon the berries and berries off scheme his eyes to a small suit against billionaire compared shard romana promote vision was dismissed in one of the most expensive cases in legal history more on that from artie's laura smith. final verdict in this case found against
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a body which means that he won't receive a cent of the more than five point six billion dollars that he was also going for. what i want to promote himself was not in court of but his old scheme was he a relieved looking very upbeat saying that he had full confidence in the british legal system but once the verdict was being read he held his head in his hands and as he was leaving he appears to have lost confidence in the british legal system now this is a case that has opened up all the viewing of the general public the murky world of russia's mega rich and what they go to up to back in the one nine hundred ninety s. the wild east as we called it back then we're talking about sums of money offshore bank accounts elicit payments made between people often in massive sums of cash. or of kools five star hotels ski resorts and enormous business deals done only on the strength of a handshake with no documentation which of course has made this case
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a very difficult one to judge it's brought to london to school building billion ads along with their own megger expensive lawyers and bodyguards who walked around this course area in their shades in a menacing way but he spread his old ski says that he was done out of billions of dollars when he says that i'm over it intimidated him into selling shares in russian metals and oil companies for a fraction of what they were but abramovich says that in fact whenever business partners that he was making payments to but as but they were only for political protection. roof in russian he wanted five point six billion dollars on top of the one point two billion that he received back in two thousand and two from which this is being one of the biggest civil trials ever held in british legal history it's been. hundreds of hours and resulted in millions of dollars worth of
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legal fees so we've heard the results of this case know when but that is ok this time around we may see more cases of this nature here in the. ride while the news of that mega rich squabble over billions in london my not go down well in crisis his spain catches hard to come by and one and only is now out of a job this is according to the latest figures from your step mom that's in a few minutes. and two hundred years after a key battle when the russia fought against invasion of napoleon's v.s.o. relaxing the scratch. at the seat of justice that's how a u.n. official brenda's a verdict by an israeli court to that cleared the military of any blame for the death of u.s. activists rachel corrie she was run over by an army bulldozer in two thousand and three the twenty two year old was taking part in
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a protest against the demolition of palestinian homes in gaza but the judge ruled that her death was an accident and that she had brought it on herself averting sparked a wave of concern among human rights groups who the other case will set a dangerous precedent and allow israel to escape responsibility journalists a tom dale witness cory's a death and says sure the driver killed her on purpose. tremendously just pointing out what i saw on that thank you thousand three is absolutely not possible to characterize why have this accident in my view i told the court and as i told the. driver. a very long drive up. before he got to racial jury which time he must have been able to see. the took place just before she was crushed and she clambered on a mound of earth trying to escape so my mind absolutely no doubt that he would have
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seen a culture in israeli military unity such crimes and that culture impunity should it take it fortunately sometimes by the courts. attacks against muslim leaders in russia have been on the rise as recently prompting fears of a city growth in radicalism and influential sheikh was killed in shoes day in dagestan when a female suicide bomber entered the cleric's home disguised as a pilgrim and blew herself up this comes up a double assault on muslim figures in central russia interline artes you godfrey's cannot found out where the resolve extremism or leading. the trip to work that turned to tragedy our sons had moved he was driving when to seize a blast threw him from his car the man who's been openly against the spread of radical ideas among believers survived to find out his deputy was shot dead in another part of town investigators still don't know the exact motivation behind the
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attack but the spotlights now on the other stun most people here are muslim and that gets mentioned more and more when it comes to the spread of radical islam in washington yes some of the local muslim communities are financed by arab families from states where as an official religion on the money has to be worked off and they demand their ideology is spread here it's. like a business is one of the most fundamental branches of islam it's strongly advocated in saudi arabia which backs it up with billions of dollars of support across the muslim world its followers often oppose all other religions sometimes even calling for jihad holy war against them bus abysmal or any other radical movement of us lot of course not part of the official religion here but i thought the same different ideas are often taught in smaller mosques hidden from the mainstream. like this one form a boiler house rebuilt into a mosque in one of gazans many apartment blocks the aren't it's the moms denying
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radical but admit they do not support their stance official branches of islam. we don't divide brother muslims and there can be no radicalism no terrorism these are words only used by prove a kidders who want to discredit as. we were told here believers are taught sincerely and equality there are no longer up held in modern society. justice can only be achieved through islam when someone says islam is the only thing or way of life and social order they're called radical or extremist and what's the punishment for stealing a hand chopped off. not the kind of punishment you'd find in russia's criminal court nevertheless such ideas are reportedly gaining more support among young muslims for some experts it could be partly to blame on how the list of banned extremist literature was thrown together. often books by classical world famous
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authors are bound. prophet muhammad saying how can we expect muslims to react and of course the radicals use this to gain influence. of course start their stand is a long way from becoming involved by the worst of the radical islam how the state reacts to the spread of extremism is now key that could only worsen the situation you've got this kind of r g because i don't understand. r.t. dot com for more on this and many other stories here's what you can find there right now. pakistani girl allegedly falls victim to any mom who's accused of trying to frame her for blasphemy and the call one burning. house on long island the dog here were rosie and she and scratching characters from the simpsons a live big cattle game to russian lawmakers find out how. dot com.
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you're watching artemia thanks for tuning in now the latest unemployment figures for the eurozone put it at a record eighteen million in july that's more than ten percent the highest jobless rate since one thousand nine hundred five or so freighted country is spain where a quarter of the population is now out of work journalist and author miguel on show marotta says their current economic policy isn't bringing a resolution of the crisis any closer. we haven't really tackled a problem with the eurozone we just have a program of austerity for all the different countries to reduce the deficit debt is certainly not and also is not working is a stifling growth which is an even worse problem and we are in the midst of a recession certainly here in spain and very soon in many other european countries so unless we have a clear idea of how to reform the euro we are not in detroit but it's not just the economic crisis it's also the economy policies spain east. is now performing
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a very harsh agenda of a study to cuts and that he's actually biting all sectors of his funny economy and the problem is that he's not working it's not bringing down the deficit which is the main targets and then as i say he's damaging all the aspects of spain's economy the u.k. is sounding the alarm of a legal immigration promising to take tough meshes and create a hostile environment for those who don't have the right to stay but we fully can be deported and have to be found and that's what the british legal system is having trouble with sarah for three ports. the black hole is the u.k. immigration system easy to guess in but no one's been properly tracking who should be and is getting out last month chief inspector john vine revealed just how bad things at the u.k. border agency were guessing when he discovered more than one hundred fifty thousand migrants that have been refused the right to remain in the u.k.
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had simply disappeared some people may have left the country some of them may still be here i think the key fact was that the agency had no idea how many were actually still in the country and how many had left in the wake of the revelations the government began talking tough immigration minister damian green said warning sent to immigrants would reduce the number who are able staying there these are the government's made a lot of noise about its efforts to cut immigration but at the total seven hundred billion pound government spending budget is one point nine billion is allocated to the border agency that's just a third of one percent it's an incredibly small amount and historically underfunded and still cripplingly under-resourced border agency is now under pressure and the latest revelations that more than one hundred fifty thousand migrants the missing could just be the tip of the iceberg let me explain where one hundred fifty thousand figure came from it's just a category of people have applied to extend their leave to remain in the u.k.
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being refused and they're going to port au prince a much bigger part of a million sounds about what the number of people who are here lately which are actually in london immigration lawyer and there's eighty tells us this the blue agencies don't have any hope of reducing the number of missing migrants they need to radically change their approach i think the u.k.b.a. need to potentially stalk promoting a very tough line because the people who absorb the tough line in the media or of course the markets and sells and they don't come forward if the u.k. promote a transparent and fair lines they will take every case individually as they want to cope with these individual groups can stay those people. this hundred fifty nine would go down instantly and then applications could be processed properly instead it seems it will be a need database that will be depended upon to track down they staying in britain illegally expected to launch next month among the companies bidding for the tender is chief for us g. four s. the company that created a high profile control the c recently when it failed to deliver enough stuff for
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the olympic games they're seeking the multi-million pound contract place to aid the cleanup of a catalogue of disasters and mismanagement in the u.k. immigration system surf assy london. well i'm all on the eurozone crisis next hour including i'm tempted to tap into china as well as german chancellor angela merkel tries to convince beijing to use in the billions to prop up an ailing euro zone. and that big event of the past has been brought back to life in russia thousands of actors in historic uniform have recreated the battle of bora deano when the russian soldiers for the invasion of napoleon exactly two centuries ago. barton has more from the front line. battle is raging here at the field of bora deano to the west of moscow the french or the russians have squared up
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a cannons are blasting the infantry is squaring up and the cavalry is preparing to charge and the reenactment of the climactic battle of napoleon's invasion of russia two hundred years before cousens of people have turned out to see this reenactment and reenact as a come both for russia and all the way from france and germany to take part really all of this on the scale of a hollywood film all the people here getting just a part of the experience of what it was like to be present at that great historical moment polian marched into russia in one thousand told with what was then the largest army ever assembled and intended to make imperial russia soon for peace and so become a master of europe but it was here at this point to the west of moscow that the russians decided to stand and fight the result being an enormous long and brutal civil war getting much of a battle the french guns pounded the russian lines all day rather like this but the
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russians failed to break they stood their ground the next day they were forced to retire from the field having lost so many men but polian took wasco but he wasn't able to keep it within two years not only had the polio failed to make imperial russia super peaceful as the russian army but was marching into paris. are you watching on t.v. i'll be back in just a few moments with a recap of our top stories stay with us.
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