tv [untitled] September 3, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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hello and welcome to you are karen with you this monday it is five o'clock here in moscow while the one time regional rivals india and china now want to bring their armies closer together top military chief is alma visit new delhi aiming to boost the influence of the two asian giants but news of this alliance is already causing concern across the pacific as artie's priya sridhar explains. this is a historic trip for india as a chinese defense minister has been visited this country in nearly a decade on the top priority for the list of things to discuss on this trip are strengthening the india china border and promoting a stronger cooperation between the two countries armed forces many people believe that india and china because they have two of the fastest growing economies in the world should be rivals but a lot of analysts i've spoken with have actually said that
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a partnership between the neighbors actually makes more sense with forty per cent of the world's population and at a time when these two countries' economies are growing while many of the traditional western powers their economies are decreasing many people say that a partnership between india and china could actually be detrimental to a country like the united states the united states actually exports eight point four billion dollars of arms to india every year and india is actually the number one importer in the entire world many people say the united states is interested in india to counterbalance china's growing influence in this region and to have a strategic ally here when the united states plans to withdraw its troops from afghanistan in twenty fourteen so while other countries might have an interest in what kind of relationship india and china has. all signs are pointing to stronger
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military and economic ties between the two countries the growing financial clout trees on the global implications that it could have is also the focus of peter lavelle's debate with his guests and cross-check that's showing here next fifteen thirty g.m.t. here's a quick preview. on the eve of the meeting of the pacific economic cooperation regional to what degree is the economy now in the east and so are we living in the pacific century and if we are what does it really mean. another fly in the oil for russian british relations london has apparently followed in washington's footsteps and approved the blacklist a russian officials prevented from stepping on its soil the individuals are accused of human rights abuses in connection with the case of sygate monk need ski russia
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lawyer who died in custody more on that from artie's polly boyko. russia's ambassador to the u.k. wants an explanation from the u.k. foreign office after it emerged in the sunday times that the u.k. home secretary had sent a list of around sixty russian officials to the british embassy in moscow in order to ban them from traveling to russia now the list contains the names of russian judges prosecutors and intelligence officials who london believes are involved in the death of the russian based lawyer so again magnitsky he worked for the london based company hermitage capital fund and he died in pretrial detention back in two thousand and nine in moscow now that he was jailed for tax evasion and awaiting detention his family say that he died because of repeated beatings and being refused medical care now the investigation into the case in russia is still ongoing . but it's had
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a big resonance base at home and abroad earlier the us said that it had also by and around sixty russian officials from traveling to the u.s. speaking often magnitsky his death then president dmitry medvedev he said that the people who are accused of economic crimes and tax crimes in particular they should not be put into pretrial detention and of course mostly says no as death is a big tragedy but they've called on other nations not to stage a political show regarding the matter and they've promised a tough response to any foreign sanctions that could be put in place over the case a lot more are still lined up for you in the program including a look at those coping with catastrophe. international sanctions cut syria from the outside world depriving fountains of basic necessities while those who work in the country's agriculture sector wish only for an end to the war.
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and the long arm of the copyright industry reaches all the way to cambodia with one of the fugitive founders of the pirate bay the file sharing site now facing extradition to sweden. they're known as blue on green attacks when u.s. trained afghan troops turn their weapons on nato soldiers the incidents have become so frequent or that the coalition has decided to halt the training of local forces until the proper screening of recruits is carried out robert not iman from just foreign policy says that nato commanders in afghanistan have brought the problem upon themselves. what's really striking about this is that nato officials are admitting that they've known for years that there are only varying procedures were not being followed. and that this is contributed to these killings spectacular
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mission. and the big question of why didn't make the change before finally the problem grew to such a spectacular stage that they could no longer ignore or believe the attach of groom because first of all they've been as they now admit any people to these forces without vetting and secondly because there are just a greater proximity and third because there is greater stress both stress on the afghan soldiers and police stress on the u.s. forces which helps them behave in ways that broke the afghan soldiers and police i think the deeper question is you know what can we learn from this about u.s. policy and the credibility of the generals were always told to defer to the generals the generals ever control until there are some spectacular episode that shows that they don't have
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a situation to be drawn what should we conclude from that about western in particular u.s. policy i think that is really where the focus of the west should be and you know what are we going to do to change that policy which is so clearly spectacularly failed. still ahead for you later this hour daily and. strange. as thousand strong marchers filled the streets with riot police often turning peaceful protests glee. was the children's cartoon classics that may now be suitable for adults a new age rating system for t.v. programs in russia animated in anger. the new international peace envoy to syria has described his job as quote near impossible lockdown brahimi went on to say that not enough is being done to stop the violence both on the side of the government and the rebels and as the death
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toll rises so do the streams of refugees fleeing syria to join the hundreds of thousands who have already left the situation has become so dire that jordan and the u.n. have appealed for seven hundred million dollars to help provide care support sanctions to make ordinary life difficult in syria with canada alone around picking up its measures against a. college this year. boyko reports it's now up to syrian farmers to act as a last line of defense against a humanitarian catastrophe. reaping the harvest of economic isolation and a good one farmers across syria are is busy as ever collecting to food to labor decades of economic sanctions haven't taught syria to rely on no one but itself at least when it comes to agricultural production and there are no sour grapes about it now while the political pressure on syria is mounting this country is still able
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to feed its people. almost everything that adds up on syrian tables is growing here in the country south far from the clashes and this year spared the usual drought these fields are probably the. governments bast had against all sort of foreign pressure aiming to undermine its support base. syria has experienced sanctions since the 1980's and it is told the country to be self-sufficient now i grew culture is well structured we have all the seeds fertilizers and water they haven't been damaged by the sanctions or by the ongoing clashes i can say that agriculture still remains among the sectors least affected by the clashes well this place still looks like a sanctuary of peace the actual war is heard here all too well seventy three year old jimmy noble hassan says he understands the young who want their country to change what he contacts app is their means and what. people who are misled and hold
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weapons fight the government and destabilize the country are wrong i hope they'll calm down we all need peace to return to syria. polarized on so many levels the syrian conflict has also drawn the line between villagers and city dwellers as violence continues in urban areas people in the countryside are working hard to feed the two warring parties attacking villagers out in rural areas isn't going to really help them in accomplishing their task which is to try to get assad out of out of power and so i think that's certainly not going to get the syrian people on their side so i think that the attacks are being concentrated in urban areas where they have the greatest chance to affect syria economically and potentially to strike at the military targets in the lap or clashes are still the order of the day but twenty kilometers west mohammad is trying to preserve one of his family's to be colonies the other and here homes is thought to have been destroyed they couldn't
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access it for more than six months. and i don't want to comment on politics it's too dangerous now all i can say is i think using weapons was the biggest mistake. syrian beekeepers are absolutely convinced that a beast as superior to all foreign species is billeted to withstand hardship and the blight of their pastures and as clashes in the north continue taking their toll on the industry many here hold that there is the only answer of syrian peace will also be transferred today kippers it's not artsy syria. but the main focus on syria the mainstream media is not so all seeing eye seems to keep missing what's happening in bahrain another arab state that's been engulfed by protests for over a year now dozens of anti-government protesters have been clashing with riot police west of the country's capital as comes days after thousands of people swapped the
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main highway leading to mine are demanding reforms and release of political prisoners former lecturer at the university of bahrain collin cavell thinks the country won't see any democratic change as long as its rulers remain shielded by washington. the united states wants to retain attachment to control not only were bahrain but over the entire persian gulf monarch them into our middle east in order to keep the crude oil flowing however they realize there will be increasing democratic opposition in all these countries that they can no longer rely on the dollars. to maintain their control and this is particularly true in bahrain where the population three quarters of the population or out on the streets on a regular basis telling their government to leave so we are no longer in support of monarchy we don't respect you and we don't fear you or any more so what the u.s.
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is doing with president barack obama is to replace the sort of. we started with the north african regime in egypt mubarak was removed in new york. bureau. khadafi go with. the regime in yemen go and so now if iraq obama is reelected and november snit's of this year then he will complete a demonic transition leader regime. the beginning of september in russia is a time tinge one of the most gruesome tragedies and the country's modern history now as the city is mourning the hundreds of people mostly children who lost their lives in an attack on a school in the town of beslan in two thousand and four terrorists took more than a thousand people hostage and there was a three day standoff before russia's military stormed the building will bring you a special report about because event in about fifteen minutes from.
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there. it was overshadowed by this tragedy. these two feel the fear. and remember every second of this nightmare. it will remain in their memories and hearts forever. and you see so. little. going on. here with our team karen taraji now cambodia is considering whether to extradite one of the co-founders of the file sharing website pirate bay to sweden godfried
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warrick was arrested by local police following a request from sweden where he was sentenced to a year in jail for copyright offenses the founder of sweden's pirate party rick fall convenience says the arrest itself raises questions the jury is still out on fortunately there are conflicting reports on. what really is to rest i've heard reports about a ball or brawl being the run up to it just with. local police interfering. a local disturbance reports the american ambassador being income at the time of his arrest high level talks taking place. this morning as was mentioned reports surfaced the year rest was a result of swedish authorities for assistance from cambodia despite the lack of an extradition agreement the thing is you cannot enforce the copyright
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monopolies and force of intellectual property we are at a crossroads where all of humanity and the entire library of human culture and on the edge all the tools are already developed the cables are in place the technology has been rolled out we have to do is remove the ban on using it but as usual there are vested interests in doing things lists efficiently and be receiving people depriving people of this knowledge that frankly gain economically from it. story and more. as what you can find there right now. the right to shoot over the right to drink and discover the unusual items banned by u.s. police ahead of the democratic national convention. and this supersonic jets pilot apparently almost
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a highway in russia with an airstrip roaring right over the heads of drivers. drive to make russian t.v. more child friendly fire a new law aims to clean up the country's early problems slot from scenes of an adult nature critics say the legislation. ambiguous rather that even a cartoon and being hit by the bat are. reports. of violence. it's become almost as widespread in t.v. and popular culture as bad language. it's alright. created for an audience graphic and explicit content is often watched when children
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something which russian legislators try to put a stop to. people usually associate themselves with fictional characters they see on t.v. and if adults can understand and analyze that's for children the characters both positive and negative are models which they absorb and take with them. their new t.v. radio online media to market programs that are showing way for each category ranging from six to eighteen programs depicting things like sex drugs. and. there's just one problem. that there is a paragraph in this which is supposed to explain which content this applies to and we should doesn't like for example information of cultural historic value but stipulation is written so loosely nobody understands exactly what's cultural value
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and what sort of information is of such value. since the law doesn't give a list of things which are of special value potentially even the classics. could have banned for children like one theme a series of. the wolf sometimes. it's absurd the soviet cartoons were used to me. they're into treating children in a positive way and smoking is merely a quibble it's up to media outlets to discern for themselves which programs can be shown where and what age waiting to give them but an official commission will be tasked with any breaches of the guidelines the penalties include a fine of up to six thousand dollars and even the possibility of the suspension of the stations broadcasting license for three months many people will agree an initiative of this kind was necessary however there are doubts the current law is
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workable could actually the viewers and others if it is possible to. it's much more difficult the children often find a way to watch whatever they want anyway. moscow time now for a look at some other worldliness and pray for the sour tan turkish security officers have been killed after kurdish militants attacked police and military targets one hundred twenty militants died in clashes the kurdish insurgency has stepped up its attacks in turkey in recent months taking advantage of the ongoing. civil war in syria. two hundred seventy south african miners previously blamed for the deaths of thirty four of their colleagues are being provisionally released by the authorities the deaths occurred in an august standoff with police during a strike of the working conditions security forces say they fired at the protesters
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after being attacked by a machete wielding workers the final charges will be made after a presidential commission completes an inquiry into the incident. up to four people have been killed in at least nine. s. consulate pakistan the blast occurred in an area of the town of peshawar where several foreign organizations are based clued ing the u.n. no one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack anti-american sentiment runs rife that pakistan spurred by the outrage over civilian deaths in u.s. drone attacks and a recent reopening of nato supply routes through the country. over to marina now for the latest business news things care and well we're starting with the european markets which are well into their session. so close there we see in the last hour of the trading session and look at that both the footsie and the facts are added as the spine of the fact that we have latest data showing that we have
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a manufacturing slump in the euro zone so we're seeing the analysts and investors are not really concerned about that what they are concerned about is what mario draghi the head of the e.c.b. will say on thursday he did promise and pledged to preserve the u.s. it will see what he has say about that on thursday now moving on to currencies us that look what's happening we've seen that the euro has been flat against the u.s. dollar and it's considered new in that trend right now when it comes to the ruble it's still losing that gets of both major currencies now if we want to take a look at the russian the markets the spike some the climbs in the oil price russian vessels are not fazed by that we're seeing positive now. the r.t.s. and m i six out of my socks already one person in the black we do have russian investors focusing on the asian pacific corp summit of course which will kick off in russia for a small on that a little bit later but let's take a look at those oil prices side we're seeing some of the clines there today and we see that light sweet it's still just a notch but the brunt of the quite well there as we can see again is about ten
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cents this hour and what we do know about oil prices interest in fact here in fact that oil production the for the month of august reached about soviet record here in russia and private companies extracting a combined a million barrels a day that's for the love of all this also we know that analysts are saying that production is rising because we have companies trying to take. the high oil prices because we are we are having reports that we might see the draw of course from the u.s. also they're trying to do what they can do for that if that happens of course unless we want to apec russia is a unique bridge like position between europe and asia may help global companies prosper in the region and ahead of the summit we spoke to one of the biggest industrial holdings here in the country that sumo group believes and explain to us why there's so much potential in the region it's like a lesson that they're doing with the. locals sharing apec russia demonstrated that
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it is capable of using its soft power our initiatives in regional integration transportation food security and innovation grateful to have been supported by all other business council members russia will only be able to fully capitalize on its role of the geographical bridge between europe and asia if it improves its own infrastructure and regulations at the moment less than one percent of trade volumes between those two parts of the world transported by russian territory it's literally nothing the projects we're offering to develop will enable russia to. the volume of transit through its territory by up to five percent. how will your company contribute to the development of business in the region when. we started to large scale asia oriented projects in the far east we have build in coal and grain terminals we think that after last year's tsunami in japan demand for russian coal
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will rise as it will be just as l.n.g. substituting for nuclear power stations going out of service as for the grain terminal well russia has enough grain to increase its exports from the current twenty five million tons to forty however in russia's far east existing infrastructure only allowed to export seventy thousand tons last year and we will be able to export over one hundred times more. what are the main problems that russia has to solve in the order to be able to capitalize on its unique location in the region. which is to make russia more attractive for international cargo flows we need to solve the problem of insufficient railway access to ports that keep the cargo on the tracks for days before it gets on board a ship customs regulations are another issue it takes almost three weeks for a container to get customs clearance almost the same amount of time as it takes to transport it from blood it will stop to moscow once we improve services and customs
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procedures crosses a turn it's of cargo routes such as the chance siberian rel way and the northern syria will become attractive for international businesses. and of course we'll have plenty more explosive incidents in the lead up to the apec summit of course live reports from there as well where that kicks off. our thanks for that update. and i'll be back with our top stories in just a couple minutes. their
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hello and welcome to our team down parents are on to their top stories they world's two largest armies those of india and china unveiled plans to work properly leaving plastering countries on edge over their growing influence a pacific. moscow threatens london with diplomatic repercussions that confirms its move to ban dozens of russian officials from entering the u.k. over their alleges roman months it's very top lawyer died in custody. and the u.s. suspends training of some afghan security personnel after a search and insider attacks on coalition forces and that's as nato admits it's
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