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tv   [untitled]    September 3, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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song from funds to. me. don't come. single currency sent back to the e.u. as most economically vulnerable nation bulgaria joins a growing chorus against the u.s. and dumps its long held plans to adopted. two of the world's biggest armies over india and china and they will plan to work more closely in western countries on edge over the dros of growing influence in the pacific. and international clashes over cash the u.k. is accused of safeguarding the asses of the alst it's a gyptian regime the property of key figures in the hosni mubarak in a circle staying untouched despite international sanctions. and to the long arm of the copyright industry reaches all the way to cambodia for the future founder of higher base file sharing site now facing actual dish interests we then.
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twenty four hours a day seven days a week this is our t. ime to bum would say first the european union's poorest state bulgaria has shelf plans to join the euro zone that's prime minister side to the continent's deteriorating financial climate and fears for the u.s. future as the reasons behind the single currency snub are g.'s a brussels our correspondent has a serious joins us now with more details as a good to see you there now the debt crisis in europe has already called just several vulnerable e.u. nations to shy away from adopting the euro now it's bogus areas turn so what lies behind this trend. well yeah bulgaria is posing the latest blow to the embattled
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currency know it has put on hold its long held plans are joining the euro block an interesting we build garia in contrast to a lot of bigger economies has managed to reduce its budget deficit to two point one percent of its g.d.p. and that is safely within the three percent rule set by the e.u. a number consistently met mentioned by german chancellor angela merkel but now that they've actually qualified and all the rules they don't they want to back down and put this on hold of the prime minister of bulgaria as well as the finance minister had both said that there are two main reasons for this one is the increasing of vulnerability and uncertainty of the future of the euro in the block it's clear it's been going on for a couple of years now and also the deteriorating economic conditions are still the clear way out of the crisis and secondly and i think importantly for the leaders of that country is that changing the public opinion in bulgaria people they're asking the very same questions that the citizens of credit his own countries are asking who else are going to bailout and for bulgaria's point of view who are we going to
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bail out once we join the euro and also the country has been through three years already it was staring measures cuts in pensions and wages and we know for the last year especially the term a stair it is almost a key word when discussing the eurozone or the euro and now bulgaria is not the only country it's just the latest in the string of countries lithuania last week the prime minister had said that it will only join the euro when quote unquote europe was ready and of course that that is at this point very unclear when this state will be coming and also latvia has lost and boozy as it's changed its tone in terms of looking at the process of joining the euro now what this all underlies it goes back to the same point the vulnerabilities the weaknesses that we see in the euro and from the outsider's point of view this is what they see they see countries in trouble needing bailouts and you have creditor countries imposing conditions and then you have a sterile. pows are the people who have angry and desperate citizens of those
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countries and with that kind of a picture it's not entirely surprising that bulgaria made that decision not a very pretty picture that's to test so well we'll keep an eye on that thanks for talking to us that's r.t. says the siller from brussels by patrick young of the investment consultancy devi advisors says joining the euro now would come with disastrous consequences. well isn't this truly a case of the tail wagging the dog here we have twenty seven the poorest economy in the euro zone has turned around and said we don't want your your over because your grand design is deeply flawed it's built on sand it's a catastrophe and i actually the finance minister himself made a great statement today he said our citizens are worried that if we join the euro we won't know who we have to be a lot i'm not a very poignant point because of course he knows that neighboring countries such as for example slovenia have been flown should be huge financial repr questions asked of the slovakians and indeed others because they've joined the euros the kid mainly
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it as they've joined the euro they've been forced to end up spending money to subsidize the pensions of people in greece who are actually getting a higher pension than the pensioners are in these countries that would be a suicide move for any nation look all to join ultimately the cross for its quote of the euro zone has turned into a very bitter dark or amongst a few doom drunks over who is going to get the last measure of vodka and that is not the way that any other government is going to be happy in being complicit with the economic mismanagement of a crumbling field single currency zone. still ahead for you later this hour robust a response must threatens london with diplomatic repercussions if it confirms its move to bend dozens of russian officials from entering the u.k. over the alleged role in them that we've paid for with top lawyer died in custody.
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the one time regional rivals india and china are now want to bring their armies closer together beijing's top military chief is on a visit to new delhi aiming to boost their influence of the two agent giants but news of this alliance is already causing concern across the pacific as our previous reader explains. this is a historic trip for india as the chinese defense minister hasn't visited this country in nearly a decade and the top priority for the list of things to discuss on this trip are strengthening the india china border and promoting a stronger cooperation between the two countries armed forces many people believe that india and china because they have two of the fastest growing economies in the world should be rivals but a lot of analysts i've spoken with have actually said that a partnership between the neighbors actually makes more sense with forty per cent of the world's population and at a time when these two countries' economies are growing while many of the
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traditional western powers their economies are decreasing many people say that a partnership between india and china could actually be detrimental to a country like the united states the united states actually exports eight point four billion dollars of arms to india every year and india is actually the number one importer in the entire world many people say the united states is interested in india to counterbalance china's growing influence in this region and to have a strategic ally here when the united states plans to withdraw its troops from afghanistan twenty fourteen so while other countries might have an interest in what kind of relationship india and china has all signs are pointing to stronger military and economic ties between the two countries. but china india alliance is key to countering america's tightening grasp on south asia as well as to keep the
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region the floodwall major was in the economies of the climbing so please do picture historian and research of south asian and u.s. politics. country will interest will. not definitely be the united states if it wants to be vicious. first to encircle china. for the region itself it's good news china and india and improve the really increased trade at a time when you when the economies of the west are suffering. the growing financial clout of asian countries and the global implications that it could have is also the focus of peter lavelle's debate with his guests in cross talk at showing in just over twenty minutes and here's a quick preview. on the eve of the meeting of the asia pacific economic cooperation regional group to what degree is the global economy now centers in the east and so
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are we living in the pacific century and if we are what does it really mean. media reports have surfaced suggesting that the u.k. has failed to freeze or some of the asses of top officials in the regime of former gyptian leader hosni mubarak the move targeting the ex-president and his in a circle was introduced in february last year after he stood down amid mass rallies investigative journalist tony gosling says britain is more concerned about its business ties and its diplomatic once. the speed in which the assets were see both colonel gadhafi in libya and of course of one hundred million or so of president assad in syria this money was seized by the british government in milli seconds with mubarak's money and his friends money it's eighteen months down the line and there's still letters going backwards and forwards between the position in egypt and governments asking questions we can't seize the money not only that they
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have allowed companies to be set up by people who are supposed to be on the egyptian sanctions list those companies have been allowed to continue trading those companies have been shut down with no questions asked so i think the sort of hidden message in british foreign policy towards egypt is that we don't actually really recognize this new regime we are actually wedded to some of our business contacts in the previous old mubarak regime and those business contacts i'm afraid between between britain and egypt and the military industrial complex over here that likes to sell arms to egypt seem much more important but actually honoring their diplomatic commitments coming up for you later this hour striving full sovereignty easy of independence took you back up from canada done many of the ahead of tuesday's election as separate is that the pace with the run a third of the population supporting the course. the body is reportedly working to actually died one of the co-founders of the syrian website to sweden or
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freed wargo was arrested by local police following a request from sweden where he was sentenced to a year in jail for copyright offenses the founder of suit is. filed in years says the arrests itself raises questions. the jury is still out on the one unfortunately there are conflicting reports on. what really led to this arrest i've heard reports about a bar brawl being the run up to it with just a local police interfering. a local disturbance deports the american ambassador being and can both get at the time of his arrest highlevel talks taking place. this morning as was mentioned reports surfaced the arrest was a result of swedish authorities for assistance from cambodia despite the lack
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of an extradition agreement. and the fly in the ointment a full russian british relations london has apparently followed in washington's what steps and approved a blacklist of russian officials prevented from stepping on its soil then the rebels are accused of human rights abuse in the connection with the case of said game russian lawyer who died in custody more on that from marty's paula. russia's ambassador to the u.k. wants an explanation from the u.k. foreign office after it emerged in the sunday times that the u.k. home secretary had sent a list of around sixty russian officials to the british embassy in moscow in order to ban them from traveling to russia now the list contains the names of russian judges prosecutors and intelligence officials who london believes are involved in the death of the russian based lawyer so again magnitsky he worked for the london based company hermitage capital fund and he died in pretrial detention back in two
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thousand and nine in moscow now that he was jailed for tax evasion and awaiting detention his family say that he died because of repeated beatings and being refused medical care now the investigation into the case in russia is still ongoing but it's had a big resonance both at home and abroad earlier the u.s. said that it had also banned around sixty russian officials from traveling to the u.s. speaking often magnitsky is death then president dmitri medvedev he said that the people who are accused of economic crimes and tax crimes in particular they should not be put into pretrial detention and of course more serious as low as death is a big tragedy but they've called on other nations not to stage a political show regarding the matter and they've promised a tough response to any foreign sanctions that could be put in place over the case
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. oh love mostly lined up for you in the program a look at those coping with catastrophe international sanctions syria from the outside world depriving thousands of basic necessities while those who work in the country's agricultural sector which only toward. the separatist movement is bringing up a storm in canada with a pro independence party looking to win the election in the french speaking province of quebec. chua has consistently led in the polls capitalizing on disenchantment with the establishment and anger at austerity michael florian a reporter for canada's c j a radio says if anything that is aren't left with much of an alternative i think what it really comes down to is that backers will be choosing the lesser of three evils and for many people especially people the younger popular population they feel that that helps you get back why is a move in the step forward maybe towards more of
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a progressive message in the province a lot of the paul party politics you seem between the three parties they do they have very very many of the same policies in this and they're spending from the liberal party in terms of you know you saw the tuition protests going on a few months ago and they're even still going on now but i think when it comes down to it people are just making a choice based upon dissatisfaction with the with all of the three major parties and when it comes to i mean austerity measures well yeah they're been cut. but i mean i think that's been across the board for most canadian provinces in the sense in terms of you know the support of separatism across the province i think across the board of people really just don't care anymore i mean canadians used to care we used to care you know if it was somebody you know or in terror we had family out there friends and they'd say to us you know are you guys really going to be voting to leave and i think even in the past few months we saw also was a poll done that asking canadians you know do you care of québec leaves and half of canadians said no we don't care. i think i'm going up this our television revision
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means can't you fix that we now only be suitable for new age rating system for t.v. programs in russia draws up animated anger. the new international peace envoy to syria has described his job as near impossible latter bohemia went on to say that not enough has been done to stop the violence both on the side of the government and the rebels meanwhile another car bomb explosion rattled a christian neighborhood in damascus today killing four people including a child and as a syrian death toll rises so do the streams of refugees fleeing syria to join the hundreds of thousands who have already left sanctions to make ordinary life difficult in syria with canada alone ramping up its measures against america's ten times this year and as oksana boyko reports it's now up to syrian farmers to act as a last line of defense against a humanitarian catastrophe. reaping the harvest of economic isolation
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and a good one farmers across syria are as busy as ever collecting defrauds of their labor decades of economic sanctions have a target syria to rely on no one but itself at least when it comes to agricultural production and there are no sour grapes about it now while the political pressure on syria is mounting this country is still fully able to feed its people. almost everything that adds up on syrian tables is growing here in the country south far from the clashes and this year spared the usual drought these fields are probably the government's best had against all sort of foreign pressure aiming to undermine its support base. syria has experienced sanctions since the 1980's and it is told the country to be self-sufficient now agriculture is well structured we have all the seeds fertilizers water they haven't been damaged by the sanctions or by the.
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ongoing clashes i can say that agriculture still remains among the sectors least affected by the clashes well this place still looks like a sanctuary of peace the war is heard here all too well seventy three year old jimmy noble hassan says he understands the young who want their country to change what he contacts up is their means and what. people who are misled and hold weapons fight the government and destabilize the country are wrong i hope they'll calm down we all need peace to return to syria syria play a. polarized in so many levels the syrian conflict has also drawn the line between villagers and city dwellers as violence continues in urban areas people in the countryside are working hard to feed the two warring parties attacking villagers out in rural areas isn't going to really help them in accomplishing their task which is to try to get assad out of power and so i think that's certainly not going
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to get the syrian people on their side so i think that the attacks are being concentrated in urban areas where they have the greatest chance to affect syria economically and potentially to strike at the military targets in the aleppo clashes are still the order of the day but twenty kilometers west mohammad is trying to preserve one of his family's to be colonies the other in your homes is thought to have been destroyed they couldn't access it for more than six months. then they don't want to come into politics it's too dangerous now all i can say is they think using weapons was the biggest mistake of them the. syrian beekeepers are absolutely convinced that a superior to all foreign spaces and that ability to withstand hardship and the blood of their pastures and as clashes in the north continue taking that toll on the industry many here hope that there is the only answer of syrian peace will also be transferred today kipper. r.t.
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syria. thirteen civilians are reportedly dead of a u.s. drone tag on wrong in yemen then when the aircraft was apparently targeting the car when the alleged al qaeda militant but it had two other vehicles washington has recently stepped up its drone onslaught in the country but civilian casualties are rarely reported web journalist ryan dawson says u.s. drone strikes are actually aimed at creating more instability not less. this is a playground for the drone warfare and this is assisting saudi arabian it seems of keeping ayman divided as they have been doing since the sixty's this isn't gamins first civil war eight people were killed last week again the us crane all of them were al qaeda but it turned out one of the people murdered was salem bin leave the job or it was a cleric who was actually vocal against al-qaeda they rarely even give names of the victims at all so that part is already. discredited completely to say their
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surgical strikes i think there was a bump in the news coverage somewhere when a sixteen year old american was killed in yemen by one of the nobel peace trends from the president but there hasn't been much coverage one of the more nasty things that has been happening in this policy the follow up attack in which the drone will take out where we assume are militants that often are civilians and then do a second strike killing the people who go to aid those murdered in the original strike and that has been very disastrous in pakistan and last july and we had a similar process occurring and that it can do nothing but alienate the locals. don't forget to log on to our website for this story and many others that are tea dot com and here's what you can find there why now the right to shoot over the right to drink discover the unusual items banned by the u.s. police ahead of the democratic national convention. and those supersonic jets pilots apparently almost confuse
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a highway in russia with an answer trip right over the heads of the drivers on our website. but a drive to make a russian t.v. more child friendly is under fire at the new low. aims to clean up of the country's early prime slot from scenes of an adult nature but critics say the legislation is so ambiguous that even cartoons might end up being hit by the bad. reports. of violence. it's become almost as widespread in t.v. and popular culture as bad language. it's alright. created for an adult audience graphic and openly explicit content is often watched
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when children something which russian legislators have decided to try to put a stop to. people usually associate themselves with fictional characters they see on t.v. and if adults can understand and analyze that put children the characters both positive and negative are models which they absorb and take with them. the new forces t.v. radio and online media to market the programs that are showing way for each cannabinoids ranging from six to eighteen moreover programs depicting things like sex violence drugs and so on can now only be shown after eleven pm and two four am there's just one problem just sort of when you're there is a paragraph in this which is supposed to explain which content this applies to and we should doesn't like for example information of cultural or historic value but stipulation is written so loosely nobody understands exactly what's cultural value and what sort of information is of such value. since the law doesn't give
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a list of films which are of special value potentially even the classics and soviet cinema animation could have banned for children like one theme a series of cartoons where the wolf sometimes smokes tobacco even though. it's absurd the soviet cartoons were used to make her not only humane there into treating children in a positive kind way. and smoking is merely. it's up to media to discern. and what age rating to give them. any breaches of the. penalties including for any. even the possibility of the suspension of the stations broadcasting license for three months many people will agree an initiative of this kind was necessary however there are those the current law is workable so that could actually confuse both the viewers and the media while
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others believe if it is possible to police the media it's much more difficult to police the children often find a way to watch whatever they want anyway. moscow. and now let's get the final business review day merino has it been a good day all bad day well it's a good day if you can see about lackluster within see any major moves or down for that matter when it comes to wall street it's not even trade in that's because americans are celebrating labor day but let's take a look at other international stock market starting with europe and there figures were higher. across the board more or less except for asia now we see the. over half a percent there and investors were digesting the data that showed manufacturing in the u.s. so basically this stronger by more than expected for the month of august now also
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investors see what happens on thursday we're basically had to speak of course pledged to keep track of what that now moving on to currencies that you are still gaining against the u.s. dollar when it comes to the ruble those are the figures from the closing of the trading session in the last few minutes of the day managed to come up with a picture of a solution to both major currencies all day long now mention the group also let's take a look at the russian markets despite some volatility in oil prices slow. declines that was earlier in the day and that i'm hostile territory but investors here are mainly focusing on the asian pacific cooperation summit which was take place in brussels far more on the impact russians in the british like position between europe and asia some analysts are saying that it will create a global companies that will spur growth for them in the region and r.t. caught up with one of the biggest industrial holdings in the country that super group which believes and explains to us what potential the region has the.
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local sharing apex russia demonstrated that it is capable of using its soft power our initiatives in regional integration transportation food security and innovation growth have been supported by all other business council members russia will only be able to fully capitalize on its role of a geographic bridge between europe and asia if it improves its own infrastructure and regulations at the moment less than one percent of all trade volumes between those two parts of the world but transported by russian territory it's literally nothing of the projects we are offering to develop will enable russia to increase the volume of transit through its territory by up to five percent. russian membership in the world trade organization spurred many fears that some of the local companies will suffer from it but russia's second largest living to be says this four and five create many opportunities for the country's top lenders the
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financial crisis in america and europe let officiation when we have actually the weakening of the international competition and russia and as you see the russian banks started to be more active in other parts of the world in europe and the so i think that's a good time for us and banks to expand and that's what we need to be doing. all right that's it from us here at the business that's for now back to you tabby. right thanks marina for that update joe we'll see you tomorrow yes you will ok right up with our top stories in just a couple of minutes you're watching our stay with us.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcome to the big picture. wealthy british style none of us no time to write in. markets why not.


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