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tv   [untitled]    September 3, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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bulgaria shelves it's a long held plans to adopt of the euro saying it is not ready to take part in the continuous bailouts and face and uncertain future with the struggling bloc. the u.k. is accused of safeguarding the riches of the ousted egyptian regime with the assets of some key figures in hosni mubarak's inner circle staying untouched despite international sanctions. and of the long arm of the copyright industry reaches all the way to cambodia with one of the founders of the pirate bay file sharing site now facing extradition to sweden. also two of the world's largest armies of those of india and china unveiled plans to work more closely leaving western countries on edge over the duo's growing we.
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live from moscow this is our team let's get right to your top stories one of the european union supporters member states bulgaria has shelved plans to join the euro zone its prime minister cited the continent's deteriorating financial climate and fears for the euro's future and the reasons behind it the single currency snub parties of brussels correspondent us are silly and has all the details. will carry a is posing the latest blow to the embattled currency you know it has put on hold its long held plans are joining the euro bloc an interesting week bulgaria in contrast to a lot of bigger economies has managed to reduce its budget deficit to two point one percent of its g.d.p. and that is safely within the three percent rule set by the e.u. a number consistently met mentioned by german chancellor angela merkel but now that
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they've actually qualify. why that all the rules they don't they want to put this on hold of the prime minister of bulgaria as well as the finance minister had both said that there are two main reasons for this one is the increasing of vulnerability and uncertainty of the future of the euro in the bloc it's clear it's been going on for a couple of years now and also the deteriorating economic conditions are still the clear way out of the crisis and secondly and i think importantly for the leaders of that country is a changing of public opinion in bulgaria people there asking the very same questions that the citizens of creditor euro zone countries are asking who else are going to be allowed and for bulgaria's point of view who are we going to be allowed once we join the euro and also the country has been through three years already of a spirit of measures cuts in pensions that wages and you know for the last year especially a stereo is almost a key word when discussing the eurozone or the euro and now bulgaria is not the only country it's just the latest in the string of countries lithuania last week
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the prime minister had said that it will only join the euro when quote unquote europe was ready and of course that that is at this point very unclear when the state will be coming and also latvia has has lost and pusey as it's changed its tone in terms of looking at the process of joining the euro now what this all underlies it goes back to the same point the vulnerabilities the weaknesses that we see in the euro and from the outsider's point of view this is what they see they see countries in trouble needing bailouts and you have creditor countries imposing conditions and then you have a stare be imposed on the people and you have angry and desperate citizens of those countries and with that kind of a picture it's not entirely surprising that bulgaria made that decision. more on bulgaria's decision we're joined by harlan green editor of popular economics dot com mr green thank you very much for joining us you're welcome now the debt crisis has caused some e.u. states to question the euro zone does this signal the beginning of the end for the
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euro. it may be the beginning of the end for the smallest countries in the euro such as greece and maybe portugal but not the largest countryside think gary it's a worry is that because they are such a small economy who has had three years of austerity already and brought their budget deficit down to i think just two point one percent so their with their now ready to join if they wanted to but should they join and their economy goes down again for whatever reason in the next couple years they could be out on the limb with greece so i think it's more the size of their country that worries them after three years of austerity they probably wants of guarantees that. this cannot happen to them what happened in greece and maybe is happening in court you always use more austerity when they don't we don't need austerity in europe or in this country or in any country right now with the euro the eurozone particularly in a recession well if you look at bulgaria it has been hailed as one of the least
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indebted countries in the holy you why has the rest of the bloc been unable to follow their example i think they've already done their three years their fair their prison term if you call it off for us terry they've been cutting back for three years that's why they got their deficit down at the same time because they're not yet in the euro they have a very cheap currency and that is enable them to keep their exports up the real problem with the euro right now is it's overvalued and companies like countries like greece can explore their way out of this because the euro is is much too high it's one point two four the dollar whatever it is today it should be down around a one to one parity with the dollar and only then will the euro zone begin to recover because then their products will be cheaper if you go down the line just a little bit how they believe the euro zone's major players will react to bulgaria's decision not to join. maybe they will ease up on their austerity requirements i mean two percent. deficit is when it really much too low right now
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you need to mate must created money to make money i mean we knew this way back in the early century even to henry ford when he had that five dollar. five dollar a week ways our we had above everybody else said if you don't give my workers higher pay they won't be able to buy my model t. ford he said that back in one nine hundred fourteen the same. idea applies today namely that you can't keep carrying countries with austerity when what they need is stimulus it's a stimulus package a marshall type package to get them growing again and unfortunately i can see where most gary it comes from if they keep their own currency they'll be able to undersell the euro and be able undersell with their products but if you look at austerity versus stimulus bulgaria's leader has kind of made an interesting comparison in saying euro zone states are acting like spoiled children that don't
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want to go to the dentist to fix their teeth do you agree with them. i do not agree with that i think he is a bit doing a bit of grandstanding he is bitter austerity i don't think he wants another six months of it much less. another year of austerity for bulgaria they've done their term they are ready now to grow but they cannot grow with the rest of europe still focusing on austerity they have to get off the austerity kick a lot a little more inflation you see what's happened in britain with a conservative government if this is the third quarter in a in a new recession because they've cut back so much on their spending government spending there are many many other probably euro works but i can see small countries like latvia lithuania very be hesitant right now to join the euro zone where there is no record as the prime minister said the right person for your thoughts thank you very much harlan green editor of popular economics dot com there well. the one time regional rivals india and china now want to bring their
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armies closer together beijing's top military chief is on a visit to new delhi aiming to boost cooperation between the two asian giants but news of this alliance is already causing concern across the pacific as artie's pressure either explains. this is a historic trip for india as a chinese defense minister has been visited this country in nearly a decade on the top priority for the list of things to discuss on this trip are strengthening the india china border and promoting a stronger cooperation between the two countries armed forces many people believe that india and china because they have two of the fastest growing economies in the world should be rivals but a lot of analysts i've spoken with have actually said that a partnership between the neighbor is actually makes more sense with forty per cent of the world's population and at a time when these two countries economies are growing while many of the traditional
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western powers they are. commies are decreasing many people say that a partnership between india and china could actually be detrimental to a country like the united states the united states actually acts eight point four billion dollars of arms to india every year and india is actually the number one importer in the entire world many people say the united states is interested in india to counterbalance china's growing influence in this region and to have a strategic ally here when the united states plans to withdraw its troops from afghanistan twenty fourteen so while other countries might have an interest in what kind of relationship india and china has all signs are pointing to stronger military and economic ties between the two countries. media reports have surfaced suggesting that the u.k. has failed to freeze of some of the assets of top officials in the regime of former
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egyptian leader hosni mubarak the move targeting the ex-president and his inner circle was introduced in february last year after he stood down amid mass rallies investigative journalist tony gosling says britain is more concerned about its business ties and that it's diplomatic once the speed in which the assets we see both gadhafi in libya and of course one hundred million or so president assad in syria this money was seized by the british government in milli seconds with mubarak's money and his friends money it's eighteen months down the line and there's still letters going backwards and forwards between the british. governments asking questions we can't seize the money not only that they have allowed companies to be set up by people who are supposed to be on the egyptian sanctions list those companies have been allowed to continue trading those companies have been shut down with no questions asked so i think the sort of hidden message in british foreign
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policy towards egypt is that we don't actually really. recognize this new regime we are actually wedded to some of our business contacts in the previous old mubarak regime and those business contacts i'm afraid between between britain and egypt and the military industrial complex over here that likes to sell arms to egypt seem much more important than actually honoring their diplomatic commitments. cambodia is reportedly working to extradite one of its co-founders of the file sharing website pirate bay to sweden. who was arrested by local police following a request from sweden where he was sentenced to a year in jail for copyright offenses the founder of sweden's pirate party rick says the arrest itself raises questions the jury is still out on fortunately there are conflicting reports on. what really led to the wrist i've heard reports about a bar brawl being the run up to it with just the local police and to fearing. a
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local disturbance. the american ambassador. at the time of his arrest high level talks taking place. this morning as was mentioned reports surfaced the wrist was a real swedish. scheme for assistance from cambodia despite the lack of an extradition agreement. the democratic national convention has kicked off with thousands of delegates gathering in north carolina the meeting is expected to commentate with barack obama confirmed as the democratic party candidate for the white house it's running back to back with the republican convention where mitt romney picked up the nomination for more on this we're joined by activist and the iraq war veteran jail. thank you very much for joining us. now one of the points on which mitt romney has been criticizing obama foreign policy saying he's not tough enough do you go along with that has obama been weak on world
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affairs. yes or the well what i was basically saying is mitt romney says obama is weak when it comes to foreign policy do you think this is true. no it's not true the the the reality is this that mitt romney doesn't have a history i'm not defending obamacare but the fact of the matter is is that you have a warmonger a chickenhawk who has no military experience and a peace prize winning murderer and she who has in the past three years tripled for example often who. oversaw the surge in afghanistan and who under under his administration oversaw the tripling of u.s. troops there in afghanistan who under oversaw the massive expansions of the drone program you know you can accuse obama of different things but one thing that
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you can use them up is of the week on all in the military halls. you touched on this exactly right now but looking back you mentioned that he's a nobel laureate and do you think the nobel committee made the right decision in awarding president obama the peace prize. i don't think even serves a peace prize for she was that suzy to see the peace prize two weeks into the is term so i mean even the noble peace prize committee called it an aspirational but it is aspirational i think it should take it back if you think back to the nobel peace prize or the awarded him because he hasn't lived up to those standards and it is i mean if there is a war cries out there we can the war cries the bomber. tops the list now
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in the past you have said the last presidential election it jarred americans out of their political apathy what would you say about this campaign so far. this wednesday. morning campaign the. obama who is and who isn't campaigning in full in change and more because there is no hope and there is no change and what you have right now under there. is the continuation of. the bush the bush legacy i mean this is you have a mirror on the running against bush just third term. now if you take the specific candidates of the equation whether it's obama or romney what do you think americans want to see from their next president in the terms of domestic and especially foreign policy well i mean i don't know if you were paying attention to
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the to the republican national convention but during playing clint eastwood's speech you have it's an easter the calling for the withdrawal of troops and not gas and and he'll have republican crowds cheering cheering back his ition which is markedly different to what paul ryan and mitt romney has publicly stated which is completely different and now regards to obama you know they haven't been concerned to consider what has transpired so far and gas and it's a success you know which is completely contrary just. completely in conflict to the reality they are in the past in the past months you have you know you know record setting number of troops aside you have you know an increase and green on blue attacks and you have again petri it's war and uniform attacking us
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military so it's it's i mean just to go back to a question over seventy percent of americans want us out of want the u.s. out of gas so that's what we need. unfortunately a two party system is not giving them the candidates they want now asking you to kind of take a look into the crystal ball briefly what do you think the consequences are of a romney presidency. that's really hard. worse than obama i don't know. you know maybe even with romney with the. benefit of. the allin the. the the compact. i mean the under obama that soon as we. won the election he needed to rise and and he had been nonexistent
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state for a very few. consistent. answer and answer labor exact answer to all of us an answer all right but about a fortunate we've run out of time but if we're going to let her share your thoughts on this activist and iraq war veteran. thank you. now the u.s. has allegedly promised iran that it will not assist israel if the netanyahu government chooses to strike tehran's nuclear facilities the report in an israeli newspaper also claims the deal comes with a catch that the islamic state would not damage any american interests in any retaliatory strikes this comes as the obama administration says it's implementing measures it hopes will prevent an israeli attack on iran stephenson is professor of politics and international studies at the university of san francisco thanks war with iran will devastate both sides. i think there is a little weirdness. in the white house and elsewhere of the war with iran would be a disaster i mean even putting aside the moral concerns the legal concerns about
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such a flicked the word games and other scenarios you have been looking at all come out to the same conclusion the qassam badly outweighed the benefits and so the united states is concerned as they are about nuclear about the rams nuclear program what to do are they can to avoid war the israeli general staff the time generals i've done some of the calculations of the pentagon has recognized that really it would be the nonstarter that it would be disastrous for israel as well would only show thousands of rockets into israel iran so has not a nuclear arsenal of missiles or if you do a lot of damage and certainly on balance israel could do more harm to iran that iran could be to israel and certainly would not send back their nuclear program to any substantial degree in fact if anything it would give the iranians a motivation to go actually branched off from what's far as we know so far is the
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billion program and to actually develop a nuclear weapon. the separatist movement is bringing up a storm in canada with a pro independence party looking to win the election in the french speaking province of quebec the party come a quad has consistently led in the polls capitalizing on disenchanted with the establishment and anger at austerity michael a reporter for canada's c j a d radio says if anything voters are left with much of an alternative. i think what it really comes down to is that backers will be choosing the lesser of three evils and for many people especially people the younger population population they feel that the tell to get back was a move and a step forward maybe towards more of a progressive message in the province a lot of the polyp r.t. politics you seem between the three parties. they do they have very very many of the same policies on this and they're spending from the liberal party in terms of you know you saw the tuition protests going on
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a few months ago and they're even still going on now but i think when it comes down to it people are just making a choice based upon dissatisfaction with the with all of the three major parties when it comes to i mean austerity measures well yeah there have been cutbacks and but i mean i think that's been across the board for most canadian provinces in the sense in terms of you know the support of separatism a car across the province i think across the board of people really just don't care anymore i mean canadians used to care we used to care or you know if it was somebody in a bird or in terror we had family out there friends and they'd say to us you know are you guys really going to be voting to leave and i think even in the in the past few months we saw up also was a poll done asking canadians you know do you care of chemical leaves and half of canadians said no we don't care. up next archie talks to the former grand mufti of jerusalem and palestine stay with us for the interview.
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with me i have said. the mufti of jerusalem thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. israel allows muslims to make programming to mecca but on the other hand it forbids men under the age of fourteen from entering the mosque during ramadan to pray on fridays how do. explain this contradiction. the this contradiction is due to the fact that they let our brothers who live in the areas all combined in one
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nine hundred forty eight carry out the hard lessons is their legal right here there are also some political benefits would be again if it demonstrating that there is freedom of religion out. of the l.x. and most of the rules of the street is there since it's on their territory for love it was situated somewhere else yet no such measures would be taken against it now the focus is on. the occupation authorities on criticized only for that the most of their actions are always a criticism you have said that jewish authorities are trying to sensitize was insensitivity to access why do you say this. hell israeli or cubans are trying to make it seem like the al aqsa mosque is not really that important they say the museums have the holy city of mecca and medina so they don't need to. they also want to weaken the link in palestine because since i like so connects one point five billion muslims were to jerusalem and palestine
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this link is made of belief i think that they think that if they weaken that link muslims are going to lose interest in our own reality though what the muslims that don't live in our stone who are closer to it because they know is in danger as are their beliefs so whatever the occupants do to diminish alex's significance or was bound to fail fashion you have also said that if the israeli government and fanatical jewish groups since a week was in reaction they see this as a green light to move forward so what in fact should muslims do now sadly muslim countries are now more concerned with their domestic issues neglecting the issue of imax or in jerusalem and allowing israeli or keep insta carry out their hostile plans and they have quite a few of those including the jewish organization of jerusalem and taking control over. there making the most of the numerous domestic problems that the arab and muslim countries are busy addressing right now so they can carry out their plans
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without any resistance. in what way and why are israeli authorities harassing you and other spiritual leaders. if. israel wants to carry out its plans gradually step by step without much fuss or objection but we keep bringing it up and by doing so we have exposed the plans of the occupation authorities that's why they use media and press conferences to pile the pressure on us i guess to crush those who stand in the way of the occupiers only proves that there is no freedom or democracy in israel the. we have democracy for the jewish people there it doesn't apply to us whatever. the palestinian issue being resolved in the future but there is still no sign that this issue will be resolved in the near future particularly with a new and yahoo cabinet in power they want to start negotiations from scratch or
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israel does all it can to obstruct install the process to prolong the existence of its state or these talks didn't make any difference for palestinians these talks are a waste of time or we can talk about talks with decades that's why i don't think they make any sense if they're. what do you think about the way that the palestinian authority is handling the issue of gaining independence. for the palestinian authorities are weak what the hell they're looking for a solution and they want to prove they have achieved something but the talks have actually been a failure and so at the moment we don't have any solution on the horizon it means we need to unite to revive our economy and science to be invincible when d.-day the moment for a solution come as they call the a prophet is it fair to say that israel is trying to obliterate the arab islamic identity after a send him to hell a little. bit of israel's policy on the ethnic issue is based on the jewish ois
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ation congress going to have lands and a lot of construction of settlements so they're working to increase the size of the jewish population and cut the number of arabs there but they do it by putting pressure on their own merchants and arabs in general to push them out of jerusalem into the suburbs of other towns by referring to a crisis in the housing sector israel sought to giving permits for construction so when a young man grows up and decides to set up a family he will not be able to find or build a home or a legal even if he finds one the rent will be too high to afford let he will be of felt that so even without declaring. intentions israel is reading jerusalem of arabs of israel doesn't talk publicly about this but according to my observations the population of jerusalem is growing in one nine hundred sixty seven there were seventy thousand arabs today there are more than three hundred thousand in one of these prophecies in hama it was asked about where his followers should go after he
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leaves and he said that muslims should stay in beit. that's in jerusalem where they lived at the time in this way people are still generations to come to live in this city. thank you very much for joining us here. if. russia would be soon which brightened if you knew all about
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