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tv   [untitled]    September 4, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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which doesn't give the doing about anything. to teach me why you should care about. this is why you should want your only job. and negative outlook slapped on the new skin merry go round of euro zone meetings fails to offer up solutions. the single currency. a protest vote brewing and none of those french speaking of financial tough times have people increasingly opting for independence. from the us is said to be ratcheting up its threats against iran in a bid to delay a possible israeli strike against.
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cohen thank you for joining our team. broadcasting to live from our studio in moscow where it is three o'clock well more bad news for the european union as ratings john moody's slops a negative outlook on the blog with a possible downgrade looming it's meant to reflect the troubles of its main budget contributors including germany and france and less sit downs between the e.u. leaders have so far failed to bring about any opening for change tuesday we'll see greece and portugal under scrutiny from their creditors as france and italy continue attempts to dig their way out of trouble meanwhile it's the european public bearing the brunt of the crisis another of spain's regions and the new c.e.o. has run out of money and asked central government for help investment dollars are patrick young says bailouts for weaker members are destroying the eurozone.
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notwithstanding the terrible crisis in the euro zone the truth is that the european union's glorious idea that they can pull everybody's money together and go towards prosperity has been a fiasco because all of the people in the euro are being sucked towards poverty because of the fact that there has been transferred so much money to the profit incompetent governments that are on the southern side of the euro zone there's a wonderful article by the mayor of london boris johnson talking about how cruel issue is going to be sucked into the euro because they've pledged to join it because they are exceeding to the european union next year that would be a suicide move for any nation that wants to join ultimately the cross for its club of the euro zone has turned into a very bitter court amongst feuding drunks over who is going to get the last measure of vodka and that is not a way that any other government is going to be happy in being complicit with the economic mismanagement of a crumbling field single currency zone meanwhile with one eye on the troubles of
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its neighbors bulgaria has put its euro ambitions on hold despite finally having qualified to join artists are solely reports on the poorest members change of heart . bulgaria is posing the latest blow to the embattled currency know it has put on hold its long held plans of joining the euro bloc and interesting we bulgaria in contrast to a lot of bigger economies has managed to reduce its budget deficit to two point one percent of its g.d.p. and that is safely within the three percent rule set by the e.u. a number consistently met mentioned by german chancellor angela merkel but now that they've actually qualified that all the rules they don't want to back down and put this on hold of the prime minister of bulgaria as well as the finance minister had both said that there are two main reasons for this one is the increasing of vulnerability and uncertainty of the future of the euro in the block it's clear it's been going on for
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a couple of years now and also the deteriorating economic conditions are still the clear way out of the crisis and secondly and i think importantly for the leaders of that country is that changing the public opinion in bulgaria people they're asking the very same questions that the citizens of credit euro zone countries are asking who else are going to be allowed and for bulgaria's point of view who are we going to bail out once we join the euro and also the country has been through three years already it was staring measures cuts in pensions it wages and we know for the last year especially a stereo is almost a key word when discussing the eurozone or the euro and now bulgaria is not the only country it's just the latest in the string of countries lithuania last week the prime minister has said that it will only join the euro when quote unquote europe was ready and of course that that is at this point very unclear when the state will be coming and also latvia has lost and boozy as it's changed its tone in terms of looking at the process of joining the euro now what this all underlies
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it goes back to the same point the vulnerabilities the weaknesses that we see in the euro and from the outsider's point of view this is what they see they see contras in trouble needing bailouts and you have creditor countries imposed on the people and you have angry and desperate citizens. those countries and with that kind of a picture it's not entirely surprising that area made that decision but they are zones troubles only escalating our business presenter katie has the latest market update from the region. carol the numbers this hour i can tell you the european markets all still a decline a muslim meetings are now all of the way in the region leaders are preparing to embrace details although fall into buying plan expected from the central bag of this week but it is fueling days in the euro and surging spanish and italian debt the situation of the moment twenty minutes time. also coming up we take a look at the election process in the u.s.
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as the democrats gather for the convention to especially declare obama care and the day. he. download it for sure. so. we stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch all its all you need is your mobile device watch our t.
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any toy and. thank you for joining our team and going it alone that's what's on the minds of a growing number of voters in canada's french speaking province of quebec this tuesday people are such a go to the polls to choose their government but the separatists gaining ground met the country's financial turmoil and that's the situation explains. gloomy economic times attracts social instability and uncertainty and what tomorrow will bring for canada's mostly french speaking province of quebec that means agitation for separation is stirring yet again as voters head to the polls it's a three way fight to be the dominant force in combat's parliament with emotions running high came back as one hundred eighty four billion dollars in debt and has an economy that has grown by a mere one point seven percent in the last year falling behind canada as
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a whole competing at the ballot box are the incumbent liberals the firstly form coalition for the future of conduct and the separatist war and it's the latter which is proving most popular at the polls marching ahead of the others at around thirty three percent this means the issue of convex breakaway from canada could return to the forefront if the decade long reign of the liberals comes to a close it's the latest example of separatism spreading its wings globally in troublesome economic times the separatists leading in the polls claim their short term priority would be picking the economy up of its knees instead of pushing for a separation vote straight away the party leader says a referendum on convects independence would only be held if there was complete confidence in a win for now opinion polls suggest less than forty percent of the provinces population would support a split the new found was over could back comes after months of student union protests raging in mid summer and spring tens of thousands of students have made
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their ways out onto the streets and shown their public outrage with clashes with police making news headlines across the world how canada and come back would fare without each other is a matter of fierce debate among experts we might now be much closer to finding out and stated churkin our moscow canadian reporter michael phoria is growing estranged from the rest of canada but people left with little alternative than a separate vote. i think what it really comes down to is that backers will be choosing the lesser of three evils and for many people especially people the younger popular population they feel that that helps you get back was a move in the step forward maybe towards more of a progressive message in the province a lot of the pall party politics you seem between the three parties they do they have very very many of the same policies in this and they're spending from the liberal party in terms of you know you saw the tuition protests going on a few months ago and they're even still going on now but i think when it comes down
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to it people are just making a choice based upon dissatisfaction with the with all of the three major parties and when it comes to i mean austerity measures well you know there have been cut but i mean i think that's been across the board for most canadian provinces in the sense in terms of you know the support of separatism a call across the province i think across the board of people really just don't care anymore i mean canadians used to care we used to care you know if it was somebody in a bird or in terror we had family out there friends and they'd say to us you know are you guys really going to be voting to leave and i think even in the in the past few months we saw up also was a poll done asking canadians you know do you care of chemical leaves and half of canadians said no we don't care this is our team and coming up in a few minutes some death defying stunts. this man is using no safety equipment whatsoever doing his regular extreme workout on a crane from one hundred meters above ground in
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a few minutes we hear just why he does it. the u.s. is reportedly taking further indirect action against iran to delay a possible israeli strike against the country although saying it will not back such an attack washington could be under pressure from israel to declare certain redlines over nuclear program artist paula slayer reports. for some time now there have been indications that television might be considering a strike on terror around and that such a strike could be imminent what we're hearing now or rumblings from the american administration that it is putting all steps on the table that it is in point all steps short of war to try and prevent these ratings from going this route at the same time it is also trying to force to iran to take negotiations more seriously and these are negotiations over its nuclear program that until now have stalled we are hearing from high ranking and named american officials that the united states
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and twenty five other countries will be participating in the largest ever mine sweeping exercise in the gulf and that this is an attempt to prevent any kind of efforts by iran to block oil exports through the strait of formal is at the same time washington is completing a new radar system in qatar that will combine with already existing radar systems into and in israel met together these will form a board of and team coverage now these developments out in the public but they do come on the back of rumors that are going on in private and that is that israel would never consider any kind of military action on iran unless and head american support whether or not this is true is impossible to say but certainly any kind of israeli action would result in a full scale regional conflict and at the same time the united states by publicly
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not supporting the war is me trying to ensure itself against any kind of future israeli action policy our team to have of. stephen zunes professor of politics and international studies at the university of san francisco thanks war with iran will devastate both sides. i think there is an awareness. in the white house and elsewhere that war with iran would be a disaster i mean even putting aside the moral concerns the legal concerns about such a conflict the war games and other scenarios and then looking at all come out to the same conclusion the costs and badly outweigh the benefits and so the united states is concerned as they are about nuclear or about iran's nuclear program one should do whatever they can to avoid war the israeli general staff the time generals i've done some of the calculations of the pentagon has and recognize it is
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really a nonstarter that it would be disastrous for israel as well with unleash you know thousands of rockets into and into israel iran so has a nuclear arsenal of missiles or can do a lot of damage and and certainly on balance israel could do more harm to iran that iran could be to israel and certainly would not send back their nuclear program to any substantial degree in fact if anything it would give the iranians a motivation to go actually branched off from once as far as we know so far is the billion program and to actually developing nuclear weapons. don't forget to log onto our web site for this story and many more and our call here's what you can find there right now in private emails of amounts filler both containing correspondents revealing how ondar of the brevik parrot his attorney is released in norwegian shops. and calls makes storm watch the footage of months of
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explosion on the sun and find out how it affected us here on earth that our team doctor thought. their conduced childhood was already shadowed by this tragedy. these two feel the fear they faced. and remember every second of this nightmare. it will remain in their memories and hearts forever. i'll do anything so. innocent.
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a little angel when all. they were young and flowing. their careers were on takeoff. that flight for them was one of many. and the last one. leaving me on. one or two. wealthy british style. to. go to. market why not. why not what's really happening to the global economy
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with my stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headline news. report . thank you for joining our karen taraji it's time now for some news from around the world embrace. ball fields court has upheld the decision to jail twenty opposition figures and activists for allegedly plotting to overthrow the monarchy in last year's verdict among which are life sentences triggered widespread protests with demands to release those imprisoned the ongoing civil unrest in bahrain has already claimed sixty lives in clashes with police as dissenters continue to demand democratic reforms. cambodian police say they will expel the co-founder of the popular sharing website the pirate bay to sweden that's if the
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cambodian interior minister approves it god forbid wark was arrested last week in the cambodian capital at the request of swedish authorities he was sentenced to one year in jail in two thousand and nine in his home country and ordered to pay four and a half million dollars in compensation to entertainment giants for copyright theft . nine police officers have been heart during a second night of sectarian clashes in belfast northern ireland. loyalists first fall with police on sunday leaving almost fifty officers injured in response with parade others republicans threw bottles breaks at fireworks at police lines until the monday morning trouble turns to break out most summers in reaction to the two communities holding traditional parades. azerbaijan's ported over
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a soldier who murdered an armenian will set back the regional peace process says the organization for security and cooperation in europe and there is soldier who was sentenced to life in prison and hungry for the telling of an armenian officer during a nato training in two thousand and four but was later sent back to azerbaijan armenia reacted by suspending diplomatic relations with hungary armenia and azerbaijan have been at odds since the war between ethnic nations in one thousand nine hundred ninety one over the border the enclave. and the u.s. the democratic national convention is kicking all for thousands of delegates down in north carolina a three day event will culminate with barack obama confirmed as the democratic party candidate that's comes hot on the heels of last week's republican convention that's all strong criticism of obama's four years in the white house just the
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alexander meyerson a contributor to the truth out website doesn't see much light ahead for the us whatever wins the election. the way to think about what's happening to america and essentially the north atlantic coalition in general is that things are getting very very much worse somewhat slow and if president obama were elected they would get much worse and job of looking for a new low rate and if president if there were a president romney that would get much worse at a quicker rate and that's essentially the way to look at it the shift of money and power from the bottom to the top with excel right under romney the condition for working people for women for you know communities of color that are subject to mass incarceration for. countries abroad that are plagued by drone strikes we get much worse under mitt romney and they're already going to get quite bad under
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president obama. appetite for the extreme daring pastimes are gaining popularity in russia but the driver one donkey is coming up with some superhuman tricks turning them into internet sensation art his very own sarah ferguson took her own leap of faith. risking it all for a thrill the young the brave and the downright dangerous appropriately dubbed suicide sports uploading videos and images of yourself performing things response is a fan that's taken russia by storm marina's adrenaline fueled stunt attracted millions of hits online. it was not something we planned i decided to go on the rooftop and asked my friend to join i looked around and i felt i needed something more my friend was of course very worried about me but i said that everything was under control and decided to take a walk i think a lot of people like it because it provokes sincere emotions drive unhappiness i
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was doing what i had wanted to do for such a long time but still i was very surprised that. you. were you know works part time at the appropriately named mads a group that offers the opportunity to do harness jumps in musk i just felt like bungee jumping and great jumping have become a really popular pastime here in russia so we're going to give it a go. well though certainly an adrenaline rush but for some people even that kind of sport is not enough and there's a lot of people many of those in the team here have gone even further while many of the activities to tell you on the edge of legality some of the other stunts simply
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leap past the boundaries of the. so you're listening. to tell me it's of the song new level of ability to become a kind of superman. reverdy may play a role but as luck and on numerous occasions those who've been without it lost their lives. as the arena have friends and a growing number of like minded russians it seems that's a risk they're willing to take surf city. during from the skies i know someone who is always turning to the stock market to get their thrills as they're right absolutely and you get plenty of care and you definitely know of steel able to work on the stock market in this day and age i can tell you that much now while we're on the topic still make is here in russia they're now under pressure now that russia is a member of the world trade organization and that's because of the new free market
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rules which will force these companies to reduce prices to compete with foreigners and that means lower profits as well as dealing with local terrorists and transportation as well but alexei model of the c.e.o. of one of the world's major still makers severstal is convinced the new trade rules will have a positive effect on russian companies but it will take time. we believe that stephen was three. now of course. removing the question still. there are some specific issues to dissolve for example birth of. a good from you or an expert of. the united states which require specific decision and all sure it's important to mention. doesn't believe big. three but it could be on
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a long strong. economy grows which will generate additional demand was due to our going to push. on the european stock markets continue to drop this tuesday that says pressure on european central bank to activate stimulus measures increased after moody's investor service warned that the european union would lose its aaa rating now the meetings are now underway and if we take a look at the exchange rates will be able to see that the euro has actually lost the momentum and the last what twenty minutes or so is now going south as you can see one twenty six eighty five for the common currency that was the talks continue as the first group although it's still managing to gain against the basket of kaiser's and the afternoon moscow session so let's see how the x. the markets are getting on here and it's really a volatile day actually struggling up the direction as you can see we've got a mixed color palettes on the screen he just investors that digesting
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a week asia performance are preparing for u.s. manufacturing data as well as keeping one eye on the situation in europe our course also on the agenda today as it meets with the country's gas mostly gas from a french total to discuss the fate of the stop many projects in the paris states so lots going on the south today if we check out the oil prices advantage for russia today is certainly. the games in the old markets they do continue not solve the supply disruptions in the gulf of mexico because of hurricane isaac really we've got fifty eight percent of production carrying on out there says still a lot of disruptions as i say let's get on to some more could not get to showers check out the gold prices all day to have had a little bit of change of momentum in the last twenty minutes or so because as you can see they are losing ground but as far as gold is concerned it's still loitering around the highest level in five months not because of all the economic data that
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i've been chassis of without particularly in the euro zone it is getting investors to buy gold quite quite seriously there's talk about easy jet flight from london to moscow also in pieces could soon become cheaper as persons easyjet its wings to russia b.c. daily newspapers as a low cost carrier. a regular fights between the cities as soon as next year however still these two went attend up. voted atlantic british airways among all the bit is well know the result in a month check up on current my time so i could buy to marina cause in the hot seat let's keep you up to date all right katie thank you for that update turns in a few minutes max and stacy take a look at the scandals behind the latest financial headlines on the concert report that's after the headlines with me.
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wealthy british style. that's not on the. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our.
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