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tv   [untitled]    September 4, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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it's been over a year since the u.s. took out osama bin laden during a raid inside pakistan and despite those displeasure from the pentagon a member of the seal team that conducted the raid has written a tell all so is he a hero or a traitor we'll dive into the topic. and marching for workers' rights on labor day protesters take to the streets in charlotte north carolina just ahead of the opening of the d.n.c. so why is the pro labor party holding their national convention in a state that's not friendly to unions are to ask for more. and they say money makes the world go round now bank with union time is coming to the aid of a city swimming in debt we'll take a look at how labor is going to bail out the pennsylvania government.
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it's tuesday september fourth five pm in washington d.c. i'm meghan lopez and you're watching r.t. . topping the news this hour it's one of the most highly anticipated book releases in the u.s. it firsthand account of the raid on osama bin laden's compound with a detailed explanation of the vents leading up to those tense moments the book names no easy day the firsthand account of the mission that killed osama bin laden was published today by penguin books and is already a bestseller on on amazon it was coauthored by two men a well known journalist kevin moore and a former navy seal who used the pseudonym mark owen turns out the former seal is thirty six year old matt isn't that from rangle alaska for many americans this book
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is exactly what they want it an inside look at what really happened in the a bought of god compound sixty minutes was the first to interview business at here's part of that interview one of the things that i liked after the fact was i remember are more income coming by and talking to each one of those holes in it as well i thought that was that was cool that you know they walked by shook each word and so they are or you guys ready could you just pull it off. for sure to me and we also just upload how long was it before you got the cold to go we had a week off from virginia beach and i want to send you off was completely but then we had a week a week off at home. conducted one more rehearsal day training on the on the web site as marco and then we got the word that we're going now many are questioning the motives of the book and the pentagon is eager to get its hands both on the book as well as the man who wrote it business did not have the book vetted by the pentagon before publishing it and he had signed two non disclosure forms while
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serving in the seals so is he a hero or a traitor well what and what could comment of prosecuting him to talk more about all of this i was joined by colonel morris davis retired air force attorney and professor at the howard university school of law we first discuss how biting non-disclosure agreements work. well there are very clear i signed similar agreements when i was in the military and sure like mr bissonnette when i left as well you signed saying that you would not disclose classified information and it explains or penalties for doing so so it's fairly explicit what you're getting into and talk about the process of vetting books i understand that they actually have to look through everything because it's a matter of national security if these books have classified information but do they ever claim that things that are maybe not necessarily national secrets just things that maybe make them ill military look bad was a good example tony shaffer who was a former army officer wrote
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a book the pentagon made a bestseller overnight because they went out and bought up every edition of the first run the book was later vetted released to the new york times actually did a side by side and you can see the significant editing of minute details that obviously didn't put any want to risk but oftentimes the vetting process is used to review to remove embarrassing information nothing that really hurts national security but there are things that we've done that we're not particularly proud of and if we can let's try to keep those quiet and we actually have twenty share from the program quite frequently he's kind of showed us and talked about his book and some detail so let's talk about this book in particular if they didn't have it vetted they had it vetted through what they say is their legal analysts but why is it why is that on enough well this specifically says i'm assuming the agreements that mr bissonnette signed are very similar to the ones i signed and it explicitly
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states that anything related to your activities while you're read into these secret programs that you will submit in advance not done it myself i wrote an article that i submitted to the cia for their review waited a few days and got it back and didn't have any problem. mr bissonnette and his folks chose not to do that though. nothing in the agreement says you can substitute two you think is an adequate proxy to review the work so i think he clearly understood what he was doing was wrong the department of his general counsel j. johnson sent a letter last week to mr bissonnette into penguin books explaining that it appeared he was in violation of the agreement and none the less they elected to to move forward and they say that there's nothing classified in these books they say that there isn't there is no problem with that i mean the co-author signed on and he has written four books in the past for very well known books he's been known as a well known journalist so if there's nothing classified why not submit it to the
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pentagon is hard to imagine discussing anything related to the raid that resulted in osama bin laden's death other then i was there it happened it wouldn't be classified and i think there's an abuse of the classification system in a lot of things that shouldn't be classified or but it's hard to imagine least from my experience in my involvement with detainees at guantanamo the level of information is classified it's hard to imagine mr bissonnette other than acknowledging he was there that may be about the extent of what you could say without getting into classified and i haven't read the book but it is hard to imagine it being more than a page long without getting into some classified information and apparently the pentagon george little the pentagon spokesman this afternoon said that it was highly irresponsible that they've reviewed the book now and that it does contain information that they consider to be classified so we'll see what the next steps are right and just taking a bigger look back at these nondisclosure forms when you sign away your basically
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or your freedom of speech with these nondisclosure forms how far do they go how how long into the future is it before you can speak of what you did and take credit for what you did in the military or there is no time limit if you're talking about what you did while you were involved in classified programs without advanced authorization you're not. emitted to talk about it now interestingly the the obama administration has been pretty free in talking about you know drone strikes in the death of bin laden and the computer attacks that shut down the earliest hampered iranian nuclear program so they've been kind of fast and loose and letting information out embarrassing information on the other hand has been a little slow to get out how that process would have gone had mr bissonnette asked for permission and. you know remains to be seen and i guess with. the mr bissonnette book comes at a quite interesting time in politics right now he of course says that his book is not political but of it is september elections are in november so not that far away
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so let's actually i want to play you a quick sound bite from the sixty minutes interview that he did and then we'll come back and talk about it this book is not political whatsoever those present but the other party and we specifically stroh's supreme are eleventh to keep it out of the politics you know if these crazies on either side of the aisle want to make a political shame on them this is a book about. ever eleventh to you through breast forms of cover what with not be brought into the political arena because this has nothing to do with politics so you heard him there say has nothing to do with politics he actually went on in that sixty minutes interview to explain that not only were a lot of the seals that he worked with opposed to president obama but one of them actually made a comment when they got back from the raid saying we've basically got him reelected so there's no way around it it's political right yeah you're right there is no way
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to avoid it in fact if you've noticed in the last twenty four hours vice president biden out on the campaign trail their slogan he said they had to put on bumper stickers now is thanks to barack obama osama bin laden is dead and general motors is alive so this is clearly at the heart of the election and one of the consistent critiques of democrats is they're a bunch of wimps they're weak on national security so for the president it's kind of a conundrum here on the one hand it's good to have the public reminded that he was responsible for the death of osama bin laden on the other hand you know president obama has been six people indicted into the espionage act john kiriakou who also wrote a book from the cia tom drake from in a say. there's been twice as many people indicted by the obama administration for leaking information or allegedly leaking information than in every other administration combined so to not do anything people are going to say that they hope is reelection effort and if he does something they're going to say is to try
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to quiet. you know somebody who's telling the truth so it's kind of a no win situation for the obama administration oh it's an interesting disparity saying you know they are going after these westwards we've actually reported on carry on as well quite a bit so let's talk about what could possibly come out of this i mean right now what we're hearing is that all the prophets are of are going to go to follow fallen warriors families here in the u.s. and i know that the justice department is pursuing possibly a civilian case that would leak into the profits what good can come out of prosecuting him expression in a civilian court well i think like many of these cases where there have been charges brought even they've been dropped in state chilling effect not so much the effect on mr bissonnette but don't the next marc bissonnette to come along does he talk or not talking with this key people and you know quiet to keep information out of the public domain and at the same time i mean like you said earlier democrats
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are afraid of being touted as not you know not hands enough when it comes to national security so if they don't do something will it hurt them. well i think it will is again there is no graceful way out of this for the democrats or for the obama administration that they do nothing then the critics are going to say well you want this information out there to remind the public as they go to the polls that you authorize the death of osama bin laden if they try to prosecute and it's going to be you're trying to shut down another whistle blowers time trying to tell the truth and i just don't see a real graceful way to dance around this issue and i mean look let's talk about we are all kind of touched on it earlier but let's talk about the fact that you know there they've been they say that there is some classified information but these think at this point they're looking for classified information anything to punish somebody who they didn't want to speak out i think they are. i mean there's still information and classified it going ton of it from people that have been in our custody for eleven years as you mentioned the osama bin laden raid was just
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a little over a year ago so the information is much more fresh then the information that some of the detainees at guantanamo have which they are still safeguarding and protecting so it is a said before i think it's hard to really imagine discussing the events that took place that night without talking about tactics and techniques in formation that could potentially be useful to an adversary so i think they are probably coming through the book again right now looking to see what they can do with that information what if anything right right so just talking about guantanamo bay for a minute let's take a look at the d.n.c. platforms from two thousand and eight until today so back in two thousand and eight they wanted to i mean president obama touted it he was going to close guantanamo bay you know what it took he signed an executive order on time away is still open you are an expert on one time always let's look at the guantanamo bay twenty twelve
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d.n.c. platform it says that is why we are reforming military commissions to bring them in line with the rule of law that is why we are substantially reducing the population our guantanamo bay without adding to our. it and we remain committed to working at the branches all branches of the government to close the prison altogether because it is inconsistent with national security interests and our values a little bit different of a narrative from two thousand and twelve from two thousand and eight they were saying they were going to close it and now they're kind of saying. not quite as many prisoners and eventually will close it they talked about that you know it's kind of one of the you're called the george bush the elder had his read my lips moment where he said read my lips no new taxes remember president obama's lips moving saying i'm closing guantanamo which was in two thousand and eight and we're sitting here in two thousand and twelve so he didn't keep his promise i mean this is one where there's no quibbling about did he say it or did he not he said he was going to close guantanamo he acknowledged it's a blight on our national reputation and he caved in to the fear mongers on the
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other side and didn't want to look like well and so he's kept it open and remains up like today in fact attorney general eric holder a week or two ago in an interview with bloomberg said that he regrets abandoning the decision back in zero nine when the pressure mounted so we could have had these trials in federal court they would have been over by now they would have been safe and secure and it would have been a credit to our reputation rather than the continuing blight that we've got now a lot for the d.n.c. to talk about this week and whether the you know everything from president obama's re-election campaign to maybe closing guantanamo bay and this book so thank you so much for joining the program colonel morris davis retired air force attorney and professor at howard university school of law my pleasure. so head and it's the democrats' turn to gather and rally support around their tentative president but the pro-union democratic party is taking some heat for holding the convention and antiwar per state more when we get back.
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out then they claim that the americans paul. far left doesn't want the usa to defeat terrorism. itself neighborhood you can be a liberal and
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a christian. so i'm going to hold. up in support of the congress because you know the corporate media distracts us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells us no facials to garbage because that breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break that.
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all right well yesterday was labor day here in the u.s. a holiday that started in eighteen eighty two by workers and unions as a celebration of workers' rights and a protest to the twelve these days labor day marks the end of summer and time to put away those white pants and shoes but for many in the u.s. the struggle for workers' rights continues last week we heard several speakers at the orenstein tell their success in busting unions. voters in wisconsin got to determine who was in charge was it the big government special interest in washington or the hard working taxpayers of our state the good news is that on june fifth the hard working taxpayers one we did a president who won't sacrifice american jobs and american workers to pacify the bullying union bosses he counts is political our eyes real teacher tenure reform
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that demands accountability and ends the guarantee of a job for life regardless of performance he said it would never happen but for the first time in one hundred years with bipartisan support you know the answer we did it. as you heard the struggle for organized workers is stronger than ever but it may be a losing battle today union membership in the private sector is the lowest it's been in since the one nine hundred thirty s. and then there's this if you take a look at this map the states in the greenish color are right to work states twenty three in total on with the territory of guam right to work meaning the state can prohibit agreements between labor unions and employers from requiring employees to have a membership payment of union dues or pay fees as a condition of their employment. meanwhile president obama can attribute much of his success in the past four years to organized labor so it's interesting then that
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the democrats chose north carolina as the place to host this year's d.n.c. convention and this has some unions very upset r.t. correspondent lizzie wall brings us their story. the site of the two thousand and twelve democratic national convention is also home to the least unionized states in the nation there's another story to be told that's the story of the people were continually going through the decision to hold the convention in charlotte as one some union members and labor activists find offensive of president obama and of them accredit party cared about the working class and unions in this country there's no way they would have had the their convention here all north carolina has some of the harshest anti union laws and the country it is even legal here for workers to collectively bargain with the democratic national convention in town workers want to bring attention to what they see as an attack on workers' rights in the south. inside the wedgwood baptist church a call to organize the south a lot of the right to work laws
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a lot of the anti collective bargaining laws in the from the southern region north carolina is a so called a right to work state a law which bans certain union security agreements many states with such laws are in the south workers here saying it leads to abuse of workers' rights their existence is that almost of a slave or sharecropper and i know that might sound like an exaggeration to many at home but but the conditions that they actually work in that exist and are pretty much the same they were from sun up to sound sundown for little to no money have no protections no health insurance labor unions have historically been an ally to the democratic party donating over eight million dollars toward the two thousand and eight democratic convention but staging the d.n.c. in a city that's not union friendly has turned some members off to the party entirely this sends a signal and is obvious and makes it clear still clear that the democratic party is controlled by the banks and corporations still others remain cautiously faithful at
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this point we don't have the alternative and we certainly mitt romney is not someone that i will i'm willing to jump into a fight we think. in charlotte north carolina liz wahl r.t. . no it was not too long ago that jamie dimon lloyd blankfein brian moynihan and john mack appeared in front of a financial car crisis inquiry commission to receive a public lashing for their reckless gambling but it turns out not all banks are as evil or as greedy as the mortgage crisis made them out to be a case in point scranton pennsylvania amalgamated bank america's largest union owned bank has given the city of a multi-million dollar loan to help pay police officers and firefighters the debt ridden city has already been forced to cut the pay of over four hundred public servants to seven twenty five an hour and in case you're wondering yes that is a minimum wage up until very recently the city couldn't get anyone to take on its
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debt that's when amalgamated bank stepped in if you think you recognize the bank's name it could be because it's the bank the democratic national committee just switched to to take care of most of its finances here to tell us more about the loan deal with the city of scranton is labor journalist michael. hey mike thanks so much for joining me so let's talk about this scranton pennsylvania situation that we've got going on first it kind of seems like the banks are choosing profit people over profits and that's not at all in tune with the rest of the banks it will be a situation where it's when in order to meet its payroll needed some money. and you know a lot of banks don't want to step forward because it wasn't that profitable i mean the media bank is charging six percent interest rate and they are getting a three percent origination fee so they're still making some money off of it a profit but not a very big profit and you know i think that's reasonable and i you know know whether banks want to step up to the to the plate and i think is the key case for you know there's so many trillions of dollars of workers pension money invested in
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different investment banks in terms of bringing that money back and house because you can do things like this help out cities and stress that needed with the g.p. you know jamie diamonds and those kind of people are going to step in and i know that the city did a lot to try to to deal with its debt is actually trying to for quote or file for bankruptcy. but it was denied that by the u.s. bankruptcy court in the middle district of pennsylvania so they're not allowed to file for bankruptcy they went to the other banks and they asked for help so it kind of seemed like they were in a situation where as a lose lose no one was going to help them in an elevator banks really stepped up for them certainly i mean the republican governor of pennsylvania tom corbett certainly wasn't going to do anything to help screamin the situation and they weren't willing to approve some of the plans scrim had come up with so they were stuck between a rock and a hard place and you know amalgamated bank came in six million dollar loan they're trying to get another twenty million or so in loans to help that and it really helps that they have a stable loan to meet the payroll and that they're not going in current more legal
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fees fighting that and just speaking and in terms of workforce in this in this country and as far as the labor unions go i mean it's the union banks taking care of the police and the firefighters the people that we trust to protect. us to protect our streets to be the ones to respond and you know it's in a medical emergency why or why or why is the bank having to step in and why isn't the government stepping in it's good question i mean you know obama is part of the stimulus to try to give a lot of money to municipalities which have trouble raising taxes because they do vary state laws in the inability to run budget deficits they tried to do that as part of the first stimulus to try to do a second very very smaller stimulus and then never get anywhere so that's a big part of the reason if you look at the drag on the economy right now the private sector consistently has been gaining jobs while the public sector has been losing jobs and that's been the big drag on the economy that's bringing step down is the millions of jobs lost in the public sector and this austerity is just not
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it's going to ruin the economy so i think in order to get stuff going to go to do stuff like this are there any are situations other than scranton pennsylvania where this is happening where people the workers are just not being paid this amount and that they need help there are drowning well look at a city like chicago where twenty six thousand teachers have declared that they're going to go on strike on monday unless a deal can be reached what's happened there in chicago is that you know the mayor of chicago rahm emanuel the president's former chief of staff is denying the chicago teachers union their contractually guaranteed four percent raise its cost of living raise he clearly didn't have the money between the money and other things and that you know or you know rahm's been doing all this corporate welfare giving money to united airlines giving money to all these other people and not maintaining the basic contract he has of the union and that's going to be a very big debate and a lot of the chicago teachers union reps said that rahm emanuel is being chosen to speak in a primetime speaking at the democratic national convention tonight and speaking of
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the democratic national convention as i mentioned a little bit earlier at the democratic national committee is switching to this bank i hardly see that as a coincidence to you yeah well over a dozen unions are sitting out the democratic national committee their democratic national convention they have said it is. being held in a right to work state that is not only a right to work state but also outlaws click the barn for public workers now this isn't republicans that have. to bargain for public workers for the last twenty years there's been a democratic governor in the state in north carolina and they're not allowing it the mayor of charlotte won't even meet with the union he won't even give the right to union dues deduction from paychecks of workers voluntarily wanted something which a federal judge just ruled was a constitutional right under the first amendment so you know it's a situation that even the un has stepped in and condemned a violation of basic freedoms that so to hold it in a state like that and not see anything about it and allow somebody the rahm emanuel to speak is just outrageous you know president obama earlier today stopped by a fire station in virginia to drop off a case of some of his home brew beer be
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a lot better if you stop by the picket line outside charlotte mare's office and help those firefighters for their quote the burning rights like he promised he would do during his campaign when he said he would put on a comparable pair of shoes you know the nice words of the president are nice but action is what's really needed and this president really hasn't done enough to help workers they've been really hard hit especially public sector workers and i understand that this is also the bank of the occupy wall street movement can you talk a little bit about but yeah i mean certainly you know that i've ever read a study that since occupy started a record number of people quadruple the number i think of previous years have moved a bit money to credit unions in amalgamated banks and stuff like that so it's interesting it is so let's talk about the bigger labor bill that in the u.s. we just say it celebrated labor day and yet when the private sector union membership start as low as they've been fulfilling thirty's what's going on here well it's simple it's three things i think fundamentally the union busting one out
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of three union drives somebody gets fired from their job so it's very tough they were going to the penalty under the national labor relations act if you fire a worker is a boss has to put a piece of paper saying the leeway fired a worker the penalty for bank robbing was you had put up a piece of paper we'd all be bank robbers so this goes on all. all the time people getting fired and you know the worker gets reinstated the boss puts up the people the paper does it the next time. so there's union busting i also think the shifting of the economy workers feel more under threat so many jobs are going out overseas and as well so many people are now temps and contractors and working at freelancers so they don't have formal employment relationships they recognize that they can even join a union legally and then the third issue is i really think labor has lost its way it's a very bloated institution the cap the salary the compensation of every union official in the country one hundred thousand civil a room of three hundred million a year this is according to department of labor records that i and other people
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have looked over and it's just outrageous how badly mismanaged unions are i mean you know it's sort of like the show the wire you know the labor unions in this country is sort of become like the baltimore police department their organizations that try to do good but they're just these institutional fiefdoms where people were trying to actually do the job that needs to be done and like we don't really don't have that much time left but i want to get one more question in here at the aren't the speakers really did take some shots at the unions in their speeches what can we expect of the d.n.c. if anything a lot more teacher union bashing tonight i predict every having rahm emanuel who's in the most high profile battle with the teachers union right now speaking and you know president obama has been no friend of teacher unions and or public sector workers where he's implemented a federal pay freeze so and you're going to hear more about we need to reward good teachers as opposed to helping all teachers all right michael thank you so much for your opinions that was michaele labor journalist and that's going to do it for now for more of the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slide.


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