tv [untitled] September 5, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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one person has been shot down and go back after a man opened fire during a victory speech of the newly elected separatist premier pauline marois was rushed off stage on harm. the u.n. calls for an end to militarizing both sides in the syrian conflict with tens of thousands of people fleeing the asco laying violence. and china warned the u.s. to back off and land southeast asian nations resolve their own disputes as hillary clinton visits beijing.
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doesn't are going to live from moscow i'm marina josh enough forty year old man has been killed in call back after shots were fired during the new premier is acceptance speech one other person was also critically injured premiere a pulley marois the leader of the province a separatist party was rushed off stage unharmed a suspect is in police custody canadian radio journalist michael boyer explains the possible fallout of the attack. it was where the victory speech was being held and. essentially would be what they call the tactic of because that was elected that they had been. an opposition for quite some time and they were elected as the minority over in august when you leader would make her acceptance speech or a victory speech i should say we should be on t.v. where she was you know the old days very quickly. then we later learned from what
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we saw cameras outside is that somebody was arrest somebody i'm going to burst into the back of the building been shot and somebody's in the vestibule so one man died another injured and somebody else was taken to hospital for a shot at sutter is sad because as he was being called going through the cop cars it's the anguish will are waking up and they are referring to you know the very defensive nature if you have not taken a question you know there are years and years and years of confrontation about you know about the party and their ideas to separate back from the rest of the country and then it's a very divisive topic and the fact that they were elected as a minority as many see it as a defeat another threat. to come back and canada as the whole country the separatists party has said during the election campaign that they're not going to hold a referendum if the time is not right if that's not really what the population wants really what we're hearing is that it's only about twenty eight percent of the population that would affect the border referendum if we were to have one so it is
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it is relatively low comparison to what we've seen in the path a lot of anger phones are afraid of is that they will see this as an attack from that the englishmen on the french which you know certainly is the case you can take the actions of one person and it's right on the other thousands and thousands of people there's a certain fear that there will be more more anglo hatred in the in the drama if it is related to exactly what happened at the time the shots were heard pollini was telling a crowd of supporters that quebec needs to become an independent country canadian journalist la steward believes french and english canada are moving further away from each other. what we're seeing now is in after nine years of liberal government the pro federalists party that's mired in corruption scandals that's tired it's time for a normal change of government see normally in the back you'll see a change of government about every ten years and traditionally power has to switch between the party the nationalist party get. the liberal party first in one
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thousand nine hundred and then again in one thousand nine hundred five where there when we have written about referendums on about sovereignty and certainly the thrust ration and the animosity in the right in fact hostility towards cuba without experience those experiences as continue to grow and some commentators especially on the right even say good riddance that they would like to leave the federation. there is a difference in political cultures traditionally is a lot more social democratic left wing in favor of more state intervention in the economy well english canada has over the past several years especially since the election of the stephen harper in the conservative government has been group going precisely to the right diminishing the state's role in the economy and cutting social programs and acting and right writing rough. over the rights of unions and
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working people want. when you go to more insight on the division plaguing canada with friends that more and more isolated will look out wanted to exit from the bit aeration could mean for the rest of canada. and how months of student protest influence the vote after thousands clashed with police outraged at tuition hikes amid tough economic times so go to our keep calm for all the details. now the u.n. chief has called for an end to the militarization of the syrian conflict speaking at the general sam way ban ki moon said the crisis has taken a brutal turn. has the details from new york. the secretary general of the u.n. bonn ki-moon addressed the international body giving them an update on the crisis in syria saying the humanitarian circumstances situation there is only deteriorating and getting worse by the day according to the u.n.
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chief he said that the humanitarian response on the part of the u.n. is getting harder and harder because the response plan that the u.n. has set up is only half funded and it's supposed to be fully funded at one hundred eighty million dollars so he said as austerity measures are being implemented by countries all around the world less countries are donating to a mission that is supposed to be helping out those syrians in need now the general assembly was very interested in eager to hear from mr lockhart where he me he is the new joint special representative for syria mr brahimi replaced kofi annan he said when addressing the general assembly that it will be up to the syrians and only the syrians to decide the fate of their future mr brahimi will be traveling to cairo in the coming days to meet with the secretary general of the arab league and then he will be traveling to damascus to meet with syrian president bashar al assad
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so clearly he has his work cut out for him in the coming days and weeks ahead but of course syria is staying a priority within the united nations general assembly and the security council weeks we can expect for a lot of more conversations to be taking place in the month of september when the u.n. general assembly debate begins in the next coming weeks. as many are fleeing the syrian conflict to neighboring states with over one hundred thousand leaving in august alone countries like turkey and jordan so they are feeling the strain of the influx of displaced syrians as our disposal your now reports. at least ten thousand syrian refugees for at least a week have been stuck on the syrian side of the syrian turkish border and this is because ankara is simply unable to process the growing numbers of people who are fleeing syria to turkey there are already eighty thousand syrian refugees inside turkey and kurds are fraid that these figures could swell to at least a half
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a million and one has been complaining that the international community is not doing enough to help it and to this indeed it is calling for a so-called safe zone or a buffer zone to be created inside syria and what we understand is that such as zone would extend some twenty kilometers inside syrian territory but the problem is that to create any kind of humanitarian zone you need to have a no fly zone in which it certainly suggests foreign intervention and there has been a lot of criticism about this from the international community certainly the united nations security council has not given its nod when and where brought this up in the past but we do understand that anchor is going to ask the u.n. security council later this month to create this buffer zone it is highly unlikely that russia and china will give its nod but certainly we are witnessing a growing humanitarian crisis at the same time we know that the head of the international committee for the red cross is in damascus they are meeting with syrian officials who are trying to find together some kind of way of assisting
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these refugees and resolving the situation has been quite some time in those camps talking to some of these refugees and i can back up from firsthand experience what they as well as what humanitarian organizations are saying what the refugees told me is that the sanitation is far from satisfactory that very often they are standing in queues for hours waiting for food there are not enough tends to go around people are sleeping on the streets i spoke to a number of women who were complaining of sexual harassment one person perhaps put at the base he told me that him and his family had fled syria to escape it did but here in the rift. they were dying a slow death at the same time there are concerns that you just need a spark she erupt into a flame there are concerns particularly from the jordanian authorities that they could be rioting they're also concerned that they could be further clashes so the main concern at the moment is that the situation is so volatile you could lead to even bigger humanitarian catastrophe falsely reporting there while later we talk
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to a german journalist who has witnessed a conflict in syria firsthand and he tells r t why western media coverage of the civil war is deliberately misleading. the mainstream media coverage claimed that the mosque because it was at that time when the so-called battle of the mosque because they were saying that because it's on fire there are heavy fighting and they were saying that now the rebels are so close to the city center that they are a power to conquer and all the city the government will fall i want to incite the city and there was no war in the city of course there is some suburbs there are a couple of interest groups who benefit from such a public takes and the big interests of the western governments who want to have the regime change there and who are supporting that the information you get from these countries very much one sided or money that i spoke to a lot of people who are not with the syrian government but in this is i think the most important difference to the media coverage here they were all against this war
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which is now raging so they said all of the we are not with our government right now we support our army in pushing back the foreign terrorists from our countries so then we can make the changes and the reforms. are you can see the full interview was money well or editor of the german news magazine in twenty minutes time here on r t but also this hour we shuffle for russia's space industry major changes to face the country's once pioneering space program which will suffer. several serious mishaps in the past ten years. and they'll do construction workers are left out of the cold as the continuing euro crisis makes cheaper and the current labor more attractive now for details of that in just a few minutes. that warning not to meddle in regional affairs greeted washington's top diplomat to china had over
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a visit secretary of state hillary clinton urged southeast asian nations to work together to resolve territorial disputes in the south china sea. from there reminiscent of china says washington's involvement is only fueling tensions in the past few months and we see it's even nasty so it's taken sides are going to trip over the disputed that have. you noticed that is also. you can be with trying to hold ourselves trying to say yes we've also seen the worst. of wars i'm not mad it be. i think inside of us a matter of just a few pictures on the bridge repair and. just against the chinese sets over to complain i think if you noticed that he is trying to shift the scope. of our number reason it's going to just don't want to go to my
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teachers or the boss the growing economy. that he's on why it's not only he's a shame but also the world or the mass they want to come fag and also balance against chinese increase in regions. all right all right a pre-wash in a war of words between republicans and democrats in the u.s. is heating up had a bit of a and worse presidential vote barack obama's party is convening to formally nominate him as their candidate and head back against criticism from their opponents the president's currently tied with his challenger in opinion polls well for more on the both candidates let's now talk to richard white senior fellow and director of the center for a political military analysis hudson institute mr wise thanks very much indeed for coming to the program to discuss this well first let's talk about barack obama as we know four years ago many promises have been made but few of them have been
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actually fulfilled and now his wife michelle obama as addressed the voters and asked them to give her husband another chance and basically second term to fix the troubled economy and saying that change takes time now what's your personal views on this i mean does he deserve a second chance in your opinion well i would phrase it as such i don't think that anything he did was noble given the situation he faced and he hasn't you know hasn't been a crime or made a terrible mistake that would i think warrant his and if it's someone they show you shouldn't be reelected on that basis so the question deserves is a hard it's more people are thinking more how you compare the next four years under president obama as opposed to a president romney so what are we likely to see then in the next four years and how would you assess his presidency i mean speaking of his results of course and what we can expect in the future right well i think that if president obama is reelected
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you will probably see i think the best guess is you'll see a continuation of the previous policies the decision of the obama people is that they inherit a very difficult situation and they adopted some policies and take some time the work themselves out some possible situation that improves he's reelected based on those policies but the president has shown. lots of elegy in past areas so it's possible that if they get what kind of congress to face and it was a very republican congress you might be able to more compromises in that area well most of the country leaders are assessed according to what they do domestically and internationally as you know when president obama became president and he was awarded the nobel peace prize for his role in international diplomacy was a bit premature i mean given the fact that america is involved in the wars and let's say the international record and foreign policy achievements kind of vindicated their war don't you think. i think i think that it was premature and i
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think it actually hurt the nobel committee because they gave it to him right after he is reelected understand why they did that they like the content of its product disarmament speeches or recommitment to nuclear just disarmament and so forth so they're warning him perhaps in a way to encourage further progress in a way it backfired so look so political look in the common sense of america is that you got it just because he wasn't george bush and that my and so the president quickly distance himself from that you never see you never be first and solve the nobel prize winner so i think the fault was with the nobel committee for giving it too early well let's not talk about the other candidate mitt romney so what sort of u.s. foreign policy changes are we likely to see if for example he becomes president if he comes to power right it's a little hard to predict because there's a bit of. a dissonance between what's coming out of some of his hall is campaign speeches and what's coming out some of the campaign policy documents i
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think for the most part you'll see continuation with current policies just because this tends to be the case after each election there's a president obama has been pursuing many of the same policies that president bush was in his second term so i think that would be largely be the case with the president obama. president romney i think you see mostly continuity all right but which are why it's a fellow and director of the center for political military analysis of the hudson institute thanks very much indeed for sharing your views with us here in the program thank you again for having me.
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powers now russia. mistakes but experts say that the decline of a once proud space program is rooted in a post soviet industrial meltdown that has hurt modernization despite a steadily growing flow of cash and aging workforce and the lack of responsibility at the very top have plagued russia space industries experts say that russia's technical problems are surmountable but what the industry really needs they say is fresh blood and new talent despite all these setbacks there are big plans in store
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for russia's for a into the final frontier the country's planning to build research stations on mars before moving on to other planets and russian scientists are preparing for the next giant leap for mankind with plans for a manned base on the moon within ten years experts say that with ambitious goals like these a failure is simply not an option for russia's future in space and of r.t. in moscow. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world and seven people have been arrested and sixty injured in clashes between protesters and police near the syrian embassy in cairo demonstrators were chanting into us of slogans and throwing rocks at officers i one point protesters tried to break through a police cordon around the embassy to hang a free syrian army flag. thousands of protesters gathered in the center of yemen's capital city of sanaa to demand the prosecution of the country's formally you're ali abdullah saleh they want to see the former leader a stand trial for the murder of dishonors in the last years uprising solid step
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down from power on the terms of guaranteed immunity but has been accused of clinging to power from behind the scenes. when the president has announced a breakthrough agreement to start talks towards ending the conflict with leftist militant group fark the deal was reached after six months of talks in cuba with norway acting as brokers to the pole in a hurry to go sheesh and the conflict between fark and the colombian government has claimed tens of thousands of lives and is the longest running in the western hemisphere. france prosecutors investigating the death of palestinian leader. yasser arafat's are seeking to exuma his body in ramallah for examination according to his medical records he suffered a stroke but matty palestinians believe israel boys in him something jurors stayed denies our fight led the palestine liberation organization for thirty five years and became the first president of the palestinian authority in nine hundred ninety six. now tough economic times see people looking for ways to cut cost and that's
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were cheaper immigrant labor can play its part construction workers in belgium one of the better off nations complain of growing at unfair competition from polish builders and with no an inside of the eurozone financial crisis the competition will only get tougher there just as our silly and i reports we're here at a construction site where all the workers as well as the owners of the construction company are from poland belgium is seeing an influx of foreign workers from other e.u. countries and more often than not these workers left the belgian counterparts in the brig for example a province in flanders which has a significant construction sector thirty eight percent of all companies have lost bids to foreign firms ninety percent of them expect to lose bits in the future and this is prompted fears that in the coming months one in five companies will have to lay people off their prices or to do what we can call. to work but if that work is going to other companies then we will lose
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a lot of jobs in the. local firms say they are also losing out when it comes to speed of delivery our building sectors have. to do good for strict. rules but if you look at the foreign companies people work ten twelve to fourteen hours a day six days out of seven of course for the delivery speed of your project is a huge advantage more belgian clients are opting to try their service. these people are much more flexible so that's that's why we tried it and it was it was a success europe's debt crisis has dealt a massive blow to a sector that employs up to sixteen million e.u. citizens and with no clear signs of the tough times letting up tension is brewing especially when local firms feel they're getting the short end of the stick on their own turf this or sylvia r.t.
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antwerp in belgium. all right let's see what's happening in the world of business katie's are with us and we're hearing that gas war is how already begun i know with the temperatures aren't yet freezing marina but the tensions a certainly guessing that way we've got europe pushing to break russia's dominance on the natural gas markets the european commission has launched an official investigation into suspects is mark abused by gas from the probe comes a year after brussels surprised the russian energy on its customers with unexpected right at the offices of watchdogs that will focus on where the gas problem pushed up prices and handed competition in eastern and central europe the investigation could result in heavy fines over why gazprom to change its trade practices oil or gas as broadly way as capital believes it's more about market control rather than about my finances gazprom is charging. gazprom has a desire in
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a right to try to be as present as possible in its end user markets and the e.u. is trying to prevent monopolies from controlling sensitive areas so it's not been the first time i don't think it's going to be the last time this latest probe hasn't yet fully played out at the moment i don't think it's a push on prices i think it's more a push back to gazprom total presence and desire to get more diversified supply i don't think we can say that the e.u. is pushing for a particular price per se but mortars control over markets both sides have a very clear right too. for gazprom to be in europe in large scale and for europe to try to diversify its supply so i don't think you get a cut and dry conclusion to this right away. trust funds could reach ten percent of the company's cells in the country where the law has been violated fines could triple if the breaching of the rules and lasted for several years a situation that might have a good you're on our screens and it's a big week for the region we've got a bunch of meetings taking the easy decision on the board buying program will also
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be revealed to you so in terms of today's action investors are coming into the all of this storm so to speak and that's really in regards to the event risk and say they'll be tweaking their portfolios in preparation these are what they're telling us let's see the exchange rates and see how the euro is doing while i'm on the topic now as well as the e.c.b. me till thursday us payrolls on friday keeping investors on the fence in today's session if we look at the ruble is not have much of movement in the session so far as to losing to the boss get cars isn't staying with russia that we've got the exit is for you just that also taking their cue from the general wait and see attitude across the globe of course is today with most analysts describing today's as. neutral and also the russian markets to thank you from asia they were the first ones to respond to the u.s. manufacturing data which contracted for a third as well as australia's economy slowing to that took that had effect as well
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as we get of the oil prices as well now before a report from the energy department tomorrow surprise all looking to show levels not save it since the end of march for the u.s. supplies largely because of the hurricane isaac which meant ninety five percent of oil output was terminated in the gulf of mexico one point so as you can see oil prices are declining this hour i mean that's how the markets look marina so more gas pump action in about fifty five minutes all right thanks very much indeed for that katie and later we'll talk to a german reporter who worked in syria and says that citizen journalism is often abused to pressure politicians there and that's after they have won state.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. shining corporations are on the day. british. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy. global financial headline news to report. in his first t.v. interview since his inauguration. just as well on.
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