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tv   [untitled]    September 5, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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since his inauguration. i'm aware of the pussy rights case but i'm not getting involved in any way he. speaks exclusively to r.t. . one person has been shot down in grac after a man opened fire during the victory speech of the newly elected separatist premier who was rushed off stage when shots were heard. the u.n. calls for a man to militarizing both sides in the syrian conflict with tens of thousands of people fleeing their lane violence. and china warns the west back off and let southeast asian nations resolve their own disputes as hillary clinton visits beijing.
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i mean to live from moscow i'm marina joshie a forty year old man has been killed in quebec after shots were fired during the new premiers acceptance speech one other person was also critically injured premier poll in marois the leader of the province a separatist party was rushed off stage on harmed a suspect in is in police custody canadian radio journalist michael boyer explains the possible fallout of the attack. it was where the victory speech was being held and. essentially was did what they call the pac tea cake was that was elected that they had been in opposition for quite some time and they were elected as the minority government that's when when the leader was making her victory speech and she was hustled off the stage very quickly then we later learned from what we saw in cameras outside is that somebody was arrested somebody burst into the back of the building then shot somebody in the vestibule so one man died another injured
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and somebody else was taken to hospital for a shot at some very sad because as he was being hauled away into the cop cars that he said you know the english will are waking up and we're referring to you know the very defensive nature of the chemical and you know their years and years and years of confrontation about you know about the party and their ideas to separate fact from the rest of the country. and it's a very divisive topic and the fact that they were elected as a minority as many see it as a defeat and the threat. to come back and canada as a whole country the separatist party has said during the election campaign that they're not going to hold a referendum if the time is not right if that's not really what the population wants really what we're hearing is that it's only about twenty eight percent of the population that wouldn't affect the border referendum if we were to have one so it is it is relatively low comparison to what we've seen in the path a lot of angle phones are afraid of is that they will see this as an attack from
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that the english on the french which you know certainly is the case you can take the actions of one person and spread it on the thousands and thousands of people there is a certain fear that there will be more more anglo hatred in the province. well it's not talked in upon journalist robert horan and robert thanks so much for being here this in the program now we know that montreal police said the suspect shot out of the english are waking up when he was being dragged away by officers so do you see this a tad being motivated by a thought to give a quasi produced and pro french speaking policies then. yes i would be very simplistic to do think anything different it would be nice to believe that the man is just a lunatic it's pretty clear he may be a lunatic but he is motivated by the divisions in canada and his team to your previous speaker one has to remember that divisions go both ways. because the english canadians under the british empire always ruled the roost the french
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canadians began to become very bitter about this and inevitably over time that's caused many problems and they want more tommy and i think it is going to. revive passions of their own way to put it that's putting an emotional obviously it will. feel very strong as of course some french canadian climbers incident happened police said there there was also a fire lit outside the venue when the suspect was arrested so what is this suggests i mean is there a concern that this may not be an isolated incident. well you see i think i think mentally if you like many english canadians feel very strong about it but as you know not very not very many canadians are going to take a gun into a press conference given by a more moderate or. even so yes clearly looks as if there was somebody with
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the him to distract the police while he got into the into the meeting but it's very early days yet and previous incidents of this kind of throughout the world of indicated that over a quick judgment is very often wrong now in light of what happened how likely is it that the new premier polling marois will actually consider softening her stance well i don't think. it's going to change her long term view of the situation of quebec in canada tactically obviously she isn't going to to want. stir up passions in quebec one would certainly hope not but if there is a lesson here for the west if you look at what's happening here in the western nations the united states and nato led a speciality of going into other people's countries notably syria and libya stirring up divisions and using them for short term foreign policy and this is a warning it's
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a wake up call to the west this can happen in our countries too we've seen race riots in america and so on there are fifty million latinos in the united states you know this this sort of thing can happen anywhere and nato and america and the west in general would be very wise to start going around the world stirring up trouble in other countries but going back to canada and the situation there now during her victory speech. that she would be the leader for the whole of quebec and pretend the english speaking population there how much trust do you think she can gain considering her prone to parents' policies. well clearly the people who feel passionately that quebec should remain part of the canadian nation never going to trust her because she belongs to a party which believes in the maximum amount of autonomy so corbet they can get a referendum through voting for independence at the moment and maybe in their hearts that's not really what they want but they have achieved the autonomy in
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language and in other things which has been very important to them so no i don't want to change their policies because it all goes back to the visit of general de gaulle of the one nine hundred sixty s. when he stood up in a in a speech. which caused uproar in canada and he was he was asked to leave the country by the canadian government but he was only pointing out something which which is obvious to anybody else that the french canadians had been treated pretty badly over the years. well you know very briefly. many conservative commentators in canada how already started speculating as to what would have been if for example goes into pan and i will be good riddance but the problem survival and so on of course you can survive on its own i mean you look at the ridiculous little countries that we've been so busy building in yugoslavia a country the size of a. province the size of quebec could easily be
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a country the difficulty of course is that you have. canadian english speaking canadians on both sides of quebec if you come out to the east towards. so i'm. definitely not interested in. french autonomous quebec i don't believe if you ask me what i really feel. complete independence is on the cards should go but the real autonomy yes. all right mr harness independent journalist thanks very much indeed for sharing your views with us here on our team thank you and you can go to our website or to dot com for more insight on the division of plaguing canada with friends for that more and more isolated we look at what it's an exit from the federation could mean for the rest of canada. and how lots of student protests influence the boat after thousands clashed with police outraged
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at tuition hikes and the tough economic times go to r.t. dot com for the details. now the u.n. chief has called for an end to the militarization of the syrian conflict speaking at the general assam we ban ki moon said the crisis it's taken a brutal turn the marina port now i has the details from new york. the secretary general of the u.n. bonn ki-moon addressed the international body giving them an update on the crisis in syria saying the humanitarian circumstances situation there is only deteriorating and getting worse by the day according to the u.n. chief he said that the humanitarian response on the part of the u.n. is getting harder and harder because the response plan that the u.n. has set up is only half funded and it's supposed to be fully funded at one hundred eighty million dollars so he said as austerity measures are being implemented by countries all around the world less countries are donating to
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a mission that is supposed to be helping out those syrians in need now the general assembly was very interested in eager to hear from mr lockhart where he me he is the new joint special representative for syria mr brahimi replaced kofi annan he said when addressing the general assembly that it will be up to the syrians and only the syrians to decide the fate of their future mr brahimi will be traveling to cairo in the coming days to meet with the secretary general of the arab league and then he will be traveling to damascus to meet with syrian president bashar al assad so clearly he has his work cut out for him in the coming days and weeks ahead but of course syria is staying a priority within the united nations general assembly and the security council weeks we can expect for a lot of more conversations to be taking place in the month of september when the u.n. general assembly did the begin in the next coming weeks. reporting there now this
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is many are fleeing the syrian conflict to neighboring states with over one hundred thousand leaving in august alone countries like turkey and jordan say they're feeling the strain of the influx of displaced syrians as artie's polish we are now reports. at least ten thousand syrian refugees for at least a week have been stuck on the syrian side of the syrian turkish border and this is because ankara is simply unable to process the growing numbers of people who are fleeing syria to turkey there are already eighty thousand syrian refugees inside turkey and closer afraid that these figures could swell to at least a half a million and one has been complaining that the international community is not doing enough to help it and to this indeed it is calling for a so-called safe zone or a buffer zone to be created inside syria and what we understand is that such as zone would extend some twenty kilometers inside syrian territory but the problem is that to create any kind of humanitarian zone you need to have
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a no fly zone in which it certainly suggests foreign intervention and there has been a lot of criticism about this from the international community certainly the united nations security council has not given its nod when and where brought this up in the past but we do understand that anchor is going to ask the u.n. security council later this month to create this buffer zone it is highly unlikely that russia and china will give its nod but certainly we are witnessing a growing humanitarian crisis at the same time and we know that the head of the international committee for the red cross is in damascus they are meeting with syrian officials who are trying to find together some kind of way of assisting these refugees and resolving the situation has been quite some time in those camps talking to some of these refugees and i can back up from firsthand experience what they as well as what humanitarian organizations are saying what the refugees told me is that the sanitation is far from satisfactory that very often they are staying in queues for hours waiting for food there are not enough tends to go around people
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are sleeping on the streets i spoke to a number of women who were complaining of sexual harassment one person perhaps put it the best he told me that him and his family had fled syria to escape it did but here in the rift. they were dying a slow death at the same time there are concerns that you just need a spark to iraq to a flame there are concerns particularly from the jordanian authorities that they could be rioting there are also concerns that they could be further clashes so the main concern at the moment is that the situation is so volatile you could lead to even bigger humanitarian catastrophe and still look on this hour here in r t on the welcome gas belgian workers are left in the cold is the continuing you are a crisis makes cheaper and the growth of labor more attractive more details on that in just a few minutes. a warning not to meddle in regional affairs greeted washington's top diplomat to china ahead of her visit secretary of state hillary clinton urged
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southeast asian nations to work together to resolve territorial disputes in the south china sea. there rehman university of china says washington's involvement is only fueling tensions. in the past few months when we see the nasty states picking sides are going to trip over the disputed. united states also. and appear to be if you can be with trying to hold ourselves to our nazis we've also seen the worst. of wars i'm not imagine it be a stinker. but to consign it to some out of just a few depends on the bridge repair and the and i. just think it's against the chinese sets over to complain i think if you noticed that he is trying to shift these to. our number reason she can i just don't want to
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go to my teachers or the boss the growing economy in. the cities and why it's not only he's a shame but also the work you nasty long to come fag and the surface a valid search against chinese to increase. regions. and while hillary clinton is looking after the us interests in beijing her fellow democrats are getting ready to thankfully declare barack obama their presidential candidate first lady michelle obama addressed the party convention urging voters to give her husband another her to fix the troubled u.s. economy romney and obama are now running about even in polls out of the members six elections political commentator and author of the anti-american manifesto ted rall says both candidates could be a bad choice for americans. there is definitely a clear difference between misters romney and obama but that doesn't mean that either of them is going to reach out and do much about the pressing problem of
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unemployment underemployment and the stagnant economy mr romney's plan seems to be to bring us back to the 1980's and trickle down reaganomics and president obama has had three years trying to turn things around but he decided to bail out the banks rather than the american people so i would say that for people who are worrying about work and being able to put food on the table things are not likely to. ever get in my kid worse the united states certainly affects the world mainly through its brother militaristic outlook we are despite the headlines that we hear all that we see all the time here in the states about how the wars in afghanistan and iraq iran think down here still is going to be a considerable forward aggressive strategy around the world particularly in the middle east i think whether you're looking at a romney administration or an obama administration i wouldn't look for the united
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states to have a different foreign policy in any kind of substantive way under romney than we have today because of the two party traps for a reason you know there's there's two terrible choices it's a lot like sitting down to a restaurant where they offer two meals and they're both just terrible so i personally would rather be somewhere else and i would say well because you know either a protest vote for a obscure third party for all show up at the polls and not vote for president i want them to know that i'm voting and i'm available to vote but i cannot endorse either of these two of them. and his first exclusive interview with our team president vladimir putin speaks about america's war in afghanistan watch the full interview with the russian president right here this thursday. in his first t.v. interview since his inauguration. the u.s. and its allies went into afghanistan. they're looking forward to getting out to me
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or putin speaks exclusively to r.t. . and let's now take a look at some other stories from around the world seven people but it works and at least sixteen injured in clashes between protesters and police near the syrian embassy in cairo the demonstrators were chanting and to us the slogans and throwing rocks at officers at one point protests are striving to break through a police or the round embassy making a free syrian army fly. thousands of protesters gather the center of yemen's capital city of sanaa to demand the prosecution of the country's former leader ali abdullah saleh they want to see the formerly euro stand for all for the murder of dissenters in the last years uprising solid step down from power on the terms of guaranteed immunity but has been accused clinging to power from behind the scenes. long as president has announced a breakthrough agreement to start talks towards ending the conflict with leftist
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militants group fark the deal was reached after six months of talks in cuba was norway acting as brokers to the policeman or a negotiation the conflict between far and the colombian government has claimed tens of thousands of lives and is the longest running in the western hemisphere. french prosecutors investigating the death of palestinian leader yasser arafat's are seeking to do his body in ramallah for examination according to his medical records he suffered a stroke many palestinians believe israel boys or something but your state denies the palestine liberation organization board there was five years in the first president of the palestinian authority in nineteen ninety six. tough economic times see people looking for ways to cut costs and that's were cheaper immigrant labor can play its part construction workers in belgium one of the better off nations complain of growing unfair competition for polish builders and with no end in sight
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the eurozone financial crisis the competition will only get tougher is there just us are silly and. well we're here at a construction site where all the workers as well as the owners of the construction company are from poland belgium is a big influx of foreign workers from other e.u. countries and more often than not these workers left the belgian counterparts in the emberg for example a province in flanders which has a significant construction sector thirty eight percent of all companies have lost bids to foreign firms ninety percent of them expect to lose boots in the future and this is prompted fears that in the coming months one in five companies will have to lay people off setting prices or to know what we can call wage dumping of people who need to work but if that work is going to other companies then we will lose a lot of jobs in our. local firms say they are also losing out when it comes to speed of delivery our building sectors have lee you know honest. to god for strict
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. rules but if you look at the foreign companies people work ten twelve thirteen fourteen hours a day six days out of seven that of course for delivery speed of your project is a huge advantage and more belgian clients are opting to try their services people are much more flexible so that's that's why we tried it and it was a it was a success europe's debt crisis has dealt a massive blow to a sector that employs up to sixteen million e.u. citizens and with no clear signs of the tough times letting up tension is brewing especially when local firms feel they're getting the short end of the stick on their own turf tesser cilia r.t. antwerp in belgium. was not showing kerry for the way of business news and europe is pushing to break russia's dad and son its natural gas markets yeah that's right marina the european commission they've launched an official investigation into
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suspected abuse. by gas problem a year off to brussels raided the offices of gas problem now the news watchdog who focus on whether or not russia's gas major pushed up prices on him due to competition an eastern and central europe now the investigation good for assault and heavy fines all require gazprom to change its trade practices now for all the big i'm now joined by alexander. from the bank so how. now tell me how serious of the charges what could be the colts acquired says. charges are serious these time before guess from with facing with the claims corporate claims of court claims from a separate countries and separate companies in certain countries so now it is the
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european to trust the service which is really serious and this is probably the first time in history investigation against the whole gazprom what kind of five thousand gas pump makes that be charged. it's really complicated issue because based on antitrust law. the service should investigate separately each contrie and each gas market in europe we shouldn't talk about european gas market as a whole still really if we look back into the history and remember back in two thousand and nine finds we cheer war. find to eat on a german company on and france company e.d.f. they will find a ball for each year with a five hundred fifty million euros so basically if we. just to quantify
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european gas market share buy gas on buy gazprom so probably at the market to mount a fine big gas pump you define good barrel it is probably up to one billion euro's and you know it's been fighting for cheaper gas prices from gas pump can a new accusations be connected with decision. absolutely absolutely a we we should stand this simple fact that all interact so we were signed by gazprom and by all european cars countries which consume gas from gas they are the same no last year and five years ago so basically the price form of the gas price for more is the same the difference is the nominal price that last several years while price and gas prices linked to will increase. enormously quickly so basically the problem is that now gas prices are too high for starving european
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economies while five years ago when gas prices were low there were no problem at all. and going forward that realistically how long do you expect this to speak to go on for. oh i think it would be really long so for us they should investigate the case it probably take up to six months then there should. be some hearings in service itself probably another six months and then probably will go to court and eat may take up two or several years so we're not not talking about weeks we're talking about years. i take i found another off from gas from bank thank you very much indeed for your time today thank you. let's get to the markets and see what's going on we're going to head into europe there's also meeting is going on with all the e.c.b. suspicion on the bond buying program to they were the rebuilding that's when investors are waiting as we can see we've got to klein's and both of that say on the does moving on to exchange eyes will be able to see what the euro is doing
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while the moment saw fake i mentioned the e.c.b. meeting that's scheduled for thursday we will see us tyrol's on friday as well keeping investors on the fed's we've also got a variable as well as an easy out to the basket of cars is moving on to the exit markets in moscow today they are taking their cue from the disappointing session and i run in the session with most. they're positioning themselves for the end of week if we look out the old prices will be able to see we've got a report coming out tomorrow from the energy department supplies are looking to show that levels are low levels that we've not seen since the end of march in the u.s. largely because of hurricane isaac which meant at one point ninety five percent of oil output was terminated in the gulf of mexico and that's business for this arena of it back in fifty five minutes definitely thanks very much indeed for this i'm sure we will share the story of one of the many american rejoinder these who patrol the border with mexico believing they're at the front line of
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a war to say their country i would have to have winds to stay with us for that. i had a family i lived in the failing nice community wasn't rich it was an upscale it was just like you know archie bunker society ok then they started showing up here what happened was my company decided i could get cheap labor and they got rid of us.
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through these are all negroes in the eaglets blood legally we have to get up every morning we have to go to work and you know we have to pay our bills and we have to do it and it that's just the american dream and if you want the american dream you have to go by the laws i figure it's here's one of the major trails into the united states and. i watch and they run run down my property and some about this noise. was a little chap mean that got mortgages from coming to the wire is protecting the country i'm the kind of guy who doesn't mindedness pants dirty so i come out here you know we're all immigrants as well know that we all care some somewhere else. is he used.
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to. see.


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