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tv   [untitled]    September 5, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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one person was killed and another injured in quebec by gunmen who opened fire during a victory speech of the newly elected separatist crimea. the un accuses foreign nations of escalating the syrian conflict by supplying arms to the sides as fighting in the main cities forces thousands to flee. and with barack obama pitching for reelection the u.s. tries to mend strained ties with beijing china wants washington to keep its nose out of asia pacific.
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online on screen international news and comment line from the new center here in moscow a forty year old man has been shot dead in the separatist election victory rally in the canadian province of quebec one other person was injured in the suspect is being held by police the shooting interrupted the acceptance speech of premier pauline marois who was telling her supporters that quebec needs to become a sovereign country canadian radio journalist michael boyer said this will have consequences for an already divided society. it was where the victory speech was being held and. essentially was did what they call the pac tea cake was that was elected that they had been in opposition for quite some time and they were elected as the minority government that's when when the leader was making her victory speech and she was hustled off the stage very quickly then we later learned from what we saw on camera the night is that somebody was arrested somebody burst
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into the back of the building then sean somebody in the vestibule saw one man died another injured and somebody else was taken to hospital for a shot at some very sad because as he was being hauled away into the cop car as it's you know the english will are waking up and they are referring to you know the very defensive nature if you have not taken a question you know their years and years and years of confrontation about you know about the party and their ideas to separate fact from the rest of the country and it's a very divisive topic and the fact that they were elected as a minority as many see it as a defeat another threat. to come back and canada as a whole country the separatist party has said during the election campaign that they're not going to hold a referendum if the time is not right if not really what the population wants really what we're hearing is that it's only about twenty eight percent of the population that would affect the border referendum if we were to have one so it is
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it is relatively low comparison to what we've seen in the path a lot of angle phones are our freedom is that they will see this as an attack from that the english on the french which you know certainly is the case you can take the actions of one person and spread it on the thousands and thousands of people there's a certain fear that there will be more more anglo hatred in the province. independent journalist robert han a believes that the english and french speaking canadians will continue to growth is strange to. it would be nice to believe that the man is just a lunatic it's pretty clear email be a lunatic but he is motivated by the divisions in canada one has to remember that divisions go both ways. because the english canadians under the british empire always ruled the roost the french canadians began to become very bitter about this and inevitably over time that has caused many problems and they want autonomy and
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i think that it is going to revive a passion of the person or a way to put it that's putting in a little bit emotional obviously it will and some english canadians feel very strongly about this i know of course some french but i don't think the. it's going to change us long term view of that situation of quebec in canada tactically obviously she isn't going to want to stir up passions in in quebec while we're certainly hope not well clearly the people who feel passionately that quebec should remain part of a canadian nation and never going to trust her because she lost her party in the believes in the maximum amount of autonomy so correct they can get a referendum through voting for independence at the moment and maybe in their hearts that's not really what they want but they have achieved the autonomy in language and in other things which has been very important to them i don't
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personally believe if you ask me what i really feel good or complete independence is on the cards but real autonomy yes definitely. thermal moves for independent sovereign europe municipality in catalonia has reportedly proclaimed its autonomy from spain central government kind of a man's is a member of right wing belgian political party vlaams belang which wants independence for the flanders region from belgium he believes the calls for somebody come because people feel that very identity is under attack but are coming from the fact that always greater and larger entities try to abolish to make a reality and language is called for from people that are more normally should be dependent or should have their sovereignty that they are hold both ways more and more abolished by greater entities like european union etc and it should be more
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modern in our view too to acknowledge that smaller entities are a better way to deal with things when people are not hurt by the authorities or part of their government they try to get signals through elections and this. could not be ignored and more if they are ignored for instance by the european union or any other entity well people in democratic elections will voice their the way they are treated by these institutions and this is the deal more with the realities and should not go on the way they are doing now. coming up in just a few minutes here on all of the phenomena we take you closer look at the most of the methods behind the fame and infamy of the controversial russian punk band. because clashes between government troops and rebels are continuing in syria's largest city of aleppo with assad's forces launching strikes on opposition finances
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activists say violence that killed over one hundred people monday with the free syrian army claiming to be winning the find the syrian government and says they'll be no negotiations until security is achieved meanwhile the new york the u.n. chief thank you moon is blamed weapon supplies to both sides of the conflict spreading misery and turning it into a brutal war on his way to port nor has the details. the secretary general of the u.n. bonn ki-moon addressed the international body giving them an update on the crisis in syria saying the humanitarian circumstances situation there is only deteriorating and getting worse by the day according to the u.n. chief he said that the humanitarian response on the part of the u.n. is getting harder and harder because the response plan that the u.n. has set up is only half funded and it's supposed to be fully funded at one hundred eighty million dollars so he said as austerity measures are being implemented by
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countries all around the world less countries are donating to a mission that is supposed to be helping out those syrians in need now the general assembly was very interested in eager to hear from mr lockhart rahimi he is the new joint special representative for syria mr brahimi replaced kofi annan he said when addressing the general assembly that it will be up to the syrians and only the syrians to decide the fate of their future mr brahimi will be traveling to cairo in the coming days to meet with the secretary general of the arab league and then he will be traveling to damascus to meet with syrian president bashar. so clearly he has his work cut out for him in the coming days and weeks ahead but of course syria is staying a priority within the united nations general assembly and the security council weeks we can expect for a lot of more conversations to be taking place in the month of september when the u.n. general assembly debate begins in the next coming weeks. in the next hour we'll be
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talking to a german journalist who has witnessed the conflict in syria first and. explains to why western media coverage of the civil war is deliberately misleading. the mainstream media coverage claimed that the mosque has is was at that time when this so-called battle of the mosque because they were saying that because it's on fire there are heavy fighting and they were saying that now the rebels are so close to the city center that they are a power to conquer now the city the government. wants to incite the city and there was no war in the city of course there is some suburbs there are a couple of interests who benefit from such a politics of the big interests of the western governments who want to have the regime change there and who are supporting that the information you get from these countries very much one sided or money that i spoke to a lot of people who are not with the syrian government but in this is i think the
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most important difference to the media coverage here they were all against this war which is now raging so they said all of the we are not with our government right now we support our army in pushing back the foreign terrorists from our countries so then we can make the changes and the reforms i. interview in full coming your way in the next president vladimir putin has given r.t. an exclusive interview his first since returning to power he was pushed will his views on the case of russian punk band pussy riot three of its members were jailed for two years off to staging a punk prayer in the country's main cathedral. in his first t.v. interview since his inauguration. i'm aware of the pussy riot case but i'm not getting involved in any way. bloodier putin speaks exclusively to r.t. . the scandal around russian punk band pussy riot refuses to go away even weeks
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after three of its members were jailed that's because an old and controversial video involving the group has been on earth r.t.s. and in a going to has the details. they are inherently members of the our group why not i and i'm talking about this you guys oh who seem to be concerned with making a political statement at least that's what they claim but they seem to be more concerned with the reaction that they get the message therefore becomes secondary and tertiary and the primary reason they're actually doing what they're doing seems to be to get a rise out of the public to get some sort of a provocative emotional response so this is exactly what the police at what the see right seem to have been doing for example one of course the latest in the loudest such performance was the punk prayer the so-called punk prayer the crisis where they were jumping out by the altar on the pulpit and yelling things which were rather press trained to be held in church of course three members off group with the right were convicted and sentenced to two years in prison now there was also
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another case which also made waves and was really concerned considered provocative by a lot of russians but it's not so well known in the west this of course involves a lot of the members of the pussy riot group and you have to remember that there is almost a dozen girls and their one of the members performed a sexual act with a chicken that of course was rather provocative and wasn't quite clear what exactly they were trying to convey with that message that of course was also filmed and broadcast and also was supposed to carry some sort of a message and also there was a third incident which isn't so well known and russia or especially in the west and that was that was the incident in which you know just into like when you go to one of those who work convicted of inside including islam and religious hatred and the crisis because these are all she was participating in and one of the stunts where they have staged a mock hanging and one of the supermarkets in moscow where they were hanging it supposedly migrant workers and
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a gays and you have to remember that the decision that were rather the reaction to the sentencing for three members of pussy riot. the public remains. split some believe that they shouldn't have gotten those two here prison sentences others believe that they got exactly what they asked for and that is popularity and punishment for doing things which are considered offensive by a lot of people now of course all of the things considering pussy riot and much more will be covered in an explosive interview that russian president putin has given
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ministration or. look for the united states to have a different foreign policy in any kind of substantive way romney because of the two party traps for a reason you know there's two terrible choices it's a lot like city go into a restaurant where they offer two meals and they're just terrible. the democrats are criticizing mitt romney for his vehement rich work against china as the obama administration seeks to improve relations with beijing state secretary hillary
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clinton's in the chinese capital for talks but the cancellation of a shuttle meeting with the vice president and presumed next leader is being seen as a snub to. in the visit comes amid rising diplomatic tensions beijing has warned washington to stay out of the country's territorial disputes with several other nations off the chinese coast the communist state to threaten to use force to defend its claims to a chain of islands that clinton says america's position is neutral that beijing is accused washington of meddling in the religions affairs dr helen and cohen contributing editor for foreign policy in focus i spoke with earlier here not to he's told me that china's need for energy is conflicting with u.s. trade ambitions. one of the things the chinese are concerned about and i have that they have legitimate concerns here is that eighty percent of chinese imported oil and gas moves by sea and the fact is that the u.s. fifth fleet and u.s.
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seventh fleet controls basically all of the happy area that that gas and oil moves through so the chinese or to a certain extent paranoid maybe with a certain amount of real reason about their energy supply so obviously energy supplies are absolutely central to the chinese industry is usually is a competition going on here now it's mainly an economic competition i mean people forget that the pacific basin is the number one area for trade in economic development for the united states and has meant so for almost the last one hundred years or so so you're going to get a lot of attention and be particularly in the south china sea where the u.s. says it's neutral but has. a number of the small countries that are currently in conflict with china over resources french officials say two people have been injured in the chemical accident at the country's oldest nuclear power plant early
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reports of the broken out of the pheasant home station we're not confirmed professor christopher busby from the european committee on radiation risk says french nuclear plants are a potential threat to all of europe. the real problem is that the only situations the potential danger is absolutely astronomical so you can have a lot of small accidents a big problem and then suddenly you have one looks absolutely devastating but it's not the problem of nuclear power it is like an digital process it's all or nothing it's not efficient and it's not safe and the problem is the unsafe you know so it's absolutely total sort of anything goes wrong seriously you're going to contaminate your result plants are all going. to pressure vessels oh no well of course all of b. and solar equipment is old all all of the various labors of controls and pipes and so on although so of course the older the reactor the more chance there is of a problem but then the other problem that there is in france is that
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a lot of the personnel who work at the reactors now are untrained people who go into eastern europe there's an absolute shortage of trained staff the number of nuclear power stations that there are in france and the number of other nuclear sites that are in france it makes france a actual prime problem. now let's have a look at some other stories making headlines around the world this hour and i welled up a u.s. drone talking hell same by senior member of the local branch of al qaeda has killed at least five alleged militants in eastern yemen this is president hadi requested an investigation into another train strike that resulted in the death of twelve civilians at the weekend time until struggling to suppress militant activity in the country which has increased since february uprising resulted in the al sting of the former president. former spy chief and confident of colonel gadhafi has been arrested in libya after being extradited from mauritania he was detained in march in
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a joint operation with french intelligence in a more tanian airport was newsy is also sought by french authorities in the international criminal court for crimes against humanity. hundreds of protesters have reportedly clashed overnight the police in bahrain this after a civilian court upheld a military ruling that found twenty opposition leaders guilty of plotting to overthrow the government a program for movement against the ruling medicare originated in february last year police crackdowns allegedly leaving at least sixty people killed and schools arrested six. i've got to start the ministry says hundreds of soldiers have been arrested or sacked for allegedly having connections to militant groups authorities have launched an investigation into so-called insider attacks in the country violence by men in afghan military uniform against foreign military personnel has escalated recently it's thought their part of the taliban's tactics against nature. a series of fail is of course russia to reshuffle
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its top space exploration bosses and rethink the approach to future projects but despite the setbacks the country's space plans for the years ahead remain ambitious artie's there's a couple of reports. the russian president has dismissed. as the head of the space center following a series of mishaps in the russian space industry mr rove resigned after last month's failed launches of the express and the two and the telkom three communication satellites he had been in charge of the facility that manufactures launch rockets and satellites since two thousand and five now prime minister dmitry medvedev had pointed to the fact that russia had seven failed launches in the past one and a half years these resulted in the loss of ten satellites he warns that the high rate of failure marked a quote colossal difference with other leading space powers now russia space officials have blamed the failures on manufacturing flaws as well as engineering mistakes but experts say that the decline of a once proud space program is rooted in
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a post soviet industrial meltdown that has hurt modernization despite a steadily growing flow of cash and aging workforce and the lack of responsibility at the very top have plagued russia space industries experts say that russia's technical problems are surmountable but what the industry really needs they say is fresh blood and new talent despite all these setbacks there are big plans in store for russia's four into the final frontier the country's planning to build research stations on mars before moving on to other planets and russian scientists are preparing for the next giant leap for mankind with plans for a manned base on the moon within ten years experts say that with ambitious goals like these a failure is simply not an option for russia's future in space and of r.t. in moscow. let's cross over to our business desk now where the news from from what i hear. basically nokia released a new phone that has a lot of great features but there's one thing about many investors ward the supported with i'll tell you about that in the second but for someone to talk about
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gas from because the european commission has launched a special investigation into its of its use in europe and the us not forget that this comes just a year after brussels on the expectedly radio. that's offices that's tell you more about this investigation that you use anti trust of watchdog to basically will focus on whether gas from pushed up prices and hinder competition in eastern and central europe gas from says it's prepared for the dialogue on the issue and reminds us that the company is outside of the jurisdictions of process the investigation could result in heavy fines and require the company change its trade practices oil and gas out of us the legs on the side of the leaves the motive behind them and as we have saliva on them and. we should stand this simple fact that all interact so we were signed by gazprom and by all european cars contras which consume gas from gas they all the same now last year and five years ago so
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basically the price form of the gas price is the same the difference is the nominal price that last several years while prized and gas prices linked to will increase. enormously quickly so basically the problem is that now gas prices are too high for starving european economy while five years ago when gas prices were low there were no problem at all. all right time for international markets wall street is the only one trading right now and over there we are seeing gains although there are mild but it they did start with mild losses so at least we're seeing of course the figures right now having said all of that nokia is shopping around up thirteen percent this hour and that's after the release of its new flagship smartphone it comes with wireless charging ability a camera that minimizes blurring photos and many other great options and five thought investors were disappointed with nokia shorts of the windows operating system it's on its popular as apple's i os or google's android and many application
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developers simply avoid it that spurred concerns over future sales of the new rule as a popular apps and surely demand on smartphones. also the u.s. national that has helped sixteen trillion dollars that's more than fifty thousand dollars of that for every man woman and child in the united states that also means that whoever wins the presidential election in november of one have to raise the government's borrowing cap from the currency level of sixteen point four trillion dollars and passing such a legislation last year proved to be enormously difficult and the nation's credit rating suffered as a result of all european stock markets are not close to how they performed earlier on in the day it was a choppy trading session i have to say and in the end it was a mixed picture as you can see there on your screen of course tomorrow will be the big day for investors they all want to hear what the european central bank will have to say on the future of the euro zone and the euro of course will stay in with
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your opponent to talk about b.p. because the shares of the the dropped significantly and that's is the u.s. department of justice said that it will try to prove gross negligence or willful misconduct against the oil group the charges are related to the two thousand and seven deepwater horizon disaster in the gulf of mexico. plus the greeks could soon be obliged to work six days a week to pay offs they are. guardian newspaper says that's one of the terms the country's creditors the man that that's the e.u. the i.m.f. and the european central bank the troika officials are due to arrive in athens on friday whether greece has done enough to earn the next thirty two billion euro or some of their bailouts. and a quick look at currencies the euro is the strength then against the u.s. dollar when it comes to the ruble was a mixed picture for the closing figures there are some markets for a struggling to find direction decline in oil prices that not help and that resulted in the i.c.'s and then my section around it was the first time and i wraps
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it up for this hour bill back to you thanks a lot we're in the u.s. we'll see in about an hour from now with more from the business desk and i'll bring you today's headlines in just a few minutes stay with us. they were young and high flying. their careers were on takeoff.
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easy. to meet. such. it all sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. download the official ati up location to cell phones choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favor.


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