tv [untitled] September 5, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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well. technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future of harvard. coming up this hour on our t.v. when the arab spring spread across the middle east c.n.n. international was there with camera crews and wall to wall coverage but there's a black hole of their reporting coming up r.t. asked why c.n.n. i special on bahrain was pulled from the airwaves. and no papers no id no worries a group of on documented immigrants is protesting the d.n.c. calling for an end to the deportation crackdown ahead we'll give you a few reasons why president obama might need to pander to the hispanic community as well as a look at day two of the d.n.c. . plus they're taking
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a bite out of out of apple an offshoot of the hacker group known as anonymous has released the personal information of over one million apple devices once they say they stole from the an f.b.i. laptop so who should you be more upset at apple the hackers or the f.b.i. will sit down with their own cyber guru. it's wednesday september fifth five pm in washington d.c. i'm adriano sero and you're watching arctic starting off this hour a look at the curious case of c.n.n. international or c.n.n. i as it's commonly known the problems stem from c.n.n. eyes refusal to air the award winning documentary i revolution commissioned by c.n.n. and produced at the start of the arab spring it chronicled in part and often graphically the violence and repression in bahrain. the protesters seem to have disappeared
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from capital thanks to the intense military crackdown. we ventured into another side of. a side the government didn't want the world to see to find out where they've gone we drove to the shia villages passing military checkpoints as we left the capital. this is what the protests look like today young boys who been hit tear gas. after putting many involved with it at risk and in harm's way the frank portrayal was rightly lauded giving journalist amber lyon and her producer many awards and an amazing amount of goodwill however this is where things get complicated the piece was broadcast once and only once on c.n.n. proper c.n.n.
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international refused to air it slightly citing purely editorial reasons well why exactly well amber lyon and many other of her colleagues with and c.n.n. proper asked the same question lyon continued to look into it going so far as to request several meetings with the head of c.n.n. i's programming whatever the reason of the controversy surrounding the documentary and the decision not to air it has shown a brighter spotlight on c.n.n. and its business practices salman eye has engaged in what it calls associations with government it offers countries the ability to pay for specific programs that spotlight their country the names of the segments might sound familiar called ion or marketplace middle east they're designed to portray a positive economic social and political picture don't believe me to take a look at a recent critique featured on the atlantic of the networks i own kazakhstan series
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it highlighted some unusual things going on adding you have to know the country pretty well to spot them it's no secret that the parini government went into an aggressive campaign in order to reshape its image in the wake of the arab spring firms like orvis communications were brought on board mentioning corvus complained to c.n.n. i about the bahraini coverage and journalists amber lyon specifically c.n.n. international has denied these same claims saying quote c.n.n. international has a proud record of courageous independent honest reporting from around the world any suggestion that the networks relationship with any country has influenced our reporting. is wholly and demonstrably wrong. line herself is charged c.n.n. i was censorship arguing that many within the ranks voiced her same concerns so is this just another case of subjective journalism from the corporate media will let you be the judge. taking a bite out of apple eighty second offshoot of the hacker collective anonymous did
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just that yesterday by releasing one million and one apple i.d. profiles more disturbing still claims that the information was taken off a laptop belonging to the f.b.i. the f.b.i. has categorically categorically denied possessing the information in the first place and from there an apple has denied supplying information to the f.b.i. now does try to calm consumer fears let's not forget apple is on the verge of a big announcement slated for next week so to break this all down with me earlier i was joan joined by our own a weapon and you blake i start off by asking him if this rhetoric has in any way sway. let's see what we what we talked about thinks we're covering stories about anonymous and i have to visit and the whole like this internet subculture entirely every story they're going to do is going to be shrouded in secrecy because you are talking about a culture where there are no names or no identities at least very rare and so what
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is fact and what fiction is a very very blurry line there so if history is any precedent to what we're looking at very well will be real because they follow through quite a number of times before so it's a let's back up a couple of is and so you're saying this. is like an operation of anonymous. collective members where they pretty much go to expose lex security and rather than the need for security in order to protect vital information and according to anti-sex they've uncovered millions upon millions of these u.t. i.d.'s unique device id codes that long to apple products i phones i pads and the like they've come in contact with millions of these in the way that they say that they got these was they have to laptop belonging to the f.b.i. so there's two questions right here if if this is all legitimate. one who is safe if there's twelve million random i phone code just. sitting around here and then
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hanging out yeah and then too. who is especially safe when those codes are stored on the laptop of some random f.b.i. especially it bears mentioning that the f.b.i. came out and completely denied as did out at you as to apple apple should say the f.b.i. didn't completely deny this exists they said that there was i don't have the exact wording from them sir but they said that there was no breach as far as they were aware so did the f.b.i. hand over the files we do know that the f.b.i. was egging on anonymous operatives in chat rooms and i received channels in the past that's how they were actually able to net people with they had informants they had moles that went in there and fed information according to the book we are anonymous partly also from forbes put out a few months ago she said that the f.b.i. were going into chat rooms trying to bait captors in order to hope that they would go work for actually an astonishing kind of trying to find a connection to get to wiki leaks by tying them in with the f.b.i.
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with these hackers so did the f.b.i. hand over information or was it actually just on authorize the actual breach or they go in there according to these hackers they did they were able to get into this computer back in march of this year access a spreadsheet poll from it millions millions of codes and they publish one million of those and if you ask any greenberg from forbes he'll tell you that they look pretty legit to him so. we really don't know the truth right now and it's unfortunate that we have to do a news story where we actually say well we don't really know the truth but that's part of the allure of this of this soledad it's absolutely sure but you know we've we've covered here and we've covered a lot of stories that have to do you know the cost of surveillance and the expansion of the surveillance state you know. just you know your opinion do you think that this is you know something we should be worried about that this is an example of that burgeoning i don't know if this is an example of that but it's it's so frightening that this. what two days ago now and when you go back and look and
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you examine this case the first thing that crossed my mind wasn't even all with the f.b.i. is keeping track of people's phones because at this point it's just to be expected we've had like how many different people from the n.s.a. a walk away from national security agency in the last year alone say oh by the way the government is spying on you we know being needed we know. god who else help me out here rick thomas drake your name is lee of course yeah and so we have a bunch of n.s.a. agent saying oh by the way the government spying on you and how they're actually doing it we don't know that because by using national security letters the government is able to subpoena information from telecom providers tens if not hundreds of thousands of times every single year and due to these administrative orders we don't really know what the government knows about us we know that they're building a massive eight billion dollar debt of attention center in utah we know that some of their top ranking former officials say it's period than you would even think and
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we also know that the n.s.a. keith alexander just a couple months ago was asking for the help of hackers after that i mean all of this very very old and once you sort of get into it all becomes sort of certain starts to crystallize and becomes a little bit more interesting as you go along however why why should people care right now because we're seeing that you know with slowly but surely all of this still coming out but you don't really see that anywhere being reported on and if it is people are saying it's ok you guys like right now there is absolutely nothing to see that you can possibly do in america you can not do anything without you know i mean you know they come back ok if you go to quantify that if another bowl let's go back like two weeks or three weeks ago to brandon robb the. retired marine corps veteran who posted on this facebook a couple questionable statements no threats no violence and what happened the f.b.i. the secret service local p.d. they showed up hadn't committed for
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a week. and they just took him away based solely on what he was saying over the internet granted that was on a public profile of his things were out there in the open but when we go over these national security letters in ministry of subpoenas and you realize that if you go through the testimonies of these n.s.a. officials yes there is this massive surveillance program going back to predate the patriot act and you know recently we had the whole trip wire fiasco we're still trying to get to the bottom of that is the government in cahoots with these private businesses who are conducting actual surveillance like on the streets across the world the documents that other have found suggests that yes that is absolutely the case but right now if you were doing anything in the country you can be watched and you won't even know it so let me just go back you know we have you know we here at our team we covered a branded robin and spoke as a treat attorney of a little while back i'd like to pose a question to you however i mean i know that you're very active you know you have a very large presence online do you yes i do personas something and i may have read
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about things but my question you is would you. do you take any sort of care in what you post me personally personally i feel like i'm dead i want to see that i mean it exception. i'm on cheer and i'm in the public eye my job is actually to take information and give it to other people so the information that i'm handling is just information that should be out there anyway so personally i'm not that concerned if i had anything to hide i would be downright scared off my ass because you're really not safe right now really really really not and you know were these codes really taken from the f.b.i. hopefully we'll find out sooner or later doesn't change the fact that you're being watched a lot to talk about here and thank you so much later and that was our teens oh no producer thanks. now on to the democratic national convention where president obama is facing opposition from more than just his republican opponents activists writing
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the un docu bus the world into charlotte yesterday just in time for last night's speeches the group made up of illegal immigrants is demanding reform and an end to the deportation crackdown here in the u.s. artes on liz wahl brings us their story. from arizona to charlotte north carolina they have traveled across the country in what's called the docu bus forty undocumented workers risking it all to bring their message to the democratic national convention you have the rhetoric of you know this is a country of immigrants but at the same time we have four hundred thousand deportations a year and over a million deportations and the president obama want them to stop collaborating with ice and to stop separation of families and deportations dozens of undocumented workers traveled over two thousand miles on board this bus risking arrest and deportation to bring their message to president obama we take that risk every day
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in our own communities we driver children to school on some people work i mean every day there's a risk simply just being here in the united states is a risk natalie cruise moved to the u.s. from mexico when she was eight years old and the sixteen years she's lived here many of her family members have been deported six of my family members been deported so for me being undocumented myself i know that i can face that it's a reality some of the groups are closer to facing they say they were peacefully protesting outside the convention center when police arrested ten members in the act of peaceful civil disobedience they refused to get up when the police told them to stand up and they were arrested by the police here in north carolina they are now calling for their release and calling for the incumbent president seeking re-election to pay attention to their plight is he also going to be the president who's deported the most people in u.s. history than any other president was he going to be someone who provides an
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opportunity for undocumented immigrants in charlotte north carolina. was wall. if there's one thing we've learned over the past four years it's that the fastest growing segment of the u.s. population hispanics are growing not only in numbers but in importance for his part the president has tried hard to rid the administration of a certain reputation attempting to transition from the deportation president to the man who pave the path toward citizenship for young undocumented immigrants through an executive order he passed earlier this year republicans are there and are putting their hat into the diversity ring as well but just looking at the r. and c. last week you'll see an interesting trend nearly every speaker brought up their family tree taking great pains and highlighting their immigrant roots in the granddaughter of a welsh coal miner. he was determined. he was determined
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that his kids get out of the mind's eye and the proud daughter of indian immigrants who reminded my brothers my sister and me every single day how blessed we were to live in this country my parents immigrated to this country with ten dollars in their pocket and a hope that the america they heard about really did exist i am the son of an irish father and a sicilian mother it's the story of my mom irish and italian working class the first aider family ever to go to college. so for the very latest on the d.n.c. as well as the battle for the minority vote party's own liz wahl joined me a little earlier today from the convention hall of charlotte here's what she had to say a lot of energy over here at the time warner center in charlotte north carolina waiting for the the big speech today bill plante is going to formally nominate president obama tonight another big speaker elizabeth warren so
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a lot of excitement kicking off here and just a couple of hours sounds sounds like it so you know i'd like to just talk a little bit about last night and just you know the speakers at both the d.n.c. and the r n c were very outspoken about their immigrant heritage has that rhetoric swayed any of the immigration activists you've spoken to. well i mean i think it depends on who you ask you know a lot of i spoke to a lot of latinos when i was covering that story the undock you bus and and a lot of them were thrilled to see that the keynote speaker this year is a latino the first latino in history to be speaking giving the keynote address at the republican or excuse me democratic national convention of course san antonio mayor julian. julian castro castro it is that here that is the the keynote speaker but a lot of others are just disillusioned with the way that president obama has his
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policies when it comes to immigration or our lack of immigration reform pointing out to the fact that it's under president obama's presidency that the most people in history and u.s. history were deported over one million people in the past three years were deported under his presidency so a lot of people disillusioned and of course hoping that that will come to an end liz that's really interesting that you brought that out but i'd like to sort of go back to your your report that we just played a little while ago i'm sort of one third wondering how are they doing over there any is anybody being charged formally what's going on there. well i just spoke to the organizer one of the organizers on the bus herself tanya there she was in the story and she said that all ten all ten people that were arrested they are now out of jail they are facing charges they're facing charges for blocking the road it
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doesn't look like at least there is an imminent danger of them being deported they're not facing any charges in relation to immigration they have a court date coming up in december so they're remaining hopeful that it'll work in their favor and they won't actually get deported of course the risk that they took basically advertising the fact that they were undocumented and peacefully protesting outside of the democratic national convention hoping to catch the attention of the government officials and ultimately of president obama. interesting that you bring that up liz so what about the protests in general at the d.n.c. can you talk about a little bit about that have you seen any any you know what any movement around. well out of the way over here you have your protesters various grievances we're not seeing huge that the big protest was on sunday this occupy wall street south we saw fifteen hundred people come out to the streets of charlotte protesting many of the
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same grievances that we saw occupy wall street in zuccotti park and those protests that swept across the country as far as other protests we're seeing signs and people protesting everything from immigration to abortion to. religion and politics and you see all kinds of signs protesting various things but in terms of a large scale protest i think that big event was sunday so for the most part. protests that they have had that they've kind of been anti climactic nothing huge under way that i've seen at least in the in the past couple of days interesting so you know last night you know democrats were pretty much on message if you will is there i'd like to play i talked about castro at the keynote last i'd like to play on some sound that we have of him. my grandmother never owned a house she cleaned other people's houses so she could afford to run her own but
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she saw her daughter become the first in her family to graduate from college and my mother for the horde for civil rights so that instead of a mop i could hold this microphone. rather really powerful i know there were raves about that about mr michelle obama's speech what i've been what the reaction has been on the floor there i know what the reactions were when i saw it but what have you seen. i think it regards to that clip that you just played of. that cast of mayor castro i think that is something that the campaign the obama campaign what they're trying to do is separate themselves from from mitt romney and kind of paint him as somebody that is kind of out of touch with reality out of touch with with the struggles of everyday americans and that it's the democrats that do understand the struggle and are able to to relates more to to to
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to immigrants to to the middle class and painting them in a light it's that they are it's the democratic party that is able to connect to the common folks something that they say mitt romney is just unable to do. and now so i do want to mention. we do see this push from both the republican party and the democratic party trying to appeal to the latino vote and of course it is a very important vote over twenty one million people are latino voters american latino voters so would this could be make it or break it for our absolutely lives that becomes president absolutely liz i am excited to see what you have in store hopefully i will talk well actually i will be talking shortly soon liz have a great time there keep on working hard ok. those are do you know are they andriana
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here is mitt romney trying to figure. out what your most. far left doesn't want the usa to defeat terrorism. terrorist cells neighborhood. the only and the close to. zero zero zero. zero zero beliefs about us. you know the corporate media distracts us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells a sensational stick garbage calls a breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break the set.
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is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is imbued with
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the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called fascism when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. now on to canada where show gun shots rang out at the victory celebration for newly elected premier polly merah one person was killed and another gravely injured in iraq herself was quickly ushered off the stage uninjured after the first shots heard police identified the gunman as sixty two year old richard henry bang bang apparently little small fire behind the building where the rally was being held before being detained he was wearing a blue bathrobe over black clothes armed with a pistol and a rifle still unclear if the gunman was actually aiming for mara however she later returned to the stage and asked the crowd to peacefully disperse canada has been split in recent months between the government and many protesting student tuition
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hikes protests the like of which the country has never seen before yesterday voters head to the polls and go back to choose their new parliament in an early election the long standing liberal party had been controlled of quebec for nearly a decade but many blame the party for the extreme crackdown on protests protestors and rampant corruption them this brings us back to last night with a party about corrupt aquash returned to power many merah as callbacks first female premier in a minority government now the party of quebecois is in favor of the province breaking away from canada though the chances of that happening are doubtful at this point for more on the quebec elections here's michael boy a journalist with a strong radio. it was where the victory speech was being held and. essentially was what they called the pact to keep it quiet that was elected that they had been in opposition for quite some time and they were elected as the minority government that's when when the leader was making her victory speech and
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she was hustled off stage very quickly then we later learned from will be on camera the night is that somebody was arrested somebody burst into the back of the building been shot and somebody in the vestibule saw one man died another injured and somebody else was taken to hospital for a shot at saturday sad because as he was being hauled away into the cop car as it's anguished will wake up and referring to you know the very defensive nature if you have not taken a question you know there are years and years and years of confrontation about you know about the party and their ideas to separate back from the rest of the country and it's a very divisive. and the fact that they were elected as a minority as many see it as a defeat another threat. to come back and canada as a whole country the separatist party has said during the election campaign that they're not going to hold a referendum we have the time is not right if that's not really what the population wants really what we're hearing is that it's only about twenty eight percent of the
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population that would affect the border referendum if we were to have one so it is it is relatively low comparison to what we've seen in the past lot of angle phones or our freedom is that they will see this as an attack from the english on the french which you know certainly the case you can take the actions of one person and spread it on the thousands and thousands of people there's a certain fear that there will be more more anglo hatred in the province. that was michael ware journalist with radio that does it for now so if you missed part of this show or any other show from today you're in luck we post all of our interviews online in full so go to youtube dot com slash r t america and there you can click comment and share the videos with your friends for the very latest information the stories we covered and a few that we didn't have time to get to check out our web site r.t. dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter at. t. becky.
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