tv [untitled] September 5, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what it is my tears. that no one wishes to feature isn't the only liberal the current. consumer the support of.
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the guys thanks for tuning in to the brand new show i've been preparing for you guys all month long i'm your host abby martin and this is breaking the set to be smashing through the left right paradigm set in the media and political status in this country to find the middle ground the truth so over the weekend an unmanned u.s. drone in yemen missed a target and killed eighteen i'm sorry thirteen innocent civilians and the yemeni government said it was a mistake but this is one of the very few times the target was completely missed and that they hope it will not disrupt any terror efforts in the region well i think that the dozens of family members' lives destroyed by the bombing of innocent civilians would disagree in fact many in the region have said that while the u.s. considers alleged al qaeda members to be terrorists they consider us drone bombings to be terrorism but hey maybe it's just me but i think that using terror tactics to
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fight a war on terror will negatively cause more terrorism but maybe that's what the establishment wants since this government needs an enemy to keep this country in perpetual war and that break in the set. i only six corporations now control everything you read and hear in the mainstream and mostly what they do is back page sort or out right censor the real issues so this is your daily weapon of mass distraction from the corporate controlled media establishment now if you caught any of the d.n.c. it is love fest last night and you might have seen this clip. well today. after so many struggles and triumphs and moments that have tested my husband in ways i never could have imagined i have seen firsthand that being president doesn't change who
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you are you know it sounds really nice mrs obama doesn't hold true and it was all so routine and practically orgasmic response from the corporate media anchors after first lady michelle obama's speech to take a look at some of the reactions to the other job entirely to be first lady of the united states that is a job that brings with it a lot of speaking responsibilities and only my god could you see that tonight first lady of the united states not hitting a home run but of probably a grand slam and michelle obama only this convention the delegates have been on the floor right now back to back that we sit around in a way that no speaker on the floor of the convention oh and gee look guys i'm not hating on the speech i'm really not but i do want to call it the mainstream media once again for reinforcing the notion that we no longer live in a country where the media brings us information about the issues that most affect american citizens like the fact that in two thousand and eight democrats dove
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headfirst into drawing a sharp contrast between themselves and their republican counterparts and instead of a shift in direction over the last four years we've seen countless examples of the continued national security policies put in place by the eight year long bush administration let me give you a better idea of what i'm talking about back in two thousand and seven president obama said that he would quote revisit the patriot act and overturn unconstitutional executive decisions issued during the past eight years but take a look at this clip from late two thousand and seven. all right our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to track and take out the terrorists without undermining our constitution and our freedom that means no more illegal wiretapping of american citizens no more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime no more tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war no more ignoring the law when it is inconvenient. wow who's that
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guy well it's two thousand and twelve now and you know what wiretapping hasn't stopped we're still warrantless li spying on american citizens and if we weren't tracking protesters why would there need to be a provision in h.r. three forty seven that makes protesting a federal offense and by the way mr president you have the opportunity to reform the patriot act when you had a majority in both houses of congress but you didn't and you know what else i have a problem with that the fact that a guantanamo bay is still open but hey why should we give those people over there due process when we don't even get it anymore do i need to mention that the through the national defense authorization act president obama has not only continued the practice of indefinite detention but in the case of suspected terrorists a term that's used very loosely by the way you can still get sent to guantanamo and held until the day you die look it's been a long four years but while the corporate press continues to focus on the glitz and glamour of the national conventions i'm still asking questions on how the party of
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hope and change became the party of same ish different day. now i want to turn your attention for a moment to a story that recently caught my eye a washington journalist a former capitol hill correspondent who after fourteen years left her job who was frustrated with the political spin that dominates the mainstream that journalists former n.p.r. correspondent andrea seabrook and she says that the most important stories about congress are not being told she's also launched a very non mainstream news web site an effort to put her experience to use and share those stories with the rest of us so help us figure out where the political spin ends and where the truth again and joined by former n.p.r. reporter and host of decode d.c. andrea seabrook hi hi thanks so much for coming on so glad to be here so you have
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talked about how you were on the hill for fourteen years and you were constantly being lied to yes my question is i mean you knew i mean you know that when you're being lied to and you're kind of being told these talking points what took so long for your to kind of come to that awakening well you know there are ways to cover congress that really gives the american people an illumination of what their government is doing it just it i spent ten years of that time saying over and over and over again it's broken it's broken it's broken unfortunately for a modern news organization maybe not your show but many shows take the news to be the thing that happened today and unfortunately it's gotten to the point where the thing that happened today every single day is plain theater pure and simple and so you get to this point as a journalist where you're saying ok the news is defined by my organization is
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telling the american people what their government did today and then i get a tagline on the end that says but it's all crap and you know that's not enough it's just became not enough as one of their turning point in the sand that you were just like out yes i can't do it anymore what was that was the debt ceiling debate last summer it was. three months practically first of all we saw it coming down the track we knew that the republicans in congress had a big problem with rallying their their caucus. and yet they didn't do anything to sort of govern it was the moment where every single decision in congress became political silliness rather than actually seeing where we are as a country what we need to do and how to move forward any given day absolutely and you're just talked about how it's just kind of complete at this point yeah and there's a quote from you where you said you know you feel like as a reporter in the capital your life to every day all day and there's so little
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genuine discussion going on everything is spin i mean is it fair to say that everything we see on the corporate controlled media establishment and also alternative news like and p.r. is spin in a way well it's not so much you know i don't i'm not as much into criticizing the media itself for me it was a personal decision saying i can't cover it personally that way anymore and whether the media is a corporate media outlet or a public media outlet like n.p.r. what we are given as reporters every day to report on it is theater and to know and to as a journalist our responsibility comes when we don't say that theater when we say when we look at the conventions all last week all this week and unlike what you're doing we say oh look at the news that happened tonight it's not news it's a series of pre-planned speeches speeches with pre-planned audience and pre-planned placards in the audience the way i want to so. far from news i don't know what
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thousands and thousands of people are doing down there covering it it's a dog and pony show i call it but you know i have i've been in the hill trying to cover politicians i've encountered a lot of red tape there's rules i mean it's what you can and can't do it's a total bubble yeah. how how do we cover them i mean how do we break through this problem andrea and you're doing it with decode d.c. and i want to get a little bit into that yeah what i am going to try and do and i think there are lots of ways we journalists could be more creative including this show i mean you started yesterday it feels like we all have this at least those of us who are awake have this upwelling at the same moment of like we can't do this or we got to do something different well the way i'm going to try and do it is by saying ok to me the news is that washington is broken it's not on its way it's not almost dysfunctional it is done broken broke right so how do we what is the news then the news isn't the speech they give the news is how did it get that way and what do we
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do now and just describe the brokenness as much as possible the first episode of my show is called the house of mis representatives it's about all the ways in which the house of representatives is actually a very poor representation of the american people and that how that affects citizens representation in their own government absolutely i mean it's the system that's broken it really is from the top down and i think that it's just really inspiring to see someone who is actually acknowledging not who's worked in the hill who's been you know comes out and say how with why do you i mean journalism has changed so profoundly in the last couple decades we really just see a regurgitation of press releases and talking points from these establishment candidates fed to the press but i want to there's something else that you mentioned on one of your blog entries you said americans have brought this line that we are on two teams yes in this country the red versus the blue and that's something that we're trying to do with the show is really undermine that false left right paradigm how do we do that i think by not ever buying the rhetoric that somehow one party is
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better than the other you know the parties arguments in favor of themselves right now are sort of like either we're more realistic than the other third publicans might say about how the world is or how humans act and the democrats would say we lie less. but neither one of those to me is a compelling argument i mean i think any american who says they're a partisan first and a thinker and a citizen second should take a second look at how they are being manipulated by the politicians in this country absolutely andrew i mean i have i've always said that you know the truth is really where it lies and i think a lot of these issues are used to divide and conquer us when really we can all agree on a lot of fundamental issues in this country thank you so much for coming on my pleasure and thanks for having the courage to see andrea seabrook thank you. now if you like what you see so far go to our youtube channel at youtube dot com breaking the set and subscribe or girl website r.t.
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dot com slash usa look i know the nature of the internet is hate is going to hate and troll is going to troll but if you're the more intelligent mind and feel free to write me and let me know what you think also if you're wondering about what i'm getting about or doing when i'm not on or follow me on twitter at abby martin and for now i'll let you take a break from my preaching but stay tuned to hear the good of the bad when we highlight our hero and villain of the next. issue is that so much. in which of course he's right on it's own terms of years.
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glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . sometimes it's really hard to sort through the negativity in the corporate press to actually get inspired for once so on this show we're going to highlight the good along with the bad by giving you a little dose of who the heroes are out there and the villains are now if you grew up as a kid in the ninety's like me and you probably remember bill nye the science guy and if you don't google him this show basically aim to teach a specific topic and science to a pre-teen audience stuff like white boy and see you know science and stuff but he
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made it fun and then he died wait what well twitter seem to think seem to think so the web attempt on bill nye his life started last week when the topic r.i.p. bill nye the science guy began trending and i was only days after night i published a video on you tube same creationism is not appropriate for children take a look. and say to the grownups if you want to deny evolution and live in your in your. world that's completely inconsistent with everything we've observed in the universe that's fine but don't make your kids do it because we need them we need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future we need people that we need engineers that can build stuff so if problems. dang he's so smart and i love how candid he was there but this anti creationism video lead twitter to be caught red handed in the conservatory with the one hundred forty
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character or less death wish i mean bill has got a point about evolution it's science people have bill nye the freakin finance guy don't you think that he believe in evolution as opposed to in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth luckily for us bill nye isn't anywhere near heaven he's still right here on earth see here he is tweeting out a photo of himself to debunk the twitter death hoax but that didn't stop the creationists nope they came out with their own video to debunk bill's claims check it out. with man's ideas about the past who wasn't here and during the supposed that billions of years of earth history or do we start with the bible the written revelation of the eyewitness account of the eternal god who created it all. i'm sorry you know i know i'm not present or anything but your debunking my man built with claims that the argument that genesis is an eyewitness account really i mean come on this failed death hoax and we counter argument against our favorite
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scientist is why bill nye the science guy is today's hero so he's a hero who is the villain well early voting laws have always been a point of election contention and especially in ohio in two thousand and eight ohio saw a record voting turnout in urban communities in fact ninety three thousand people voted during a three day early voting window fifty six percent of which were african-american but just a couple weeks ago ohio republican secretary of state john husted reversed what was seen as record progress all of that with the snap of his fingers not only did he order polling centers to be open early just on weekdays he also did away with the weekend voting hours right before the election and in fact went to county election officials voted to extend early voting to weekends despite the ruling he outright suspend. them in response to the backlash secretary husted released this statement he said voting in ohio is uniform accessible fair and secure this year with the
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combination of absentee ballots and early in post person voting ohioans will have more access to voting than ever before the rules are set and they're not going to change you want a funny thing about that secretary husted rules can change and for that matter they should change and that's exactly what the national and state democratic parties said when they filed a lawsuit against the state over the new directive and no surprise here the challengers won the federal district court ruled that the new law was unjustified and ordered husted to restore the hours but here's what's surprising he still won't let it go i mean he's taking the case to an absolute court by saying quote announcing new hours before the court case reaches final resolution will only serve to confuse voters. confuse voters right you know what i really think confuses voters is the answer to this perplexing question why why would
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secretary husted make it harder to vote when he should be making it easier well i'll tell you why because as long as the people who have the luxury of voting during the week can vote as long as those who can take an hour off at lunch or drive after a day at their nine to five salary job can vote should get a balance of representation of the people. but what about the masses of urban voters who work not one but two day jobs at minimum wage and who don't have the privilege of having a car what about them the intent to marginalize virt voters is real but it's not only happening in ohio if you live in texas florida south carolina or pennsylvania it's happening in your state too. secretary husted crusade to marginalize urban often often african-american voters is just one reminder of the systematic attempt to suppress the people whose voices need to be heard the most especially in the economic downturn that this country is facing and that is why secretary of state john husted is our villain of the day.
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my. now a major point of contention in the middle east has been the expansion of israeli settlements in violation of international law and palestine is gaza strip and the west bank now israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is intending to enact a report issued earlier this month to legalize settlements in the occupied west bank under israeli law this recent settle the vellum and the palestine israel situation brings us to another recent tragedy. an israeli judge ruled last week that the state would accept no responsibility for the death of rachel corrie the twenty three year old american activist who was run over by a military bulldozer in two thousand and three protests at the demolition of palestinian homes in the gaza strip in effect cory's become an international symbol of palestinian resistance with her parents now actively championing the cause to
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end the israeli occupation on their daughter's behalf so is the end of the fight for justice or is there somewhere to go from here to discuss the case for war or to producer amir david. so this took so long i remember when i was younger i heard about this case i mean this has been going on for years that's so long and what happened to you know when you're dealing with things in another country unfortunately they don't have the same system that we do where things are you know go much more swiftly but yes they open the case in two thousand and five and it's really a travesty after that long what six or seven years to come up with the verdict that that rachel corrie bears or excuse me that the state of israel bears no responsibility for her death the judge who presided over the case actually said that it was quote a regrettable accident and he said that she chose to put herself in danger and he even went so far as to say that the military military's mission that day was not in any way to bulldoze homes so it was so you know completely contrast
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with they had presented in the evidence that was actually very very cool rob rob. they were saying witnesses so you know it is a major blow to to the core family and to the thousands of activists who were a part of the international solidarity solidarity movement is also just outrageous because i mean they're building these settlements they're encroaching on palestinian territory against international law you have netanyahu kind of underhandedly trying to legalize these settlements that we already knew. are pretty much a legal my question to you is you know as a palestinian. we hear about rachel corrie's case is kind of this pinnacle of what's going on over there but the stuff going on every day exactly what we know about any about any of this if she was american citizens absolutely not and that's what really kind of scares me i am a palestinian i do have a lot of family and i shudder to think about how this case would have been covered
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had you know that person standing in front of the bulldozer been palestinian you know her being american definitely was key and definitely very incredibly important to you know bringing the issue to the forefront and you know it's just like you said it's one of thousands of atrocities that have happened there so far so you know. many activists both here and in the middle east are just indebted to her for being such a brave young woman. it is interesting to note how silent the u.s. has been on this case but i want to ask you where do we go from here i mean where is her family going to go or are they just going to continue to live of course they're going to continue to fight they've been fighting for it for ten years so far and they if you know that or if you ever meet them you'll find that they're the type of people that will not give up they want justice for their daughter and part of the reason why the case has been gaining the traction that's been gaining is because they vigorously have been fighting for it in the public but you know you
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mentioned the u.s. has been very silent the state department is saying that you know they've been giving the parents as much support as they possibly can and you know unfortunately it hasn't been enough even. is very unfortunate and like you said it's a regrettable accident which is just an outrage in itself thanks for hanging on this tour and sharing your opinion david. i. seems like every day i come across yet another element of the surveillance state creeping into our lives on this show i'm going to watch big brother i'm sure everyone's heard of the lose hacktivist collective anonymous well a subsect of the group called anti sec claims that hacked into an f.b.i. agent's laptop accessing over twelve million apple unique device identifiers also
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known as u.t. i.d.'s for short these are what make your apple device unique so all the data that was originally picked up by the f.b.i. from f.b.i. from apple devices like i phones i pads and i pods and so far and the sec is released just one of the twelve million i.d.'s now you deny you the i.d.'s include user names phone numbers and addresses and the identifying codes also have the ability to track and monitor users of these devices so let me get to the point here this is evidence of yet another facet of government overstepping across industry to access more information about our personal lives to track us all well i have an i phone and i asked syria earlier if the f.b.i. had stored and tracked my user information to check it out. during the f.b.i. tracking this phone would you like to search the web or if the f.b.i. knows where i am are to tracking. syria i don't want to be surveilled. if you
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want you to. syria why are useless. i can't search the web for perry why are you. if you like. well it looks like siri isn't all she's hyped up to be but now even more questions than when i started looking into this like how is this information legally being data mined and for what exactly well i guess the how is kind of rhetorical since we know that the government really doesn't need that old fashioned legality to get in their way of the surveillance apparatus these days and after the story broke meg upload founder kim dotcom asked this on twitter he said what's the f.b.i. doing with over twelve million i phone user details mass tracking and surveillance are there really no more limits the question can you know it really doesn't seem like there are any limits anymore when it comes to the surveillance state well of
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course the f.b.i. is claiming that there is no leak and of course they're collecting appetite information and apple spoke personally but it does say that hey we didn't provide you the i.d.'s of the f.b.i. so if they didn't who did and if the f.b.i. wasn't breached then where did this data come from you know in the book one hundred eighty four big brother took the form of the telescreen but in modern day society the telescreen is our cellphones and we don't ever leave the house without them the government has the ability to listen in on your conversations even when your phone is off are we really just bred into a culture of complacency now i'm not going to compromise my privacy for whatever the hell the f.b.i. is doing this is not about the curity this is about societal control. mission free accreditation free transport charge is free to make
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