tv [untitled] September 6, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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president putin shares his views on global affairs exclusively with r t ahead of a gathering of countries responsible for half of the world's economy set to take place and russia's far east. violence players in bahrain police clash was anti-government demonstrators demanding equal rights from the country's sunni rulers. and the democrats name rock obama their candidate for u.s. president as the rally support for the campaign plagued by four years of broken promises.
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eight am in the russian capital watching r.t. on marina joshie president vladimir putin shared his take on matters both home and abroad with r.t. in his first exclusive interview since returning to power in may we talked to the russian leader before he flew out to the country's far east where nations making up almost half the world's population and economy are gathering let's now get more from our news daniel bushell and lot of us stop hello to daniel now what can we expect to come out of the leaders meeting. your preparation here is in full swing helicopters are flying overhead ensuring security is an important meeting for world leaders the head of the international monetary fund as well as here is seen as a counterbalance in some ways to the economic power of the g eight president putin is already here but before arriving as you say he gave the first interview since his inauguration and spoke to all say. what
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a president wouldn't have to say. well the full interview you can watch in four hours time he discussed really a spectrum of problems today the syrian crisis so we obviously talked about as always he was straight to the point or rather skeptical i must say about the syrian rebels even comparing them to guantanamo detainees this is what he said. just as well one time of all of its inmates and bring them to syria to do the fighting practically the same point of people. as you can here literally a person away straight down the line in his arms there's the presidential elections in the u.s. he also touched on saying whoever gets in will try to work with even mitt romney who are notoriously public and me number one but the president added he can only work with the american leaders to the extent that the u.s. side wants we also spoke about america in afghanistan about the u.s.
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rushing into war there now of course looking for any way to get out of the mess it's created. one of our events at home and why did how you put it in sas domestic issues and yes yes perino we could not talk to him about pussy riot and ticks and trial has dominated the world's headlines he told us he doesn't want to get involved in the case in any way let's have a listen. i'm aware of the pussy riot case but i'm not getting involved in any way. so really it's up to the courts to decide as you can see we discussed many issues you can see the full interview in a couple of hours at twelve o'clock moscow time absolutely and thanks very much indeed for this as we can see there is a live on the plate there thanks very much daniel bush of reporting part of a star. now bahraini police have
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clashed over night was demonstrators leaving one person critically injured witnesses say security forces used tear gas and shotguns to disperse protesters activists took to the streets in protest of jail sentences against prominent activist on tuesday bahrain's appeals court upheld the sentences of twenty opposition figures found guilty of allegedly plotting to overthrow the government protesters are calling for an answer to what they call discrimination by the sunni moderately the pro reform movement started in february last year with police right now and i did leaving at least sixty dad and dozens arrested times correspondent have asked ourselves bahrain was convinced by the us that the progress are by iran . the protests in bahrain which are absolutely. the case of a shiite majority seventy percent of the country profess to because they are treated as second or third rate citizens in their own country by sunni
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dynasty which is very close to the house of saud in saudi arabia and the problem is the house of saud the jesus he comes from water is in the persian gulf they managed to convince the us and the west that this is a plot snatched by iran to this stuff the lies portion which is school bleakly absurd there is a tradition of protesting bearing that goes on for decades in fact the workers protest they are shiite but they are also sunni is involved and the fact that this is a two tier society if you are a foreign businessman and if you are aligned with the us you live a very good life sunni's of course if you are shiites and you have to try to live the bahraini dream let's put it this way for get it most avenues are close to you and if you want more human rights and to be. normally. you know
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you know way that people you know other arab countries to be treated as though it's absolutely impossible in they saw what happened in egypt they saw what happened in tunisia so why not have our own the indigenous democracy movement it's absolutely possible cause from the beginning this the saudis especially they cordoned off the area these either they sold to washington the idea that this was an iranian plot in wherever it happens. is always you by the saudis and by washington as a minor disturbance in of course the u.s. does not want to compromise its position as being the aircraft. go are do an angel of the persian gulf. coming out the shooting at a canadian post election rally a suspected gunman who killed one victim has been identified largely takes a closer look at the details surrounding the dramatic incident in montreal. and how
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the recession shocks u.k. shocks leaving a small business of struggling to make ends meet with no light at the end of the tunnel. barack obama has been nominated the us democratic presidential candidate as the party's national convention drums up support for his reelection bid in the vanguard obama said americans were absolutely better off than four years ago but the country's growing national debt unemployment and broken promises have plagued his campaign are just more important i reports from the u.s. . in two thousand and eight brock obama turned us politics into something of a pop culture phenomenon we made at one of those defining moments. a moment when our nation is at war our economy is in turmoil the democratic presidential candidate accepted his party's nomination value to rebuild america's moral standing and break from the policies of his predecessor the failure to respond is
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a direct result of a broken politics in washington and the failed policies of george w. bush four years after change occupied the white house america is still at war twenty three million citizens are unemployed and most of the national security policies cemented by george w. bush continue unabated or have been expanded the code of fixation of what we're illicit abuses under bush imprisonment without trial spying without warrants we've now replaced imprisonment and torture largely with assassination which is actually not a moral improvement under obama's leadership guantanamo bay remains open the patriot act has been renewed warrantless wiretapping extended but cia black sites have closed targeted killings have been justified drone strikes publicly acknowledged military commissions codified however enhanced interrogation like waterboarding has been banned critics say obama has not only double down on bush's policies he's also
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raise the stakes signing the national defense authorization act made him the first us president to assert the right to assassinate anyone anywhere without any legal sanction if there is a war cries out there we can the war crimes iraq. tops the list this made many of those who voted for him hoping for change left disillusioned in fact what they appear to have voted for was more of the same obama's ratings are now the lowest of any incumbent prez. didn't since the one nine hundred eighty s. the two major parties are very very much the same on all the important issues when it comes to spending more money than we have engaged in in foreign conflicts that we can't afford the cost of america's overseas military campaigns have contributed to a u.s. national debt that topped sixteen trillion dollars this week while obama's america is running on empty critics say wall street continues to play largely by the same
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rules that led to the global financial crisis there hasn't been regulation of the banks in a sufficient way and that the main crisis affecting the united states which is to say the financial clutch on the global economy and the corporate struggle hold on the political system hasn't changed at all because president obama comes from a coalition that led to that in the first place since obama has stepped into the white house america has seen an unprecedented rise in grassroots movements like the tea party and occupy wall street though both very different one thing uniting them is the claim that the people of america are being ignored by their own government the two major us political parties have historically gone to great lengths and have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to highlight their differences yet following obama's first term in office the biggest change may be that more voters are likely to see a democrat and a republican as two sides of the same coin marina port ny r.t.
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new york activists and ryder of the international action center coward mob and says he wouldn't vote for either u.s. candidate as they offer voters very little real choice. this whole debate between mitt romney and barack obama is a charade because whoever wins this election what's going to happen is the banks and the corporations are going to continue winning why isn't it up for debate and the question of austerity why the continued you know talk of cutbacks and social spending you know this crisis began here in charlotte where bank of america is headquartered as the bankers plan their program of cuts and destruction why isn't anyone talking about that there's been mass demonstrations on the street against this convention when people are raising their voice but they've been locked out and surrounded by police i think the reason people are are taking to the streets so much is because they're seeing that they have no voice in this electoral charade no matter who wins people are going to continue suffering you know there's still threats of war they're going to keep dropping drone you know the drones are going
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to keep killing people from the sky yet you know the idea that you know the students might be able to not get financial aid but you know that that's really scary both of them are militant supporters of the state of israel both of them both of them want to continue the wars want to continue to have bases all around the world to threaten the people of the world both of them are hostile to to cuba and want to maintain the blockade so i really don't see much of a difference but i will not be voting for either of the major candidates and i will be taking up my pick of the third party choices. paul visit our website our to com for more details but here's a quick look at what's there for you right now france has started mind syrian rebels with direct financial and with reports anti-aircraft weapons supplies are already in the pipeline. apple pay this new technology which allows police to control video devices used during protests by the general public for more go to r.t. dot com. in canada police have
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identified the suspected gunmen in the deadly shooting during the. post-election rally as richard henry bain the attack left one man dead and another person injured . premier police was giving her acceptance speech when shots were fired as security guards rushed her off state sixty two year old jane was arrested at the scene while carrying two guns as he was taken away by police who is alleged to have shot it in english are waking up the friends of my wanted was a victory could potentially lead to a referendum on whether the problems. were back should gain independence from canada laura mccollum the reporter for c.b.c. says the shooting has left the country in shock. most people are condemning this shooting obviously it's not something anybody expected to happen especially on election night the mayor of montreal has come out to express his condolences to the
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victims he says that he walks safely in montreal without a bodyguard and that no one could see this coming i spoke to some people after the shooting last night who were at the gathering of the paths which is our solver n'est party where the leader was giving her victory speech after she won the election and they said what happened was she was whisked away off the stage there was a small boom they didn't think anything of it only later did b. find out that two people had been shot one person was dead behind the nightclub where the speech was being given there was also a fire set police managed to put it out they arrested a sixty two year old man who has been taken into custody and should appear in court very soon but again there's a lot of shock here in montreal across the province of quebec that something like this could happen and until there's a motive known which we still don't know many people are asking a lot of questions there's the. like as mentioned the somberness party there their
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mandate is to separate from the rest of canada along they have also more left leaning social policies as well which appeals to many people in the province of quebec there's also a big push by the part. to help encourage the french language here and some people who speak english feel that the those policies may be anti english and a little too strong but in general we've been dealing with this in this province for so many years we've seen two referendums to separate or not from canada in the past and those failed so the appetite for sovereignty has been quite minimal but in the lead up to the election we were hearing more and more debates between french speaking people in english speaking people and there was some concern perhaps that since the gunman uttered some words in english that perhaps it could have been politically motivated but as i say it's still too soon to make that connection.
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nearly one in seven shops in the u.k. stood vacant at the end of june as retailers struggle to break free of a crippling double dip recession the same reports has that number is only set to grow this year many small businesses have been forced to share them with government cuts as customers spend less and less artist or smith reports. only done. by nation of shopkeepers and dave ms family all some of the proudest with three generations in the flooring trade this shop has been hit the seventeen year is but recessions hit the business hard and dave's had to foil more than hoff his stall really blind want to. think. anyone with it would not want to put someone to work. boy. but everyone would have gone. to dave and his staff of victims
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a person's dreaded double dip recession which means the economy's been shrinking for three consecutive quarters but the second time in four years for ordinary people that means there's less work available and more. and if you're running a business you'll be selling less and won't be seeing any growth in sales or income there are home grown reasons for recession but a lot of the trouble comes from the beleaguered euro zone and for these market traders in camden a place that usually popular with european tourists it's a double blow to spain very very boy given saturday some very it looks like. dates it's been less less costumers less like fifty percent less than previous years this is now the longest double dip recession since world war two but stephen davis of the institute of economic affairs says things haven't been this bad since
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the eighteen seventies and that was a. very very low growth rates profound economic stagnation in places like britain and france sparked off by something very similar to what we had the huge bubble time in property stocks produces. the rise of quite a lot of intense. divisions. dave knows about social unrest his shops in croydon where some of the worst rioting happened last august during the trouble he camped out among the culprits in his barricaded shop to protect his livelihood. a lot recently because of frustrated because actually are working a lot harder for the sign money that. he. as
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we all know things of increased a lot in process thing. plus you know checks and everything so you know if it wasn't for the support of ours i think we'd be in a lot of trouble dave believes this is the new normal a stagnant economy where only the most scrupulous survive and even they make just enough money to scrape by and economists don't deny that the recovery will be long and arduous stating we could be in for a lost decade or even two nor a smith r.t. . as the u.k. works to minimize the fallout from the eurozone the e.u. struggles to help weaker members back on their feet greece's creditors have suggested extending the working week in the country to six days by the e.u.'s efforts have failed to prevent ratings giant moody's from slabbing a negative outlook on the block later marta anderson who used to work for the
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european commission's us bad policies have contributed to the region struggles. i was in the commission and actually there are people in the commission and leave in their ivory tower they don't actually understand what the issue is with the economy in the european union and we are where we are because of the lack of discipline of the member states but very much also because of the lack of control of the european commission on the policy that they have put out this crisis is to a certain extent or to a large extent the result of the good or bad policies that they put him play. but they don't you mean you're responsible credit rating agencies are part of the problem or part of the solution because obviously they take certain parameters and the are of course in a way with the rating for seeing you know the interest rate go up i think it's
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anybody's started showing that for me they you. are short life it. and watch the full interview with u.k. amma pm former member of the european commission martin anderson in just about ten minutes time here on our t.v. . meantime cairo is waiting to receive the largest u.s. trade delegation to ever visit an arab country fifty corporations including coca-cola microsoft and google will be represented e.j. mean to cash in on the look of contracts available in post-revolutionary egypt political sociologist sayyid sadak says cairo is continuing the policies of the former regime. egypt was serving the us too much mostly it is trying to continue the same policy but it was some rhetorical distance some symbolic acts that he is independent for example it was his first visit the first
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visit by any egyptian leader of. course thirty years no egyptian leader went so he went there but did he break or start any strategic alliance was really has no he went express the same. vision on iranian policy on its policies on syria. and please the gulf states big finances of the egyptian economy and also he pleased. and nobody was showing anything is happening remember the spring is all about putting the the house and all the internal situation that is not about foreign policy and i don't see any a structural change in egyptian foreign policy since the spring the president is continuing the same old policy of mubarak but with this tense and some we're told and some symbolism thats it. i'll take
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a look at some other stories from around the world the former spy chief and confidante of current colonel qadhafi has been transferred to leave after being extradited from. this is seen as a blow for the international criminal court which have been trying to win custody of a dollar a new c some critics believe he could expose details about extraordinary rendition process under which the u.s. transfers convicts to countries known to employ harsh interrogation techniques and since he fled libya after last year's uprising against colonel gadhafi is accused of crimes against humanity. a powerful earthquake has hit costa rica causing panic and brief tsunami alert one person is reported dead but authorities say the damage was minimal the seven point six magnitude quake collapsed several houses and some five thousand people were evacuated the tremors were felt as far away as nicaragua this is the strongest earthquake to strike costa rica just one thousand
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nine hundred one when forty seven people were killed. the town's airlines canceled hundreds of flights on friday as cabin staff let another one day strike at germany's three major airports union which represents about two thirds of the towns as cabin crew demands pay increase and better working conditions to previous strikes practically paralyzed germany's air traffic of times is trying to implement a cost cutting program and a tough competition from european budget carriers an expanding gulf airlines. right and the ongoing apac form and lot of a stock is already providing its first business of dates and katie has got all of them. russia's oil major role american exxon they found out a plan over the joint shelf projects in russia's waters the company is aimed to stop driving on the black and car season. twenty fourteen in the us ahead of
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schedule so what's going on in the energy sector also japan's mazda has launched production of its cars with russia's assemblers solar as a mobile phone in the business side of the apec forum throughout the day so it will check out the next markets for now look at the asian markets makes lots of anticipation going over the e.c.b. meeting taking place today let's talk domestically because stocks in china they are rising chile for the first time in three days that's the hang seng in hong kong now off to a government so a proposal in eighteen cities in the country this is boosting expectations more spending by the government in the future and that's in the wake of the chinese government lowering the size for industrial production is there trying to give us a bit of a leg up to the economy at the moment as you can see the hanging that is the bank can there we are still going to go up on that as will call for a two tenths of a cent and then the case is one basis point imposed intelligence is so far it's
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a bit of a volatile session to see how wall street got on in the us that was it with the close was the theme like not one of the biggest movers it was a fed ex it was the biggest blues are now it's taken as a parent made for the u.s. economy and that's because it's a cocoa company but it delivers all sorts of goods so electricals pharmaceuticals you name it they do it and it slid over two percent so it's probably one of the biggest movers as you can see a mix session for wall street as well if we get into the year i did mention the e.c.b. meeting today you no matter where you draw the the president he is getting set to produce a plan to save the common cars in the us all to pledging more than a month ago that he will do whatever it takes to preserve this ingo car as he so loss of investors on the sidelines for that at the moment we can see the ruble finished up makes will see that the markets here in moscow for the session on wednesday lots of anticipation here as. although we did see
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a large losses investors not really wanting to take too many chances ahead of that meeting is what about the bond purchases and the whole point of it will be to the boring costs of the likes to spend a sleigh and that's what. those are the look of the oil prices that now according to a report by american petroleum institute all supply slid to the lowest level since march so we've got gains in the oil set today as you can see the light sweet on the brands that. at this hour are very diverse how the business has as i say it's all about apec this way exciting stuff looking forward to more deals coming out of it absolutely ok thanks very much indeed for that and as you said we're looking forward to getting more ideas from there in the meantime though there is plenty more to come your way here on r t including our special interview on the state of the european economy and several headlines in just a few moments. in
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