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tv   [untitled]    September 6, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the russian president says western backed rebels in syria are basically tell him obey detainees or run amok that and more and let him approach is exclusive interview with r.t. . a frantic series of meetings between eve leaders a new and a crisis plans from the european central bank but some experts least experts believe the only solution to financial turmoil is to let the euro collapse. also reporting that france allegedly considers giving syrian rebels heavy artillery as part of increased support for anti government forces.
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and on screen international news and comment live from our new center here in moscow putin says the u.s. and its allies need to wake up and realize they're backing al-qaeda linked extremists in syria the president spoke exclusively to my colleague kevin enjoying his first t.v. interview since returning to the kremlin pushing his since flown out to the country far east where nations making up half of the world's economy a gathering for a summit that is daniel bushell is in front of a stock with more. they're charged with brainstorming ideas to fight so global financial slowdown preparation here is in full swing up police are everywhere insurance security it's an important meeting for world leaders really the head of the international monetary fund is here as well a pick seen as a counterbalance really to the economic power of the g eight apec states that make up over half the world's economy and talks that have become a pick free trade zone which would be bigger than the e.u.
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president putin is already here before arriving he gave the first interview since his inauguration spoke to all see discussed really a spectrum of world problems today the syrian crisis was obviously talked about as always straight to the point he was rather skeptical about the syrian rebels even comparing them to guantanamo detainees yet the west is giving the rebels money supporting them despite widespread accusations of atrocities on the ground france even said to recognize an opposition government so everyone supporting them in the west but russia's president pointed out rebels all the very religious extremists the west is struggling against today some want to use militants from al qaida or some other organizations with equally radical views to accomplish their goals in syria this policy is dangerous and very shortsighted in that case one should. all of its inmates and bring them to syria to do the fighting that could have practically the same kind of people and we should bear in mind is that one day these people would get back at their former captors and on the other hand these
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same people should bear in mind that they will eventually end up in a new prison very much like the one of the cuban shore puts it always straight to the. presidential elections in the u.s. is also touched on saying whoever gets in he will try to work with even mitt romney who notoriously calls russia enemy number one but the president added he can only work with the american leads to the extent that the u.s. side wants to also spoke about america in afghanistan about the u.s. rushing into a wall there and now of course looking for a way to get out so. the mess this created this part of decade long campaign taliban attacks are escalating we have afghan soldiers trained by nato now attacking the very same nato troops and you also took aim at the missile defense shield being planned in europe but when we talk about the missile defense system our american partners keep telling us this is not directed against you but what happens if mr romney and believes us to be america's number one which is elected as
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president of the united states in that case the missile defense system will definitely be directed against russia as it is technologically configured exactly for this purpose and you also have to think about his strategic character not for a year or even a decade and the chances that a man with romney's views could come to power a quite high so what are we supposed to do to ensure our security coralie of burning diplomatic issue really recently granted asylum but he still stuck in the ecuador embassy in london being blocked from getting out barbara traill forty's who even threatened to storm the embassy in violation of international law president putin that war the case is politically motivated britain is once again guilty of double standards but if we are constantly lectured about how independent britain's judiciary is it makes its own decisions and no one can influence it but what about julian assange they ruled him to be extradited what is that if it's not
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a self evident example of a double standard that i won't make a definitive statement but as far as i know ecuador has requested guarantees from the swedish government sweden wouldn't hand the soldier over to the united states through no guarantees of being forthcoming at the very least this suggests that we are looking at a politically motivated trial present and really warning there are dangers of escalating there sanj case and going out of the framework of international law we could not talk about pussy riot that six and trial has dominated world headlines they staged a punk prayer in the main russia. cathedral got two years in jail for her logan is the most motivated by religious hatred they've also staged political for occasions reversal scandalous performances elsewhere mr putin told us he doesn't approve of their actions but won't get involved in the case in any way i have always felt the punishment should be proportionate to the offense first in case you've never heard of it a couple of years ago one of the band's members put up three effigies in one of moscow's big supermarkets with
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a sign saying that jews gays and migrant workers should be driven out of moscow yes normally i think you're thora he should have looked into their activities back then but after that they staged an orgy in a public place then they uploaded the video that was on the internet then they turned up at your locker of a cathedral here in moscow causing unholy mayhem and then went to another cathedral and caused mayhem there too i will not comment on whether the verdict is well grounded in the sentence proportionate to the offense these girls must have lawyers who defend their interests in court they have the right to file an appeal and demand a new hearing and it's up to them it is just a legal issue pollies way to vladivostok go but it was also part of efforts to save an endangered species of crane by disguising himself as one the crane was raised in captivity and they don't know how to migrate south so environmentalist eros as you're all devised an imitation crane to show them the way has led to the spectacle
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of a person putting on a special costume and flying a motorized microlight to show the birds their way to asia. and you can watch the full interview with vladimir putin right now on our you tube channel the asia pacific form is already producing its first financial agreements natasha's across the latest business this. absolutely in the business for ten will bring you all the details of the apec forum taking place in russia's far eastern city of bloody of all stock including some of the latest deal fine one of them is in the energy sector between russia's role as nafta and the u.s. oil major x. and mobil and number one in the automotive sector the details of this story and more later this hour. the european central bank has
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a new anti crisis plan it will buy bonds from struggling euro zone nations alone the ones who greece and spain to borrow even more cash cheaply becomes the heads of the five leading companies are on a merry go round of meetings the latest efforts to ease the union's financial woes french president francois hollande is talking with british prime minister david cameron just two days after meeting italian prime minister mario monti monti is now meeting the european commission president jose manuel barroso in rome and the german chancellor angela merkel is in madrid for a summit with the spanish leader money on iraq oil shocks a pair of french economists believes that the e.c.b. his plan to buy up government bonds ignores the big picture and would achieve nothing. the european central bank will buy. the same time we resell private corporate bonds it's called civilization not to increase global liquidity on the market as
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a result effect of this strategy all to be short lived i don't expect this kind of anti christ plan to work more than three to four months he didn't address the main crisis of the eurozone crisis is not a crisis of the debt it's a competition to krises and by the way it's as a deep freeze of growth the collapse of growth we have in a lot of eurozone kountry and fawns that is not addressing the real crisis so far as the situation of greece but also of portugal spain and probably italy is going from bad to worse we have just listen in today as that. an employment rate in greece went to twenty four per cent it's already over twenty four posts and in spain it is growing very fast in portugal and italy sat's a major problem and the problem is the fact that the eurozone is in
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a recession so far and we see the is now stating that the recession who'll go on for the next two yeah this is not good news you know and the e.c.b. is not addressing this problem. spano being in the troubled euro zone britain is feeling the pain of a double dip recession nonetheless with the economy shrinking nearly one in seven shops in the u.k. stood vacant at the end of june and that number could be said to grow. only you know. a nation of shopkeepers and dave mears family are some of the proudest with three generations in the flooring trade this shop has been here for seventeen years but recessions hit the business hard and dave's had to fire more than half his staff really blown a one off. i think. anyone with
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a dog would not want to put someone to work. boy. but everyone would have gone so. dave and his staff are victims of persons dreaded double dip recession which means the economy's been shrinking for three consecutive quarters but the second time in four years for ordinary people that means there's less work available and more employment and if you're running a business you'll be selling less and won't be seeing any growth in sales or income there are home grown reasons for recession but a lot of the trouble comes from the beleaguered euro zone and for these market traders in camden a place that usually popular with european tourists it's a double blow to spain very very boy even saturday sunday it looks like we have one week date it's been less less cost of us less like fifty percent less than previous
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years this is now the longest double dip recession since world war two but stephen davis of the institute of economic affairs says things haven't been this bad since the eighteen seventies and that was a. very very low growth rates profound economic stagnation in places like britain and france sparked off by something very similar to what we have this huge bubble time in property growth stocks produces. the rise and you see quite a lot of intense competition divisions. restocked come down to eighteen nineteen dave knows about social unrest his shops in croydon where some of the worst rioting happened last august during the trouble he camped out among the carpets in his barricaded shop to protect his livelihood.
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a lot recently because of frustrated because actually are working a lot harder for the sign money that. he. and as we all know things of increased a lot in prices then. plus you know tax and everything so you know if it wasn't for the support of a store of ours i think we'd be in a lot of trouble dave believes this is the new normal a stagnant economy where only the most scrupulous survive and even they make just enough money to scrape by and economists don't deny that the recovery will be long and arduous stating we could be in for a lost decade or even two nor a smith r.t. london. in a few minutes from now with the latest from the front line in the battle for the white house democrats and the incumbent president for
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a second term some of his old promises still appear little more than words. that still to come people first france is considering supplying heavy artillery to the syrian rebels to help them fight president assad's forces that's according to diplomatic sources who say paris is also stepping up support for the syrian opposition to help them forge a government in waiting. has the latest. france has started providing direct aid and money to five syrian cities as paris intensifies its efforts to weaken the presidency of bashar assad now this is the first time a western power has made these announcements and these kind of moves and follows reports last week that powers have identified areas in the north the south and the east of syria that will free of assad's control and that they were considering sending heavy artillery to the zones now the zones of being called so-called liberated zones areas that are in the hands of rebels and that will ultimately be
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governing themselves but what has become clear is that this whole offering of these kind of zones is really an alternative by the waist to an idea that it has put forward and that is namely buffer zones to be created inside a syrian territory the idea that did not receive approval at the united nations security council because of the positions of russia and china be concerned really is that you create a buffer zone merely as a pretext for creating military intervention because with out having a no fly zone you cannot create a buffer zone and to create a no fly zone you certainly need to have military involvement and to this in the french foreign minister has admitted and i'm quoting him there to ensure the protection of displaced people they must be anti aircraft and yes it's as well as ground forces that would also be needed what is the coming clear is that paris has become the locomotive of the syrian opposition paris has said that the opposition in syria needs to unite and that it is standing by to recognize the opposition as
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the official government of syria the recreate coming out of powerless against assad is also increasing we're hearing from the french foreign minister that the assad regime needs to be smashed the problem is that when you use this kind of rhetoric and when you start sending heavy artillery into syria you doing everything except promoting peace initiatives it really. and you did me opposite with many saying that the scene is being created for more violence more death more destruction and more devastation inside syria. tel aviv and geopolitical research at f l says the rebel forces paris is backing a fighting to impose that on the syrian people their long term agenda is introducing a. taliban like fanatical. islamic sharia law in syria and ending the tolerance of different religions which has been the trademark
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of syrian life for decades under under the old assad family. in general and there are reports of from journalists inside syria over the last months of the so-called opposition in many cases their al-qaeda or mujahideen that have been brought in from saudi arabia and elsewhere and provided guns and weapons . that they have beheaded civilians and blame the atrocities on the assad government so this is a really. i don't know what you could call the equivalent of the obvious recognition of a government in exile really a government in exile perhaps if the russian government were to recognize the ku klux klan as a government in exile in america and provided heavy artillery so that they could go against washington or something like that it's just absurd. barack obama's democrats have formally nominated him for reelection in november during the second day of the party's national convention in north carolina ex-president bill clinton
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took center stage to praise a bomb and hit back at republican claims that he has the worst economic record of any president in modern history. reports the democrats are failing to explain why some of obama's promises were never fulfilled. in two thousand and eight for rock obama turned us politics into something of a pop culture phenomenon we made at one of those defining moments. a moment when our nation is at war our economy is in turmoil the democratic presidential candidate accepted his party's nomination valiant to rebuild america's moral standing and break from the policies of his predecessor the failure to respond is a direct result of a broken politics in washington and the failed policies of george w. bush four years after change occupied the white house america is still at war twenty three million citizens are unemployed and most of the national security
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policies cemented by george w. bush continue unabated or have been expanding the code of fixation of what we're illicit abuses under bush imprisonment without trial spying without warrants we've now replaced imprisonment and torture largely with assassination which is actually not a moral improvement under obama's leadership guantanamo bay remains open the patriot act has been renewed warrantless wiretapping extended but cia black sites have closed targeted killings have been justified drone strikes publicly acknowledged military commissions codified however enhanced interrogation like waterboarding has been banned critics say obama has not only double down on bush's policies he's also raised the stakes signing the national defense authorization act made him the first us president to assert the right to assassinate anyone anywhere without any legal sanction if there is a war cries out there we can the war crimes iraq. tops the list this made many of
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those who voted for him hoping for change left disillusioned in fact what they appear to have voted for was more of the same obama's ratings are now the lowest of any incumbent president since the one nine hundred eighty s. the two major parties are very this are very much the same on all the important issues when it comes to spending more money than we have. engaging in foreign conflicts that we can't afford the cost of america's overseas military campaigns have contributed to a u.s. national debt that topped sixteen trillion dollars this week while obama's america is running on empty critics say wall street continues to play largely by the same rules that led to the global financial crisis there hasn't been regulation of the banks in a sufficient way and the main crisis affecting the united states which is to say the financial clutch on the global economy and the corporate stranglehold on the
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political system hasn't changed at all because president obama comes from a coalition that led to that in the first place since obama has stepped into the white house america has seen an unprecedented rise in grassroots movements like the tea party and occupy wall street though both very different one thing uniting them is the claim that the people of america are being ignored by their own government the two major us political parties have historically gone to great lengths and have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to highlight their differences yet following obama's first term in office the biggest change may be that more voters are likely to see a democrat and a republican as two sides of the same coin marina port ny r.t. new york. u.s. based political analyst peter lees says the real difference between obama and romney boils down to domestic policy and both will seek to promote america's dominance abroad. i think the main difference for that the united states voter will
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see in those two different presidencies is not internationally both candidates i think will be interested in extending american influence abroad and trying to reap the economic benefits of heightened u.s. prestige and power over there domestically there will be significant differences the romney agenda is modern version of the republican pro-business agenda which basically involves. major defunding of the non-defense portions of the american political system certainly obamacare would be put on the chopping block and medicare and social security spending would also be put under intense pressure so i believe that from the point of view of the american voter on domestic issues they will see a significant difference between a romney and obama presidency. let's join the tension and business. in central
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bank takes some radical steps to combat the eurozone crisis tell us more about that as well the steps are pretty radical indeed they are whether or not they can actually change things around remains to be seen the european central bank decided to buy government bonds of troubled nations to bring down their borrowing costs the city president mario draghi says the program will be unlimited a country that wants e.c.b. to buy its bonds must first ask for bailout funds and then a greek to strict budget rules nick parsons from national bank explains where the european union plans to get the cash for the program. the e.c.b. simply creates the money that is one of the functions of a central bank so the e.c.b. will create money for itself in order to purchase these sovereign debt in theory the e.c.b. could buy every single bond that's ever been issued by spain italy portugal and the
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rest of europe what it means for the average e.u. citizen depends very much on where you sit if you're in spain or if you're in italy there's probably some relief that you know finally interest rates can come down will come down that we're going to see a bit of. you know the end of the debt crisis is in sight if you're in germany though with all the worries you've had in your history about excess monetary creation and hyper inflation you're probably not feeling quite as good today as you were yesterday. and let's now see how the equities are reacting to all of this first to the u.s. were wall street is the only one trading this hour and we're seeing a bit of a rally there more than two percent for the nasdaq following all the measures announced in the europe and european markets ended the day in a pretty cheerful mood as you can see almost three percent for the dax after the e.c.b. also left the interest rates unchanged something that investors expected banking stocks and resource companies are leading the gains france unemployment rates in
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the second quarter rules to the highest of about thirteen years but that didn't seem to faze traders on the currency market the euro ended stronger to the u.s. dollar and as you can see the russian ruble was also gaining to the currency vast can't the russian markets finished their trading session with pretty hefty gains as well bouncing back from wednesday's losses crude oil is higher so that's one of the supporting characters gazprom is net profit fell twenty four percent in the first quarter of the year but good news didn't prevent gazprom shares from gaining participants of the apec summit in the far eastern city of lot of a stock signed a number of deals on thursday but one of the biggest was in the energy sector rosneft in the us oil major exxon mobil have announced plans over their joint shelf project in russia they plan to start exploration growing on the block of current season twenty fourteen which is ahead of schedule the company's also agreed to
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create a joint ventures and to pass to rosneft some of the shares in three of exxon's projects in the united states and in canada. and that's all the latest from the business desk this hour see you back here at about fifteen minutes can attest thanks very much indeed all to you live in moscow now a quick recap of the headlines is coming your way from above the latest episode all the cause report will be staying with fun. it's way.
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spanning continents. an ocean of connections. the good empower the pacific. the russian apec summit on r.t. . there conduce childhood was overshadowed by this tragedy. these two feel the fear they faced. and remember every second of this nightmare. it will remain in their memories and hearts forever. the town of anderson so. innocent victims.
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of little angel comes when augustine. family. which was an upscale it was just like you know. they started showing up what happened was. my company decided i could get cheap labor and they got rid of. legally legally. every morning we have to go to work and you know we have to pay our bills and we have to do it and that's just the american dream and if you want the american dream you have to go by the law so i figure this here is one of the. states. i watch and they run down my property and about this noise. will mean that cockroaches from coming over the wire is protecting the country i'm
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the kind of guy who doesn't mind it is pants dirty so i come out here you know we're all immigrants as well that we all carry some sort of. good lumber tour. was able to build. anything. to teach me. to care about humans. this is why you should care only.


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