tv [untitled] September 7, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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acar. nations turning out half the world economy look forward through trade and common solutions while president ford gives our team his exclusive views on that are in a global spotlight. international aid for the syrian rebels the u.s. is reportedly sending teams to advise opposition fighters while france could be considering sending them happier tillery. anti you offerings leave the public disillusioned the european central bank is finally set to help but angry. greece spain walk out against unrelenting cuts.
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it is eight am in the russian capital you're watching r t i'm marina joshie welcome to the program boosting trade and driving the nomic recovery asia pacific nations making up half of the world's population in the qana me africa version on russia's far east to break all barriers between them before flying out to host a former president ford and talked exclusively to r.t. on the divisive matters at home and abroad. is a lot of stop reading good morning to you now how can this event lead the way in terms of financial revival. well of course the exactly what you like you said revival in reviving the world economy is one of the main issues which are being covered at this event which is being held in the city of legs of a stock on the campus russia's far eastern state university i wish you could be sure in order to see this in your. it's actually really breathtaking absolutely
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wonderful the weather is excellent but that doesn't mean that everybody is basking in the sun there's a lot of things that world economic leaders and political leaders have to tinker out they are spending a lot of time inside and talking about the economy about resurrecting resurrecting essentially the world economy there is of course the ongoing crisis in the eurozone that is actually on the minds and hearts of a lot of people who are here we see here people talking about it just in the corridors and between the sessions there is also of course the issue of pushing for freer trade is what a lot of the participants of this forum are focusing on and of course russia as a host is also looking to draw something out of this event for example we know that head of the summit the organizers said that they are hoping that as a result of this summit russia will be able to. trade with. countries and with the united states to compose about fifty percent off its trade overall and
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of course among those among those major players whom russia is especially focusing on is china now ahead of the apec summit russian president putin has given an exclusive interview to see where he did touch upon the subject of russia's and china's cooperation which is becoming increasingly deeper and more mutually agreeable as time progresses. jointer is indeed becoming a global economic and political hub china's taken up this new leading row by newtonian russia's but also in the always of the whole world makes this rather special is that russia and china are neighbors social relations took thousands of years to evolve to where they are. over the coming years we are bound to achieve a one hundred million dollar turnover rate. now of course they're going to put in is going to meet with the chinese president hu jintao just later today in fact both men are sort of the focal focal groups. off the summit least for today the first
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leaders the first day off the leaders met so we can expect both of them to deliver to deliver a keynote address as it was and is going to deliver his address later in the day and hu jintao may deliver his tomorrow. but all right as we can see there is a whole variety of issues to be discussed they are not just economy but politics as well it's also high on the agenda of data stan is a major concern now for countries in the region so what is president potence take on the issue. well of course galveston is remaining to be one of the most volatile hot spots on the map if you look at the global if you look at it in the global sense of course we're still have taliban in full effect unfortunately in the country there is not really so much about the not so much of a war but again a very on easy situation in afghanistan and one of the primary concerns for russia is of course the drug trafficking and the drug production in the country unfortunately a lot of the heroin which is being made and produced in afghanistan is being
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transferred into russia a lot of russian health officials and health security officials have constantly pressed on the issue saying that something needs to be done but again russia can go it alone they have to have partners in that area and the president put it in his interview expressed a sort of a disillusionment with some of the participants of the. that some of those who really should be helping out russia in its attempt to somehow solve the problem with afghanistan. the u.s. and its allies went into afghanistan and know that thinking about how they can get out of you know you sure the situation will be stable for decades to come which will so far no one can be confident about it knowing percent of that country's g.d.p. comes from drug trafficking if you want to replace this nine percent you have to pay no one wants to look at if you go after drugs people will go off to you and that's all there is to it everyone knows the drug revenues opponent used to fund.
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it's terrorism but even this awareness and the realisation that europe is being flooded with afghan produced drugs is not enough to encourage our partners to seriously tackle this issue and this is very sad. both course and they wonder what does it get us to have to deal with the economic summit while increasingly apec is becoming not just about the economy and finances but also about about politics and in fact at the organizers again to head off this time it has said that there will be several important bilateral meetings or two party talks which are going to be held on the sidelines of the forum so of course afghanistan is going to be one of those issues which will be covered during these meetings are entering of the u.s. delegations also attending the a pack summit and how can we expect relations between moscow and washington to evolve after america's presidential election in the vampire. well of course the presidential election in the united states is something that concerns a lot of people not just in america but also russians of course are also thinking
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forward to it we already know what mitch their public and contender mitt romney thinks about russia he did call it a number number one geopolitical enemy off the united states but fortunately not everybody seems to have that opinion for example a russian president has also touched upon the issue off american politics and his interview to r.t. . if you are feeling is that he is this and see a man and that he sincerely wants to implement positive change but can he do it will they let him do it. i mean there is also the military and the department of state which is quite conservative it cute as for mr romney's position we understand that this is to a certain extent motivated by election campaign rhetoric but i also think that he was just the wrong because such behavior in the international arena is the same as using nationalism and segregation as a tools of us domestic policy. now there are some is headed by hillary clinton she's standing in for president obama his apologies but said he
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could not make it because off the democratic convention taking place in the united states at the moment of course russia russia and the united states have a lot of things on their discussion table so to speak of some of the issues which they are still disagreeing on of course are syria and of course. this is some it's during his interview president putin did mention that russia's position on syria syria remains the same that we should as soon as possible as a global collective find a solution to the bloody crisis in the country where where the fighting and the atrocities seem to escalate and that absolutely under no circumstances should there be a militarily foreign involvement in this syrian crisis but again these are the political issues which are present here at the economic summit of the stock where russia is playing host and russian president vladimir putin will be making a keynote address which we will bring bringing you live later on r.t.
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. absolutely thanks very much indeed for bringing us up to speed or english the reporting. now business consultant says the partnership between russia and china can count on balance to influence the u.s. . i expect that the two presidents are going to be discussing how they can develop closer economic and political relations this is not a new theme for them this has been going on for decades both with positive and maybe not so positive results over the course of time but i do think that russia and china are very well positioned to develop their bilateral relationship at this particular time given that the u.s. is having some difficulties both with russia and with china on different issues if we look at the bilateral relationship going on now between the u.s. and china it seems that territorial ambitions on the part of china or the u.s.
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depending on which perspective you're looking at are causing a lot of conflict on the other hand where russia is concerned there are a variety of issues that are causing conflict between the two countries i think the net result there is that the u.s. may lose out both of these of the russia and visa of the china in terms of its ability to further develop its relations while all these other conflicts are going on between them. now the u.s. is reportedly ramping up its presence on syria's turkish border sending teams of advisors to support antacid fighters it's also thought their aim is to monitor the possible al qaida infiltration of rebel ranks washington has resisted calls to engage militarily so far saying it only provides a meanwhile reports suggest france's considering supplying haveour tillery to the syrian rebel forces paris is also stepping up support for the country's political opposition offering to help forge a provisional government offer william and recognizing the syrian rebels would be
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a mistake. their long term agenda is introducing a. taliban like an addict who. in syria and in the tolerance of different religions which has been the trademark of syria and life for decades under the old family. in general and there are reports of some journalists inside syria over the last months of the so-called opposition in many cases they're all qaeda or mujahideen that have been brought in from saudi arabia and elsewhere and provided guns and weapons. that they have beheaded civilians and the atrocities on the assad government so this is really. i don't know what you could call the equivalent of the obvious recognition of the government in exile really the government in exile perhaps if the russian government were to recognize the ku klux klan as
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a government in exile in america and provided heavy artillery so that they could go to washington or something like that it's just absurd. now the british prime minister has reiterated his calls for president assad to step down to make way for a new government formed by the syrian opposition as the u.k. continues to provide direct help for the rebels there are now fears ordinary britons are heading for the syrian frontline smith explains. to most britons going about their everyday lives the war in syria seems worlds away but for a few it's a struggle they feel personally involved in as the u.k. government put trey's president assad as an evil dictator there's evidence that britons all going to syria to fight for the opposition bumming an area m.p. khaled mahmoud says some in his community have already gone there is particular individual who's actually now gone back to baghdad at the moment and is going back
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in a few weeks time who's been engaged in fundraising supporting people and putting people together to go back to your people who signed the support that made work and others are blatantly out ride saying that they're going to support the resistance some says mahmoud of british syrian extraction others a british muslims who feel their faith makes this their struggle but whatever their reasons for going the fear is what they'll be when they return they're trained in the art of warfare but they're also radicalized as well and then they want to then continues on credit causation they want to bring more people on board and then perhaps their looks to try to. resolve some of the gripes they have here that's blowback the u.k. has already seen from another conflict here in london on the seventh of july two thousand and five the official reports into the seven seventh's bombings reveals the existence of rumors that two out of the four bombers had been to afghanistan
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for so-called violent jihad back in the u.k. mohammed sidique khan and says that town with together killed fourteen people in combined suicide attacks specific seven bombers were only vaguely known to the authorities and that could be the case for fighters returning from syria too it's all very well to notify the u.k. borders agency but in reality there's very. little they can do people that may leave here to fight in syria will not go directly to syria they may stop in turkey or lebanon or arc so the government will not be able to really know the. nation there's no real way of telling whether they're actually going to end up in syria there is no way to know. who when they enter syria who they'll be liaising with. their ideologies necessarily how ideologies and viewpoints might change in syria these are the scenes that could greet them on their return and he islamist
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organization the english defense league is unlikely to take further radicalization of british muslims lying down creating more bad feeling and deeper fissures in an already divided society pull western whose british freedom party is allied to the e.t.l. says militant groups are preparing for a confrontation we're going to get further and further into this horrible situation of them and us and them unless and then you have small scale violence that starts and it's the tit for tat and that's why. you know i think we literally entering into a religious civil war scenario so far the government's given the syrian opposition eight million dollars for non-lethal equipment including communications but ordinary britons could find themselves paying the far higher price of unrest and insecurity at home for they support for the syrian opposition laura smith r.t. london. they want to live from moscow still to come in the program outside
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danger as an excuse to legalize lawful act or look at the conflict between israelis and palestinians overshadowed by illegal settlements. the european central bank has finally brought out the big guns it's announced it will be buying bonds from struggling eurozone nations to lower their borrowing costs however the bank's president stressed governments still need to keep performing and cutting their deficit this is not sitting well with the regions from feel a shame when new comebacks planned athens even saw judges and police walk out in protest protesters set up a mob to symbolize how they are creditors are strangling the nation policeman coast guard and firefighter stewed with their hands and news while in madrid hundreds gathered outside the e.u. as have waters to protest what they see as germany's interference in spain's
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economy french economy jock's of fear of the leaves these plan to buy up government bonds which. the european central bank will buy. on the. same time we resell private corporate bonds it's called. not to increase global liquidity more. as a result effect of this. all to be sure why i don't expect this kind of anti christ plan to work more than two full months he didn't address the main crisis of the eurozone crisis is no object crisis of this it's a competitive it ticks rises and buys away its as a decrease of groups the collapse of growth we have you know a lot of the eurozone countries and. the e.c.b. is not addressing the real crisis for. the situation of greece but also of
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political spain and probably italy is going from bad to worse we have just listen in today as that. an employee men's rate in greece went to twenty four per cent it's already over twenty five posts and in spain it is growing very fast in portugal and italy sat's a major problem and the problem is the fact that the eurozone is in recession so far and we see the is now statins that the recession who'll go on for the next two yeah this is not good news you know and the e.c.b. is not addressing this problem. now is to look at some other stories from around the world fifty eight people have drowned after a turkish fishing vessel carrying migrants hit rocks and sank off the western coast of turkey the boat was carrying around one hundred people mostly from iraq and
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syria two suspects have been arrested on smuggling charges turkey has long been a passing point through which immigrants from asia and africa try to make their way to euro. i'm down to fans officials have given the nato troops a pamphlet on handling cultural differences between their us partners this measure was in reaction to a recent spate of insider attacks by afghan soldiers and policemen on foreign troops forty five soldiers have been killed in such attacks since january and some fifteen percent of this year's total coalition battalions. relations between israel and the u.s. are on rock of ground that's according to a recent interview with u.s. congressman mike rogers he claims that prime minister benjamin netanyahu lost his temper at a meeting with the u.s. ambassador last month saying he was a sand over iran israel has persistently called upon the u.s. to commit to a preemptive strike on iran of the developed nuclear weapons. are now the jewish
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state continues to expand settlements in the palestinian territories further deepening the impasse between the two communities and unexpected twist attention between iran and israel splaying into the hands of those who wants to expand the settlements on palestinian land party's policy are now reports. the the call to prayer religious jews walk past a mosque in judaism's second holiest city the scene speaks volumes about the gap between two peoples living cheek by jowl forty five years ago a part of hebron the largest city in the west bank was returned to jewish control since then around six hundred jewish families have lived in the small enclave outnumbered vastly by palestinians they vow they will never be driven out despite the fact that jewish settlement in hebron is widely considered illegal under international law and so they justify their presence in part by looking for an
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enemy the fact that. there is a distinct target to get the jews out of her own is not a and and in and of itself it's a means to an end that being that they don't want to sing her own they don't want to sing jerusalem but even more than that they don't want to sing tel aviv or in haifa or anywhere else and instead of pointing fingers of palestinians the settler movement has begun championing the claims of iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad he stalks fear and uncertainty in the hearts of most israelis is their rhetoric their lot of all of them in the future this is not exist and that they don't. remember saying it over and over again but the hostile talk from tehran is having unintended consequences the settlement is mocking ahmadinejad's comments inadvertently putting him in the camp when israel's most widely circulated daily
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newspaper recently listed the safest cities to live in a time of emergency most israelis didn't notice that listed among the so-called cities of refuge or civil settlement alongside residential centers within israel proper. is doing for the settlers what they've been struggling to do alone and that is give them legitimacy by terrifying ordinary israelis so they forget to distinguish between israel proper and the settlements but a growing chorus of any settlement protesters is calling on the government to cool down and stop buying into the politics of fear it's obvious that our government is talking about iran as a diversion diversion from the no peace with the palestinians with the with what's going on with the settlements with the amount of money that they're spreading on the settlements nonetheless the settler movement is moving full steam ahead behind me is palestinian have run permission to drive through this boom comes from the israeli army that sits here just outside palestinian have run inside. this is the
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perfect example of how israeli settlements and palestinian villages and cities exist on top of each other and for as long as the settlers can play on israeli fear and convince israelis that muslims want to kill them wherever they are they'll continue building their settlements and ordinary israelis will remain focused on the freight outside their borders rather than look at what is happening in their own backyard police here r.t. hebron. and wanting to carry well it's a second day of a pack silent and a russia's far eastern city of lot of a star so let's see what's happening there and of course you know the latest time there and a good morning to you as well we are expecting a mall multibillion dollar deals there's also like a meetings going on as well about the state of the global economy in general without further ado we're going to get over to dmitri medvedev guy he's that he's been following all the action and all of the highlights from the event. a big day
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indeed at the asian pacific economic cooperation forum here in the island of risking their bloody vostok russia's far east in the spotlight today keynote addresses from china's outgoing president hu jintao and then of course the head of the forum president vladimir putin is also going to take to the stage to have his views on the cooperation between the pacific rim nations and it's not really a coincidence that russia and china are in the center of attention today because china has become a very important trading partner for russia with trade expected to exceed one hundred billion dollars by the end of this year and for the last five years we have seen this shift of focus from europe and over to asia now to discuss this i'm joined by the chairman and c.e.o. of the young jim jim thank you very much for being with us my pleasure so do you think it's a logical shift for russia to turn towards asia given the economic crisis that we've got on board i think it's very logical and i don't think it's just because of
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the economic crisis in europe i think. we are living through a very big shift right now a shift from a century really of where the center of economic activity in the world was the atlantic ocean in the north atlantic in the regions on both sides to the pacific north and south in the regions on either side of that and so i think the apec is so important for just that reason i think russia's pivot not ignoring europe but really amplifying their efforts in asia pac is very very smart all right one of the main goals today is liberalizing trade now that russia is in the w c o how far can they go but i think the w t o ascension was incredibly important the leadership that the russian government showed was great and i think it's a springboard not just for w t o but for all totally always cd participation and so i think it is the beginning of great things and kudos to everybody who work all around the world to make it happen all right jim thank you so much for being with
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us that was the global chairman and c.e.o. of the young talking to us here live at the apec summit and do stay tuned to full updates throughout the day. well it's incredible that isn't there some kind of paradise now we're going to get to the markets and see what's going on wanted to mention the fact that the details on the e.c. be amusing came out yesterday to the bond buying plan that's helping to boost the markets right now and we've got asia all rallying so the idea is it's going to be helping out leave borrowing cost on the lights of spain and italy they're going to be buying limited amount of bonds so we're no surprise about tokyo exports is a really benefiting from that especially the ones with a large exposure there among the top gainers today and they're helped further by a drop in the yen overnight particularly against the euro if you get on to wall street we are the private sector jobs report also brightened sentiment in the u.s. trading session you can see strong gains there for the nasdaq the dow jones also
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one day before the release of the more closely watched norm payrolls later on this friday so that's the big news event for today's session we get on to the exchange rates will be able to do that the year is indeed probably no surprise that it is gaining there one twenty six or thirty four so it seems rather content after those details came out about actions to reduce the boring costs for the nation's most indebted in the region also the russian ruble to the basket of cards is in yesterday's session as for the russian equities they gained as well significantly of those they helped along by high oil prices the markets here will be opening in less than two hours time now if we get into the oil i did mention that they rose that was before the close so right now they're actually heading south and that is as investors speculate that the prices may present to far before report forecasts to show jobs growth slowed last month in the u.s.
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so a lot on the agenda today as well and i was to meet you says it's all about. indeed so we continue to keep our fingers on the pulse of the summit there and of course looking forward to more updates from you katie next hour well plenty more to come here on araa here in just a few minutes the russian president unveils his perspective on international and domestic issues in the exclusive interview with r.t. that's after the headlights.
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