tv [untitled] September 7, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EDT
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find out what's really happening to the global economy is a report on r g. nations turning out half the world's economy come together a word trade and common solutions in the far east forms host president putin spoke exclusively to our team about global concern. international aid for the syrian rebels the u.s. is reportedly sending teams to advise opposition fighters while brands will be considering sending them your tailor and. e.u. offerings leave the public disillusioned of your pm central bank has finally said no but angry crowds in greece and spain walking out against unrelenting cuts.
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what you are going to live from moscow eleven am in the russian capital boasting trade and driving economic recovery asr pacific nations making up half of the world's population and economy have converged on russia's far east to break all barriers between them before flying out to host a forum president vladimir putin talked exclusively to r.t. on divisive matters at home and abroad. as a lot of us stock for us. reviving the world economy is one of the main issues which are being covered at this event which is being held in the city of light of us talk of the ongoing crisis in the eurozone that is actually on the minds and hearts of a lot of people who are here we see hear people talking about it just in the corridors and between the sessions there is also of course the issue of pushing for freer trade ahead of the summit the organizers said that they are hoping that as
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a result of this summit russia will be able to boost its trade with the countries and with the united states to compose about fifty percent off its trade overall and of course among those among those major players whom russia is especially focusing on is china now ahead of the apec summit russian president putin has given an exclusive interview to our where he did touch upon the subject of russia's and china's cooperation which is becoming increasingly deeper and more mutually agreeable as time progresses china has taken up this new leading row you know tony in russia but also in the always of the whole world what makes this rather special however is that russia and china are neighbors you know social relations took thousands of years to evolve to where they are. over the coming years we are bound to achieve a one hundred million dollar turnover rate but of course afghanistan is remaining
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one of the most volatile hotspots with still have taliban in full effect unfortunately in the country one of the primary concerns for russia is of course the drug trafficking and the drug production in the country unfortunately a lot of the heroin which is being made and produced in afghanistan is being transferred into russia president puts it in his interview expressed a sort of a disillusionment with some of those who really should be helping out russia the u.s. and its allies went into afghanistan and know that it will think about how they can get out of the percent of that country's g.d.p. comes from drug trafficking if you want to replace this nine percent you have to pay no one wants to. if you go after drugs people will go after you and that's all there is to it everyone those the drug revenues are a party used to finance terrorism but even this awareness and the realisation that europe is being flooded with afghan produced drugs is not enough to encourage our partners to seriously tackle this issue and this is very sad increasingly apec is becoming not just about the economy and finances but also about about politics and
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of course the united states and russia are key players of the time that it's well and the u.s. delegation is headed by secretary of state hillary clinton who is standing in for president obama who couldn't attend this summit who sent his apologies but he had to participate in the democratic convention which is taking place in the u.s. at the moment now of course russia and the u.s. have a lot of issues to discuss with the upcoming elections of course which leaves nobody an interested it with it's arguable to say are we doing know that for example mitt romney has voiced his concern with russia calling at the united states number one geopolitical enemy and now his point of view is not shared by president obama who doesn't says that russia is a key partner for the united states and a similar peaceful view off their relations between the two countries is also shared by russian president my feeling is that he is a sin see a man and that he sincerely wants to implement positive change but can he do it will they let him do it. i mean there is also the military lobby and the department
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of state which is quite conservative it cute as for mr romney's position we understand that this is to a certain extent motivated by election campaign rhetoric but i also think that he was on what you see wrong because such behavior in the international arena is the same as using nationalism and segregation as a tools of us domestic policy and that is part of an exclusive interview which the russian president gave to r.t. which you can watch on our t.v. is a you tube channel that russia and the united states have a lot of things on their discussion table so to speak of some of the issues which they are still disagreeing on of course are. and of course also during his interview president bush did mention that russia's position on syria of syria remains the same that we should as soon as possible as a global collective find a solution to the bloody crisis in the country where we're where the fighting and the atrocities seem to escalate and that absolutely under no circumstances should there be a militarily foreign involvement in the syrian crisis was
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a person who's going to be making a keynote address later on during the day at the apec summit you can watch that live on our t.v. when that happens. sponsoring a little reporting there and as you just mentioned we're on stand by for president putin's speech there before that though let's talk to professor joseph chang or the analyst at hong kong city university thanks as always for being here with us in the program now nations at the apec summit are hoping the driving for to be the driving force behind reviving the global economy do you think they can achieve that. i believe that the participants in descendants have fairly low expectations of the summit itself they certainly hope that china's economic growth will pick up steam again in the latter of this they are interested in russia's ambition
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of refocusing on the russian far east and gaijin in infrastructural development sphere that truck flooring investment in farming technology and of cause the fact that russia is now a member of the beauty of old so i think that members are fairly confident that the regional countries can do reasonably and your role and the united states but they certainly hope that. that europe and to the united states can do better left out these two major you condom east proving the economic situation they assume countries and asia pacific countries cannot hope to do very very well as we can see the a janda of the summit is very busy there are a lot of issues to be discussed both economic and political so do you think we'll
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see a free trade zone in the asia pacific region. a free trade zone is fear and the distant but certainly a pact hopes to achieve trade and investment thesis of the haitian true of modern theory first as phenol are the a patent organization is so our asia pacific countries themselves are very slow units evening institutional nice asian formal institution organization of a free trade area nonetheless we certainly expect a lot of bilateral multilateral free trade agreements at work of limited utility the real stumbling stumbling block of course is the distrust of the tree in china and japan and what i think stand between japan and south korea
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put down these three countries genuinely picking up momentum really and gauging in is it too soon and i say asian of the regional free trade area it is difficult to expect significant progress you know foreseeable future. professor girls are carrying political analysts at hong kong city ever think thanks very much indeed for sharing selling your business what us here on our. now the u.s. is reportedly ramping up its presence on syria's turkish border are sending teams of advisors to assist and pacifiers and it's also thought their aid is to monitor the possible kind of filtration of rebel ranks washington has resisted calls to engage militarily so far saying it only provides non-lethal aid reports suggest france is considering supplying happier tillery to the syrian rebel forces paris is
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also stepping up support for the country's political opposition offering to help them forge a provisional government after william randolph says recognizing the syrian rebels would be i am a stay. there long term agenda is introducing a. taliban like an addict who. in syria and in the tolerance of different religions which has been the trademark of syrian life for decades under the family. in general and there are reports of journalists inside syria over the last months of the so-called opposition in many cases they're all qaeda or mujahideen that have been brought in from saudi arabia and elsewhere and provided guns and weapons. that they have beheaded civilians and the atrocities on the assad government so this is really. i don't know what you could call the equivalent of the obvious recognition
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of a government in exile really the government in exile perhaps if the russian government were to recognize the ku klux klan as a government in exile in america and provided heavy artillery so that they could go to washington or something like that it's just absurd. now the british prime minister has reiterated calls for president assad to step down to make way for a new government formed by the syrian opposition as the u.k. continues to provide aid for the rebels there are now fears ordinary britons are heading for the syrian frontline artie's laura smith explains. to most britons going about their everyday lives the war in syria seems worlds away but for a few it's a struggle they feel personally involved in as the u.k. government put trey's president assad as an evil dictator there's evidence that britons are going to syria to fight for the opposition bumming an area m.p. khaled mahmoud says some in his community have already gone there is particular
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individual who's actually now gone back to baghdad at the moment and is going back in a few weeks time who's been engaged in fundraising supporting people and putting people together to go back to their people who signed the support and made work and other . rides saying that they're going to support the resistance some says mahmud of british syrian extraction others a british muslims who feel their faith makes this their struggle but whatever their reasons for going the fear is what they'll be when they return they're trained in the art of warfare but they're also radicalized as well and then they want to then continues on credit causation they want to bring more people on board and then perhaps the looks to try to. resolve some of the gripes they have here that's blowback the u.k. has already seen from another conflict here in london on the seventh of july two
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thousand and five the official reports into the seven seventh's bombings reveals the existence of rumors that two out of the four bombers had been to afghanistan for so-called violent jihad back in the u.k. mohammed sidique khan and she is a town with together killed fourteen people in combined suicide attack specific and seven bombers were only vaguely known to the authorities and that could be the case for fighters returning from syria too it's all very well to notify the u.k. borders agency but in reality there's very little. well they can do people that may leave here to fight in syria will not go directly to syria they may stop in turkey or lebanon or arc so the government will not be able to really know the. nation there's no real way of telling whether they're actually going to end up in syria there is no way to know. who when they enter syria who they'll be liaising
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with. their ideology is necessarily how the ologies and viewpoints might change in syria these are the scenes that could greet them on their return and he islamist organization the english defense league is unlikely to take further radicalization of british muslims lying down creating more bad feeling and deeper fissures in an already divided society pull western whose british freedom party is allied to the e.t.l. says militant groups are preparing for a confrontation we're going to get further and further into this horrible situation of them and us and them a lesson and you have small scale violence that starts. to i think we literally entering into a religious civil war scenario so far the government's given the syrian opposition eight million dollars for non-lethal equipment including communications but ordinary britons could find themselves paying the far higher price of unrest
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and insecurity at home for the support for the syrian opposition laura smith r.t. london. now the european central bank has finally brought out the big guns it's announced it will be buying bonds from struggling eurozone nations to lower their borrowing costs however the bank's president stressed governments still need to keep performing and cutting their deficits this is not sitting well with the region's population with new cutbacks planned afghans even saw judges and police walk out in protest protest or set up mock gallows to symbolize how their creditors are trying going in the nation a policeman coast guard and a firefighter student with their hands in a noose while in madrid hundreds gathered outside quarters to protest what they see as germany's appearance in spain's financial affairs french economist joxer player believes that the city's plan to buy up government bonds will achieve nothing. the
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european central bank will buy. the same time we resell private corporate bonds it's called civilization. to increase global liquidity in that market as a result effect of this strategy to be short lived i don't expect this kind of anti christ plan to work more than two full months he didn't address the main crisis of the eurozone crisis is not a crisis of the debt it's a competitive into krises and by the way it's as a deep freeze of grows the collapse of growth we have you know a lot of eurozone kountry and fall into the e.c.b. is not a duration seeing a real crisis and the problem is the fact that the eurozone is in recession so far and we see the ease now stay things that rescission cool go on for the
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next two yeah this is not good news you know and the e.c.b. is not that this problem. brad obama has officially accepted the nomination as presidential candidate for the democratic party during his convention speech he attacked his rival mitt romney for describing russia now al qaida as america's number one enemy kevin zeese director of cumhal america share his views on the us elections with our team mitt romney i think is a great example of what's wrong with america that he's obviously a he's highly his taxes for the american people as was know the truth about his clients is he sending money or sure he created he became wealthy by destroying u.s. businesses and create jobs overseas and he's exactly what's wrong with this country on the economic side it's a he's a one percenter and he's the one percenter deep in his heart so he's really what's wrong with president obama the same time you know he supported by wall street he
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supported by the health insurance industry puts in place policies that support the corporate agenda so neither of these candidates really represent the people they represent the big business moneyed interests and not the people who you know the only two forty will system the country faces very severe problems with the economy with money being funneled to the top the four hundred wealthiest americans have the same wealth as the bottom half of the whole country one hundred sixty million americans and we see foreign policy based on empire either romney or obama will confront these issues and that you want to even squash and about breaking up the big that you want to hear a discussion about amending ending us empire cutting the military budget these issues among other things and so we're stuck with a system of corporate political wobbly that is just status quo and about who we elect wall street in the military industrial complex wins. now let's take
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a look at some other stories from around the world since a half drowned after a turkish fishing vessel carried migrants hit rocks and saying off the western coast of turkey the boat was carrying around one hundred people mostly from iraq and syria two suspects have been arrested on smuggling charges turkey has long been a passing point through which immigrants from asia and africa try to make their way to europe. afghan the fans officials have given the nato troops a pamphlet on handling cultural differences between afghans and their u.s. partners this measure was in reaction to abuse and cider attacks by afghan soldiers and policemen on foreign troops forty five soldiers have been killed in such attacks since january and some fifteen percent of this year's total coalition fatalities. was really relations are in rocky ground according to a recent interview with a u.s. congressman who claims that prime minister benjamin netanyahu lost his temper at
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a meeting with the u.s. ambassador last month saying he was at wits and over iran israel has persistently called upon the u.s. to commit to a preemptive strike on iran over concerns surrounding tehran's program. now the jury states continues to expand settlements in the palestinian territories further deepening the impasse between the two communities and i expected twist iran scott of nation of israel is playing into the hands of those who support the occupation of palestinian land artie's policy or reports. the call to prayer religious jews walk past a mosque in judaism's second holiest city the scene speaks volumes about the gap between two peoples living cheek by jowl forty five years ago part of his brawn the largest city in the west bank was returned to jewish control since then around six hundred jewish families have lived in the small enclave outnumbered by palestinians
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they vow they will never be driven out despite the fact that jewish settlement in hebron is widely considered illegal under international law and so they justify their presence in part by looking for an enemy the fact that. there is a distinct target to get the jews out of her own is not a and and in and of itself it's a means to an end that being that they don't want to use in her own they don't want to is in jerusalem but even more than that they don't want to sing tel aviv or in haifa or anywhere else and lately instead of pointing fingers of palestinians the secular movement has begun championing the claims of iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad he strikes fear and uncertainty in the hearts of most israelis is their rhetoric a lot of all of them in the future this is not exist and the don't. remember saying it or and over again but the hostile talk from tehran is having unintended
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consequences the said to movement is mocking ahmadinejad's comments inadvertently putting him in the camp when israel's most widely circulated daily newspaper recently listed the safest cities to live in a time of emergency most israelis didn't notice that listed among the so-called cities of refuge were civil settlement alongside residential centers within israel proper. is doing for the settlers what they've been struggling to do alone and that is give them legitimacy by terrifying ordinary israelis so they forget to distinguish between israel proper and the settlements but a growing chorus of any settlement protesters is calling on the government to cool down and stop buying into the politics of fear it's obvious that the government is talking about iran as a diversion diversion from the no peace with the palestinians with the with the what's going on with the settlements with the amount of money that there's reading
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on the settlements nonetheless the settler movement is moving full steam ahead behind me is palestinian have run permission to drive through this boom comes from the israeli army that sits here just outside palestinian have run inside. jewish have run this is the perfect example of how israeli settlements and palestinian villages and cities exist on top of each other and for as long as the cities can play on israeli fear and convince israelis that muslims want to kill them wherever they are they'll continue building new settlements and ordinary israelis will remain focused on the freight outside their borders rather than look at what is happening in their own backyard police here r.t. hebron while the apac summit in russia's far eastern city of water assad is now the second day and it's been busy so far ok our more about it over to you katie pay them are in of all free trade is one of the main topics we are expecting more multi
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billion dollar bills and team meetings really in less fragile states of the global economy right now where russia fits into all of this so right at the center of it all we've got artes to me that i keep in track of all the action following the highlights for us. a big day indeed at the asian pacific economic cooperation forum here in the island of risking their bloody vostok russia's far east in the spotlight today keynote addresses from china's outgoing president who's in and then of course the head of the forum president vladimir putin is also going to take to the stage to have his views on the cooperation between the pacific rim nations and it's not really a coincidence that russia and china in the center of attention today because china has become a very important trading partner for russia with trade expected to exceed one hundred billion dollars by the end of this year and for the last five years we have seen this shift of focus from europe and to asia now to discuss this i'm joined by
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the chairman and c.e.o. of young jim jim thank you very much for being with us my pleasure so do you think it's a logical shift for russia to turn towards asia given the economic crisis that we've gone toward i think it's very logical and i don't think it's just because of the economic crisis in europe i think we are living through a very big shift right now a shift from a century really where the center of economic activity in the world was the atlantic ocean in the north atlantic in the regions on both sides to the pacific north and south in the regions on either side of that and so i think the apec is so important for just that reason i think russia's pivot not ignoring europe but really amplifying their efforts in asia pac is very very smart all right one of the main goals today is liberalizing trade now that russia is in the w c o how far can they go but i think the w t o ascension was incredibly important the leadership that the russian government showed was great and i think it's
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a springboard not just for w t o but for all totally always cd participation and so i think it is the beginning of great things and kudos to everybody who work all around the world to make it happen all right jim kelly thank you so much for being with us that was the global chairman and see. young talking to us here live at the apec summit and do stay true to for further updates from throughout the day. and day with seymour to meet you later on right now we're going to dive into europe and see what's going on because rally is what we're looking at us also the european central bank president mario draghi presented his much anticipated own posting plan which is aimed at tackling the escalating foreign cost of indebted countries in the region so for now the fence is a tenth of the percent of dances around four tenths of a percent us falling off strong gains and they see that we had on thursday to keep the euro intact trading that was the main objective all of these measures coming
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out from the e.c.b. meeting you can see is well we've got the russian markets to look out we've got gains right here in moscow as you can see the also yes over one and a half percent album i say around six tenths of a percent really taking their cue from what's going on throughout the globe up the moment there is certainly momentum and optimism in the air now that we have a little bit of called put us in the situation in europe as i say we've got your right to look at as well and i can say is indeed rising and that has confidence in the single currency is it once again restored for the time being at the way so one twenty six sixty five us the ruble secondary trade down is still declining against the basket of currencies i'll move on to check out the asian markets i did mention they were actually the first ones to respond this friday to the may take and as we can see that the nikkei is now closed and it finished over two and a half percent largely because the exports is that are exposed to europe really did
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a devolves in the session they really showed their appreciation for what was decided upon yesterday and really the yen as well to a role because it dropped against the euro and that was a boost for the european traders. the hang seng is still going for it though turned off the set up and that's largely because the chinese government isn't forcing its stimulus she try and get the economy moving again infrastructure we had eighteen subways they get out to be a bill that's helping a low moments and oil prices as well they are indeed still declining and that sounds we've got the u.s. jobs data coming out later and expected to show to colorize a boil because the u.s. as well the biggest concern about business but i'll be about with more action in about fifty five minutes all right a pair of being the center of our attention today thanks very much indeed katie for this and i'll bring you the headlines very shortly stay with us.
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