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tv   [untitled]    September 8, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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more than ten thousand protests in greece against the government's pitch for more austerity is the country faces one of its harshest rounds of cuts yet. at least six protesters arrested in bahrain after a rally breaks out despite authorities ban on demonstrations with people calling for the release of prisoners of conscience. russia and china lead the way of the asia pacific summit strengthening economic bonds in the hope of jump starting the global financial recovery. data on friends in iran calling it the biggest threat to global security and severing all diplomatic ties but some experts think the u.s.
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could be pulling out it was striking. in moscow good to have you with us here on r t our top story greece bracing itself to face one of its harshest round of cuts yet the country's prime minister antinous some maurice has made his pitch for the latest austerity package set to come into force thousands gathered in greece's second largest city protest against the measures artie's peter all reports from thessalonica. prime minister antonis samaras has said that he will do everything within his power to make sure the greece remains within the euro zone however he did acknowledge that the cuts it is government to are making were both unfair and painful for the greek people but as unfair and painful as they are he says that the necessary as without being in the eurozone greece would die as
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a nation he also says the important is in terms of the country men taining any credibility that it has left on the global financial stage and not credibility is set to be tested quite soon is all that is from the so-called troika arrive in greece to see whether they've fulfilled their part of the bargain when it comes to making the cuts that they were asked to do on whether they receive the next round of bailout money a massive thirty one billion euros worth of assistance whether those cuts are necessary they're certainly not popular here in thessaloniki we've seen thousands of people out on the streets of greece's second city demonstrating against the way that the current governments are handling the financial crisis and anger and the way the government is dealing with the crisis is what they're doing is wrong it's not just in terms of protest the greek people are airing their their grievances with the current government if you look at the latest political polls we're seeing
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that some are says government lies in second place behind a a opposition party that's anti bailout money what's perhaps more worrying though is if you see that in the place is the ultra rightist party golden dawn party that has a far right agenda some of called neo nazi unfun they certainly have a seemingly growing popularity here in greece which is concerning many people many people i've seen out in the streets here in thessaloniki protesting what they call the fascist organizer. i have to say though this demonstration thessaloniki formal peaceful and some we've seen in the past in greece that people are upset airing their views but they're certainly not of the violence a that we've seen in cities like athens as people demonstrate against the handling of the financial crisis the major gripe of many protesters is that these new cuts target some of the country's most vulnerable including retiree's low income workers
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and those on state benefits william dartmouth and and weepy from the u.k. independence party questions what it is that greece gains from clinging to the euro . i would have some eyes that many many people in greece will feel will feel that greece has has suffered enough already from being in the euro. what is it that they're really being offered they're just being offered more of the same it's another dead into two leading to nowhere and already the greek economy has contract by almost ten percent since the crisis but i mean how much more is it going to contract i mean the fact of the matter is that the political establishment in these countries always tends to be in favor of more or more europe more euro although the evidence is absolutely crystal clear that it isn't working it doesn't work what we're watching is a slow slow motion train crash which also could endanger the entire world economy.
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things don't look much better for greece's fellow saw for italy there the world's oldest bank founded before columbus discovered america is on the verge of bankruptcy banks predicament explored later in the kaiser report with max and stacey explaining its looming downfall the full program in the next hour here's a peek. in the elite world all this bank faces uncertain future monti passkey did not survive berlusconi's bunga bunga parties it seems the country bank is on the verge of bankruptcy it's the third biggest bank in italy and now it has all these government bonds which is trying to sell but of course the yield keeps going up and up meaning their bonds are going down and down so they are caught in a spiral nobody knows for sure there is some sort of bailout agreement reached with the italian government but nobody knows what it actually means the government debt became toxic in their own awareness you know a member indiana jones at the scene where he replaces the bag of jewels with
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a bag of sand. but it doesn't quite do it and the big boulder follows them down through the tunnel this is the this bank now in italy they realize. that there was a slump and they now hold government bonds that are junk and they're trying to run away down the tunnel. and with finances across the in the doldrums many once prosperous companies are having to trim the fat but it's easier said than done with migrant workers flooding the job market across the block working harder longer cheaper they're finding favor among customers and envy from those they force out or he starts are sillier reports from antwerp who were here at a construction site where all the workers as well as the owners of the construction company are from poland belgium is seeing an influx of foreign workers from other e.u. countries and more often than not these workers cost much less than their belgian counterparts in the brig for example a province in flanders which has a significant construction sector thirty eight percent of all companies have lost
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bids to foreign firms ninety percent of them expect to lose bits in the future and this is prompted fears that in the coming months one in five companies will have to lay people off setting prices that's. what we can call wage dumping people need to work but if that work is going to other companies then we will lose a lot of jobs in the. local firms say they are also losing out when it comes to speed of delivery our building sector is heavily unionized. to do good for a strict working new rules but if you look at the foreign companies people work ten twelve thirteen fourteen hours a day six days out of seven and then of course for the delivery speed of your project is a huge advantage and more belgian clients are opting to try their services these people are much more flexible so that's that's why we try it and it was a it was
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a success europe's debt crisis has dealt a massive blow to a sector that employs up to sixteen million e.u. citizens. and with no clear signs of the tough times letting up tension is brewing especially when local firms feel they're getting the short end of the stick on their own turf tesser cilia r.t. antwerp in belgium at least six protesters arrested in bahrain during anti-government demonstrations despite the authorities bad people took to the streets calling for the release of prisoners of conscience and for more democratic reforms riot police report resorted to tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the crowd bahrain's been witnessing constant protests since the end of august the latest follows tuesday's court decision to uphold a guilty verdict for opposition activists accused of plotting to overthrow the government patrick hemmings in from u.k. column a website thinks may take a lot more than that to break the protest movement. but the problem in bahrain is
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this is an actual democratic reform movement this is a real arab spring movement this isn't like the kind of fake arab spring that you saw in egypt this has been brewing and boiling over for over one year now but yet it's been more or less not commented on at all in the global mainstream corporate media and some of the state run media organizations like the b.b.c. so i think it's obvious why rain is hosting the u.s. fifth naval fleet bahrain is in absolutely the most key position in the straits of hormuz so the existence and maintenance of the u.s. navy using bahrain as their chief outpost is of excellent strategic importance and they will not negotiate they will not tolerate a democratic uprising in bahrain where they could make an unstable leadership they need is an outpost for western imperialism coming up in the program a matter of taste. organic not because of the same cow in the cows are labeled
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organic or regular people in new york where on the way in on the debate surrounding labels on genetically modified foods plus. as more jobs get created online the freelance boom in india and these offices both there and in developed economies but for different reasons we'll tell you more. but first leaders from china and russia called for a stronger unity and urged other countries to combine efforts to protect the global economy at the apec summit in russia's far east city vladivostok with the u.s. and europe still recovering from recession asia pacific countries feel it's up to deaden to pick up the task of reviving the world's financial health artie's arena has more. president who said that right now the global economy has reached a critical point and in order to ensure stability and prosperity china is ready to take on the role of the power locomotive to pull the world with the global economy out of this crisis so it's really no surprise that russia is looking
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increasingly more and more towards its close neighbor and the moscow and beijing seem to agree on the lot of matters and not just in matters concerning the economy but also concerning politics as well and now of course russia has a lot to offer to china and china is ready and willing to receive whatever russia has to offer of course we can expect the united states to be somewhat worried about china which it probably sees as its main rival as some have suggested but of course the united states to the geisha is right now u.s. secretary of state has met with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov bright and early this morning they were discussing again not just economic matters a but political as well they talked about syria's foreign minister said that russia has expressed its dissatisfaction with the fact that syria gets continuously appointed with sanctions and he talked about the pointlessness of such sanctions president obama sent his regards and apologies saying that he couldn't be here if
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the united states right now is in the midst of its election campaign republican contender for the presidential polls to mitt romney has expressed his opinion that russia is united states geopolitical enemy number one president obama doesn't seem to share that if you point saying that it is sort of a leftover from the cold war era type of thinking and president bush in. an exclusive interview ahead of the summit that say he's willing to work with whichever candidate wins the upcoming presidential elections in the united states but he did pay some compliments to president obama for feeling is that he isn't suma and that he sincerely wants to implement change. but can he do it will they let him do it. i mean that there is also the military lobby and the department of state which is quite conservative as for mr romney's position we understand that this is to a certain extent motivated by election campaign rhetoric but i also think that he
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was just the wrong because such behavior in the international arena is the same as using nationalism and segregation as tools of us domestic policy. of course watch the full version of this interview on our team a you tube channel and our exclusive interview with a lot of your putin also hit iran here on r t four thirty g.m.t. . talks over eurasia economic union have heated up at the apec summit ben arris editor in chief of business new europe magazine argues the u.s. has made russia turn east by failing to cooperate. the idea is that you know the fast growing economies of the world are increasing linking up i mean they formalized politically with the break your guys ation just gone from being an acronym to actually a political organization and here. they are getting down to the business of just you know working out which roads need to be where the railways have to go which kids are going to go where this is going to you know you put a road down that's
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a permanent change in the trade so there's definitely a change in politics starting from about two thousand and four where russia was disappointed with the reception it was getting from the from the west europe and america particularly. going up to putin's famous speech in two thousand and seven where he called the west to account and said cooperate turn our back on you and i think this conference actually marks the point where they begin to turn their back and pay much more attention they're talking about increasing trade the russians with asia fivefold. america is only talking about doubling trade with russia sense of a citizen. and so clearly the building what putin's been calling the nomic union has . gone to the top of the russian policy agenda and that's russia asia led by china of course and that's where all the effort is going. you may have missed from the summit as well as a detailed analysis a click away for you at r.t. dot com a lot of words were said end sites to see if we've got the spectacular
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laser fireworks show put on for the attendees of the four i mean you can fire that footage at our t.v. dot com. canada has expelled all iranian diplomats from the country and closed its embassy in tehran pushing relations between the nations to a crisis point declared iran a state sponsor of terrorism claiming its nuclear plans and stance toward syria are unacceptable to iran didn't pull punches though responding with promises of retaliation saying canada is being manipulated bush also said are skewed from the center for research on globalization based in montreal or greens canada wasn't the one making the decisions. this is a high only statement at that time a moment. really also very serious this is because it closes down communication it isolates iran it's taking diplomacy and it is creating you call
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boy diplomacy so to speak this is what until you can in all of life take it in that calculus very much a policy of the united states we have an integration of the military between the two countries there's consultation in foreign policy it's well known that the hospitalman really more or less follows in the footsteps of washington and i think that they want to it's precisely counter that stick with us they're not it's interesting to say the least that when harm innocent they're made the statements he also said well there are no reports of on one actual attack on the wrong everybody's to. looking about tackler wrong israel's talking about it not almost looking about it it's part of the election can you it's an act of it's a reputation is very unfortunate because we have to maintain dialogue with concert and peace rollo's nag create conditions which could lead to you know to
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a military accidents turning out of some other stories making global headlines washington is designating the pakistan based economy network a terror organization the movement criticism in islam a bad word senior officials say it could undermine peace efforts in afghanistan and strain u.s. pakistani ties the insurgent group is said to be active in afghanistan and has been blamed for a number of attacks on u.s. troops who were going as asian came to prominence in the one nine hundred eighty s. when it was funded and a hailed as freedom fighters by the cia. egyptian forces reported success in shutting down thirty one of more than two hundred smuggling tunnels in the sinai peninsula they were used to move goods into the gaza strip blockaded by israel with cairo previously turning a blind eye lately though it's feared local militants are using the tunnels to smuggle weapons israel which neighbors the sinai is worried about them egypt's massive military presence there and is considering shutting its border. directional
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rains in northern vietnam triggered a deadly landslide that's killed at least twenty nine people other parts of the country have also been flooded with hundreds of homes submerged villagers say they're completely cut off from civilization and don't have electricity or clean water more than four hundred people in the country were killed by natural disasters last year alone. more than three thousand people have been evacuated nicaragua as a volcano on the country's highest peak spewed gas several kilometers high troops relocated residents of nine year by communities where three strong explosions were heard before a cloud of ash blanketed villages the country has been on a seismic alert after a strong earthquake shook neighboring coast earlier this week. new york city has been hit by two tornadoes in a span of ten minutes with debris hurled in the air and power knocked out videos
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from bystanders show a funnel cloud sucking up water and sad several homes and trees have been damaged but no injuries have been reported. so when developed economies stall the effect is felt across the globe but one man's game last could be another again and while professionals in some countries lose their jobs to cost cutting in india highly skilled tech workers find themselves increasing demand for freelance work online artie's preassure has more from new delhi. it's the middle of the day and while most of his peers are out and about working nine to five in the corporate world twenty nine year old buck she is sitting at his workstation in the comfort of his bedroom i haven't they would have a job it would go to off in one to six i'm not a. bonus and so i'm pretty much doing it on my own when i work from home. i'm feeling less with what i need some inspiration for writing i would go to a coffee house a self professed tech nerd but she graduated with high marks and has four years of
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work experience at microsoft under his belt while he may have had his pick of cushy jobs buc she chose to become a freelancer and is now working online on short term branding campaigns for multiple clients around the world such as american express she's part of a growing trend of people who are moving their work out of the office and online studies show that one third of the global workforce will be hired online by two thousand and twenty and it seems like boxing is the hot commodity experts say that one third of the freelance projects from around the world are being completed by people here in india they say it's not just about hiring workers for lower wages they also believe that indians are extremely competitive when it comes to getting white collar jobs the internet has created a level playing field and now indians like buck she are being chosen to work for major international companies where are.
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they doing. what i would call situational. understanding of us or cations and cultural norms it's a matter of pride for many indians who believe that the country can be known for more than just outsourcing call centers and manufacturing a time new image in the our quit his full time job last year to develop digital databases union for european. first cities. good workers young people go to good schools you name the. problem good causes and people are. more educated most skilled in different areas and sometimes more technicalities macian there are specialized skills and digitization has made him highly sought after and he's now earning twice as much as he did when he worked full time he believes that india's economy will prosper as freelancing becomes more widespread economy would
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be stronger the people who are more money while the popularity of freelancing might be good news for people in the east it is causing some concern for highly skilled workers in the west a friend of mine actually that that people are going to get laid off seeing her husband's company because they're looking outsourced i think the u.s. government and the american people need to think for themselves about how they can make themselves more attractive or work for any company leaving them there. for a buck she freelancing allows him to focus on his work but if you just get the job done and before the designated as the nation with the highest number of freelancers the indian labor force is using its skills and education to give workers around the world a run for their money preassure either r t new delhi india you can follow this and many other stories online here's what else is a click away right now and ambiguous added to towards naziism in a stony
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a startling many the latest shocking move is a campaign using the holocaust imagery to promote diet pill bad taste or something more nefarious if i don't like what's an attempt to bridge a cultural gap struggling to scale down cases of friendly fire and nato issues or cultural guide to the afghan national army take a look at the pages on r.t. dot com. genetically modified foods being touted by producers as an answer to the hunger risks facing the world's booming populace but there's a battle between consumer groups raising the alarm about possible health risks and food producers resisting attempts to force them to label their g.m.o. products laurie harvest also known as the resident cages opinion on the streets of new york.
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more than forty countries around the world have mandated g.m.o. labeling on food products but not in the u.s. is it fair to consumers to not have that information this week let's talk about that you would like to see the labels that absolutely why do you think we don't have them here oh i have a big conspiracy theorists and i'm sure that like the government you know because they're getting paid by pharmaceutical companies that own the g.m. most of they don't it's all that's what i think it comes down to money like everything out right exactly and it's all about big corporations making the seeds that are genetically modified i don't know i mean i've got a daughter who's really really particular about what she eats where it goes no i mean i guess in our generation we do see what it has been there it is it a younger generation concern is i think so a lot of people say there's no direct link to it in terms of what it does to your how but then again they said that about smoking two decades this is true i mean the
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greens in a way whether they're good for you or not so maybe they should put on there are you ok with it you know i'm ok with it you don't care if it's been messed with and. i just think you know we've got to be careful because we're not going to have enough food at some point if we don't we maybe need to look at other wise that we can help . in a whole. food production really think should be labeled the consumer should know the point where you get a good meal or get it made oh wait what do you do put a barcode on that's not going to read it right no that's the other thing are people going to pay attention and care anyway right the price being someone that works in retail with food on the shelf if you read those labels and you don't trust them i don't trust any labels but you know what organic labels. you know some of them i do just because they're a little healthier regardless like organic milk that comes from same cow in the cows are labeled or again. regular you know they're not
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a lot of people say there's no low evidence that g m o's are bad for your health. so but when it's unbelievable you can decide if you want to eat it or not so i think that's a defend if you think it's about me or not or it makes no sands you can buy it whether or not you think it's fair for a company to not have the label for g.m.o. information the bottom line is that if you live in the united states you are probably ingesting a lot of g.m.o. food whether you like it or not. the lines coming up stay with us.
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they were young and hard flowing. their careers were on takeoff. that flight for them was one of many. and the last one. locomotive. living beyond one or two.
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download the official. cellphone choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device to watch on t.v. any time. i had a family i lived in a nice community wasn't which was an upscale it was just like you know archie bunker's society ok then they started showing up here what happened was my company decided i could get cheap labor and they got rid of us. through things are. we losing the eaglets line legally we have to get up every morning we have to go to work and you know we have to pay our bills and we have to do it and that's just the american dream and if you want the american dream you have to go by the laws i
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figure is here's one of the major trails in the united states. i watch and they run run down my property and something about this noise. bothers a little mean that cockroaches from coming over the wire is protecting the country i'm the kind of guy who doesn't mindedness pay and sturdy so i come out here you know we're all immigrants as well that we all hear something or else. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought. i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. sigrid laboratory two mccurry one.


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