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tv   [untitled]    September 9, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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three coalition government leaders failed to agree to a package of spending cuts dealing a blow to the country's prime minister who says the measures are crucial to restoring greek credibility. the u.s. sends its biggest ever business delegation over to egypt with skeptics claiming it's a move to cash in on the aftermath of the country's revolution. russia turns east would i be asia pacific summit economic and political ties with china growing stronger which some say could on nerve the u.s. at its moves for regional influence.
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seven am in moscow i'm at treasure bring you today's top stories and a look back at the week's news we start in greece where leaders of the three party coalition government have failed to agree on a package of spending cuts that the prime minister says are crucial to restoring financial credibility they're seeking international creditors to give them more time to implement austerity measures with further talks set for wednesday these latest cuts as specially painful to the country's most vulnerable including pensioners low income workers independence saturday greece's second largest city thessalonica he was rocked by protests but some fifteen thousand demonstrators taking a stand against the measures party's peter oliver has more. for a minister antonis samaras has said that he will do everything within his policy make sure the greece remains within the euro zone but if he did acknowledge that the cuts that is given to him making will both on thing and painful. oh the greek
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people but as unfair and painful as they are he says that they're necessary as without being in the eurozone greece would die as a nation he also says the important is in terms of the country men taining any credibility that it has left on the global financial stage and our credibility is said to be tested quite soon is old it is from the so-called troika arrives in greece to see whether they've fulfilled their part of the bargain when it comes to making the cuts that they were asked to do on whether they received the next round of bailout money a massive thirty one billion euros worth of assistance whether those cuts are necessary they're certainly not popular here in thessaloniki we've seen thousands of people out on the streets of greece's second city demonstrating against the way that the current government are handling the financial crisis when anger and the way the government is dealing with the crisis is one they're doing is wrong it's
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not just in terms of protest the greek people are airing their their grievances with the current government if you look at the latest political polls we're seeing that some are ases government lies in second place behind a a opposition party that anti bailout money was perhaps more worrying though is if you see in place is the ultra rightist party golden dawn party that has a far right agenda some of called neo nazi and in fact they certainly have a seemingly growing popularity here in greece which is concerning many people many people i've seen out in the streets here in thessaloniki protesting what they call the fascist organization i have to say that this demonstration thessaloniki far more peaceful and some we've seen in the past in greece that people are upset they're airing their views but they're certainly not of the violence a that we've seen in cities like athens as people demonstrate against the high. of
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the financial crisis it's not only in greece where cuts are being met with a wall of public anger in portugal government slashes to social safety nets have been dubbed an act of war against the working class and in nearby spain a german chancellor on the merkel's visit sparked street protests with demonstrators calling for an end to berlin stepping into madrid's affairs thanks to the daunting financial storm clouds over the euro zone with a bloc central bank forced to roll out the artillery the c.v. says it will now start buying up your own nation's debts to stabilize our borrowing costs but financial adviser marco peter pollie thinks this isn't the solution. they refuse to deal with the issues it's very simple and that you want to put fiscal integration which means that the germans design for everybody else's debts and you get your right. shared liability for the desk in front of his colleagues should you have a speech of the year. in the meantime what you can do is keep printing money.
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whatever but he's hoping for just a drug to keep preaching and to. help the situation until the politics can catch up with the politics. and they'd be lots and lots of meetings with close to. see the solution to the eurozone. it's anything but smooth sailing though for the larger more stable european economies also in france the president's ratings are in freefall as waste war and economic weakness take their toll on the public as artie's tessera cilia reports traditional means of dealing with stress just don't seem to be cutting it anymore. grounds may have lost its title as the country with the highest per capita consumption of antidepressants but the french certainly have at last the pessimism now with more reasons to be unhappy which is the new record unemployment levels an economy that's just not growing and weak prospects all around and what they. look to their new
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president they don't expect much of a future either so much so that sixty eight percent of french people are fearful for their future close with a record high of seventy percent in two thousand and five shortly after jacques chirac was reelected for a second term but did manage to beat all other presidents in unpopularity after just one hundred days on the job sure i can lower ratings came after nine years in government and the bad ratings come after only four months since he's enough if so it's catastrophic situation for you when you vote for change and you relate as the president doesn't have even if you have a plan to to deliver. the reforms you vaguely promised what i mean of course you and i people adding salt to injury the state just threw a life like to a struggling mortgage lender by guaranteeing its debts after launch explicitly
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declared the world of finance as his enemy during the election campaign. this craziness has to stop i think this financial sector is spending on the other side billions for things which are not a priority for us. france has begun sending direct aid to anti assad regions in syria a former french colony a move that shortly followed a last promise to recognize a provisional government formed by the opposition an all too familiar style in french foreign policy that irks citizens like mathilde despite having voted for a law and what she calls france's intrusive behavior that she says is all about securing for national interests. we can change president but the foreign policy doesn't change and if both main political parties decided to go to war in my native country to send the french army to go and kill people and i rico today it is syrian money a brutal we're trying to get. just like what happened with libya and that the french
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have a superiority complex going to a point where the maj and the other one see the hunted easy but they don't know this is it we see the other people for their money he says a teacher at a local school had a brother of three this is what she tells the kids b.c. to fill in some to do music tell the kids to study hard to improve their language skills and then he must think of the future he's not signed by friends. and that this point the french have clearly lost patience just so sylvia r.t. paris you can follow this and many other stories on our web site r t dot com here's what else is online right now elements awakening of all canuck corruption in nicaragua spewing gas more than five kilometers in the air find out how many people's safety is put in peril dot com plus. a petting drawing of the manhattan skyline becomes an overnight internet sensation i had online to find out how long
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it took the artist to finish his new york masterpiece. some of america's biggest corporations have headed to egypt hoping to renew business ties in the wake of the country's uprising it's the largest u.s. trade delegation ever to travel to the arab world google and coca-cola among the companies a plus lockheed martin one of the world's biggest defense contractors the push for new markets comes as washington is sweetening the deal with a proposed billion dollar a package for cairo egypt's foreign policy has largely been aligned with that of the u.s. expressing sympathy for the uprising in syria demonstrating support for bahrain's ruling family ramsey baruta editor of the palestine chronicle dot com though thinks the trip is politically motivated. it is organized by the u.s. government although they are in. misting that the political aspect is
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a minor aspect and this is indeed about trying to forge ties economic ties and invest and take advantage of egypt's riches and they are treating egypt as just a business partner but in reality we know that this is not the case if we remember that in february two thousand and eleven just days after the success of the egyptian revolution in toppling hosni mubarak we saw david cameron leading a whole group of. companies mostly military companies going to egypt to make deals so the always going to see egypt as a potential. market to exploit economically but also politically if you surely morsi and his government no matter how well intended he is he's going to find himself in a situation where it's going to become extremely difficult to escape all these strings that are controlling him and the world shifts to the east this week as heavyweight asia pacific nations gather to decide how to prop up global growth the
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cool damp weather of russia's far east didn't show the warmth between russia and china which friendship is seen as a strong asset economic recovery parties dmitri medvedev and co has more from a lot of asta. when the other person was rounding up the results of the two thousand and twelve form which russia posted for the first time he basically again praise the fact that apec is extremely important as a region and as an organization it accounts for around fifty percent of the global economic output and global trade and therefore the shift is happening globally towards this region and russia is no exception and that in a person has said. china plays an extremely important role as a driver of global economic growth actually in an exclusive interview that the president gave prior to this forum that it was and also still stated the importance of russian chinese relations china is indeed becoming a global economic and political hub china has taken up this new leading role you
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know tony in russia's eyes but also in the always of the whole world nor what makes this rather special however is that russia and china are neighbors and our special relations took thousands of years to evolve to where they are. over the coming years we are bound to achieve a one hundred billion dollar turnover rate well that exclusive interview is of course available on our t.v. youtube channel you can catch it there but also what was i think more important was the q. and a session which followed that round up of the four of them and letting the person had a chance to comment on this state of russian and european relations of course the euro zone is now in a crisis and therefore that in a question was asked as to what is happening between russia and europe is there a trade war he answered that there's the situation is far from a cold trade war and the fact that your commission is new right now looking into gas problems a so-called own monopoly position on the eastern european markets is based on the
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economic problems in the region and that basically europe now wants to transfer some of this economic burden onto russia and a rather peculiar and taunting i would say question that let. and was asked to comment on his recent stop that he made prior to the apec summit and that was in your model in russia siberia to teach a flock of cranes to fly south he was using a hang glider and the journalist said that basically it's created a whole wave of internet jokes and a comparison also was made to russia's electoral race that only sixty three percent of the krays decided to pull the curtain and the others decided to go somewhere else and this is what he had to say a new future not all the queen's fallujah mediately only the weak ones don't it's me i must admit it's also the leaders phones the pilots phones the not all the koreans for luigi actually if you fly is too fast and too high he
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can't keep up there are also birds who don't fly in a flock even if they aren't part of the flock they're part of our population and they should be taken care of as much as possible. and i was listening to that q. and a at the international press center here and the answer was followed by a standing ovation. not just economic interest russia and china have in common they've also been agreements out international disputes to the chagrin of the west according to financial consultant sankara money. the toews between putin and hu jintao have been extremely strong and this has frankly been at the expense of relations with the u.s. the not overtly obviously but when it comes to issues like syria and iran there is a great deal of coordination between the two sides on those political issues then you know these things spill over into the economic side as well of course you know and we're starting to talk about how both countries handle the oil embargo that the
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u.s. has been sort of pushing on iran you know russia as a producer and china as a consumer they both you know the fact that they're harmonizing this really sort of helps to. counteract u.s. u.s. influence and the ability to which the u.s. can exert its influence on its european allies in asia and japan specifically so we're seeing a lot of that turning now to syria where a powerful explosion has rocked the country's largest city aleppo a car bomb near two hospitals in a sports stadium killed at least seventeen civilians and injured forty more a city has been plagued by violence massive battles between rebels and government forces have been going on for days saturday troops loyal to president assad turned back an attack on a major military base this while the eat while the u.n. syria peace envoy lakhdar brahimi is in egypt trying to make the warring parties sit down with a cease fire them or walk off
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a number of the syrian social club the ex-pat group thinks there's been a pattern of rising violence ahead of any diplomatic meetings that are aimed at finding peaceful solutions. whatever the security council met on syria there was an atrocity before that i think the most infamous one was the supposed massacre on the fourth of february when we remember russia and china use the double veto against the resolution in the security council condemning syria and this trend has continued in a sense we've seen a. massacre taking place when kofi annan was about to meet prisoners of the next day and so on and so of course the western powers have for a long time seen this conflict as the same model with the same you know if you point it just like they did with three decades ago the western powers have given these you have these these extremist names the opportunity to win a certain war they've held them they call them they funded them they give them weapons and they won a war they didn't think that this was because of the cia and m i six funding and
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backup but actually because they thought god actually gave them this victory and this has brought a lot of trouble to early united large segments of the societies of the muslim societies in the western countries. a friend surgeon who's just returned from syria were here tended to rebels at a hospital in the besieged city of aleppo says at least half the opposition forces he treated were foreign jihadists the shock bearer co-founder of the medical charity doctors without borders says foreign nationals are actively involved in the conflict and he had mid-summer of french origin who say they were inspired by mohamed merah a self-styled military who killed seven in the french city of toulouse in march as artie's laura smith reports there could be fighters with u.k. passports on the rebel side as well. to most britons going about their everyday lives the war in syria seems worlds away but for a few it's a struggle they feel personally involved in as the u.k.
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government portrays president assad as an evil dictator and this evidence britain's all going to syria to fight for the opposition but again. area m.p. khalid mahmood says some in his community have already gone there is particular individual who's actually now gone back to baghdad at the moment and is going back in a few weeks time who's been engaged in fundraising supporting people and putting people together to go back to their people who say they. support the aid work and other. broad saying that they're going to support the resistance some says mahmud of british syrian extraction others of british muslims who feel their faith makes this their struggle but whatever their reasons for going the fear is what they'll be when they return they're trained in the art of warfare but they're also radicalized as well and then they want to then continue that credit causation they want to bring more people on board and then perhaps their looks to try to. resolve some of
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the gripes they have here that's blowback the u.k. has already seen from another conflict here in london on the seventh of july two thousand and five the official report into the seven seventh's bombings reveals the existence of that two house of the four ball that had been to afghanistan the so-called violent jihad back in the u.k. mohammed sidique khan and says that town with together killed fourteen people in combined suicide attack specific and seven bombers were only vaguely known to the authorities and that could be the case for fighters returning from syria too it's all very well to notify the u.k. borders agency but in reality there's very little they can do people that may leave here to fight in syria will not go directly to syria they may stop in turkey or lebanon or arc so the government will not be able to really know the.
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nation there's no real way of telling whether they're actually going to end up in syria there is no way to know. who. and then to syria who they'll be liaising with what the ideology is necessarily how jesus view points point change in syria these are the scenes that could greet them on their return and see islamist organization the english defense league is unlikely to take further radicalization of british muslims lying down creating more bad feeling and deeper in an already divided society pool weston he's british freedom policy is allied to the e.t.l. says militant groups are preparing for a confrontation we're going to get further and further into this horrible situation of them and us and them and us and then you have small scale. and it's the tit for tat in this war. and i think we truly entering into a religious civil war scenario so far the government's given the syrian
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opposition eight million dollars for non-lethal equipment including communications but ordinary britons could find themselves paying the full high a price of unrest and insecurity at home for they support for the syrian opposition you know as many thoughts he. turned out as some other stories making global headlines a spate of attacks are struck thirteen iraqi cities killing at least one hundred a car bomb targeted police recruits lining up for a job at an oil company's office in the northern city of kirkuk outside the capital ten soldiers were killed in a dawn ambush other car bombing struck cities from the southern corridor for all the way up to the northwest syrian border no one has yet claimed responsibility for the attacks. meanwhile iraq's vice president has been sentenced to death after a court ruled he was guilty of masterminding the killings of the country's security forces and shias tariq al-hashmi was not in the court though as he had fled to
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turkey soon as the charges against him emerged in december the case sparked a political crisis in iraq with other sunni politicians branding the prime. mr who issued the warrant for a dictator. a peaceful march in chile as capital to memorialize victims of the military dictatorship of a general augusto pinochet and with violence and several arrests dozens of mass protesters barricaded the area surrounding santiago's general cemetery blocking streets and clashing with police officers responded with water cannons and tear gas no injuries were reported. eighty four lease officers were injured during clashes at a kurdish cultural festival in southwest germany the un arrested after a teenager tried to get into the event with a band flag police say used pepper spray as they were pelted with stones and bottles of water the clashes lasted for about two hours and thirty one people had to be detained. barack obama's captivating showing at the democratic national
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convention appears to be paying off this week new poll numbers give him an edge over republican rival mitt romney but only by a small margin with only two months to go till the crucial vote both candidates will be working overtime to outshine the other two artes marina porton i reports that may be a challenge. in two thousand and eight broccoli bomb i turned us politics into something of a pop culture phenomenon and one of those defining moments. a moment when our nation is at war our economy is in turmoil the democratic presidential candidate accepted his party's nomination value to rebuild america's moral standing and break from the policies of his predecessor the failure to respond is a direct result of a broken politics in washington and the failed policies of george w. bush four years after change occupied the white house america is still at war twenty three million citizens are unemployed and most of the national security
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policies cemented by george w. bush continue unabated or have been expanding the coded fixation of what were illicit of the uses under bush imprisonment without trial spying without warrants we've now replaced imprisonment and torture largely with assassination which is actually not a moral improvement under obama's leadership guantanamo bay remains open the patriot act has been renewed warrantless wiretapping extended but cia black sites have closed targeted killings have been justified drone strikes publicly acknowledged military commissions codified however enhanced interrogation like waterboarding has been banned critics say obama has not only double down on bush's policies he's also raised the stakes signing the national defense authorization act made him the first us president to assert the right to assassinate anyone anywhere without any legal sanction if there is a war cries out there we can the war cries iraq obama should tops the list this
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made many of those who voted for him hoping for change left disillusioned in fact what they appear to have voted for was more of the same obama's ratings are now the lowest of any incumbent president since the one nine hundred eighty s. the two major parties are very this are very much the same on all the important issues when it comes to spending more money than we have. engaging in foreign conflicts that we can't afford the cost of america's overseas military campaigns have contributed to a u.s. national debt that topped sixteen trillion dollars this week while obama's america is running on empty critics say wall street continues to play largely by the same rules that led to the global financial crisis there hasn't been regulation of the banks in a sufficient way and that the main crisis affecting the united states which is to say the financial clutch on the global economy and the corporate stranglehold on
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the political system hasn't changed at all because president obama comes from a coalition that led to that in the first place since obama has stepped into the white house america has seen an unprecedented rise in grassroots movements like the tea party and occupy wall street they'll both very different one thing uniting them is the claim that the people of america are being ignored by their own government the two major us political parties have historically gone to great lengths and have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to highlight their differences yet following obama's first term in office the biggest change may be that more voters are likely to see a democrat and a republican as two sides of the soup marina port ny r.t. new york recap of our top stories in a couple of minutes stay with us. i
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mean so she can only use city in europe on the hosts of the twenty fourteen which are the pick a. seat. thank you. tsotsi . thank you some way a. dog days are gone the bride days and. weeks come. the. sun sea it's so true. i love. wealthy british style. that is.
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really happening to the global economy. headlines. a report. with. a special welcome to. a c o m i five.


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