tv [untitled] September 10, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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an. bankruptcy and default for greece as coalition leaders fail to agree on a fresh multi-billion year austerity package the prime minister says is vital to rescue the proposed economy. a deadly car bomb rocked the syrian city of aleppo shortly after an al qaeda linked militant life support for the syrian rebels as fears mount that the country's conflict is getting increasingly hijacked by foreign forces. meanwhile as the middle east becomes of the largest bio fuels weapons we look at how the volatile situation is helping america's arms sales shoot the record high. and syria's
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a breakaway cost of the region as she formally gains serving two years a group of countries recognizing your independence prepares through a move all oversight a move many believe could threaten to escalate ethnic tensions. you're watching already a live from moscow with me to have on what's a good to have you with us first getting a new vital cash injection from the e.u. for dead sure greece is far from a done deal leaders of a coalition government have failed to agree on staying in cuts worth roughly twelve billion euros but the prime minister insists are crucial to avoid bankruptcy but his allies in the government objected some across the board cuts on wages and pensions and also criticized plans to trim a disability benefits at the same time greece's foreign lenders who are currently in the country to assess its progress on meeting the bailout terms also rejected
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part of the story to measures or was told to continue but the fierceness opposition to the cuts of the vote come from the greeks themselves as peter oliver reports. that the greek prime minister. antonius is into sugar coating his message after these painful cuts he saw. there is no other way. it would seem that the greek public don't agree with the pm. this weekend saw large demonstrations in the country's major cities and when you look around those cities you can see the effects of the crisis on every corner this was once thessaloniki busiest market now like a ghost town ok costus has run this coffee shop since the one nine hundred seventy s. he lays the blame for the current troubles on a political class who are looking out the greek interests if the politicians don't
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care about the people they care more about what germany's done what the greek people need big people on the street and invariably the conversation will turn to talk of tax as pensions and wages have been slashed prices and taxes have soared when the cuts from the from. and in the same time the very increase taxes it's very very difficult to pay some bills for the. water from the fall of a food with unemployment at just under twenty five percent and fear is that it's just a matter of time before it passes the thirty percent mark people take where they can find it constantine works in a factory that produces industrial lubricants a university graduate with degrees in nanotechnologies and biology this isn't the work he was trained for but count some self lucky to have it your thought to share a situation is bad but this work allows me to provide for my family and i enjoy. as
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unhappy as the vast majority of greeks are with the current situation if the country is to remain in the euro zone an extra eleven point five billion well. have to be cut from greece's deficit to make sure it receives bailout money that means more pain ahead for the greek taxpayer but despite their empathy towards his plans even the harshest critics of the government fear that a return to the drachma would open a pandora's box of fresh financial woes for him the bottom line is we must stay in the euro no doubt we have to stay he is a simple as that going back to the old currency would be fatal. r.t. this will only keep greece. the chorus of those blaming political not financial woes in europe for the spread of the economic crisis is growing at the asia pacific summit in russia as why east over the weekend are days that peter lavelle brought
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together leading experts to discuss what's wrong with capitalism and how to fix it you can watch part two of this a special panel here on r.t. later today. obviously. the definition. of the question on the right now with the market. capitalism without bankruptcy is like christianity without. a car bomb ripped through syria's largest city of aleppo killing at least seventeen people and wounding forty others according to the state run news agency the blast occurred just hours after jordanian a militant leader linked to al qaeda all that his extremist group was launching
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deadly attacks to help and their fighters. member of the syrian social club expert group says the conflict in the country is no longer just a syrian revolution. it has turned into a more regional wider conflict krapp's even has some sort of international war on syrian soil. i personally. witnessed first. demonstration on the seventh of may two thousand and eleven. for muslim extremists outside syria and shouting very clearly. only and that doesn't need any explanation does it so it is not surprising what we see or hearing that there are jihadists who are coming into syria because western powers have for a long time seen this conflict as the same model or the same you know viewing point just like they did with afghanistan three decades ago. the problem we're
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having basically is that took so long to acknowledge that jihadist. you know element after i think it was too late. but you know as might have abstained from supporting the syrian rebels milledge really was openly but is actively flooding the surrounding nations and with weapons it's been revealed that the middle east is now the leading by of american arms fears mount that conflict aware that the syrian government may be the ally iran could be on the cards are it is again a g.g. can reports. the world may be terrified of a potential war with iran but for arms producers tensions fear is good business so it is for the united states according to a recent congressional research service report within just one year the u.s. has tripled its arms sales tripled here's how it looks in numbers just around twenty billion dollars in two thousand and ten and over sixty billion dollars in two thousand and eleven sixty six point three billion dollars to be exact according
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to this report as far as the u.s. share on the global market is almost eighty percent of all worlds arm sales have to mention this congressional service research that arrived the numbers from unclassified arms sales reports now who provided the spike in sales that is mostly the persian gulf states half of what the u.s. sold last year went to saudi arabia eighty four advanced and fifteen fighters a variety of ammunition missiles and the just six support dozens of attack helicopters but why this spike looking at the graphics one might thing something is brewing here apparently many experts think the same with spoke with daryl kimball of the arms control association here's what he said we often see conflict emerge after a group of states in a particular region with tensions have bought or built weapons
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so this does not necessarily ensure security but clearly the insecurities of the region the doubts about maintaining peace between states in that region are driving these wealthy countries in the middle east to buy u.s. weapons. there's already a war going on in the region the civil war in syria saudi arabia and other gulf states are actively involved in the war there funneling weapons to the rebels in the strive to bring down all sod iran's longtime ally in the region many experts talk about syria as a stepping stone to iran in a sense the war on iran has already started the spiking arms sales could be a graphic sign of it it's hard to claim that arms sales is the and game for the us although he does profit handsomely from the sales in february nine hundred forty five president roosevelt at a meeting in egypt with our little. bin souled the founder of modern saudi arabia
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pledged to defend the kingdom in exchange for a steady flow of oil up to this day u.s. actions in the region have been consistent with that goal the us has or md the gulf states to the teeth turning a blind eye to widespread human rights violations like of democracy terrorists turning a blind eye to a lot of things the question is whether the world is ready for another devastating war in the region i'm going to check on. egypt is also on the rate of top of pentagon contractors who own a trade delegation to cairo later in the program we discuss what could be behind america's largest commercial trip to the arab world. so it is breakaway region of kosovo will officially gain all its own even rights late on monday it signals the end of a thirteen years of western supervision after pristina unilaterally declared
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independence from serbia the legal analyst alexander pov agent in belgrade joins us to explain the ramifications good to see them isopod his thanks for joining us here on our team now is a cold full seventeen is it just a formality all really the historic step because of as a promoting life actually remember. this is really just to show what the meaning of . risk the international civilian often spoke across. took on every minor aspect of the so-called international presence that was a catalyst during my ninety nine after the medical bombing them you know the bottom not restore our remaining u.n. peacekeeping mission. troops and the e.p. new missions that will occur so actually also we're. also will continue through our foreign judges sitting in the supreme court or
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foreign advisors sitting in an iran iraq and then so i thought are. going to be a lot of the michael long over the ocean there are going to be you know this is really just a way to rob the end throughout that are increased pressure on all those things the majority of things in the world which aren't right now because they're going to benefit right it's thirteen yes this is close of a declared independence what do you make of the actual timing of this oversight closure is it ready or an overdue move of a cause of a to act like sanction status because it is itself to be. serbia adam riess elections and you've got a new governor. the premier of all pro western government level. say in the really dire financial circumstances. the new government is being faced
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with all sorts of problems on the internal prime. just the way it's also increasing pressure on the new government because serbia to make additional concessions regarding most it will be printed serbian position is unclear and frankly my name out of it they will never recognize calderon in the congress and with the same position one held by russia and china and because it was still under resolution twelve forty four the un security council according to that resolution calls for is not a barrier so the. scene the ceremonies are going to take place today even just this is all of the protocols this is just a thought what terms kind of show is sex groups in china because sex from the right should exclude the privilege of india out of. the vast majority of the world population does not recognize or call them all right with
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a political act say but it's about a lot of the agony that all just about a show over the media you talked about save you a little bit and it's already sacrificed a lot full it's a vicious you join the e.u. is there a chance of belgrade might recognize cus of independence to become part of the block. oh. you mean the government i mean the previous bro was from government there's always that that will never recognize you know letter or the burglar court or in the senate were they willing to do this and go she a a way to establish not to normalize relations between. belgrade and the provincial capital and for a cause that will increase in our budget no government can serve you can survive if a. new payment amount the intention of recognizing causes or the friends write their fears that the shutdown of the international civilian office in kosovo will lead to and that's going to sion of ethnic tensions and the past occasion of the
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said minority in the north has grounded a very. thoroughly ground because once again. it is going to lose in a way what is happening today but in court an act of congress delusion and it's just going to encourage the opening up or even prishtina dragger about when they can put additional pressure on servers the remaining servers and cultural special in the normal just this morning the medical troops have a code all that all crossings probably cause the road to into serbia proper access to that are controlled by. a call from a call them who down the semenko troops so actually. the rank the greater purpose of bathing and being sent the ceremony today are helping the elevating about his impressions another to exert of additional pressure on the remaining persian gulf
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at all so that should your right the pressure on the remaining fervent coach who are increased as a result of. right will leave is right they thank you very much for your thoughts they political analyst alexander pa vision life on the calibrate will of course be keeping a close eye on the events unfolding in costa. boy do we have plenty more stories for you on our to dot com if you've missed any on a there you'll find the germans are getting the government in the barrel by invoking their constitutional rights to keep the prizes from star rocketing. right to serve and protect and true bad traffic rules u.s. officials are clamping down on those guilty of running red lights including police officers. and video of any angle drawing of manhattan that line spreads on the internet get online to find out how long it took the artist to create their interest in the lost.
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it was a large eager to have you with us now some of america's largest corporations have headed to egypt hoping to renew business ties in the wake of the country's uprising it is the largest the u.s. trade delegation to adventure travel to the arab world the push for new markets comes as washington has sweetened the deal with a pledge of one billion dollar bills in dead relief for cairo egypt's foreign policy has been largely in line with that of the u.s. expressing sympathy for the uprising in syria and demonstrating support for buckling is a ruling family journalists are ramsey baroudi who's written extensively about development in the arab world says the american trip to egypt has an agenda that
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stretches beyond the economy. organized by the u.s. government although they are insisting the political aspect is a minor aspect of this move is not far removed from the i.m.f. negotiations with egypt so we're egypt is trying to get about four point eight billion dollars is not far removed from what the qataris and the saudis and the turks frankly have been doing which is offering all these supposedly free money to egypt billions of dollars worth of investments billions of dollars that are actually going to pay the salaries of ordinary egyptians all of this is tying the hands of the egyptian government even surely morsi and his government no matter how well intended he is is going to find himself in a situation where it's going to become extremely difficult to escape all these strings that are controlling him and controlling his policies and controlling his government. and let the big corporations screens its economy even harder
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presage options are being pushed out to find work abroad but it's risky with thousands working illegally to make ends meet because for them it's far better than staying at home policia explains. their country may be in danger of crumbling but here they are rebuilding someone else's hundreds of thousands of egyptians are putting bricks to mortar for their neighbors future every few weeks another building goes up in a month with a toil nearly a quarter of a million egyptians are scattered throughout the kingdom next door but many shouldn't be here at all in the chaos and disappointment that followed egypt's revolution thousands of egyptians fled here to jordan with no visa and little more than the clothes on their back while it might still be too soon to say what will be the long term effects of the revolution no one here is in a hurry to return back home just like muhammad he sold his wife's jewelry and borrowed neighbor's money to pay for nearly one thousand american dollar work
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permit but it's long since expired now he's working on borrowed time the bottom line like you afford to buy another work permit i left egypt because i want to eat egyptian society is very divided and all of us here are printed on lower class we're not searching to be rich we just want food for families it's jordan's worst kept secret more than one hundred thousand desperate illegal egyptians lining the pockets of jordanian businessmen who exploit loopholes in the law has been is that there are a lot of people in egypt playing with the papers that promise the best permission but then when the labor is come here they don't know what that permission is for exactly and who is even their boss it's corruption between from their gyptian side the laborers themselves the jordanian government because it gets a lot of mining from fighting this people and the business owners their own world surprisingly jordan's labor ministry does not deny this but insists it is cracking
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down trying to organize on the time what to do the kind of some of them. on the understanding that the tourists and this is legal but when they were. the country tried to fight orcs and jobs and they kept looking for jobs all the time without in vain also you see and has been working here for nearly two years he's got a degree in social work but the only employment he can find is to wait tables in a man his salary pays his rent the race to send home for his wife and children there's nothing left for a new visa. them out of every six to seven months the police make a check during this time i stay at home and isolate myself for about ten days to two weeks the police are starting to get more strict but i'm not thinking about going back to egypt for now because the security situation there is not stable whatever hardships they face here in jordan their families back home depend on if
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we dollar center back across the border for now the risks far outweigh returning to a country where the prospects of work all stability or even gloomier policy are r t amman jordan to some other top stories in brief and now a peaceful march in the capital remember victims of the military dictatorship of general august of one affair has ended with violence and a number of arrests dozens of mass protesters barricaded the areas surrounding sandia this general cemetery blocking streets and clashing with police officers responded with water cannons and tear gas no injuries have been reported. the u.s. has formally trials for control of background prison to afghan authorities the facility holds more than three thousand taliban insurgents and suspected terrorists analyser believe the handover is largely symbolic as the fate of inmates i remain unclear floating fifty foreigners a lot covered by the agreement there is military still wants to run
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a section of the jail which has been labeled afghanistan guantanamo with the prisoner abuse and torture reported. back grammar prison lives within one of the largest the bases of the nato led forces in afghanistan later today we reveal the obscure danger that exists there for the soldiers themselves. dear mom i'm sorry that i had to do this i've been in so much pain in the past year that i can't take it anymore the stomach and chest pains of being getting worse no doctor has been able to help me please know that i'll finally be at peace with no more pain i wish i could have had a wife it was a bit always pictured her being my wife and mother to my kids i love you all see you all in heaven when your time comes i'm going to meet jesus christ. thousands of u.s. troops in iraq received one of these drugs a drug called lariam and it may have prevented many soldiers from getting sick the
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question is whether or not soldiers were adequately warned about its rare side effects serious life changing side effects. right turning it to money matters now marina you're monitoring the markets what's happening this hour also have i have to say no much has changed it's a flat day across the markets and really we're really talking about minute changes but all of that is because investors are has its in before making any drastic movements and that's because all waiting for two key votes this week we can take a look at the european markets as i'll talk about this on a wednesday germany's constitutional court is expected to rule on the legality of the euro zone's rescue fund also the fall and that's on thursday the us federal reserve is set to announce its latest paulison decisions and everyone there is of
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course expecting to hear about a new round of quantitative easing so we'll see if that happens but for now we see a slight change the picture from negative we've gone to a mixed picture but it's still pretty much flat over there as well now for move on to flex on what's happened at cross the board and basically what we're seeing right now is the nuggets of figures the r.t.s. are setting a quarter over the sides and the my sex is slightly behind there. now of course the water has an effect on the russian economy of oil prices and right now they're treading on their appliance level in about a week but as you can see that's not helping the russian markets today while the trade in there the highest level with that's because there's speculation that the u.s. and china will stimulate their economy and also about will counteract the slowdown which threatens fuel demand we can see the light sort of spread out ninety six dollars a barrel at this hour now from oil i want to switch to gas because russia's independent gas producers have been left without their main distributor that says gas from has
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stopped buying gas from other companies we have the most newspaper says this way and we're not in the same support so production because of falling demand however independent firms will still be able to use gas from the supply lines and sell gas to its subsidiaries. and a quick look at currencies now that yours though we can in against the u.s. dollar when it comes to the ruble it's also we can win against both major currencies now i want to talk about asia here for a second because the vatican is the focus of russia and this was very evidence of the asia pacific economic cooperation summit and russia's far east and basically we have to take a look and explore why russia is now looking east for business opportunities. the apec summit here in london bostock symbolizes the wind of change not just for russia but for the global economy to avoid yet another crisis new pillars of growth on needed and they're needed quickly china's outgoing president hu jintao says he's very much concerned with notable downside risks to a slowing economy this is coupled with the fact the e.u.
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is still in a deep debt crisis over russia's naturally turning to asia boosting trade in the pacific rim to twenty one percent overall but the e.u. remains its main trade partner accounting for fifty one percent so present it in a putin wants to very much a lloyd trade was with the e.u. concerned with the recent investigation into gas dominance in eastern europe and when they don't use the i think the main reason for this investigation is the difficult economic situation in the euro zone are mainly talking about eastern european countries and the problem is that back in the days when they joined the european union the e.u. took liabilities to subsidize those economies but apparently someone in the european commission decided that we must assume part of this burden i mean that europe wants to maintain its political influence and things that we should pay a little to assist this but that is not a constructive approach. for russia the apec summit is not so much about the
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business deals it's about building bridges to asia on the sidelines of the for a president vladimir putin held negotiations with new zealand then vietnam to form free trade zones and although may sound surprising as they're not exactly the most significant trade partners from moscow china has also done the same thing because it sets a precedent for the deals and now is the right time because russia is a fresh w t o member pledges to boost transparency cut tariffs and fight protectionism. have asked what i have for this hour and i'm seriously helping out something more tres next hour well we'll find out in the next hour of legs are you there marina. right after the headlines of mexico's leader outlines what the asia pacific gathering meant for his country.
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i'm sorry that i had to do this i've been in so much pain in the past year that i can't take it anymore the stomach and chest pains have been getting worse and no doctor has been able to help me please know that i'll finally be at peace and with no more pain i wish i could have had a wife with elizabeth. pictured her being my wife and mother to my kids i love you all see you all in heaven when your time comes i'm going to meet jesus christ. thousands of u.s. troops in iraq received one of these drugs a drug called lariam and it may have prevented many soldiers from getting sick.
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