tv [untitled] September 10, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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the man of learning julian a son of his legal break from the exit door in the embassy in london speaks out on the whistleblower was life exclusively to r t. a charity needs a morality read lawmakers the bald head of the disabled and though in comparison is well foreign creditors reject the athens plan savings as too big. the new u.n. peace envoy begins a syrian mission which is predecessor kofi annan fail to finish amid a fresh i can find to end terrorist activity. so washington you know boost the middle east on sales with the region now the biggest vial of american
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weapons which are flooded the nations surrounding syria. seven pm here in moscow are you watching r t with me to bang with say let's take a look at the bullets him he's a dictator's a shutdown drug trafficking cartels and even expose entire terrorist cells and now he is representing julian assange renowned lawyer. has been speaking to r.t. about whether was will blow his future might take him archie sarah ferguson shares with us some of what goes on have to say. he reveals a little bit about this ongoing battle for justice the judge in a silence of course the wiki leaks founder remains holed up in the ecuadorian embassy here in london in knightsbridge and no real end in sight at the moment for this. standoff. remains very very firm that we're in
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a science to be extradited that would put his human rights a very real risk at the same time the u.k. has said they're not going to grant julian assange free passage and that if he sets foot outside the ecuadorian embassy he could be arrested for breaching his bail conditions so just where does that leave him well in the interview with r.t. both those are garceau on a silence his lawyer said that they're going to continue to fight what he termed a terrible injustice and i'm glad i'm clear that to julian assange has political asylum because he was facing terrible injustice and he exercised his fundamental rights and we think that this wrong to needs to be defended and this morning we consider it prevalent and legal solution is possible that if both the u.k. and ecuador go to the international court of justice ruling that bound to obey now remember killing innocents is never actually being charged he is wanted for
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questioning in sweden over rape and sexual assault allegations that one of the biggest criticisms leveled at did in a song is that his bid for asylum in ecuador granting him asylum is very much just trying to evade justice now his lawyer tells us that is more than ready to go there he is more than ready to face the questioning as long as he's being given a guarantee that once he was in sweden that he'd face the decision to the u.s. and they have never received those guarantees you saw julian assange has told swedish prosecutors that he's ready to cooperate and ready to be questioned to submit himself to the procedures but only if he's guaranteed that it would not lead to a more complicated case in which is right to freedom of speech and information would be for. now as we said julian assange and his legal team have always maintained that there's a very real fear here that well he'd be extradited to sweden that he could face a further extradition to the u.s. . some of the quine's that he could potentially be accused of espionage or is
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working with wiki leaks that carries the death penalty in the u.s. a very serious concerns that his lawyer makes in the interview you know i do not think mr saunders a spy all he did was exercise his right to freedom of information he received and shared it but much more surprised that there's been no investigation into the glaring crimes documented in those leaked reports featuring u.s. interference with issues that have absolutely no relation to either national security or the safety of american citizens or different from a few both sides of course very very eager to find some form of resolution but just when and how this will come remains extremely uncertain indeed his lawyer told r.t. there is no time limit to resolve this situation certainly looks like this one could be set to run and run but you can catch the full interview with julian assange his lawyer but also exclusively on r.t.
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tomorrow. still to come in a few minutes kosovo claims a new landmark serious breakaway republics and the closure of foreign supervisory officer the realization of full sovereignty but with thousands of u.n. nato forces still on its territory the international presence is. also from the pentagon to the pyramids we find out one major contractor point of view was corporate executives to hire. in peace envoy lakhdar brahimi has started his syria mission kicking off with talks with the egyptian and arab league leaders his predecessor and former u.n. chief kofi annan quit because of the divisions at the security council on ending the daily bloodshed bremer's mission isn't likely to be an easy one syria's largest city aleppo is witnessing escalating fighting the rebels intensify the attempts to
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take control the city has also been wrong to go home bombed and killed at least thirty civilians and injured forty others a few hours earlier a jordanian militant leader who is linked to al qaeda threatened to launch deadly attacks to president assad a model from the syrian social club ex-pat group things the country's become fertile soil for terrorists. it has turned into a more regional wider conflict krapp's even some sort of an international war on syrian soil the guy pushing the weakest first. demonstration in the seven made in front of the eleven. for muslim extremists this year in between wanting shouting very clearly islam only and that doesn't need any explanation does it so it is not surprising what we see or hearing that there are jihadists who are coming into syria because western powers have
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a long time seen this conflict as the same model or the same you know viewing point just like they did with afghanistan three decades ago the problem we're having basically is that the took so long to acknowledge that jihadist. you know element after i think it was too late. so far the u.s. has a limited itself to calling for arming syrian rebels without taking any official action it's made no promises about not selling weapons to neighboring states a recent report has shown that the middle east as a frequent and favored client of the american arms trade is guyin megia can take a look at where our perimeters policy might meet. the world may be terrified of a potential war with iran but for arms producers tensions fear is good business so it is for the united states according to a recent congressional research service report within just one year the u.s.
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has tripled its arms sales tripled here's how it looks in numbers just around twenty billion dollars in two thousand and ten and over sixty billion dollars in two thousand and eleven sixty six point three billion dollars to be exact according to this report as far as the u.s. share on the global market is almost eighty percent of all worlds arm sales have to mention this congressional service research that arrived the numbers from unclassified arms sales reports now who provided the spike in sales that is mostly the persian gulf state half of what the u.s. sold last year went to saudi arabia eighty four advanced f. fifteen fighters a variety of ammunition missiles and the just tick support dozens of attack helicopters but why this spike looking at the graphics one might thing something is brewing here apparently many experts think the same with spoke with daryl kimball of the arms control association here's what he said we often see
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conflict emerge after a group of states in a particular region with tensions have bought or built weapons so this does not necessarily ensure security but clearly the insecurities of the region the doubts about maintaining peace between states in that region are driving these wealthy countries in the middle east to buy u.s. weapons. there is already a war going on in the region the civil war in syria saudi arabia and other gulf states are actively involved in that war they're funneling weapons to the rebels in a strive to bring down assad iran's long time ally in the region many experts talk about syria as a stepping stone to iran in a sense the war on iran has already started it the spiking arms sales could be a graphic sign of it is hard to claim that arms sales is the and game for the us
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although it does profit handsomely from the sales in february nine hundred forty five president roosevelt at a meeting in egypt with our little girl as he's been souled the founder of modern saudi arabia pledged to defend the kingdom in exchange for a steady flow of oil up to this day u.s. actions in the region have been consistent with that goal the us has armed the gulf states to the teeth turning a blind eye to widespread human rights violations like of democracy terrorists turning a blind eye to a lot of things the question is whether the world is ready for another devastating war in the region i'm going to check on. a rough start for greece in its quest for more bailout money with its creditors rejecting about two billion euros worth of planned cuts saying they're not clearly enough defined on top of that there's the infighting within the government is
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a way to make savings at the root of that word surge in measures that would target low income earners and people with disabilities something that not even aid and support does that make up the government could handle nevertheless that negotiations continue with the visuals promising to elsewhere and that is why other countries e.u. and i.m.f. creditors and as artie's put all of the reports the greek people are under no illusion that those cuts any will there of all. the greek prime minister antonio isn't sugar coating his message after these painful cuts he saw. there is no other way. it would seem that the greek public don't agree with the pm . this weekend saw large demonstrations in the country's major cities and when you look around those cities you can see the effects of the crisis on every corner this was once the busiest market now like
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a ghost town ok course this has run this coffee shop since the one nine hundred seventy s. he lays the blame for the current troubles on a political class who are looking out the greek interests if the politicians don't care about the people they care more about what germany's done what the greek people need big people on the street and invariably the conversation will turn to talk of tax as pensions and wages have been slashed prices and taxes have soared when the cuts from from. and in the same time they increase taxes it's very very difficult to pay some bills for the. water from the photo with unemployment at just under twenty five percent and fears that it's just a matter of time before it passes the thirty percent mark people take where they
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can find it constantine works in a factory that produces industrial lubricants a university graduate with degrees in nanotechnologies and biology this isn't the work he was trained for that counts himself lucky to have it. share situation is bad but this work allows me to provide for my family and i enjoy. as unhappy as the vast majority of greeks are with the current situation if the country is to remain in the euro zone an extra along. point five billion will have to be cut from greece's deficit to make sure it receives bailout money that means more pain ahead for the greek taxpayers but despite their empathy towards these plans even the harshest critics of the government fear that a return to the drachma would open a pandora's box of fresh financial woes here is the bottom line is we must stay in the euro no doubt we have to stay is
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a simple as that going back to the old currency would be fatal. r.t. greece. infiltration entrapment and dramatic revelations the kind of plot you get in a gangster movie is apparently happening for real in the american state of texas seven occupy activists they are facing years in jail for attempting to block a part entrance last year but it's now emerged that undercover cops were not only involved but i see set it up dusting their tracks as they went via broadband now with a one of the charged activists is ronnie thank you for joining us here on r.t. mr gaza now you and other activists are on record as saying that one of the undercover detectives actively encouraged occupy activists to take concrete action can you tell us more about that. yeah. it's come out on the record we've had two pretrial hearings now where shannon dowels identity that's the name of the
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undercover officers there's three that are involved but under the record it's come out. very very much to go to the store purchase the materials assemble the devices and then drop them off for the protesters to use in houston and like i said he's one of the three other undercover officers that's also involved that were also involved in bed with the occupy here in austin now also interesting from the transkei script is that the undercover detective happened to lose a memory drive with all of this data and e-mails on his way to court now do you believe that. no i don't believe. it it's certainly been what we've been getting from the austin police department and a little bit from the houston district attorney's office we'd asked for information
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regarding an agent provocateur who were or other communications that might have been coming from austin from the d.a.'s office months ago and the fact that we had to dredge it out that i had to find dallas identity and then hand it over to defense so we could actually make a fair defense. i was doing their job for them this is brady material so we i really don't believe their story that he lost his. drive on the way to the way to court and the media has been contradicting themselves in the statements they've been making about what they knew about the coordination in general since. right now mr you are being charged for breaking a somewhat and you created law that was once used to shut down well one of graphic theatres what do you make of that. yeah it's certainly obscure beyond that it seems that it was it was
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a set up from the beginning because as obscure as this law is for some reason one of the arresting officers knew it was a felony and while we were out there on the road this was this was a rest they made under a tent they brought out of a larger attention covered us before they actually arrested us but before they brought out the tent before i was under the tent already knew i had a felony charge because the officer in the road said felon felony felony to everyone who is out on the road so it's certainly strange that they would use this kind of. statutory law against protesters but it's more strange that they were so ready and so knowledgeable of this law that the unit judge was unaware of when it came to the court i mean the charges in many people's eyes week yet the police keep pushing them why do you think that is. well i'm not i'm not quite sure i don't know what the motivation is at the moment. the charges were dropped first time they
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came to the couper. the judge joan campbell ruled there was no probable cause the devices need to be instrumental were necessary for the crime and there were twelve other people who blocked the roadway as well and didn't have to use those pipes so that was one of the reasons it's meant to stop crime from happening on amplify the charges so that's another reason it was immediately thrown out but they went to a grand jury re indicted us so. from what we from what we believe it's simply meant to be a long standing chilling effect in texas and for occupy to be involved with direct action and other civil disobedience now ronnie just reading that transcript of feel you're late as hearing it it appears it's not just the local police that were involved in infiltrating occupy austin but national federal groups i hear really
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that dangerous. you know they're really keeping the world safe from sedans. but yes that's what we've learned from the last transcript is that the fusion center here in austin is sort of a go between you know who are. the people that were coordinating this intelligence on this action so the fusion center is the austin regional intelligence center and it is one of numerous centers around the nation that are set up to fuse information gather information from other local counties travis county and williamson county in our case and various departments to deal with it or jurisdictional crime but yeah that they were they were very very interested. in our sitting down in a room and blocking the roadway is opposed to any sort of a real terrorist activity while running. good luck to you you know occupy
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here's an activist thank you for joining us here on r.g.p. and sharing your side of the story thank you ma'am thank you so much for having us . so obvious breakaway region of cost of oil is shutting down and international support why is very body it's being heralded as a landmark achievement all full of empty political analyst alexander believes it's just the tip of the ice speckle foreign involvement. is really just a show for the man you know. international korean often. that's just a very minor aspect called international presence there was that out of your ninety nine am to make a wrong of your. rules for how to remanding you out or peacekeeping mission there were troops. there were. actually. also already. also all continue or in georgian standing in the korean border
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or avoiding others getting in and. going and creating i don't know what i might call all over the ocean there are going to be you know there's not really just a way. frederick increase pressure on all of the favorite jordan in the world which happen right now goes through in the manner. they have the weights of america's corporate world in egypt to forging business ties damage during last year's revolution that's the largest u.s. trade delegation ever to travel to the arab world the push for new markets comes as washington sweetens the deal with the pledge of one billion dollars in debt relief well kyra egypt's new muslim brotherhood and the to is keeping the country's foreign policy last night in line with that of the u.s. with sympathy from syria's uprising and support full blast range of willing family journalism ramsey very rude to use
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a written extensively about developments in the arab world says the american trip to egypt has an agenda that stretches be on the economy. it is organized by the u.s. government although they are insisting the political aspect is a minor aspect this move is not far removed from the i.m.f. negotiations with egypt so what egypt is trying to get about four point eight billion dollars is not far removed from what the qataris and the saudis and the turks frankly have been doing which is offering all these supposedly free money to egypt to billions of dollars worth of investments billions of dollars that are actually going to pay the salaries of ordinary egyptians all of this is tying the hands of the egyptian government even surely morsi and his government no matter how well intended use is going to find himself in a situation where it's going to become extremely difficult to escape all these strings that are controlling him and controlling his policies and controlling his government. let's check what else is happening around the world allan many in
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production workers have gathered in their hundreds in rome to protest the closing of a plunder denia the alcoa facilities future is being discussed at a meeting at the economic development ministry and decision was taken in march to close a plant down unless a buyer could be found and still hasn't happened promises that the plan could still be reopened have done nothing to quell the anger labor union members. the u.s. has formally transferred control of bob graham a prison to afghan authorities the facility holds more than three thousand taliban insurgents and suspected terrorists analysts believe the handover is largely symbolic as the fate of inmates they remain unclear including fifty foreigners not covered by the agreement the u.s. military still wants to run a section of the jail which has been labeled afghanistan's guantanamo prison no fears and torture reported. i'll be back with the headlines in
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a few minutes let's go cross over to the business desk with natasha now does i guess braun has decided to stop buying gas from independent producers why is that well it's really trying to support its own production a lot of falling demand all the details of the story in just a couple of minutes but first let's see what's going on
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now russia's focus. today wrapped up the business side of the event. the apec summit here and symbolizes the wind of change not just for russia but for the global economy so void yet another crisis of growth are needed and they need it quickly china's outgoing president hu jintao says he's very much concerned with notable downside risks to a slowing economy this is coupled with the fact that you are still in the deep debt crisis over russia's naturally turning to asia boosting trade in the pacific rim the twenty one percent overall but the e.u. remains its main trade partner accounting for fifty one percent so present wants to
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very much trade was. concerned with the recent investigation into gas dominance. and. i think the main reason for this investigation is the difficult economic situation in the euro zone you're mainly talking about eastern european countries and the problem is that back in the days when they joined the european union the liabilities to subsidise those economies but apparently someone in the european commission decided that we must assume part of this burden i mean that europe wants to maintain its political influence and things that we should pay a little to assist this but that is not a constructive approach. for russia the apec summit is not so much about the business deals it's about building bridges. on the sidelines of the forum president vladimir putin held negotiations with new zealand to form free trade zones and although it may sound surprising as they're not exactly the most significant trade
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partners from moscow china has also done the same thing because it sets a precedent for the deals and now is the right time because russia is a fresh member pledges to boost transparency cut tariffs and fight protectionism. and that's as from us this hour find more any time at business r t business. r.t. dot com flash business is of course but i meant it's ok in a time so we all get time to sit now and again but good thank you for the update all right a recap of our top stories coming right up. download
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