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tv   [untitled]    September 10, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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tonight on r t the man planning julian assange just a legal break from the ecuadorian embassy in london speaks out about the whistle blowers plight exclusively to us. the new un peace envoy begins the syria mission which is pretty says a coffee and failed to finish i made a fresh hike in fighting in terrorist activity. caught redhanded texas police infiltrate the occupy movement charging activists with obscure crimes the undercover officers set up from the start we report on but. also reporting to on a sturdy meeting morality cricket all because paul could cuts for the disabled and low income pensioners while foreign creditors reject athens plans savings is too vague.
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eight pm monday evening here in moscow welcome to if you just joined us this is with me kevin first he's pursued dictators shut down drug trafficking cartels and even exposed entire terror cells and now he's representing julian assange we're now lawyer. has been speaking to r.t. about where the whistleblowers future might take him sarah firth shares with us then some of what gore son had to say. he reveals a little bit about this ongoing battle for justice that in a science of course the wiki leaks founder remains holed up in the ecuadorian embassy here in london in knightsbridge and no real end in sight at the moment for this. standoff. remains very very firm that we're in a science to be extradited that would put his human rights
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a very real risk at the same time the u.k. has said they're not going to grant julian assange free passage and that if he sets foot outside the ecuadorian embassy he could be arrested for breaching his bail conditions so just where does that leave him well in the interview with r.t. as our guards on a sound his lawyer said that they're going to continue to fight what he termed a terrible injustice and i'm glad. it's clear that i grew to julian a sort of political asylum because he was facing terrible injustice and exercised his fundamental rights and we think this right needs to be defended and we consider it prevalent and legal solution is possible that if the u.k. and ecuador go to the international court of justice ruling that bound to obey now remember julian assange says never actually being charged he's wanted for questioning in sweden over rape and sexual assault allegations that one of the biggest criticisms leveled at kid innocent is that his bid for asylum in ecuador
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granting him asylum is very much just trying to have a justice now his lawyer tells us that he's more than ready to go they have all the ready to face the questioning as long as he's being given a guarantee that once he is in sweden that he'd face the decision to the u.s. and they have never received those guarantees you saw julian assange has told swedish prosecutors that he's ready to cooperate and ready to be questioned to submit himself to the procedures but only if he's guaranteed that it would not lead to a more complicated case in which is right to freedom of speech and information would be for. now as we said julian assange is and his legal team have always maintained that there's a very real fear here that well he'd be extradited to sweden so that he could face a further extradition to the u.s. where some of the quine's that he could potentially be accused of espionage or is working with wiki leaks that carries the death penalty in the us
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a very serious concerns that his lawyer makes no in the interview you know i do not think mr assange is a spy all he did was exercise his right to freedom of information on what he received and shared it with much more surprised that there's been no investigation into the glaring crimes documented in those leaked reports featuring u.s. interference with issues that have absolutely no relation to either national security or the safety of american citizens or defense reading from a few both sides of course very very eager to find some form of resolution but just when and how this will come remains extremely uncertain indeed his lawyer told r.t. there is no time in it to resolve this situation certainly looks like this one could be set to run and run but you can catch the full interview with julian assange his lawyer but also exclusively on r.t. tomorrow. absolutely now still to come in the program tonight dealing with danger washington loose middle east arm sales with the region now the biggest buyer of
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american weapons which you flooded the nation surrounding syria. talking of which u.n. peace envoy lakhdar brahimi started his syria mission kicking off with talks with egyptian and arab league leaders his predecessor and former u.n. chief kofi annan quit because of divisions at the security council about ending the deadly bloodshed but his mission isn't likely to be any easier syria's largest city aleppo is witnessing escalating fighting as the rebels intensify their attempts to take control the city has also been rocked by a car bomb killed at least thirty civilians and injured forty others a few hours before the jordanian militant leader. linked to al qaeda threatened to launch deadly attacks to oust president assad or for deeper inside the store does not talk to a different chief of the syria tribune dr ali mohammed dr mohammad thanks for being on the line there from dubai kofi annan had huge experience of working in the u.n. he failed to fix the syrian situation now is already started by calling this mission nearly impossible will he be able to make any impact do you think. i'm not
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very optimistic just like what we said regarding and. only if the countries backing their eyeballs and sending them what pins and money stop doing so we can have a peaceful resolution of the crisis if the liberal himi is capable of convincing these countries and they don't do it then yes he has a chance if not then i don't see here is any looking back of what we've seen on the ground these last eighteen months almost every big meeting aimed at bringing peace to syria is followed by intensified violence salubrity means visit to cars but no exceptions i was talking about just now is there a connection actually between the diplomacy and renewed hostilities every time. the syrian people believe their ears from our experience every time there was an important meeting on syria whether in the un security council the arab league or anywhere else there there must be some. violence right before the meeting and there is always the same pattern there is a huge massacre where
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a lot of civilians lose their lives and the syrian army is accused of doing it and i just can't believe that anybody would be ready to believe that the syrian army would give excuses to conventions to attack them so as you see it who benefits from eating of the situation in syria every time it's very clear those who don't want to peaceful resolution are the ones who benefit and at the same time those who want to blame the syrian army and the syrian government for all the atrocities are the ones who benefit. damascus has criticized the french position on the conflict now pointing out that paris supports peace mission on the one hand but then promoting the idea of arming rebels on the other the syrians got a point as you see it are the french are not being logical here who are not only not being logical they are also lying to the public now when you say that you are supporting a liberal his mission to reach a peaceful resolution you should not be supporting sending weapons to militias and
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specially that this militia is well known for being islamic radical militia and for committing atrocities against civilians even the washington post seems to believe that what's happening in syria is quite similar to what has what happened before in afghanistan in the eighty's and yet the french president is determined to send militia weapons and yet he claims that he supports a peaceful resolution he's laying along the way over the last eighteen months the rebels of the more more heavy weapons that are using him against the army how well matched are the two sides now in terms of firepower do you think. there is absolutely no comparison between the two parties the only thing that makes the syrian army his mission more difficult is that the rebels hide between the. among civilians and it's very difficult for the syrian army to educate them without civilians being injured or harmed in many ways but when it comes to military balance there is absolutely no match of the fact they've got heavy weapons now the rebels it's still not making as much impact now as maybe they've not not on the
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syrian army it's making a great impact on civilians yes but not on the syrian army there are numerous reports as well as eyewitness accounts suggesting that fighters even jihad is for many of the countries we've been reporting this along the way involved in the syrian conflict from what you've seen and heard how widespread you think it is quite widespread we have been posting. quite a large amount of evidence that jihadists are there and they are not shy about it. they are there and even the syrian opposition they started to applaud their presence and one of the syrian opposition figures called i mean compared them to give are. trying to give them the legitimacy of us being. international fighters years that are a lot of jihad is and they are not hiding themselves they are there they are saying they are there and everybody knows they are there or i think your thoughts not appreciated dr mohammed and his word chief of the assyrian tribune thank you very
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much and so far the u.s. has limited itself to calling for arming syrian rebels without taking any official action itself it's made no promises though about not selling weapons to neighboring states a recent report to show that the middle east is a frequent favored client of the american arms trade it is going to future can takes a look at where that perilous policy might lead. the world may be terrified of a potential war with iran but for arms producers tensions fear is good business so it is for the united states according to a recent congressional research service report within just one year the u.s. has tripled its arms sales tripled here's how it looks in numbers just around twenty billion dollars in two thousand and ten and over sixty billion dollars in two thousand and eleven so this is six point three billion dollars to be exact according to this report as far as the u.s. share on the global market is almost eighty percent of all worlds arm sales have to
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mention this congressional service research that arrived the numbers from unclassified arms sales reports now who provided the spike in sales that is mostly the persian gulf states half of what the u.s. sold last year went to saudi arabia eighty four advanced and fifteen fighters a variety of ammunition missiles in the just it support dozens of attack helicopters but why this spike looking at the graphics one might thing something is brewing here apparently many experts think the same we spoke with daryl kimball of the arms control association here's what he said we often see conflict emerge after a group of states in a particular region with tensions have bought or built weapons so this does not necessarily ensure security but clearly the insecurities of the region the doubts about maintaining peace between states in that region are driving
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these wealthy countries in the middle east to buy u.s. weapons. there's already a war going on in the region the civil war in syria saudi arabia and other gulf states are actively involved in the war there funneling weapons to the rebels in the strive to bring down all sod iran's longtime ally in the region many experts talk about syria as a stepping stone to iran in a sense the war on iran has already started the spiking arms sales could be a graphic sign of that it's hard to claim that arms sales is the end game for the us although it does profit handsomely from the sales in february nine hundred forty five president roosevelt at a meeting in egypt with little. bin souled the founder of modern saudi arabia pledged to defend the kingdom in exchange for a steady flow of oil up to this day u.s.
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actions in the region have been consistent with that goal the us has armed the gulf states to the teeth turning a blind eye to widespread human rights violations like of democracy terrorists turning a blind eye to a lot of things the question is whether the world is ready for another devastating war in the region i'm going to check on. and still ahead of the program the french fight back against the economic slowdown it socialist president mixes the old in the new in his plan and how to fix the nation's fragile financial plight. a rough start for greece though in its quest for more bailout money with its creditors rejecting about two billion euros worth of planned cuts saying they're not clearly enough to find on top of the others infighting within the government itself over where to make this a big said the root of that were austerity measures that would target low income pensioners and people with disabilities something that not even ardent or sturdy supporters that make up the government could handle nevertheless negotiations
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continue with officials promising to cut elsewhere and satisfy the country's e.u. and i.m.f. creditors and as an artist people all of the reports next the greek people are under no illusion of those cuts will be any more bearable. greek prime minister antonis samaras is into sugar coating his message after these painful cuts. that there is no other way. it would seem that the greek public don't agree with the pm. this weekend saw large demonstrations in the country's major cities and when you look around those cities you can see the effects of the crisis on every corner this was once thessaloniki busiest market now like a ghost town. costus has run this coffee shop since the one nine hundred seventy s. he lays the blame for the current troubles on a political class who are looking out the greek interests if the politicians don't
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care about the people they care more about what germany is than what the greek people need big people on the street and invariably the conversation will turn to talk of tax as pensions and wages have been slashed prices in taxes have soared. of cards from from. and in the same time of increase taxes it's very very difficult to pay some bills for the war and for water from the fall of earth with unemployment at just under twenty five percent and fears that it's just a matter of time before it passes the thirty percent mark people take work where they can find it constantine works in a factory that produces industrial lubricants a university graduate with degrees in nanotechnologies and biology this isn't the work he was trained for that counts i'm self lucky to have it your thought or
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situation is bad but this work allows me to provide for my family and i enjoy it. as unhappy as the vast majority of greeks are with the current situation if the country is to remain in the euro zone an extra eleven point five billion will have to be cut from greece's deficit to make sure it receives e.u. bailout money that means more pain ahead for the greek taxpayer but despite their m. . towards the morrises plans even the harshest critics of the government fear that a return to the drachma would open a pandora's box of fresh financial woes but here is the bottom line is we must stay in the euro no doubt we have to see is as simple as that going back to the old currency would be fetal. these are all the. grease infiltration entrapment dramatic revelations the kind of plot you'd get in a gangster movie is apparently happening for real now in the american state of
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texas seven occupy activists there are facing years in jail for attempting to block a port entrance last year but it's now emerged that undercover cops were not only involved but actually set it up dusting their tracks as they went one of the charge activist ronnie garza told r.t. of his predicament. it seems that it was it was a set up from the beginning because as obscure as this law is for some reason one of the arresting officers knew it was a felony and while we were out there on the road this was this was a arrest they made under a tent they brought out a large red tension covered us before they actually arrested us but before they brought out the ten before i was under the tent i already knew i had a felony charge because the officer in the road telling felony felony to everyone who was out on the road it's more strange that they were so ready and so knowledgeable of this law that the unit judge was unaware when it came to record definitely feeling like they are repressing our free speech. and their and they're
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really just wasting our time our our money and our time going through the court process and it's not it's not fair it's not justified and they're lying about it the whole way through as far as after the fact they're trying to cover their tracks . from what we from what we believe it's simply meant to be a long standing chilling effect in taxes and for occupy to be involved in direct action and other civil disobedience so a region of kosovo shutting down an international supervisory board and that's been heralded as a landmark achievement than a full sovereignty but political analysts alexander public believes is just the tip of the iceberg of foreign involvement. really just to show we're going to go. international clearly and often. that's just a very minor aspect of the euro so called international crisis and there was
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gathered here in my view ninety nine i'm trying to make a warming of you know rules for how to remanding you out of peacekeeping mission. and. actually also on the. core and judges sitting in the green order for arriving others getting into. your aren't. going to create i don't want them lying there sure they're going to be you know really just are waiting to see any. kind of increased pressure on all of the favorite your big in the world which happen right now because we're going to spend. two more europe's troubles no french president francois loans announced his ambitious was planned which he hopes will put the french economy back on track in two years the socialist politician who's battling sliding writings
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introduced the most to steer budget in decades with cuts in public spending and dramatic increases in taxes measures a seventy five percent tax on that any earnings over a million euros let's talk about this with all three engine is better than that was on the life of parricide berry with the friendship economy predicted to start contracts what are the chances of homeland's plan succeeding though. i don't think they're very good and a lot of economists don't think they're very good at it at a time when the economy is shrinking. their talk he left point eight percent growth for two thousand and thirteen with. minimal to all of a sudden thirty billion euros spending in france is an enormous blow but that's just not thirty billion actually it's probably forty or fifty billion when you add in the kind of it's made by. the government or earlier this year so there's a huge slice out of the economy what about the seventy five percent income tax
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what's not going to result and we'll be next to think of this from france now you know that exodus has been going on for several years now. i think it is a low but it's actually only here probably two or three thousand people it's more symbolic than anything else of the attitude of this government interestingly enough one of the strangest and most sensational headlines in a long time i've ever seen in paris was the one today from the rescue on who left this newspaper in paris story of popular paper and it's talking about a very low wealthiest man and france. record it has taken my ass for belgium nationality of those the french nationality which he already has had lines. kate which bastard actually the word is stronger than that but
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we couldn't use a gun on well. ok no it's not a guess and study but look at this that that socialist president of the start of east is not going down that road that he chastised his previous s a full but actually he called for more spending and it looks like you've almost embrace the german. at all which is what he accused start doing. i think instead of bringing growth to. people in the recession hopefully not but it's not a very. right now. so these proposals are just bravado for the cameras an attempt to bump up his flagging ratings when i think what up. i don't think they're going to both but much is really is you have three years and struggle and he had to give the impression that he was going to be as you call him so normal president getting away from the. circle. seated here he wanted to be kind of the
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president reside over a government. security business but while he's talking about your plan and you keep going around to. unemployment is rising and people are getting more and more free or a good over lunch not all those good news we're talking about for example so much of their author and journalist. this is r t from going to the business just a little after twenty three minutes past eight at night a touches that. russia's independent gas producers of depression well kevin they're facing a pretty serious threat you know gazprom has decided to stop buying from independent gas producers i'll tell you why in just a minute but first let's see what's going on the equity markets and we'll start with wall street where trade is active at this hour and as you can see it's actually trading mixed the dow is want to positive the nasdaq is shedding value investors and mostly on the sidelines waiting for two key events that we saw
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a similar picture over in europe where stocks ended up closing pulled the line in the last hour of trade they slipped into a red and those two events that i mentioned they are germany's constitutional court decision on. gallery of the euro zone's parliament to the rescue fund known as the european stability mechanism and also the thursday's meeting of the u.s. fed reserve where everybody is expecting more stimulating the mashers now onto the currency markets the euro is a lower two that all. as sour and the russian ruble ended up closing the trading session higher to the currency basket as you can see there crude one of the main factors supporting the russian market was trading higher move of the day this hour it's mixed as you can see there is shedding value brant is staying in the positive
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territory here in russia they equities ended monday's session above the line up around a quarter percent each independent produce certain overtax was under pressure though on the news that gazprom will stop buying gallons from independent producers luke will reportedly manage to convince the gas monopoly to author of the gallons purchasing contract between the two companies but according to vettel misty daly will stop buying from other independents to support its own production the light of falling demand but independent firms will still be able to use gallons prom's pipelines and sell gallons to its subsidiaries. the international business elite were all in the blood of a socal over the weekend for the asia pacific economic cooperation summit and a became clear pretty early on that russia's focused is now on the east rather
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than the west when it comes to deals dimitri medvedev and co wraps up the business side of the event. summit here and talk symbolizes the wind of change not just for russia but for the global economy to avoid yet another crisis new killers of growth are needed and they need it quickly china's outgoing president hu jintao says he's very much concerned with notable downside risks to a slowing economy this is coupled with the fact the e.u. is still in a deep debt crisis over russia's naturally turning to asia boosting trade in the pacific rim to twenty one percent overall but the e.u. remains its main trade partner accounting for fifty one percent so present wants to carry much of loyd trade was with the e.u. concerned with the recent investigation into gas dominance in eastern europe and. i think the main reason for this investigation is the difficult economic situation in the euro zone are mainly talking about eastern european countries and the problem
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is that back in the days when they joined the european union the e.u. took liabilities to subsidize those economies but apparently someone in the european commission decided that we must assume part of this burden i mean that europe wants to maintain its political influence and things that we should pay a little to assist this but that is not a constructive approach. for russia the apec summit is not so much about the business deals it's about building bridges. on the sidelines of the forum president vladimir putin held negotiations with new zealand them to form free trade zones and although it may sound surprising as they're not exactly the most significant trade partners from moscow china has also done the same thing because it sets a precedent for the deals and now is the right time because russia is a fresh member pledges to boost transparency tariffs and fight protectionism. and that's all the latest from the business desk or back about fifteen minutes the
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fold so thanks for not a few minutes to look at what role developing nations are taking the world these days with an exclusive interview with the leader of one of those countries we'll hear from the mexican president in a few moments the big names the big newsmakers talk. i mean so the only city in europe the host of the twenty fourteen winter the figure
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. thank you. thank you the. dog days are. good days it. it's so true.


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