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tv   [untitled]    September 10, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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tonight about the man planning julian assange just legal break from the ecuadorian embassy in london speaks out about the whistleblowers plays exclusively to our. new u.n. peace envoy begins the syria mission which is pretty sesa kofi annan failed to finish with a fresh fighting and terrorist activity. red handed texas police infiltrate the occupy movement charging activists who have skewed crimes undercover offices set up from the start to report on that tonight. and austerity meets morality greek lawmakers bold cuts for the disabled and low income pensioners from foreign creditors rejecting a plan savings just today. hello
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temp here monday night here in moscow this is r.t. i'm kevin first he's pursued dictators shut down drug trafficking cartels and even exposed entire terror cells and now he's representing julian assange is renowned lawyer both has been speaking to r.t. about where the whistleblowers future might take him next sarah firth shares with us what some of her water son had to say. he reveals a little bit about this ongoing battle for justice that in a science of course the wiki leaks founder remains holed up in the ecuadorian embassy here in london in knightsbridge and no real end in sight at the moment for this. standoff. remains very very firm that word julian assange is to be extradited that would put his human rights
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a very real risk at the same time the u.k. has said they're not going to grant. free passage and that if he sets foot outside the ecuadorian embassy he could be arrested for breaching his bail conditions so just where does that leave him well in the interview with r.t. both those are garceau on a silence his lawyer said that they're going to continue to fight what he termed a terrible injustice and i'm glad. it's clear that to julian assange has political asylum because he was facing terrible injustice and exercised his fundamental right and we think that this wrong to needs to be defended. we consider it prevalent and legal solution is possible that if both the u.k. and ecuador go to the international court of justice ruling that bound to obey now remember kid innocence is never being charged he's wanted for questioning in sweden over rape and sexual assault allegations that one of the biggest criticisms leveled
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at did in a song is that his bid for asylum in ecuador granting him asylum is very much just trying to have a justice now his lawyer tells us that he's more than ready to go there he is more than ready to face the questioning as long as he's being given a guarantee that once he is in sweden that he'd face the decision to the u.s. and they have never received those guarantees you saw julian assange has told swedish prosecutors that he's ready to cooperate and ready to be questioned to submit himself to the procedures but only if he's guaranteed that it would not lead to a more complicated case in which is rights to freedom of speech and information. be violated now as we said julian assange and his legal team have always maintained that there is a very real fear here that where he'd be extradited to sweden so that he could face a further extradition to the u.s. where some of the quine's that he could potentially be accused of espionage for his work with wiki leaks that carries the death penalty in the u.s.
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very serious concerns that his lawyer makes in the interview you know i do not think mr assange is a spy all he did was exercise his right to freedom of information he received and shared it but much more surprised that there's been no investigation into the glaring crimes documented in those leaked reports featuring u.s. interference with issues that have absolutely no relation to either national security or the safety of american citizens or different from a few both sides of course very very eager to find some form of resolution but just when and how this will come remains extremely uncertain indeed his lawyer told r.t. there is no time in it to resolve this situation the search looks like this one could be set to run and run but you can catch the full interview with julian assange his lawyer but also exclusively on r.t. tomorrow. you can indeed u.n. peace envoy lakhdar brahimi has started his syria mission kicking off with the talks with gyptian and arab league leaders his predecessor and former u.n.
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chief kofi annan quit because of this is that the security council about ending the daily bloodshed mission is likely to be any easier syria's largest city aleppo is witnessing escalating fighting as the rebels intensify their attempts to take control the outre chief of the syria tribune dr ali mohamed told me there's often a connection between diplomatic events and a spike in violence. only if the country is. sending them what things and money stop doing so we can have a peaceful resolution of the crisis. going to bring me a skipper. well of convincing these countries and i doubt it then yes he has a chance if not then i don't see he has any from our experience every time there was any important meeting on syria whether in the un security council the arab league or anywhere else there there must be some. violence right before the meeting and there is always the same pattern there is a huge massacre where
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a lot of civilians lose their lives and the syrian army is accused of doing it it's very clear those who don't want a peaceful resolution are the ones who benefit and at the same time those who want to blame the syrian army and the syrian government for all the atrocities are the ones who benefit the only thing that makes the syrian army mission more difficult is that the rebels hide between among civilians and it's very difficult for the syrian army to eradicate them without civilians being injured or harmed in many ways. aleppo's been rocked by a car bomb has killed at least thirty civilians and injured forty others a few hours before the blast a jordanian militant leader was linked to al qaeda threatened to launch deadly attacks to oust president assad and work off from the syrian social club expert group told us he thinks the country's become fertile ground for terrorists. it has turned into a more regional wider conflict krapp's even some sort of an international war on syrian soil. i personally. witnessed first.
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demonstration on the seventh may because of eleven. muslim extremists outside syria embassy in london shouting very clearly islam only and that doesn't need any explanation does it so it is not surprising what we see hearing that there are jihadists who are coming into syria because the western powers have a long time seen this conflict as the same model the same you know if you bring point just like this with afghanistan three decades ago. the problem we're having basically is that the took so long to acknowledge that you have at least. you know element after i think it was too late still have the program the french fight back against the economic slowdown it's socialist president mixes the old and new with his plan to fix the nation's fragile financial plight the report. but our next
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story infiltration entrapment and dramatic revelations the kind of plot you'd get in a gangster movie is apparently happening for real in the american state of texas seven occupy activists there are facing years in jail not because they attend to the block or port entrance but because they were wearing makeshift handcuffs now it's emerged that undercover police were involved in actually settle what up constructing in supplying the two the seven occupiers and i've been charged under an antiquated law designed to shut down pornographic theaters stay with me here one of the charge not to disclose explains the strange charges. years ago obscenity charges it was a movie called deep throat that was being shown a lot in texas and dallas and houston and they kept arresting and charging the people with misdemeanor obscenity and they finally charged them with. possessing a criminal instrument a movie projector obviously in this case the police officers were the only one i want involved in the incipient behavior that the that the statute is supposed to
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apply to. they're the ones that purchased the materials designed the things manufactured them supplied and delivered them to the kids so. infiltrating dangerous groups certainly you would want the police to indulge in that but when they start provoking not dangerous groups like the occupy people provoking them and to doing something that will marginalize them incriminate them and to chill their activity and it's always been there it's always been a part of. waging wars and and snuffing out dissent. great gladness cliental one of the defendants in the case ronnie goes and spoke to a t. as well he says the belief that he is that it was a set up from the stuff one intended to send the occupiers a message. it seems that it was it was a set up from the beginning because as obscure as this law is for some reason one
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of the arresting officers knew it was a felony and while we were out there on the road this was this was a arrest they made under a tent they brought out of our great tension covered us before they actually arrested us but before they brought out the ten before the tent i already knew i had a felony charge because the officer in the road telling felony felony to everyone who was out on the road it's more strange that they were so ready and so knowledgeable of this law that the judge was unaware when it came to our court definitely feeling like they are repressing our free speech. and they're really just wasting our time our our money and our time going through the process and it's not it's not fair it's not justified and they're lying about it the whole way through as far as after the fact they're trying to cover their tracks. from what we from what we believe it's simply meant to be a long standing chilling effect in taxes and for occupy to be involved with direct
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action and other civil disobedience. the palestinian ministration seen its biggest public protests in his history demonstrate just smashed windows and clashed with police rally against rising living costs in the west bank for expert analysis of the story let's cross now to political analysis. in jerusalem thanks for being with us tonight protesters accuse the authorities say that the tide because they don't have the cash off the u.s. now countries failed to deliver probably state money knows the government there full the people the protests and should be so angry with. well people are angry because of course of the economy crisis and the better center tree the whole world has suffered of the economic crisis over the past couple of years but in the better syrian territories it had this crisis has been aggravating month after month year after year and in fact even the best businessmen on earth cannot go into prosperity as far as their business is concerned when the
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environment on the atmosphere does not allow for this investment to work and if we look at the best you know authority basically yes that is and get against president abbas against the prime minister fayyad against the overall authority not precisely because of the crisis itself but because of the in in action on more than one level on the level of negotiations with israel nothing is happening there is frustration among the palestinians on the level of a consolation with how much nothing is happening because there is also an impasse on that front and nothing is moving on and with this kind of impasse on the policy entities and with the prices going up skyrocketing day after day i mean if you allow me just one minute and a little let the numbers and figures speak for themselves if we take for example the g.d.p. of in the united states per year is forty seven thousand u.s. dollars in the palestinian territories it's only two thousand eight hundred dollars but the price of the fuel in the palestinian territory just to be correct i mean
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have the northeast is eight point eight billion dollars while in the u.s. it's three point fifty nine it's almost one third of the price this explains how difficult it is for the palestinians when they don't have an income if you look at the trade balance between the personal fight against israel the palestinians buy from israel and the value of five billion dollars a year of products and services what do they sell to the israelis is and buys from the palestinians products of no more than fifty million dollars a year look at this big gap in the balance of business and trade balance and this also explains. the problem in the old days there were palestinians who used to work in his or they used to make money and living and go back and send the money back home and build houses with it in the west bank what in god's us to put in east jerusalem today that a senior workers are not allowed in israel and they are allowed only very few thousands of them out allowed then and there is no way to move on on the economic speed of the president to treat as long as there is
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a political impasse in the eyes of lawyers should the international community their full be doing more to help and let's face it gaza the west bank's permanent state of humanitarian crisis you're talking about the impasse there should the we'll be doing more to help. what of course the international community can do is look the problem up to this moment is that the international community has been. as dean has been playing the role of the pay if they bay the money to the fettucine in africa they try to sustain for as long as they can despite a scene in authority but they have to begin to the literal and that is to move from the papers to the players they have to play an active role in terms of bringing both the palestinians and israel into the negotiations table the terms of reference are clear for everybody every one wherever you go in the whole universe admits that the two state solution is the the best solution for the out of israeli conflict we all know it israel is know it everybody knows it that you state solution the problem is there is a problem
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a leadership problem in israel the leadership today is not ready to move even one step forward on one hand they're not negotiating with the palestinians on the other hand that they're going on the rampage of the settlement activities and that if you look at the palestinian and the average palestinian in the street they see their land is taken over by the israelis they see that they are not allowed to do work or harvest their lands because they are in areas see that are totally controlled by israel so what kind of person he can we expect any palestinian authority that that has it sounds tied up before behind its back and cannot do that much anyway and not even to mention the fact that the palestinian authority and of the law is pays forty eight percent of its public budget for salaries in gaza this amount of money it's almost half of the budget of the palace you know for the ghost of gaza whether revenues from gaza are not more than two to four percent because all of the money goes into it into hamas government the palestinian authority doesn't get even any any kind of tax revenues from when it comes to goods that go into israel. for to
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not only pay senators of palestinians in gaza but it also pays for the electricity for the for other public services what can you expect more from the palestinian authority bring me the best magician on the to take over from someone for your prison i guess when they do it they kind of do it because the overall atmosphere around is not as not conducive at all for profit economy perspective thanks for making a position clear in a finishing us for us facts and figures there lies an airline from jerusalem preaching to. a rough start for greece in its quest for more bailout money with its creditors rejecting about two billion euros worth of planned cuts saying they're not clearly defined enough want top of that there's infighting to within the government itself where to make savings at the root of all the measures that would target low income pensioners with people with disabilities as well something with not even the ardent austerity supporters that make up the government will handle
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nonetheless negotiations continue with officials promising to cut elsewhere and satisfy the country's e.u. and i.m.f. creditors and as artie's peter all of the reports the greek people have no illusion that those cuts will be any more bearable either. the greek prime minister antonio . sugarcoating his message after these painful cuts. there is no other way. it would seem that the greek public don't agree with the pm . this weekend saw large demonstrations in the country's major cities and when you look around those cities you can see the effects of the crisis on every corner this was once the busiest market now like a ghost town. costus has run this coffee shop since the one nine hundred seventy s. he lays the blame for the current troubles on a political class who are looking out the greek interests if the politicians don't
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care about the people they care more about what germany's done what the greek people need think the people on the street and invariably the conversation will turn to talk of tax as pensions and wages have been slashed prices and taxes have soared when the cuts from from. and in the same time of increased taxes it's very very difficult to pay some bills for the. water from the photo with unemployment at just under twenty five percent and fee is that it's just a matter of time before it passes the thirty percent mark people take where they can find it constantine works in a factory that produces industrial lubricants a university graduate with degrees in nano technologies and biology this isn't the work he was trained for that counts himself lucky to have it. to share situation is
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bad but this work allows me to provide for my family and i enjoy. as unhappy as the vast majority of greeks are with the current situation if the country is to remain in the euro zone an extra eleven point five billion will have to be cut from greece's deficit to make sure it receives e.u. bailout money that means more pain ahead for the greek taxpayer but despite their m. . his plans even the critics of the government fear that it would tend to the drachma would open a pandora's box of fresh financial woes but that he. got a book on line is a must see in the euro no doubt we'll have to see is a simple as that going back to the old currency would be futile. these are all of the party saloniki greece will stay on the story but skipping countries no french president francois loans and i'm so that his. plans are on the way which he hopes will put the french economy back on track within two years the socialist politician
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is battling sliding ratings introduce the. budget in decades to cut some public spending and also dramatic hikes in taxes indeed among the measures a seventy five percent tax on anyone and over a million euros i spoke to author and journalist barry lando he thinks it's going down the wrong road. is in trouble and he. was going to be as normal president getting away from the super activism. because he wanted to be kind of a president reside over a government. that's the only business but while he's talking about that part of the going down the tubes unemployment is rising and we are getting more and more happy at the time when the economy is shrinking. they're talking point eight percent growth or thirty thousand and thirteen. minimal to cut
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thirty billion euros from spending in france is an enormous war but that's just not thirty billion actually it's probably forty or fifty billion when you add in the kind of things that are made by start. earlier this year so it's a huge slice out of the economy and i think instead of bringing growth to. people in the recession hopefully not it's not a very great right now. the u.s. has formally transferred control of baghdad prison to afghan authorities the facility holds more than three thousand taliban insurgents and suspected terrorists however the fate of many inmates remains unclear including fifty four of those not covered by the agreement let's discuss this with current former u.s. air force colonel she's now an activist and commentator on military issues thanks for being with us karen good to see you tonight it despite this much form to hand over u.s. contingent remains in bagram and still got control over all those detained there
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even the people held since the handover so watch of this point and go of this place anyway is it i know no it's not and this is our our second guantanamo i mean we we use this facility for for you know for our national purposes and i think the intent is to continue to be able to have that. what about non afghan prisoners the u.s. also keeps custody of them to ones that well i guess the american people are paying a lot of attention to what goes on in afghanistan guantanamo however being closer does get more attention so what we've been doing is relieving ourselves of these foreign prisoners in guantanamo slowly there's still over one hundred there i think but we lead ourselves of those in guantanamo and using background as the alternative so it is a very useful facility i think for the people in washington that are making this policy that the u.s.
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has been trying to hand over law enforcement to local authorities for some time now but meantime there are also always been fresh reports of violence defections why would they even just formally pass on control of a crucial prison in such a time like this. i think the pressure is on to do that and i also think the writing in many ways on the war with afghanistan we've. you know it's been over ten years and it's not going very well the american people are not interested in hearing about it we're not interested in funding it i think the status quo in the fading from the american. you know awareness of what goes on in afghanistan makes it possible for us to just say you know whatever if some of those folks that we give back to the afghans turned out you know released well we'll deal with it through a good thoughts one on the money but the bigger picture let's not talk about those so-called reports of plan c. reports surfacing in the u.k. of a plan to maybe divide afghanistan into
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a kingdom some of which could be ruled by the taliban officials are denying this is going to be enacted but why would they even think of such a division in the first place and could that ever work. well actually you know if you think about a plan a being your first tourist plan b. your second choice and plan c. being your third choice plan c. at least as it's been described as kind of a decentralized federation loosely loosely controlled if they controlled it all this is actually how afghanistan works today this is how it works under occupation . karzai is his power is very limited his reach is control extremely limited he's propped up still to this day since his coronation eleven years ago he's been propped up by the u.s. military and by the coalition forces so what plan c. looks to be i know they're denying it but what it looks to be is the actual reality in afghanistan on the ground today so plan c.
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actually seems like that's how it is and if they can make that work and we can get our troops so then why not it's not radical and it's not really it shouldn't give anybody any offense because it's actually how it's working today folks who thought current protests could form a u.s. air force lieutenant colonel activist a military commentator. to have been exposed to the mosco tono let's show up with a touch of the prisoners this kind of evening to go and i know you have. now we're talking about russians and the pentagon's produces the pressure tell us why that is that well that's because the country's gas monopoly gazprom has decided to stop buying from independent producers we'll have more on that in just a moment but first let's check out the equity markets and we'll go to wall street first where trade is pretty active this hour and it has actually flipped and read over the hour with the dow managing to stay above the line just until
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very recently investors are mostly on the sidelines just as they were over in europe let's see the european closing down. here they are as you can see was also in the red traders awaiting for key events that will help down here their strategy going forward first song wednesday's germany's constitutional poor old rule on the legality of the euro zone's permanent rescue fund known as the european stability mechanism and on thursday of course everybody's waiting for the u.s. federal reserve meeting investors are expecting more easing otherwise known as money printing onto the currencies now the euro is a trading lower to the dollar and the russian ruble and its trading sessions higher to the currency basket crude one of the main factors for the russian activities was trading mostly higher through the day but this hour is mixed the devil u.t.i.
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is a shining value brands in the positive territory here in russia equities and in monday's session above the line up around a third of a percent each and independent gas producer would tap was under pressure on the news that gazprom will stop buying gallons from independent producers who are reportedly managed to convince the gas monopoly to alter the gas purchasing contract between the two companies as for the rest that are misty daily reports that now gals for all will stop buying from the independents to support its own production in light of falling demand however independent firms will still be able to use gas pumps pipelines and to sell gallons to its subsidiaries and that's all we have time for in the situation of business so i'll see you back here in fifty eight ok so to touch on a few minutes we explore what role developing nations are taking in the world these days with the exclusive interview with the leader of one of those countries we hear
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from the mexican president of our top stories now in the. two minutes time from now . it is easy.
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to. see.


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