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tv   [untitled]    September 10, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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today on our t.v. experiencing problems with the internet today well you are certainly not alone a popular hosting site go daddy has been attacked and a member of the hacktivist group anonymous is taking credit our cyber grew will bring us the latest. and fighting crime one picture at a time the f.b.i. rolls out a new one billion dollar facial recognition system ahead a look at the next generation identification and what it means for your privacy. plus the president obama promised to come down hard on the banks for the housing loans that led to the two thousand and eight financial crisis but the statute of limitations is almost up and the people responsible have yet to be held accountable i had our chance of these men and women will walk away scot free.
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it is monday september tenth five pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for zero and you were watching our team once again with a story that has been developing just over the last few hours the largest a main server on the internet go daddy dot com was taken down today shutting down thousands of potentially millions of web sites now the twitter user anonymous old three are wrote the attack is not coming from anonymous collective the attack is coming only from me and went on to say that the action is being carried out to test how the cyber security is safe and for more reasons that i cannot talk now well we want to talk about it now with our two web producer andrew blake an engineer i know there's a whole lot of things that we really don't know at this point really don't know of
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next to nothing but we can we can do we can speculate that we have all you know your question so we don't speculate because we actually know you know something's real a couple hours ago go to disappear the web so what awful. bunch of the web sites that are hosted your go daddy the largest domain registrar on the internet they have something like eight million different user accounts on a bunch of their sites but their e-mails just disappeared and actually go daddy's come out maybe two or three times in the last few hours just to say hey we're working on it hold tight they haven't actually gone on the record to say what happened the only person who is taking credit is this one person this anonymous we have to bring you up to date on your leet speak that's anonymous owner there are those three that's a three yeah it's an x. about was a yeah those nerds that's how they get away we have this one person who's taking credit for it did they do it we don't know they're saying they are we can believe them it's really you have to really tough when we talk about it not as if you don't
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know anything you have no idea we don't know identities you know pictures we don't know locations i mean i'm sure that this is kind enough attention from all around the world in the last few hours that the feds are already on the way to whoever has this account set up so we don't know if this person actually did do it but it is possible and there could be reasons behind it there are very good ones too last year if you remember the stop online piracy act or soap it was a big deal and that almost passed the house in the senate and it almost got sign a law and had so passed the internet as you know would be completely different right now so originally go down and keep in mind there are millions upon millions upon millions of users and some of these users are just average people who maybe launch their business or you know use it for their business very small business is why you run out of their home yeah and they're all screwed right now but you get to that last year go to anyone out there and they said ok well we support so well you know why not it's going to be good and. people didn't really like that when they said that so if you remember there was a big blackout on reddit and i would be going to go daddy it kind of took them
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a little bit longer to change their stance but in the meantime they lost several thousand of their users. people orchestrated there's a switch over. and just said goodbye to go daddy your go daddy actually had to come out and say all right guys we changed our mind we agree with some simple but no we're going to say that were anti so but it was too late and it cost them in the book a lot of accounts so you know we have this anonymous owner guy who's saying he took credit for it and he's trying to test out the cyber security which kind of brings us up to something that's happening just the last couple of days on friday it was reported that the white house is drafting executive order that they might have to put out there if the senate and congress can't come to terms with the new cybersecurity legislation we know there's a thing called cispa that was up for a few months ago in the senate the house over haven't been able to actually agree a concise cybersecurity legislation we see similar pieces of legislation being passed or at least taken up in other countries things well in things like when it
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was first being brought up a few months ago people were saying oh this is just so pull back from the dead now we don't know if go daddy supports this but in fact they really haven't said anything there's one statement if you dig up online a few months back someone from go to you says we don't know where we are or unsure so we do know that the white house however is planning on launching their own kind of service through legislation that was not supposed to happen while the news broke on friday the white house could do it whenever and if we know anything about president obama's executive orders are probably signed in the middle of the night and no one will know until it's too late so we're connecting some dots here of course the fact that go daddy at one time supported. did go back on that decision but it took a while but the point is there's reason to believe that people don't like go daddy for the genetics yes yeah. well let's talk a little bit about anonymous because you know this anonymous owner not only three are. learning you know is apparently a member of anonymous but but when we talk and i want to talk more broadly about
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this because this could happen in the future random you know so-called members of anonymous could start launching attacks on websites of their choices that the rest of the. active doesn't agree with i mean what how does this work in the future with anonymous adorno i mean it's worked it's worked so far maybe not to the successful degree that you would hope for but anonymous has been out there you know sense at least two thousand and eight and you know carried out a bunch of operations not everyone who participates on the or brillo griese with their exact motives in the reasons and what they've done but it's happened before there was actually case a few years ago where someone took credit for the big blockade and attack i'm sorry when the pay pal blocked distributions to excel when actually took credit for that lied had nothing to do with it and they were arrested and thrown in jail and eventually the feds realized oh that's not the right person yeah so it's interesting because there's not you know a democratic system here in which anonymous takes votes on i'm going to. be clear
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this isn't we don't know this was a anonymous operation anonymous being a collective group we know that someone claiming to be a member of anonymous is taking credit and hopefully with the next few hours either this person or go daddy will come out with the legitimate scene in explain what the hell happened because we right now we things could've been a d.d. o. s. attack will injection javascript injection deserve you to denial of service attack and you know what you're learning so quickly wow i'm getting it so that's i mean that's when i kind of understood happened here but we still don't know if something happened. the dns servers at go daddy went down how that happened if someone orchestrate a bunch of bot nets to attack them if someone is just really really really smart or maybe someone joked on line they were so used to it over and he said that cable ready and i should mention you know just a few hours ago i went over to your desk to find out more about this but you are very very busy working on this so we appreciate all the work that you're doing on this and give us an update when there i make the big bucks yes well of course of
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course r.c. when producer angie glick it's always fun to have you on thanks christine. all right well we have been telling you for months now about the f.b.i. plans to roll out its next generation identification program that facial recognition project that will make its fingerprint database seem like a prehistoric relic of a system uses existing mug shots and matches them with faces in crowd shots also uses social networking sites and what's going to happen is an entirely new database of images will be created according to the f.b.i. the reason for this is to help find criminals and terrorists well now it's official the program has been tested in michigan has been given the green light in pilot runs in places like florida and north carolina two states which by the way just hosted major political conventions and also here in washington d.c. all right but this is what you need to know by two thousand and fourteen right around the corner this program will be nationwide so i want to talk more about this with cade crockford privacy rights corridor for the american civil liberties can
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union ok let's talk about this project a one billion dollars project designed by lockheed martin transportation security solutions how big of a deal is this. that's an incredibly big deal one of the major reasons that it's so troubling is like so many other technology programs that the federal government has rolled out recently there has been very little if any public input or conversation with the american people about whether or not this is something that we should do and that sort of secrecy has extended all the way to congress to the to the extent that you know congress hasn't authorized affirmatively. you know for the f.b.i. to engage in a you know what amounts to essentially information gathering and potentially everybody in the country because it's crucial to know and i have to just tell everybody who is watching that the foremost expert in the privacy
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community on these issues is jennifer lynch of the electronic final frontier foundation and she put together a really excellent report a couple of months ago that i'm using a lot because she you know she did a really deep dive into the eyes next generation identification database but what she says is that you know. the f.b.i. is not simply going to be taking information from it's criminal databases which is to say people who are arrested their fingerprints potentially their iris scans also their mug shots which will be can be converted to these face print images that can be run through fish recognition but dan is also going to be entered into the state of is from civil license applicants so that those are and already the f.b.i. contains the fingerprints of thirty three million people who have simply applied for civil licenses now that that's just one piece of the non-criminal data that will be in the system another piece will be any federal employee who's ever gotten
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a background check so this is you know potentially millions of people who have never even been accused of any crime let. the many tens of millions of people who have been arrested for crimes without having been convicted of any crime and as you say you know one of the major problems with the f.b.i. is next generation identification is that they're aiming to use this bio metric and just for listeners who aren't for your viewers who aren't aware what the term means biometric simply means an identifier that's unique to an individual so our iris our irises their biometrics actually our palm prints our voices things sort of as bizarre as our parents our biometric also our vascular systems like the pattern of beans in our hands our gate our odor so they're you know and the f.b.i. and federal government and the military are looking into developing mechanisms
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whereby they can measure you know identify and then use all of these biometric identification identifiers to find out who people are from the department of justice once you know we are from up to a thousand meters away that's over how yeah i'll it sounds like it's straight out of a science fiction movie it's very strange i think you raise an important points one of which is there has been very little discussion at least you know publicly we haven't seen this discussed in congress there's a you know a few people who have spoken out sort of ask questions about this i think senator al franken is one of them a very few people have said hey you know before we implement this let's actually discuss it and vote on it and it is interesting because if for those people who use facebook you see sort of the bare bones start of this technology in the fact that if you post pictures you know this technology knows or suggests they know who is in the pictures and at least in my experience the majority of the time there right now
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we should say you know if you want to know more about this you can go on the f.b.i. web site there is some information on that website but i want to point out with you kate what we don't know. what's not on the web site questions like exactly which facial recognition software is being used where the information is going how it is being used federal and agencies and says this is just a high tech way to catch criminals but privacy advocates say you know the surveillance state is here what's your take. right you know my view of all of this stuff and this is not limited by metrics it's you know it's it extends to any of the you know department of homeland security even military or department of state information gathering schemes is that increasingly in the united states information is being collected about people who are accused of no crime people who haven't even been arrested let alone you know the government doesn't even have any
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reason to believe that we're involved in any criminal activity and nonetheless you know effectively are being compiled in hundreds of millions of people in this country and you know that the biometrics piece is simply one aspect of that that information gathering steam and it's really important to see the biometrics piece as merely one part of that system because the real danger and jennifer lynch is right to point is that her excellent report which i encourage everyone to read the real danger of these biometric systems is not simply the data that will identify me but but the integration of technologies that will enable the f.b.i. for example to use by an ocular on a street corner to have nation built into them to identify me against its face recognition database in the n.g.i. system and then simultaneously pull up
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a record you know perhaps from the local fusion center or the f.b.i. zone files of every place i've ever lived you know my associates yeah i think it's an important point because we're not just talking about the f.b.i. all of a sudden we're talking about local and state and federal law enforcement and it's becoming much more linked to all this information you know how it's being shared to and in what ways that i should mention you know i was just in tampa for the republican national convention we also had a crew in charlotte the security in both of those place. is huge and as far as today police in tampa say you know they've switched off the security cameras use during the r n c but next week the city council there will likely vote to keep those cameras up we're talking about on light poles traffic post buildings in charlotte apparently there's five hundred cameras just i guess last question for you is talk a little bit about you know every time a city has an event even you know a sports a sporting event a baseball game a football game these cameras are more and more prominent and talk about the fact
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that that will have on us as a society that's right you know here in boston we hosted the d.n.c. in two thousand and four we got a lot of money for surveillance cameras and you know the boston police department made a whole host of connections with federal law enforcement none of that is going away so the sort of security state that was imposed on the city in two thousand and four still remains we had the first random. bag checks in two thousand and four we still have them eight years later so you're right you know finally i would just like to say that the real issue that this biometrics problem raises is the question of whether we will be able to read routine any and the nudity and public going forward and what needs to have been is that congress really needs to grapple with this issue because again like every time i come on the show i see the same thing essentially which is that congress needs to bring to the bill of rights into the digital age this is yet another example of a place where and look i mean we have
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a right to anonymous speech under the constitution but we cannot speak and honestly if we cannot be anonymous i think it's an important point and we do still hear from people you know if i'm not doing anything wrong i shouldn't care but i think you raise the good point that it's a matter of the society that we live in and the way things are changing without our consent crockford privacy rights corner for the a.c.l.u. joining us from boston thanks so much thank you. so how do your on an r.t.a. of the big banks and their shady home loans help to bring down the global economy the white house and congress promised to get tough on those who are responsible now it appears those bankers are too big to jail that story in a moment. here
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is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call
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a donor. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about you sir are a fool you know what that is my other terrorist cells in your neighborhood all want to give us a defeat terrorism be a liberal christian. confusedly to the. you know the corporate media distracts us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm not me martin and we're going to break this that. decline of american power continues. are things in our country so bad that might actually be time for a revolution. and it turns out that
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a popular drink of starbucks says it's surprising him greedy or more of. well we are less than two months away from election day and as we get closer one of the things a lot of journalists are doing is taking a look both at mitt romney and president obama president obama's record of course made up of promises made promises broken and some promises that seem to be forgotten one of those promises was a full criminal investigation into big banks on wall street for the role many of them played in the economic collapse and more specifically in the widespread subprime mortgage crisis that contributed to millions of foreclosures and an economy that four years later is still on shaky ground in his state of the union address this year president obama announced the creation of a mortgage fraud task force
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a group that would hold those responsible accountable and in february there was a settlement between the government and some of those big banks and the president once again mentioned this crime fighting group headed up by new york attorney general eric schneiderman and what that group would be doing this settlement also protects our ability to further investigate the practices that caused this mess and this is important the mortgage fraud task force i announced in my state of the union address retains its full authority to aggressively investigate the packaging and selling of risky mortgages that led to this crisis well talk about how aggressive this investigation has actually been with william black associate economics professor at the university of missouri of kansas city school of law hey there. give me a little bit of background as i know that you have kind of worked in this field before how do these investigations work is it normal for it to take as long as it's taking several months to even you know get an office or launch a website not to mention actually investigate these crimes. no i mean what was the
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norm before was during the savings and loan crisis which is one seven the a as large in terms of both losses and fraud as this crisis and that crisis we've got over a thousand felony convictions just in cases designated as major by the federal government and that understates the degree of prior to say should because we created the top one hundred list of roughly the worst six hundred frauds and virtually all of them were prosecuted we had a ninety percent conviction rate to do that our agency the regular banking regulatory agency the office of thrift supervision made over thirty thousand criminal referrals flash forward to this crisis same agency office of thrift supervision makes zero criminal referral less that doesn't respect if you said
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thirty thousand criminal referrals this particular the mortgage crisis has fifty five people working on it whereas when you when you were working there were a thousand people working on it. we can even look at you know the roger clemens doping scandal there were ninety three investigators so talk a little bit about the timing and the number of these investigators and what it says about the government's priorities here ok first you're correct that in the savings and loan debacle at peak there were a thousand f.b.i. agents there only about twenty five hundred f.b.i. agents who do white collar crime at all so a huge percentage of the total agents work the savings and loan debacle to get that a thousand felony convictions in the current crisis as recently as to school year two thousand and seven there were only one hundred and twenty f.b.i. agents assigned nationwide they were in little groups of two and three in regional
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offices and they didn't in. yes to gate anything major they didn't look at any of the major institutions so you're saying the number of f.b.i. agents even assigned to the white collar crimes this these days and you know in the current day has dropped has been cut exponentially why is that. well the first thing that happened was the nine eleven attacks and they transferred all kinds of f.b.i. agents to national security they found that the f.b.i. couldn't infiltrate al qaeda but it could follow the money and the experts in following the money are the white collar folks so they took five hundred of the best f.b.i. agents to do white collar and transfer them to national security the next thing that happened of course. just a month later was enron and so when the famous f.b.i. warning came in september two thousand and four note how early that was two thousand and four warned that there was an epidemic of mortgage fraud and warned
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that it would cause a financial crisis if it were not contained well what happened is the f.b.i. agents that were assigned to white collar and not transferred to national security were overwhelmingly working on the enron cases so there was really no one there by two thousand and six. you talked about this being a sub prime crisis it's overwhelmingly a liar loans crisis liar's loans are when you don't verify the borrower's income for example and the studies show that ninety percent of liar's loans were fraudulent and the studies show that this was overwhelmingly lenders and their agents who put the fraud in the liar's loans despite the f.b.i. warnings the industry massively increased the number of liar's loans it increased
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it by over five hundred percent between two thousand and three and two thousand and six by two thousand and six roughly forty percent of all mortgage loans made in the united states were liar's loans wow that means over two million fraudulent loans per. a year being made by the lenders with one hundred and twenty agents to look after it i want to play. something that elizabeth warren said last week at the democratic national convention warren of course the democratic candidate for senate in massachusetts and formerly headed up the consumer financial protection bureau take a listen i'm here tonight to talk about hardworking people people who get up early stay up late cook dinner and help out with homework people who can be counted on to help their kids their parents their neighbors and the lady down the
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street whose car broke down people who work their hearts out but are up against a hard truth the game is rigged against them let's talk about that hard truth i mean here's a lizabeth war in a major face in national politics these days. putting this on the table like idea why aren't more people saying this well we have both major parties trying to downplay the role of fraud in finance because finance is the leading source of financing for both of the parties they provide massive campaign contributions and as a result nothing seriously has gotten done compared to the thousand elites convicted in savings and loan debacle again one seventy of the losses one seventy of the fraud you have zero. absolutely zero
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of the elite white collar types who drove this financial crisis have been convicted and indeed this new task force that you know the lead in to this discussion is not even assigned to look at mortgage fraud it's a sun and nor is it a sign to look at foreclosure fraud where that occurred more than a hundred thousand felonies per year by several of the largest banks in the united states all of that was negotiated away for complete impunity the only thing they were supposedly going to look at this task force of forty to fifty folks most of them were already assigned to dealing with these cases so it was essentially no new addition was the sale of derivatives in the purchase of these loans in the what we call the secondary market and even there
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they have not issued a similar a single criminal subpoena for information though around that is why i mean we're almost out of time how do we prevent these future crises i mean settling with large banks for large sums of millions of dollars that's not happening how do we make sure this doesn't happen again well you have to prosecute these folks that means that you hold or trained general holder needs to resign he needs to be replaced by a real prosecutor and it needs to be a national priority the working group doesn't even have membership of the banking regulatory agencies who are absolutely essential if you're going to have any effective prosecution we made it as an agency our top priority to deal with these frauds currently the regulators give them a complete pass right that is a recipe for disaster and the next disaster will be worse money.


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