tv [untitled] September 10, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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let. me say. here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what that is my tears. no one wishes to featurism me on the liberal and the current problems can really sort of.
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what's going on you guys i'm your host abby martin and this is breaking the set well today thousands of teachers in chicago walked off the job in the city's first strike in twenty five years but don't worry and network of privatized charter schools in chicago assured people not to worry because they will remain open and no one's champion charter schools more than the obama administration and secretary of education arnie duncan even though obama slammed bush's no child left behind legislation he's implemented the same broken concept of a standards based education into his race to the top policy look learning is different for every human being and it can't all be about the numbers by basing complete faith in standardized testing to determine the competence of teachers and abilities of children there's a human element there that's completely eliminated from the equation also privatizing public education will just resort and more private corporations diluting the system resulting in corruption and lucian to the most basic service
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that should be provided to the citizens of this country a free education and that is why i'm breaking the set. i so finally the national conventions are over thank god the corporate media has surely moved beyond the business of presidential politics to focus on real news right actually no all of the so-called news this weekend it was all about peyton manning touchdowns and president obama getting picked up by some random guy at a pizza place come on now what else is going on but we keep hearing about this impending fiscal cliff that we're heading toward of congress can agree on a budget and it's a dio deal that's hoping and praying that they don't get cut too deep but all this poses an important question if the federal budget is so strange how much should we really be spending on defense especially when the homeland is they facing
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a legitimate military threat but don't worry our benevolent military machine has already taken a few preemptive measures to make sure that they're getting the most for their buck . government contracted private industry in this country is struggling and it doesn't really help that they now have to compete with federal prisons over defense contracts now if that sounds crazy to you don't worry that only proves that you haven't lost your mind federal prison industries also known as unicorn is a government owned corporation that operates in eighty three federal prisons across the united states and employs thousands of inmates all at wages of less than a dollar per hour and last year that we're going to zation a corporation made nine hundred million dollars in revenue wow that is a lot of loot unicorns in maine employees work jobs that range anywhere from making uniforms to operating call centers to building solar pounders for the pentagon and all of this at low cost essentially sleeve labor is resulting and hundreds of
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layoffs so if the absolutely shameless hypocrisy isn't clear to you yet let me break this down we have to deal being faced with budget cuts because the country happens to have a sixteen trillion dollar deficit it continuously we hear the rhetoric that we can't possibly cut defense because we have to think of all the jobs people all the people that we employ how can we live with ourselves if we cut defense spending all the while the department defense is cutting contracts of the stablish industries resulting in hundreds of layoffs it doesn't really take any sense does it well here's just a few of the examples one hundred layoffs in march by tenure industries after losing a forty five million dollars contract from the d o d hundred seventy five layoffs and may buy american apparel they had to close their plan alabama over a similar contract two hundred sixty more layoffs in alabama and mississippi from american power source also for competing against a eunuch or prison labor look eyes i have to kind of call it like it is this is the
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american military industrial complex feeding the american prison industrial complex and it's all being done under the absolute false premise pretext of preserving jobs so if the military wants to play victim of this looming fiscal cliff all the while screwing the same american workers they claim to be trying to protect i say bring on the war machine cuts. ok. so we all know what happened last week at the d.n.c. when the party corruptly decided to incorporate god and jerusalem statutes what a lot of you don't know is that just a week before that disturbing event the r. and c. also took a similar unprecedented vote this time one kansas delegate express pose that the r n c adopt an anti shari'a law clause into their platform take
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a look. cases involving either spousal abuse or you know assault or other crimes against persons sometimes a defense is arrays that are based in shari'a law we actually put a lot of a provision to this effect in kansas statute this year and i think it's important for us to say foreign sources of law should not be used as part of common law decisions or statutory interpretation by judges in the lower state courts as well while a favor of adopting that of them and say i opposed the amendment is. agree to. yeah that really just happened i know i still can't believe my eyes either the robotic response was even faster than the length of time the delegate took to propose the amendment and every single person said i in a completely unanimous vote without even one voice of dissent this is the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen and for it to have happened without mention without criticism from the mainstream media tells me that we have
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a serious problem in this country one that can no longer go unaddressed and unanswered here not to talk more about the in theater incident in the deep seated islamophobia that has grown tenfold since nine eleven is arsalan iftikhar international human rights lawyer and author of islamic pacifism global muslims in the post osama era thank you so much for coming on and joining us how was this my first question how does something like this just go totally off the radar from the dialogue well i think that what it speaks to is the entrenched establishment islamophobia an anti muslim sentiment that we've seen in the country since nine eleven as of right now there are approximately thirteen to seventeen states around the country that have some sort of anti share referendums on the books and what's interesting to note of course is that the supremacy clause of the constitution states that no laws shell ever trump the united states constitution so not only should these people not allowed to run for office they should probably retroactively feel that civics class is well well let's take
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a look at these states that are adopting sharia law i mean we have. oh i'm sorry. well let's get let's i mean let's just talk about that so there's twenty states that have adopted sharia law what kills me though i mean who is responsible for peddling this to rational fear really well there was a study done by the center for american progress they came out with a report called fear incorporated that highlighted that there was forty within the last calendar year there was over forty two million dollars that were given to five prominent anti muslim activists here in the united states that's about seven million dollars per person to put all these and referendums all the anti mosque protests they were seen around the country that we've seen in places like murfreesboro tennessee sheboygan wisconsin temecula california and other places around the country so this is a very concerted effort made by right wing activists to actually funnel money in to these folks and the centrally you know steamroll these operations well let's hear from some of these as long as we have recently we have representative peter king
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who's called for hearings on islamization in the u.s. we have g.o.p. candidate gabrielle also said in my sarah who said the following let's take a listen to what she had to say. you know middle easterners a lot of them they look makes what they look you know like a lot of people in south america their skin dark hair brown eyes and they mix they mix in and those people their only their only goal in life is due to cause harm to the united states so why do we want him here either legally or illegally i mean seriously since nine eleven there's just this hateful rhetoric and it really does play into i mean when people are looking at their representatives to you know for some sort of way to approach these subjects and they think these people should tell them what's going on and they are just blatantly fear mongering about this issue what does this do to our society when people are looking to these people and
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the media and there really is no threat no legitimate threat of terrorism you're good more likely to die of suffocation in bed than you are a terrorist attack in this. country at this time so what does this breeding and fear mongering do to the public well i think what it does more than anything is you know it plays to our most irrational basis fears you know ever since the founding of our country we've always needed a proverbial bogeyman obviously since the end of the cold war you know with the fall of the communist threat here in america now we've turned from a red scare to a green menace where now even if you look at hollywood and depictions of you know the proverbial bad guys there are always tall olive skinned you know smarmy looking middle eastern males kind of like me you know as the proverbial bad guy and so you know we need to pander to these fears and i think that a lot of right wing republican politicians have not only you know made it popular but they've actually made it part of their platforms now so now it's not only you know are you pro-choice or pro-life are you pro gay marriage are you anti gay
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marriage now another part of the platform as. are you pro muslim or anti muslim then you hit it right on the head there is the you know the proverbial bogeyman that we need to keep this country perpetual warfare and keep that thread alive but i wanted to take a look at a map that i tried to show earlier it's actually a map of the thirteen different states that had mosques attacked and we've seen just an escalation i mean we have texas california louisiana michigan ohio new york tennessee maine oregon and georgia you know look at the hate crimes themselves there was kind of tapering off after nine eleven it seems like they've just escalated over the past couple years why i mean it seems like the propaganda and the fear mongering has been kind of stable i mean why do you think this surge when he's attacked it's very good question i mean i think when it comes to the hate crimes and discrimination against the american muslim community we've seen peaks and valleys since nine eleven but when we've seen watershed global events like the war in afghanistan the war in iraq the bali madrid london mumbai terrorist attacks
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we tend to see a spike in these acts of hate but i think you know what really really caused this litany of an. mosque movements around the country was you know the famous ground zero mosque debate in lower manhattan of course we know that it was neither at ground zero nor was it a mosque but because this caused this international firestorm people around the country essentially took that to be you know they created copycats you know in their local communities there was a mosque in sheboygan wisconsin where during the city council meeting people were asking the mosque congregants if they were going to provide you know military style you know you know target range training for the kids i mean it's really reached such absurd at the proportions and you know for the most part it's gone on challenge because we have a black man in the white house and barack hussein obama they perpetuated these these whisper campaigns of being some sort of crypto muslim manchurian candidate to the point where you know even today there are nearly a quarter of republican voters who believe that barack obama is
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a muslim and so you know we've seen the obama campaign to this day not set foot inside an american mosque yet you know we see you know the research center came out with a study early as this year that showed the most despised demographic groups in america today are gays and muslims so if you're a gay muslim you're doubly screwed you know obviously you know we had to create you know these myths of the bogeyman and i think that you know right now arabs and muslims are the proverbial whipping boys and girls and not to mention the f.b.i. sting operation trying to provoke muslim communities the spying on muslim neighborhoods totally on you know on regulated and also just the sikh temple shooting where this guy you know nine eleven tattoo and he's shooting out things that really shows the profound ignorance of what these people are even you know the inherent racism you know with the k.k.k. and just to have parker see there we have to wrap it up right now and thank you so much for coming on and right here in your opinion really appreciate it thank you. now if you like what you see if so far go to our youtube channel at youtube dot com
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slash rake in the set and subscribe check out our facebook page at facebook dot com backslash breaking the set and give us a like i know the nature of the internet is that hate is going to hate and troll is going to troll but if you have more intelligent minded feel free to write me and let me know what you think also if you're wondering about what i'm doing or bitching about when i'm not on air follow me on twitter at abby martin and for now i'll let you take a break from my preaching but stay tuned for the good of the bad when we highlight our hero and villain of the day next. you know sometimes you see
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i. i. i. i i. now if you happen to catch and this n.b.c.'s up with chris hayes on sunday you might have seen a panel discussion recapping the d.n.c. actually i was blown away with what one panelist had to say about obama's foreign policy and d.n.c. rhetoric so let's take a look at that clip. we've got from the quoting here i'm a mess if you see about foreign policy or the convention felt like we're watching obama for america meet up not an actual serious critique of this president's most
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egregious asses foreign policy where you do see that of the republicans there's all of this going after romney and i think it's completely legitimate but some of the core issues of this president's national foreign policy national security policy are not being debated and i was jeremy scahill foreign policy writer for the nation who also exposed blackwater's sordid misconduct cullen and this n.b.c. for their culture coverage of the d.n.c. and i love how he just threw out the whole agenda and pretty much made the show his own and because he called out and this n.b.c. is a lacking for the democratic establishment instead of going along with their scripted narrative jeremy scahill is our hero of the day so if he's the hero who's the villain well you might have missed out on bit of this news amongst all the d.n.c. r. and c. mayhem lately a human rights watch report just uncovered evidence of a wider use of waterboarding than previously acknowledged by the cia detailing brutal treatment of detainees a u.s. run lockups abroad after the nine eleven attacks wider use of waterboarding than
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they previously led us to believe no really helps go back to the man overseeing the torture program at the time which we none. other than george tenet former cia director under the bush administration not only did he sign off on the he paid his legal crimes afterward he trying to fool all of us into thinking that under his leadership the u.s. did nothing wrong take a look at this interview he did with c.b.s. . image that's been portrayed as is we sat around the campfire and said oh boy you know we go get to torture people we don't torture people let me say that again to you we don't torture people ok come on we don't torture people shaikh muhammad we don't torture waterboarding we do not i don't talk about sickness and we don't torture people. actually george you're flat out lying you do torture people but i guess i mean guess how many times just one prisoner khalid shaikh mohammed was water boarded in just one month are you ready for this one hundred and
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eighty three times now i don't know about you but if you water boarded me once let alone one hundred eighty three times i would tell you santa claus was real and that i was colluding with his elves the point is torture is illegal and george tenet knows better and so does occur if ministration who continues to export torture to the third world and that is why george tenet is our beloved villain of the day. let me turn you to a story that you might have missed over the weekend presidential election that hasn't really been talked about much and goal is president jose of war those santas and m p l a party's landslide victory and saturday has been highly criticized by civil society activists and one goal is g.d.p. per capita income is among the highest in africa but it also happens to be among the least evenly shared in the world you see well angola doesn't suffer from many
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of the violent afflictions that plague other african countries it's why they acknowledge that those sentences built in self a one person state which is colored by widespread corruption in richmond of only a select few including of course his own family and the election on saturday pulled over seventy percent of the vote for those who have already been in power for the last thirty three years but will surely continue to serve for decades to come as the leader of africa's second largest producing oil company and country and while western countries acknowledge concerns of the state of democracy in angola whose government is regarded one of the most corrupt on the planet neither the us or the e.u. spoke out against the lack of transparency in the elections in fact they can gradually get him on the victory could have something to do with the fact that the u.s. and. or are borth by years of end goal an oil i mean there's a whole host of western companies that have a vested interest in goal in oil and not to mention diamonds in the region and god
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forbid the united states the port the spread of true democracy if it goes against our own financial interests the fact is that english government is self-sufficient and if the u.s. were to voice any sort of opposition to the shady practices there of it would probably leave american oil and diamond companies easily replaced by china was growing influence in the region regardless it has been said that power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely so if i were president i sent those i would look back at my thirty three years of rule and take note from what was learned by the arab spring and the fate of his counterparts in north africa. i. now if you flown since nine eleven i'm sure you're well aware of the transportation security agency t.s.a. is a relatively new government agency that was created the wake of nine eleven with the
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stated purpose of preventing future terrorist attacks in this country but so far the agency has done nothing more than stir controversy from its aggressive invasive pat down procedures of the public to its implementation of naked body scanners nationwide with not only store naked images of passengers on the file but also cause of stange all levels of radiation to pass through. ironically you're as likely to die from getting cancer by a single t.s.a. scan than you are to die in an actual terrorist attack one in thirty million chances now going over all of the t.s.a. is most recognizable stuff it would take an entire show here but let me remind you about a few of the most notable. thing. your daughter was blind as no fly i said excuse me it's absurd my life is pretty much in their hands when i walk their bodies together with my hands on the pump on she was
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right to be weary the pump stopped working just a job but. she let me just say your belt touched my very much like the you know you're good we. don't do that here to touch my junk i want to have your rest. but aside from all this absurdity you know from putting influence on no fly zones destroying a girl's ten thousand dollar insulin machine banning snow globes cupcakes and breast milk to essentially molesting children and the elderly the t.s.a. isn't even making an impact when it comes to preventing weapons from entering airplanes yep that's right already there have been twenty five thousand t.s.a. security breaches and seven out of every ten weapons that are brought through get past screenings and most shocking only a blogger by the name of jonathan corbett exposed a glaring flaw in the body scanners finding that if you simply place objects in an in some pocket you can pass through the machine completely undetected greatest
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thing about this is that the t.s.a. knows it and they're pushing this ineptitude down the chain of command take a listen to what former t.s.a. employee had to say to corbett we were forced to work at checkpoints with these machines. so basically there were so few of us trained to work on the machines. they basically forced us so they didn't care no i actually went to my supervisor or to a supervisor the first day and another officer had this concern that you know look we've never worked on this particular machine we were we don't know what to do and his answer was. sorry we don't we don't have enough staff and you're going to have to work. so this woman is basically admitting that they were required to be trained properly on how to use these machines but they were just pushed to work with them anyway nice it's interesting that her employer cited lack of employees as
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a reason for their incompetency since the agency has grown more than four times its original plan grow to sixty two thousand people nation wide also american taxpayers have bankrolled over sixty billion dollars in the t.s.a. since its inception so if body scanners don't actually work why the hell are more and more airports continuing to use them well it could have something to do with the fact that the former head of the day jess and main fear monger after nine eleven to propose to install these machines michael chertoff now works for rapid scan systems the same company that makes the body scanners wow well done man what a shock com so far security companies have more than doubled their lobbying in the past five years to congress and return receiving more million dollar contract to supply american airports with scanners and i really wish that were all but it's not
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something t.s.a. is such a shining example of everything that's wrong with this government it should be no surprise that the t.s.a. is expanding far beyond just airports now congress is already greenlighted the massive expansion of the t.s.a. with mobile checkpoints and viper teams across major highways bus depots and train stations already nine thousand of these checkpoints were put into place just in two thousand and ten alone to stop and just harass or citizens randomly with drug sniffing dogs and other tactics of intimidation and well hold on at least these nationwide checkpoints won't have naked body scanners right. wrong it's also been found that in a recent for your request that corporate made the t.s.a. has been plotting since two thousand and eight to bring these scanners to ferry terminals railway and mass transit stations as well as quote other locations in other words everywhere according to corbett where these body scanners goes so does
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the groping since the body scanners have at least a forty percent false positive rate which need to be needs to be resolved by a blue glove just stop zero so why is the t.s.a. been keeping these plans secret well it's because the people need to have their rights taken away incrementally it's like the proverbial frog in a pot of boiling water if you don't notice the water getting progressively hotter i mean more and more of your rights and privacy being taken away there will come a day where it will simply be too late to fight back the dehumanization tactics are getting worse by the day even after you strip down and succumb to government groping the t.s.a. is now testing drinks that passengers buy inside the airport after their screen and if you refuse to let them do this they'll ban you from your flight i'm dead serious i mean this is seriously gone too far in the thing that really irks me is that there is no real threat of terrorism in this country what the t.s.a. is mostly government thuggery it's an agency that performs nothing more than
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security theater designed to condition people and unquestioning calm compliance and acquiescence well i don't want to be that frog in the pot of boiling water i don't want even more t.s.a. abuse and criminalization across the nation i don't want to wait until it's too late to say no more do you. kamikazes the boy. deep is a definite is. still a. question and it's right no if we have to keep. walking
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