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tv   [untitled]    September 11, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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ok so the cost of living riots in the west bank leave palestinian leaders desperate for calm while an anxious israel watches for signs of another uprising against that occupation. brings in for decades of stagnation says a top union leader blaming a botched a sturdy program for bulging more people into poverty. russia stands up for its energy giant gazprom saying be used trying to force gas prices down moscow's no passive decrease saying that anyone who's got a problem companies will also have a book. on the un was against taking sides in the syrian conflict saying the rebels and the regime a share the blame for the bloodshed as western powers are again accused of turning a blind eye to rebel atrocities.
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even if you just joined us has just turned eleven pm choose a night here now in moscow money is kevin and this is what our top story after the protests now comes the political panic in a flurry of meetings have been held among palestinian leaders jolted into work but massive demonstrations of the turn violent thousands who are furious at the rising prices of basic goods skirmished with riot police across the west bank polis there explains what's driven the people to these extremes. palestinian authority ministers are meeting to discuss ways of easing the economic situation of the ordinary palestinians across the west bank this was the source of demonstrations on monday which turned violent in the cities of hebron and nablus when dozens of youths burnt tires and blocked streets that dovetails with
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a strike by municipal workers by taxi drivers as well as by those involved in the public transport sector people are really protesting against the rising cost of basic commodities you just need to look at fuel which has gone up by some five percent in recent times the palestinian authority is fast losing legitimacy amongst its own people this western backed government though has its hands tied because israel collects taxes on behalf of the palestinian authority at the same time while israelis can sell goods to palestinians they in turn cannot sell goods to his radius so you have a situation where the palestinian economy is being held hostage by the israeli government and there's very little that the palestinians can do without the israelis giving their nod now the israelis are also eyeing with concern this growing discontent in the west bank and this is because they fear that it could result in the third intifada or third palestinian uprising against television to
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this end we have been hearing some reports that there are those within the israeli government that are urging tel aviv to hand over money to the palestinian authority quickly to hand over tax collection money despite the fact that it is only supposed to happen at the end of the month but it is questionable whether or not this is going to ease the tensions within the palestinian or for it we know there that government employees have not received to date more than half of the oldest salaries the arab spring which took place in so many neighboring states here until now has bypassed the palestinian population but this does not mean that they aren't real schisms within palestinian society particularly over the rising. cost of living policy r t. israel. bit later on the program the european central bank tries to hand itself a promotion as we reform to some bail plan under which the euro zone's biggest financial institutions not to elected officials but brussels and bankers before
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another tonight also israel wants to slap a set of red lines around what iran can and can't do which she wants to back up with the threat of force we've got live analysis coming up on the u.s. response to the plan a few minutes to ford. britain could be facing decades of stagnation sparked by the government's austerity blunder so says one of the u.k.'s most prominent union leaders brendan barber of the trades union congress and his r.t. sarah firth reports the warning signs are all there. britain is being cursed towards an economic nightmare of decades long stagnation that's according to trade union leader brendan bulger now he's called on the government to change course. thirty drive now the trade unions congress represents more than six million british workers and secretary general brendan barber has accused the conservative prime minister david cameron and chancellor george osborne of knowing very little of the
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person beyond the wealth the west learns of districts where they live he also said that their insistence on austerity is not going to affect the wealthy in these areas but it's going to be the pay the price now also spoke stratospheric inequality between the rich and the poor in britain we've come to one of the wealthy areas in london where we've come to the local church now the church here provides a twice weekly feed banks service giving a service to people who are struggling to afford even the bare essentials we come to meet the woman he runs it and he does a bit more about this growing divide between the rich and the pool this is of vital importance people who are using the service if they weren't coming here they wouldn't have any food to put on their plate we have. a community situation to them have a few days or longer but my clients are really feeling the pinch when it comes to food bills are rising people's rising tricity course gas costs everything is
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getting more expensive more than a hundred percent increase in the number of people who are using the food bank service in the last year and that's a huge increase this is the other side of person and with britain in the midst of a recession as more families struggle with rising food prices rising fuel prices and cuts to benefits it seems that services like the food bank are going to become ever more essential surface r.t. london. more focus on greece now a lot of promises and patting on the back in frankfurt today as greek pm in turn is similar is praised the european central bank for its efforts in containing the euro crisis the e.c.b. had mario draghi in return lauded the prime minister for his country's austerity performance but greece though wasn't quite the smooth protesters there delayed a meeting of debt inspectors and government officials demanding the e.u. and i.m.f. order to leave the country just days ago they deem half of greece's planned cuts as
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too vague or unrealistic and less saffron's can find more to cut it could be tonight or bailout money and face to fall prey to go to satoris is a journalist a lecturer at the university of the aegean he says if the cuts go through it will only lead to more unrest. i think that this is going to be able to guard page this government and also the greek parliament accepting sads socially devastating measures to be dictated by our creditors who are quite openly of course blackmailing the greek government terence waiting yet another. part of the bailout agreement thirty one billions to be more precise is absolutely necessary and i think that under this threat. the force i think that the greek government in the end. is growing to accept this and there's. this will open the way for i mean even to give
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a greater deterioration all the social rise crisis that is now prevailing grits for me time the biggest banks across the eurozone are no longer going to be answering to governments but to other bankers according to a new plan to be unveiled tomorrow the blueprint would give the european central bank the power to oversee and shut down six thousand financial hubs of the single currency bloc if it wanted to a solution that financial advisor and world manager market petra poly told me may be far from ideal. politicians are trying to get out of the responsibility of looking after the banks especially in countries like spain as many would argue that perhaps bankers are seeing other bankers easy is perhaps not. the solution this doesn't address the fundamental problem. which is slowly economic growth. imbalances between the different countries a difference of positivity there's too much government debt there's massive budget deficits. and it doesn't really get to the core of the problem really today the
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central banks government's done a fairly poor job of regulating the banking system. and that's why we are still in the crisis that started back with a credit crunch in two thousand and seven. and you decreed by russia's president putin's put energy giant gazprom under state protection it's facing an anti monopoly probe by the e.u. but company officials say they're just attempts to push down gas prices can offset the story. gas from isn't only an energy giant it's a strategic state company a worldwide known brands with the billions of assets thousands of kilometers of infrastructure massive resources and great influence on the russian economy it doesn't only supply millions of russians when energy but millions of western europeans us a while since works with most members of the european union and putting suits chief spokesperson said for decades has been able to successfully do business with
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western european partners but now it's experiencing political pressure at first these searches around a year ago and his daughter companies now this anti monopoly investigation held by the european commission which is actually a political body getting involved in business related issues and basically of this a decree signed by the president on tuesday is aimed at protecting companies like gazprom and is a proportion of the answer given to the situation and from now on all the question that you will be enough towards me have to gazprom will have to be addressed directly to the state benefit giant is being accused of being a monopoly but there are really a many other energy companies out there on the market it's a free choice for any consumer to decide which company they want to work with whereas it's not a free choice when it comes to the price of gas it does depend on market conditions and on the price of oil and according to gas problem using political pressure for
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it to lower its gas prices is very likely that it's going to be effective but gas from says that it's still ready for business dialogue with its partners. he can offer importing them for a closer look at how the stick creek could affect russian companies doing business and probably later watch our business bulletin on air just over ten minutes time tonight also on the program over the food away still revolutionary fervor we report how some of the jews public services are suffering after the chaos of last year's revolt was rubbish literally piling up on the streets of. band more victims of guantanamo two we're about a culture of death in suspicious circumstances among detainee's many of them faced no charges. next israel's urge the u.s. to set a definite red lines over the actions of iran which if crossed would lead to an aggressive response including an american led attack washington so far asked israel to cool down its rhetoric on the issue to give talks and sanctions more of
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a chance let's talk about these latest developments and talk to writer and journalist afshin rattansi doing a song by skype from london irish an evening to you so first time of course is it we've seen the u.s. rebuke israel's calls for our charges against iran will this cause this latest outburst cause a serious split between the allies do you think well never we have really seen out of touch at the moment even mitt romney obama's fellow contender for the presidential race isn't being as strong this ridiculous comment from the israelis i think washington will be listening and i presume even romney is going to steer back from the neocons up with disastrous trip to jello event to london as well so hopefully no one will listen to israel one bit despite all this zionist lobbying money we've heard tom again the israeli position is the window of opportunity if they need to do something about this with iran is closing and at the moment the
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u.s. is trying to rein in as i've just been saying we've been saying israel's hawkish calls preferring a publicly at least to focus on diplomacy but the big question is is it going to last beyond november's presidential election with the way israel's thinking right now it's closing window. well one shouldn't say they're that different actually everyone shouldn't overexaggerated the united states is has embarked on a war with iran it's huge sanctions ramping them up despite the i.a.e.a. in the past few days saying that enrichment has actually decreased not the right as an associated press him to quite understand the machinations of what the nuclear debate in vienna actually is look it's. nine eleven and most people will remember in the global south what happened on nine eleven it's when the united states overthrew the democratically elected government of chile and of course the death of salvador allende. i think what the united states is starting to realize
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particular mr dempsey the joint chiefs of staff had that you know the united states really isn't a position in a position anymore to do anything about iran it's even realizing that about syria so these are increasingly desperate calls from israel is i think. what the flip side is israel in a position to do anything about iran well it's i mean it continues to be in a position to murder palestinians every other day to. commit atrocities every single day on the palestinians without any word from washington or international corporate media but no i think going on iran increasingly it looks like the third world war is some time off a little i mean they don't you know is increasingly desperate but i think the fact that mr dempsey himself his exact words i would not want to be complicit on an israeli attack on iran speaks volumes i hope dempsey tells obama to stop the sanctions too. well we've got you on the line you touched on it just now i want to
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get in the spring condemning iran's alleged attempts to make nuclear weapons and once again we're hearing supposed evidence of such attempts coming from the u.s. and israel coming really trust that intelligence wise no one else suddenly alarm renie. about the intelligence. about the intelligence about how far a rat is in developing a bomb if they are there they're not well obviously i mean international media are interested in another war didn't seem to care that much about the deaths in the ensuing destruction intel reports that repeatedly say that iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapons program or thrown in the bin and i think now iran seeing itself much more strength than its insurance industry i think is worth three look what a billion dollars worth more thanks to the insurance sanctions and then you're on to is playing a little bit more of a game now over the sanctions as it continues to forge alliances with japan china india and korea and it's big markets so all around it seems like. except for
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western media and nato countries iran seems to have won this at the move. your take on it i should return as the author and journalist thanks for being on the program tonight thank you. and human rights chief said that both sides in the syrian conflict must share the blame for repeated violence navi pillay condemned the government's use of heavy weapons while the rebels she said should be held accountable for extrajudicial execution and torture but at least her sources are reports now some foreign powers are turning a blind eye to the crimes committed by the armed groups. the new joint u.n. arab league special envoy to syria has been tasked with trying to broker a peace plan to win the eighteen month long conflict in syria has just called this task order quote nearly impossible now this is a different set to the stand he took when he first got the job he was optimistic in the beginning thinking that he could help pave the way for peace between the warring sides in syria we've also heard from the u.n.
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secretary general ban ki-moon has condemned the assad regime for all the atrocities they've committed against the syrian people but also the rebel groups and the condemning both sides saying that that the choosing of violence and force rather than we've also heard. very few men who writes a life who. has been a staunchly critical of the assad regime and blaming condemning the regime for their treatment of their actions in this conflict she's also come out and spoke against the rebel groups and any other groups armed groups that have been committing atrocities against the syrian people she said that all sides should be held responsible for all their actions because you've heard from the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton as well as french president. expressing their support for the syrian rebels france has already been sending aid to three rebel regions in syria as of recent weeks now with a lack of consensus from the international community on how to approach the situation as well as conflicting messages on whose side is responsible for the
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atrocities the support that is being given to one side versus another it's not hard to understand why look more brahimi has been calling his task now as nearly impossible to lead in the program are syria's neighbors a suffering on the rest of the road a deadly suicide bombing of a police station she stumbled. in the regional conflict. recently come off hung. strikes become the ninth detainee to die in the scandal ridden facility the prisoner was allegedly kept in complete isolation for being ruly although he was neither being charged or being prosecuted and run dos and co-author of why peace contributor as well to what really happened dot com says we may never know how he died it's going to be very hard to get to the bottom of it as to why as for why he wasn't released when he hasn't been charged with anything we may never know he may have been
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a victim of torture or witnessed torture or any number of things that the u.s. wouldn't want to get out earlier in two thousand and six we had three so-called suicides where people had rags stuffed in their mouths and also were hanged which is a little suspicious to suffocate yourself with a rag and also hang yourself and we know one of the matters of torture is dr boarding where rags are stopped in prisoners miles and there are tapes where this person died of suicide or not we're not going to know because he's categorized as an enemy combatant which is essentially a human being with no rights and as an american i'm completely shamed out because it's completely unconstitutional. the revolution in egypt swept away the decades old dictatorship there but when it comes to sweeping the streets the country's new leadership is now having so much success the prolong state of flux that followed last year's uprising has led to monday in matters like basic public services to suffer with tons of garbage and rotting on the capital streets of his exam the boy
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has got the story. our revolution are a leftover that's already starting to cause a bit of a stink it took a gyptian eighteen days of mass protests to oust hosni mubarak yet in the each an insulin month they've encountered a far more pungent problem with residents don't wait for garbage collection instead they threw it out onto the streets and we have to collect. cairo has never been a particularly clean city but the growing piles of garbage have become a major blood on its revolutionary glory president mohamed morsi promised to solve the problem in his first one hundred days in office but more than two months into his reign he's yet to show any haste in eliminating the waste. they said garbage fans were unable to access narrow alleys we prepared small vehicles yet the regional government and cleaning commission violated the contracts but there's a much of a go to that idea for many years kyra had its own environmentally friendly system
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of processing waste. used to be these are going to cremains now would have to pick up or they're going to put it in containers but the problem is how to dispose of it that we have no place to process it. from libya to egypt trash overload has become a major visible change brought by the arab spring and an unpleasant reminder that the previous governments were not as worthless as revolutionaries banter damn well that this is all. very nice. actually. bringing like. the one they have. heard. with fifteen tons of garbage dumped on the streets of cairo every day more and more egyptians are now starting to see the difference between the politics. the
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revolution and the policies of responsible government the main assumption in all revolutions is that when all leader is gone the quality of life can only get better and it's only later when the basic services start to crumble and one thing steeple used to take for granted i'm no longer there that the revolution and the regime of deposed finally getting a more realistic assessment of some of our city. more news to update you on tonight up to twelve people have been killed in a blast near yemen's capital sanaa the target of the country's defense minister who escaped the attack on harm at least five of the dead were the minister's bodyguards some witnesses said they heard gunfire as ambulances were arriving at the scene that attack comes just a week after al qaeda second in command was killed a year. mystery surrounds the whereabouts of wellbeing of a man tipped to become china's next president xi payne he hasn't been seen in public for over a week now it sparked a wave of speculation and conspiracy theory with explanations ranging from him
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simply having a sort of reports of a heart attack and even claims of an assassination attempt just ahead of a crucial party congress where he's expected to assume the leadership from the town . a police officer has been killed in a suicide bombing outside a police station in istanbul it's also injured five it's just the latest incident in turkey's most recent wave of violence which source suicide bombings attacks on military outposts and the kidnap of an m.p. the turkish stance in neighboring conflicts that may have contributed to increasing tension in the country according to gathers beda he's a political commentator and columnist is supposed to. be a cutoff of diplomatic relations completely with between the masks and longer lead to our new speculation new debate about whether or not turkey's crossing the line to our to. help the opposition forces by allowing transfer of arms material etc etc
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this. leads certainly to a lot of doubts boreas that this cone looks at the two would lead to a backlash. a transfer of violence. in lourdes turkey. the change of subject knowledge said the business to twenty four minutes past eleven o'clock moscow time on a touch and rush your reporting one of europe's few growing markets is an actual story to such a point i went to one dealer the day with a friend to look for a little runaround there was no choice of color it was silver silver silver those colors come in as far as they did go out as far as they get to the dealers don't like a big call for them in russia absolutely that really tells you something there is a huge demand in fact it's so big that russia is now europe's biggest car market as a matter of fact all the details in just a moment but first let's go straight to our top story president putin signed that
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agree on tuesday protecting russian companies operating abroad and essentially steps up the government's role as a negotiator the company's those a list of strategic enterprises will now have to get state permission to deal with foreign regulators to provide information or to even sign contracts in fact they'll have to approve the price changes in these contracts but they were orders lawsky from north capital explains the reasons behind the move. it's followed by the recent invasion of the. the authorities to guess chroma offices only its affiliates in the western europe obviously this is designed to prevent future do silver similar developments with other companies obviously is going to impact not only nature all gas producers but
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a vast variety of other strategically borton the enterprises like thirty allies that are most likely it's a producer of plated numa sibylla these small many other companies. and it's time now to check out the equity markets will go straight to wall street where trade is active this hour and you can see it is trading higher investors are anxiously anticipating thursday's u.s. fed reserve meeting expecting more easing measures european equities finished their session next to mine and banking stocks pulled the footsie a lower and the downs managed to stay up above the line and buster's one of the sidelines ahead of wednesday's decision by germany's constitutional court who will rule on the legality of the euro zone's permanent rescue fund here in moscow the stocks and the day next the r.t.s. close just about a quarter percent of them why sex was why she was negative on to the currency markets it seems like the europeans bulls are back the euro was trading higher to
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the dollar in the russian ruble and in the trading session next to the current sebastian crude is mixed in a zig zag trade amid concerns that first the euro zone bail out may not work and that saudi arabia also says higher prices would really be unjustified under the current market conditions and russia's car market has become the biggest in europe autos that agency says all these car sales in the country rose to a record of more than two hundred forty thousand vehicles while sales in the rest of you. europe are feeling the pinch of the downturn that says the e.u. consumers are trying to cut down on their expenses in light of growing the euro zone. so your friend didn't like silver no we decided in the end she decided disease to keep clean. that's true. what you chose no tell me later or at a coming up we've heard the phrase too big to fail so often since the two thousand
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and eight financial crisis but just how big is too big to fail most cuz it tries to find the answer in the cause report i'll update the headlines before the next to an r.t. from moscow. dear
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mom i'm sorry that i had to do this i've been in so much pain in the past year that i can't take it anymore the stomach and chest pains have been getting worse and no doctor has been able to help me please know that i'll finally be at peace and with no more pain i wish i could have had a life with elizabeth always pictured her being my wife and mother to my kids i love you all see you all in heaven when your time comes i'm going to meet jesus christ. thousands of u.s. troops in iraq received one of these drugs a drug called lariam and it may have prevented many soldiers from getting sick the question tonight is whether or not soldiers were adequately warned about its rare side effects serious life change and side effects.


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