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tv   [untitled]    September 12, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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on our teacher night washington condemns the killing of it sam bacile there to libya which happened during an overnight more parade on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. back in the bailout a german court approves the permanent eurozone rescue for. paves the way for. joy in the five hundred billion euro vicinity but there are conditions attached all the latest in the german capital coming up shortly. and over a million catalonians march for independence from spain claiming madrid is dragging their region down.
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welcome this is r.t. it's eight pm here in moscow money is kevin zero in first tonight washington's condemned the killing of its ambassador to libya christopher stevens and three other officials who died when armed mob attacked the u.s. consulate in the city of benghazi the bloodshed followed protests over an american film which had been described as an insult to islam is the first time a u.s. ambassador has been killed while in post since nine hundred seventy nine art is going to teach a cat that's got the latest. we heard hillary clinton say the attacks were perpetrated by a small and savage group not the people or the government of libya making it clear that the administration doesn't see it as an act of war the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi was revenge for a movie a largely unknown film well at least up to this day which makes fun of prophet muhammad president obama said while the united states rejects efforts to denigrate
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the religious beliefs of others we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants a message of christie vince and three other americans all u.s. embassy employees died in the attack this tuesday night investors stevens reportedly died from smoke inhalation the angry mob said the consul is on fire witnesses say they also used machine guns and rocket propelled grenades there's a lot of that even ghazi libya was flooded with weapons to fight colonel gadhafi chris stevens himself played an active role in bringing down the something that was pointed out by hillary clinton in the speech she said how could this happen in a country we helped liberate in a city we saved from destruction we also heard that a u.s. marine and to terror team is heading for gaza to reinforce security at u.s. diplomatic facilities going back to the movie that instigated this deadly attack it
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was produced by a real estate developer from california who put its trailer on you tube something that very few people saw before a preacher from florida terry jones started promoting it the same preacher whose burning of a koran last year triggered riots in afghanistan this latest film obviously caught fire with mr with people in the part of the world where they don't just let things like that go was they didn't with the caricature of muhammad in a danish newspaper in two thousand and five that triggered a lot of riots as we remember also as they didn't like go with a number of other in. students the fury over this film actually started in egypt thousand stormed the u.s. embassy in cairo on tuesday at some point they were able to pull down the u.s. flag and replace it with an islamic banner muslim brotherhood which is now in power in egypt called for a nationwide protest in response to this film the revolutions both in egypt and libya ended up with islam is seen in power and maybe the new leaders themselves are
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not fundamentalists but they do appeal to those with hard core religious sentiments the kind of sentiments which spilled into the violence this tuesday night the assault where a violent reminder of the changes sweeping the region have hardly dispelled the rage against the united states. of course for going to cannes there was discussed the attacks on the american diplomatic missions with the lindsey german convener of the british stop the war coalition you could see you know tripoli blames gadhafi loyalists for the violence how credible is that when this attack actually of course in the same city with the anti regime movement erupted in the first place well absolutely benghazi was the center of opposition. so if there are get out the loyalists in benghazi it tells you what's a failure of the intervention in the regime was i think. this is a very very serious instance of the americans it shows that means bench and did not work and let's remember oh year ago we were being told in triumphalist terms by the
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british and french governments and the americans. everything was weakness and light in libya it was going to be decent tomorrow over a year already a year on we see a very very different situation one i think should warn everybody around the world exactly the problems that there are there and the big question of course now is this we've seen the trouble in libya the trouble of egypt over the past twenty four hours now the taliban stepped into by calling on afghans to protest how high. if you think of the chances of this spreading out of control and of more attacks on americans elsewhere well another problem here is that the root of this immediate problem is a film which is explicitly been made to attack muslims by a man who describes islam as a cancer and therefore as a provocative act but it could not take off in this kind of way if that was not already occurring for a wide level of discontent in countries we now in afghanistan he could see were
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burning of the koran by american soldiers we know who have been repeated caches between muslims and other people in different countries here and meet people in the middle east there's a report out today saying of people in the middle east and in asia do not trust the americans in particular this goes for the british as well and in this situation i think we've seen more and more of the these clashes going on than look at the two thousand and five the carts that appeared in the danish newspaper then the pastor terry jones i'm calling on the qur'an to be burned a couple of years ago every time this kind of thing happens along with the various forms of satire of islam in the west that they often seem to be triggering an avalanche of hatred in the muslim world is this the way it's going to be every time it happens you think from now on i don't think we should just see it as an avalanche of hate i think we should say as people who have many many or even against our people like ours against the rich imperial powers and shields trahan by
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the continuing occupation in afghanistan who do not want war against syria and iran which we're hearing more and more about and this is why they respond in this light and of course it will be reported in america as this is anti american this is a chance of mentalism this is always kind of things but rooms we have to deal with the problem here and the problem is american foreign policy is west of foreign policy and this foreign policy has to be changed it has created an. absolute disaster in the world since the first invasion of afghanistan in october two thousand and one eleven years ago there's been a disaster in afghanistan a disaster in iraq would have holes in lebanon we had thirty thousand people killed in libya last year there is no point in legal trying to blame this on the now dead or that this has to do with people resisting what the americans are doing and some
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of the americans realize this i think the best are probably where they are because they were going on the line let's look at the position tonights now in libya washington's reportedly sending a team of marines to bolster security there for its nationals how's that going to affect the relationship with the libyan people and leaders well as i understand it in libya the whole country is broken up into different or a different status for insurance and different parts of it of course people will see the marines in benghazi as a. trying to maintain control of some of it and that will not lead to any more stability and peace i think they should recognize that actually the damage the terrible damage that they have done and they should learn a lesson not just from the past but this should mean they should start their already codewords intervention in syria and they should stop threatening to bomb iran lives if folks were much for being on the line to appreciate a little german i think you know the british talk more coalition thank you. there are also closely following developments of course on our website as well r.t.
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dot com for not only a t.v. there we explore further the attacks on the u.s. missions in benghazi in cairo as unrest into post revolution countries continues to unfold tonight the timeline of the protests is also available for you online as well r.t. dot com. the big story today germany's federal courts back to motion considered crucial for containing the debt crisis that's been raging in europe for almost three years now it approved that new five hundred billion euro bailout fund for struggling eurozone countries however the ruling comes with several conditions to ninety's peter oliver reports from berlin. the maximum amount that germany will be able to put in is one hundred and ninety billion if they want to put in any more than that they can have to go to the bundestag and it's going to have to be a vote on it also both houses of the german parliament are going to have to be kept up to date with exactly what that money is being spent on it's a political success for. merkel she backed the system full heartedly and of course
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she's got an election coming up next year she couldn't afford any major embarrassments however the fact that it has to go through a vote in the bundestag and at the amount has been kept could mean that she faces a few internal problems inside the journal put german parliament if they want to try and increase the amount of money germany is going to give to those failing economies in the rest of the euro zone that five hundred billion euro ports that's not infinite it's got it's not a bottomless pit of cash what happens if other countries for by the way at the moment we're seeing greece needing that bailout money desperately what happens if all of that bailout money or too much of that bailout money spent on greece and say countries like italy or spain slip further into the economic mire does that mean that there's simply no cash left for them in terms of greece though i say they will be quite happy to hear that this is gone through but there's a huge meeting taking place in the country on wednesday now that is
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a meeting between the heads of the coalition the ruling coalition government there they have problems they can't decide how they're going to make the huge over ten billion worth of budget cuts they can decide how they're going to do that without hurting the greek people too much so it could end up if they can't make those cuts all of this decision in germany might have fallen by the wayside because the bottom line is if greece doesn't cut they don't get bailout money whatever the german constitutional court ruled. over a correspondent there will live now that you're going to sass a journalist and editor in chief of compact magazine is joining us on the line from berlin as you can see there very good if you know good good to see you know with the permanent rescue fund now approved what's next for the eurozone. mix more drama money has to poor in the poor countries. have a look at spleen which needs the amount of seven hundred fifty billion euro or
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until the end of next year they have a lot of this would be compensated the spanish and greek could that would be compensated by mainly german money to another relative also a big chunk of that under ninety billion euros which is the current stop isn't it on no these line is not fixed because. if. if the e.s.m. board who is the only one who can decide for me ask for more money the trouble in parliament can decide to give more money and at the moment and in the near future the majority of our parliament consists of euro phonetics they will give any money they e.c.b. or board wants to have and that is not in the interest of our people i read a poll of this morning ninety five percent of germans are against of giving more
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money for the so-called you're going to risk you will of course german chancellor merkel's argument is that germany clearly prosper if the rest of europe does so as well but i guess that means that berlin is going to have to continue injecting money into these you euro zone to keep that wheel spinning yeah i'm not sure we're . it's simply impossible until all even without. our german obligations for the different euro rescue or institutions exceeds to borrow seven hundred seventy one billion euro all this free time the income of the rotex is poor a year you cannot take more good as impossible. now tens of thousands of german signed a petition asking the court to block the permanent bailout fund you mentioned just now how are they taking the court's decision how is this news gone down today.
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the reaction is different than some people hold. some politicians hope of course the visions will have effect. mechanism of the years but i think the prosecution of that year's end board consisting of people from the finance industry who are not elected by anybody is so strong there this court decision from two conditions judges made will have no effect on the people in germany is deeply embarrassed we hear of figures of billions and trillions which we last heard in the hyperinflation in one nine hundred twenty three and that was really a traumatic event for the german people you're going to as you sit in germany looking on at greece tonight let's take
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a minute to think about then there teachers doctors other workers of water for their jobs and onto the streets once again to protest the looming cuts they're facing is there a way do you think that greece can be saved without all this suffocating austerity that they're having to put up with and it is a big plight for them. that is impossible. the greeks are strained by the euro the best way for greece is to find a way all the toward to bring back the old money of the past may. give the economy and the exports a new push by there are cheap exchange rate even if a knock on effect for the economy had little effect the e.u. as a whole but even if the effect is out on germany as well it's still worth doing. yes but the german economy is so basically we're very strong and we do not depend on
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the exports into the euro so we have strong export markets in the far east. as a whole if we can avoid pouring more and more off all taxpayers' money into the european whole will we will we will succeed and become. the whole continent out of the mess you're going to thanks for the line you're going to sass a journalist and editor in chief of the compartment as you know the line there from berlin thank you thank you was taken europe to from next door in the meantime the ongoing crisis has sparked renewed separatism calls in council or over a million people indeed took to the streets a bus alone to call for independence from spain the annual rally attracted a record turnout of the most prosperous part of spain which blames central government right now for its economic woes authorities in catalonia demanding a five billion euro bailout from madrid saying that's how much bus load has been forced to overpay so shell just scullers still close told us the government is imposing centralization of parts of the country striving for autonomy. while the
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economic situation in like in the rest of spain is catastrophic and getting worse the difference between this year and last year particularly is that now the butt of the of a lot is in the government and it's there a lot more aggressively centralist and and it's and there are a lot more aggressive against sort of the autonomous rights that the regions that. feel themselves as nations like a loony our the basque region they're a lot more aggressive in imposing that sort of identity upon them the people that were out in the streets yesterday calling for independence from spain were to a large extent extremely diverse in terms of what their outlook is on economic policy on democratic mechanisms on a number of issues and it's really kind of hard to say who would have the germany there it's a very very very wide palette and and yeah it certainly doesn't it doesn't look
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very certain about it that way. thanks very with artie tonight so we appreciate the weather still to come live from moscow a schism amongst all the lies israel is desperate for the u.s. to take a more aggressive line against iran saying it can't wait for more talks to produce results but washington says the israelis are overreacting we've got more on that. activists in syria say battles have intensified in the country's largest city of aleppo with rebels trying to seize the international airport now under the control of government troops that airfields thought to be used by security forces to pound opposition fighters in other areas of the city on sunday a car bomb attack in the northern part of aleppo killed at least thirty people and now a new u.n. envoy is preparing to travel to the capital damascus thursday open to get peace efforts off the ground again russia's foreign ministry meantime says the u.s. and u.n. security council are quick to condemn some attacks but refused to denounce others.
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things will be scored so far the un has strongly condemned any terror attacks but then our colleagues failed to condemn the recent terror attack on syrian security forces in damascus saying that it wasn't really a terror attack as it targeted those who fought against the rebels that explanation frankly shocked me then we suggested condemning not just the attacks in aleppo but those across iraq as well where more than one hundred people died but our partners refrain from any strong statements which makes me think that their position must have changed dramatically and some western countries must deem terror attacks are acceptable when it suits them i wish they'd refute this suspicion but for now i have to keep it. russia's prime minister dmitri medvedev has said the sentences given to the band pussy riot were too harsh and that their further confinement would be a mistake three women from the group were jailed last month for two years after staging a so-called punk prayer in moscow's main cathedral let's go up to speed on this
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developing story as afternoon what is it a press can offer is in central moscow for us outside the very cathedral where i happen to go so what exactly did the former russian president have to say on the issue then bring us up to speed. the meeting with it it was being quite in quite frank when he said that what was he right did make him sick and so do the hysteria and noise around this case but the prime minister did say that a kneejerk sentence in itself is already a very tough polish meant and perhaps any more time behind bars for pussy riot may not be effective. but. the fact is that these young women had been in custody for quite some time is by itself regardless of the verdict already a very serious punishment for what they've done that's regardless of the position we're taking staying in prison is retribution in itself under very strict months ago regarding the content of this act and what i don't want to be a judge is substitute but in my opinion to proceed to punishment they've already
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suffered if two and the time they spent in custody is more than enough for them to think about what's happened to their lives whether it's because of their stupidity already or because of some of the reasons. that you. were arrested shortly after their so-called. prayer many called the ninety put in performance in february you held the right inside grace to save your skeptical which for the future we will criticism from orthodox christians across the country for many of them across the c.b.s. could be just behind me is a truly awful the place and you know we're still three members of the group or sentenced to two years behind bars each after having. found guilty of war going isn't based on religious teaching you know all the prime minister's words promise as the moscow city board gets ready to start the appeal there is going to have been on the first of october so we'll still be definitely hearing more about the right
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to the eve of this can often to bring us up to date with that story this afternoon it's been developing there. the u.s. says there's no rift with israel over their stance on iran washington says both states are committed to preventing the country from developing nuclear weapons an accusation iran's always denied israel recently increased its calls on the white house though to get tough on without much response the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu wants the u.s. to set up now red lines defining boundaries for what america could strike but the above administration has so far as to israel to give diplomacy and sanctions more of a chance this all comes as the u.n. nuclear watchdog the i.a.e.a. is playing to pass a resolution criticizing iran's nuclear plans to show the talks a real alternative to force writer and journalist i should return he told me he believes the israelis may be running out of options that. well never you know really seem out of touch at the moment even mitt romney obama's fellow contender for the presidential race is
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a strong this ridiculous comment from the israelis international media are interested in other wardens if you care about what you're about dancing in suing destruction intel reports that repeatedly say that iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapons program or thrown in the bin just by the way in the first few days saying in richmond has actually decreased not the reuters an associated press him to quite understand the machinations of what the new creative made in vienna actually is but no i think go on iran increasingly it looks like the third world war is sometimes of a little i mean you know is increasingly desperate but i think the fact that mr dempsey himself his exact words i would not want to be complicit on an israeli attack on iran speaks volumes i hope dempsey tells a bomber to stop the sanctions to. go to twenty four minutes past eight o'clock tonight i see katie the prisoners thirsk even katie now face but we've got some news from them once again in the spotlight this time but
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a good news understand yet good news this time and just to recap for everyone the company came out with a much anticipated live here earlier on they say you remember that one cavity and it was a huge disappointment managing to lose whole face value but now the stock is getting around five percent and that's because the c.e.o. mark zuckerberg he's admitted his mistakes he wants to retrace them and investors seem to be demonstrating that a cliche should say his admittance to all of this was see the u.s. markets also in other news event own will see today is all about him is a man of thought here many times is that this but some more we are anticipating evidence stimulus being forced by the federal reserve and right now is the days of the dow jones on the now is that nowhere as high as earlier on in the session they have dropped a little bit the valley has lost some steam person. those of territory us of the european market is that in europe they have been given of this friday off to germans highest court allow the country to draft a five year areas having
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a fund for the european markets are heading north you can see the foot sea that i love that is over to mystic four tons of that in negative territory i also want to mention the fact that there's been a recent report in the last twenty minutes or so that from pressing spain to see european bailout solves this check out the current system without the common currency continues to a lawyer around the strongest level of us is a dollar in five months we had a bit of a technical error earlier today but these are the official closing figures for the variable of this was a as you can see it modestly data gets us all a lose out to the year which is pretty strong in the session today benefiting from that court decision markets here most of them we'll see how they closed up today as you can see we've got gains over modest days nevertheless they benefited from the rallies that we witnessed earlier on from the international markets as we talk about the global stock markets in general way onto the page saying
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a move never seen before and i'm talking about the so-called triple headed measures which are expected to stimulate growth in the main spalls of the world a con a main us a family or from a swiss bank. explains what exactly that entails. we are in the process where. we could have exhausted all the world you know and face. being very are committed to a measure of this is supremes that we have never seen you know life before consequence about this kind of military repression the price of you know what it is and it would be quite good for. currencies and we recommend clients to invest. currencies because it would benefit from. russia so russia is
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a country that we are very positive on because it would benefit from this drug clearly the current valuation of the ruble does not reflect properly the price of oil and we expect the risk to appreciate in the coming weeks. we are very positive on russia in the sense that this is a country that has a very low government. just about ten percent of g.d.p. and it was a very good score situation. plus an energy joined us from is that inch increases stake in germany gas try to when gas is estates to expand its presence this would definitely raise some eyebrows in europe as the e.u. adjured monopoly commission is currently investigating the company's profits is in europe also accusing gas prom of fingering the free flow of gas across the region preventing supply diversification and imposing on a fair price is on its customers from has already given discounts to several of its european customers and was in negotiations with others as well after the european
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commission got involved president vladimir putin signed a decree forbidding state control funds from giving information to funnel dorothy's without permission from moscow this means all negotiations will have to go to the government provides a course of europe's gas imports and many cultures rely almost entirely on the country for the important task for us in europe is also an important customer and also maintain the relationship also used today in the business world have it good new busy good to see sooner rather than k.t. level stuff low surely find out how to scale the worst of another global crisis from one of russia's biggest businessman it sound advice we think coming your way after a recap of the headlines coming your way to just a couple of minutes on our team from moscow.
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i'm in sochi the only city in europe the host of the twenty fourteen winter the pick a. seat. thank you. so much. thank you. some way a. dog days are. the pride days and. weeks of. the. sun it's so true.


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