tv [untitled] September 12, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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from cairo to libya to palestine protesters gather outside u.s. embassies burning flags and shouting american slogans the u.s. ambassador to libya is dead and middle east relations are getting worse the latest details ahead. plus the death of one guantanamo bay's longest lasting tenants has raised questions as to why he was in the detention facility at all coming up will sort through the details of the case with former guantanamo bay official colonel morris davis. and get ready for round two of the fisa fight house republicans are debating today whether or not to reopen the bush administration's warrantless
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wiretapping program as democrats and republicans consider surveillance measures r t keeps a close eye on. is wednesday september twelfth four pm in washington d.c. i'm christine and you're watching our t.v. . we're going to begin with the latest on the attack in benghazi libya that killed four americans including a u.s. ambassador ambassador jake christopher stevens and the others were killed at the american consulate tuesday night as they were trying to evacuate staff members there there were times by a group apparently protesting in a maryland american made video posted on you tube which ridicules islams prophet muhammad the new information has come out about other possible motives as well it's now been confirmed that u.s. surveillance drones have been sent to benghazi to try to find those responsible for the attacks president obama reacted to the killing this morning and valid to take
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action to make no mistake we will work with the libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people since our founding the united states has been a nation the respects all faiths we reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others but there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence none well today we want to take a broader look at libya the relationship the united states and its allies has with libya and especially of the uprising that took place there last year that resulted in the death of colonel moammar gadhafi and the end of his regime the rebels after all were funded and supplied by countries including france italy great britain and the united states despite some pretty clear red flags how many red flags well let's look at the uprising most of those involved were hiding their faces the never know
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who the rebels were who was so desperate to overthrow colonel gadhafi and why we were told it was because of freedom but taking an honest look many of these men were terrorists here's asia times correspondent how they ask of our speaking on our t.v. last year. name is abdul hakim. and he is an al qaeda yes it he was struck by the cia after nine eleven he was friends with zarko when he was captured in mostly asian two thousand and three he will store turn in bangkok where i lived at the time you know one of those extremely rendition cia prisons in bangkok he was sent back to the libyans he made a deal with saif al islam in two thousand and nine he was released and now he's the military commander of trip. so again that's heavy escobar talking about this information for more than a year ago that a cia prisoner a former detainee at guantanamo bay headed a group the u.s. and its allies support it and by the way these issues are not new ones very similar
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ones were encountered in afghanistan back in one thousand nine hundred three when the west was celebrating an anti soviet freedom fighter that you might recognize here's a headline from the independent in december of one thousand nine hundred three and that of course some of bin laden need to explain who that is one day after september eleventh. i don't think i do joining me to discuss this further is. arabic correspondent and rima let's just talk about first this incident that happened in benghazi tuesday evening what do we know well as we also gunmen about sixty seventy of them stormed the u.s. embassy the u.s. consulate in benghazi east of libya and basically set it on fire after rocketing the embassy killing or the consulate killing the. stevens and three others and these groups the sixty seventy of them apparently went there to practice what they
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believe is a movie produced by the u.s. why an american person and uploaded on you tube and they believe that this is a documentary a film. a movie that insults their prophet muhammad and therefore they need to practice that and this is not the first time that we see this happening we've seen other incidents before particularly in afghanistan and also in other countries when they protest the paintings of the the dentist spencer who basically drew also drawings of the prophet and muslims these paintings as insulting so this is not the first time they knew or should have known that these things are coming so what about this new information that this attack was in fact planned for much. longer than the release of this movie what are you hearing on that front well some people are talking about this but there are no concrete information as yet some people are saying that this actually was a planned they just use the process that as
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a pretext to launch the attack on the embassy we would not be surprised if this was the case since again the attackers are not known there are gunmen and the united nations talk about more than two thousand gunmen with arms in libya who basically do not you know take their orders from the central government they have their own orders and we simply do not know where the orders come from now in addition to hearing from president obama we also heard from secretary of state hillary clinton i want to play a little part of what she said earlier today many americans are asking indeed i asked myself how could this happen. how could this happen in a country we helped liberate in a city we helped save from destruction we must be clear ride even in our grief this was an attack by a small and savage group not the people or government of libya.
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certainly i think secretary clinton is right a lot of people are surprised especially a lot of americans when it comes to you know the duty that they feel they've accomplished in libya but what about sort of the world view i mean you know you've spoken to some people today you've been monitoring the arabic sites on twitter all day what else are you hearing here well i mean yes this is a shock to a lot of americans including secretary clinton and obama as we saw on their faces the shock was very obvious in their faces but. this may not be a shock for a lot of the arabs who sold this who knew that once you do a movie like this on muslims this is what you have to expect will come from us first and second. the fact that it's in libya a country where the u.s. had hoped free quotation you know but when quotations from monica that the and
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a lot of people are still support of a market that you know we wouldn't be surprised if the attackers were also could that be the fact of the matter is i think the arab world is divided over this while a lot of them are saying yeah yeah they should have seen this coming a lot of them are saying that you do not kill the messenger basically that this is a savage attack that you. sad and i'm watching and i'm following a lot of the twitter accounts and facebook and just following the websites in the arab world and a lot of people are surprised that you do have a stand against what the movie is telling about your prophet you just don't express this in this violent way i do want to broaden this very much and kind of take a historical approach to what's going on here not just this event of course we don't know who is responsible for these attacks on a basket or stephens you know as we mentioned the u.s. government has sent surveillance drones to try to figure that out but i want to
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talk about the rebels in libya who they are what their goals. our talk a little bit about the history and especially what we saw with the downfall of the gadhafi regime well you basically ask the questions and answer them who are they and since we don't know who they are we don't know what their motives are we don't know what their objectives are and we simply do not have answers as this because they're not talking about this either. there are different groups in libya not just in libya there are different groups in the arab world especially in countries that are going through transition right now we don't know who these groups are particularly because a lot of them do not talk about themselves a lot of them do not expose their not talk to the media do not. you know publicize about themselves these basically groups a lot of them were funded. by western governments to topple their governments the
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top of the regimes you played a clip by earlier in the show in the show who talks about other kenyan but has i'm just kidding but has is now part of a government in libya he was tortured by the us government in a way it was in may once animal be as well exactly and now he is part of the government do we know what kind of feelings he has towards the u.s. government who are the people following him and what kind of orders he has given them all although he did speak publicly about the fact that you know torture is not part of the new libya and stuff like that but we see these things happening so these basically there are completely new groups in libya a lot of people have been talking about the fact that there are qaida presence in libya is that list particularly in the eastern city of a libya but we just don't have concrete information about what is the relationship i mean there were so much coverage coverage of what was happening in libya leading up to and shortly there after the death of colonel gadhafi but we don't talk about
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libya anymore we don't hear about it anymore what has the relationship been with the u.s. and you know the national transitional council the government that's in place now i think one of the reasons or a more precise question if you allow me would be what has that and what has the council accomplished to the people of libya and since the answer is probably by a lot of libyans nothing. for them this whole transition means nothing because for them the situation has not improved in any sense and i think what happens in libya now and what happened what's happening in cairo in tunisia and lebanon and other countries probably we're going to see protests in other countries. as well will have. you know many other questions such as will the u.s. change its policies in the middle east particularly in countries that are going through a transition and that's the question the u.s.
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needs to consider right now and we want to make sure that everyone understands you know how significant this was during that whole time the fall of gadhafi this you know the u.s. forces never went into the country we've just gotten word that u.s. marines are now on the ground in libya so certainly a lot of things happen and it's hard to say exactly what the events of the last twenty four hours will lead to always person appreciate your perspective rima that's our t. arabic correspondent ed thank you so much. well i want to talk now about an inmate at guantanamo bay who was found dead over the weekend in his cell one of the first detainees taken to the prison in two thousand and two odd none far hon abdulla latif was from yemen and at the time of his arrest on the border of pakistan. and afghanistan he told authorities he was seeking medical treatment for a head injury but the u.s. military claimed he was and recruit now twice his release had been recommended once in two thousand and six and then in two thousand and eight but was later rejected
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by the u.s. supreme court the details of how he died have not been released but we do know that he's attempted suicide several times in the past and his lawyers say he spent long periods of time confined to the prison psychiatric ward colonel morris davis is a retired air force attorney and a former prosecutor at guantanamo bay and joins me now cruel davis from what i understand i have not gotten that latif was never charged and there were no plans to prosecute him talk a little bit about this you know i think one thing the american public or the public at large doesn't understand i guess are one hundred sixty seven living still at guantanamo in detention the majority of those men have been cleared for transfer there are people that see the department of justice the defense department have reviewed and determined we don't intend to charge them with anything we don't believe they present an imminent threat and we don't want to keep them but there's still a one ton a move largely because of their citizenship well that's what i was going to say more than half of those i'm one tunnel are from yemen and you know these are men
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who they don't have control over their nationality and they also don't have control over the situation in their country but the reason that they're not being sent back is because of the political climate there i mean let's broaden this i mean does this sort of paint a future picture for what we can expect for those men that are out get my well unfortunately i'm afraid that you know it's been more than a decade that many have been confined like none of the key foods just one example had been there for ten and a half years. as you mentioned he'd been cleared twice during the bush administration to be transferred out yet you know ten and a half years later he was still there and i think there are a number of other people who are in similar circumstances that are incarcerated for more than a decade solely because of their citizenship which i would imagine if an american was being detained overseas by another country soley because he or she was an american we'd be a little upset about it colonel davis i want to do something that i don't think
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i've ever done before and that is to read it part of a poem this was actually a poem written by on latif it was called the hunger strike poem as we know he you know states several hunger strikes and i found this on the center for the study of human rights in the americas basically he wrote quote they are artists of torture they are artists of pain and fatigue they are artists of insult and humiliation where is the world to save us from torture where is the world to save us from the fire and the sadness where is the world to save the hunger strikers and colonel davis let me ask you where is the world why aren't more actions being taken to deal with what's gone on here especially considering that is not the only person that is presumed to be you know for all intensive purposes innocent very well unfortunately i think for the american public after nine eleven american changed we used to be the land of the free in the home of the brave and we became the constrained in the cowardly and i think for the last decade eleven years now the american public by
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and large is do what you've got to do to keep me safe and i don't really care what you do in referring to our government so you know if you go back a dozen years americans were opposed to torture now a majority are in favor we were opposed to indefinite detention other in favor so the it's interesting how during the bush administration what so many oppose during the obama administration so many now except that i'm afraid there are people that are stuck in this alice in wonderland like environment where they can spend more than a decade. without ever being charged actually being cleared to be released and not just by the military you know. latif had a pay b.s. hearing before a judge here in washington d.c. judge kennedy who found that the government could meet a preponderance of evidence standard says not proof beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed a crime but just fifty point one percent of the evidence could not support that he needed to be detained at guantanamo force the obama administration appeal that
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decision of the d.c. circuit court of appeals here in washington the figurative lee killed who made again the supreme court decision that gave the detainees right the right to habeas and they literally killed none of the thief who gave up hope after more than a decade let's talk about the d.c. circuit court of appeals because this is an important piece of this puzzle and it's an important piece of i think a lot of puzzles that we're going to see that we have seen this from what i understand is a three judge panel traditionally very conservative what is their role as you know in these cases was that there are eight judges that make up the d.c. circuit now they sit in panels of three the d.c. circuit you know the the facade or part of the facade was we want this to be a military proceeding there's a court of appeals of the armed forces which is the normal appellate court for the military but i was around in two thousand and six when the military commissions act was being drafted. the politicians didn't trust the normal military system the
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court of appeals for the armed forces they viewed the d.c. circuit as being more reliable but this is a military case yet this man was arrested by the military and dealt with in a military court how can that then go to this d.c. court of appeals well again they were selected to handle all the detainees cases because they were viewed as being the most reliable trustworthy coworker and if you look at their record at the supreme court of the ninth circuit in california tends to get reversed more often than any other circuit the d.c. circuit does the best that the supreme court because of the most conservative and predictable therefore all these cases go through civilian channels and not through military channels. latif was at the ninth detainee to have died in custody at get mo there were there when we changes or has anything been done to sort of deal with the fact that this is happening that you know nine people have died behind bars
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there i haven't seen a lot of effort on the part of the obama administration to you know he said he want to close guantanamo but seems never alone if he said that it's closing by attrition not by deliberate effort of the obama administration but you know it's ironic you know the military commissions that the president bush created back in november of two thousand and one and almost eleven years now they've completed six cases of fifty percent more have died kuantan in the than have been convicted and sentenced to guantanamo this is a tough situation out colonel davis because between you know the political situation in yemen word the majority of these detainees are from the political situation in other countries a question has arisen and that is you know if one tunnel did close where would these detainees go the innocent ones the guilty ones whatever have there been any ideas put forth that you tend to think are valid well you know a lot of other countries have helped out and taken some of the detainees over the years moved. gone from seven hundred seventy nine men down to one hundred sixty
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seven and a handful as you mentioned nine have died but most have been transferred either to their home country or to another country but a lot of the countries that we've approached over the years said look you know why don't you help yourselves up and take one yourself we have never taken a single detainees from guantanamo here to the u.s. yet we beg other countries to help us out and take them in congress you know is made it much more difficult you know the far right who have really pandered to this decade of fear have been any of the detainees from coming to the u.s. so i think one positive step we could take is. we had to go first and take if you were so new that the wiggers for instance there's a community here in washington that was willing to take them in i went i remember there was a there was a prison in illinois that right happy to take them and get the funding to do that. i'm being told one of the al qaeda members al qaeda number two i believe that was killed on monday was a former inmate at guantanamo bay anything that you've seen happen i mean clearly
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we know president obama said as candidate obama several times that he planned to close it what's the reason that you think that he hasn't i think it's been a lack of political will i mean nobody's going to get elected on november the sixth saying i stood up for the rights of detainees in military detention i mean that's just not a you know doesn't look good on a bumper sticker is not going to win so there's no value in taking the political risk and i think he took office with good intentions he encountered opposition from the far right you know dick cheney and liz cheney in that crowd who said you're either with us or you're with the terrorists and at the time the economy was crashing health care reform was his top priority and i just don't think you saw any value in putting a political capital behind following up on his promise to close guantanamo well we sure do always appreciate having you here you certainly have a firsthand look at exactly what the conditions were like there quantum of a colonel morris davis retired air force attorney and now
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a professor at howard university school of law thanks so much. well the u.s. house of representatives will vote this week on whether or not to reauthorize the foreign and intelligence surveillance act. and essentially this would extend the government's power to warrantless the wiretap americans for another five years the vote is scheduled for today under closed rule which means no amendments may be offered and even though the house is expected to approve there's a lot of what both we and they don't know about it like how many americans would be surveilled or how who is surveilled is determined to produce or adriano said joins me now and i saw you just a little earlier kind of keeping your eyes out on this hearing what are we saying what's the latest some essentially what we're seeing right now is just within the hour a lot of to a healthy debate on the house floor and our only one hours on it only one hour so
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we see. rather you know going down party lines with many republicans arguing for the passage of this nation if you will and then many notable democrats arguing not for and not against the passage but for us to take a step back and actually go through certain aspects of the feis of buzz it is right now and we should actually mention that we're showing a live look at what we're seeing in the house of representatives right now talking and debating on it and certainly this is a big deal sort of especially for those of us who follow it incredibly i mean it should be a big deal for americans in general and there are some notable. quotes really just earlier right now. you know notable democrats sheila jackson lee. john conyers have all come out really asking congress to not when not reauthorize the bill for five years to take
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a step back only reauthorize for three and also try to. more transparency and more oversight more congressional oversight when dealing with this because right now there they're essentially is none and there was something very interesting that john conyers from michigan stated was the fact that senators. and whited asked the government you know there as it are facing information they didn't have anything too complicated and you know it centrally asking so how many people are surveilled right now and the answer that they got from the n.s.a. was you don't know and you don't know you know you can even acknowledge that you know it's actually happening we're in election season we're about a weeks away from the election a little bit less so let's look back four years ago a little more than four years ago candidate obama spoke about this issue and his thoughts on warrantless wiretapping so let's hear what he had to say. i will provide our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to
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track and take out the terrorists without undermining our constitution and our freedom that means no more illegal wiretapping of american citizens no more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime no more tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war. so let's talk i mean do we have concrete evidence that president obama has changed his tune since i mean are generally are usually yes very much so and even even right now it within that hearing there were many republicans that were arguing the fact that in two thousand and eight when this was reintroduced and authorized again. this was bipartisan nancy pelosi herself was touting it as a win a win for security and someone necessary in order to keep tabs on the nation and its fight against terrorism so absolutely really quickly i want to switch gears
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while i have you here because you're sort of a mini expert on this it's not just we're i also want to talk about cyber security legislation we saw the stop island piracy act people protect ip act we saw them fail that was followed by the cyber security sharing information sharing and protection act all of those failed so now what we're seeing where we're now getting reports that president obama plans to issue an executive order dealing with cyber security concerns what can you tell me in thirty seconds thirty seconds or less essentially looks very likely that that is the case mike rogers the author of the man who was actually talking right now few moments ago on the floor of the house very likely that this will be coming within a few you know a few months really so we shall see we shall see all signs point to yes there's a there's a lot that we need to keep our eyes on regarding the future of internet freedom really are the producer adriano is that a thanks so much. well capital account is up next on our t.v.
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so let's check in with lauren lister to see what's on the agenda today hello there lauren hi christine you know today i have a whole litany of things coming out of europe to try to convince markets that up is down and right is left and we're not living in reality we're living in some kind of alice in wonderland slow reality and you know what today it appears to have tricked the euro as it is trading as a currency at least but it's always a matter of time before markets figure out what's going on and try to overwhelm the quote unquote solutions put forth by policymakers so remains to be seen when that will happen but we have plenty of analysis today that frank was just highlighting when he walked in that shot how grave and important it is to talk about the e.s.m. that's the permanent bailout fund there's a decision on that and that is just the beginning christine you won't want to miss my show maybe frank will even make a cameo i hope he does we always like when he comes into the picture i am all right lauren lyster thank you so much for us here on the new side that's going to do it
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for now but for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r t america or our website our two dot com slash u.s.a. and you should of course follow me on twitter i'm christine for. more news today once again. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations rule the day. you know our sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize
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