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tv   [untitled]    September 12, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what that is my terror cell. no one wishes to feature is a monkey on a liberal and the christian public you. can see really sort of. everyone
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and abby martin and this is breaking the set so last night tragedy struck in libya the protesters attacked the u.s. consulate in benghazi killing four people including u.s. ambassador chris stevens there was also an attack on the u.s. embassy in cairo egypt they were in retaliation over an anti islam film that's sparking retaliatory attacks against the west look i'm certainly not here to say that freedom of speech should be inhibited but what is most disturbing however isn't the fact that in the immediate aftermath of such a tragedy certain politicians seized on it to make a politically polarizing issue for one mitt romney immediately came out to slam embassy officials in cairo and president obama for their response he said quote when our grounds are being attacked and being breached that the first response of the united states must be outrage at the breach of the sovereignty of our nation and apology for america's values is never the right course or the u.s.
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embassy in cairo responded through twitter with of course we condemn breaches on our countdown we're the ones actually living through this and they added sorry but neither breaches of our compound or angry messages will dissuade us from defending . freedom of speech and criticizing bigotry boom smack down and what's really apparent though is that this is a time when we should be taking a deeper look at where there can be better lines of communication better diplomatic relations between countries over religious differences and that's why i'm breaking the set. did you ever skip out on a class at school of course right i mean that's all part of being a kid well a bunch of kids from san antonio texas are about to have their realities shattered already two schools in the district have approved are if id tracking devices and
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all student i.d.'s check it out. here and wants to know what their child is at school the twelve hundred cougars at jones middle school are about to get tagged it's going to give an opportunity to track our students in the building northside school district is piloting a program in the fall here and at j. high school a program that tracks students movement through the halls and classrooms by radio frequency technology yikes whatever happened to just kids being kids do we really need to be tagging children like cattle and tracking their every move and it's not cheap either the start of price for the program is five hundred twenty five thousand dollars and then one hundred thirty six thousand for subsequent years seriously you know i don't know about you but i can think of a lot more things that children could benefit from with that kind of cash the principal of jones middle school when we raise says that it's not only about tracking students it's not tracking the books they check out and the food they buy from the cafeteria so let me get this straight it's
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a big data mining operation for the schools to be able to tell soft drink monopolies that they contract with what their best sellers are awesome killing two birds with one stone principle raise followed up to say i'm excited it's almost like having a college idea again. yeah super exciting for you to maintain a control grid over your students but probably not so exciting for the kids to know that they are on lockdown like prisoners inside the confines of their school campuses. i think only one who sees this as a bit dehumanizing i mean teachers will be overseeing how long kids spend in bathroom stalls and this could really deter kids from seeking out counselors too some things are just meant to be private and privacy yeah like that even exist anymore and it's not even to happen in just texas fight county kentucky is going to issue children are if i deckard when they will be swiped when they will get on and off the bus recording their identity and tracking them and you can not turn these
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chips off you know the schools claim that they're not going to be tracking the kids after they leave the school they still can't that's the crazy part but here's the thing i agree just privacy violations aside our if i did chips are vulnerable to hacking bringing on a whole host of security problems like identity theft of course the american civil liberties union are if i d. has been billed as a proven technology but what's actually been proven time and time again since the a.c.l.u. first looked into this issue is how insecure are five ships can be so what started as just people tracking their pets and it up as husband tracking wife's weiss tracking husbands students tracking teachers tracking the students and parents tracking babies i mean seriously when is this going to end and well i just got my brand new u.s. passport in the mail which is not only
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a flag fest propaganda archive but it's also adorned with my very own. chip so it looks like i'm on the tracking list as well happy tracking everyone. for the service. oh. wow. the occupy wall street movement launched a new york but spread around the world calling into question issues like economic inequality greed corruption and the influence of corporations on government one of the digital pioneers credited with giving the protest to life as my next guest who with the use of life streaming on his cell phone was able to capture the movement in an unprecedented way and one occupy wall street reign began a twenty one hour marathon broadcast and engaged thousands of people looking for a way to watch what was happening on the ground and real time take a look. of what it was but it was songs like go through your live streaming today
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he got me out of bed he got me here i think i'm going there a lot of money right now so that you know you're doing a job. you support is one of the great things about the ustream is that i have a chat feed on my phone and people can ask questions and i can respond or people can ask me to do something and i can do it. here now to talk about the movement one year after is the man time magazine called the media messenger of the park tim pool of ten. t.v. thanks for coming in and a problem so you're credited with pretty much digitally revolutionizing this whole new media movement in a really new way what inspired you to really start doing the police so i had gone down to occupy wall street because i was really interested in what was going on i had to know what was what was going on had to be there and naturally on the filming i'm taking photos and on the eighth day when they started pepper when the pepper sprayed those women and when they started making started the mass arrests one of
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the other live streamers there is a computer of the time and said you know who has the mobile app who can do this on their phone and so i downloaded it and i realized you know if i film this normally if i just document this not only is it hard to get out but the police can take it and delete footage like they actually had done and so i started streaming straight to the internet and as people started to find it they were like hey tell us what's going on so i start narrating and then it became this actual reporting that i started doing start to build traction and then everyone started saying hey wow look how easy it is to do this and started doing it too so why are people so engaged with this style of reporting i mean what is lacking and why is what you do so there's a lot of i don't knows a lot of things about it i mean for one people have called it like a first person reporting a video game where you sort of see a window directed at there's no one obstructing the view this you know looking at someone you're looking out into the world and someone's explaining to you to help fill the gaps of what you can see around you and people tell me it makes them feel
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like they're there but not only that it's as an individual as opposed to an organization they feel that i'm just a person i'm just a person as they're explaining what's happening and it's easier to trust than a company was beholden to say advertisers or governments or whatever and that leads to my next question my friends in oakland was actually targeted with a rubber bullet just for the. i mean the police and i know that you and a couple people that you were with in chicago were actually targeted by the police for what you guys were doing and why why do you think that the establishment is targeting citizen independent journalists just for doing what you guys do why is there so much content from the establishment or you guys that they've got to figure out a way to control you know controlling information as it is is really important if you want to control everything else and when it when it comes to an organization you know when we were at nato and we had our scuffle with the police they pulled us over guns drawn interrogated us trying to intimidate us as we're told and i don't
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know going to make assumptions that happened but you know we also got word from a from a camera man from a local news outlet that the city cut their feed while they were covering one of the protests so you know they have that power over the public. channels and you know they have swing with high level of you know people in these organizations to say as a favor turn that off when it comes to a random individual or when it comes to people like citizens who just pick up their phones become journalists you know connection they've got to figure out a way to control it i remember you said this before but you said history will no longer be written by the winners it will just be written as it is and that really does care the establishment doesn't when they can't control the narrative anymore yeah yeah it's the the establishment is so many different systems that come together and a lot of them sort of fear each other and like where they can cross the line and they all do favors for each other and i'm talking about everything from corporations to governments to politicians and even some powerful individuals but
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when it comes to recording what's happened you just got someone you've got hundreds of people with cell phones now and a record of what just happened without any individual at the top of something deciding what is going to what the editorial process will look like that is truly revolutionary i wanted to actually point out something that you tweeted the other day about jay z. and what he said recently. let's take a look at that is that jay z. is willing to sell occupy wall street t. shirts but doesn't agree with the message what do you think about you know as as the movement kind of is taking another form these people trying to capitalize off the beginning and i mean do you think about hypocritical for these people to do you know i mean he's a capitalist and he even says in the article he's a businessman he's an entrepreneur and and that's the way he looks at it he doesn't look at occupy wall street as a phenomenon of the public something that's trying to shape our society he looked at it as a lot of people are willing to pay for something that's coming from this hey look people are interested in this that means they'll give me money and then once that
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sort of you know what is opportunity left and people there's a backlash against him he had some negative p.r. and all the movement isn't as visible anymore now he's trying to distance distance himself so this is when he becomes very critical of the movement but i thought he had ninety nine problems and what happened over the nine percent is apparently his ninety nine problems. but you've been you've been covering the d.n.c. haven't you been going all over the place ever since you know the six months of radio in new york for the occupy wall street anniversary you've been going all the canada. nato how the protests pretty much been consistent and what have you seen really happening. it feels it feels like it's sort of dipped a little bit you know the six month anniversary was was it you know pretty powerful event when the police came in and it was similar to the new year's nato had several thousand people and you know even unrelated to to occupy or to the social justice
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was the the big protests in anaheim a lot of energy you know and it was building up so i'm not going to i'm not going to the d.n.c. the r n c the turnout was low but the r n c was affected by the hurricane you know it was coming right for tampa as for the d.n.c. i guess people don't expect a lot of you know a lot of protests at a democratic convention. although some people do i don't think that's reflective of what's going to happen on the seventeenth theoretically based on what i've been told by sources and organizers it sounds like it might be big i should say it sounds like it's going to be big but you know we hear a lot with protests they call big numbers i would base this based on the fact of more about how many people are organizing it and how many of us probably people i know who consider themselves a layman not a protester who have said they want to go down there i think it might pick up yeah i think that you know it's hard to gauge right numbers and the tog but the spirit
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of dissent is alive and well in this country that's definitely for sure so you know it's fair game to see what's going to unfold thanks so much for coming on and there and thanks for having him ten cast t.v. . now if you like what you see so far go to our youtube channel and subscribe youtube dot com slash break in the set and also check our facebook page facebook dot com slash breaking the set give us a like i know the nature of the internet is that hate is going to hate and trolls are going to troll but if you're the more intelligent minded feel free to write me and let me know what you think and if you're wondering about what i'm doing or bitching about when i'm not on air follow me on twitter at abby martin take a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned to hear the good and the bad when we highlight our hero and villain of the day next.
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i'm learning this for. last week hip hop artist and businessman jay z. decided to voice his concern over the occupy wall street movement you see jay z. just didn't get it and in the air view with new york times magazine he said the following he said i'm not going to park and picnic i have no idea what to do i don't know what the fight is about what do we want do you know and then he says yeah then i am the one percent that's robbing people into saving people that's criminal that's bad not being an entrepreneur this is free enterprise this is what
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america is built on all of this coming from the same guy who's rocking wear clothing line banks selling t. shirts reading occupy all streets confused so my but the point of this rant is not to vilify jay z. rather today i would like to talk about the man who so eloquently defended the movement that's been tirelessly defending you and me the ninety nine percent. that man is russell simmons is he simmons jay z's friend and fellow hip hop artist superstar millionaire penned an open letter and response called jay z. is right ninety nine times but this ain't one he said so jay here's the deal you're rich i'm rich but today it's close to impossible to be you or me to get out of marcy projects or halls queens without changing our government to have our politicians work for the people who elect them and not the special interests and corporations that pay them what simmons is able to explain is that jay z. just couldn't get it is that calling out the one percent is not about throwing the fall out entrepreneurs who have ambition or successful the problem is that the one
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percent of the corporate establishment that exerts more influence over our politicians than we do. that's the way russell simmons sees it and that's because unlike so many celebrities who superficially say they support the movement or just bank off occupy t. shirts to make a quick buck russell simmons has a firsthand account of what the movement actually means in fact he was at zuccotti park and also the boston and kammen almost every day for months and this is what he had to say about his experience he said i listen to the young people talk about their ninety nine problems the ninety nine percent health care reform prison industrial complex the war machine lack of access to affordable higher education genetically modified food gay rights immigration reform crumbling housing projects climate change every day there is a new protester with a new sign fighting for the rights of the under-served look we've got ninety nine problems we are the ninety nine percent russell simmons get that and that's why he
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is our hero of the day so if you think hero who is the villain well this is a man that needs no introduction at all take a look at this clip from c.b.s. the seven hundred club. the first one comes from michael who says my wife has become a real problem she has no respect for me as the head of the house she insults me she even went as far as stretching her hand to beat me i've lost my self-confidence her words hurt so much and she refused to talk through our problems please tell me what i can do. well you could become a muslim you could be better. but in lieu of that. you don't want to go to saudi arabia you know. you know i think she this man is going to stand up to her and he can later get away with this stuff and you know out of roe. i don't think we can be the least the ease with something that would be done to make sure. i was
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awkward and nothing like a preacher who preaches hate ha yes pat robertson is still alive and well and spouting off at the mouth per usual but this time he's turned to muslims and women giving great advice saying hey if you want to beat your wife no problem just become a muslim they beat their wives right but it gets worse he goes on to say that as a man he's got to stand up to his wife and put her in her place essentially condoning wife beating by the way here's a fun side note when my producers tried to find that original video on c.b.s. website they found the entire video with the incendiary wife beating comments completely edited out vanished but listen if you're to be bold enough to say what you said that you should be bold enough to allow everyone to see it how robertson does a disservice to us in so many ways because in reality he's a leader in the eyes of many he has an elevated voice and the people who look to him as a man of god a man who can differentiate between right and wrong well unfortunately they take
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his words as pure itself so for those of you who would like to write him off as that nutty fringe character who should just be ignored i caution you because this the same nutty character was just hanging out with the man who could potentially be the next president of the united states mitt romney that's right last week on the campaign stop in virginia mitt romney brought along his new buddy pat got to make sure to get that christian vote what a great partnership indeed especially considering robertson has already been overly critical of the democratic party for omitting god from the d.n.c. platform let's take a look at what pat had to say about that. you label them a christian but it's the party you. live in this whatever rules. and romney is still strolling all over town with this man or at least when it's convenient for him of course so you see this is the one preacher who has more influence than we all care to admit and that's why pat robertson is infamous
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televangelist as our villain of the day. i. while guys were approaching the one year anniversary of occupy wall street what started as a small camp of demonstrators in new york city's financial district grew into a nation wide political movement but after the militarized police crackdowns on protesters the media coverage died down and so did the movement's visibility so will the influence of occupy wall street remain a political force and years to come joining me now to discuss more i'm joined by our t.v. producer manwell drop of the i don't have a name and also you were you were at zuccotti for the whole first month that this started you know here we are a year later what kind of political influence did the occupy wall street movement have that's a very good question because because i was i was in zuccotti park and i talked to a lot of people there it really was kind of an inspiring place to be at the time and a year later you know after you know so many different candidates kind of spread out
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all over the country they were in boston they were here in d.c. they were in oakland where you're from it's kind of interesting to know how how much that movement died down and how little impact it actually had i think and i might shock you did to hear that from me but i think that you know in all honesty there could have been a lot more done i think in terms of their success of getting the rhetoric of where the ninety nine percent and we're going after the large financial institutions the big banks that have all this influence over politics and influence over society yes that's come into common discourse in america but overall the political influence that they had especially compared to the type of success the tea party had was i mean minuscule hold on that's behaviors that are one thing and because of the tea party actually it was a status backed movement that was completely astroturf it was siphoning energy off the real that were terry and ron paul movement completely funded by the koch brothers and a lot of other astroturfing campaigns to prop up this really right wing extremist
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ideology and put it inserted directly into the political establishment that is completely different i just in the occupy wall so i disagree because to say that it was establishment backed on the tea party. you ask any republican candidate out there right now how how scared they were when the tea party first came to be any republican candidate for the house or senate right now that's looking to get votes is looking to get the tea party vote there aren't any democrats help there right now worried about getting getting votes from occupy members because they're not unified that was the biggest problem that occupy wall street had because how could i mean the tea party is unified very rigidly and their ideology but the occupy wall street we've been i mean that's the whole problem progressivism anyways is that there are a plethora of problems really and you can hone in on on a multitude of them but there are really so many things wrong with society showing things around the world i think when you are just completely organic and just an organic i rise and i know it i'm not i'm not it's not a party are not the tea party i'm not here defending the tea party but to say the
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so you go as far as to say that the tea party was not an organic movement i think is a little condescending to the party years they came out of nowhere they came out of nowhere where they had was an anti more so than more so than occupy wall street had an anti-government perspective on the way they wanted to do things and that scared any hell out of the a stag definitely i want to disagree with you because i know i have researched it and they did siphon energy off and i don't gannett movement that started and then catered it toward the glenn becks and michele are all that but let's so you of course really should be let's talk about why is it you know we have bernie sanders i don't see any progress is always seen the political establishment as moderates conservatives and ultra right wing there is no what i don't want to see from no one from the left in this country was able to co-opt the move but the same way that people on the right were able to co-opt the tea party the tea party have very very successful people why i didn't see that represent reverend are off and are political because there's nobody there to do it you have the closest thing to it right now you just mentioned bernie sanders may be a little bit worn in massachusetts but there is no record occupy wall street kind
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of proud of itself in being a leaderless kind of movement well that's a problem if you want to affect change in this country because we live in a representative democracy. and if you want to have any change made it's going to have to be through legislation and that legislation is sent to representatives you can elect someone to represent what you believe in it's not going to go anywhere and if what you believe in is according to ninety nine percent ninety nine problems and not a single unified kind of ideology it becomes a really problem a really big problem in getting someone to represent you in those beliefs i really do think that the one thing that all of the occupy wall street protesters could have agreed on was overturning citizens united and i never really understood why you know i understood where they didn't want to get involved in politics they want to be kind of the anti political movement but. i'm not saying that it was a failure on the part of occupy occupy wall street but it was definitely a hindrance to them do you think they're going after the largest financial institutions that would literally go after the biggest photo in this country which
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is the most powerful lobbies the most powerful financial institutions and to go after them i mean would only result in failure so that all it would be a very interesting to see if they are indeed if they continue to stay strong or reformat and reshape the movement and see if they are indeed a political force to be reckoned with in the coming years thanks so much for coming on and giving and then they said all right below. now you can argue all day about the influence that occupy wall street might have in the political arena but one thing's for sure people are pissed off in this country about a lot of things and rightly so whether or not you agree with the cause of the ninety nine percent or the methods the protesters use to get their message heard it's undeniable that we live in a two tiered justice system where corporate criminals are not held accountable for their crimes against an environment or humanity and hell many of them even though they're not considered people don't even pay taxes yet the average person in this country is surely held accountable for their actions look i know it times things may seem dismal but we can't get discouraged we can't let fear control us we did
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shut ourselves of fear embrace the truth embrace reality and start gauging with your community if you want to make the world a better place if you don't like the dialogue contribute to it. change it's. just so. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are on the day. the mug.
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shot in. iraq. coming. prime a. morning a morning long i mean on the in. the in.


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