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tv   [untitled]    September 13, 2012 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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anti merican protests rage in egypt and tunisia over eight us phone considered an insult to islam while washington sends warships send marines to libya hunt down those who killed its own basset are there. the federation all plans from the e.u. chief to buy nations together to form a formidable anti-crisis force but critics say it's a plan to seize political power and not a cure. the netherlands all to stick to the euro road as conservatives the majority vote although some cots cutbacks will be renegotiated.
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and welcome to our two. broadcasting to you from our studio in moscow where it is ten o'clock well riot police fired tear gas at hundreds of demonstrators in colorado during a second night of bottle of protests outside the u.s. embassy in the egyptian capital crowds threw molotov cocktails at the compound angered by a controversial american film insulting to islam the movie has also triggered more violence across the arab world on tuesday america's ambassador to libya was killed when an armed mob attacked the u.s. policy in the city of been tossing washington has condemned the murder of christopher stevens and three other officials president obama has vowed to hunt down those responsible and has sent to wash it and then on the group of marines to the region in tunisia police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowds
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near the u.s. embassy in the capital. and takes up the story. the brazen horrendous attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi showed just how much the. in the region has shifted to washington in an apparent attempt to pour some water on the fire the obama administration said they thought it was a small and fringe group that carried out the attack that in no way do they blame the people of libya or the government of libya but secretary of state couldn't hold back the sense of frustration which many americans share right now when she said this how could this have. how could this happen in a country we helped liberate in a city we helped save from destruction ambassador chris stevens who died in the storming of the consulate in benghazi he played an active role in bringing down colonel qadhafi the revolution has effectively put an end to the secular rule of qaddafi and broady and islam is the government the currently being leader who
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basically old seize power to the americans as apologize for the attack in benghazi and pledged to hunt down the perpetrators but that doesn't change the fact that the revolution has sort of unleashed this kind of religious extremism the administration wants to present it as an act by a small fringe group but the attack on the embassy in cairo in egypt on the same day this tuesday showed that maybe it's not so small and not so fringe so what happened on tuesday both in libya and egypt scores of people stormed u.s. diplomatic facilities in protest to a movie that made fun of prophet mohammed the movie was produced by a real estate developer from california it depicts mohammad as a fraud a womanizer and a madman possibly would have gone unnoticed if it hadn't been for the preacher from florida terry jones who promoted the film the same terry jones who burnt the koran last year and triggered mass riots in afghanistan muslim brotherhood in egypt calls
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for demonstrations nationwide in response to this film now the afghan taliban are calling for revenge on american soldiers and response to the same film this is not the first time we see a wave of terror provoked either by individual acts of disrespect towards islam. like this movie or by government policies on an individual level there was the koran burning by u.s. soldiers enough to stand at the beginning of the year that provoked a lot of violence and then there was this video which showed u.s. marines urinating on afghan corpses a certain u.s. government policies have also in rage to the muslim world and provoked a violent backlash like torture at abu ghraib in iraq or of guantanamo or of civilians killed in u.s. drone strikes in pakistan all that is being used by extremists to recruit more extremists the tragic assault in libya and the storming of the embassy in egypt showed that the changes sweeping the region changes that the u.s. supported have hardly dispelled the rage against the united states in washington
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i'm going to check out. the german from a war coalition in london believes the u.s. is now paying the price for its involvement in the arab. we had thirty thousand people killed in libya last year there is no point in people trying to blame this on the now dead colonel good at this to do with the people resisting what the americans are doing and so all of the americans realize this i think the best are probably going but clearly is a growth of radical islam as a main in libya and i don't regard this as an accident or something that has come from nowhere i do understand that they represent a number of grievances which not just radical islam as well but which millions of muslims trail around the world about the way that they are treated about and double standards to do with waging war in their countries about the backing of dictators in countries like egypt and. which the west has done for
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a long time and about the hypocrisy over killing you know we see daily deaths in afghanistan we see deaths in yemen caused by drone strikes all of these things are things which which add to the grievances of all the repeat bill in libya in afghanistan and elsewhere. the u.n. security council has condemned the killing of the u.s. ambassador in libya russia's foreign minister also issued a statement saying the assault on the diplomatic mission was a terrorist attack and any acts of terror can be justified let's get more on this now from our teams here in a goal of. so irina russian leadership has yet to comment to tell us what can we expect. while it is probably we can probably certainly assume that we can expect condemnation and condolences from the russian officials said that there has been no official statement from any of the russian officials as of yet but we do know that
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in the run up to these events just very recently in an interview to our team that you were put in has warned that russia that actions from the united states may backfire on them and that the u.s. seems to be repeating the same mistakes made by the u.s.s.r. not too long ago. was going to you know when someone aspires to attain and they see as optimal any means will do as a rule we do it by hook or by crook and hardly ever think of the consequences that was the case during the war in afghanistan it was when the soviet union invaded in one nine hundred seventy nine that time our present partners supported a rebel movement and basically gave rise to al-qaeda which later backfired on the united states itself today someone could use militants from al qaeda or some other organizations with equally radical views to accomplish their goals in syria. and literally just hours before the attacks in benghazi in cairo have happened
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russian foreign minister sergei lavrov did say that they did push his approach of the united states to the events in the middle east particularly when it comes to countries like libya or syria may be the reason why they would may find themselves in hot water with the radical groups to sergei lavrov did say that the united states seems to find and b. and condemn some terror attacks where they see it fitting however when something like this happens for example in syria they brush them off as just another part of the war against the regime which the united states does not agree with but again it is important to emphasize this was said literally before the attacks have happened of course since then there have been statements posted on the minister the foreign ministers web sites which condemned the attacks and because he'd been beaten ghazi and inquire o. and which have expressed condolences to the united states colorado law and from moscow with the latest developments artie's even acknowledged her thinking. and
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we've got more on this story developing online right at r.t. dot com also let us know what you think about the violence that's spreading across countries you can join the discussion on our facebook page. coming together in a federation. is a way forward for. the crisis the view however all across the region. europe isn't even london. reports. a federation and the perp political integration that's what
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the president of the european commission money has called for to pull member states out of the euro crisis nights and well the cools for the member states to hand more power to europe has really ruffled some feathers here at westminster and has caused anger amongst us skeptics who say that less europe and not more is the answer now is evidence of that your skeptics point to figures that have been released show that for the first time since one thousand nine hundred seventy britain is exporting more kids to the countries than it is to countries inside the e.u. and a recent questionnaire that was given to two thousand businesses conducted by the person chamber of commerce eighty five percent of these businesses didn't want further integration with the e.u. although only twelve percent questioned actually wanted to leave the all together
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now you are skeptics say that this point falls apart the moving away from us having least the relations with the e.u. is certainly not going to damage the u.k. economy in fact far from it and that should be the way forward now here in the u.k. under legislation passed by the coalition were any substantial transfer of power to be made to the not would trigger a referendum head well to talk more about all of this we're joined by a. research fellow at the tax payers alliance thank you very much for joining us. comments all they going to save us from the euro crisis. watch we've got to see commission finally coming clean about what the long term agenda for the. for what it's trying to do is trying to create all the powers that it's long been trying to grab the mic. most of of
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a disaster the disaster in order to achieve that that's not the answer more you at this is never the answer actually breaking bits off the european union if you want the european union to work there's got to be less you're not law and in fact in the past the commission the president has repeatedly sectors have been talking about doing less europe and doing it better so they're grabbing more is simply it's political ambition it's part of the reason why the european economic community said to be the first place but it's not the answer to prayer our present economic problems. another economic obstacle britain needs to look into is the growing inequality between big bosses and rank and file points the u.k.'s largest trade union found that directors all the country's largest companies have built pension pots worth almost seven million dollars each party's polly boyko reports from london. politicians have long been saying that it's a time of belt tightening and budget cuts almost every section of british society
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is suffering from schools and hospitals to pension as in people with disabilities but there's one sector that seems immune from all this and that's the fat cats and company directors while everyone else is getting poorer getting richer the country's main trade union group the t.v. you see has released a report that exposes the gulf between the pensions of top company executives and ordinary because the top direct is a foot c one hundred companies receive average pensions a four hundred thousand dollars a year but that's just the average the chief executive of the gas company the bici group for example frank chapman has a pension savings of a staggering thirty million dollars and this is regardless of how successful the directors company is or the state of the economy most stuff receive a fraction of directives the pensions two thirds of private sector employees don't even participate in company pension schemes while those that do will ultimately
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receive an average yearly pension of just fifteen thousand dollars now if companies don't stop chipping away at the pensions of the majority of one because in order to avoid that direct to so-called solid pensions experts warn that person could be staring in the face of an unprecedented pension a poverty crisis and still have for you this hour not so far i know for pranking in a stone magazine comes under fire for using nazi clothes and images in a jokey diet. plus they promised speaks on the divisive case of the russian punk band saying two years behind bars is too harsh a punishment for the pussy riot girls stage a punk prayer in the country's main featuring. voters in the netherlands have elected to continue on a pro european path broadly sticking to
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a german led way out of the quite natural crisis the conservatives claim victory above may have to form a coalition with labor which holds similar views however despite rejecting parties calling for an exit from the euro zone a rethink of some austerity measures looks inevitable tests are sillier reports. the european crisis has affected the campaign period it really brought out a lot of voter sentiments that were unexpected when it comes to the dutch dutch people who are generally very pro european now we've seen in the past weeks before the final week of campaigning that the socialists had made a huge jump at some point even leading the front of the liberals and of the labor party however having said that a lot of observers do the fact that the dutch again are very practical people and have traditionally been centrist voters and they did vote that center left and center right parties the labor and the liberal party of the ruling the prime minister margaret to having said that though the fact that the campaign has brought
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out a lot of voter sentiment that didn't exist before having centrist government right now does not mean that those questions on whether they should keep helping the greeks for example or whether we should continue the way it has been in fashion following the german lead to plan for europe those questions will not just go away given even if they still have a centrist government right now so i think what will happen here is the most logical is that the labor and liberal which is a top two and biggest parties here will my former coalition in this sense it's only a practical however the question is there are differences in their approach to europe should they give more money to greece or should they follow the three percent of cuts drastic draconian fashion these are points that will definitely have disagreements and stability there is questionable and therefore the dutch may find it a coalition government formed quite quickly but whether it will last longer than the previous government well that is still an open question. and remember you can
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always have to have website r.t. dot com for the latest news as well as for comment in analysis here's a taste of what's already there for you right now. one all to rule them all the white house leaks a cyber security draft order or that could allow the u.s. president to tighten the noose of control over the internet. prying into privacy as hundreds of u.k. schools install cameras in the most intimate places find out more online at. a wave of anger house web dystonia a magazine there published a prankish diet pill advertisement that used images of emaciated prisoners at a nazi concentration camp the country is often criticized for harboring nazi ideals and for showing their reluctance to do anything about it except a shift key has this report. prank which went terribly wrong in a story a newspaper asked to express posted a picture of prisoners of
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a nazi death camp book involved with a text one two three dr mengele spills will do wonders for you there were no fat men in book involve this reference to a man who was responsible for more than forty thousand deaths in nine hundred forty s. nazi death camps certainly has caused uproar both in the stone here and abroad with the local jewish community and simon wiesenthal center both accusing the newspaper off of making a joke out of a huge tragedy and a massive loss of human lives the newspaper itself tried to justify this picture by saying that this was simply a joke in response to an earlier incident when a gas heating company in a stoney a posted a picture off at the entrance to another nazi death camp auschwitz with an advertisement of the heating system saying that their heating systems were reliable and very efficient many experts and political analysts have been very critical of
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the fact that such things happen in a more than democratic state a member of the european union and this prank by the newspaper and the advertisement by the gas company forced the country's foreign minister to bring his apologies for those incidents he said that he felt very ashamed to be a stony and b. if his country's newspapers allow themselves such jokes with the use of the human tragedy the newspaper and the gas company have certainly taking down these pictures from their websites but have not yet apologized and even despite the fact that the foreign minister of the stone yet has brought his apologies still many have been questioning how sincere those apologies were because a stone has a record of dealing with the events of the past and particularly with nazis and in this very own. sinister way several of the veterans who were fighting alongside the nazi troops in the 1940's in the so-called baltic legion were made national heroes
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in the story after the collapse of the soviet union so this latest incident certainly adds more fuel to the fire in this ongoing story of how the baltic states have been dealing with naziism and have been dealing with the perception of the past this incident this latest incident also caused indignation from the russian foreign ministry which said that this again shows how some power in the story and some of the ordinary population are dealing with things which were which are considered to be tragic and which are considered to be inhumane by the most of the world by most of the morning. and it's time now for some other news from around the world this hour somalia as a newly elected president hassan sheikh omar survived an assassination attempt on his second day in office a suicide bomb attack took place while the president and the visiting tannian
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foreign minister were holding a news conference at least five people were killed and three more injured a radical islamist group al-shabaab that is affiliated with al qaida claimed responsibility for the attack saying that mohammed selection been manipulated by western powers. at least fourteen people have been injured when a large crowd of venezuelan president hugo chavez supporters clashed with opposition followers incumbent president supporters wearing red shirts blocked a major road near the airport and torched an opposition campaign trial this comes as the opposition's presidential candidate in next month's election had been scheduled to visit the region which has traditionally been. the un's new envoy to syria rather than damascus in an effort to regulate the situation and they want one of three is also scheduled to meet with. president assad on his first mission to the country meanwhile violence between pro and anti-government forces is
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on the rise in the largest city of aleppo human rights groups claim the latest battle erupted near the city's international airport which is still held by probably assad forces on sunday a car bomb attack in aleppo killed at least thirty people. hundreds of striking miners have forced the closure of four mines of anglo-american platinum the world's largest producer become but he said it had taken itself to a safe place for their protection as labor unrest spreads in south africa's biggest industry because trees mines have in recent weeks been hit by arrest following the police shooting of thirty four miners during a wildcat strike at narconon. israel seems to be running out of backers for a military strike on iran as more western nations go pro diplomacy in the stand off french president all on now tops the list of politicians who say it should only be resolved through talks archie caught up with. political scientists at the
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university of maryland who thinks israel doesn't know what to harness capable of in case of an attack. not. all that could means that these royally a would attack you don't because that would not serve their interests god would not help them to achieve their objectives. it would be. basically costly for them to they can begin this drug they can begin the ball but they're not true and would respond when iran is going to respond or iran is going to respond i mean these are the important question which israelis cannot predict. and in fact no one can predict for your own is going to respond. all right that full interview is coming your way in just under ten minutes. russia's prime minister and to me that means video of has said that sentences given
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to the punk band pussy riot were too harsh saying keeping them behind bars any longer isn't necessary three women from the group were in jail last month for two years after staging a so-called punk prayer in the country's main cathedral archies you go to preschool reports. if was being quite frank when he said that what pussy riot it makes him sick and so do the hysteria and noise around this case over the prime minister did say that any jail sentence is already a tough punishment and perhaps any more time for pushing right behind bars may not be effective. but. the fact that these young women had been in custody for quite some time is by itself regardless of the verdict already a very serious punishment for what they've done that regardless of the position we are taking staying in prison is retribution in itself under very strict months ago regarding the content of this act i don't want to be a judge
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a substitute but in my opinion to proceed to punishment they've already suffered too and the time they spent in custody is more than enough for them to think about what's happened to their lives whether it's because of their stupidity or because of some of the reasons. why were arrested shortly after the so-called career many call the ninety clinton political machine inside question if the future of the scrolls was a huge we of this is me from questions across the whole country for many of them across the city's cathedral feeling of relief waste a lot of three members of pussy riot were sentenced to two years behind bars after having been found guilty of hooliganism based on religious hatred but now the prime minister's words come right out of the moscow city court just ready to start reviewing their appeal that's going to happen on the first of october so we'll still definitely be hearing more about the right. time to talk business maria
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you promised last hour to tell us about spain what's happening there all the leaders there are saying that there's no urgency to seek a bailout from europe as the country's foreign costs are dropping unless of course follows you have some precedents of the move to buy that from a troubled nations well when i spoke to financial expert patrick young. and he told us that this is not the solution of the actually masks real economic problems. what we're doing at the moment is essentially we've got someone who runs a pizza store and they realize that their pictures are actually not very good and nobody wants to eat it so therefore what they're going to do is they're going to buy all of their pizza and pay for the french to all sit in the restaurant and therefore they'll create the idea that there's a wonderfully good restaurant in wrong but everybody will know that it's rotten rancid pizza and actually the owners buying it from it so this whole concept of trying to threw money at a structural problem when everybody is in denial about what it is can only and with
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a really really ugly scenario. all right now let's take a look at the international markets starting with asia where there is definitely optimism in the air the next day is that in almost half a percent this hour when it comes to the hang sang it's a point one nine percent and investors there just like around the world are really waiting for the u.s. today announced because the u.s. federal reserve asserts announced its latest policy decision many investors are hoping that it will be another round of wants to so this is really what's driving the markets today and some investors are cautious ahead of making any decisions let's take a look at currencies see where that stands the euro strengthen against the u.s. dollar and fact is that is our highest level in the four months right now when it comes to the ruble updated figures this hour as the russian markets open we see that the ruble is again in against the u.s. dollar musing at sue the euro now let's take a look at there are some markets as i said they just opened and it's a mixed picture it basically investors near are hesitant before making any moves
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before they hear what happens in the u.s. but in general it's also the first half hour of the trading session so we will see a slow start to the day the r.t.s. out and over a quarter of a percent and then my sex is set in the same amount now i want to stay with our side talk about local news here having to do with technology this time around. and he is working on its own browser to compete with google's growing presence in russia the new software has a built in search bar by yandex and could be released as soon as october yandex hopes the new browser will help promote its wide range of services and give google iran for its money. and i want to talk about apple because it unveiled its latest phone which is all slimmer and has a larger screen now i just tell you about some other feature has it has a longer battery life and also dated both of its cameras which is a very important thing for fines there analysts predict that apple could sell as many as ten million i phones in the first ten days in as many as fifty million and the holiday quarter the i phone is the company's most important product in the
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council fifteen percent of apple's revenue j.p. morgan estimated that sales because the u.s. fourth quarter gross domestic product by three point two billion dollars. and that's what we have in business right now the headlines are next.


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