tv [untitled] September 13, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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breaking news this hour protesters stormed the u.s. and the scene get in with heavy gunfire and tear gas fired at the crowds. while on to american protests also continue to rage and egypt over the u.s. bill that looks a long tear gas has been used on protesters line pictures for you from cairo clashes between hundreds of protesters and security forces that. this is all see with breaking news this hour of clashes in yemen protesters break
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into the grounds of the american embassy in the capital sana'a gunfire has been heard around the compound but the yemen's embassy in washington says there are no casualties hundreds have been reported to be clashing with police and the publisher of the cemetery is our correspondent in the region lisa casanova will be joining us shortly to bring us the details but now let's cross to egypt. the clashes have been breaking out in cairo for a second day over the u.s. made film which depicts the prophet muhammad protesters stormed the embassy on wednesday morning tearing down the american flag and replacing it with an islamist one local journalist who has the details from the gyptian capital. people are extremely angry that the demographic of the group seems to have changed slightly from cheez day which was a very sort of conservative islamist group and this seems to be younger possibly three times the tricycle the funds for the police have cordoned off the whole area
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the whole street me and the us and the c. sections. and it basically just trying to secure the area and attacking protesters you have to take a moment i don't think this protest any has any signs of that you still think we know we've got so many different protest organizers and friday who bargain with the brotherhood and against this particular film which seems to have been inflamed me another moment i probably see any signs of stopping because now people are upset with the way the police about the matter because of the numbers are trying to has been a fair amount of criticism of me she recently because he actually didn't make any official statements about the deaths of the u.s. ambassador in libya yesterday and was very slow on the uptake in regards to ballots and people are asking him really to come home and maybe the situation here as the violence escalates so far he really hasn't come out much other and asking people for to peacefully protest and continuing along with his his jobs in the u.s. government had no took no part in the making of this film which obscure film which
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people take days to work out where it's really coming from i'm not even sure an apology from the u.s. government might people are asking for would really stop the protests right now because it seems to have escalated into a police versus protest fight some people if they're angry with the way the piece is still using the same tactics when the minute you were in power as they are now with supposedly civilian government really i'm not really sure how this is going to come down particularly with continued protests in yemen as well as across the middle east towards this film. and let's now talk to journalist and broadcaster neil clark very nice to have you with us this hour what's your assessment of who is behind the was to this violence does it seem heavily straighted to you. hello there when it does actually and i thought you know remember the old saying you reap what you sow and the us a reaping what it sold back to two thousand and eleven the us took part of nato in the attack on libya really debt and destruction and they've
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created this sort of violent situation so of course we condemn the terrible attacks will be us consulate the murder of christine. and of course the people responsible are those who carried out the killings we've got to put this in its wider context and this would have happened had noted not intervened last year. is there a sense that the government's losing its grip on an angry public in egypt which has been a boiling point ever since they are pricing what i think the government's losing its grip in libya in egypt and across the region and the us this is the card that's been stoking all this up the u.s. has been aggressively supporting. uprising to quote cross the region for its own interests and now it's a kind of blowback time the u.s. is getting it back and you know i think not interference it is the best way to go really. why it is been reported that president obama made deploy driers to seek out of the law who killed their ambassador to libya so if it's true what do you make of such a move. who are here and what are they going to do regime change again i mean we
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had this last year i mean exactly what was it it take it was a stable country the u.s. and nato decided to defeat any threat as we look across the globe everywhere when they too has to be has been a disaster look at iraq one million people killed there yugoslavia in kosovo we have the ethnic cleansing of surgeon roma somalia chaos there afghanistan eleven years of war and yet we still get the same or people calling for intervention across the globe when we learn that it just leads to more death and destruction. and as you say the u.s. has invested time money and extraordinary effort to what it sees as liberating these countries a gathering site and coming undone in a flash so can america recover its efforts from this barrack is going to pull back basically and change its course i mean that intervened in libya it's been disastrous western multinationals taking over the economy of course at the same. people pay the price and i think we've got to change our course completely now after this so what lessons are there for america's foreign policy here by going
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into these countries with the intention of being a liberator but which become controlled either by radical groups or you can write all of the angry mobs what is happening in syria to what we've already to mention of course syria was a country relatively peaceful eighteen months ago the u.s. intervened they were with its allies about the opposition peaceful protests were trying to divide it wants because of the u.s. flight and so we need to really change this whole policy and leave other countries alone let them sort out their own affairs constant i'm afraid very very powerful in washington and they're the people pushing this agenda of regime change in a region change in libya it didn't change in iraq with syria so long as these neo-cons of the internet or going to get is more death and destruction i'm afraid. and let's talk about egypt again so could this anti american be enough to undermine egypt's franchise our new democracy well i think people in egypt that are upset at what happened they thought there was a you know going to be a real change when we. things have stayed the same or so used to be clocked really
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. that would be very poor you know people are happy where you can have got and so i think unless there's real change in egypt this will only continue i'm afraid. in new york land journalist and broadcaster thank you very much indeed for your thank you my site. and the un security council has condemned the killing of the u.s. ambassador in libya russia's foreign minister ministry also issued a statement saying the assault on the diplomatic mission was a terrorist attack and any arks of terror cannot be justified on our reports. russia definitely has already issued in one way or another in its response to the attacks in libya and egypt saying that such attacks can and should that such attacks are strongly condemned and they have expressed their condolences to the united states however there is a belief in russia that this whole is basically a result of the u.s. foreign policy in which all occasion they do make dalliances with the terrorist
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organizations for example in his in his exclusive interview to r.t. russian president vladimir putin did mention that what is said what is happening right now in the middle east with the united states actually goes all the way back to the war in afghanistan was not to you know when someone aspires to attain and. any means will do as a rule we do it by hook or by crook and hardly ever think of the consequences that was the case during the war in afghanistan when the soviet union invaded in one nine hundred seventy nine that time our present partners supported a rebel movement and basically gave rise to al-qaeda which later backfired on the united states itself today someone could use militants from al qaida or some other denies ations with equally radical views to accomplish their goals in syria russia was criticized by a lot of the countries particularly by the united states for not supporting the rebels in the libyan conflict russia in turn has has insisted on the fact that the
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rebels have it have themselves been supported among others by al-qaeda fighters they have russia repeatedly has called on western powers to be careful with toppling with participating in toppling of various regimes for example someone such in libya or in egypt because they said if we do not know we cannot promise that what will come out is the result will be a democratic listen fact russia has said that we may be most certainly be dealing with kids and anarchy and wish a lot more of a lot more lives will be lost and forth. does russia predictions may in fact be playing out right now in the middle east and northern africa. streaming live pictures from cairo on our website and also let us know will cheer think about the violence that's spreading across our countries join the discussion on our facebook page.
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we're going on now coming together in a federation of nations states as a way forward for european nations e.u. commission president jose manuel barroso outlined his plans of escaping the clutches of the crisis the view is not shared by all across the region with critics in the u.k. pointing out europe isn't even london's biggest trade partner anymore. reports. a federation states and deep earth political integration that's what the president of the european commission. has called for to pull member states out of the euro crisis nights and well the cools for the member states to hand more power to europe
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has really ruffled some feathers here at westminster and has caused anger amongst us skeptics he's they that less europe and not more is the answer now is evidence of that your skeptics point to figures that have been released that for the first time since one thousand nine hundred seventy person is exporting more kids to the countries than it is to countries inside the e.u. and the recent questionnaire that was given to two thousand businesses conducted by the chamber of commerce that eighty five percent of those businesses didn't want further integration with the e.u. although only twelve percent questioned actually wanted to leave the all together well to talk more about so that this we're joined by. research fellow at the taxpayer's alliance thank you very much for joining us. comments all they going to save us from the euro crisis. watch we've got to see commission
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finally coming clean about what the long term agenda for the european union is. what it's trying to do is trying to create all the powers that it's long been trying to. make the most of of a disaster the eurozone disaster in order to achieve that that's not the answer the more you a question is never the answer actually breaking british off the european union if you want to work there's got to be less you have not more and in fact in the past to commission a person to. have been talking about doing less you are doing a better job grabbing more simply. it's political ambition and really it's part of the reason why the european economy to the search for the first place but it's not the answer to the poor or present economic problems if this goes forward at the a series of proposals which commission. has come forward with including
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a fiscal union at a banking union a far deeper economic union is going to be a referendum would if any of these proposals go through guess this is not an easy solution if you're trying to solve the eurozone crisis you need a solution that's going to work pretty damn quickly and having a process which is going to take potentially two or three years while the show that this isn't what it's all about. our top story now clashes have erupted in yemen as protesters break into the grounds of the american embassy in the capital sana'a gunfire has been heard around the compound but yemen's embassy in washington says there are no casualties and let's not talk to our correspondent in the region lisa happen of they say some conflicting reports have been coming out of yemen well can you tell us about that. that's true well turmoil in the arab world spread to yemen on thursday after hundreds possibly even thousands of protesters stormed the u.s. embassy in the capital there just two days after the american ambassador to libya
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was killed and protesters tried to take the embassy in cairo now when it comes to yemen witnesses on the ground reported live ammunition being shot by security forces into the air one reporter i spoke to actually said that there was an injury someone was injured in the head by one of those rounds falling from the air security forces also used tear gas and water cannons according to eyewitness reports we also heard that protesters were able to breach one of the outer perimeter is of the american embassy there setting fires to vehicles. setting fire to one building and also tearing down according to eyewitness reports a u.s. flag and replacing it with another flag there while it does seem that the situation has been more or less in control so far it really is an unstable sort of environment and we do know that aside from this this controversial video which really sparked the protest drone strikes in that country have really pitted people versus u.s. foreign policy interests in yemen yeah. in the been spreading across the.
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sea. they have they have i mean we've talked about egypt on this program but besides yemen we've seen protests erupt in the in the gaza where protesters burned an american flag more and more or less peaceful protests in iran as well as protests in the wrong on the topic of iraq we also had the leader of one of the leaders of iraq the militia there saying that american interests in that country are. in danger or on the counter of the film we've also seen a very popular in kuwait posters twitter accounts of call for protesters to gather on thursday evening side of the american embassy there so it remains to be seen how that situation will play out and of course the one to really watch is going to be afghanistan and we know that you tube has tried to block access to that video in afghanistan as well as in libya and egypt but if people really do catch on to this we could see some unprecedented levels of violence this is according to some of the
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people some of the reporters that i've spoken to on the ground in kabul and. those who killed the american ambassador to the country but america is not leaving them we've been stunned. all day. that's right well in libya the libyan situation is a little bit different from the other countries where we've seen where of course the libyan protesters or the libyan people who are against the government of moammar gadhafi had really welcomed us intervention called western intervention to help them overthrow the former leader and they are but this iteration in libya is really escalating in the sense that the u.s. president has promised just send a team of marines to the ground force the security situation there we've also heard that u.s. war destroyers are naval were just going to be sent to that area supposedly to help with potential humanitarian assistance and evacuations of though of course that remains to be seen how that will work out and also reports of unmanned surveillance drones potentially being deployed according to president obama in libya to help
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supposedly hunt down the people responsible for these attacks although it's really quite unclear how that's going to play out all right our correspondent in the region lisa confidence to say thanks very much for that update we'll be talking to you later of course. thank you remember you can always head to our web site for the latest news as well as for calm and analysis and here's a taste of what's already lined up for you that. rule them all and the white house leaks a cyber security draft that could allow the u.s. president to tighten the noose of control over the. class prying into privacy as hundreds of u.k. schools install cameras in the most intimate places find out more why. now a wave has swept as stony after a magazine that published a spoof diet pill advertisement that he used images of prisoners as a nazi concentration camp the country's been criticized for harboring nazi ideals
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and showing a reluctance to do anything about it all he's an exterior chef he has this report. a prank which went terribly wrong in a story a newspaper asked to express posted a picture of prisoners of a nazi death camp book involved with a text one two three dr mengele spills will do wonders for you there were no fat men in book involve this reference to a man who was responsible for more than forty thousand deaths in nine hundred forty s. nazi death camps certainly has caused uproar both in the stone here and abroad with the local jewish community and simon wiesenthal center both accusing the newspaper off of making joke out of a huge tragedy and the massive loss of human lives the newspaper itself tried to justify this picture by saying that this was simply a joke in response to an earlier incident when a gas heating company in a stoney
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a posted a picture off at the entrance to another nazi death camp auschwitz with an advertisement of the heating system saying that their heating systems were reliable and very efficient many experts and political analysts have been very critical of the fact that such things happen in a more than democratic state a member of the european union and this prank by the newspaper and the advertisement by the gas company forced the country's foreign minister to bring his apologies for those incidents he said that he felt very ashamed to be a stony and b. if his country's newspapers allow themselves such jokes with the use of the human tragedy so many have been questioning how sincere those apologies were because a stone has a record of dealing with the events of the past and particularly with nazis and in this very own sinister way several of the veterans who were fighting alongside the
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not situated in the 1940's in the so-called s.s. baltic legion were made the national heroes in the stony off to the collapse of the soviet union so this latest incident certainly adds more fuel to the fire in this ongoing story of how the post soviet baltic states have been dealing with naziism and have been dealing with the perception of the past. and check some other news around the world for you now so mom is new to eleven president her son shake my mood has survived an assassination attempt on his second day in office the so sign bomb attack took place while the president and the visiting kenyan foreign minister were holding a news conference at least five people were killed and three more injured a radical islamist group al shabaab that is affiliated with al qaeda claimed responsibility for that are saying that election have been many related by western powers. at least fourteen people have been injured one of a large cloud of that israel and crowds and supporters clashed with opposition
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follows the incumbent president supporters wearing red shirts major road near the airport and torched an opposition campaign truck this comes as the opposition presidential candidate in next month's election have been shadowed to visit the region which has traditionally been one of. the un's new envoy to syria is in damascus to meet with president assad on his first peace mission to the country. and hopes to regulate the situation in the war torn country but said what he had to make of the proposed that his task was almost impossible meanwhile violence between pro and anti government services is on the rise of the largest city of aleppo the latest battle erupted near the city's international airport which was still held by pro assad forces on sunday a couple were talking aleppo claimed the lives of at least thirty people. hundreds of striking miners have forced the closure of mines of american platinum the world's largest producer the company said it had taken its staff to
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a safe place for their protection as labor unrest spreads in south africa's biggest industry the country's mines have in recent weeks been hit by an breast following the police shooting of thirty four miners during a wild count strike in my economy. workers in the netherlands have elected to continue on the pro european. broadly sticking to adjourn the lead way out of the financial crisis the conservatives claimed victory but may have to form a coalition with labor which holds similar economic views however despite rejecting part is calling for an exit from the eurozone i was think of some austerity measures looks inevitable as his tests are senior reports. the european crisis has affected the campaign period it really brought out a lot of voter sentiments that were unexpected what it comes to the dutch dutch people who are generally very pro european now we've seen in the past weeks before the final week of campaigning that socialists had made a huge jump at some point even leading the front of the liberals and of the labor
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party however having said that a lot of observers do rate the fact that the dutch again are very practical people and have traditionally been centrist voters and they did vote that center left of center right parties the labor and the liberal party of the ruling the prime minister margaret are having said that though the fact that the campaign has brought out a lot of voter sentiment that didn't exist before having centrist government right now does not mean that those questions on whether they should keep helping the greeks for example or whether it should continue the way it has been in a draconian fashion following the german lead to plan for europe those questions will not just go away given even if they still have a centrist government right now so i think what will happen here is the most logical is that the labor and liberal wishes of top two and biggest parties here will my former coalition in this sense it's only a practical however the question is there are differences in their approach to europe should they give more money to greece or should they follow the three
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percent of cuts drastic draconian fashion these are points that will definitely have disagreements and stability there is questionable and therefore the dutch may find it a coalition government formed quite quickly but whether it will last longer than the previous government well that is still an open question. and let's cross over to our business desk now in the arena a big day for the markets today that's exactly right of course yesterday european investors and investors around the world actually were waiting to hear about the verdict in germany and of course there were no that the constitutional court gave the green light for berlin to ratify the euro zone's russkies. on and today investors are waiting for the u.s. federal reserve to announce its latest policy decision and many investors are hoping to see some quantitative easing let's see how investors are reacting in a second but first i want to talk about spain and that's because leaders there have now said that there is no urgency to get another bailout from europe since the
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country's borrowing costs are dropping and this of course follows the unprecedented move from europe and that was to buy dead from troubled countries and we spoke about this issue with financial expert patrick young and he said that this is really not a solution and it actually mask some real economic problems let's take a listen. what we're doing at the moment is essentially we've got someone who runs a pizza store and they realize that their peaches are actually not very good and nobody wants to eat it so therefore what they're going to do is they're going to buy all of their pizza and pay for the french to all sit in the restaurant and therefore they'll create the idea that there's a wonderfully good restaurant in wrong but everybody will know that it's wrong. and actually the owner is buying it back from it so this whole concept of trying to throw money at a structural problem when everybody is in denial about what you do can only end with a really really ugly scenario. ok so i was talking about spain or less like
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a lot of what's happening in europe investors are cautious they don't want to make any moves until they hear from the u.s. federal reserve and that is really reflected in the figures across the board in europe right now it's mixed at least the footsie has managed to escape negative territory but it is a flat and similarly with the dax let's move on and take a look at currencies where the euro still strengthen against the u.s. dollar at the moment it's trade in the war month high is when it comes to the ruble it's going against both major currencies this thursday and if we take a look at the russian markets and see the picture of there investors here are also looking at the oil prices of course and we see that the r.t. has a shot in just a notch and of my sex is approaching a half a percent and there. when i mentioned the oil prices as a whole right now about china the u.s. will do something to do so economy and make demand for fuel higher ok now i want to stay with russia and talk about young decks a search engine here because it is currently working on the song browser to compete with google's growing presence in russia the new software has
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a built in storage bar and could be released as soon as october yandex hopes the new browser will help promote its wide range of services and give google a run for its money. and i let's talk about i phone which of course has just been released on bail the i phone five and i actually looks quite similar to the previous version but it has a larger screen and it has a longer battery life let me give you some more examples of what the new features include we have updated cameras also the phone itself is much slimmer analysts predict that apple could sell as many as ten million phones in the first ten days and as many as fifty million and the holiday quarter the i phone is the company's most important product in the council fifty three percent of apple's revenue j.p. morgan asked the matter that sales could boost the u.s. fourth quarter gross domestic product by three point two billion dollars. from me and business katy perry and with the with the next great stuff thank you very much indeed for that marina and see you tomorrow yes exactly and all of the way
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market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mikes concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. morning news today violence is once again fled the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are today. a mission free cretaceous free cones for charges free coming from an.
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