tv [untitled] September 13, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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first has to do in the u.s. embassy in view and then as the way the viewer is present calls the muslim world and was supposed to us made film which marks islam. plus stars and tear gas are exchanged between protesters and police in cairo as another anti us demonstration descends into scenes of violence at least several. others most profoundly condemns all the time some of the us diplomats some experts say these kind of a time for another title because of washington's controversial policies and the reach of.
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international news and comment live from moscow this is all she was me thanks for joining us protesters have a tongue as the u.s. embassy in the capital of yemen clashing with police who opened fire to despise the mob one person was reportedly killed and several wounded in the clashes is the latest he was a diplomatic mission to come and talk in a response to an american film poking fun at islam. in a hostile nations for. turmoil in the arab world spread to yemen on thursday after hundreds possibly even thousands of protesters stormed the u.s. embassy in the capital there just two days after the american ambassador to libya was killed and protesters tried to take the embassy and cairo now when it comes to yemen witnesses on the ground reported live ammunition being shot by security forces into the air one reporter i spoke to actually said that there was an injury
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someone was injured in the head by one of those rounds falling from the air security forces also used tear gas and water cannons according to eyewitness reports we also heard that protesters were able to breach one of the outer perimeters of the american embassy there setting fires to vehicles before the setting fire to one building and also tearing down according to eyewitness reports a u.s. flag and replacing it with another flag there while it does seem that the situation has been more or less in control so far it really is an unstable sort of environment and we do know that aside from this this controversial video which really sparked the protests drone strikes in that country have really pitted the people versus u.s. foreign policy interests in yemen besides yemen we've seen protests erupt in in the gaza where protesters burned an american flag more or less peaceful protests in iran as well as protests in the wrong on the topic of iraq we also had the leader of one of the leaders of an iraqi militia there saying that american interests in
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that country are. quite quite in danger or on the count of the film we've also seen a very popular in. posters twitter account of call for protesters to gather on thursday evening side of the american embassy there so it remains to be seen how that situation will play out and of course the one to really watch is going to be afghanistan and we know that you tube has tried to block access to that video in afghanistan as well as in libya and egypt but if people really do catch on to this we could see some unprecedented levels of. islands this is according to some of the people some of the reporters that i've spoken to on the ground in kabul libyan situation is a little bit different from the other countries where we've seen where of course the libyan protesters are the libyan people who are against the government of moammar gadhafi had really welcome to u.s. intervention called western intervention to help them overthrow the former leader there but this iteration in libya is really escalating in the sense that the u.s. president has promised to send
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a team of marines to the ground the security situation there we've also heard that u.s. war destroyers are unable we're just going to be sent to that area supposedly to help with potential humanitarian assistance and evacuations of those of course remains to be seen how that will work out and also reports of unmanned surveillance drones potentially being deployed according to president obama in libya to help them supposedly hunt down the people responsible for these attacks although it it's really quite unclear how that's going to play out. today john the may just across the muslim world by installing our correspondent on twitter. and staying with the i mean let's not talk to base journalist out of the barn i don't welcome to the show so there are conflicting with pool source actually happening around the u.s. embassy decision at the moment. essentially the clashes throughout today appeared to be concentrated around the embassy outside of the immediate area things
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generally remained remained rather call. from what i've been told and what i've been able to gather and rap scene sort of started with a large protest march which preceded the embassy and it appeared germane people to be peaceful at first then once they reached the embassy protesters. quickly a number of protesters attempted to scale walls and in some cases needed into. our courtyard with in yemen to see itself however they were unable to make it into they were unable to dock where they were able to reach any of the main buildings in the embassy and then i was a spokesman has confirmed to me that. all u.s. embassies doppies fine and accounted for what's you want gerald perception all these protests and a spontaneous crowd and if so who are they all well that's a well organized time. it's there were calls from
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a number of. sort of i guess you call them islamist preachers. regarding protests today but that being said the u.s. embassy is arguably the most secure building in all of sana this is a building that was targeted in two separate attacks over the course of two thousand and eight and security was significantly beefed up since it has been significantly beefed up since then and so it's i don't know i think for many many many find it hard to believe that this was just a spontaneous event. that. the u.s. does not carry on i'm sorry carry on people and it's just hard to. i don't know as someone who's been to the embassy. in far more peaceful times it's hard it's something that's kind of hard for me to it's hope still hard for me to process that people were able to infiltrate the embassy and in
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a way they were to be honest the u.s. has been carrying out drone strikes in yemen for months it has not being viewed by people that i think there's a lot of anger or i would say it's not. i characterize it more simmering anger rather than you know obviously today's today's drug today's for just wasn't ostensibly about drone strikes it was about this film however. i think you have to do it in yemen you've got to put it you have to look at it within this context and i think there has been building popular anger against some policies of the united states in yemen. that being said you know you also have a number of you many reluctantly have backed are on strike saying that you know they're the best of a bad they're bad do the best list of bad situations but the anger against the
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opposition to the drone strikes in some quarters has has really increased as of late particularly because of the strike about a week and a half ago. that and get up. and up killing ten civilians rather than rather than a the al qaida leader that it was supposed to go right he had been is said to be home to al kind as was the active branch just how organized are extremists in the country that. it's as of now there's no there's no proof that this demonstration was links towards al qaeda in the arabian peninsula which is yemen's local al qaeda franchise and for the most part open al qaeda activity has largely been confined to the nation to areas in the nation south. however i think this is a demin today's events are more than anything a demonstration of the continued. instability here which many analysts say has
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given. and its affiliates here this face to face to offer it to some international officials have even said there's a civil war raging in yemen is this reading the case and if so where is this heading i wouldn't say it's as easy as a civil war it's not as simple as a civil war i think you've got. as of now you have power transfer agreement on internationally awkward facts around which remove salo from power for a while to remove salo from power. so many of. yemen's problems yemen's internal issues whether political or whether you know between different groups between you know the central government in succession us for example remain remain on salts and even as the the current president has made progress. i think the base it underlines the continuing stability and instability in yemen
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journalists to adam byron live for us in the yemeni capital thanking. meanwhile in cairo where the fire broke in this series of anti american wires flared up demonstrations have evolved into have it clashes with police authorities have been trying to drive protesters away from the u.s. embassy with buttons and tear gas but have met fierce resistance some seventy people have been confirmed so far and about true local journalist because of this scene reports now from the egyptian capital. people are extremely angry that the demographic of the group seems to have changed slightly from cheese day which is a very sort of ultra conservative islamist group and this seems to be younger possibly football fans the football fans but it's not yet confirmed the police have cordoned off the whole area the whole street me the u.s. embassy and sections towards the here and basically just trying to secure the area
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and attacking protesters would like to take us to me i mean i don't think this protest is any has any signs of actually stopping we know we've got a different protest organize on friday and she called for by the muslim brotherhood against this particular film which seems to have inflamed people in the middle east and other moment i can't see any signs of stopping because now people are upset with the way the police have dealt with the matter because of the levels of violence there has been a fair amount of criticism of morsi recently because he actually didn't make any official statements about the deaths of the u.s. ambassador in libya yesterday and was very slow on the uptake in regards to that people are asking him really to come home and maybe the situation here as the violence escalates but so far he really hasn't gotten that much i've been asking people for to peacefully protest and continuing along with his his jobs in the u.s. government had no took no part in the making of this film is obscure film which people take days to work out where it's really coming from i'm not even sure that an apology from the u.s. government might people are asking for would really stop the protest right now
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because it seems to escalate into a police versus protest fights and people who are angry with the way the police is still using the same tactics when the minute you were in power as they are now with the supposedly civilian government really i'm not really sure how this is going to come down particularly with continued protests in yemen as well as across the middle east towards this film. the killing of the u.s. ambassador in libya received firm international condemnation russia's foreign ministry described their salt on the diplomats as a terrorist attack which cannot be justified under any circumstances yet many politicians in moscow warned of this deadly reaction towards the u.s. long before it happened to reno going to ports. not a case of i told you so but rather a growing worry that russian diplomats greatest fears are becoming a grim reality where simmering disturbances have now flared up into full blown attacks on u.s. facilities in egypt and libya countries where recent revolutions in the name of
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democracy won washington's unwavering support some in moscow believe this i'm a city is a direct result of u.s. foreign policy in the region which stretches back to the war in afghanistan or those that are sick you know when someone aspires to attain and they see as optimal any means will do as a rule we do it by hook or by crook and hardly ever think of the consequences that was the case during the war in afghanistan it was when the soviet union invaded in one nine hundred seventy nine that time our present partners supported a rebel movement there and basically gave rise to al-qaeda which later backfired on the united states itself today someone could use militants from al qaeda or some other organizations with equally radical views to accomplish their goals in syria just as the u.s. came to the aid of the mujahideen in afghanistan so too they rushed to help opposition fighters in libya despite evidence of terror groups playing a vital role in the uprising the same tactic also as we're seeing now was he was to
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libya by records to me. we're at war with kut buffett are saying. they got on president support financial support i mean arms sales and so on and finally the cut after it was our through the russia and the us have always been partners in the fight against terrorism a sense of the blue city when it comes to condemning some and supporting others has been a source of disappointment for most go. but so far the un has strongly condemned any terror attacks then our colleagues failed to condemn the recent terror. attack on syrian security forces in damascus saying that it wasn't really a terror attack as it targeted those who fought against the rebels but explanation frankly shocked me russia has repeatedly warned about an overly enthusiastic approach to toppling dictators says there is always
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a danger that what follows will be even further destruction chaos and bloodshed yet those concerns have fallen largely on deaf ears in the worst and countries like the united states even tougher times ahead while trying to untangle the political knots they've both been in the region. moscow and home for you are closely monitoring the project that's popped in the arab world by the on take islamic american fellow you'll find updates on the demonstrations and the international reaction to the violence along with the latest videos from where the protests are on the way. there's outrage in a state near over more advantage and showing a may say to the prisoners at a concentration camp that magazine that published it says the ad is just
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a job but as a mix a year cheska reports the country has a record of elevating its not supposed. a prank which went terribly wrong in a story a newspaper asked to express posted a picture of prisoners of a nazi death camp book involved with a text one two three dr mengele spills will do wonders for you there were no fat men in book involve this reference to a man who was responsible for more than forty thousand deaths in nine hundred forty s. nazi death camps certainly has caused uproar both in the stone here and abroad with the local jewish community and simon wiesenthal center both accusing the newspaper off of making a joke out of a huge tragedy and a massive loss of human lives the newspaper itself tried to justify this picture by saying that this was simply a joke in response to an earlier incident when a gas heating company in a stoney a posted a picture off at the entrance to another nazi death camp auschwitz with an
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advertisement of the heating system saying that their heating systems were reliable and very efficient many experts and political analysts have been very critical of the fact that such things happen in a more than democratic state a member of the european union and this prank by the newspaper and the advertisement by the gas company forced the country's foreign minister to bring his apologies for those incidents he said that he felt very ashamed to be stony and if his country's newspapers allow themselves such jokes with the use of the human tragedy still many have been questioning how sincere those apologies were because a stone has a record of dealing with the events of the past and particularly with nazis and in this own way several of the veterans who were fighting alongside the nazi troops in the 1940's in the so-called baltic legion were made national heroes in
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a story off to the collapse of the soviet union so this latest incident so. only adds more fuel to the fire in this ongoing story of how the post soviet baltic states have been dealing with naziism and have been dealing with the perception of the past this incident this latest incident also caused indignation from the russian foreign ministry which said that this again shows how some power in the story and some of the ordinary population are dealing with things which were which are considered to be tragic and which are considered to be inhumane by the most of the world by most of the morning. home right now in news from around the world on beyond like ninety two little duran planets the curiosity rover is being revved up for the next stage of its hunt for traces of life on mars. have been brought back down to earth learn how some unlucky photographers have been labeled
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potential terrorists just for trying to do their job at all. but it is in the netherlands have elected to continue on a pro european palls broadly sticking to a german led way out of the financial crisis the conservatives claim victory but may have to form a coalition with labor which holds similar economic me however despite rejecting policies calling for an exit from the eurozone or if think of some austerity measures and looks inevitable as to pull. the european crisis has affected the campaign period it really brought out a lot of voter sentiments that were unexpected when it comes to the dutch dutch people who are generally very pro european now we've seen in the past weeks before the final week of campaigning that socialists have made a huge jump at some point even the leading. front of the liberals and of the labor party however having said that a lot of observers do the fact that the dutch again are very practical people and have traditionally been centrist voters and they did vote that center left and
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center right parties the labor and the liberal party the prime minister margaret to having said that though the fact that the campaign has brought out a lot of voter sentiment that didn't exist before having centrist government right now does not mean that those questions on whether they should keep helping the greeks for example or whether we should continue the way it has been in fashion following the german lead to plan for europe those questions will not just go away given even if they still have a centrist government right now so i think what will happen here is the most logical is that the labor and liberal wishes of top two and biggest parties here will my former coalition in this sense it's only a practical however the question is there are differences in their approach to europe should they give more money to greece or should they follow the three percent of. drastic draconian fashion these points that will definitely have disagreements and stability there is questionable and therefore the dutch may find
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it a coalition government formed quite quickly but whether it will last longer than the previous government well that is still an open question. and more the world's main news for you this hour the un's new envoy just series in damascus will meet president assad of his first peace mission to the country. hopes to make inroads in ending the conflict but it's a task he's already conceded as being almost impossible violence is growing in syria's largest city aleppo with the latest battle erupting near the city's international airport which is still held by pro assad forces. gunmen in southern pakistan have child does seven road construction workers who are employed by the government no one's here to diminish the killings pakistan's southern baluchistan province is plagued by militants and separatists but regular anti-government a times in a bid for autonomy under a larger share of natural resources. israel's prime minister is
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vowing to keep pushing for the u.s. to get tougher on iran and its nuclear program benyamin netanyahu wants america to start on defining defining boundaries broke a possible strike on tehran but washington's refusing saying more times needed for diplomacy and sanctions to work as are going global impasse over iran's atomic program despite repeated denials that it's building a ball and next hour political scientist and page in jersey explains why an israeli strike would only iran's radical elements. are doing that basically for putting pressure on international community and particularly in america in a presidential election they want to get more they want to make america. great lawrence which is no enrichment or desire to enrich went on iran but in case they decide to attack to me a lot of t.v. their objectives they're not they don't have the capability to attack you or are they going to try missiles or macleans to places which you would not.
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not to pursue its nuclear program. the cause of the wrong brother has in terms of. nuclear program or going for nuclear weapons. basically. to me. strengthen the hands of the radical ones that are. on to business now with casey so all eyes are focused on the federal reserve. absolutely including minute here that's where we're looking towards because the federal reserve they are set to announce well perhaps a new round of bond buying at least that's what investors are certainly hoping for and according to a bloomberg survey with a quantum is two thirds of them believe that to be the case so lots of anticipation let's have a look at the figures and see what investors are doing now because right now the
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dow jones is two tenths of stand up and pretty much the same for the nasdaq as large just a fraction behind if we look at the european markets then we'll be able to see that we did witness a mole rally in the lungs and the hope of present our outrage is traders they buy up stocks in the hope profiting from the q e three that is jacketed all the continent low for germany it was exactly the same amount pretty much but down below the waterline so markets remain uncertain that is ahead of the fed announcement as far as that europe is concerned spanish lenders all saying there is now no urgency to seek to find out from europe is boring cause have actually gone down this announcement follows europe's president it moved to buy debt of troubled nations to seize growth our financial expert patrick young author of gathering storm delays is not the solution and it only disguises the real economic problem. what we're doing
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at the moment is essentially we've got someone who wronged you. it's a store and they realize that their peaches are actually not very good and nobody wants to eat it so therefore what they're going to do is they're going to vie all of their pizza and pay for the french to all sit in the restaurant and therefore they'll create the idea that there's a wonderfully good restaurant in wrong but everybody will know that it's right in front of pizza and actually the owners buying it from from it so this whole concept of trying to threw money at a structural problem when everybody is in denial about what it is can only end with a really really ugly scenario ok let's check out that piece and now because right now it is again a draft if you look at the figures it's pretty much the last of the moment i haven't seen much action today considering it's the most traded cars the power of the lot is one twenty nine zero nine for this hour as for the russian ruble it
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stopped the trading session for today and it was to gain against the basket of cards is the russian markets have pretty much stood still all day really side with directions here in moscow that so as investors await their international cues and we're probably likely to see more action tomorrow we've got the arts yes there are a quarter of the sell on the my six finish down for tens of. alice stick with russia phenomenal domestically just sent your bank has increased its k. refinance rate by a quarter of a percent point to eight point twenty five percent now the decision is due to rising inflation has already wait six point three percent that's above the regulators target for the whole year's inflation is certainly a concern at the moment with stick with russia pronounced let you down that because it's working on its own browser to compete with google's growing presence in russia the new software has a built in search bar by dex and could be released as soon as october hopes the new
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browser will help promote its wide range of services again google a run. fritz mondale. so we all the king state side yeah that's pretty much anticipation is the word of the day hi katie we'll see you next hour then coming up big report why is out the british prime minister's choice of bankers to employ in the treasury.
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was given to this new was to be a series of used to listen with the role of foster this evening was to be delving into the facts which affect the business was on the internet i'm going to give especially welcome to all the ladies and agents from the n.s.a. a few of my five glad you're listening in because the show is all about statements in which spreading from the streets in swat moves as we speak laws are being tacitly written in to implement ways of controlling the expanse of dissent in it to keep us safe we told them. you could trust the government now if you go door to door i gotta worry about i'm in sochi but no need a city in europe i'm the host of the twenty third she went through the cricket.
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