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tv   [untitled]    September 13, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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on r.t. tonight protesters stormed the u.s. embassy in yemen as the wave of fury spreads across the muslim world in response to a u.s. made film which mocks islam. stones and tear gas are exchanged between protesters and police in cairo was another anti u.s. demonstration descends into scenes of violence there edging at least two hundred twenty. and president putin strongly condemns all attacks on u.s. diplomats but says governments must be extremely cautious with people's religious feelings warnings of dire consequences otherwise.
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hello there live from moscow this is r t it's eleven pm thursday evening here and i'm kevin zero in with the top stories for you protesters attacked the u.s. embassy in the capital of yemen clashing with police who opened fire to disperse the mob two people reportedly killed and several wounded in those clashes is the latest u.s. diplomatic mission to come under attack in response to an american film poking fun at islam and his lucy catherine of scott the latest. turmoil in the arab world spread to yemen on thursday after hundreds possibly even thousands of protesters stormed the u.s. embassy in the capital there just two days after the american ambassador to libya was killed and protesters tried to take the embassy and cairo now when it comes to to yemen witnesses on the ground reported live ammunition being shot by security forces into the air one reporter i spoke to actually said that there was an injury
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someone was injured in the head by one of those rounds falling from the air security forces also used tear gas and water cannons according to eyewitness reports we also heard that protesters were able to breach one of the outer perimeter is of the american embassy there setting fire to vehicles before the setting fire to one building and also tearing down according to eyewitness reports a u.s. flag and replacing it with another flag there while it does seem that the situation has been more or less in control so far it really is an unstable sort of environment and we do know that aside from this this controversial video which really sparked the protests drone strikes in that country have really pitted the people versus u.s. foreign policy interests in yemen besides again then we've seen protests erupt in in the gaza where protesters burned an american flag more or less peaceful protests in iran as well as protests in iraq on the topic of iraq we also had the leader of one of the leaders of an iraqi militia there saying that american interests in that
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country are. quite quite in danger or on the count of the film we've also seen a very popular in kuwait posters twitter accounts of call for protesters to gather on thursday evening outside of the american embassy there so it remains to be seen how that situation will play out and of course the one to really watch is going to be afghanistan and we know that you tube has tried to block access to that video in afghanistan as well as in libya and egypt but if people really do catch on to this we could see some unprecedented levels of. islands this is according to some of the people some of the reporters that i've spoken to on the ground in kabul libyan situation is a little bit different from the other countries where we've seen where of course the libyan protesters are the libyan people who are against the government of moammar gadhafi had really welcomed us intervention called western intervention to help them overthrow the former leader there but this iteration in libya is really escalating in the sense that the u.s. president has promised to send a team of marines to the ground force the security situation there we've also heard
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that u.s. war destroyers are unable we're going to be sent to that area supposedly to help with potential humanitarian assistance and evacuations of the of course remains to be seen how that will work out and also reports of unmanned surveillance drones potentially being deployed according to president obama in libya to help them supposedly hunt down the people responsible for these attacks although it's really quite unclear how that's going to play out. across the muslim world corresponded to see their own twitter. he was. joins us now live to get his thoughts about these latest developments robert thanks for being on the phone this precinct the libyan officials say they made several arrests in connection with the deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi how difficult it is going to be to identify and punish the perpetrators those of. well it's always difficult specially in a case where you have a very confused situation. there were elements of it seems to be that there were
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elements of a popular protest mixed in with people who were and had intent to actually do much greater harm so to separate out the two groups is always a difficult thing i might quite sure how good video might be there are obviously there usually are pretty sophisticated video setups around u.s. embassies and consulates so they might have more of that than we might suspect you had u.s. military reinforcements are on the way now to the region has that going to be perceived by anti-american protest as you think. well assuming that it's meant just to protect the embassies it may not have too much of an impact i don't think president obama has in mind any major commitment of u.s. forces in the region beyond what we've seen in the past so i think that. it's unlikely i would think that it would have too much of an impact where the
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drones are going to be used over night tell it up of a party this weekend and some point. well is always that and. clearly the one of the problems has been that when the u.s. and european nations decided they would team up to live with the libyan rebels to get rid of gadhafi there was always this concern that there were elements in the libyan rebel forces who are much more radical who are much closer to al qaeda some of whom it fought with al qaeda some of whom have been leaders of al qaeda so the fact that there was that element was sort of known but played down during the period when gadhafi was under assault after his overthrow and killing there's continued to be a great deal of disorder inside the country were some of these radical elements have really competed to see if they can gain control and certainly in benghazi they have been that has been one of their strongholds causal friday after prez more anti-american protests are expected to take place and then in the muslim world how
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far do you think washington will go to protect the diplomats if they also come under attack again well there probably will be an effort to pull out as many as can be removed safely that's the usual strategy that the u.s. follows to minimize the harm that can happen but as we've seen even though these embassies are much more hardened than they were in past years we've seen crises evolve in places like iran and pakistan in the past where embassies have been overrun how much that can be stopped and whether even a beefed up marine corps at the embassies can do that is certainly in question is i think the obama administration wants to avoid any any large scale violence they would want the marines to be firing into crowds but that's the sort of situation that can get can get out of hand pretty quickly the u.s. system by some extremist movements in the muslim world since last year namely libya and syria today washington is going to reconsider its policies now may be well
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qaeda linked elements have been blamed for some of the. attacks over the last forty eight hours well again that is part of the problem with syria as well as it is with as it was with libya. one of the reasons that president obama and his administration have been hesitant to to engage in another regime change approach in syria like they did in libya is that concerned that there are more elements in syria that could. push that country in a very radical direction. so i think is there will be this there will be a concern of not getting too much more involved in the american people frankly have shown a real disinclination to repeat what was done during the bush administration where the united states got involved in iraq and afghanistan without a serious plan for what to do next ok life in the u.s. offensive journalist thanks so much robert perry there much appreciate your thoughts tonight. look at the scene from cairo where the first protests in the
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series of anti american rights flared up heavy clashes with police have continued throughout the day authorities there were driving protesters away from the u.s. embassy with batons and tear gas at one point they met fierce resistance and returned over two hundred twenty people have already been injured let's get an update here crossed bell true local journalist joining us on the line live from the scene bell hi there good evening what is the latest where you are and there are police are in behind you what is actually happening if you can pulled it out for us . as you can probably hear there's been no continue clashes which you just recently the last ten minutes actually escalated and that's a police siren you can hear behind us and also occasionally switches from take us kind of stairs and possibly bad shots we've still got hundreds of protesters here mainly youth who you managed to take over the central square the security forces have been holding all day which is adjacent to the u.s. embassy security forces were pushed into neighboring street called lucky america
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street limits in the last few minutes the protest the sorry the security forces have just. launched offensive on the protesters and pushed them back three times and on the surrounding streets what is the police presence there what is being done to calm the crowds. what we're seeing really is normal behavior for egypt's security forces the police which is essentially used to control tactics and quite a heavy handed ways that she is to. be seen shotgun pellets and they've also been exchanging in. throwing rocks at protesters that has really been done and nothing's been done to actually calm the crowds actually i think this is probably getting the crowd more excited as we've seen before back in november last year not mohamed mockery clashes which stretched over five days and the same thing in december and the same thing an incredibly of this year so i don't think much has been done to it to calm the crowds down really they just used the old heavy handed tactics so with that in mind was being expelled. no over the coming twenty four forty eight hours
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the people in cairo brace themselves for more violence than. i think they probably are i mean the funny thing is that these clashes didn't tend to be quite localized am i was just on tahrir square with their families having tea and having dinner and buying bits and pieces in the square as you coming out and i think normally the what was the night that this is very localized hit in front of the u.s. embassy biomarker mosque in the entrance area so in fact the whole day it's been quite localized to the rest of instant going on in business and not really paying much attention to these clashes between the police and protesters to this end any crime scene or indeed it appears as for the president is doing as well he's in brussels trying to drum up business himself has there been criticism that he's not at home dealing with what's going on. i think people are slightly disappointed they have to come back this is the first major clashes since he seemed off. and really people were hoping that maybe he'd come to egypt and show
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a stronger and he has made statements about the film and the protests and asked people to demonstrate peacefully obviously he hails from within brotherhood of organized protest tomorrow and increase square which they said will be you know controlled and peaceful against this inflammatory film that everyone is equally about recently but i think the general mood is they would have liked to see him come home and perhaps even the situation in south because these passions are now going to be going into their full day do we do the raised voices behind you as you speaking with journalist paul drew thanks for bringing us up there live from cairo pre-show to. the action too from president putin who strongly condemned the killing of the u.s. ambassador in libya but he said governments must speak stream really cautious when dealing with religious sensitivity covering the story today our correspondent your press can off with more on the russian leaders reaction. president putin condemns the murder of the u.s. ambassador in libya saying that it's very troubling one diplomats are killed since they're supposed to be protected by international law and he said how important it
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is for everyone to unite in the fight against extremism but at the same time i didn't report and said that is the responsibility of every state in government to protect the feelings of the leaders of all religions from being offended. if history doesn't react in a timely and tough manner to provocations that are directed against the religious feelings of people then what happens is that the humiliated and insulted ones are started to defend their own interests and sometimes this can take unacceptable forms and even force people to use unacceptable methods we feel the region can fall into chaos which is exactly what's happening now in this respect i'd like to remind the rulers of these new governments and states that underwent serious changes that they should not forget their personal responsibility for what's going on in their territories and in the going you. have also heard from u.s. state secretary hillary clinton who condemns the film the controversial film which
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just caused to this wave of violence at the same time she said that the u.s. government will never stop its citizens from voicing their personal views no matter how disgusting or anti small they are in the meantime a tough huge discussion has started in the internet on where is the line between freedom of speech and responsibility since clearly just one move by either one person or a small group of people kill you two massive and sometimes even dreadful consequences . but r.t. dot com we're closely monitoring the violent protest spots in the arab world body anti islamic american film there you'll find updates on the demonstrations and international reaction to the violence along with the latest video where those protests are ongoing. as outrage in stone here over a mock advertisement showing them
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a sheet of prisoners at a concentration camp the magazine that published it says the ad is just a joke but as a lecturer jet ski reports the country's got a record of elevating its nazi past. a prank which went terribly wrong in a story a newspaper asked to express posted a picture of prisoners of a nazi death camp book involved with a text one two three dr mengele spills will do wonders for you there were no fat men in book involve this reference to a man who was responsible for more than forty thousand deaths in nine hundred forty s. nazi death camps certainly has caused uproar both in the stone here and abroad with the local jewish community and simon wiesenthal center both accusing the newspaper office of making a joke out of a huge tragedy and a massive loss of human lives the newspaper itself tried to justify this picture by saying that this was simply a joke in response to an earlier incident when
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a gas heating company in a stoney a posted a picture off at the entrance to another nazi death camp auschwitz with an advertisement of the heating system saying that their heating systems were reliable and very efficient many experts and political analysts have been very critical of the fact that such things happen in a more than democratic state a member of the european union and this prank by the newspaper and the advertisement by the gas company forced the country's foreign minister to bring his apologies for those incidents he said that he felt very ashamed to be a stony and b. if his country's newspapers allow themselves such jokes with the use of the human tragedy still many have been questioning how sincere those apologies were because a stone has a record of dealing with the events of the past and particularly with nazis and in its own way several of the veterans who were fighting alongside the not situated in
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the 1940's in the so-called baltic legion were made national heroes in a story off to the collapse of the soviet union so this latest. and certainly adds more fuel to the fire in this ongoing story of how the post soviet baltic states have been dealing with naziism and have been dealing with the perception of the past this incident this latest incident also caused indignation from the russian foreign ministry which said that this again shows how some power in the story and some of the ordinary population are dealing with things which were which are considered to be tragic and which are considered to be inhumane by the most of the world by most of the morning. reporting. from around the world and beyond tonight ready to roll from the red planet we're talking about the curiosity rover is paying revved up now for its biggest trip yet the next stage of its traces of
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life oh my. but but the earth learn how someone lucky photographers a big label potential terrorists just trying to do the job reporting to. leave. to. download the official tea application to choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device watch our t.v.
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any time any of the. voters in the. the limits of elected to continue in a pro european path broady sticking to a german led way out of the financial crisis the conservatives claim victory but may have to form a coalition with labor similar economic views however despite rejecting parties calling for an exit from the eurozone seems rethink it. looks inevitable to the reports for us next the european crisis has affected the campaign period it really brought out a lot of voter sentiments that were unexpected what it comes to the dutch dutch people who are generally very pro european now we've seen in the past weeks before the final week of campaigning that socialists had made a huge jump at some point even leading the front of the liberals and of the labor party however having said that a lot of observers do rate the fact that the dutch again are very practical people
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and have traditionally been centrist voters and they did vote that the center left and center right parties the labor and the liberal party of the prime minister margaret are having said that though the fact that the campaign has brought out a lot of voter sentiment that didn't exist before having centrist government right now does not mean that those questions on whether they should keep helping the greeks for example or whether sterile should continue the way it has been in a draconian fashion following the german lead the plan for europe those questions will not just go away given even if they still have a centrist government right now so i think what will happen here is the most logical is that the labor and liberal which is the top two and biggest parties here will my former coalition in this sense it's only a practical however the question is there are differences in their approach to europe should they give more money to greece or should they follow the three percent of cuts drastic draconian fashion these are points that will definitely have disagreements and stability there is questionable and therefore the dutch may
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find it a coalition government formed quite quickly but whether it will last longer than the previous government well that is still an open question. well was my news in brief the un's new envoy to syria is now damascus he'll meet president assad and his first peace mission to the country like deborah he hopes to make good roads in ending the conflict but it's already conceded is being almost impossible violence is growing in syria's largest city aleppo too with the latest battle erupted near the city's international airport that still held by pro assad forces a government in southern pakistan shot dead seven road construction workers who were employed by the government knowledge admitted doing it but pakistan's southern . province is plagued by militants and separatists with regular anti government attacks in a bid for autonomy and a larger share of natural resources. the u.n. nuclear watchdog the i.a.e.a. has rebuked a rare for defying international demands to curb the radio in richmond and address
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fears it might be seeking you to meet weapons the resolution was a to pacify an israel which is growing impatient with diplomacy and sanctions and wants the u.s. to set a clear boundaries for a possible strike in time to run continues to insist that its program is entirely peaceful no next political scientists nasa had in jersey explains to us why an israeli strike would only feed iran's radical elements. that is the. doing that basically for putting pressure on international community and particularly in america in a presidential election they want to get more they want to make him a tax rate lie which is no enrichment or does he do enrichment on iraq but in case they decide to attack the me they will not achieve their objectives they're not katie they don't have the capability to attack iran at most they can attack by missiles at mclean's few places which that there would not see iran not to
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pursue its nuclear program that can bring the radicals of iraq. radicals in terms of. nuclear program or going for nuclear weapons saudis israelis. basically to me. strengthen the hands of the radical ones that are. the business no business market is pretty simply welcoming the music earlier the growth boosting measures being taken by the fed reserve whoever has the all saying goes you can't please everyone all the time you know exactly precisely about that because kevin is not so great for those people that are trying to save up money trying to be sensible because of these times and there is plenty of them but that's not really the fed's priority at the moment they're really doing their policies are helping borrow was boosting spending and therefore stimulating the economy which is what they need to do at the moment because it is indeed slowing down there as you
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say the stock markets are happy we'll have a look at the figures and see that they are indeed still managing to get us all after the federal reserve said it would keep interest rates too low and to the least the twenty fifth and have built a new round of bond purchases and buying mortgage backed securities at a pace of forty forty billion dollars. because either the dow jones around one and a half percent and then just shortly behind other european markets they closed before the meeting brooded over in the states and we saw a modest rally in london and trade is really buying up the stocks really hoping to benefit from the q e three they were putting their bets whereas on the continent in germany people will be more cautious with that bridge and the federal reserve decision for the start of the e.c.b. as well we did have that earlier on their set to just debt of troubled nations to
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boost growth in the european sector and also to save the eurozone as a whole that's certainly their intention and reduce the borrowing costs a lot this. a then this nay but fight until it is but putting all of the gathering still believes this is not the solution on any mosques the will underlying economic problem. what we're doing at the moment is a sensually we've got someone who runs a pizza store and they realize that their pizza is actually not very good and nobody wants to eat it so therefore what they're going to do is they're going to vie all of their pizza and pay for their friends to all sit in the restaurant and therefore they'll create the idea that there's a wonderfully good restaurant and round but everybody will know that it's rotten rancid pizza and actually the owners buying it byron from itself this whole concept of trying to throw money at a structural problem when everybody is in denial about what it is can only end with
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a really really ugly scenario. right well so far we're looking at the currency markets and we can see that the euro dollar is gaining one twenty nine eighty seven would it be short lived quite frankly only time will tell with the keeper track here but for now it is managing it today and they really reacted immediately to the news before that it was trading pretty flat for the majority of the session as for the russian ruble you've also got out there it did manage to gauge the equity markets in moscow they didn't see much so we are anticipating gave in friday's a session as they react to what's happened over in the u.s. because of the things you see here in moscow as you can see that the my state's around four tenths of a percent down really they were awaiting their international domestically he. has increased the refinance rate by of course of
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a percentage point say twenty five percent of the decision is due to rising inflation it's already reached six point three percent above this year's target so really right now here in russia here most they were concentrating on a friendship that's more kevin it will be a different business team taking you through and keeping track of the global market and i could be off i am well i'll be. coming up the ways of the british probably used his choice of bankers to employ the treasury it's a no show here on our team from moscow.
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