tv [untitled] September 14, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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arrangement free. three stooges free. download free blown live video store your media projects free medio dog r t dot com . here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what that is my terror cell. no one wishes to feature is on the on the liberal and the christian. consumer the support of the.
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look up guys i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set well today a federal judge sentenced a moroccan born virginia based man named al coffee to thirty years in prison for his involvement in an f.b.i. terrorism operation now after pleading guilty now faces twenty five to thirty years in prison now the f.b.i. provided el khalifi with demi explosives and observe his every move for months what's most interesting to me that ever since nine eleven every terrorist plot that's been for oil by the f.b.i. is well it's almost always completely orchestrated by the f.b.i. all these cases of entrapment begs the question why did this man or any of these people for that matter be capable of facilitating terrorism without being led by the f.b.i. without being given the means and makes me wonder in the face of knowing how little the threat of terrorism actually. it is in this country what lengths will the
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f.b.i. go to to make their case for combating terrorism on u.s. soil also the agency's methods of entrapment early mirrors those of the same suicide rick arms are the recruiters of the very suicide bombers the war on terror is waged against they prey upon the emotionally drained or weak financially down and out members of society in coerced them for months even years sometimes to carry out crimes and exchange for financial compensation these agents get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars all of the expense of the u.s. taxpayer to justify the domestic front of the war on terror is this moral you know and that is why i'm breaking the set. where you know that in a surveillance state in which we live big brother is watching us the second we step foot out of our homes and with more and more news coming out about trap wire in the extensive spying grid across the country surveillance is more pervasive now than
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ever before sort of spending money to build up communities amidst high unemployment numbers and a street struggling economy cities are installing more and more speed trap cameras at one hundred thousand dollars a pop so unassuming motorists can funnel thousands of dollars a day and tickets to the city one of the most infuriating things about driving these days is speed trap cameras coming from someone from the west coast the roads here are really different there barely any lights and barely any signs telling you the speed limit and their speed trap cameras hitting everywhere around these parts worst part though is how much these tickets cost i mean who the hell has an expendable four hundred bucks to throw away at the end of the month on a ticket while some people just aren't down with that check out what's happening in prince george's county right around the corner from d.c. the one least one just replaced here along the race track road and was destroyed by fire at the hands of a vandal i mean me being a christian i was sorta. that's not right but
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a little subconscious you're like i'm glad they did it pulled up race track road is that a joke how could they expect people to really drive the speed limit on a road called race track and i love the guy's reaction to the vandalism of the cameras to his like you know i'm all for peace and everything but f. these cameras seriously but the authorities have a great solution to the cameras beaner vandalize you guys check it out. in recent months police say six of the county's portable speed cameras have been santa lives that includes everything from spray painting to being shot at and that's why prince george's county police major robert liberace says they've taken the unprecedented step of placing a security camera on top of the new speed camera on racetrack road. ok so their solution to stopping vandalism first speed cameras is installing another surveillance camera to watch the camera g.p.s. more cameras for the cameras what will happen when people start destroying the
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cameras and watch the speed cameras cameras for the cameras for the cameras for the cameras where the hell does this all end. up is to bring down the level of accidents bring down the level of should happen and if someone's going to mess with one of your cameras they're going to get locked up. yeah dude lock them up and why you may ask the cameras need another camera watching them apparently speed cameras can't be used for security because under berlant law speed cameras can only take pictures of speeding. don't worry commander of the automated enforcement section that covers these cameras robert literati says the cameras are a case of big brother nor are they a cash grab you guys will find but as long as the cops are held to the same rule of law. breaking having hours before long beach city officials were going to consider a ban on pot shops the video is now on you tube showing a long beach police officer walking on dorian broke stepping on his neck and placing his full weight on them while arresting them so i just feel like three
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hundred pounds on my neck in another room an undercover officer shown here notices a surveillance camera and takes it out with a metal rod destroying possible evidence officers were unaware of this video feed was being recorded at an off site location so it's perfectly ok for police to stop people out destroy private surveillance cameras whenever they feel like it and even make it a federal offense for filming them do anything in some states but don't you dare mess with their cameras watching cameras watching cameras. anti-american protests that began earlier this week in libya and egypt are now spread to museums sudan india afghanistan lebanon and elsewhere and help us get a better understanding of what it is that's fueling these demonstrations and if it's all been cordoned it i'm joined now by our two correspondent catherine off who is in beirut as we speak thanks so much for coming on lucy you know i think
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a lot of people in america are looking at what's unfolding right now in these countries and saying how could this happen when the u.s. supported this quote democratic. transition and their governance is how is this happening and why is that happening can you give us a little bit of insight on what you think. sure well it's awesome to be on with the congratulations on your show. it's really a complicated situation in the sense that. these uprisings really depend on local and regional factors but for example in terms of local and regional factors if you look at the gulf states i mean this is a pretty typical thing that we see there a lot of times the governments themselves actually encourage these kinds of protests you know they get people all worked out after a friday prayer send them out to the streets have security forces watch over them to make sure that things don't go out of hand and use that sort of as a way to get the people to channel their anger out at the u.s. or whatever western interests so that they don't turn back on the gulf state countries but when you look at the places where the arab spring took place where
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more of the violent protests have been taking place this week yemen egypt libya tunisia i mean all you have to keep in mind is the massive revolutions that took place there a year ago had really complicated and serious internal mobile networks that are still active and really volatile especially given the longstanding anti-u.s. sentiments in that region due to us regional policies there and you know i mean the kid that was out there a year ago with a rock in this hand against mubarak or ben ali he's still out there he's still angry he is still jobless and he still has the rock in his hand and all it really. it is a spark to reignite the reminder of where the u.s. had stood on the side of history when these protests were taking place now the other question that we might ask here is why why silly movie and our western point of view right why this silly movie what sparked this kind of an anger and outrage and it's probably difficult for someone like yourself or myself to understand that i certainly wouldn't go to the streets of jesus christ was portrayed and in
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a funny way in the movie but to give you an analogy i mean why do people in the u.s. get really worked up about some white girl getting kidnapped when the grinding toll of drug violence takes hundreds of lives on a daily level so that's a in some ways it was an excuse in some ways it was an accumulation of of pent up anger and resentment and in other ways it was it was just chance and really tragic and unfortunate chance it is a very sensitive complex situation especially when the u.s. is funding certain uprisings and you know trying to out certain regimes they're really interesting what unfolds after that but lucy i mean you just said yourself you mention this anti islam film do you really think though that these protests are sold in retaliation of this film or do you think there's something larger at hand going on here. i mean i don't i think i think the film was a good excuse to sort of refresh people's memories whatever it might be for that specific country of what anger there is towards the west and not necessarily the
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u.s. it could be the west in general i mean if we look at you know. the middle east as a whole there there is such an overwhelming number of policies that has really been seen as appalling to people in these countries whether it's this policy in afghanistan u.s. policy in iraq u.s. stance towards israel the drone covert under cleared or whatever it is semi secret not so much secret drone program although the interesting thing is if we talk about the drone from program for example i mean i spoke actually a few hours ago with a friend of mine who's a reporter down in yemen and she. and asked several of the protesters whether the drone strikes were at all a motivating factor and them taking out to the streets and that's no one really said yes to that so it's kind of interesting i think it's a combination of yes i think in a psychological deeper level there is a longstanding resentment towards u.s. policies but i also think that you know there's a lot of angry people out there who aren't happy with the economic situation who
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aren't happy with the global situation who are really looking for someone to blame and the west given given a certain in season in recent years as an easy scapegoat indeed yeah i mean it could just be the catalyst to just spark kind of the resentment against the west for kind of this hypocritical stance in the region for so long lucy but you know of course fox news c.n.n. i mean all these outlets are already linking they were two days ago already linking these attacks as a massive coordinated conspiracy almost blaming it on al qaeda i don't know how much truth there is to that i just want to get your take on that what do you think about kind of the already labeling this as an al qaeda plot that all of these attacks are coordinated across these states. but i'm laughing because i'm so happy abbi that i no longer live in the states i don't have to watch boxing is fox news and c.n.n. saturday no i mean i think i think that's an easy that's another easy scapegoat you know yeah let's say that the guys who hate our freedom or hate us for freedom would
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have the george bush line was are behind all these attacks i mean i think that's an easy cheap shot way out it's a way of avoiding looking at our policies in the middle east and avoiding looking at the complicated regional tensions that exist there that we are exacerbating by supporting certain countries and not others i mean the thing that we didn't really get into so far that most people aren't really getting into in on these networks in discussions about what's going on is the growing line and divide between sunni and shia muslims in the region and the sectarian divide that has really been fueled i think many analysts would say by. you have support of certain countries that support certain faiths and certain religions and i mean if you look at what's going on here in lebanon for example and we've seen the protests take take take place to some extent lebanon is of course a very specific type of situation but in tripoli where the clashes have been taking place you have sort of syria many syrian war playing out we have sunni radical
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factions fighting against also semi radical factions on the allawi pro assad side and again i mean you have the sort of the power vacuum that's been left in the middle east. what's with clonal powers sort of no longer playing the role that they used to which is probably a good thing you also have this opportunity for radical groups to to to rise up and you get out amongst themselves but to say that this is al qaeda you know the scary boogeyman coming along then you know wreaking havoc in the region and hey let's bring back u.s. interventionism i mean that's just absurd and as we see yes the u.s. is already responding with you know military force like the government seems to do every time there's a situation that i but as you just pointed out it's definitely not black and white it's definitely much more complex and thank you so much for breaking it down a little bit more. beirut. now if you like what you've seen so far go to our you tube channel youtube dot com breaking the set and subscribe to our facebook
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page at facebook dot. break in and that give us a like also if you're wondering about what i'm doing or bitching about when i'm not on or follow me on twitter abby martin and i'll let you take a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned to hear about america's addiction to prescription drugs next.
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you. have you ever heard about the trans-pacific partnership or the t.p.s. he both you haven't you're not alone because much of these free trade negotiations are actually being conducted and utter secrecy the t p p is a trade partnership between the united states and a whole host of pacific rim countries from canada to show he trusts troia and several others well last week t.p.k. negotiations can continued at a golf resort just outside of washington d.c. and just yesterday two people were arrested after a tense standoff with police after attempting to blockade the international gathering so the hope was discussed about more about what t.p. actually is and why there is so much growing discontent over this new free trade agreement i'm joined by international campaign director for public citizen bill and the st louis thanks so much for coming on and talking so you advocate against the transpacific partnership while we have been advocating since the beginning of the negotiations for the text to be released for the secrecy to be broken open so that
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we can see what's in it and given that. it has considered continued an utter secrecy we have been forced to actually oppose what's happening because we what we have seen what we've seen leaked from the negotiations are very concerning policies that could affect people in their everyday lives around the globe and you actually had a question for the u.s. trade imbalance or to meet the us is responding to a question the u.s. and just last month regarding transparency we actually wanted to play that really quickly. with the you know the the issues that comes up is why don't you release the negotiating tax there's a reason for that. when you're negotiating an agreement if you're going to end up negotiating an agreement in public it limits the ability of negotiators to be have the flexibility to achieve the positions that are in the best interests of of their country. and so that's why we're trying to stay. a balance between ensuring the
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integrity of the negotiations that we're not negotiating the t.p. in the press versus making sure that our stakeholders whoever they are whether they're from the business community whether they're from n.g.o.s whether they're from labor unions whether their academics have as much access to the negotiators as possible so there is saying you know they're the most transparent to go she asians ever but then we have senator ron wyden chairman of the u.s. senate finance committee on international trade customs and global competitiveness who is urging obama to open up the text i mean why is it that there's certain members of trade agencies that can't even see this text on what is going on he is the chair of the subcommittee of jurisdiction around international trade and he has not had access to the text near nor has his cleared staff had access to the text and this is actually goes against past practice in trade negotiations and so that led him to actually introduce
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a bill saying that they needed to open up and allow at least members of congress to have access to this text actually prior to this round of negotiations and here close to washington d.c. eight members of congress sent a letter to the u.s. trade representative asking for observer status at the negotiations they and pat in the past have had this type of access to to the negotiators they were denied and so it's very just ingenuous for mr montes to say that this is the most transparent there are many examples of the free trade area of the americas which was negotiated in the early two thousand that had a bracketed text that was released the world trade organization which isn't a paragon of transparency also publishes to draft text so it's not true that it's important and it's very important to note he mentioned business interests or or civil society interests while the business interests are very well represented there are six hundred corporate advisors who are cleared who have access to the text who have passwords to be able to get on to the to the to the text and to be
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able to come. and to make suggestions going to work advisors but very little public input and i just wanted to point out i mean these are all of the countries that are going to be involved in this really is quite shocking i want to break down really quickly what implications this would actually have i mean people have called it worse than nafta it's so under the radar but really talk about the international tribunal of pointed by these things that could pretty much override our national sovereignty in terms of trade laws and things like that give us a hypothetical sort of scenario about what could happen with this international tribe you know what what we have seen is that in leaked text about investment in foreign investment what it what it would provide is allow foreign investors if they came if they were didn't like a public interest regulation like an environmental law a toxic ban or public health laws what they could do instead of having to go through domestic courts which we believe we have
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a pretty great court system thank you very much instead of going through these domestic courts they could actually supersede them and go to an international tribunal with of three private sector lawyers would make a decision of whether our treasury would have to pay compensation to this corporation for what they consider to be their or their last expected profits where whereas instead of having the risk when you make an investment you you get a return on your investment if things change you have to deal with that but in this case they're actually trying to take away the risk from foreign corporations and actually give them more status than domestic corporations because if it were a national business that were affected by the same law they would have to go through our domestic courts they couldn't go to the international tribunal so it actually prevents privileges for investors over national corporations and all of the tepee countries very very important piece of legislation and i'm really happy you guys are spreading awareness about and i also want to mention really quickly we
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have to wrap up but the chap. the leaked text from that one chapter really does mirror a lot of that sopa legislation that a lot of people were so up in arms about really concerning intellectual property laws and just everyone should really just check this out also wiki leaks as people are appealing to wiki leaks to open up the text and so you know everyone should definitely a book and thank you so much for coming on and they sharing your take and they created. so with all the talk about fighting the war on drugs we seem to keep forgetting to address our little drug problem the fact that americans love to pop those pills according to a new report in the chemical neuroscience journal america's more medicated now than ever before court of the report the total number of prescriptions in the u.s. increased to four billion in two thousand and eleven and here's what the journal's editor in chief craig lindsay had to say about the grim portrait she said when one
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looks at the trends and medications the united states is suffering from for lifestyle diet choices and an unprecedented increase in patients taking antidepressants and anti psychotics she goes on to say importantly increases in both sales and perceptions dispensed are positive signs for a struggling pharmaceutical industry. way to take let me say that last part again importantly increases in both sales and prescriptions dispensed are positive signs for a struggling pharmaceutical industry so let me get this straight americans crack down more addicted to prescription pills than ever before but that's all ok because at least the pharmaceutical companies have high job numbers to report right that's completely absurd because if you knew anything about the pharmaceutical lobby you know that the reason we're hooked on drugs is just because the economy's in a recession that's leading us all down a trajectory of anxiety depression the real reason we're hooked on drugs is because big pharma is essentially stuff in these pills down our throat. and our congressman
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you know the people we've elect. to look out for our best interests are the ones taking the bribes for instance did you know that in the past decade the pharmaceutical industry has spent more than eight hundred million dollars lobbying congress no other industry spends this much money to sway public policy but it's not enough that big government big pharma are practically in bed together because the other shocking reality is that the same industry spends five billion dollars a year to make sure you and me keep hearing about their wonderful products and they sure do know how to tap into your innermost vulnerabilities don't they. bipolar depression doesn't consume you here's me and here's my depression you know when you feel the weight of sadness you may feel exhausted hopeless and anxious. g. better be careful to not watch those when you're having a bad day you might think you're depressed too and that's exactly what they want help they probably love it if you're questioning whether or not you're suicidal
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because this is the way they think you should deal with reality take your meds go to work sit your desk job i hate life self medicate and do it all over again the next day hit whatever lines their pockets right what we really should be questioning as why we're only one of two countries in the world that allow for direct consumer pharma advertising yet the united states and new zealand i know new zealand's pretty random isn't it well when i have a chance to speak to dr darcy smith a licensed clinical social worker here's what she had to say. now to meet the middleman they have found a way pharmaceutical companies have found a way to no longer rely exclusively on the physician choo. choo to market their drugs to so they hold out the middleman they're marketing directly to us the consumers and these attempts have clearly resulted in exactly what the pharmaceutical companies have had been hoping for lobbying for as evidenced by their profit margins who needs a doctor we can do so prescribe if you want to know what the side effects are no
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worries they're always right there at the end of the commercial like in this one for the cluster of the drug visor ten check it out. but sure it's not for everyone including people with liver problems women who are nursing pregnant when they become pregnant unexplained muscle pain or weakness could be a sign of a rare but serious side effect by turning into regular on the medicines or certain foods increasing your risk of getting the serious side effect simple blood tests are needed to check for liver problems and here's my question can you remember what the side effects are kind of hard when all you can pay attention to are people pictures of people that seemingly look just like the food they're eating wake up people it's all a huge distraction a distraction away from the side effects that could possibly deter you from point out your wallet and cashing in for those pills in fact the entire goal of pharmaceutical industry is to influence us and our doctors for that matter to pump ourselves full of unnecessary drugs and fact i remember one story and this is
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absolutely true i was innocently calling advice nurse to simply consult about birth control and within five minutes she was trying to pursue me with an antidepressant that actually happened the whole industry is really disgusting it seems like every day another friend i know overdoses on pills but hey it's ok we're fighting the drug war right and by fighting the drug war i mean ensuring that more deadly drugs are still legally on the market which by the way now kill more people in. country and car crashes so say no to drugs kids but i'm not talking about the illegal drugs that this government claims to have no benefit i'm talking about the legal ones that are being pushed down our throat.
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glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm target market is a big issue. wealthy british scientists are. sometimes tirelessly. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max keiser for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report.
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