tv [untitled] September 15, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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the rowlf of muslim protest is in response to an american film mocking islam in gulf small countries demonstrations rage for a fifth day. washington races to save face and contain the scandal of the car the cake about the american sentiment that according to opinion polls has been brewing for years. and after a summer break russia's opposition comes together once again but in smaller numbers and with public sector workers joining the rallies for the first time.
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international news and comment live from our new center here in moscow this is r.t. with twenty four hours a day fierce anti american protests by muslims have gone global on left fifth straight day as demonstrators clashed with police outside the u.s. consulate in sydney over in yemen security forces reportedly fired warning shots to disperse a fresh mob gathering near the american embassy humans al qaeda branches calling for more attacks to expel u.s. diplomatic missions from muslim countries and in america itself the alleged creator of the controversial islam mocking film which sparked protests has been questioned by authorities the call of a silly cooler is suspected of violating his probation after being released from prison last year after doing time for financial crimes meanwhile unrest also continues in egypt where police pushed demonstrators out of tahrir square and away from the u.s. embassy on saturday. is there for r.t. . if you look behind me you will see the security barrier that the security forces
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built on friday morning and this was to try and stop protest is reaching the american embassy which is just on the other side i spend several hours before time in that violence because there's simply no way to run to all the shops and barricaded the windows as well as the doors that the hotels in the area have closed down and that continues pretty frightening when you have protesters on the one side holding these huge chunks of gloss and concrete at the security forces who were firing constant rounds of tear gas overnight there was also an attack by the city's on an american base in the afghanistan problem of helmand now at least two of us movies were killed in the eighty's many stale the al to security perimeter you know that this is also the base the way the british produced how he was stationed but that he managed to go on home and there have also been protests taking place as far afield as australia which several hundred protesters chanted messages such as down down the u.s. state of mississippi this into
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a gas to disperse those crowds the demonstrations are now spreading like wildfire across north africa and the middle east of course the anger being expressed on the streets is anger against this american made film that bomb that mocks prophet muhammad we've seen demonstrations in bags the dish in malaysia in gaza also in iraq in sudan at least three people are known to have died in demonstrations in the capital city of khartoum these took place when protesters tried to reach the american embassy and to that end the united states is sending the means to back up security where the german as well as the british embassies were also under attack in yemen with hearing that if these poor people have the ability of various stations there u.s. marines have a wife to make capital city of summit to try and defuse the situation in tunis we're hearing that if these two people have died this happened when crowds scaled the rules of the american embassy and managed actually to get in. the compound the
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fire was one of the teams inside the compound and at the same time they set fire on an american school leaving a constant levanon at least one person there who has the right way to chain restaurants a fire massive crowds of possible gathering not only there in northern a city of tripoli but also expressing anger in the capital city of beirut at the same time if it could not be away the fighting for the two countries told the american ambassador as well as we have a personal link to the us with some have been laid to rest at the united states as well as the live in effect has had an opening to hear this today she would have made several arrests and hearing from them that they believe that this has all the telltale signs i'll kind of said that we have seen al qaeda links at demonstrations elsewhere in the region such as at this moment the world is incredibly volatile. and dr. dean of asian doll school of international affairs believes people should search deeper for the root cause of the protests but producer don't know where in
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australia or in foreign countries which are obvious from the epicenter of the arab spring region i think those are more spontaneous but libya egypt yemen these are like post evolutionary societies and this is weird we have seen the brunt of the winds and the skill of the forest seven rather hike and i think these are politically orchestrated by local actors who are being backed by some of these rich donors from these don't want to be smaller also behind their dimboola to assad in syria so i see this as a you know you don't many ways an extension of the proxy war that is going on in syria where sophie some extreme fundamentalists have been unleashed in the name of toppling the assad regime the same selfies are no money for student loans and violent and reactionary manner poor cranky food that you know been ignored this is a connection did not these you cannot be you know separate dreams from china we need to look at it in all of it together right our. we're also closely following the violence that continues to unfold throughout the arab world and web site online
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all the time with the protest timeline and in-depth analysis as well as the full profile of the man behind the scandalous was named film log on to find out don't come. to washington struggling to contain the scandal condemning the controversial film while calling for calm but as all of these kind of reports the anti american fury has deeper roots than a simple reaction to you tube clip. as angry mobs in muslim countries stormed u.s. embassies in bern american flags the u.s. president delivers yet another speech about how good america's intentions where we are and have been in the muslim world america's a friend that we care not just about our own country not just about our own
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interests but about theirs that even as voices of suspicion mistrust seek to divide countries and cultures from one another the united states of america will never retreat from the world. we will never stop working for the dignity and freedom that every person deserves it could be that the obama administration thinks by supporting revolutions by fostering regime change washington is winning the hearts and minds of the people in that part of the world but we sent events showed that's not quite so if you look at poll numbers that gauge public attitude towards the u.s. in different muslim countries u.s. approval rating is the same as it was under president george w. bush in some countries like pakistan it's much worse and these numbers have nothing to do with the infamous film but they do have something to do with us policies you know we can rap any kind of purple finger revolution we want people to have democracy and have freedom but at the end of the day when we look at the results of what's been accomplished over two decades of being in this region destabilizing the
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region we have hundreds of millions of people who have it in a lot of cases had their world turned upside down and in many cases they've had relatives that have been killed in this process and we're building enemies towards this country and you know it i think that there's a need for a major wake up call in the west especially the united states the way they've ministration is trying to somehow contain the blowback over the same type of film is by bashing the film and saying that they too find it disgusting but now it's clear to pretty much everyone that it's not just about the film this rage against the united states has been brewing for a while and it seems it needed just us bark to blow up and the film tragically provided that spark need ministrations soothing words about democracy don't seem to help much in putting out the flame of rage now sweeping across the arab world in washington i'm going to. and if you were activist john rees says washington isn't
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doing enough to calm the anger in the muslim world. i would say that there are a number of things that should be done immediately first of all the troops should be withdrawn from afghanistan immediately that would be a huge signal in the muslim world that america didn't intend to continue the neoconservative foreign policy of the last ten years or so they could immediately withdraw the covert assistance which they are giving in the syrian in the syrian conflict they could immediately withdraw the sanctions on iran these would be very very serious it's also rather than president obama ringing up president morsi and lecturing him for twenty minutes by all accounts about how his government needs to be more pro-american it would be better if he dealt with the people in his own country that is producing this this kind of thing after all america has fought a war in two predominantly muslim countries in the last ten years three if you
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include his involvement in the attack on libya now surely it should be a moment where a responsible leader of a country that has done that takes some action when a film is produced of this kind which in those circumstances is bound to result in anger across the middle east the u.s. made film has also offended the muslim community here in russia which makes up around fifteen percent of the population however no protest rallies are being held in the country some of russia's muslim officials have condemned the anti american rights abroad the head of russia's republic of chechnya says violence will not be tolerated and at the end of did however condemn the film stressing that those behind it are the ones responsible for the killing of innocents by angry protesters .
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russia's opposition has gathered its first major demonstration following a summer break however in much smaller numbers than seen previously and for the first time the anti-government movement is joined by public sector workers. police say this rally was attended by up to twelve thousands of protestors opposition leaders say it's tens of thousands but i can tell you if it was water rise to be held until ten pm moscow time move the majority of the protesters a left before that despite the calls from one of the more radical leaders of the opposition said gale's eyes off for them for the people not to leave at least before ten pm we've heard be different demands today ranging from social related
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issues away to freeze the tariffs for utility bills and raise the salaries of social sector workers to political demands like the early presidential and parliamentary elections there's also been lots of criticism of several new laws michigan passed a recently like the one on foreign agents which basically obliges n.g.o.s with foreign sponsors to be under a special government control and also the one aimed at protecting children from potentially harmful content in the media which many here people say that that a new form of censorship if we talk about who attended this rally then they do represent completely different movements and ideas from kids to ultra nationalists communists socialists democrats gay rights activists and environmentalists and it's highly unlikely that they would be able to meet anywhere else so rallies like this are a great platform for all of them to be able to voice their personal views freely.
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and political analyst alexander the sullivan of says that opposition leaders do not provide their supporters with the clarity and motivation needed to unite them. speaking of numbers of the demonstrators we already seen they were waiting in the big keep waiting. and my point again is that despite all the rules and regulations we have to be here it's. people on the very motivation that brings people into the streets and those people really need to be motivated more in terms of the agenda. now nationally you know. and so one of the liberals. talking to people as things are only is only using the growth of the population because they cannot. solve the opposition movement. or grassroots or they still face
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a lot of problems or challenges and they don't support from the officials of the grassroots and that is the. you watching r t we're live here in moscow with you twenty four hours a day still ahead this hour the right to tweet freely. be put out there for the general public so if you look of it's going to be used against him in court you know he shouldn't said it you know he's going to incriminate himself that's his own fault as twitter is forced to surrender private records to a new york court but also people in the city if they're concerned about their own internet freedom. that's time to come but first britain has launched an investigation into the scandal involving oil traders and city speculators who allegedly rigged markets to hike pump prices the soaring cost of fuel in the u.k. so opera among consumers already struggling with the country's double dip recession nor smith reports this fifty is under fire again this time it's traders and
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speculators in for a grilling as the energy minister announces an investigation into waking the petrol prices it's meant pulls in the oil. price on passed on to consumers making petrol and diesel more expensive in real terms than they've ever been pump prices are quick to fill when the oil price rises but very slow to full when it goes down petrol price campaigners are calling on they found guilty of breaking the price to go to prison this gamble follows a huge rise in the price at the pump it's gone up ten p. since early july to around one pound forty elites and that high price spilt of doubt into the entire economy ninety percent of everything we have in our homes is delivered by laurie and with fuel prices so high school it's companies are full of to post that expense on to consumers making literally everything food clothes domestic appliances more expensive it also impacts on labor mobility so how far
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people could travel to get to work and whether they can get new jobs that require travelling some distance to the fuel price can even if it's on the unemployment rate which is hovering around eight percent at the moment what's not clear is what the alternative is speculating on what is the price of one of the consequences of free market capitalism which often results in corporations getting which sometimes at the expense of ordinary people so imprison the perpetrator as they might but it's unlikely to change much what it will do is divert attention from the government after all sixty percent of the price consumers pay at the pump is tax the highest in europe. the founder of a british campaign for fuel you can he says that the country's recession is directly related to the old prices. there is actually ok it's very.
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there are many families who are having to choose doing food and evil in the car or their small wound it really that bad prices are now almost back to. the petrol and the thoughts are on which we present to the u.k. government is that high actually legal rights are one of the major call that the economy has slipped back into recession. and actually huge if i am of the having to spend nearly eight hundred ninety pounds to show back how are they simply cannot spend on all the other things that make the economy moving. tens of thousands of spaniards are marching through the streets of madrid in protest against a new wave of austerity measures the government is due to announce a fresh set of spending cuts by the end of the month a lot i spoke to a little earlier in r.t. she's an economics professor at the i.e.e.e. business school in madrid and she says that huge numbers of skilled workers are now
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taking their chances abroad. you have to stay close to home this is one of the european countries where you know the problem with the east it's very difficult you know. we don't have statistics of course but i would say probably close to half of them are looking outward you see and his chanting joe's. you'll see people going to any of the you. were there a couple years brush my teeth we're actually going to latin american confirm we're engineers here going to france or germany or switzerland or somewhere into the united states so there is an exodus. it's a crisis is it is this are serious just pushing through here and i don't accept that they really see the light until maybe two thousand and fourteen. in america the anti corporate occupy movement aim to surge back into the headlines on its first anniversary activists are rallying support for demonstrations in new york
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before they plan to descend on wall street once again on monday the movement spread across the u.s. last year with mass rallies against economic inequality taking place in dozens of cities police crackdown on several demonstrations are leaking tear gas and making thousands of arrests and affecting tent camps from public parks it's going to. speak with activists kind of more pain now activists have not applied i understand for a legal permit to occupy wall street on monday what response do you think they'll get from the authorities well you know new york city there are demonstrations all the time that are peaceful legal you know stroll or march down the street was that i get my wall street is changed history because it's an orthodox political movement it's a movement not about creating theater and not about walking with signs it's a movement about how different taishan the confrontation between millions of mainly youth working class youth in this country who have no chance of finding a job or at least in employment or going out on the streets and demanding justice i
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know. on monday there is planned civil disobedience people are planning to shut down intersections and get arrested there's all kinds of plans to you know do everything they can to use their bodies as weapons against the one percent which is driving to force the people of this country and people of the world into deeper and deeper poverty while the enrich themselves profits and wars and the death and destruction so it's so confrontation intentionally breaking the law doesn't that undermine the wall street movement particularly when so many supporters want to pursue legal protest. well i think there is a whole history of civil disobedience in this country being used as a as a means of expressing oneself and we're in a situation where people are being illegally foreclosed on all throughout the country police are illegally murdering people in the streets so people are people who are going to oppose the injustices that are going on are just going to passively marks like they've been doing for centuries you know that's not going to solve the answer people are needing to confront the status quo and to fight back
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and that's what's going on what's your reaction to the story we're following at the moment here in r t social network twitter it's been ordered by the new york judge to hand over the tweets of an occupy activist what sort of president does it create . well it certainly shows how threatened they are by occupy wall street you know occupy wall street has captured the imaginations of so many millions of working class people in this country and it's caused such an uproar because so many people understand the concept of the ninety nine percent and the one percent and that scares the one percent and their government very much and so they're going to be cracking down on civil liberties all the time the n.d.a. i think the national defense authorization act was probably a direct response to occupy wall street you know there's so much fear in the power because for so long the people of the united states and very passively sat by and accepted all of the right wing measures by the government but all of the sudden out of the blue the working class is in motion again you they're in motion and suddenly they're starting to appear many would say there's a big floor in the whole movement it's been criticized in the media from lacking
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a good. unified program and a clear leader is that still the case well one looks at all of the revolutions in the past they always began with a very very big idea as you know the revolt in kenya was was a revolt that began with an explosion of land and freedom the russian revolution began as a revolt against those are and the bolsheviks eventually transformed into a struggle for peace land and bread you know revolutions often begin with a kind of understanding so now and eventually you know the demands develop as as the struggle mature as it needs to going to actually you know seizing power. of movement really looking perhaps for the budget's of a new political power a political party will actually listen to their concerns are many would say that the main political system in the us is not meeting the demands of so many absolutely and you know occupy movement is largely rejected both the democrats and the republicans the two wings of corporate rule in the united states and they are
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very much exploring alternatives alternatives to the democrats and republicans alternatives to the capitalist system you know many are looking into socialism and communism as an alternative to a system where profits rule and then we just get more as we just get home foreclosures we just get mass unemployment yet all this wealth exists but it is not utilized for. the movement it appears to have lost momentum in recent months i think it's fair to say will do you think it'll be able to recapture its form a nationwide and indeed worldwide strength so a lot of following of course outside of the u.s. last year. i would say without a doubt if one looks at the world right now one looks at what's happening in the middle east in spain in greece everywhere there's a confrontation going on and there's the one percent so the idea that somehow the u.s. is exceptional and it's just a small passing phase i mean the u.s. is part of the world capitalist economy in the world campaigns to companies in a state of collapse so absolutely we're going to see more of it may take on
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a different character in organized labor the chicago this chicago teachers strike that they become more prevalent than it was in the early days of that you buy wall street but there's going to be more confrontations as the system dies from new york kind of more pain from the international action center thank you very much indeed for your thoughts. well the battle between twitter and the authorities something we just mentioned in the interview a little earlier the battle for access to the records of an occupy wall street activist attracted wide attention with many saying that prosecutors of violating privacy laws were not resident laurie hoffman has hit the streets of new york to find out how people really feel about their virtual freedoms. a manhattan judge has ordered twitter to release the tweet of an occupy wall street protester and those tweets are expected to be used against them in a criminal trial is that it's an invasion of his privacy and right to free speech this week let's talk about that so let's say it was
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a terrorist saying ok let's go attack somebody what it was it was it was an american expressing his views. you know just trying to get his message out there ok some would call him a terrorist and it was written that you might think of the terrorists might feel like they're just expressing their their need them what they're pressed. to be always seem to be. giving you information that you haven't been revealed yet or are broadcast yet so i appreciate. that ever stops as you put it out there for the general. to still feel ok that's going to be used against one court you know we shouldn't said it you know he's going to incriminate himself that's his own fault that what you say under free speech as a search should still be subject to law yeah if i go on television and tell everybody how to avoid cops or to commit a crime and get away with it and do it on television yeah it's my own fault i think the most is the thing about twitter is if the internet is not journalism but
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writing is going to start to say more of a hold that it probably needs to be treated similar soon newspaper ads or other things that might be written in print media and so i'm not sure sure should give it up. if they want to start to grow i think they might have to do what about that person's right to their own tweets and their privacy depends how serious the matter is i think yeah i think. that line do you trust the government to draw that line i don't know if you don't want it in the public you don't put it out on the public do you want people to you so it's kind of a canvas screaming out a window a posting it on the internet. so things like most people agree because social media is taking on a more important role in social justice change and counterculture the laws around social media are going to have to evolve as well.
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to talk to you know more world news in brief with the sa the new un envoy to syria says the crisis in the country's escalating and poses a danger to the entire world whatever he may have is now in damascus and has already met president assad as one of several diplomats and opposition leaders both the rebels and government forces still ignore calls to end the fighting with battles continuing in syria's cities including aleppo and homs which activists say one hundred sixty people were killed across the nation on friday. police in south africa far from a bullets. striking mineworkers in the medical the air raid in hospitals used on work has resulted in the rest of at least twelve people on friday the government enough to crack down on the strike which has already halted production at several platinum and gold mines have been arrested to the last month after police shot dead thirty four striking workers. also will take this hour a taliban attack on the camp bastion nato base won't force prince harry to cut
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short his service in afghanistan to tell about admitted that the prince was the target of an assault that claimed the lives of two u.s. marines twenty eight year old captain wales as he's known in the military currently serves as an apache attack helicopter pilots in afghanistan and is the first member of the roll family to take part in a conflict the thirty years. that brings up to date for the moment all the way a financial check up with straight from our washington studios for that i'll be back with a summary of all my new stories. in
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dates in believe me. just having one or two execution date isn't enough for anybody to go through your life. you know more than fifty percent of the people here if you texas are not. why you know living on death row is like. this it's like you know we execute are convicted capital murder we have the highest execution rate in america we're not afraid to do it we do it well. it's become support. death becomes. our ever new home. our get a letter your dad is due to be executed next week that is a very scary moment for you to know you can loose here want to be appearing at the in a manner of minutes and that's when it's time to go just.
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